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My oc's
Since I opened an art shop I figured it would be fun to do art trades as well.
Here I'll list the oc's that I would love art of.
Yin and Yang

User Image

YANGUser Image
AGE: 17
HT: 5'6 WT:140 Hair:Black Eyes: Icy blue
Personality: outgoing, Energetic, has a sad air around her.
Marital art Style : Jujutsu/ Muay Thai
Relationship with her sister: yang did not know that Yin existed until her parents brought her home from China. Yang tried to get along with Yin as best she can.

Appearance : Yang will bounce back and forth between her style of clothing. One day she can wear outrageous bright colors with clothing that doesn't match (think Harajuku) Down to the extreme emo. She rarely wears make up unless it's a special event or a holiday that requires her to dress up. For traditional Holidays in Japan that require her to wear a Kimono Yangs Kimono is white with black Hibiscus flowers.

Yang is the oldest of 3 Children in her Family but is treated like an outsider. Since the day she was born her mother rejected her never taking care of her. Yangs father did his best for her despite his' wifes wishes (well we can tell who the man of the house is) AS a child, Yang had no friends, she was picked on at school and constantly beat her up, she was not allowed to retaliate and was told by her mother that she had desered everything that happened to her. Despite all of this she kept a smile on her face. Eventually her brother Yoshi was born. THis put yang at the back of both her parents minds and she was negelected even more. One day while out with her parents they came across a martial arts demonstration. Yang watched fascinated by the way they moved and how strong the fighters were. Eventually the demonstrators started inviting the crowd to show off their skills. Yang was asked if she would like to come up and break a board by the master of the Martial artists.
Everyone laughed at Yang. Yang stepped up and the Master silenced the crowd saying that everyone deserves a chance no matter who they are. The crowd struggeled to contian their laughter as Yang stepped up to the board. She took a deep breath and struck the board. People fell back as the ground at the feet began to buckle and crack. the board and the asphalt below it lay in rubble. The master of the Martiartist met with Yangs parents saying that he would love to take her in as one of his students. Her mother had no problem with this, it meant that Yang wouldn't be home after school, someone else would look after her. yangs father showed concer. The master assured him that he could join in on the classes and watch his daughter as he saw fit. Thus Yang Began her training. She was a briliant student and her life was suddenly much more enjoyable. All this would change though at the age of 8. Her Sensei was killed before her eyes by another student who was jealous that Yang was to become their masters successor. Yang was blamed for the murder.
She was expelled from the martial arts school and now had a mark on the rest of her life. She would now be considered a murderer by all.
Yang and her family left her hometown of Tokyo when Yang turned 17 and moved to the city of Osaka, the hometown of her parents. When her parents left town to take care of some Business Yang quickly made way to end her life only to be stopped by Asuma.
The two have since become best friends and He is always by her side.

(color references are on their way)
Sleepy Yang

User Image

YINUser Image
AGE: 17
HT: 5'6 WT:140 Hair:White (Can be portrayed as Platinum Blond) Eyes: Icy blue
Personality: Calm, collective, distant, cold, passive
martial Arts Style: Gōjū-ryū
Relationship with Yang: Unaware of Yangs presence until she was brought to Osaka. Yin is distant and Spiteful towards her sister. She still carries that feeling that Yang is better then her.
Appearance: Yin is very Girly, She loves skirts and dress and makeup. Very Prim and proper. Everything must match right down to her socks an undies. her clothes and hair are always neat and tidy. Nothing is ever outta place in Yins life. She is Perfect. Yins kimono is Black with WhiteHibiscus flowers.

Background: Yin spent all 17 years of her Life training at a monastary in China. She was sent there the day she was born so she could refine her skills as a martial artist. She trained day and night with the monks of the temple. She was well educated and looked after. Everything about her life there was perfect. She would receive letters every month from her parents saying how much the missed her and how they were looking forward to her coming home. Yin was never once told about Yang. She knew that she had a younger brother and was very excited to meet him as well as her parents. When Yin first meets Yang she can't help but feel hatred for her sister. She is older, has been able to walk around with Yins beloved parents. He hatred begins to show rapidly with Yin attempting to steal Asumas friends ship from Yang and turning almost the entire school that they attend against her. Yin makes it a point to be better then Yang.

Peanut butter

Juriko Hiragama
Age: 21
Ht: 5'5
Wt : 135
Hair: reddish brown
Eyes: One blue one brown.
Personality: A little on the paranoid side but is kind hearted and good natured
History: A young woman attending collage to become a lawyer and working part time at a local restaurant. her luck ran out years ago and now things never go right for her. She carries a lucky rabbits foot with her along with several lucky coins and other charms (none of which work for her). Then she discovers the tiny black kitten with it's head in a jar of peanut butter. Of all things that she could cross paths with.. one.. single.. black kitten... but it's predicament gets to her and she ends up taking the kitten home not knowing how much her life is going to change.
User Image

Age: 22
ht: 5'11
Wt: 175
Hair: Black
Eyes: green
Personality: Personable, caring
Background: Yatoru comes from another planet ruled by cat people. Kidnapped by a neighbouring planet as an attepmt to take over his world he was stranded on earth. Take on the form of a black kitten he began his search to find a way home. Unfotunately while scrounging for food he gets his head stuck inside a jar of Peanut butter only to be taken home by Juriko and is now her pet. He's now got to find a way home all the while making sure that his original capturers don't find him along with making sure that Jurikos life doesn't fall apart on her.
References : I only have one at the time!]
User Image

Age appearance: Kitten
Ht: 9'
Wt: 2lbs
Fur color : black all over
Eyes color : Green
Personality: Curious, mischevious
background: This is the little kitten who had it's head stuck in a jar of peanut butter when Juriko found him and took him home. Little did anyone know that he was really the prince of another world trapped on earth.
Reference pics:
User Image


Some of you may Already Be familiar with Shinra.
X You know you've seen him before!! but this time , we're not drawin the Famliy devoted wonderful husband that he becomes...
Nope this time we've got Shinra in his teens. (reference pics coming soon!!!)
X Im waiting on a properly working scanner *got a pile of broken ones if anyone needs one so I'm uploading old pics of the characters from an old disc I found* Shinra is easy to draw. He just need to look younger and more energenic!!! GENKI-DESU!! Ne?
Age: 18
Ht: 6'4
Wt: 180
Hair Green
Eyes: Brown
Personality: Energenic and playful. An extreme goof ball if you will.
Background: As cute and cuddley as Shinra is, his background ain't the same. He comes from a far off planet where his father is the trecherous leader and thos who do not follow him are wll.. let's not go there...Shinra Grows up to be the complete opposite of his dad (YAY!!!)

Aiden Mathews
Age: 17
Hair: bBrown
Eyes: Brown
Ht: 5'10
Wt: 170
Personality: Smooth, womanizing and bold

Kaiji Atamakakushiteshirukakusazu
X Kaiji wears a raditional Male school Uniform and Carries a Katana. There's one fun part about kaiji. If you can draw guys but wnana draw Kaiji have no fear. Every time he sneezes he turned into a female version of Him self.
Age: 17
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Purpleish-red
Ht: 5'7
Wt: 140
Personality: Timid, nerdy and shy

X X Color reference bad pic
Age: Unknown
ht: 5'6
Hair: Black
Eyes: Icy blue
Personality: Fun and outgoing.
background: Deleta comes from a good family She's super smart (a little too smart for someone whos suppose to be 17) and loves to sepnd time with her firends.

Name: Yoko kato
Age: 16
Ht: 5'4
Wt: 115lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Cheerful and Outgoing! some what flirty but not extreme!
family: Mother Father and an Adopted brother *NOTE: I woud love to get pics of the two of them together so if you can do couples...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! Drop me a line!!! This is a friends OC request if you're looking to make more monies!!! Thanks to Asuma for making my life easier!! you Know I heart you C!
Likes: Spending time with her brother, Goofing off, pocky (is obsessed with the stuff, Strawberry is her fave) Studying, hanging out with her friends, likes Canada (theres a reason to this that i'll go into later on)
Dislikes: Nyatto, annoying people, posers and hosers
Background: Yoko comes from a good Family. She was three when her older brother Shinra came into the family, and has always looked up to him. She's a very studios girl but loves to have fun when she can. She attends The local high school and is active in the Photography club and the video games Club

Reference pics!!
Color Reference
Yoko in swim wear

Yoko love to wear HUGE sweaters that hang off her left shoulder witha tank top underneath and jeans and wither sneakers or flipflops, but you can put her in just about anything. She can often be found carrying a Game boy around every where she goes.


DOB: May 14th 1914
Appearance: 18 years old, 5'7. extremly dark brown hair which is often mistaken for black (it's a llot easire to just color it black. trust me)and falls to about the middle of her back, ocean blue eyes. her most distinct features are the beauty mark in the center of her throat and the birthmarks on her left arm. [best examples are here ignore the redhead for now)Image by eon-minx
Shiro loves to wear either t-shirts or tank tops when she's allowed to be casual but always seem to wear her combat pants and boots (The pants are comfy the boots.. are not...) When she's in uniform it is the standard Candaian Military Air force Uniform or flight suit from WWII (I'll get pics of these soon.... Still have to finish the ref pics but were not worried about these yet...)
There are two items that Shiro refuses to take off for anything. The pendant around her neck and her goggles. She has had them for as long as she can remember but has no idea where theyh came form. Even her parents could not tell her the story behind them.
Her personality: As a child Shiro was extremely shy nad quite since she always felt out of place. Once joining the military though she became extremely active and out going, She was no longer afraid to say what was on her mind.

Right now I'm still fixing out the kinks and making sure that everything connects properly I don't like holes and theres a lot of them, but heres a brief run down of her back ground.
Shiro was the only Child of Emperor Hidachi and his wife. An extremely beautiful child many speculated that she was not really the emperors daughter but it did not matter, her parents loved her all the same. In 1939 war began over in Europe.(If you wnts to know more go check out WWII on google or something. I would hope that most people would know about the wars. If not HISTORY LESSON ) Make a long story short. Shiro discovers some stuff that she really shouldn't have and after seeing her parents klled takes flight to Canada with documents taht could stop the war if they get to the right people...Of course they don't, that would just mess up history. She is mistaken for a man and pulled into the Canadian Mlitary and trained to be a pilot. She quickly becomes Squadron Leader of the Lucky VII's A group of 7 pilots who cause more trouble then they're worth but are all aces. This makes things even more complicated since she's now going to spend most of her time with 6 other guys who don't know she's a girl. Shiro has a natural Knowledge of Weapons and plane so she's a great asset to the military.... I guess that will do for now...Remeber people this story is not meant to be historically accurate.

Shiros Plane:
Shiro flies the Spitfire Spitfire
I really want to post more right now but I need to get to work so when I get hme I'll have more stuff and references.
Reference pics:
Shiro in 1942 Young Shiro Young Shiro again Cute Shiro,--drawn by friend Shiro in 1944<-- also drawn by friend Shiro et Shiro


Shinra Kato:
Age: 24 ht: 6'4 wt: 160lbs Hair: green Eyes: Brown.
Personality: Carefree and fun loving but dedicated.
A bit about him: Shinra is from a distant planet. He hass a brother and sister and 3 kids (Little aeonis is picture with him in one of the references pics.) He's a very devoted father and is always ooking out for hsi Family. he's saved the world more then once.
X X Sorry All i could find were chibis pics of Shinra....

Shiro Hidachi:
Age: Appears to be about 23 Ht: 5'8 : Wt: 130 Hair: black Eyes: Blue
Personality: Outgoing and energenic. Seems to have a bit of an emo side to her at times.
A bit about her: Shiro is a fighter pilot in the Canadian Military. She flies an f-18 fighter jet.Very Reserved at time But deep down inside sh'es a lonely person.


Age: 22 ht: 5'11 Wt: Hair: Red Eyes: brown / Age 1000+ Ht:6'1 Wt 130 hair Red and blue Eyes. Red
Bloodtype: o+ / Unknown
Personality Stoic and trusting / Crule angry, unforgiving
Likes: Food...-_-; / Destruction
Dislikes: War / Kindness
Quick background: Toma:
Has always tried to be a hero ever since he was young. After a tragic Incident when he was 7 Toma lost most of his memory. It was even harder on him when he lost his parents at the age of 8. Taken in by Friends of the famliy along with his younger brother. He joined the military at the aage of 16 in hopes of doing some good in the world. During this time he met his future wife and went awol for 2 years. Unfortunately the militray caught up to him and he was called back into service.
Akara : A brilliant Inventor from 1000 years ago. He built the Great Ship that this story Revolves around. The only problem was that the ship needed a soul and Akara gave his to protect his Beloved, Enraged at all that was going on in the world Akara destroyed His own race. he does not trust human or cupids or anything for that matter but upon his reawakening he links himself to Toma to save himself. The two hate their accomodations, where as Toma is there to save the world While Akara Would rather Destroy it.
Reference Pics
Toma :
X <---Semi good shot of Akara in this pic. X X /
Akara: X X Akara is the male in these pics.

Age: 23 ht: 6' Wt: Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
Weapon of Choice: Customer made Firearms
Personality: Energenic and Exrteme
Likes: Guns. and girls
Right/Left handed: Right
Quick background:
Despite coming from a very rich Family Shin was shy as a child and was often picked on by the other kids, He has been Tomas best friend since they were kids. Shins parents died when he was 9 and the toll was to much for him. by the age of 10 he completely lost his sanity and all direction in life. Some would say he was shocked beyond reality. AFter this he became somewhat reckless. He joined hte militay with Toma and when TOma went awol so Did Shin.The two were reunited when Toma was sent looking for Shin and found him in a tank hunting rabbits.

Age: 19 ht: 5'5 Wt: 122 Hair: Blone Eyes: Blue
Weapon of Choice: Magic
Personality : Shy, low self esteem, kind
Likes: Things that are cute her Firends,
Dislikes: War, Things designed to hurt other people
Right/Left handed: Right
Quick background: Inari comes from a military family except she is proficient with Magic. She has been studying Magic all her life. WHile not a memeber of the military Inari attends a Prestigeous Magic School.
X Casting Holy X X

Age: 25 ht: Wt: Hair: Purple Eyes: greeb
Weapon of Choice: Fists
Personality: Blunt but honest.
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Being treated unfairly, hen she is looked down upon by a man.
Right/Left handed:
Quick background:
X If you want to do Yuki I'll try to get some better pics scanned in, I just didn't have the time to do so when getting this all set up.

Age: 12 ht: 4'9 Wt: 90 Hair: Pink Eyes: Purple
Weapon of Choice: Staff
Personality: Sunny and cheerful, innocent.
Likes: Sweets and cute things
Dislikes: War and mean people
Right/Left handed: : left
Quick background: Mei is only 12 so theres not much we can say about her. She has been studying Magic like Inari. But while Inari is skilled in defensive and holy Magic Mei is more familiar with Defensive Magic.
X. If you plan on doing Mei I'll upload more reference. I don't have that many scanned in at the moment.

Age: 17 ht: 5'7 Wt: Hair: Blone Eyes: Blue
Weapon of Choice:
Personality bitter and angry.
Likes:being alone, the heat of battle *won't admit it but she likes Angel*
Dislikes: When people try to enter her personal space, annoying things.. like Shin.
Right/Left handed: Right
Quick background: Ellie has lived a terrible life full of tragedy. Her parents were killed infront of her and unspeakable things done to Ellie at an early age. She has been fighting all her life since she lost her family, with personal problem and problems of the outside world. Ellie has also joined the miltary In hopes of getting revenge against the Empire that took everything dear from her.
X <--- Warning: Blood X Ellie is the one on your left.

Age: 18 ht: 5'9 Wt: Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Blue
Weapon of Choice: Firearms
Bloodtype: ab
Personality: Hot headed and cool.
Likes: Ellie and Inari, flying, spacing out
Dislikes: His parents
Right/Left handed: Ambidextorious
Quick background: Comes from a very nobel family of cupids (^_^); Was pampered beyond belief but things turned on him when his sister fell in love with a human. Unable to bear seeing his sister unhappy he agreed to help her be reunited with her true love, he was able to accomplish thisbut it came at a price, Upon returning home he was disowned by his parents and stripped of his wings. Now wingless he joins the military as a pilot so that he can fly once more

Age: ht: Wt: Hair: - Eyes: -
Weapon of Choice: Swords
Personality :
Right/left Handed:
Quick background: Rios background is unknown

Age: 23 ht: 5'6 Wt: Hair: Silver Eyes: Blue
weapon of Choice: Medium sized firearms/ bow and arrows
Bloodtype: Ab
Personality: Kind and Motherly, not someone you want to piss off though.
Likes: Spending time with her family
Dislikes: War, Dark cupids (Spirals)
Right/left handed: Right
Quick background: Angels older sister. Sephira was suppose to become a priestess but while out on a mission she stumbles accross an unjured human. Unfortunately upon helping the human she becomes bound to him. Over time however Her feelings develope and the two become inseperable. Unfortunatley Sephys family gets in the way and drag her back home. With the help of Angel and her older brother Gabriel she is reunited with her true love. Only to have him go off to war 2 years after thy're married.


Nova!User Image
Age : 16
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Golden
Ht: 5'9
Wt: 300lbs
Personality: Care free, outgoing, scarcastic too boot. Nova always has something to say about everything.
Background: Nova is a capsul Toy. Okay well he came from a Capsul toy. A slime that can morph into anything that he wants. Life wasn't always easy for Nova, living in sewers having to find food on the streets, life didn't look good untl he ended up at the Neko Complex in a small city in Japan. Here he met mouse and the others and Life started looking good, He is in his second year of High School
Mouse! User Image
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
ht: 5'6
wt: 125lbs
Personality: Strong willed and caring Mouse always puts her friends before herself.
Background: mouses life had been kinda normal up until she turned 18. from the day she was born she had known herself to me a guy and then just before turning 18 foudn out that she was indeed a she....User Image. Adjusting to her new life as a girl was shaky at first.. SHe was the best looking guy in school, how does one explain this, but has since adjusted to her problem and now finds herself faced with the many challenges that girls face in high school.

Kurata IsamuraUser Image
Age: 17
Hair: Aqua
Eyes: Blue green
Ht: 5'11
wt 160
Personality: Laid back and energenic. Kurata is extremely athletic
Background: Kurata comes from the Planet Aquos. His father left there after betraying Kuratas mother. He's lived a fairly normal life here on earth. he is captain of the Soccer team at Takerin high and is extremely good as dance games. This is how he manages to win over mouse and become Novas mortal enemy. but it seems that there is more behind him liking mouse then what things appear to be.....

Sayaka KanameUser Image
Age: 17
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light blue
Wt: 195
Personality: Snobish, hotheaded, and quick tempered, Sayaka is the queen of Takerin high and no one messes with her.. except for Mouse and Nova.
Background: Sayaka comes from a rich family, she's always had what she's wanted, spoiled her whole life, and thus this attitude carries on at school. She's always hateful towards mouse becasue despite her social standing, Mouse is much more popular among the student body then she is. Sayaka spent the first 8 years of her life in canada and has developed the habit of saying Eh? a lot.

Clara DumaisUser Image
Age: 16
Hair: Pinkish Purple
Eyes: Purple
Ht: 5'6
Wt 135lbs
Personality: Shy and bookish yet overly sweet.
Background: Clara came to earth with her sister after war broke out on their home planet. Blamed since she was 5 for all that happened to the family clara has been abused for years. Some think this is why she has never really made friends with anyone except for Sayaka who is too busy with herself or mouse to notice what goes on around her. Clara has a secret crush on Nova but can never find the strength to tell him. Things get more complicated when Nova seems to start falling for Mouse....

Reference Pics

Cat Nap
Chibi Sayaka
Rooftop mouse
Nurse Mouse and Safety Kit Nova
Mouse and Daughter Lundi
Mouse femalexKurata
Mouse in School uniform
Clara bad CG
Group WIP


A general Note about all the characters they have a little pair of wings outlined on their shoulders and each one bears an Ahnk some wheres on their body. Location of the mark will be listed with each character and hi-lighted in green. What does it look like? This! -Do not steal this is owned by a friend who is letting me use it!
The Girls

Cassandra De'Ath
User Image
AGE: 17
ht: 5'6 Wt: 135 Hair: Purple: Eyes: Blue
Personality: Sweet and Caring.
Cassandra was born in 1940 and grew up a happy child. She was pretty and friendly. Her and her 3 best friends would go everywheres together. On their way to their High school Prom their car was driven off the road. Cassandras friends died instanly but Cassandra had to suffer 3 hours of agonizing pain as she was impaled by parts of the broken car and surrounding trees.
Cassandra is now living in Rome Italy with The other 5 where the keep a watch on the world and keep it from spiraling out of control. She has feelings for Damascus but they are very one way where as he does not return the feelings....
References for Cass:
Ahnk Location : left side of her chest
X Cassandra Damascus and Azreal

User Image
Age: Unknown
ht: 5'4 Wt: 110 Hair: Pink Eyes: Blue
Personality: Overly energenic and hyper
Background: Very Little is known about Colette. She was found by Cassandra dying on the side of the road, and was taken in under her wing. She has the unusual ability to shapeshift into anything. She tends to fight a lot with Azreal. Colette does not like to talk about her past and becomes upset if anybody asks about it.
References For Colette:
Ahnk Location: Middle of her shoulder blades
X X -This outfit has no set color scheme so feel free to experiment.

Arinether Lowsley
User Image
Age: 26 Ht: 5'8 Hair: Blue Eyes: Blue
Personality : Mature and commanding.
Background : Born mid 1600's, Arinether came from a very well off Family. She was to be married to a wealthy Business man, but Ari did not want to saty home and be the slave of some "pig". She ran away at the age of 15 and found a life living among the brothels and ports of the world. She got into a fight with a persistant Pirate captain and ended up killing him in the struggle. She took over his ship and crew and led them onto great thing. She became very Competitive with Niko and depiste their arguments a romantic relationship blossomed. Unfortunately after Niko was killed Ari felt that she could no longer go on living, she threw herslef from her ship and her sorrow dragged her to the ocen floor.
Ari helps Niko Run the Kitten Club In rome, a popular hang out for deperate singles and foriegn business men.
Reference for Ari:
Ahnk location : Left hip
Ari and Niko Ari Avi


The Boys

Damascus Keys
User Image
Age: 21
Ht: 6'2 Wt : 180 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue
Personalitly: Wellspoken and reserved.
Background: A piano prodigy at the age of 3, Damascus hails from the early 1800's. His family was poor but with the discovery of their sons new found talent they quickly rose to Upper class society. Damascus became a requiremnt at most galas and celebrations. His musical skills were proclaimed far and wide and his family paid Hansomley by other to hear him play. This began to take it's toll on damascus as he was forced to constantly practice and then perform, allowing no time to himself. Damascus had two older siblings who, even though they liked there new social class, always felt put down by him, their parents never praised them and often compared them to Damascus. This lead to an altercation which in the end left Damascus dead after having his head and limbs severd with piano wire. His familys Class plummeted and they were forced to live on the street. Damascus still plays the piano and spent the last few years in France at a prestegious Music school. He's happy to be back in Italy.
References for Dams:
Ahnk Location: Middle of his chest

Azreal Chaisty
User Image
Age: Unknown
Ht: 5'5 Wt: 125 hair: jet Black Eyes: Blue
Personality: Childish and Spiteful. Energenic to boot.
Background: Azreal was born during king arthurs time *a long long time ago*Elves were merely considered legends but history shows many hints that they were here but no one knows what happended to them. Azreal came from a small elvish village. He was always causing trouble for the villagers. But his pranks is eventually was caused the destruction of his home and village as he tempted Humans who destroyed that which was cherised by the elves. They Killed everyone and everything in their path. Azreal now strives o cause trouble for everyone. He has animosity towards CAssandra where as he feels he should be in charge and not her.
Reference for Azreal:
Ahnk Location : Right ankle
X X Kinda Azreal Avi

Nicholas (Niko)Selvaratnam
User Image
Age: 27
ht: 6'4 Wt: 260 hair: orange and Black Eyes: Blue
Personality : Commanding and Dominant. Some what Laid back and a chain smoker.
Background: Niko was the competing Pirate with Arinether. He felt that a woman was better at home then at sea and was constantly trying to put Ari in her place (which never worked). He slowly developed feelings for the pirate who was constantly out doing him in everything. Unfortuanely the queens gaurd caught up to Niko and he was hanged.
Niko now owns and operates the Kitten club In rome with the help of Ari and on ocassion the others (but this normally results in some kind of trouble which ends up having the cops called and the club shut down for a night, so Niko tends to refuse any help from them.)
References for Niko:
Ahnk Location : Right side of his neck
X Niko bad avi edit woot Chibi Niko

Gabriel Welsh

Age: 18
ht: 5'10 Wt: 156 hair: Strawberry blonde Eyes: Purple
Personality :
Reference:User Image

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