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During the War.
Making he way down the main stairs that lead to where Miyo was, she heard Ires calling to her from the landing. A touching smile appeared on her lips when she noticed that Ires already had a picnic basket ready for her. "You know Ires, this is why I love you so. What would I ever do without you?" Ires had a warm smile when she looked up at Sekira "Oh my lady, I'm honored to hear you say that. Now, I have everything ready for you, and I think you better hurry."

Just then Sekira felt Miyo's aura flare with annoyance, which meant that things really weren't really going to well with our guest. "Guess its time to see just who has come to visit me. Thanks Ires for having this ready for me." Nodding Ires handed Sekira the picnic basket to continue with the daily chorus around the villa. "This can't be good. Miyo had been away at war for so long, that she might even kill whoever is here if she even thinks they are a threat to me." The thought crossed her mind as she imagined the look on Miyo's face as she faced the new comer.

Rays of light made her eyes sparkle as she walked out through the main wooden doors of her home. Instantly her keen eyes caught sight of Miyo's powerful form in the shadow of the huge maple tree that was about a mile away. Just over Miyo head a mop of silverish white could be seen. "Guess that's our guest. I wonder what he wants." Just then a strong wave of emotions hit Sekira at full force making her pause. Its was a strange mix of uneasiness, fear and disappointment. It really sucked that being a Psychic multiplied everything tenth fold when she was caught unaware.

"Wow!" Closing her eyes briefly, she placed her left hand to her temple, a worried look crossed her eyes as she opened them. "I really wasn't expecting that. What in the name of the Goddess is going on over there." She knew without a bought that the aura she was feeling belonged to the guy that was standing in front of Miyo. "What in the world is making him feel this way." She wondered as the emotions kept assaulting he mind. There was no way that she would make it to them fast enough to satisfy her curiosity.

Beginning to concentrate her power to safely teleport herself to there side, a sly smile crossed her lips as she thought of the destination that she would be appearing at. Suddenly she felt the all too familiar pull on her body as her mind began to transport her body to the place she wanted to go. Disappearing in the blink of an eye, Sekira reappeared sitting high above them on one of the maple's branches. Swinging her legs as she leaned slightly forward to look down at them she started to giggle. It had been a long time since she had done anything like this.

Sensing the annoyance that emitted from Miyo, Sekira looked down at her best friend with puppy dog eyes in an attempt to look hurt, and to charm Miyo to smile. Knowing all to well that Miyo only had her best interest at heart, Sekira was also thinking about Miyo's. Sekira didn't think it was right for Miyo's time here with her to be about battles and worries. No this was a time for her best friend to take a break from all that and just relax. She had missed Miyo so much during her time away and didn't want anything at all to get in the way of there time together.

Concentrating again with very little effort, Sekira made her form disappeared once again only to reaper next to Miyo's, knowing that no harm would come to her from the act, when if it would of been another, that person would be dead in the blink of an eye. Knowing how well Miyo took care, always made Sekira feel extremely safe when Miyo was around. Also the fact that Miyo was very over protective at times when it came to her.

For the last couple of hundred years, Sekira had been a few inches shorter them Miyo. Meaning that she had to slightly look up at her best friend as a bight smiles lit up her face, and tiny sparkles could be seen her silver eyes as the rays from the sun reflected in them. "Oh hunny, what were you doing looking up my skirt? I don't think Zion would approve."

Hopefully teasing Miyo a bit would get her in a lighter mood. Sekira could tell that this guy before them didn't mean any harm. " I didn't really want to fly, it was so much easier to just 'pop' in." Smiling sweetly she added, "Now I'm sure that Seraph would understand that I didn't mean to flash our guest, but just to make sure Xeon doesn't get killed by mistake, lets not mention that part to him.

Turning to look at Xeon, a smaller smile was placed upon her lips. She had no intention of reading her best friends thoughts, there was no need for that as they knew each other well, but this one was a totally different story. She really hated to invade another's privacy, s she pushed just a little trying to get a glimpse at the surface of Xeons thought, know this wouldn't be to difficult since he has blushing a bight red. Embarrassment, confusion, selfdoubt, so many emotions all rolled into one. She could tell he was real something, and that he didn't mean any harm.

"Oh would you please stop blushing! Haven't you ever seen a girls panties before?" Hoping the comment would get the poor guy to at least relax she continued on in her more formal tone. "Now, I really don't mind having guest over, but would of liked to be told first. You see I don't really like blood to be shed when it can be helped." turning slightly she smiled warmly at Miyo. "So your not forgiven yet for that. Also I think you might have some misconceptions about us that need to be fixed. I have brought lunch with me, and would like to eat it by the lake, you are welcomed to follow and explain what brings you here. Also no funny business, or Miyo wont hesitate to kill you."

Once again she turned to Miyo, not giving enough chance to let Xeon talk, and smiled once again at her best friend. "I'm staved, lets go see what Ires packed for us in this basket."

Wondering what Xeon wanted, and a bit put out that this would be delaying her late lunch, her green dress lifting a bit as she spun around to look at him. Once she noticed that he wanted to pull her aside to talk in 'private', she couldn't help but to start giggle. She really didn't mean to be rude or anything to her guest, but just the thought of what he wanted was to so silly. She knew all to well that there was no way that Miyo would let her go with a total stranger, and anyways she would shill be able to hear us.

Trying to calm herself enough to talk, she wiped away the tiny tears that had appeared from giggling so much. Really the thought of it all had been to much. "I'm so sorry to seem rude, but there is nowhere around here that we could, and not be over heard. You see, Miyo over here has a good ear." She throw Miyo a quick smile over her shoulder. "Besides, if there is anything that you have to tell me, you can say it in front of her as well. Trust me."

Feeling her stomach contract a bit, followed by the familiar rumble that signaled hunger she sighed. Not a bite to eat since earlier that day really made her tummy mad, and to top it all off, she had a basket full of food that she couldn't even eat. Frustration was really starting to sink in by now, and she wanted to eat. "Can we make this quick, I'm hungry."

Not really understanding what it was that Xeon wanted, her head tilted slightly to the side as she looked him over waiting for him to answer. Never before had she seen him around, so she thought that he must be new to the area. Now the question was, what did he want with her and Miyo. She knew that he didn't mean them any harm, that much she could tell. So deep in thought was Sekira, that she didn't notice that the sudden tightness in her stomach wasn't from hunger.

Twilight Guardian? Soul Guardian? Someone had been technically spying on us? Eyebrows cringed together with a lost expression on her face, Sekira pondered what in the goddess was a Twilight Guardian and what was going on. Why did wired things always have to happen to her? Shaking her head slightly at the thought as the large form of the dragon looking thing appeared before them. Her head tilted up a bit to get a better look at it. It was so cute! She really liked dragons, no surprise there. Noticing the form of the person that stood with it, she guessed that that must be Xeon, and that he had huge wings.

Her inspection of the form before her was put to a complete stop when she heard that Xeon wanted to be there guardian. She couldn't stop herself from laughing then, and even had to place the tips of her fingers over her lips to try and not make it of obvious. 'THERE' guardian, as in Miyo and her. Oh my, that was just to much, since they already had tow of the best protectors alive. She wondered what they would have to say about this new turn of events, looking over at Miyo.

Once able to keep under control her giggles, she once again look at Xeon. Sekira didn't have a single clue as to what she was going to tell him. "Um, well. I really appreciate I guess that you would want to help us out, but you see..." Just then she felt a very overwhelming yet very familiar aura, along with a distant crashing sound. That alone conformed that Zion was at her villa once again, and that he had "once again' destroyed part of it which made her sigh. Sekira really hoped that he wasn't in a bad mood, and if her was, she would make sure he didn't stay that way.

The presence of Zion completely making her forget the whole situation of Xeon, she spun around quickly making her skirt lift in the process to look at Miyo. A childish expression brighten her features as she smiled brightly at her best friend. "I'm going to tell on you for earlier!" Sekira stuck out her tongue in a playful manner. Things just got a whole lot more interesting. This is going to be fun, it would be even more so if Seraph was here too. Sekira was still to entertained to notice the tightness in her stomach the thought of him, or the nagging little poke that would tell her the truth in the matter.

"Seraph isn't here, so who are you going..." Just then she felt familiar wonderful shivers go up her arms that always signaled that Seraph was around. Her stomach felt as though a million butterflies were flapping there wings in it. Could it really be him, it must be. The thought of Seraph being there made her smile brightly lighting up her face as twinkles appeared in the silvery eyes. It had been so long since the last time she had seen. Pouting slightly as she recalled the last time he had passed by. Yes, it had been to long, and she would have to reprimand him for it. She smirked just thinking of what she would do to him.

Miyo's sudden panic about the dress that Sekira had picked out for her put thoughts about getting Seraph back for his long leave of absence on hold. Miyo was right, the guys had always seen Miyo in some form of warrior outfit. It was very rear to see Miyo in any type of lady like anything. Sekira recalled that time in her cottage, many many years ago, when Miyo had ripped of a pretty red dress in the middle of her living, to them stomp on the delicate material. The memory always brought a warm smile to her lips.

The memory being washed away at Miyo's question, she give her best friend a look over. Sekira knew that the guys were going to have a bit of a field day with the pretty looking Miyo, and also knew that Miyo was going to find some way to get her back for it. not being able to stop the tiny giggle that escaped her lips at the look on Zions face when he first saw her, Sekira tried to comfort her friend in some way. " Miyo hun, you look absolutely pretty, and I'm sure they wont tease you that much."

Noticing a bit to late that Miyo might no be happy with the answer given to her, and that it most likely would mean retaliation. She looked up at her best friend with the best puppy dog eyes she could. "You look great, and now your going to reject the outfit I picked out for you, just because they guys might make a little fun." Sekira hopped that this would keep Miyo from getting back at here, she really did think that Miyo looked great.

Just then Sekira recalled the little accident that had happened with Xeon earlier, a small pout crossing her lips. "Oh, so... your not going to tell Seraph what happened will you? You know how he will get, and it was an accident." Having a very short attention span at times, Xeon's words made her turn slightly to look at him. She noticed there was something slightly different with him, but just couldn't put her finger on it.

Her line of thought was once again interrupted as she heard her name being called out. Turning to see who was calling to her just in time to see the poor guard landing flat on his face at her feet. She felt a bit sorry for him as that fall must of really hurt him. Just when she was about to squat down to help him up, he moved. Deliciously toned sun kissed thighs could be seen exposed from under her skirt as it was lifted upward. Quickly stepping back while she placed her left hand over her skirt she looked over at Miyo, with a stern look and a bit of red on her cheeks.

"Can someone please explain to me, what is the obsession with my panties today?"

Never being able to stay serious for long was one of Sekira's worst qualities most would say, but she had always thought it to be the best thing about her. Hey, it always worked to throw people of track, and she just loved to do that for when it came to her loved ones, she was all business. Still looking at Miyo, she began to laugh as well. It really had been an interesting day so far, and she hoped that now that the guys were here, it would only get better. All four of them hadn't been together in the same place for a long time.

She had been in her own little world once more, that the only thing that had alerted her to Xeon's words had been Miyo's aura that flared with anger and the words she had spoken. By the time she had turned to ask Xeon what he had said to make Miyo so mad, he was gone. Not really caring to much where he had gone and seeing as Miyo had gone back to teasing her, she really didn't even give a second thought to where he had gone.

She knew fully well that Seraph was not going to be happy if he found out about what had happened. The good thing was that Seraph had never been a closed minded individual, and he would surely know that it had been a mistake and all would be well. For that reason alone Sekira felt bad for the guard as Miyo continued to play with the poor guy, but she was not about to stop her.

Slightly tilting her head to the side at Miyo's sudden show of compassion, Sekira was not surprised at all when Miyo said that she would pay. Sekira knew that Miyo had always been good on her threats. As a sudden thought crossed her mind, a small grin appeared across her lips. First thing first, she looked down at the guard as Miyo walked away.

Squatting down in front of him, making absolutely sure that she was completely unexposed in any way, she placed her slender had on the guards shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Nothing bad will happen. Now why don't you take the day off, I'm sure it would help." Getting up, she patted the guard on the head, moving away to follow after Miyo just in time to hear the comment about Zion.

Skipping merrily next to Miyo with a bright smile on her face, Sekira linked arms quickly with her best friend. It had been a really long time since they had walked this way, Sekira was over joyed at the fact that Miyo was there. Actually she was happy that they were all together. Once again a small grin appeared on her lips, and she looked up at Miyo. If Miyo was going to get back at her, it might as well be for something worth wild. Her grin widened as she pin pointed Seraph and Zion's aura.

"Say hun, how about we 'pop in' on the guys? I'm sure they would just love that." Not giving Miyo enough time to even think about the question, Sekira concentrated on teleporting the both of them to where Seraph and Zion were.

The feeling of being pulled from reality for the befits of moments was felt as they both reappeared without difficultly, just as Xeon was turning to leave. There was just one tinny mishap, Sekira had ended up teleporting them about 25 feet above there respected guy, and they were falling... fast.

Flinching inwardly at Miyo's scream, she felt really silly for not concentrating better. Blaming the fact that she had really wanted to see Seraph for the tiny mishap she had just committed and hoping greatly that Miyo wouldn't chew her out for it later. She would really have to make this up to be best friend once they were safely on the ground. Maybe getting Miyo a new weapon would be a good start, she would have to contact her father about it later.

It was a great relive knowing that Miyo would find a way to land safely, for she had always been good at getting out of tight spots. Pushing all other thoughts aside, Sekira thought of the best possible way for getting her self out falling flat on her bum. Knowing fully well that opening her wings from this height would be a total catastrophe, along with the fact that it would hurt like hell, she ruled that option out. Which only left one quick and easy option, she would have to teleport again.

Starting to concentrate once more, she hoped that thing time around she would get it right. Just as she was about to teleport, she felt a very familiar aura behind her, a soft smile crossing her lips. She should of known better by now, if Seraph was around, he would always protect her. Her form melted instinctively into Seraph's arms, relishing in the feeling of warmth that emitted from them. Turing her head slightly, she placed it agents his chest as they continued there decent down.

It had been so long since she had been held by his arms, that she wished he wouldn't let her go so quickly. Reluctantly, she placed her feet on the shattered ground to stand. He never changed she thought as she saw him catching his sword in mid air. Benign that Seraph had always been taller then her, she tilted her head slightly to look up at him as he asked for her well being.

Warmth flowed into her, reflecting in her silver eyes at the look of obvious concern on Seraphs face. She should be mad at him, leaving her alone for so long, but there was no way she could be mad. Lifting her hands to cradle his cheeks in the warmth of her palms, Sekira closed the space between them, molding her body to his. She lifted herself on tippy-toes as she slightly brought his face closer to hers. Leaning forward, she touched her forehead to his, losing herself in his ice blue orbs.

"I'm a lot better now that you are here." Sensuality and love emitted from her voice as she continued. "I've missed you so much love, promise that you will never leave me for so long again without at least writing to me."

It was bliss to be held in Seraph's strong arm. She had never, would never, forget his touch, but there was nothing better then the real thing. Wishing she could say in them always, a small smile crossed her lips when she noticed his eyes widen, signifying the extent of emotions that he felt for her, causing a small blush to spread over her creamy cheeks. Sekira knew better then anyone how much Seraph loved her, but it always made her blush when he showed it.

At the sound of his voice, shivers raked over her body. Strong and commanding while at the same time smooth and calming. The strong feel of his arm around her was the only thing that keep her from literally melting where she stood, and that would be messy. It really had been to long since they were last together, since she was held by him, but Sekira understood how important he was and what he signified to his people. Long ago, she had accepted that.

The soft caress of his lips made tiny butterflies take flight within her stomach as more blissful shivers raced through her. She hadn't been expecting the act, and it was a wonderful surprise that helped to fan the flames he had already ignited inside her. There was no way such a tiny kiss would satisfy the hunger she felt for him after much a long time of being apart, and since she could very well ravish him at the gates with so many around, it would have to wait for later.

Her hands moving in a downs ward motion, the left falling down to her said as the right stopped over his heart. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she felt him tensing beneath her palm. She would have to find a way to get him to relax a bit, it had been a long time since the four of them had been together, and she wanted him to have a good time. At the moment, the first thing she had to do was set him at ease about Xeon. She looked up into his eyes once more.

"His name is Xeon. He's a bit strange, said he's a Twilight Guardian and that he was here to protect Miyo and I." Sekira though it best to leave out the part where Xeon had been keeping an eye on them, know he wouldn't be pleased by the fact. "I don't feel any menace from him, although I do feel a sense to lost. Like I said, a bit strange."

Sekira Tora
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Sekira Tora
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