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Contest Entries and Winners
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Valentine's Day Contest Entries
Valentine's Day Contest

mufftigg's entry: Tears of Blood (Tektek: male demon)

He was a demon. A psychotic killer. I had thought that he had no emotion, that he killed for sheer enjoyment. I had though many things about him, but never that he had a heart, a soul.
I met him on a rainy, gloomy day so many years ago. He was just standing there in the cold, freezing rain, completely oblivious to the fact that it was even there. Clad only in torn pants, he just stood there, leaning on a spear stained with blood.
It wasn’t until later that I realized who he was. They called him many different names, each as evil as the next. Murderer, demon, bloody hands, unholy one. No one knew his real name; it had been washed away in the blood of his victims long ago. Now he was one of the world’s most wanted criminals, a murderer who had killed thousands.

After that day, my life had become horribly tangled with his. I couldn’t take my mind away from that rainy day, that lonely, bloody figure in the freezing wet. His image haunted my dreams and my waking thoughts.
No matter where I went, he was there. It was as if he was following me, hunting me. Out of paranoia for my life, I bought myself a gun hoping that if he did decide to kill me, I could at least put a bullet through his head first. But he never did try to kill me. He just followed.

It wasn’t until later that we actually spoke to each other. I was in a checkout line at a store, and as the clerk rand up my total, I realized that I didn’t have enough money to pay.
And all of a sudden, he just walked up and handed something to me, and said, “Excuse me, but I think you dropped this.”
Right after he said these words, he left. When I looked at what he had handed me, I was shocked to find a sizable wad of twenties.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the encounter, even a month after it had happened. And during this time, he was nowhere to be seen. The biggest thing that I couldn’t understand was why he just handed me a small fortune and left. Just… Vanished.

Half a year passed, and my life had begun to return to a sense of normality. But he never left my mind. He haunted my thoughts whether I was asleep or awake. And I never stopped wondering what had happened to him.

I needn’t have worried, as he came crashing back into my life. Literally. I was enjoying a cup of coffee my apartment when all of a sudden, he came flying through my window and into the wall on the other side.
He was bleeding all over the place, but he got up and headed back towards the window. I started towards him, and then stopped in my tracks. There was something not quite right. In fact, he appeared insubstantial. Besides, how had he come crashing through my window? I was at least four stories up.

And then it came through my window. It was an inky black blob of something, and it literally radiated malice and hatred. Neither of them noticed me as they resumed fighting. I could see the power radiating off of each of them. One aura was dark and malevolent, the other was like a bright, beautiful flame, but tainted with smoke.
I pinched myself to make sure that I was not dreaming. And I most certainly was not.

After an interminable amount of time that black, blobby thing let out a blood-curdling screech of rage, pain, and hatred. And then, it simply…vanished. Poof, gone.
When I looked back at that man who had haunted my thoughts for so long, he had become much more substantial. And he had passed out on my floor.
I had no clue what to do next. I had a bleeding, half-dead man on my floor that obviously needed medical attention. But I couldn’t just call an ambulance. I mean, he was the world’s most wanted killer, for chrissakes. And I most certainly did not have enough Band-Aids to give him first aid.
But I wasn’t going to let him die. He owed me too many answers for that.
So, sighing, I found an old bed sheet that I was going to throw out anyway and started to rip it up. When that fun little task was completed, I got out my first-aid kit and started to patch him up as best as I could.
So, many hours and tubes of First-Aid Cream later, I finally had finished treating his wounds. He was so wrapped up he looked like a mummy.
Since I couldn’t just let him lie there in the middle of the floor tripping everybody that went by, I dragged him into the bedroom. When I tried to hoist him up onto the bed, I found out that for someone so skinny he weighed an awful lot. When I finally managed to get him up on the bed, I sat down to catch my breath. I wasn’t kidding when I said he weighed a lot more than he looked.

He looked so peaceful while he slept. His face was relaxed; there were no signs of the stress and torment I had seen there earlier. In fact, he looked almost handsome, with is fiery red hair, long, dark eyelashes, and features that many artists had tried to capture in their best works.
Not that his face was the only good feature. His entire body looked like one of those ancient Greek statues come to life.
Which really made me wonder. Even the best looking man had a flaw somewhere. He was perfect. Inhumanly perfect. He didn’t even have any scars from all the fights he’d been in. And now I had another question he owed me an answer to.

Three days after the incident he woke up. I caught him as he was trying to leave and dragged him back to my apartment. He was strong, but I was pissed.
Once back n my apartment, I locked the door and started my little interrogation session. And I laid down some rules.
“You. Whoever you are, you are not leaving until you have answered some questions.”
He just sat there looking at me with the most indifferent expression in his tawny gold eyes. Eyes that, at that moment, I really wanted to blacken.
“Well then, you might as well start asking.”
Even his voice was inhumanly perfect.
“Just who and what are you? And don’t say you’re normal, because I know you’re not.”
At that he chuckled.
“We have a sharp one here. You’re right. I’m not human. At least not completely human. I’m a child of hell, you could say.”
This shocked me. I mean, I didn’t expect him to answer me do freely. So truthfully.
“My father was a human that my succubus mother seduced. When she found out she was pregnant she killed my father. And when I was born she threw me away and left me to die.”
Oh-Kay. And I thought that my family had issues.
“As for whom I am, I have no name. Neither my mother nor anyone else deemed me worthy enough for one.”
It took a while for all this to sink in. What kind of childhood had he had?
“Okay… Next question. What is going on here? What was that thing you were fighting?”
I didn’t expect him to answer this one either. But once again, he took me completely by surprise. For after a short pause, he did, indeed, answer me.
“This might take awhile, so make yourself comfy.”
I sat down.
“There are three realms. Heaven, Hell, and the mortal plane. That’s your world, which also happens to be the bridge between heaven and hell. Which means, whoever controls it can control and or annihilate the other. There’s been a war going on over it since the first angels fell from heaven to hell. Heaven wants the people of earth to remain free. Hell wants to enslave them. And this, this holds the key to the balance of the whole war.”
He held out his hand, showing me one finger in particular. On it was the ugliest ring I have ever seen. It was made out of some sort of putrid brown substance, with a malevolent orange and yellow eye staring out from the middle of the band.
And as I was watching it, the eye blinked and looked right at me.
He quickly covered it with his other hand, turning it so only the putrid brown band could be seen.
“What… What is that… Thing?!”
“I’m getting there. The ring is alive, yes. But it can’t really do anything without a demon general behind it. It can, however, send whatever it sees back to hell.”
“Did it…?”
“So, you’re a spy or something?”
At this he broke out into hysterical laughter.
“I hardly see anything funny about this.”
“I’m hardly a spy. In fact, I’m trying to destroy it. This is why both demons and their human minions are after me.”
“So all those people you killed…? That thing…?”
“Yes, they were trying to kill me.”
“So, why don’t you go to heaven?”
More laughter. It really did make me feel stupid. I wished he would stop it.”
“Have you been listening to what I’ve been saying? I’m the child of a succubus. I carry the most powerful demon weapon in the history of the universe. My hands are permanently stained with the blood of humans and demons. I don’t even have a name. I most definitely would not be welcome there, either.”
“Then, if you’re not welcome anywhere, if you’re not on anyone’s side, why are you trying to destroy the ring?”
“I suppose you could say that I’m doing it for revenge. Maybe I’m just doing it to get attention, to piss them off. To tell the truth, I have no idea why I am really doing this.”
He got up and walked over to the window.
“I just stole the ring one day, out of pure curiosity. I wanted to see what everybody was talking about. But when I had it, when I saw just how pathetic it was, I knew I had to destroy it. I saw its entire existence in my head. I saw its memories and I felt its emotions.”
“It’s alive. I told you that. So, naturally, it’s sentient too.”
And before I could ask anymore questions, he jumped out the window. By the time I looked out, he was gone. Not a trace of him anywhere. And now I had even more questions and still no answers.

I didn’t actually see him for a while. I saw plenty of evidence that he was still alive on the news. Things seemed to be getting worse. More and more bodies were being found, along with several corpses of what looked like mutated animals. Once, there was even a home video of the last few minutes he was at the scene of the battle. They even managed to get a pretty good shot of him, too.
I don’t really know why I paid so much attention to this. It was beyond the point of mere curiosity, of wanting to know what was happening. I found myself always thinking about him, worrying about him. I wanted to be with him, to make sure that he was safe.

It wasn’t until my friends started teasing me about it that I did realize something. I was in love with him. But I still didn’t know what kind of love it was.

Then one evening I opened the door to my apartment and found him sitting on my couch. He was watching the news with a sad smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
I had a right to be annoyed. If anyone had seen him, I was in deed trouble.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
He turned off the T.V.
“About what?”
Alright, I was curious. But mainly I was stalling. I like being with him.
“I found a way to destroy it.”
He had the kindest of smiles on his face as he closed my mouth. His hand lingered for a few seconds, and then he dropped it like he had been scorched. Turning away from me, he restated,
“I found a way to destroy it.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because… If I survive this, the demons power will be so diminished that they won’t be able to hunt me anymore. And heaven said that they will protect me from any still powerful enough to pursue me if I succeed. But I have to destroy it first, to prove that I am no demon to them. But… I’ll be free.”
“I wanted to know… that is… I…”
I swear, if he got any redder his face would match his hair.
His reply came as little more than a whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear.
“Will you share that freedom with me?”
I was so shocked that my legs just gave out.
“Did you just…propose… to me?”
I could barely get the words out. My mind was in turmoil. Reasons to accept argued with reasons to refuse.
“But… But what about the police? Won’t they be after you too?”
“After the ring is destroyed, no human will be able to remember any of this. All records of these events will either appear blank or be destroyed. It’s happened all throughout history.”
“But, why now? Why ask now?”
Long pause.
“Because your memory will be wiped too unless I shield you.”
“And you want to know if I want to remember you.”
Silence was the only answer I got.
“I … I don’t know. I have college… and a job. And my parents… they don’t even know you…”
“I understand. It was probably too much to ask.”
He started towards the window and was in the process of climbing out of it when I stopped him.
“But… Against my better judgment, I accept.”
He froze at my words. I could feel him trembling under my hand.
“You… accept?”
A genuine smile simply radiated from his face. He stood there beaming like a small sun, and I simply could not help it, so I smiled too.
And then, without warning, he jumped out of the window, pulling me with him. Shrieking, I held onto him like my life depended on it. And he was just laughing like an idiot as we plummeted towards the ground.
Right before we hit the ground he rolled over in the air and wrapped his arms around me. It took awhile before I realized that we had stopped falling, and were, in fact, gaining height. We were flying.
When I looked up at him, he was surrounded by that aura again, but this time it was as bright as the largest bonfire and it looked almost like…wings.

After a while I began to enjoy the feeling of absolute freedom I experienced from flying. It was wonderful to see the world from the skies. He took me to places that no human had ever been able to see or experience so freely before.

Around dawn he brought me back to my apartment. I was almost sad that the flight had to end. It had been the most exhilarating time of my life.
Turning to him I saw that he was just as out of breath as I was, yet his eyes were still glowing with joy and vitality. The image that I saw of him now was a far cry from the first time I had seen him, slumped in the rain.
Taking my hand, he slowly pulled me towards him and rolled up my sleeve.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m marking you with part of my seal. It will protect you from almost any attack from a supernatural source, be it physical, magical, of mental.”
“So my memories…”
“Won’t be lost when the ring is destroyed. Let me warn you now that this will hurt when I apply and might continue to hurt for the rest of your life. Do you still want me to do this?”
I had made my decision, and I wasn’t going back on it now, no matter how much pain was involved. He was worth it.
He pressed his palm over the inside of my wrist and began muttering something. His eyes rolled back into his head as power, sheer, raw, power, became almost tangible in the air. I nearly screamed when it all started to gather around his hand and my wrist.
All of a sudden, the power dissipated and the pain stopped, except for a dull throb where he had laid his hand. He let his hand slip away and collapsed against the wall, completely missing the chair that was about 6 inches to his right. He simply sat their, panting, too worn out to even rub his head where he’d hit it on the wall.
After giving him a glass of water, I examined the mark he had left on my arm. Where his palm had been was now a ring of glyphs and some sort of runic language.
“Try to keep that hidden until this is over.”
“Any demon, minion, or even half demon can identify any other demon’s crest by looking at it. That ring is just a small part of my crest, but they still may be able to tell that it is mine.”
“It’s like our fingerprint. Every demon’s is different.”
“I’ll do my best to keep it hidden, then.”
“Thank you.”
He spent the rest of the day with me, partly to recuperate from the spell, partly just because he wanted to. He left as soon as the sun set, taking a small part of my heart with him. I realized it then. The reason I was so attached to him was because he was my soul-mate. My other half. We needed each other to be complete. Before he left, I had asked him when all of this would be over. He told me that it would be impossible for me to miss.

He was right. About a week later there was an enormous explosion somewhere overseas. Shortly after I heard the news about it I felt the runes on my wrist grow painfully hot as waves of magic induced forgetfulness washed over the world. My heart lifted, flying on those waves. He had succeeded. We would be together again soon. He had won.

I waited for his return, but with each passing day I grew more and more worried. For each new day there was still no sign of him.
My fears were confirmed to a horrible degree one morning. My class was just about to be dismissed when a student came dashing through the door babbling something about a lynching or murder. I dashed out of the classroom, leaving everyone far behind, hoping with all my heart that I was wrong. That it wasn’t him. That he wasn’t dead.
Oh how my hopes shattered when I arrived. He was barely alive, lying in the courtyard, gasping in his own blood. What clothes he had left were tatters, yet they looked brand new compared to his body.
Not caring about the blood or mud, I knelt down beside him and held him in my arms. Barely contained tears stung my eyes and threatened to join the impending rain. He tried to focus on my face, but he had already lost so much blood that he was soon forced to give up.
“I’m… sorry…”
His voice was barely audible, nothing like that first time I had heard it. Nothing like that melodic sound full of life and vibrancy. I tried to take inventory of his wounds so I could give him first aid, but soon realized that it was impossible. His right hand was completely missing and he was covered from head to toe in every wound imaginable. I didn’t even want to look at his abdomen, which was covered in a giant bruise with two large holes that penetrated all the way to his back on either side of it. I turned my eyes back to his face.
“Don’t talk like that. We just need to get you to the hospital.”
His laugh ended in his chocking on his own blood. “No… it’s…too late. You’ve…seen my wounds… You…know…I’m dying.”
“Don’t say that! You will live! You have to!”
“They…were one step…ahead of…me. There… was…and ambush.”
“I don’t care! I won’t let you die!”
“The ring…is gone… But…right after… they got me.”
“Someone please call an ambulance!”
“At least…I could see you…”
“Stop talking like that! Will someone call an ambulance?!”
He raised his remaining hand and pressed it over his earlier spell. I screamed as a burning sensation like hot magma raced through his hand into my arm. When his hand fell away, the entire crest shone like fire on my arm. Then, with what little remained of his breath, he whispered:
“I…will always…be with you.”
As the last of his breath escaped his lips, I pressed my own over them, hoping that by capturing that last breath, I had captured his soul, too. Soon after, I felt his heart go still as well, and I knew that I would never see that fiery aura of his ever again.
Unable to hold back any longer, I let all of my pain, grief, and loss out in a single scream of agony that mixed with the distant sirens. He was gone. My other half was simply, gone. Dead in the bloody mud of an overgrown garden. And as the first raindrops fell, so did my tears, mixing with his blood and running down both our faces.

“Well, Ms. Violet, that is quite the story. Have you ever considered writing? I’m sure that you would do well.”
The woman looked at her counselor blankly. She had not really expected him to believe her. After all, his death had been erased from the minds of humanity as well. She sighed, and gathered her things.
“Thank you, Mr. Graywell. I just needed someone to listen for a while.”
“Always glad to be of help, dear.”
She walked out of his office, her hand tracing the mark he had left on her wrist. She knew that she hadn’t been dreaming when it had happened, no matter what others might say. And she would never forget.
jarrae's entry: E and R (tektek: ? <=please tell me which tektek)

Every day Eric felt great in the place he was before, he had plenty of great caring friends but ever since Eric moved he felt alone. At first he tried hanging out with the people that had glasses just like him but that didn’t work out he felt alone. All they ever talked about was cartoons they watched and Eric didn’t like cartoons that much he watched them occasionally but not enough to know every characters name. So then he went to try the Goths but as he tried that he felt cold and alone and when he maid a joke they looked at him like he was crazy so he stepped away, very slowly from there glaring eyes. So then he tried being with a mob but he felt like he was in danger all the time, but girls seemed to notice him more. Though if his mom found out she would slap him silly and say take off those embarrassing clothes. Then his next try was with the smartest people in school but Eric was no good at math or barely anything at that. Then the bullies but they seemed to have accidentally left Eric hanging by his under ware in the girl’s bathroom.
He sighed when one of his new friends gave him advice for someone more like him to hang out with he said “no ones most like you but you.” So he tried being alone at first he didn’t mine watching people go buy and watch others scream and yell and laugh with there friends. Though later he grew depressed and felt flattened by an invisible wall. Until one day he started to talk to himself and he had realized what he had done when his friend who had given him the advice asked who he was talking to he lied and said you of course not like I would talk to myself that’s nutty. A few days later of trying to be ice, he decided loners aren’t for me, maybe if I paid someone to do as I say and be my best friend. So he hanged up posters and in a few days 8 people signed up he interviewed each one. They all stunk except this one girl who seemed to be perfect for him he told her it was 8$ an hour and further more he paid her to be his friend. “I’m Rennae” she said with a large pearly smile and perfectly white teeth.
They met every day by the front of the school and talked at lunch until Rennae said, “you don’t have to pay me any more ill be your friend for free.” He nodded and when he came home he skipped and danced and even did the worm. His mom gave him a funny look and he said, “I made a friend with out having to pay them.” She smiled at him half way embarrassed by her strange son. His little sister laughed at him, he picked her up and spun her around the room then put her down before he fell to the ground sick of dizziness. He went to bed early so he could see Rennae in the morning early he got up ran to the bus and waited for 20 minutes. When he realized he had gone out there to early he just sat down and soon the bus showed. Then he met Rennae and he told her “tomorrow is my B-day.” She smiled at and said, “Well then birth day boy I’ll have to get you a special present.” He smiled at back and then they stayed together for the rest of the day.
Eric waited at the front of the school usually Rennae was there before him he started to tap his foot on the ground. She came up to him holding a gift, “sorry I’m late, I went to pick your gift out for you.”
“I rather you are here on time every day then get me a gift.” Rennae frowned at his comment then ignored him. He opened the gift excitedly it was a golden watch with a diamond in it, “how much did this cost you?”
“a lot.” After that they said no more and the rest of there years in school they had fun tell the last day. “I’m going to go work at the hospital I want to work in the E.R” Rennae said, “remember how I could draw human skeletons and body parts so well…well I decided the best thing for me to do is work their”.
“Well that’s great so will still be together right?”
“That’s just it for me to for fill my dream I have to go to California.”
“All the way to Caly?” Eric said annoyed with himself when a bus came up on his right side it gave him the chills and a nice case of annoyance. “That’s my bus their.” She said starting to tear up Eric as embarrassed as he was started crying with her. They gave each other a hug but Eric didn’t let go “Eric you’re going to have to let go.” He let go of her and she hugged him good bye. He stared at the bus as it left then sat on the concrete floor when a man walked by and said, “oh- you poor thing I’ll give you a job sitting here on the street at such a young age.”
“But,” the old man interrupted, “I don’t need an explanation I need to know are you good with math?”
“Yes, but you don’t understand.” He said to the old man
“I understand perfectly, I will give you a free college year at my college to become a stock broker how does that sound I also own a stock broker, place you can work in college if you do good I’ll give you a head, leader type spot and you’ll make millions! Follow me lets get you all signed up.”
Eric itched his had out of confusion, he was not expecting a bad day to suddenly make him a wealthy man. Then he thought about it and thought to him self, “what if I become a crazy, selfish guy with so much money to spend and I spend it all on non- since.” There for Eric started college but all he could think about was Rennae now matter how hard he thought of something else he thought of his friend, his friend that he had paid to be his friend then started to kindly refuse the money and become his best friend and soon his crush. Some kids in Eric’s new college became more of his friends then before the bullies had even helped him get ready for exams all though those bullies were no longer bullies but now soft hearted, people who only thought of others. Eric had so much help that he decided to get everyone who had helped threw college gifts. He searched lots of stores tell he saw a small cup that said E.R. That made him think of Rennae and him he began to feel sick to his stomach and he fell to the floor, a man panicked and went to get the manager of the store, all though he should have dialed the simple numbers of 911. Eric did eventually wake up in the hospital the old man who had offered him college because he thought Eric was a poor man on the street, was over him, “Oh- your awake good, good I thought you were dead what happened my friend?”
“I fainted.” The man held in a laugh, “why did you faint? Did you see a spider?” Eric shook his head no, “well,” the old man said, “never mind that your grades are magnificent in almost all of your classes so soon when there is an opening I’ll start you off with a job. The nurse said you should be going home anytime soon…I’ll drive you home to you’re A.P.T today.”
“Apartment.” Eric nodded his head and soon he found him self in very expensive car, he would think of him being able to drive the car but the old man would never let him. “By the by, I’m Filly, the old man.” Eric smiled at least he knew his name now; Eric looked at the window it was tinted red and a mixture of dark black. “Would you like to take her for a spin?”
“The car,” Filly said Eric with out even noticing he nodded his head yes Filly got out and switched Eric sides and Eric felt good holding the wheel, he felt like he had power and strength over a small vehicle. He smiled then looked at Filly who gave him a stair that said why you are smileing it’s just a car? Eric quickly whipped his smile off and then hit the gas he held in his excitement but in his head he was screaming for joy he realized he past his apartment and Filly tapped him and said, “you past your stop my friend.”
Eric turned the car doing an Illegal U.E in the middle of the street he was lucky there were mainly smart drivers around him and could tell he was going to do something reckless anyway. Eric had a big smile and as for Filly he felt it was good time for him to have a helpless heart attack and be rushed to the hospital. Though he never had his heart attack by the time Eric was at his house Filly decided to be nice to the poor kid and say, “nice, you sure can drive my friend.” Eric gave him a simple pleasurable smile and walked towards his house but as he did he slipped on ice and fell to his back, Filly had already driven off before he could say anything. Eric lay on his back on the cold ice and stared at the grey colored sky. He thought that he should just forget about Rennae, Filly is his new best friend and with bonus he’s a guy, he never liked hearing Rennae constantly ask him if her make up was smudged or if her hair looked bad, it never was smudged or looked bad. He thought about it then decided I’ll never see her again so why does it matter why should I even think about her?
That morning Eric waited for Filly to talk to him, you could say that Filly was like Eric’s little psychologist, Filly walked up to him with the usual smile and a cup of coffee to hide the tiredness in his brown eyes. “They changed they changed the E.R to E.D.”
“E.D?” He nodded his head yes and Eric, shivering in the cold said, “Well I guess it wouldn’t make a difference.” The morning was crowded full of car’s and people and Eric watched them go buy, Filly seemed to be talking to him but he spaced into the large world he was in. “Are you listening, Eric?”
“Of course I was listening why wouldn’t I?”
“You aren’t answering my question; do you have a girl friend?” Eric looked at him deeply and then thought about Rennae he was trying to forget her why was he thinking of her, he doesn’t love her does him? “No, sir no girlfriend, why?”
“It’s really none of my business, you were saying you had no friends neither, how did you even end up on the street anyway?”
The moment of truth finally came to Eric’s ears he wanted to lie but instead thought of all those movies were the person lies and it gets bigger and bigger until the lie finally hurts some one. “Sir, my friend was getting on a bus she was leaving so that she could become a better person in life, someone who could help others, someone who could save the world from death and she could help gain new life. She was my best friend I offered her money and she didn’t except it after a while. She left me there on the side walk were I couldn’t leave from that spot until I saw her running back up the street. She never came, I new she wasn’t trying to hurt me and she really didn’t her has my full respect…” Filly started to cry and Eric gave him a hug and Filly said, “You may have not been poor but I’m sure you felt it my friend. What a sad story!” They stood in the snow and others stared at the two crying men but they ignored them, for they both weren’t embarrassed.
Chapter 2 A Few months Later….
Eric was a wealthy man he had bought himself the exact same car as Filly, and he had a whole car lot to himself so he did random spins, and willies. His smile would never fade and his laughter never halted he was successful and happy, also good hearted; when his cell phone rang he held the breaks and came to a sudden stop, “yellow?”
“It’s Filly,” he broke out to a sudden cough. “I’m in the hospital, could u come down I’m ill.” Eric hanged up with out thinking then sped his car out of the garage to the hospital, he dodged traffic and sped threw lights not one cop stopped him. He pulled up to the front entrants and ran to the desk, “what room is Filly in!”
“Calm down sir, now tell me your name.”
“Eric Vondez, I need to get into Fillies room.”
“O-Kay and I’ll send you down first take a seat I have other business to take care of first.”
“Please sir, I’d hate to call security.” Eric grew frustrated and jumped over the desk and the lady went for a little red button he went to the ladies computer and looked up patients names. When a short man with black hair and brown eyes and in a blue uniform came up to him, “sir, please step away from the lady.”
“I’m trying to get to Filly, what is your name?”
“Robert, if you had a dying member wouldn’t you be worried, not patient.”
“Huh, follow me to an elevator, I know were mister Filly is.” Eric smiled at him and he followed him to a small elevator crowded full of people the elevator music annoyed him soon Robert walked off the elevator and Eric struggled threw the crowd of people and finally caught up to Robert and they left he came to a room #13 and then Robert said by and Eric waved at first Eric flinched to open the door when it opened by its self a short women with grey hair came out. Eric figured she was the nurse. “Can I help you young man?”
“I’m Eric Vondez; here to see Filly, he’s ill.”
“Oh- you came to the rite room then Filly is inside, he is eating his lunch.” The nurse acted like Filly was just fine; he walked in Filly looked fine, except he was a little pale. He smiled as Eric walked in Eric watched him poke at his red colored jell-O, “I hate hospital food it tastes like, like nothing.” Eric smiled, “I can see your just fine” Filly looked up at him in the most seriousness Eric has seen him in. “My friend I am going to die, I called you because you’re the closest person I have and now my time has come. I want you to have this, don’t open it tell after they test you.”
A tear fell down Eric’s cheek “it is my time my friend you need to understand every one dies, I will see you soon when it is your time.” Eric screamed and nurses dragged him out and told him to wait in the room two doors down for a man named Dr. Qwert, he waited tears rolling down his cheeks his face as red as a tomato this is the second time he is losing his friend, is he cursed? Why did he have to wait for a man named Dr. Qwert? Was the disease or illness Filly had contagious? A man came in he had grey hair and a bold spot, he gave Eric a smile, “the illness Filly had is contagious and I will test you for if you have it you will not feel it kick in tell a few days from now, so lets see if you have it before it gets to you. I will draw your blood then call you tomorrow night at 8:00.” Dr. Qwert pulled out a needle, and drew Eric’s blood and then Eric left, home and sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling when his phone rang, “who can be calling me so late into the day?”
“It’s Rennae is Eric there?”
“Oh- my, gosh, Rennae!”
“Hay, I’m in town you want to get a bite to eat, well actually you sound sort of sick...”
“No not sick were do you want to meet?”
“ Red Lobster, eight tonight” Eric hung up his phone and raced to his closet for getting about his bad day and dug threw his clothes, he found an old suit and put it on he looked at the time and it was still an hour tell. He passed around the house practicing what he would say. What if she gained wait, what if she’s ugly, no it doesn’t matter she’s my friend I will love her no matter what. Soon it was 10 min. tell eight he ran outside and jumped into his car and drove to the restraint and ran inside. A old women was at the front, “is Rennae here?”
“Yes, table ten.”
Eric ran threw all of the tables and couldn’t find her he saw table ten but a beautiful red head sat there, Rennae didn’t have red hair Eric watched her look at the menu then snapped out of it and looked around when the red head turned to look at him Eric played cool, and waved his head at her, she waved at him then edged him to come over to her. He sat over there then said “actually I should be looking for my friend.”
She smiled at him as if he were joking her smile was beautiful but he wasn’t joking. “Very funny Eric, oh-wait you serious.” She looked at him studying him, and then laughed again, “It’s me Rennae, and you’re so silly.”
He smiled at her and sat down and then grabbed a menu and looked at it hiding his blushing face. Then there date went smooth they laughed and joked and soon it was the end of the day, they departed and Eric ran down the street screaming at different people, “I’m in love!” Then the next day Eric was going to go on his next date when his phone rang. “Hello, this is happy Gilmore.” Eric joked thinking it was Rennae, “glad to see you’re in a good mood I have news your test it came out...” Eric hung up on him and ran out the door. Rennae was waiting for him and they went on a cruse in his car.
Death tell us part Chapter 3 A few more months Later...
Eric and Rennae were on there date at a zoo, Rennae loved animals and so did Eric, and so when they got to Rennae’s favorite animal, the Siberian tiger a man randomly came up to them. “I’m Eric’s friend I use to be a bully to him, we haven’t seen each other so long why don’t you two come to my show, about these tigers I’ll let you see it for free.”
“Yes!” Rennae said with out hesitating and when she wasn’t looking the bully winked at Eric. Eric smiled and they left to the show and near the end, the bully yelled, “Who will pet this loving tiger?” Rennae raised her hand immediately, and the bully of course chose her, “as she pet the tiger she found a diamond ring in on its fur she looked at the bully in question then he pointed at Eric who then stood up in front of a million people and yelled, “will you Rennae, marry me!?” A tear rolled down her cheek and of course her answer was yes.
Eric and Reannae were at there wedding, Eric was panicking and kept asking how Rennae looked people wouldn’t tell him they said it was bad luck and he said everything in a wedding is bad luck. They would just smile and leave him be soon he stood at the alter and when he saw Rennae he thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world and when the priest got to the I do’s Eric passed out the last thing he remembered was Rennae screaming, the rest he didn’t remember. He woke up a familiar face stood over him and he recognized he was in a hospital, Rennae was over him. “You were so beautiful today.” He could tell that she had been crying when she saw her make up was smeared across her face. Then Dr.Qwert came in “Mr.Vondez how are you I have some news, excuse us misses Vondez.” She left then he came up to him, “you, have up tained Filly’s sickness, I tied to call you for months so we can prevent it from killing you and were still working on it so you’ll have to stay here for a while.”
“Don’t tell my wife nothing tells we know for sure it’ll kill me. I really would like that.” The doctor nodded his head in agreement and left him there to see his new wife. He gave her a smile she smiled back. Then after a while she had to leave to her job and Eric was left alone to think he later got a lawyer and did his will, “make sure it all goes to my wife, all of it.” Then he had visitors, friends from the past years bring him flowers and movies to keep him occupied, when Dr. Qwert came in Eric gave him a smile but he did not smile back, “do to you not answering the phone over the years we called you should die in about a month. So were going to let you out, tell its time, on October 10th you will come in to the hospital and will give you pain relief pills, so you can die with out pain unlike your friend who never came in and was suffering.” A tear rolled from Eric’s eye and he told himself he will tell Rennae on the 10th. Soon Eric was home, and Rennae smiled, “what is something you always wanted to do, Rennae?” She looked at him puzzled, “there are a lot of things one of them was to go to the beach in California at night and stay tells the moon comes up. Go out to eat there and come home, why?”
“Let’s go.”
“What? You’re confusing me we can’t just go sweaty.”
“We are tonight were going to California for 2 days and coming back then were going sky diving!” Then he began packing for her and she was confused but couldn’t convince him to stay. They left and walked the sands of the beach and got ice cream, Rennae even got to see her old friend Riah and they talked for a while then departed. Eric sang to Rennae and they laughed and joked on the beach and saw who could get the most sand crabs. Then soon went sky diving and Eric feeling the wind in his hair and he laughed as Rennae screamed. They even went on a cruse in Eric’s favorite car and soon it was October 10th. Then Eric said, “We have to go to the hospital.”
“Why?” He paused and said, “I have a disease I won’t last.” A tear rolled down her check and she began to cry. Then she drove him to the hospital and they waited for Dr. Qwert. Who excused Rennae to leave, she left. Qwert gave Eric a smile, “why are you smiling?”
A woman came in old and ugly she restrained Eric, “what are you doing?”
“I am putting you and Filly out of business after I successfully gave filly a virus he died later, now I was supposed to get the company after he died but he gave it to you. So now the only way I can be successful to own the company is if you are D.E.D.”
Eric screamed for his life when nobody answered it was strange there were people all over the place, “won’t help this isn’t a real hospital the people you see are holograms.” When all of the sudden Rennae got a sickly feeling in her stomach she turned back to the hospital. She walked in and when she bumped into someone, she noticed the people weren’t real then ran to Eric but as she got up to the room Eric had been dead with Dr.Qwert over him. Rennae cried when then Qwert turned around and saw Rennae he grabbed a knife and ran towards the door, she ran down the hall and to her car. She went to the police station near by a man saw her run in and he stood up immediately. “What is wrong?” Qwert ran in with the knife, “that man I, he is trying to kill me.” The cop stated to smile, “I see your play, and about murder is going well Dr.Qwert.” Qwert grabbed Rennae and dragged her out she screamed but all the cop did was laugh and say actors. He threw her to the ground and successfully stabbed her arm. The cop grew curious and went out there thinking that it looked to real he grabbed his gun and hand cuffs and got two other cops to follow him. Then they grabbed Dr.Qwert and handcuffed him, Rennae looked to the ground at the spilling blood, “its fake blood.” Qwert said laughing. The cops looked at Rennae she nodded her head no and they took him inside when all of the sudden the cop started to bleed and the other two fell. “You think your going to get away that easy little girl.” She got up screaming down the street and then she fell she was losing to much blood in her arm, when she looked back Qwert was gone she had realized she landed in front of a hospital a real one, she ran threw the door and they gave her mediate help. “Who did this to you!?” They’d yell to her but she fell passed out from the blood and could not answer.
When she woke up a nurse was over her and she saw Qwert in the door way, “who did this to you?” Qwert held a hidden knife in one hand threatening her, “ I fell threw a glass window” she answered as he left from the door way and soon she left the hospital in to the street were she looked for him he was gone out, out of her life. When she went home right away her new no one would believe her about the truth she had to plan revenge then turn herself in, so that guilt would not crush her.
The new killer.
Qwert was at the front desk were Filly and Eric had use to work happily waiting for costumers to ask for help and appointments to plunder in when, he noticed a women with long blond hair and blue eyes he gave a big smile, “are you my newest appointment? Miss Rennae?” So far he didn’t recognize her; she gave him a smile and walked to his office. “why don’t we talk about this tonight at red lobster.”
“Alright meet you there at 8.” She left then soon it became 8, she rode the bus to there meeting place and there she met him. He was dressed magnificently and had the smile that reached 1 mile. Did he feel guilt? Does he care about what he had done? “Hi.” She said to him quickly then sat down, “lets order.” He looked threw the menu she could tell he wasn’t a big fan of sea food Eric loved sea food. Soon he ordered and she went to the kitchen excusing her saying she had to go to the bathroom she walked into the kitchen to his plate he ordered and looked If anyone was looking, the room seemed to be empty for a few seconds. She heard voices and jumped into a white cooking suit then added a small poison that would kill someone if they drank it, to Qwert’s food. Then left the kitchen Qwert was looking out the window and dazing into space. “Food should be here soon.” Rennae announced he smiled at her, “now about those numbers.” Then the food came up and he licked his lips and gorged on his dinner. “Well I’m,” She was interrupted when Qwert fell cold to the floor his face was a dead white his eyes darkened and everyone rushed to him. “Call 911!” Someone yelled, she pretended to act as if she did not know what happened and bent over him and began to cry, “is he all right!?”
Later she was taken to jail on valentines day.
My final words of the sad tell...

After the cops came they blamed it on food poisoning and the restaurant was closed. Rennae never turned herself in she never felt guilt or pain and she earned money from the restaurant and soon she was rich but grew a sad, sad addiction she had to kill, she couldn’t help it she doesn’t know how she got it. Though I say it was revenge, revenge is such a cold blooded thing it will lead to a chain of pain. Two wrongs don’t make a rite, one of my favorite sayings, though 4 years later Rennae was finally caught on her thirst for the blood. She was taken to jail on valentines day. Well I hope you enjoyed hearing about the lives of Eric and Rennae or E and R.
Kona_Akatsuki Princess's (Foremerly AlexandraItachiuchiha) entry: Dar (tekteks: Male and female humans)

I want to share a story with you, something that happened to me over a year ago. It was by far the strangest experience of my twenty-four years of life.
At the time, my life was in shambles, but through all the misery, I’d had one person I wanted to and did turn to.
He wasn’t perfect; actually, he was far from it……but try as I might, I couldn’t change his slightly eccentric, demonic, grunge-kid ways.
Yet I still loved him. Sometimes.
It took losing him to make me see how precious life and love really are.

The room was a dark, damp, and hollow. Everything seemed to just stand still as if time had stopped itself throughout the dusty interior. In the middle of the room, a dark, cherry-wood case glistened faintly in the moonlight coming from the open window. I walked over, feeling my heart pound with anticipation. There laid Dar, his pale face as flawless as ever. He looked like an angel there sleeping, dreaming of all the wonderful things in the world….. But he wasn't going to wake up; he wasn't going to come back. He was lost in the world beyond anything anyone could imagine. I fought back tears. Why hadn’t he changed? Why had he left me so cold, so alone? Now he was gone forever and I hadn’t taken the chance to save him.

I turned away, feeling tears press even more fiercely. Leaving the room, I started toward home. It was late, and I didn't feel like listening to my brother’s patronizing remarks if I broke curfew. As I reached the corner, it began to rain heavily, and I chose now to let the tears go. My eyes closed in agony.
Dar was gone…..forever. No more midnight taps on my window, no more long walks through the forest, no more kisses in the moonlight…..

It had been hard for us to date for the half a year we had. His parents hated me, my brother hated him, yet we’d stayed together through everything. Our forbidden relationship was fueled by sheer rebellion……and more importantly, unmatchable love, yet still underlying uncertainty remained. Either way, soon enough our escapades were discovered, and he was immediately shipped off to a military academy, while I was left here to suffer through what I thought would be an unfulfilled life.

At the time, I didn’t think it could get any worse. I never thought he would go as far as to killing himself. Then again, I could have been wrong; I myself had contemplated suicide more than once.
I rounded another corner, and out of nowhere, a car whisked past me, splashing cold, muddy water over my black and white sweater. I heard the unmistakable laugh of a teenage boy. My heart beat quickened in anger. Why were people so inconsiderate, so cruel? Why was everyone so heartless? Dar had always said people like that were just jealous of you…so let them act jealous. The memory of his voice saying these words almost pushed me to the edge.
I’d finally arrived home, and after brushing past Ian in the front hall, I went upstairs and flung myself on to the bed and just lay there. I wouldn’t care if I’d die from being cold or just died in my sleep. No one would miss me, my pain would be gone, and I’d be with Dar…...

“Dar….where are you Dar?” I thought silently, willing myself to fall asleep in my soggy-wet clothes, not having the energy or ambition to change. If I was going to die, I was going to die a frozen death.

I dropped off to sleep and realized that nothing would be the same after today. Not me, not the world, not anything. This was the third person I’d lost this year. My mother and father had died in the fire, and now Dar….
After about two hours, I woke up. I was surprisingly warm, not freezing to death, and there was something cold lying next to me. For a moment, I thought I was in heaven. My eyes flew open. The bare walls of my bedroom stared back at me and the smell of vanilla candles met my nose. I tried to roll over, but couldn’t move. What was this? Why couldn’t I move? And if this was heaven, why did it look and smell exactly like my bedroom?
Suddenly, a male voice, all too familiar, sweetly and softly called my name.

“Calm down, Nadia….”
My heart leaped up as my hands suddenly became very clammy.


"Yes Nadi, it’s me.” I tried to sit up, only to find myself pressed to the bed by some invisible force. Turning my head, I saw steel-gray eyes and coal black, red-streaked hair.
It was Dar.

I was breathless with disbelieve. “What are you doing here?” I asked in a whisper, afraid that the vision of seeing him would fade away and I would awake to have found myself dreaming.

The slightly mocking, flirtatious laugh I loved so well could be heard. “What, I can’t even come to see you anymore?” he asked. I felt his cold fingertips brush my cheek.

The tears started at his touch. “Dar, why did you do it? Why did you leave me?” I asked, coming close to hysterics. Did he know he was dead? Or was I really dreaming when I went to the morgue? Maybe he really was alive and I’d been living a nightmare the whole time, maybe he was still…….

”I didn’t leave you, I left everyone else. Why do you think I’m here?” He stopped stroking my cheek and sat up, balancing over me on his elbows. “What the hell are you thinking anyway, sleeping in wet clothes as cold as it is out?” I closed my eyes, wanting this moment to last forever. So it was true then. He was dead……but for now….now I had Dar back, even if not for long…..

”I wanted to die.” I whispered, “I wanted to die so I could be with you…..” he interrupted me with a small shake of the head.

“I want you to live. Can you live for me?” He looked me straight in the eye, possibly reading my thoughts. I stayed silent, trying in vain to avoid his gaze. But before I knew it, his lips were pressing mine, and with new–found energy, I kiss him back. He breaks the kiss reluctantly, as if he to wanted things to be like this forever.
I catch my breath and give him a longing look.


”I love you Nadia….never forget that.” he whispered into my ear.

I smile a little. This is when I notice that I can move my arms and torso again. Seconds later, I’m lying in his arms, crying tears of both pain and joy. I had him back, even if for just one kiss, one I love you, one hug……
I had him back.
“I love you too.”
I knew this was supposed to be closure, but more than anything, this would be a lesson to me. I remembered the few times I had ignored that tap on my window when angry, more or less the result of the childish arguments we’d had over such stupid things, and the several times I had considered breaking up with him.
I knew now what was important……I knew that we didn’t have a lot of time in this life, and that if we wasted it on unimportant stuff, we would miss the whole point of living. Dar had made this mistake, and he’d thought he’d found the solution by committing suicide. He regretted it, this I knew…..but more than that, he regretted not having loved me more. How did I know this?
He whispered it softly into my ear, along with a million apologies and a billon I love you's. He told me to live for today, not caring about tomorrow as he had, but pressing forward to make myself a better person.
When I asked him why he came back, he smoothed my light blond hair lovingly, and then spoke.

“Because you mean the world to me…..and I don’t want to see you make the same mistake.” He replied.

He was teaching me something else too……he was teaching me about undying, unwavering love.
When you love someone, you’ll do whatever it takes to save them if you can…..if I’d had the means of knowing at the time, I would have done this for Dar, but since I didn’t and couldn’t, he was doing it for me. This was more than anything I could have ever asked for.
I was thankful to him.
I was in love with him.
I owed my life to him.

We just lay there for the rest of the night, snuggling close in each other’s arms and enjoying the moment, the one time in which we were both fully open to each other’s love.
Life is too short to try and make things perfect, but if you live with imperfection, trust me, it’s better than nothing.
I understood this, and even today, I swear on my life that I will never forget it.
Dark Master Scion's entry: Commitment: All For Love____(tek tek: male human and female human)

Chapter 4
The uneasy quiet in the Maizaki household was unbearable. Ever since the newest development in Kyo’s medical issues, stress and anxiety had run the young couple thoroughly into the ground. Kyo had retreated to his piano for most of the cloudy Saturday morning, but Ayame herself wandered the house like a restless ghost, trying in vain to find something to preoccupy her thoughts. Kyo was totally against chemotherapy, and he still persisted to go on the road with the band, but her firm stance on the matter had brought them both to a silent quarrel, thus making being in the same room tense and uncomfortable. Even now, the tension in her shoulders was making her hurt both emotionally and physically. Though her back was killing her, she sat at her easel in the sunroom, a small brush in her hand and a few bottles of paint in front of her. The soft strands of “Sonatina Pathetique” drifted up from the living room, and the dim light coming from the ceiling gave the whole room a subtle glow. At first, she stared blankly at the canvas. She hadn’t painted anything since her early years in middle school when she had often spent her summer days alone in the big Shotoku estate.
At first, it had been soft, easy flowing strokes; but, slowly they began to come more quickly, bolder, and with less care than before. The smack of the paint against the paper filled her ears, and with new determination, she threw the paint on even harder than before. The large, wide, black stroke represented fear of his death; the blue her endless nights crying, the red the pain that she didn’t want to admit was coming. Her tears were flowing now with such force that her vision was blurred, and before long, her face was in her hands, soft moans of pain and sadness flowing from her lips. She didn’t hear the creak of her door opening, nor did she hear Kyo’s footsteps as he entered the room. He was by her side in another few seconds, his expression showing his guilt and panic.
He knew the stress wasn’t good for her emotional health, but what really alarmed him was the threat to her pregnancy…..at all costs, they couldn’t take losing a child, or children for that matter; that would definitely cause vast scarring in their marriage.
He held her tightly, calming her with gentle kisses and soothing words. Once calm, her swollen red eyes went to his face.

“Please Kyo, I need you….”She twisted his loose wedding band around his thin, pale finger, her face grave and deathly white.
“….do the chemo…..if not for me, then do it for the twins….please.” she pleaded, placing his hand gently over her stomach to make her point. “If you’ll do it, I know you’ll live…I just know it….” she broke off, coming close to breaking down again. He swallowed hard, avoiding her eye. Was their really a guarantee that the chemotherapy would work? On the other hand, would it be another failed attempt to lengthen his already destined to be short life? If only, there was a way…..a way to tell her how he really felt on the whole subject…

“I can’t do it, Ayame.” He said finally, “If it doesn’t work… then that makes my chance of fatality higher by twenty-percent, Livata explained that.” He had to go on the defense, chemo was painful sometimes, this was something he had read in the pamphlets and online, and with all the pain he was enduring now with the polio….he just couldn’t take any more.

“But what if your body accepts the treatment and the cancer is cured?” she countered; “What if you get the chance to hold our twins in your arms?” Her hand gently turned his face to look at her. “Wouldn’t that be better than not seeing them at all?” she said in a small voice filled with silent reproof. If he didn’t do treatment, death would catch him in about six months…..but if he did, and if it was successful…..he could add about six years. That would put them at ten years of marriage...a long, happy, marriage that would have brought them two wonderful children….their last hope. Would he really risk that quick but happy ending for a much faster, depressing one?
He finally looked her straight in the eye. The icy blue orbs implored him to say yes…to do it, for her and for the babies…

“Lung cancer…..chemotherapy…polio. Pain…so… much…. pain.”
His glance shifted to her face. His dream girl, his one and only true love; his treasure…..his life. Through the clingy blue fabric of her shirt, he could see the perfectly round outline of her impregnated stomach. His twins…..his own flesh and blood; he wanted to see them…, he wanted to hold them in his arms and rock them gently to sleep, even if for just once…..
He had made his decision.
“I’ll do it.”
A loving kiss sealed his promise.

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