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"The fool thinks himself a wise man, but the wise man knows himself to be no more than a fool."
*BETA Stage*
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Reputation Names: The Grey Walker, The Hollowed Flamist, The Wailing Martyr, The Destroyer of Mt Ueser
Real Name: Itssabown Esmer Martus

General Information______________________________________

Race: Half-Breed (Half Human, Half Fire Elemental)
Age: 128
Apparent Age: Late Twenties
Class: Samurai
Job: Unemployed
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 156 lbs.
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Gray
Birthdate: Virgamen 16
Birthplace: Astibyn Kingdom
Nationality: Unknown
Current Residence: Nomad
Home Planet: Atlas
Home Plane: Material- Soren

Religion: Edenist
Elemental Attachment(s): Fire 200%

Known Familiar(s): None
Current Affiliation(s): None
Past Affiliation(s): Knights of Astibyn- Royal Guard

Weaponry: Katana


Strength: Own weight
Agility: Athletic
Top Speed: 29.5 mph
Gear Speed: 29.3 mph
Top Stamina: 12 hours
Gear Stamina: 12 hours

Intelligence: IQ 134
Reflex Speed: 0.009 seconds
Will Power: Eternal

Ki Power: Normal, Untrained
Magic Power: MP 350
Psionic Power: 0
Chakra: 60% Above Normal, Untrained
Spirit: 85% Above Normal, Untrained

Character Information____________________________________________________

Armed Fighting Style: Martyr uses a rather unique martial style with the katana that employs the use of only one hand, preffering speed and unpredictability over precision and strength. Because of the curse he suffers, he can slash around his body without regards to getting himself cut or stabbed in the process and him being affected by it. Apparently he loves his sword, however, and will not expose it to any danger that he deems too risky to put the sword through.

Unarmed Fighting Style: Although Martyr is quite strong and agile, he still does not have a definite hand to hand fighting style. Of all the things that he does not like doing, is going into hand to hand fighting... although if he has no other choice, he uses a rather primitive 'free style' kind of fighting.

Power Fighting Style: This is the half fire elemental's natural forté. He can control heat, fire, combustion and, with enough power, even plasma. But this is not really his true power. Martyr's true power lies in his ability to use his rage as a medium of energy and otherwise unattainable abilities, reaching points where he even negates anti-magical fields with will power alone. With his power he has been known to tear mountains apart...

Personality: As a person, Martyr is but a mere shell of who he used to be a long time ago. There is no happyness inside of him; only sorrow, angst and fury whenever he becomes aggravated by something. The best way to describe him is 'a walking time bomb', as he often has sudden outbursts of angst and fury. Very little times will he attack anyone in any of his outbursts, but he had better not be disturbed while he is going through one such moment or he may not be able to control himself and lash out at the 'offender'. Despite Martyr not wanting to involve himself in anyone's affairs, he has been known to protect the weak and the innocent from time to time...

Anything regarding relationship matters will stir him up into depression. He loves his sword as if it were his dearest, so he regards any woman that tries to hint interest in an affair with him as a harlot for trying to be with a married man... In the end, Martyr is a very complicated 'being' to understand. His humanity is gone. He is but a symbol... a symbol of those that have died from broken hearts.

Hobbies: Martyr has no such thing as 'hobbies', as he has nothing that he can truly 'enjoy'... he has, however, certain 'behaviors' that he does often out of lack of anything better to do... or insanity, whichever of the two.
1. Sometimes overhearing people's arguements or conversations.
2. Kissing and 'cuddling' with his sword... a rather gory and odd relationship from the point of view of a normal person.
3. Talking by himself, or to his sword, about plans for the future: having kids, getting a home by the mountains, etc...
4. When particularly sad, burning things to allow himself some kind of pleasure.
5. Walking aimlessly, with no destination in particular: he is often seen walking to a wall, stopping, and then turning around to walk away to never be seen again.

Brief Biography: This being's life is a mystery to everyone, except perhaps to some from his home planet. Whatever happened to him, it was something that depressed him so much as to turn him into what he is today: a fallen depressed humanoid figure, that walks in tears day by day. If one is to go to his home world, the information would still not reveal a lot about his past. He destroyed a kingdom, and afterwards he cried in a the tallest mountain in the continent for three months until the mountain had been leveled to the floor in a molten ashes. Asking him about his past would only endanger the inquirer, and risk making Martyr undergo a fit of blazing angst.

Final Aspiration: To become reunited with his dear, to achieve redemption for his sins.

Darkest Fear: To continue living alone, to be damned for eternity.

Dominant Hand: Left-handed.

St. Evelynn
A sword with which Martyr's dearest was once upon a time killed.
Weapon Type: b*****d Sword- Katana
Blade Height:
(from handle's top to blade tip)
Blade Width:
(broadside of the blade)
Blade Length:
(thickness of the blade)
Sword Height: 7'10"
Sword Width: 0'1"
Sword Length: 0'1"
Materials: Steel, Brass, Cloth (handle)
Weight: 14 lbs.
Resistance: 13,400 lbs of pressure, 6,400 degrees Celsius
Sharpness: 0.0043 mm
Comfort (Handle): Average
-The Curse of Evelynn: A very powerful curse that prevents Martyr's death by natural causes or by self-termination. Thus Martyr cannot inflict damage to his self while this weapon is being carried by him. He becomes ageless and cannot die from starvation or thirst. All damage done onto himself is instantly nullified.
-Firebrand: Embues the sword with the fire element, causing the blade to always be at 500 degrees Farenheit or more, also turning ablaze whenever it strikes something (or slashes through flesh). The sword's elemental property is also fire, causing fire damage.


Mark of Grief
A tattoo of a tear sliding out of he left eye down the eyelid that has strange mystical powers.
Equipment Type: Accessory- Booster Tattoo
-Justified Grief: Whenever a tear falls onto this mark it instantly gives a boost of strength and moralle (+ 200 lbs, Will Power enhanced). The boost stays as long as any tear stains the area of the mark.

Broken Chains
Two sets of chains that hang from two plates of iron encrusted into Martyr's shoulders.
Equipment Type: Accessory- Protective Plates
Materials: Iron
Weight: 10 lbs each
Resistance: 1,045 lbs of pressure, 813 degrees Farenheit
Comfort: Poor

All other equipment is battle unrelated. This includes the dark gray half kimono, the black hakama, the gray stockings, the gray tabi, the sleeveless gray shirt and the hairbands.


Martyr carries no consumable items, as he doesn't have the need to eat, drink or sleep. As he does not believe in the use of any other weapons other than his trusted sword, he also does not hold any disposable weapons.


Physical/Special Abilities

[Half Fire Elemental Racial Traits]
Physical Based
Physical Traits
Born of a fire elemental overlord and a young human maiden, Martyr has a series of particular abilities granted to him by his half fire-elemental blood.
-Outsider: As a being not entirely born with humanoid blood, he cannot be considered a humanoid.
-Immune to disease and chemically imbalancing substances (with or without his sword); and, ofcourse, all kinds of combustion.
-Temperatures between 70 through 900 degrees Farenheit do not affect him anymore than feeling very cold or feeling very hot. Any temperatures below or above those levels are hazardous to him (but this is usually prevented with the use of the Thermal Screen ability).
-Can make fire move around in the air at will (no MP cost; nonmagical ability).
-Absorbs fire and transfers it to health (cannot absorb the fires that he has started himself).
-Absorbs magical fire and transfers it to mana power (cannot absorb the magical fires that he has started himself).
-Takes double the damage from the opposite elements of water and ice.
-*Special: Not related to racial traits, but Martyr can only see black and white.

[Rage Meter System]
Will Power Based
Extraordinary Abilities
While Martyr fights any given thing, his angst and rage will slowly increase or decrease depending on a certain ammount of factors. In reality, this is Martyr's true power: a relentless, seldom predictable eternal rage that allows him an endless ammount of energy.

Rage Points: Rage points are what fills the rage meter up slowly. A certain ammount of points are added or subtracted depending on the criteria or factors that are fullfilled in the battle. Each point fills the bar up by a new level. If the points push the meter above or below it's extremes, consider it a lower or higher form of power of the last extreme (if below lvl 0, no MP regeneration is awarded at all and character is assumed to be particularly sad and unwilling to fight; if above lvl 10, all the effects of lvl 10 are multiplied by 2)

*Special: Once per battle, a random number of points may be added or subtracted by the roll of a random number from 1-20, with numbers 1-10 being points subtracted (1 being -10 points and 10 being -1) and numbers 11-20 being points added (11 being +1 points and 20 being +10 points).

-Points Added Circumstances:
St Evelynn is broken: 10 pts
Opponent mocks St Evelynn: 8 pts
St Evelynn is parried from Martyr's hands: 7 pts
Mortal wound is inflicted: 6 pts
Magical abilities cease to work: 5 pts
Someone tries flirting with Martyr: 5 pts
Opponent tries convincing Martyr out of his misery: 5 pts
Battle lasts longer than 10 minutes (20 posts): 4 pts
Opponent mocks Martyr: 3 pts
Opponent uses dirty tricks: 2 pts
Pain is inflicted: 1 pt
*Note: Insults towards St Evelynn are unforgivable to Martyr, thus giving him more disposition to finish the transgresor off.

-Points Subtracted Circumstances:
Opponent goes against own beliefs to defeat Martyr: -10 pts
Opponent reminds him of his beloved (must be a human woman and have atleast two of the following traits- long hair, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, princess of royal blood): -10 pts
Opponents are a loving couple: -10 pts
Opponent has a loved one: -9 pts
Opponent complements St Evelynn: -8 pts
Opponent stops fight when St Evelynn is parried to give it back to him: -7 pts
Opponent cries: -6 pts
Opponent has a family he/she takes care of: -5 pts
Battle is one of patience and strategy: -4 pts
Opponent honors/understands Martyr's grief: -3 pts
Opponent fights honorably: -2 pts
Opponent uses a sword/opponent uses or is a fire element/al: -1 pt
*Note: Martyr has to be able to experience, hear and/or see the circumstances plainly and clearly. For example, just because the opponent is going against his/her own beliefs to defeat Martyr, does not mean Martyr knows this in order for his rage to go down. Also, just because his rage meter goes down -does not- mean his will to fight will be gone... though this might apply to any meter lvl below 0.

Rage Levels (Will)
Rage Meter Lvl 0

The level 0 meter is the default level of rage once Martyr engages in combat. It does nothing for Martyr but give him the will to fight.

Rage Meter Lvl 1

The rage increases and Martyr's insatisfaction grows. It grants him mana regeneration (1 MP per Post), and a small boost of strength and speed is awarded (Str: x2, Spd: 34 mph, Rfx: 0.001 sec.).

Rage Meter Lvl 2

The rage continues to boil up within his veins. Increases mana regeneration (5 MP per post), boosts strength and speed moderately (Str: x2.8, Spd: 41 mph, Rfx: 0.00099 sec.). All magical transformation and instant-death spells are instantly negated by his will to stand firm.

Rage Meter Lvl 3

Now rage is starting to make the more notable changes in his physique. Mana regeneration is considerably boosted (10 MP per post), the boost in strength and speed cause his body to have visual alterations (Str: x3.2, Spd: 49 mph, Rfx: 0.00043 sec.). The rage within his body also begins to take further adaptations magic-wise. All magical/chakra transformation, instant-death, teleportation and status inducing spells/jutsus are no longer effective.

Rage Meter Lvl 4

The rage begins to ensnare Martyr. Mana regeneration is once again boosted (25 MP per post), the boost in strenght and speed is once again given, though this time less intense than the gap between lvls 2 & 3 (Str: x3.8, Spd: 55 mph, Rfx: 0.00038 sec.). The rage within his body remains stalwart in mantaining the magic immunities given in the previous meter level, as well as add further protection against psionic mind-controlling, mind-reading and instant-death abilities by nullifying them completely.

Rage Meter Lvl 5

His veins are swelling with the ammount of rage building up within him. Mana regeneration increases (45 MP per post) and the boosts in strength and speed take a noticeable surge (Str: x4.5, Spd: 60 mph, Rfx: 0.0003 sec.). Previously stated magical, chakra and psionic immunities remain, plus immunities against spiritual and ki instant-death and status inducing abilities are now also no longer effective.

Rage Meter Lvl 6

Skin crawling with shivering energy composed of pure rage, Martyr fights on with renewed strength. Mana regeneration increases noticeably (70 MP per post) and the physical boosts continue to skyrocket (Str: x5.5, Spd: 75 mph, Rfx: 0.00024 sec.). The previously stated immunities gained are still in place, except now ki and chakra energy usage becomes completely nullified and broken down as it reaches 3 ft worth of distance from Martyr.

Rage Meter Lvl 7

Now unstoppable fury bathes his body as his flame abilities become immune to anti-magical seals. Mana regeneration increases once again (80 MP per post) and the physical boosts now reach new inhuman heights, physically making Martyr looked like he is made up of muscles (Str: x7, Spd: 90 mph, Rfx: 0.0001 sec.). All immunities granted earlier stay strong, plus the included immunity to anti-magical seals.

Rage Meter Lvl 8

A washful sorrow flushes through Martyr as he bursts into tears as much as his surroundings burst into flames. From this point on, the surrounding air around Martyr for 3 feet becomes a scorching 2,000 degrees Farenheit, and Martyr instantly becomes resistant to temperatures as far as 8,000 degrees Farenheit. Mana regeneration increases (90 MP per post) and the physical boosts and attributes continue to rise (Str: x8, Spd: 100 mph, Rfx: 0.000089 sec.). All previous immunity remain true.

Rage Meter Lvl 9

Fury resurfaces from the sorrowful wails of the half elemental, but the sheen sheet of sorrow prevents it from being pure fury, and thus turns it into inconcievable angst. The true heat of Martyr is exposed, turning the temperatures around him to a higher, searing heats of 8,000 degrees Farenheit, turning low melting point metals into gas and turning gasses into plasma for 5 feet around him, 9 yards around that, the air stiffles from 7,000 to 300 degrees Farenheit. This plasma's light intensity becomes so incredibly powerful it can blind the human eye temporarily if watched for too long. Mana regeneration increases (100 MP per post) and the physical attributes are enhanced to almost tenfold from the original Martyr (Str: x9, Spd: 110 mph, Rfx: 0.000072 sec.). All previously gained immunities remain true, and included is immunity to plasma and temperatures up to .

Rage Meter Lvl 10

Fury, sorrow and angst, all mixed in one. His physical frame cannot cannot contain all the emotions, thus it bursts at the seams. Now you fight a flurry of uncontrolable emotions determined in doing as their soul tells them. The wails remind you of a new born, and you are given the impression you are watching the birth of a star. Behold: The Destroyer of Mt. Ueser.

A 10 ft tall pure white ball of plasma burning at 10,000 degrees Farenheit is all that is visible to those that can stay and watch the blinding light reminiscent of a blow torch. The surrounding 9 yards are smothered by temperatures within 2,000 and 8,000 degrees Farenheit, and everything outside of that becomes grazed by 1,000 to 300 degrees Farenheit out to a football field in diameter. Mana regeneration is suddently boosted a full double of what it had in it's previous level (200 MP per post), and his physical attributes are boosted severely more than previous lapses (Str: x12, Spd: 200 mph, Rfx: 0.000013 sec.). He can now manipulate plasma freely. All previous immunities remain true, including a now much more powerful temperature resistance that allows Martyr to withstand thermal anomalies as far as 15,000 degrees Farenheit and immunity to plasma itself, almost enabling him to walk on the sun if he wished so.

Magical/Spiritual Abilities

[Fire Manipulation Abilities]
Magic Based
Spell-like Abilities
These fire abilities come from his fire elemental descendency. A fire elemental such as the one that Martyr's father is has much more power than this, but because of Martyr's human half-breed blood, his power is reduced down to this.

Thermal Screen (Mag)
Description: A thermal screen is a barrier that controls the temperatures within it's boundaries. The thermal screen is skin tight, and envelops everything the one under the thermal screen may be carrying on his person, including weapons and the such. Long range weapons that use projectiles are not affected by the thermal screen the moment the projectiles cease to touch anything in contact with the one being protected by the thermal screen. This ability protects against hazardous temperatures towards the user, giving the inside of the thermal screen the equivalent of 'room temperature' from the point of view of the user (which to Martyr would be around 300 degrees Farenheit).

Mana Expenditure: 1 MP per excess 250 degrees Farenheit the temperature protects from per every 10 posts the screen is up

Thermal Aura (Mag)
Description: Thermal aura is an aura of concentrated temperatures around the user of the ability (in Martyr's case, Thermal Aura can only be used to increase surrounding temperatures). Thermal aura is only limited to a personal 1 foot aura that extends around the user's frame. The ammount of increase in temperature is limitless, but with each increase more mana power will be used up.

Mana Expenditure: 2 MP per 250 degrees Farenheit per every 5 posts the aura is up

Thermalskin (Mag)
Description: The skin of the user becomes extremely hot to the touch. This ability magically increases the temperatures of the surface of the body of the user without affecting the user's body temperature. The ammount of increase in temperature is limitless, but with each increase more mana power will be used up. The ability can last a total of (15 posts) or until the user dismisses the effect.

Mana Expenditure: 2 MP per 250 degrees Farenheit per every post the body temperatures are kept up

Continual Flame (Mag)
Description: A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that the user touches. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered and hidden, but not smothered or quenched. A continual flame is a form of magical fire, with a severely diminished combustion magical property.

Mana Expenditure: 10 MP

Firestarter (Mag)
Description: Allows the user to create fire for later use. The ammount of fire that can be created is limitless, but the more fire that is created, the more mana is used up. This ability only allows the creation of fire, not it's instantaneous use for an attack as it is created (as the rest of the other abilities below are capable of doing).

*Special: All fires created by Martyr and the fires that sprout from them cannot be used by him for his own regeneration.

Mana Expenditure: 2 MP per square foot of fire

Firewall (Mag)
Description: The user creates a large 3 ft thick wall. The width and height of the wall depend on how much mana the user puts into the wall, but the fire wall will always be 3 ft thick. The wall can be placed as far as 500 ft away from Martyr.

Mana Expenditure: 10 MP per 5 square ft vertical and 5 square ft wide

Flaming Sphere (Mag)
Description: A burning globe of fire rolls in whichever direction the user points and burns those it strikes. It moves 30 feet per post (it has random movement patterns that depend on how short an action is made in each post, but it still manages to move through 30 ft by the end of each post). As part of this movement, it can ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the post it does so in and deals fire damage to that creature. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would.

The sphere moves as long as the caster actively directs it; otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. It can be extinguished by any means that would put out a normal fire of its size. The surface of the sphere has a spongy, yielding consistency and so does not cause damage except by it's flame. It cannot push aside unwilling creatures or batter down large obstacles. A flaming sphere winks out if it exceeds it's range (410 ft).

Mana Expenditure: 25 MP

Aegis Flames (Mag)
Description: This ability wreathes the user in flame and causes fire damage to those that get within around 3 feet. The flames also protect the user from cold-based attacks, lowering damage by half.

When the ability is used, the user seems to immolate him/herself, but the flames are thin and wispy, giving off light equal only to half the illumination of a normal torch (around 10 feet). The color of the flames can be either violet or blue. These flames can last a total of (15 posts) or until the user dismisses the flames.

Mana Expenditure: 30 MP

Flame Blade (Mag)
Description: A 3 foot long blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from the user's hand. The blade-like beam is wielded as a scimitar, and is composed of compressed combustion and heat into a blade-like appearance that is sharp due to the heated molecules along it's edges. Thus the damage that it causes usually ignores armor in that it either melts (at 3,000 degrees Farenheit, the 'sharp' edges of the sword are extremely dangerous) through it or, in the case the opponent is strong enough to withstand the temperatures, simply disperses like flames and slides along the target and turns whatever combustible materials the opponent has on fire, until it leaves the physical area of the opponent which it cannot cut and regains it's sword form. The sword can last a total of (15 posts) or until the user dismisses it.

The ability does not function underwater.

Mana Expenditure: 25 MP

Fire Seeds (Mag)
Description: This ability allows the user to turn acorns into incendiary grenades or berries into bombs that can be detonated on command.

Acorn Grenades- As many as four acorns at a time can turn into special splash weapons that can be hurled as far as 100 feet. Each acorn explodes upon striking any hard surface for a total of 15 feet in radius around it. In addition to it's regular fire damage, it ignites any combustible materials within 10 feet.

Berry Bombs- As many as eight berries at a time can be turned into special bombs. The berries are usually placed by hand, since they are to light to make effective thrown weapons. The user can speak a word of command if he is within 200 feet of the placed berries to have them instantly burst into flames. The burst is smaller, with only a 5 foot radius burst of explosion and igniting any combustible materials within 5 feet of said burst.

Mana Expenditure: 55 MP

Fireball (Mag)
Description: An explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals fire damage to every creature within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage. The explosion creates almost no pressure.

The user points his or her finger and determine the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from the pointing digit at around 28 mph and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball at that point (in other words, an early impact results in an early detonation).

The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in it's 20 ft radius spread area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier if the spread area permits; otherwise it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does. A fireball can be thrown as far as 1,640 ft away.

Mana Expenditure: 35 MP

Delayed Blast Fireball (Mag)
Description: This ability functions like fireball, except that it's blast is more powerful and can detonate slightly later (5 posts) after the ability is cast.

The glowing bead created by delayed blast fireball can detonate immediately if the user desires, or he/she can choose to delay the burst for as many as 5 posts. The user selects the amount of delay upon completing the ability, and that time cannot change once it has been set unless someone touches the bead (see below). If the user chooses a delay, the glowing bead sits at its destination until it detonates. A creature can pick up and hurl the bead as a thrown weapon (range increment 10 feet). If a creature handles and moves the bead within 1 post of its detonation, there is a 25% chance that the bead detonates while being handled.

Mana Expenditure: 60 MP

Flame Pillar (Mag)
Description: Produces a vertical cylindrical column (10 ft thick and 40 ft high) of fire roaring upward. Before the column is created, the floor shines in red in a circle on the place where the column will be created, and then, half a second afterwards, it springs up into the sky, and as soon as it had appeared, it vanishes, leaving whatever had been within it burning to ashes. It can be used as far as 410 ft of distance from the user.

Mana Expenditure: 50 MP

Flame Tornado (Mag)
Description: This ability creates a tornado of fire, swirling flames into a gigantic moving turrent of spinning combustion. The tornado is 100 ft tall and 25 ft thick in circumference, and although it's epicenter is hollow, the hottest temperatures are here found (1580 degrees Farenheit). The tornado constantly shifts and moves to wherever the user desires it to go, at a maximum speed of 15 mph at any given direction. If the user is not paying attention to the direction of the tornado, it will simply follow a straight line until either it expires or reaches the end of it's area (540 ft radius around user), when/where it simply dissipates harmlessly. The tornado can last as long as (10 posts), and even if the user focuses the tornado to stay still in one area, it will twist and shift around randomly.

Mana Expenditure: 75 MP

Fire Storm (Mag)
Description: When a fire storm ability is cast, the whole area (620 'square' ft in whatever shape the user desires the area to be in) is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. The flames spread in whichever way the user wishes them to, but they will not exceed the area of explosion. This ability can be used as far as 410 ft away from Martyr in any direction.

Mana Expenditure: 85 MP

Incendiary Cloud (Mag)
Description: An incendiary cloud spell-like ability creates a 20 ft high by 20 ft wide cloud of roiling smoke shot through with white-hot embers. The smoke obscures all sight. In addition, the white-hot embers withing the cloud deal severe fire damage to everything within the cloud.

The smoke moves away from the user at 10 feet per around every 6 seconds (every post). Figure out the smoke's new spread each round based on it's new point of origin, which is 10 feet farther away from where the user was when he/she cast the ability. By concentrating, the user can make the cloud (actually, it's point of origin) move as much as 60 feet each 6 seconds or so (every post). Any portion of the cloud that would extend beyond the maximum range (410 ft) dissipates harmlessly, reducing the remainder's spread thereafter.

Wind can disperse the smoke, and the spell-like ability can't be cast underwater. The smoke lasts (31 posts).

Mana Expenditure: 60 MP

Flameskin (Mag)
Description: This ability makes the user's body and belongings be temporarily transformed into flames. All of the user's body becomes immaterial through the duration of the spell-like ability (5 posts), thus enabling him/her to be immune to physical damage. While in this form, however, the user also stands succeptible to whatever normally affects fire, and can be extinguished by any means that would put out a normal fire of his/her size. This ability can be dismissed at any given time.

Mana Expenditure: 40 MP

Magic Firestarter (Mag)
Description: Allows the user to create magic fire. The ammount of magical fire that can be created is limitless, but the more of these flames are created, the more mana is used up.

Martyr's magic fire is often indistinguishable from normal fire, except that perhaps the heat it emanates is much more potent and, at it's core glow a series of powerful dark indigo sparks. It cannot be turned off by using water or soffocation, and it can heat and burn with the same intensity in voids (although they must be touching something else), underwater and even underground. These flames are not affected by powerful wind gusts or water currents, and they are not succeptible to chemicals that would otherwise turn off normal flames. These flames have the ability to feed on anything they touch, be it combustible or non-combustible matter: sand, soil, stone, glass, metal... and yes, even water and ice and furthermore, fire itself (unless those have magical properties that prevent them from being burnt by magical flame). The gasses that compose standard air, however, are the least combustible and thus disallow this particular kind of magical combustion from becoming an instant explosive.

However, there are ways to turn these flames off. The most inmediate and effective way is by magical means, be it using magical water or ice, using an anti-magic field, or simply using a spell that is meant to turn off magical flames. Another way is to isolate the flames from all matter so that it may die off, be it by putting it inside a void where no outside matter has contact with it or by destroying the matter along with it. There have been several alchemists that have designed special matter that contain these flames and thus keep them controlled and stop them from spreading all over countries and continents. At any rate, this particular kind of magical combustion does eventually die off if there is not enough magical energy in the area, and thus these flames usually turn off in the long run before melting away a whole countryside... but they have been known to carry on for weeks, and even months at a time.

*Special: All magical fires created by Martyr and the fires that sprout from them cannot be used by him for his own regeneration. Martyr cannot manipulate magical flame.

Mana Expenditure: 45 MP per square foot of magical fire

Plasmastarter (Mag)
Description: Allows the user to turn the surrounding matter so hot that it becomes plasma. Plasma is around 9,000 to 11,000 degrees Farenheit hot, turning most low melting point metals into gaseous state and melting even through powerful alloys such as mythril and even some forms of adamantium.

This ability only allows the creation of plasma, not it's instantaneous use for an attack as it is created (as the rest of the other abilities below are capable of doing).

*Special: Plasma cannot be readily manipulated by Martyr, and it's intense temperatures are hazardous even to a powerful hybrid such as himself. Thus only the abilities below are capable of producing and using plasma properly... other than the more powerful Rage Meter abilities which provide Martyr extreme temperature resistance, plasma immunity and plasma manipulation. All fires that sprout from the use of the plasma cannot be used by Martyr to heal himself.

Mana Expenditure: 75 MP per square foot of plasma

Plasma Blast (Mag)
Description: Creates a thermal blast that issues forth in a straight line, followed almost instantly by an intense plasma blast. Protected by the tempertatures of 5,000 degrees Farenheit, an intense 1 ft thick beam of plasma stretches out through the turrent of heat at a scathing 9,500 degrees Farenheit. The result is what seems to be a lightning strike of pure heat that literally sounds off with a deafening thunder. The sudden change in heat instantly causes the surrounding air to explode and decompress all around the beam.

The beam has three different levels of damage.

A direct strike instantly evaporates anything it touches, and upon making direct contact with anything, it explodes against said object and evaporates everything in an area of 30 ft, and melts everything 30 ft away from that initial radius and instantly combusts any combustible materials (making a total explosion of around 60 ft in radius of contact).

If the beam is avoided just by a short distance, such as that of 3 ft, the heats are still scaldingly hot (4,000-1,000 degrees Farenheit) and are able to cause everything within the 3 feet of distance to melt, evaporate or instantly combust.

If the beam is avoided by 5 feet or more, where the temperatures are less powerful (900-300 degrees Farenheit) the possibilities of third degree burns or turning on fire are still great, but less prone.

This beam can reach as far as 80 ft distance, after which it dissipates and sizzles out.

Mana Expenditure: 240 MP

Plasma Flashbang (Mag)
Description: Creates a glowing ball of plasma and shatters it outwards in 'fragments'. The resulting effect is a heat burst that covers 50 ft in diameter, with a blast of light and sound that both blinds and deafens anyone watching the attack. The heat burst is of 3,000 degrees Farenheit, though any of the plasma fragments that slowly dissipate as they reach lower temperatures can pierce through solid objects quite easily with temperatures of over 8,000 degrees Farenheit.

Mana Expenditure: 210 MP

Hands of Plasma (Mag)
Description: Surrounds both of the user's hands with large 1 ft wide balls of pure plasma without affecting the user's hands. This plasma stays allocated around the user's hands, evaporating whatever the user exposes them to, with everything within 1 ft of distance from the actual plasma having searing 4,000 degree Farenheit temperatures that do not affect the user. These balls of plasma can last a total of (15 posts) or until the user dismisses them.

Mana Expenditure: 200 MP

Plasma Pillars (Mag)
Description: Produces a vertical cylindrical column (10 ft thick and 40 ft high) of plasma thundering upward. Before the column is created, the floor shines in blow-torch bright white in a circle on the place where the column will be created, and then, half a second afterwards, it springs up into the sky, and as soon as it had appeared, it vanishes, leaving whatever had been within it evaporated. 10 ft around the 10 ft pillar heats between 8,000 to 2,000 degrees Farenheit burn and melt eveything that are exposed to them. It can be used as far as 410 ft of distance from the user.

Mana Expenditure: 225 MP

Plasmaskin (Mag)
Description: This ability makes the user's body and belongings be temporarily transformed into plasma. All of the user's body becomes immaterial through the duration of the spell-like ability (5 posts), thus enabling him/her to be immune to physical damage. While in this form, however, the user also stands succeptible to thermally being extinguished (5,000 degrees Farenheit or less stabalizes the matter back into gas matter and effectively disperse the plasma body into 'death'). The ability stays active as far as (15 posts) long, or until the user dismisses the ability.

Mana Expenditure: 325 MP

Plasma Maelstorm (Mag)
Description: When a plasma maelstorm ability is cast, the whole area (620 'square' ft in whatever shape the user desires the area to be in) is shot through with pure white disintegrating plasma matter. The plasma is spread in whichever way the user wishes them to, but they will not exceed the area of explosion. Around the area of the blast for a football field's worth the temperatures exceed 900 degrees Farenheit and thus melt most low melting point metals. This ability can be used as far as 410 ft away from Martyr in any direction.

Mana Expenditure: 350 MP

Plane Shift (Mag)
Description: Uses the elemental source of all material planes to be able to shift from material dimensions to the Plane of Fire and vise-versa, thus allowing Martyr teleportation between material planes of existence.

Mana Expenditure: 60 MP

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Character Ranking and Scores
Level (Generation): 1
Threat Assessment Class: A

Battles: 0

Deaths: 0
Kills: 0

Defeats: 0
Draws: 0
Wins: 0
Fleed: 0

>Non-Cannon Battles: 0
>Victories: 0
>Loses: 0
>Inconclusive: 0

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