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OOC: This is Eudial's Re-Birth Story.

GS Eudial
Community Member
Eudial's Profile
Eudial (Yuujiaru (Eudial)) [Yuuko Arimura (Arimura Yuuko)] [eudialyte (hydrous sodium calcium iron cesium manganese zirconium silicate): a mineral, yellow, brown or red with a colorless streak, which crystallizes in the hexagonal system as tabular crystals] (original series)
Real name (according to manga): Yuuko Arimura
Occupation: Unknown, possibly student (as Yuuko Arimura); scientist, inventor, member of the Witches 5, member of the Death Busters (as Eudial)
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware that Yuuko Arimura used the alias of Eudial or that she was secretly a member of the Witches 5 and the Death Busters
Legal status: Unrevealed, presumably Citizen of Japan with no known criminal record; may still be a minor, though this is uncertain
Other aliases: None
Place of birth: Unrevealed, presumably Tokyo, Japan
Marital status: Unknown, presumed single
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: Witches 5, Death Busters
Base of operations: The Infinity Academy, a prestigious private school located in the Higashi Shinagawa district of Shinagawa-ku in the city of Tokyo, Japan
First appearance: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S Episode 102
Final appearance: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S Episode 111

History: The past of the young woman known only as Eudial remains shrouded in mystery. No details have ever been revealed about her private life, neither who she really is nor where she really comes from, not even how she came to be associated with the evil organization known as the Death Busters or what her motives were for joining them in their sinister quest to purge the Earth of all life by summoning Master Pharaoh 90 and triggering the apocalyptic cataclysm known as the Silence. A member of a quintet of young female scientists and sorceresses collectively known as the Witches 5, the arrogant, boastful, and overconfident Eudial was a professional tinkerer and inventive genius capable of conceiving of and constructing sophisticated gadgets and powerful weapons from the unlikeliest and most innocuous of everyday objects. By all appearances the senior member of the group, she was - as per her own claims - the one responsible for having shown the other their way around the laboratory and having taught them how to perform their jobs. Though admittedly not the most reliable of sources on the matter, there is little doubt that this must have been true, for if one thing is certain, it is that - with the possible exception of Viluy - none of the other members of the Witches 5 ever demonstrated anywhere near the level of technological expertise that Eudial did.
While it remains uncertain exactly how long Eudial served under the employ of the Death Busters before being summoned to active duty, her first major role came after she called Professor Tomoe to inform him of Kaolinite's near fatal accident following a confrontation between her and the Sailor Soldiers atop Tokyo Tower, at which time she was asked to assume the latter's responsibilities and become the organization's field agent. With all the practicality and efficiency of a veteran scientist, Eudial first wrote a detailed report concerning the Death Busters' operations complete with suggestions for possible improvements, one which evidently impressed Professor Tomoe enough that he chose to adopt at least two of her proposals. The first was the idea of "force-fusing" Daimon Eggs with a carefully selected and suitable object beforehand so as to eliminate the element of random chance that had thus far come into play during the creation of such monsters and the second to have these Daimons serve as her bodyguards, thereby leaving her free to tend to the important business of extracting the Heart Crystals from her selected human targets personally.
By the time Professor Tomoe called to inform her of his impression of her report, Eudial had already used a computer program of her own devising in order to locate a pure-hearted individual: a young taiko virtuoso by the name of Maya Touno. Following the creation of a suitable Daimon - conveniently packaged in a white box which was then loaded into the trunk of her white hatchback - she set out on her first mission and managed to track the female musician as far as a large building where she was busy practicing for an upcoming appearance at the Juuban Matsuri. Uncertain as to the exact location of her victim, she used the loudspeaker built into her car to call her by name and lure her out into the open, whereupon she used a large rifle of her own design known as the Heart Buster to literally blow the Heart Crystal right out of Maya Touno's body. While her actions quickly caught the attention of Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars, Eudial, seemingly more interested than concerned about the sudden appearance of her adversaries, merely doffed her lab coat, formally introduced herself to the Sailor Soldiers and called on her Daimon accomplice, Soiyaa, to deal with them. Unfortunately, the young witch's premiere outing ultimately proved unsuccessful, for not only did the Outer Soldiers Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune retrieve Maya Touno's Heart Crystal first, but closer inspection revealed that the pure heart did not contain one of the three Talismans as she had hoped. Having no further reason to remain in light of this revelation, Eudial promptly departed and left Soiyaa behind to deal with her opponents, though the latter ended up being destroyed a short time later by Sailor Moon's "Moon Spiral Heart Attack".
In a taking of turns between the two that would outline the rest of her recorded career, the pure heart search parameters for Eudial's subsequent victim were provided on a whim by Professor Tomoe, yielding a young boy named Tamasaburou of the Yabura Koji Bura Koji family - an authority on the traditional Japanese tea ceremony - as a potential candidate. This second attempt by Eudial to locate and retrieve a Talisman, however, end much like the first, with her chosen human target turning out to be a false lead and her Daimon, Chagaama, being destroyed by Sailor Moon.
Curious as to the nature and appearance of the Talismans - perhaps in order to be better able to analyze the Heart Crystals she extracted instead of relying on the judegment of her nemeses Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune on such important matters - Eudial learned from Professor Tomoe that they manifest themselves as one of three sacred objects - a sword, a mirror, or a jewel - from the pure heart with which they were bound. Unfortunately, this information, while useful, did little to improve her performance, for not only were her next four missions - in which she targeted priest Kakusui Yakushiji, sprinter Elza Gray, artist Masanori Tsuzuki, and wealthy British socialite Edwards - equally unsuccessful, but they also ended in the destruction of the Daimons Darumaa, Hurdler, Choukokkaa and Chikuoon as a result of the interference of the Sailor Soldiers and Tuxedo Mask, the incompetance of her inhuman servants, her own bad luck, or some combination of the three.
During an attempt to acquire more information on the Holy Grail - a mystical artifact of immense power that would only reveal itself once the three Talismans were brought together - Eudial noticed a mysterious shadow appear in front of the data on her computer screen. Puzzled by this strange and unexpected occurance, she reported her find to Professor Tomoe and learned that the silhouette belonged to the wielder of the Holy Grail - though she did not learn the actual identity of the individual in question - as well as how completely dependant victory was on whether or not they or their adversaries acquired it first. She later called a second time to inform him that she had located her latest target - Minako Aino -but also voiced her concern about their plans once again being disrupted by the Sailor Soldiers, to which end Professor Tomoe created the Daimon known as Doorknobdar in order to prevent their interference...at least in theory. Regrettably, Eudial's bad luck streak continued unabated, for not only did Minako manage to flee with her Heart Crystal before finally collapsing in an abandoned parking garage, but the three seemingly innocent bystanders - Usagi Tsukino, Haruka Ten'ou, and Michiru Kaiou - who became trapped inside the building after Doorknobdar sealed it off from the outside world were none other that the human alter egos of Sailor Moon, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune, a revelation which shocked the young witch after her actions left them with little choice but to transform in front of her.
With Sailor Soldiers trapped inside the parking garage and others outside trying to get in - to say nothing of having a cowardly and incompetant Daimon as her only ally - Eudial decided to take matters into her own hands and used a highly advance and powerful flamethrower of her own design known as the Fire Buster to successfully counter Sailor Moon's "Moon Spiral Heart Attack", though it inadvertantly caused the magical attack to ricochet and destroy Doorknobdar in the process. Threatening to incinerate the still unconscious Minako if the Sailor Soldiers offered any further resistance, Eudial might well have ended up killing them all instead had her ill-chosen victim not revived in time to distract her by hitting her with a barrage of ugly UFO catcher dolls she and Usagi had won earlier and rendered the Fire Buster inactive by transforming into Sailor Venus and puncturing its metallic housing with her "Venus Love Me Chain". Outnumbered and left with little choice but to retreat, Eudial did not walk away from the battle completely empty-handed, for she now knew the secret identities of several of her Sailor Soldier adversaries.
Shortly after this turn of events, Eudial received yet another unpleasant surprise when she discovered that she had become the target of a cruel prankster who sprinkled tacks in her slippers and emptied a jar of laboratory snails in her locker, leaving behind an unsigned note bearing the disturbing message, "A snail woman in a wagon will be killed in an accident." Enraged after inadvertantly overhearing a conversation involving the other four members of the Witches 5 where they mocked her competance and during which the possibility of her being replaced by Mimete - whom she correctly suspected of being the vicious practical joker - was raised, a grim and determined Eudial made extensive modifications to her existing computer program so that it would conclusively locate the hosts of the Talismans, all in the hope of proving herself and being promoted to an executive seat so that she might take revenge on her disrespectful cohorts. Upon letting the application run to completion, she was shocked to discover that the individuals she had been searching for for so long were Haruka Ten'ou and Michiru Kaiou, whom recent experience had taught her were none other than her longtime nemeses Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.
Goading the two Outer Soldiers into a confrontation at the Marine Cathedral - a church under construction which she had booby-trapped prior to their arrival - Eudial managed to capture Sailor Neptune and used her as bait to lure Sailor Uranus to the main chapel, where she incapacitated the latter as well. Informing her that the two of them were, in fact, the Talisman carriers, Eudial then attempted to extract Sailor Uranus' Heart Crystal, but ended up shooting Sailor Neptune with the Heart Buster instead after the latter, despite great pain and injury, attempted to rescue her partner and close friend, inadvertantly causing the rifle to go off in the process. Her theory thus proven correct in a most unique fashion, Eudial was prevented both from claiming the Talisman known as the Deep Aqua Mirror and from acquiring the Space Sword from Sailor Uranus thanks to Usagi Tsukino, who charged and rammed into the witch, causing her to drop the Heart Buster, lose her balance, fall off the elevated stone bridge the four of them were on and plummet into the deepest bowels of the Marine Cathedral while helplessly clinging onto a runaway construction pulley.
Eudial, however, was far from being defeated. With the help of her new and improved Fire Buster II, she managed to seize both the Space Sword - which Sailor Uranus had caused to appear after shooting herself with the Heart Buster - and the Deep Aqua Mirror, as well as enclose the Sailor Soldiers within a seemingly inextinguishable ring of flame before making her escape. Surprised to discover that her adversaries had managed to escape from her death trap thanks to the timely arrival of Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Chibi Moon, Eudial temporarily incapacitated all the Inner Soldiers using her Sticky Liquid with the exception of Sailor Moon, whose attempt to retrieve the Talismans failed after the young witch nullified her "Moon Spiral Heart Attack" with her Fire Buster II. Intent on taking revenge on Sailor Moon for all her previous humiliating defeats, she lost her chance for vengeance due to the intervention of Setsuna Meiou, who, transforming into Sailor Pluto, used the power of her Garnet Orb - the third Talisman - to retrieve the other two from Eudial , and, having restored Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune to full health by separating their respective Heart Crystals from the Space Sword and Deep Aqua Mirror, the three Outer Soldiers used their combined power to summon forth the Holy Grail.
Driven to the brink of madness at the sight of the coveted mystical artifact, Eudial trapped the Sailor Soldiers in a blazing inferno and made a mad dash to claim the Holy Grail, a race that she narrowly lost to Sailor Moon, thought hardly from a lack of trying. The massive magical energies of the sacred cup subsequently reacted with those of Sailor Moon's Cosmic Heart Compact to invoke in her a secondary transformation into Super Sailor Moon, in which form she used her powers to both banish the nearby flames and send Eudial crashing through a stained glass window to the pavement below as a result of the backdraft from her own reflected Fire Buster II attack. Once again forced to flee in defeat, Eudial received a message from Mimete over her car radio during her attempted flight, who informed her that her endless string of failures had brought disgrace upon the good name of the Witches 5 and that she would redeem them through her death. While intially confused by this statement, she quickly discovered, to her horror, that Mimete had taken out the brakes on her car. Losing all control over her vehicle despite her best efforts, Eudial crashed through the guardrail of the elevated roadway she was driving on and plunged off the cliff to her death in the water below.
In an almost poetic sense, Eudial did manage to avenge her own murder from beyond the grave, for Mimete was killed several weeks later while using a machine that she had designed.

Height: Estimated at 5'3'' (160 cm); never accurately measured
Weight: Estimated at 113 lbs. (51 kg); never accurately weighed
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red

Abilities: It remains uncertain whether or not Eudial possessed any actual supernatural powers. At times, she seemed capable of slide teleporting herself several feet, moving at high speeds, jumping to unusually great heights, and seemingly possessed a power inferior to an actual flying ability which allowed her to slow her descent in mid-air, though all this may be equally attributable to her being extremely agile and quick on her feet. What cannot be debated, however, was Eudial's formidable technological expertise, ranging fom her skills at computer programming to her uncanny ability to design and assemble the most awe-inspiring devices using only household applicances, table top games, old electronic and computer equipment, and various odds and ends as her starting materials. Paraphernalia: While Eudial made use of a variety of accessories during her tenure - including binoculars, headphones, sleeping gas, gas masks, and CD players - much of the equipment she used was of her own design. Among them were a Heart Crystal extraction rifle known as the Heart Buster, a series of flamethrowers called Fire Busters, a kind of super glue known as Sticky Liquid, a computer program designed to select pure hearted individuals from a database of potential candidates according to search parameters provided by the user, and a device capable of converting human beings into sentient energy known as the Witches' Electric Warp, not to mention the various moving wall panels and motion-activated, target-specific dart shooters she incorporated into the Marine Cathedral as booby traps. Her main source of transportation was a modified white hatchback with a built-in microphone, recording equipment, roof-mounted loudspeaker, and audio sensors attuned to Eudial's voice which allowed the vehicle to drive short distances independantly if called on by her. The frame of the car was most likely structurally reinforced to compensate for her questionable driving skills. ^_^; Eudial also made use of a complex network of underground tunnels accessible from beneath the Infinity Academy which spanned the entire city of Tokyo, Japan in order to reach her selected human targets as quickly as possible.

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