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Torie's Ramb'lings This is my crappy journal of my stupid life... -ahem- what I'm here for. I am going to put all of my crap in here with commentary from thatlittlegeek.

bad angel93
Community Member
Sprit sword
Okay you have a dad a bigger brother and a bigger sister and you. you are a some kind of a ten year old boy all of your family is in the army but not you. you hate wars and want the world to be in peace so no one won’t get hurt but sadly you dad is the commander in the army this all started at the world war one when you are in a tent far away from you village a lot of wife lost their husbands in the war some husbands lost a lot of their wife or children in that war your in a tent seeing them cry like that makes you realizes that you want to stop this madness you grab a think blood red colored sword and ran to the battle meanwhile you big sis was fighting some man and saw you running to your father when he’s going to fight the enemies leader you sister yelled at the top of her lungs BROTHER STOP GO BACK TO THE TENT you ignored her and keep heading to you dad and the you cried at the top of your lungs DAD STOP your dad turn around but enemy leader grab his gun and shoot you stared to fall into a cliff you suddenly wake up your eyes turn bloody red and grow bat wings and you flew up your dad is surprised and scared of how angry you are you killed the enemy but you killed your dad as well because you were out of control and then you suddenly see that your family is dead at the end of the war you passed out you woke up some kind of a tomb you look around and you are laying in a hard bed and you have you sword still in your hands and your near a wall that has a shield with four weird symbols but their all the same and you saw two torches on the corners of the hard bed you lie and far way from you is a pail of water you got out of the stone bed and ran to the pail of water you splash some in you face and saw your refection you were shock cause you didn’t look like your really self you questioned what happen to me and you hear a strange voce said ah you’re a wake all ready You: who’s their
????: you idiot I’m right behind you turned around all you saw is the stone bed the two torches the shield and last but not least the blood red bladed sword you took the sword in your hand and look at the sword and hear the strange voce again but now you know that the sword is talking to you wait you that demon trap on this sword by my….you lower you head and tears start rolling down on you face the sword replied now, now its not that bad that you have been sleeping in your family’s tomb for about four years your eye widen with shock FOUR YEARS THEN THAT’S MEAN IM FOURTENN YEARS OLD!!!!! You hear foot steps
???: some one coming
You ran back to the stone bed and but your sword at your place and the sword said ???: act dead and my name is spirit sword you act dead and hear a man and a women the women laid three roses on your chest and tears were rolling down her face and her husband hug her and said to her is a soft gentle voce its okay she cry so hard when she stop she said if only this war never happen we wont loose this future general man hug her titer and they walk away you woke up and took the roses of and said o the sword with panic I don’t want to be general spirit sword answered well if you don’t want to be a general so bad start a new life
You: how?
The sword pause for a minutes and look at the shield and then he answer how about the village hidden in the leafs you had a carouse look on your face where is that you questioned the sword turn to you and said ill lead you the village if you do two favors
You: and what are those two favors
One you have to write you own name on my blade and two you have to discise yourself and so you did what you had been told you write you name with your own blood and you dyed your hair black and cut your hair two make it look baggy and short and went to the abandon house and grab every thing that your family has put it in a back pack and grab then sword and ran out of the village and listen to the sword to lead you to a new life

Capture one
You were nervous to go in you are near the gate to the village hidden in the leafs you said in a strong tone okay here I go you push the gate and it open you walk in and your here the village hidden the leafs the village was not as big a as a city but looks like a village it was beautiful but you lowered you head the sword said in a soft voice now now suck it up you whip your tears off and said I know then you start walking and looking around you bump in to someone. Oh I’m so sorry mister the guy who you bump is a white hair man wearing a mask with some band covering his right eye he scratch his neck and said oh its okay. You smiled as he help you up as he walk away you yelled WAIT WHATS YOUR NAME .he turn around torus you and said my name is kakashi. it was dark and you went to a forest cause all the hotel prices are to high so you laid on the grass ground and suddenly you here some strange noises that some people are fighting you grab the sword and head to where the noise is coming from you saw a white hair guy but his hair is long and all over his body are filled with mussels’ and he is attacking two anbu’s one on the floor cover with blood and a black star shurikan stab throw his chest you wear getting scared your heart said ran away while your brain said go a kill that guy you look at the sword he said well what are you waiting for go and rip that mussel guy apart you grab the sword and rush to that mussel guy but he punch you in the gut you are still breathing he grab your neck and said what a weakling like you would be fighting me you answered because you mite look strong on the outside but inside your weak your left eye turn into dark red and you right eye turn in to white and you grow angel wings on the right and you grow a bat wing on the right and you stab the guy with your sword he fell on the ground and you knees fell to the ground and you breath harder cause there is a black shurikan star stabbed behind your back you hear a couple of foot steps and you fell on the ground unconscious you woke up in a hospital bed and saw kakashi sitting right next to you smiling you look at him with curiosity and three teen just about your age look at you one teen has blond and wearing a orange jump suit the other one is a pink hair girl wearing a red dress and the other one has blue hair and dark eyes you questioned what just happen kakashi answered I saw you in battle and I have to say that was an excellent fight you finally beaten mizuki you questioned so that’s the guys name the blue hair said while examined you sensai you cant believe that this guy can beat mizuki with one hit the pink hair girl smiled and the blond hair was just looking at you. you looked around kakashi look at you. You questioned where is my sword kakashi pointed to the leaf hand corner said its over their you look where kakashi is pointing oh their was your sword while you examining look at it there is a ninja band tied to the sword you look at the kakashi and grin and kakashi have that smile again blonde hair boy look at you and you said so what’s your name he yelled it out IM NARUTO UZUMAKI IM GOING TO BE HOKAGE BELEAVE IT the pink hair girl said my name is sakura and you. You said to the blue hair boy he glared at you and said my name is sasuke uchiha you look at him I heard uchiha’s die in war naruto look at you and sasuke give you a death glare and kakashi said okay let go you said where are we going kakashi said you’ll see with out any question you go with him and naruto sakura and sasuke fallow as well go are on top of a roof next to the hokage faces carved in rock you sit on one of the steps and kakashi was standing behind the bars and you sit right next to naruto and sasuke is staring at you after what you said to sasuke kakashi okay I need to know your name what your hobbies are what you dislike and your future goals okay naruto you start first. Naruto look at kakashi with a smile my name is naruto uzumaki I love to eat romen and I want to try different kinds of ramen and I hate sasuke and my goal is to be hokage so ill have some respect so I can be someone kakashi look at sakura after naruto is done. sakura took a deep breath my name is sakura my hobbies are hanging out with friend and studying I hate naruto and I never though of my future goal yet after sakura is finished kakashi looked at sasuke. sasuke was silent the when he finally speaks he said my name is sasuke I don’t have any hobbies I hate every one and my future goal is none of your baseness kakashi said okay and what about you ______. You took a deep breath and said my name is _______ well my hobbies well I don’t know what my hobbies are lowered your head and what I hate more anything in this world is wars and I don’t know what my future goals are naruto look at you. you look at him what?? Naruto question why did you hate wars? You were silent and walk away naruto and the other where silent and the sword went silent sakura said are you okay? you look are her and said yes you eyes turn red sakura whispered to naruto did you see ________ eyes naruto whispered back no sakura said their pure red not like sharingan I never seen eyes look like that before and I think there is some thing weird about that sword naruto I think your right sakura mean while you took a after noon stroll and you saw the same people in you fake grave you turn around and try to pretend not to noticed them as you turn around kakashi is in front of you. you look at him. You: what?
kakashi said well if you don’t have a place to stay you could live with me you decide and agreed you fallow kakashi to his house you memories how to get their as you where about to get their the people you saw are attack by five ninjas with note ninja bands one of them has a child the women was begging to leave the child alone and her husband has been beat up you quickly walk their slowly and while one of them are not looking you punch one in the face and took the sword out one sound ninja kakashi took out the other one witch was behind you and you saw a guy with a scar on his nose you ignored him and keep your head in the game and then suddenly one of the ninjas stab the women you widen your eyes in fear that you cant move one of the sound ninjas say to her don’t worry we will take good care of the kid when you die you were full of so much anger that your eyes didn’t turn dark red they turn in to pure white grow very sharp bat wings and you grow sharp fangs and nails and you are really mad and killed all the sound ninja with a black fire dragon jutuse and it was so bright and when the light went away kakashi see you laying on the ground you woke and stand up and got your hand on your head you feel a little dizzy the guy with the scar on his nose look at you with fear and shock you look down on the ground and saw those ninjas the sound ninjas dead you look a little surprise of how powerful you become and the red blood sword is still in your hand kakashi took a look at your sword you didn’t say anything and you finally speak um cant we just pretend this didn’t happen kakashi look at you hm I think you must be that boy who want stop the world war 1. your eyes widen you said in panic please don’t make me be the new general like I told you I hate wars but my family they don’t understand and.. kakashi said its okay I understand you sighed and look at the guy with the scar on his nose you questioned who’s he kakashi look at the guy with the scar and look at you again kakashi said oh this is iruka he would be a good person to talk to you look at iruka nice to meet you iruka so you must be ______ naruto told me all about you I heard that you hate wars but I didn’t know you the boy who stop the world war one you said wait does naruto know that iruka smiled no kakashi said that and that battle that was amazing. You smiled soft and said yeah well just to be safe lets go to kakashi’s house and Ill tell you everything and so kakashi,iruka and you when to kakashi’s house and you explained everything iruka was shock and said you have been sleeping for four years. you said yeah I know I was surprise to. Kakashi said I did know that your dad was the general. you said in shock you do!?!?. Kakashi well I was hiding the princess. you were amazed a princess kakashi smiled yes you said well my dad was fighting another general I tried to tell him to stop you lowered your head and tears roll down your face but that enemy got his gun and shot me in the heart I thought I would be dead by now but that general was in the land hidden in the snow iruka’s eyes widen you continued but I got so mad that I killed my dad after I almost killed the enemy. Tears rolled down your face. And now father and my big brother and sister are dead and the village though I was dead but I was sleeping why do I have to be the new general I rather die being a ninja instead all I wanted was a new life just to start over but whenever I try my father would force me to do gun practicing and all the other stuff cause my dad thinks im a key to win all wars you cried hard and iruka hugged you. and when you stop kakashi padded you on the back softly you breath in and out. iruka said well I think you need is a ninja band. you open your back pack and show iruka the ninja band. kakashi said to iruka I forgot to mention that I give ______ the ninja band because he beat mizuki with one hit iruka’s eyes widen again and said in shock mizuki why him you said he killed an anbu he look at you and said in his thoughts ______ stronger than I thought you said that’s what my dad says you turn around and walk away and kakashi said ill show you your room. your room is sort of the attic and kakashi but the bed you look at the view and saw the village and you saw iruka leavening you jump out of the window and land in front of iruka and said why are you leaving? Iruka said I got papers to grade you look at him when walk passed you are you a teacher? Iruka look at you and said yes. You stare at him while he leaves and then you hear the sword said what’s wrong with him. You said to the sword that was holding behind your back beats me and the sword said hey want learn a jutsu you said back sure why not sword said first you have to learn to ninja art hand signs you said back how do you those ninja signs sword says first let me show you. You questioned how the sword replied its just like you did with that white hair murder but it’ll be different.
You: okay so how will I do it
Sword: just let me control your body and ill show you
You: well I don’t trust you
Sword: well we half to be partners cause you sign the scroll
You: *sigh* okay
The sword said just close your eyes and the demon in the sword is in your body for a little while because the seal is too strong and you look and the demon doing to hand signs and you copy the hand signs and you have a strange feeling in your feet and then the demon in you body run strait toward the wall and you said what the heak are you crazy ?!?! the demon ignore you and ran on the wall but you didn’t crash you walk up the wall instead of crashing to the wall the demon is losing control of your body so you run as fast as you could and made it to your room you were exhausted that you fell on the floor and rest for a little while and then you stand up and fell on the bed kakashi open the door and said so you learned a new jutsu on your own you said while breathing harder yeah it ant easy kakashi said well I’m going to the grocery store need any thing? You look at him with a grin and said no I’m fine kakashi well ok he smiled and close the door you lay alone in the bed and thinking and talking to himself I think im going to like this place
Capture two
You were on your first mission with naruto sasuke and sakura you hid behind the tree’s and said in a communicator ear set and heard kakashi are you in the position you answered yes sensai were on target kakashi when I said go jump on it target 1 2 3 and sasuke you naruto and sakura pounce on the target and it was actually a cat you land on the ground and said kakashi we have been hiding in the trees just to catch cat kakashi well that’s the mission and you got up and turn around sasuke is talking to the communicator sakura is look at naruto being attack by the cat and you just laugh and the you hear the sword again look at the cat eyes and tell it to stay calm and put two to the cat eyes not touching the eyes like your going to but your not so you did what the sword told you the cat stare at the two finger and you feel like your really controlling the cat like he is you little slave but not for long and you said in your mind be calm my friend and the cat sit down at naruto and purr when you pet him naruto look at you and said how do you do that? You look at him and said I found it in a scroll sasuke stare at you and sakura did to but with amazement you pick up the cat and stand up and pet it gently naruto got up and grab the cat and pet it a little hard and the cat attack naruto again you lowered your head and you hand hit you head hard and raise you head up with your hand and well you kakashi sakura sasuke and naruto are in a room naruto was giggling at the cat when this lady squish the cat by hugging it and said oh thank you ninja’s for saving my cat you look at the lady with curious look and sasuke and sakura just look at kakashi and you saw iruka siting next to an oddly dressed old man you said to kakashi who’s the old geezer iruka answerd why _______ this is the hokage the hokage look at you and said so you must be ______ I heard some things about you. you kill the three sound ninja save a man a women with a child naruto look at you in shock and said to the hokage how many sound ninjas you answered five sound ninja naruto look at you and sasuke death glared at you and sakura look at you in fear and shock you try to stay your cool and you stand their frozen as stone and iruka said well you next mission is naruto yelled out NO NO MORE STUPID MISSIONS GIVE US A HARD ONE IRUKA SENSAI iruka no naruto you are a gening and your rank is not ready for an A rank mission well I think we would try a mission in a whole new level you said sasuke said well I hate to say it but naruto is right hokage sign and said very well you will take a c rank mission you need to guard a bridge builder you saw an other old man and he is wearing glasses and said so these my body guards well you didn’t got anything to pack just you sword which its holding behind your backpack well you hold your backpack and then the bridge builder questioned where did you get that sword you answered well I didn’t bought it at a store or some thing like that but any way my mother gave me the sword you lowered you head again and try not to cry when she died when I was four years old you look at kakashi he didn’t say any thing same thing with the others and you said so kakashi a where are we going again kakashi said well in this mission we’re going to the village hidden in the mist oh okay you said naruto and sasuke and whispering naruto man _______ feels sad sasuke whispered back so naruto got mad and almost hit sasuke but he dodged and hit naruto
Grab sasuke’s fist and you eyes turn red sasuke eyes wear in shock but when to cold hearted cause he realized that it isn’t sharingon its something else you let go of his hand and he just look at you. You hear something is coming but naruto all ready recognized it and he through a kuni but it all most hit a bunny sakura hit naruto in the head and naruto hug the bunny you hear your sword said I sense a man with a big sword to the north east kakashi sense it and every one duck down and you saw a man with his mouth covered with bandages you thought to yourself great another guy with a mask sort of he come down and attack you dodged and your hand reach the handle of the sword but kakashi said _____ let me take care of this guy you grin and but your hand back down you saw the fight and protect the bridge builder at the same time and when kakashi lifted his head band the would show his right eye its sharingon and kakashi told sasuke to calm down and said I will protect all of you I promise you smiled at kakashi but when kakashi was stuck in a water ball that made your heart leap up a beat in terror then you got surprise but you remain calm when the first time that naruto made a plan naruto said that you and sakura gard the old man and naruto and sasuke did the plan didn’t turn out good after the guy zabuza all most hit sasuke you grab your sword and cut zabuza’s hand and zabuza sword fell to the ground and moved sasuke quickly zabuza examines the sword you pull out and same thing with naruto and now zabuza said so the shahkuha is in that little blade you questioned how do you know? Zabuza answered people said the shakuha is dead but how did it got sealed to a sword you grin the shakuha didn’t die it was sealed in side my mother when she was little but she seal her own demon to the sword and gave it to me when she died her will want me to keep this sword cause this is all I have left to remember my mother even though you try to hide your sadness zabuza quickly hit you from behind and kick you in the ground and cough out blood you hear the sword yell at you WHAT THE HEACK ARE YOU DOING TELLING JUNK ABOUT YOUR MOTHER BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THAT GUY you yelled back SHUT UP zebuza got a carouse face you just ignore them who thinks you are a nutcase and your eyes turn red and punch zabuza and look at naruto and said give me your black shurickan naruto throw it and you catch it and said ninja art black shirukin wind mill of shadows and you throw it at the really zabuza and he dodged it but it was naruto and he throw a kuni at zabuza zabusa hand was away from his water ball that sends kakashi free after a while zabuza and kakashi fight and for a merical kakashi copy zabuza’s attacks and the cause all most a fluid that didn’t last long you were on top of a tree for a minite and went down the mist barley clear up and you saw zebusza dead by a anbu tracker but it dress different and you saw him carry zabuza way after naruto got angry then the anbu disappeared after that kakashi landed on the ground you got up but you saw a kuni on your ankle and and you remember that naruto throw the kuni and went on the ground and when you went ot the tree the kuni was and when the tree shake it went tored you kuni and stab it and sone of your was on the water and you didn’t have enough blood left you began to collapse your knees to the ground and whispered naruto you idiot and you then you passed out you woke in a bed next to kakashi and look and saw your ankle bandage you look and saw the bridge builder a dark blue hair women and naruto sakura and sasuke and saw kakashi woke up but still you have no clue where you are but you are mad at naruto kakashi told you team that you all got strong but naruto our getting stronger and _______ you are becoming that strongest member naruto got jealous and same thing as sasuke you just ignore them as you want to tellkaksji the you want to learn an advancement jutsu kakashi gave you a scroll
Kakashi : here go nuts
You take it and ran out but kakashi tugged your color and said you are not going to learn this jutsu until your ankle is restored you gowned and naruto and sasuke and sakura and kakashi left you all alone you stare at the ceiling you hear your sword talking again you look at the sword and the sword said that you should ignore them I got a better advancement jutsu that is most powerful what’s in that puny scroll you look at the sword for a minute what should I do you questioned the demon answered “you have to combined our powers together but first we will start animal control and next to be test your invisible and next you must learn how to make friends with fire next you have to go under water without breathing and the last thing is be spirited as an angel with is the advancement you think its going to be harder that you ever thought but you think you can give it a try

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