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Journal. (Aren't I original....?)
Honestly, do I really need to explain?
Sample Posts.
Ok, I'm basically sick of trying to link to example posts for applying for various role plays, so I'm just going to put four six of my normal posts (as in they're not intro nor are they any of my crappiest posts). These are also without any of my little attempts to make my posts look pretty, so they're just text. No graphics. Anything else you need/want to know about my skillz, just ask. Oh, posts. ^^; Here they are:

Dried P e a c h e s
Those two lovebirds were gonna need a nest pretty soon, Ali (or Al as she was more affectionately known) noted. Despite the the denials of the two birds in question, Alizee noticed their intertwined fingers, Kitty's blushing face, and the fact that Denver was being far too cheery to be sober. 'Alas! The poor boy is drunk on love...' Sure, she was being a tad poetic, but she couldn't help it. When she got irritated, she brushed up on her Shakespeare impression. She hated it when friends fell in love. It's not that she wants them to all be miserable and single, per say, she just doesn't like it when one of her friends fell for another one of her friends. Especially if it was within a group of pals because then the group stops being a group. It just turns into a few double dates, they all try to keep up the pretense of being a horde of buddies, then people start breaking up and voila! The group dissloves into nothing and the friends go cold turkey on the friendships. Friends fer never.

That and it tended to get a little lonely. But that's beside the point, Ali would deal with that as it came. Currently all she knew about the Denver and Kitty, she could handle that. As long as the rest of 'em didn't pair up as well, she'd be able to be happy for said couple. Shaking her head a little, Alizee went back to actually listening to what Denver said. "You banged yourself up a bit...?" Alizee repeated, not quite processing what he had meant. "Y'know, generally when people get stressed, they hit other people.... Not themselves..." She said, finally figuring out what he had meant. She then wondered what Vi and Tawne had confessed to and thought that maybe it'd be better if she asked them.... Nah, she wanted to know, and she wanted to know now, damnit.

"Wha'd Tawne and Vi admit to?" Ali asked, in her usual charming way. She then heard Lucien babble on a bit and turned to look at him. She cocked her head to one side when she heard his soap opera comment. "Nah, it's more like a confessional, methinks." Of course, not that Ali really knew what a confessional would be like, for she wasn't catholic, but she did watch movies. Most of what Lucien didn't make too much sense to her and she wondered what was up with him. Sure, he talked and all that, but he didn't usually ramble. At least, not that Ali could remember. For once perhaps the third time in her life, Alizee thought something and decided to keep it to herself. 'Is he nervous...?'

But then, what did he have to be nervous about? Was he hiding something to? Alizee had a hard time believing that. Lucien may be the most arrogant person she knew; and sometimes she just wanted to punch him in the face for his 'I'm-better-than-you' ways; but, she had to admit, he always had a tendency to act calm and collected. Could he really be hiding something...? "To hell with it." Ali grumbled to herself. She hated not knowing things, especially when it came to Lucien. Why he was a special case, she didn't know and didn't really care. "Hey Lucie, got anything you wanna tell us?" It was then that Ali realized that she was incredibley nosey. She shrugged slightly, 'Ah well...'

Dried P e a c h e s
Love. To Alizee she saw it as a version of roulette, where you put your heart on the table and if you picked the right set of numbers you got to keep it. If you picked the wrong set of numbers, you had to give it up to someone else. If you're lucky the winner won't mind playing again and throwing your heart back on the table, but if you aren't, you could very well lose your heart. Of course, Alizee also saw this in a vise-versa sort of way, she occasionally would win someone's heart, and when she did, she either put it back on the table, or made them work to get hers. But that's not the point.

Alizee tends to ignore anything and everything that isn't pointed out to her. For example, when people start to fidget when they talk or they avoid her gaze, she doesn't really question it. If they've got something they want her to know, they'll tell her. If they don't tell, then power to 'em. Alizee is a firm supporter of secrets and doesn't try to guess what other people are hidding. So, even if a friend pointed out that a guy had a crush on her, and the guy doesn't fess up to it, she won't believe he's interested. Even if his actions towards her say otherwise. Moving right along...

Alizee scowled at Lucien as he started to tease her about getting lost. When they had pulled up into the driveway she gave him a 'Ha!' sort of look. She then argued with herself, knowing that if she got out she'd get cold but also knowing that if she didn't get out, the car would cool down and it would be just as cold inside it as it was outside. When Lucien asked her what her what kind of secret she might have, she just grinned at him. Inside she was freaking out, because really, what does gambling say about her? Usually it says, 'hi, I'm a spoiled, out-of-control, little rich girl. I steal my Dad's money 'cause I already lost all of my trust fund money, and I go to casino's and don't return home for days at a time.' Well, she might be exaggerating a little, but there was no way she was gonna fess up. She made her grin fade into a worried, anxious look as she said, "Look, you can't tell anyone this, okay?" She paused to let the seriousness of the situation sink in before going on, "I love... Care Bears." She then laughed and patted Lucien on the head once more. "Silly Lucie, telling secrets is for kids."

She then decided that maybe if she started to move around and get the blood flowing, she could stay warmer longer. Out of the car she went and she skipped on over to where Denver was standing. She saw through the window that it really was Kitty's car, at least she hoped it was hers considering Kitty was in it. She grinned cheerfully and waved at Kitty and made the 'I heart you' sign with her hands. Ali then turned her attention to Denver. "I hope I didn't ruin a special moment here or anything, but what's going on? Wha'd you do?" Alizee was quite the master when it came to delicate subjects. Okay, not really.

I've been on a role playing hiatus for the past year, but I also just joined a role play a few weeks ago. So, that being said, the two posts above are my most recent and the stuff below is what I used to do; and what I can do as soon as I get rid of all my rust. ;-;

In the few moments of his coming to expand the group, and his waiting for Riley and Ellie to say something, Gunner had gone off into his own little world. Or rather, got lost in his thoughts. The young man couldn't for the life of him make sense of why he had really come. Sure, he was here to see them all again, but what after that? Was he really just going to leave? What was the point of coming? He didn't really know. The reason before he had left California had been he wanted to make sure that he really had moved on to a better part of his life, that he was happier in the sunny state. But, what if he was happier in Winkelman, with all his old friends? What then?

Gunner was brought out of his reverie as a certain someone decided to join the trio. Mari. The girl started off with saying a greeting to Riley and then Ellie. Then she said 'Tobe' for some unknown reason. Maybe she was getting him mixed up with someone else she knew from Winkelman? Gunner just shrugged it off and took in Mari's new look. She looked every bit a city girl and Gunner could help but sigh inwardly. Why did she have to turn into his dream girl after he had decided to cut off ties with her? Then again, she might not have the sassy attitude he liked, so maybe she wasn't his dream girl just yet. But Mari sure did look it....

Riley was the next one to speak, after staring at Gunner and Ellie for several moments, obviously dumbfounded. He said a greeting that referred to all of them, saying how it was good to see them again. Gunner simply looked up at the clouds through an opening between the branches above him. 'Is it now....?' He thought to himself. Riley might think that, but Gunner had a different opinion entirely. It was in that moment that he decided he would leave the next morning, so he wouldn't have any time to get attached to this place again. Or the people that populated it.

Before Gunner could reply to Riley, Ellie had dropped her cane and had given Mari and enthusiastic hug. Sheesh, girls were always so touchy - feely and sensitive. Only a girl would embrace a person she hasn't seen in years, within five minutes of meeting them again. At least, that's what Gunner thought. He really didn't have much experience in people, other than beating them to the ground and being the source of their fear. He supposed that the Boys hadn't been much of a good influence either, they were just as cold hearted as he was. Even more so, actually. Gunner was considered pretty emotional out of all the Boys.

But back to Ellie. The girl seemed to have shifted her weight from her right leg, the good one, onto Mari and when she pushed away from her, Ellie not - so - gracefully fell to the ground. For a moment the girl seemed to be struggling, but she then sat up. Ellie checked for injuries on her head then made the universal motion of, 'I don't need help, I'm fine'. It was also the universal way that people with too much pride used to show that they could do things on their own, without ever having to ask for help. Gunner's initial thought of Elli was just being tough changed to she was just being stubborn. The girl then stood up and said several apologies while getting her cane and finally leaning upon it.

Gunner sighed. He really didn't like being out of the loop, he really wanted to know what had happened to Ellie's leg. He assumed that the others already knew, for he didn't know that they had all lost contact some time after he had stopped speaking to them. Gazing at the clouds for another moment Gunner started speaking,
"Now, it might be my own fault for not talking to you in years, but..." He then turned his attention to Ellie and looked her directly in the eye, "What happened to your leg?" Gunner was known to be more than a bit blunt.

girls were just plain confusing. One class period they're a complete b***h, the next they're angels. Eh, maybe he was just thinking too hard about this. But it seemed to Jordan that Evelyn had somewhat of a moody mentality. Or she just had her sentences filled with subliminal messages... Maybe that was it. Because really, you don't offer to cut someone's hair unless you think they need it very badly. But hey, that's just what he thought. In reference to the textbook placement, Jordan nodded his head and inwardly sighed. 'But... They're so far away....' His inner slacker screamed at him to not remove himself from his chair and Jordan happily obeyed.

Jordan glanced down at his desk and couldn't help but wonder why only one hand was present. 'Oh yeah..' Jordan took his hand back and raised an eyebrow at Blonde Dude's nervous giggling. Kinda odd.... One thing he did know was that Blonde Dude was a mathematical genius, judging from the way he finished all those problems. Something Jordan was far from. Sure, he was able to manage a C average, when he turned in his work, but still... That kid seemed like he should be put in a harder math class. Then the Blonde Dude started doodling on his shoes, further giving the impression of weirdness. Not that there was something wrong with that. weird people were pretty fun to be around, actually.

After having a mental battle with his inner slacker, Jordan decided that he should probably get up and get one of those textbooks. He was about to get up when the PA system turned on. First off, Jordan wasn't even going to bother to point out the simple fact that the principal was beyond full of himself, no, Jordan was going to be good and just pay attention to the actual announcements. Second period was ending early,'Yes!'; There was French textbooks in his present math class, 'Well, that explains all those funny looking books at the front of the room.. No wonder I couldn't make sense of the title..';Radishes for lunch, 'Someone please shot me.'; Scratch that, radishes and spam for lunch, 'God, please strike me down and end my misery.'; and last but not least, there was to be a school ball on Friday and attendance was mandatory.

Jordan could see his life flashing before his eyes.

As the bell rang Jordan gathered his books and walked out of the classroom in a zombie like state. School dances and events were the very bane of his existence, why? Because, they consisted of supervised 'fun'. Dances were always filled with teachers, had horrid music, and were filled with the same people he had to face day after day. I mean really, isn't having to deal with your peers for seven hours of the day, five days a week, and who the hell knows how many days a year, enough? Plus the dances had lots of people enclosed in a small space to the point where moving freely was naught but a dream. And, all in all, going out dancing isn't really all that great unless you're drunk or otherwise intoxicated. Then everything seemed fun.

Luckily, there was ways to avoid such things, and that idea alone revived Jordan from his zombie-ness. He walked along the hallways, wondering whether the whole radish and spam thing was a joke and whether he should find out. Now, the only problem with walking and thinking is that you tend to ignore your surroundings and, when you're a new student, that can prove to be disaterous. One moment Jordan was walking toward his new dorm room, the next he found himself in front of a door that had a sign painted on it. The sign told him that behind the door was two staircases, one going up towards another level of the school, and the other going down to the parking sublevels.


'Parking = Cars. Cars = Garage door to get out of parking lot. Garage door = Roads. Roads = Way to get away from Harrington.'

Thus a brief glance into Jordan's brain. Now, it wasn't that he particularly hated Harrington, per say, but Harrington was lacking in all things good. Drugs, to be specific. Yes, when you get right down to it, the boy has only one thing on his mind. Jordan opened the door and entered. The first thing he noticed was that the stairway leading down was dark. Dark enough for him to trip and knock over one of those metal trashcans that are put near entrances and exits for people to throw out their trash and to put out their cigarettes. The sound of the trashcan falling down the stairs, with Jordan along for the ride, echoed down the stairs and could undoubtedly be heard within the school hallways.

With one last clatter Jordan and trash can landed onto hard cement. Jordan groaned and rolled over to one side as he prepared to stand up. He then spotted Camo-girl, whom seemed to be frightened out of her wits. Jordan stood and gave her a sheepish grin,
"Don't mind me..."

Rain. Why did it feel the irresistible urge to start pouring right as he stepped out the door...? Raiden grumbled his complaints as he secured his back pack over his right shoulder, staggering slightly at the sudden weight. Unlike many of his cousins, Raiden had taken the golden child way after graduating high school and was currently victim to the whims of college professors. Hoping to get a degree in Criminal Justice, Raiden hoped to become a police officer and, sometime down the road, a SWAT team member.

But for now, that was just a dream and he was stuck going to college with classes at funky hours. Some were night classes, some were every other day, others were to be held as the sun came up, and more were held whenever the professor felt like teaching. At least, that's how it seemed to Raiden. Currently he was leaving a class which he could not, for the life of him figure out what it was called and what it was supposed to be teaching. In short, the whole thing just went right over his head. But then, he was pretty sure that was the whole idea. The professor simply wanted to show off her complex mind and make her students feel completely inferior to her. Or he was just slow. That to.

Finally Raiden entered the Inside of the Sohma Estate and decided to take a little short cut through one of the many gardens the Estate housed. As he was walking, bag slung over one shoulder, he walked along the bridge which Yuuhi and Erena were currently on. Erena looked as if she was crying and Yuuhi was playing his usual role of loving caretaker. The two were holding hands and Erena was speaking.

"We need to break up,"

Raiden winced and then had an expression of mild shock. Why would Erena break up with Yuuhi...? It didn't make sense. Sure, they had their differences and all, but Yuuhi's universe practically revolved around her. Which, Raiden couldn't blame him since that's pretty much what a person does when they fall in love and all, but still. How could Erena be that inconsiderate? He slowly shook his head, at least she'd broken off with him now, instead of a few years down the road when Yuuhi proposed to her or something. That would undoubtedly be worse.

Raiden gave Yuuhi a sympathetic look as he gave the teen a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. Raiden figured that Yuuhi would probably want to be alone, or go after Erena, so he simply kept his mouth shut and kept walking. Hopefully Yuuhi wouldn't take the break up too hard....

Quickly slipping off his soaked shoes and running a hand through his limp hair, Raiden made his way to his room upon entering the Main House. He walked by Rei's room, for it was the only way to get to his own, and saw Mizu a few steps down from the God's door. She was sitting on the floor and was obviously thinking about something depressing. The girl spoke and Raiden made his last few steps a bit longer so he was standing to one side of her. Mizu said something about Kayuza wiping his own memories and an Outsider learning about the curse. "Wha?"

It wasn't the events that worried Raiden the most, it was the tone in which Mizu named them. It was flat and the girl almost seemed depressed. As in, depressed without her usual sarcasm. Clearly Mizu wasn't feeling well. Raiden dropped his bag with a loud 'thump' and sat down next to the Horse. He peered at her face intensely, then put a hand to her forehead, frowning the entire time. His frown deepened and his brow furrowed as he found she had no fever. He removed his hand and relaxed slightly as he said in a light tone,"You, m'dear, have a mental illness of some sort. You should see a doctor for that." After a moment of thought he added, "Or Tsubaki." Considering the Snake seemed to have quite a bit of experience when it came to the human brain and emotions.

Dried P e a c h e s
Community Member
  • 05/11/08 to 05/04/08 (1)
  • 04/13/08 to 04/06/08 (1)
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