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Journal. (Aren't I original....?)
Honestly, do I really need to explain?
More sample posts. I can see you jumping with joy from here.
Dear god there are more of them! This is my most recent crap starting with the newest to the older stuffs. Again, it's without any of the extra graphics, quotes, ect. As always they're regular posts, not intro (Except for the last one, that's an intro. Mainly 'cuz the role play died before I could get a regular one in.) so if you want to see any of my intro posts, just click on the links. They'll take you to the actual role play and you can just refer to the page number given.

&&we were fated to pretend. Intro: 5th post on page two.
Dried P e a c h e s
Though he figured that getting up would set the others at ease, he really didn't feel like it. In fact, he was pretty damn comfortable. Sure the floor was a little dirty but that really didn't bother him. Plus he had managed to clump some of Noah's clothes together and create a nice little make-shift pillow with it. Now all he needed was a blanket and he was good to go. Despite the fact that it was summer and way too hot for a blanket, or clothes really, Benjamin still wanted one. Unlike some of his friends, Ben wasn't really bothered by heat. He felt the deadly UV rays as much as everyone else, but he just had a better tolerance for it. He listened with a slightly bemused expression to Johnny. Why that boy felt the need to try and embarrass him, Ben would never know. He resisted the urge to blush at his comment but he wasn't entirely sure if he had succeeded. Benjamin opened his mouth to spit out a comeback at Johnny but it seemed that Candice beat him to it. 'Simple yet eloquent.' Ben thought to himself as he tried to cover up his smirk with his hand. Her comeback was lacking in wit, but he didn't blame her. For some reason the comment had made her a bit flustered and he watched with a blank face as she collected herself.

Ben took another gulp of his coffee, which was a lot easier to do when he was vertical. Somehow he managed not to spill the coffee on his face and still actually drink some. He froze mid-sip as Candice leaned over him and picked up the nail that had caused the damage to his abdomen. Benjamin realized that he was probably going to be doing that a lot over the trip. Freezing up, that is. Unless they switched seats around later on, he was going to be in very tight quarters with her most of the trip and whenever he got too close to her, he seemed to forget that he was supposed to act like a normal person. Y'know, like a person who wasn't crazy for her, which he thought was pretty stupid since he actually is crazy about her. But alas, one isn't allowed to flirt with someone when that someone is already taken. It's just bad manners and Benjamin's mother had raised him to be polite. And she had indirectly taught him to be a gutless worm who couldn't even fess up to having a crush. He was pretty sure Noah and Johnny knew, though he had no idea how Noah would've found out since he had only told Johny. He was almost positive that only those two knew about it and if they told anyone else, he might very well hurt them.

Benjamin snapped out of his reverie when Candice finally spoke a complete sentence. Apparently she was concerned for his safety. Or she was just a good human being and followed the protocol for when people were injured. Granted, it had taken her quite a bit of time for her to get to this point, but whatever. Either way didn't really matter for he had soon forgotten all about it. In fact, his mind seemed to go blank the second she kissed him on the cheek. This time he really did blush but once again he tried to hide it by turning his head away and staring at the seat. He then managed to cover it up with a scowl as Candice started to play with his hair. It wasn't like he had spent forever on it this morning or that he even cared, he just needed to focus on something else other than her brief display of friendly affection moments before. He really did scowl at her as she stole his coffee, and this time he was slightly peeved. But only slightly. Ben then became amused as Candice made a face after taking a sip. "It's not coffee if you put stuff in it." He said as a way of explanation for the lack of sugar. It was true, Benjamin didn't really consider coffee to be coffee unless it was straight from the pot and lacked condiments.

When she repeated her question Ben remembered his 'war wound' and looked down at his stomach. It looked like it was already beginning to scab over, slowly but surely. "Yeah, I'm fine.", he said as he took the offered hand and hoisted himself up on the seat. He sat next to her as he listened to her last remark. "No kisses are needed. Unless they're made of chocolate..." Ben mused as he realized he was already hungry. He really should've eaten while he was at work. A few pieces of cake wouldn't have been missed.... He glanced around the van and noticed two things, one being that they weren't moving and the second was that Candice wasn't dressed. Technically she was halfway dressed, but still. Ben blinked a few times, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things and bit his tongue to distract himself. If he didn't pay too close attention to her he wouldn't blush, so he just glanced at her from the corner of his eye and said, "Nice underwear." The van still wasn't moving and that just wasn't going to do. They had two more people to pick up for goodness sake! Benjamin grabbed one of the shirts that was on the seat and squished it up into a ball. He then drew his arm back and threw it at Noah's head. "Hurry up and drive, man."

oh how it HURTS Intro: Last post on page one.
Dried P e a c h e s
While waiting for an answer, Adrian watched as everyone else - 'cept Rainy - trooped out of the van. Adrian decided that he really didn't feel like even going near the vehicle at the moment, so he set his purchases down on the damp grass and proceeded to stretch. The boy had his hands behind his head when Robert shoved some money in his face, asking for some food. Adrian scoffed and pushed the money back towards Robert. "What you must think of me to actually believe I'd take money from you... tsk." He said, as he bent down and retrieved the requested items, along with his already open can. He handed over a closed can of Amped and a Snickers bar before taking a drink of his own bubbly beverage. He watched as Lemon made her way back towards them after making a short trip to the aisles of the gas station and the cash register. How the girl could run around in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and a bra, he would never know. She hadn't even bothered to put shoes on, the silly girl had just slipped on some classic Hello Kitty slippers. 'Doesn't she ever get cold...?' Adrian thought to himself before bringing his brain back to the present.

Adrian glanced over at Jade and said, "Don't worry about it, I was just being a perverted old man. Again." He ruffled her hair affectionately with his free hand and then proceeded to pick his stuff up again. He watched with sort of a bemused look as Jade snatched a Snickers bar, "Your welcome." he said. He then stuck around for a few moments longer to listen to what Pandora and Jade said about their location, in their expert opinion, they were somewhere outside of New York. It occurred to him that he could very well go back into the gas station, buy a map, and ask the clerk to point out where they were on that very map. Although, for all he knew, they could very well already have a map hidden somewhere in the van and Jade just wasn't too keen on using it. When he heard the words 'I'm not driving' he perked up a little. He'd be more than happy to drive, granted he was somewhat of a reckless driver, but he hadn't been in a car accident in a whole year. Of course, he might very well end up giving Rainy a heart attack due to the fact he loves to drive right next to semi's, zip out in front of them, and generally make a nuisance of himself. He liked to think that no one else could give Rainy more reason to worry than he could, but that might just be Adrian's slightly twisted sense of pride talking. "I'll drive." He offered.

It was then that Adrian noticed Jade's discomfort, presumably due to the smoke that was surrounding them. He was a tad grateful, mainly because he didn't want to tell the others to go smoke somewhere else just for his sake, because that would be selfish (something Adrian tried his very best not to be.). He wrinkled his nose and said, "Hey guys, couldya maybe stand downwind...? Your cigarettes reek." It's not that he wanted to stop talking to them, it was just that until they finished their cancer sticks, he didn't really want to be in the same area. After they finished he'd be more than happy to stand around and chat. Personally Adrian hated cigarettes and hadn't really figured out the purpose for such a thing. As far as he could tell the only reason people smoked was because they were addicted and they were addicted because they smoked, what actually possessed them to start he hadn't quite figured out yet.

Adrian dropped his stuff, except his open drink, in the van and watched as Rainy finally emerged. He nodded a greeting and went back to his spot near Jade and the rest of the little group. He listened to their chatter for a few moments before Rainy came running back out, babbling something about how they should all pile back into the van, an idea that Adrian was not fond of. He looked at Rainy with a raised eyebrow and then saw the store clerk behind his friend. 'What...?' Of course the problem was soon solved as Robert managed to bribe the guy. 'Guess he didn't want to go back in the van either..' Adrian thought to himself. He then listened as Robert very nearly exploded. Why he was so pissed off Adrian didn't know, nor did he care. As far as he was concerned Robert was overreacting, as far as he knew, the guy was annoyed because he had lost his money for cigarettes. No one had told him that he had to bribe the guy, he did that with his own free will. "Geez Robert, calm down. It was just money, no need to get all worked up." Adrian said, trying to keep the peace. People fighting when they were on a road trip was, no doubt, unpleasant and it was one experience Adrian could live without. He then glanced over at Rainy and said, "Steal something? Or did that guy have a personal vendetta against you?" Of course, he didn't want all the gory details, a simple 'yeah, I stole some crap' or 'the guy just hates me' would suffice.

101.9 t h e R A I N B O WIntro: Page two the third post.
The chocolate lab scampered out of Eric's bedroom before the pillow hit it, leaving the pillow to slam into the wall. Well, as much as a pillow can slam into anything. The dog belonged to Eric's roommate but it seemed to be more fond of Eric than its owner. Eric had closed the door the previous night, so how the dog had gotten in, he'd never know. He made a mental note to get a lock for his door and see if that would stop the magical doggie. Eric glanced over at the digital clock on his nightstand; he was up a few minutes early. As he rolled out of bed he hit a few buttons on the clock, making sure his alarm wouldn't go off in a minute’s time. Eric groggily made his way to his closet and managed to find a pair of sweats and a T-shirt amidst the mess of his belongings. He pulled the clothing on, foregoing the usual shower ritual as he tip-toed out of his room. Eric's roommate worked a graveyard shift, much like himself, so the aforementioned roommate wouldn't wake up until the evening. Though Eric had worked twelve hours last night as well, he didn't have the time to get more sleep. Granted, he could get another two hours or so but habit forced him to go work out for at least an hour every day. He slipped on some shoes, traveled down a couple flights of stairs, and stepped out onto a crowded, New York street.

'Ow.' was about the only though that ran through Eric's mind as he finished his fifth set. He placed the bar back onto its appointed spot, stood, and stretched. He used the towel that was draped around the back of his neck to wipe his sweat off of the bench. He set the weights back onto their tree and made his way along the rows of exercise equipment. He grinned as he heard the words, "Thank you for listening to 101.9 The Rainbow..." come from someone's headset. Though the Rainbow crew now had a TV gig, they hadn't completely abandoned their radio station. The whole lot of 'em had recorded short messages that would introduce songs, thank the listeners, or just babble about whatever had been amusing at that time. Then they had combined their music libraries and set the whole thing up to play when they weren't there. After all, you can't just have a radio station that only plays sometimes cause that would just be silly.

Eric made his way into the men's locker room, halted in front of a locker that contained a gym bag, spun the appropriate combination, and grabbed his gym bag when the door popped open. He slammed it shut, rummaged through the bag and fond a shaver, some shampoo, and some soap. Grabbing a clean towel from the rack, he shed his sweaty clothes and quickly got under one of the steaming hot showers. While he went about the business of cleaning himself, Eric found himself thinking about their new TV show. All he knew was that some big-wig news guy had offered them an hour of on air time, saying that he'd pay for it or something to that general effect. What they were going to do with that time, Eric didn't know. Perhaps they'd use it to make a new Jackass or maybe they'd make it into a news type thing. He honestly didn't have a clue, but then, he didn't really have to. His job was to video tape his friends and make sure they didn't kill themselves (or each other). Eric was fairly sure that Cynthia and the other gals knew what the show was going to be over and maybe the others did to. Eric was busy all the time so he couldn't blame them for not keeping him up to date, he was pretty hard to reach. But back to the present, Eric was out in the space of ten minutes and some more rummaging revealed clean clothes. On went the boxers, jeans, and a white T-shirt that had seen better days. At the bottom of his bag he found some socks and an old, pink flamingo pin. He pinned it to his shirt, the flamingo's head resting near his collar bone. Eric put on his shoes, slung the gym bag over his shoulder, and left the gym whistling a cheery tune.

He stopped at a small cafe, got some coffee and danishes for the lot of 'em, and meandered down the road. He started inspecting signs, looking for the right building and eventually found it. He navigated the stairs that led up to the door while holding the tray of coffee with one hand, the bag of danishes with the other, and his bag still slung around his shoulder. He stopped at the door, not quite sure how to go about opening it when someone rushed out, leaving the door to swing a bit. Eric caught the door with his elbow and managed to squeeze his way in. He wandered around some more, not really sure where to go. He saw a frantic looking teen, the poor guy had broken out in a sweat and judging from the manner in which he was waved off, he wasn't doing what he was supposed to. The intern was carrying coffee and Eric guessed that he had gotten the order wrong. For the umpteenth time. Just because he felt like making the kid's life a little more difficult, he stepped in front of the kid and grinned an infectious grin.

"Heeey, d'ya know where the Rainbow-"
"Board Room B. Don't they tell you guys this stuff before you get here...? Geez."

He watched with a raised eyebrow as the disgruntled intern spun around and walked off, no doubt in search of more coffee. Eric waltzed in the room in time to hear Emily's question. He deposited the coffee and danishes on the table, grabbed one from the bag and sat on the edge of aforementioned surface. He took a bit of the sweet, cake-like food and said, "Cynthia was probably early, just because it's Cynthia. Cherry was probably close behind, and you m'dear, are on time. I on the other hand, am late." He shrugged off his gym bag as he turned his attention to Cynthia. "Sos, what're we doing today?"

Dried P e a c h e s
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Dried P e a c h e s
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