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Story of my life...
Actually, it's quite the opposite. Just random stories, lyrics and probablly some ranting going on in there too... amongst other things.
Six part quiz thing about me... enjoy :)
Part One

honestly, how many people have you ever had strong feelings for? 0
honestly, what color is your underwear ? pink/white
honestly, what's on your mind ? a lot
honestly, do you think you are attractive ? not usually
honestly, are you jealous of someone right now ? not really
honestly, what makes you happy most of the time ? art, music, writing and sort of soccer.
honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute ? yes.
honestly, do you have deep secrets ? Yes.
honestly, are you mean? not usually
honestly, where would you rather be right now ? I'm happy where I am : )
honestly, would you choose your best friend for your boy / girlfriend ? No.
honestly, have you gone out of your way to make a new friend ? Not realy :
honestly, are you desperate ? Nope.
honestly, who was last to say good night to you ? my mother
honestly, did you ever lie to someone you loved ? yes.
honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out ? It's been a while... I don't cry very often, or at least not crying "my heart out" The last time I cried was when I was reading New Moon
honestly, do you think its right to cheat if your boy / girlfriend cheated on you ? Two wrongs don't make a right.
honestly, does being with your friends make you happy ? Um... depends which friends.
honestly, do you believe in yourself ? In some things.
honestly, have you hugged a girl this week? yep
honestly, are you a relationship person ? I'm not really sure.


do you want to hook up with your ex ? mmm no
have you ever walked in on anyone making out ? Probably, yes.
do you remember all the people you kissed ? yep
ever been in a car wreck ? nope
are looks important ? to a certain extent, yes.
do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more ? almost.
have you ever made a mistake ? I've made lots of mistakes.
have you ever peed in public? um...no
what song do you want played at your funeral? I'd rather not think about that right now.
if you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?I wouldnt condem someone to death no matter how much I hate them.
would you rather be blind or deaf ? Deaf, becuase then I wouldn't have to hear the things that go on these days. At least if you could look away from them, but if you were blind you would still hear everything. If that makes sense...
what do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Let my dog outside
if you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be? No one.
what did you dream last night ? I don't usually remember my dreams, in which I'm thankful for becuase they're usually nightmares.
have you ever been in love ? I think love is more often confused with lust. No, I have never been in love.
have you ever been arrested ? Not me.


are you in a relationship ? Not currently.
do you believe in love at first sight ? So far, no.
what about true love ? Not yet.
would you kiss on the first date ? I don't no. It depends on the circumstances.
do you look for hookups ? no


pick one word to describe you – Difficult.
pick one word to describe your life – boring
pick one song to describe how you feel right now – ...


what's bothering you right now ? Lots of things.
would you share a drink with a stranger ? I don't drink.
next time you will hug someone ? tonight probably
what is the last thing you ate today ? cookies
if you saw that your boyfriend / girlfriend was trying to hit on your best friend, what would you do ? What would you say ? I would be very upset...
who was the last person to send you a text message ? either Darc or Robin
have you ever kissed anyone named Jake ? no
what do you smell like ? umm...probably vanilla plum shampoo
have you hit someone today ? no
do you believe in soul mates? Not yet.
what is one thing you'd really like to do right now ? sleep. The rain is making me tired.
what did you do last weekend ? shopping
who do you miss ? the sun
what are you going to do after this ? Probably work on some stuff or watch a bit of tv.
are you nervous about anything ? yeah... I've got the UN Debate in a month >_<
who was the last person to call you ? Robin
what was ONE funny thing that happened today ? Um, when I was walking to school it decided to start puring outside, so when I got to school I was completely drenched, and my hair was a mess, and my makeup was running. It was ridiculous. But I had fun.
ever broken a promise ? probably, but not ften sad
ever had a promise broken by someone ? yes... stare
how do you express yourself best ? through art


How do you usually introduce yourself to people? um, I say hi I'm Jenna?
Whát is the longest plane ride you've been on? I haven't been on a plane
Where do you usuálly order pizza from? panago
Have you ever been to Houston? no, i.e i've never been on a plane.
Have you ever tripped going up steps? ugh...yes -__-
Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? Robin and Darc
What's one thing you really hope to do this summer? de fatten my dog lol. And I plan on spending most of my summer outside.
Are you going to be starting a new job this summer? I hope to start a new job in a couple of weeks
Are you currently fighting with anyone? no
Have you ever felt like killing somebody? yes, but never would I actualy do it.
Where will you be in 12 hours? sleeping...it comes naturally at 2 a.m
Have you ever thrown something out of a moving car? gum
Last wedding you attended? My auntie's in which I was the flower girl.
If alcohol were banned worldwide, what would your reaction be? Yay
What are your plans for tomorrow? School
Can you see á phone right now? Yes
When is your birthdáy? December 11th
Are you á jeálous person? no not usually
Ever skip school ánd spend the dáy át the beách? I don't live anywhere close to a beach
Lást time you hád butterflies in your stomáche? getting my rook piercing
Do they miss you? who?
When you're in á bád mood, whát will álwáys put you in á better mood? time
When you're in á bád mood, how do you áct on msn? I don't go on msn that much to begin with.
Do you háve ány reálly crázy relátives? no
People get depressed. Are you the one they turn to? um... sort of
Does everyone in your life know the reál you? nope
Whát were you doing before you stárted this survey? watching tv
Whát were you doing this morning át 8ám? learning social...or at least trying.
Háve you ever been áwáke for 48 hours stráight? no
Whát wás the weáther like on your lást birthdáy? It was white outside.
Whát áre you listening to? umm this wierd show on tv.
Can men and women be "just friends" ? yes
Whát woke you up this morning? My mom searching my drawers for a brown shirt...
Who wás the lást person to leáve á comment on your fácebook? I don't have facebook
Do you listen to music everydáy? yes
Initiáls? JMM
Where wás the lást pláce you went besides your house? school
Do you enjoy fighting with people? no
Whát áre you sáving your money up for right now? nothing
Do you ever think people háte you for filling these out? if they do then oh well.
Háve you been to more thán 10 concerts? no
Do you give in eásily? depends what it is I'm giving into
How old will you be in 10 months? 17
Do you recycle? yes
Who is the lást person thát you cálled ánd why? Robin, becuase I called her and she didn't answer the phone. So, she phoned me back.
Whát háppened át 10AM this morning? I was sitting in chem, unbelievably bored...

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