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Avatar series (Heroes and Villains)
Spectrum League of Heroes

Prince of Aquarius
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He was the prince of a Secret kingdom. The name is been lost in the oceans of time, but the city was dubbed Aquarius by scholars and historians. The reason for this was the strange powers its people had over water. Most of its people had limited powers, but their young prince was much more gifted. The kingdom lived peacefully until it was invaded by those who thought it’s people were "Unnatural" to exist. The Aquarians fought back. With the lack of combat knowledge the battle was soon over. The Aquarians were slain, Aquarius’s buildings destroyed, the Prince was the only survivor. He spiraled into a great depression having failed his people. He cried rivers of tears. He wanted revenge. On his trek though, he came across a village with no water, its people on the brink of death. Abandoning his quest of vengeance he stayed with this new village to help them. He Created water for them from his very tears, Thus he became their savoir and hero. Later on he would join a League of other heroic people.
Great Golden Star
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From a shooting Star he crashed on earth. The League discovered him in a crater. He told them he is a powerful star being a hero of the skies. Little did they know he wasn't a great of a hero as they thought. He was only a star-teen, a youngster. Barely out of high school if converted to mortal human years. He joined the league when the evil Cult of Black Chaos rose to cause suffering and death in the world. He happily thinks of earth as his home now and not the Stars, tho he does say he misses them sometimes
Scarlet Samurai
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Part of a secret weapons contract with a group of elite scientists and engineers in the field of bioengineering. They're project was to build a super powerful Android warrior to defend their homeland. It would have been given the best in Artificial intelligence. The plans however were stolen by an enemy spy, as well the Prototype robot. Little did the enemy know that the robot was already given its programs and A.I. Before they could reprogram him he became active and destroyed the enemy's laboratory. It return to its original creators. The project was a complete success. The enemy however did imprint a name on the droid however. It was Scarlet Samurai.
The Green Beret
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It was not surprising that Bret followed in his brother's foot steps or his father's or his father's father. Being in the military is a long standing tradition. His ancestors fought in almost every war at one time or another. All of them surviving with hardly even a scratch. Honour runs very deep in this family. Bret decided he need a group of people who fought against a much greater enemy. The Agents of Evil. Super villains, Psychopaths, Murderers, Monsters, Dictators and Demons alike.
Galactic Traveler
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A being from the depths of space, comes to earth in the pursuit of knowledge. He is invited to join the SLH to help defend the planet against evils. He decides to join as it might further is information of this strange blue planet and its inhabitants. As an alien being unknown, feelings of love, joy even anger or hatred are foreign to him. His name is impossible to translate into human speak. So he was just know as the Galactic Traveler. The form he most often is seen in, is not his true form. His True from which he has called Absolute Celestial Being has only been seen when he is set against a extremely powerful foe. His body becomes pure energy.
Absolute Celestial Being
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Halloween Ragdoll
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Just a simple Ragdoll, But it was given life and its sole purpose was to do its evil master's willing. After a time the doll developed a sense of right and wrong. It ran away from his vile master. Wondering alone with no hope, no friends no purpose he collapsed. Then a a group of mysterious people found him. They took him in and he was given a purpose. To fight against those evil doers. His master still is looking for him. When they met again...there will be a great battle. Only one of them will come out...
Tactical Markswoman
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Mocked her whole life for trying to be as active and physical as boy. Teased for her superior intelligence as well. She trained her body to be in peak form as well her mind. Trained in many sports but then found her passion. Archery. She was deadly with a bow, cross-bow almost any projectile weapon. Also skilled with firearms, she perfers to use her trusted crossbow. As well as being gifted marksman uh woman she is no slouch when it comes to machines and technology. She has even fashioned her own little mechanical bird and uses it to gather intel. She has now become the brains of the League. Always planning where to strike at evil next. She does go out into the field too. She is a master crossbowman...uh crossbow-woman. "Strike true and strike often" she has often remarked.
Ace of Moonlight
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Once an Deranged Alcoholic Self-destructive Gambler he had finally seen the light...the Moonlight that is or it was what he thought was moonlight. He did not realize it was the headlights of an on coming car. Miracalously he lived through the horrific crash at the cost of his sight. On that night they say the moon was at its closest to the earth in recorded history. The moon rays managed to save Marcus but also took his vision in repentance. He honed his other sense to make them almost super human.
Poe's Raven
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From a young age Allan has always been in love with Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven. He yearned-for the "saintly days of yore" even though he did not know what it meant. Wished he had wings ever night he went to bed. One night he was off hiking in the forest and to his surprise he found a wounded raven. Rushing home as fast has he could. He nursed the bird back to health. Once the raven was fully healed he was shocked when it started to speak to him. The raven told him he was a spirit and for his kindness he would be greatly rewarded. After that Allan's dream came true and he was given wings. Created a costume and he became Poe's Raven.

The Hunters

Demetri Trelles
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Demetri's life was not easy. First (age 7) he witnessed his family slaughtered by a group of nomad vampires. He himself was spared as they had stated their thirst and did not need his blood. Next (age 18.) he was out with his girlfriend and was attacked by some newborn vampire...they say his girlfriend's body was mangled to the point of being unrecognizable. Now at age 23 he has formed a group of like minded men and woman who's goal is to wipe out all vampires from our world. Some believe that Demetri is in fact a descendant of the one and only Van Hellsing.
The Archer Of Light, Kathris
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Kathris lived high up in the sky in a place called The Nimbus Acropolis. She was not a Divine blooded Nimbian as what the race of human like people were called. Her father was a human who fell in love with a Nimbian woman who had indulged her curiosity to visit the surface world. When they all traveled back to cloud city (an informal name of The Nimbus Acropolis) Kathris met her half sister Theano. The father and husband of the Nimbian woman had perished some years ago. So although it being very taboo the woman took the human as her mate and new husband. While Kathris grew up in the cloud city she was not like the other girls there. Where they cared only for dolls and dresses, Kathris was more interested in fighting and combat. Naturally she was teased for this until she meets a boy whose name was Xenos. They soon became fast friends, best friends. Kathris became very interested in archery and started to practice until she became one of the best archers in the Nimbus Acropolis. After years passed her human father died and her Nimbian mother became ill Kathris visited Xenos almost every day (after tending to her sickly mother) to hear his comforting voice. On her way to the manor where Xenos’s family lived, a manor quite close to the Cloud Palace as Xenos’s family were among nobles an old Nimbian man with a distraught and saddened look on his face approached her. He told her that Xenos fall from the city…and has not be heard from since…search parties have only found his blood and some stained feathers. It is assumed he broke his wing from the fall and perished. Little did anyone know high in city of the clouds was the dangers and horrors that live on the surface world. One of such horrors was the Vampire. No one had ever heard of such a thing in The Nimbus Acropolis only perhaps the oldest or the scholars of the cloud city. Men and woman who strive to learn everything about the world below them.
The Lady Of Light, Theano, the Elder sister of Kathris
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Unlike her half sister Theano was born and in the Cloud City by 2 pure blooded Nimbians so she has divine and semi-immortal heritage. Theano knew of Xenos and how close he was to her little half sister but more then that, Xenos was the younger brother of a Galen the Gilded Glory. Sadly though when Xenos came to kill the Royal Family of the Nimbus Acropolis he took it upon him self to also kill anyone one who may be a threat to him or stop him from spreading chaos in the Cloud City. This included several noble families one of them being his own, she slaughtered his brother after killing his mother and father. Thus Theano vowed to avenge her fallen love.
Koorong the SunWeaver Shamen
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Of a long line of mystic Shaman. Koorong's tribe was troubled by the cold ones for countless decades. He has decided to take a stand againest those trapped between life and death and joined up with Demetri Trelles on his crusade.
(possible name changes, Helaku"sunny day" Woorin"the sun" Mowan"the sun" wink

Purified Wraith
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Thanks to both combined efforts of Theano and Castitas they managed to purify a Captured Hollow Wraith. It was a pain staking process to bring good to a creature of pure malice but it was done and now this once evil entity fights on the side of good. This creature as also begun to grow a personality, sense of humour, and other human elements. The Hunters believe that soon this Wraith might even grow to want a name, to be loved. With this breakthrough the guild hopes that they might one day change every wraith into something that can be used for good.

Demi-Goddess Of Purity, Castitas
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The Nimbus Acropolis runs on a type of Theocracy system of government. They are ruled over by a royal family and the world is over seen by some spiritual and divine beings. Unlike other polytheistic belief systems most of the “gods” take on pure and holy forms. There are no evil gods, no gods of death, or darkness. They are all of pure and light things. There could be many beings over seeing one aspect of light. One of such deities was Demi-Goddess of Purity, Castitas. She was however a warrior-like goddess. A virtuous fighter of light and when she saw what the corrupted Xenos was doing in the Cloud City the gods let her intervene to try and stop the madness he was trying to spread. Unfortunately by the time she did step in the seeds of darkness were already being sowed in the Nimbus Acropolis.
Kristopher of Siberia
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When Kristopher was young, he had a sister he loved very dearly. For large part of Kristopher's childhood he was happy. But that all changed soon enough. When Kristopher about 8 years old, his sister Katrina who was about 5 at the time was kidnapped by the horrible Baba Yaga a gnarled, hag like vampiric creature, with iron sharp fangs(which eats children). Kristopher rushed off into the forest to try and find her. Despite the pleas and cry's from his parents. Kristopher grew up in the forest. Lived off the land, taught himself to survive in his search for the Baba Yaga. 40 year's later and Kristopher is still searching. He meet Demetri on day while in the forest, Demetri was also looking to slay the Baba Yaga with his guild of vampire hunters. Kristopher decided to join soon after. Surprisingly Kristopher managed to retain every shred of humanity, manners and etiquette any other person would lose being alone in the forests for more then 40 years. Kristopher carries around the doll of Katrina that she dropped when taken by the Baba Yaga as well strapped to his back his father's musket. Kristopher is also followed by one of his only friends a little bird he found injured in the forest while searching for his sister. He nursed the bird back to health and he named it Sasha. Kristopher still believes to this day that he will find Katrina
Father Wilfrid and
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Father Richard Wilfrid is a kind man. He is loved by his friends and community. He does the will of God and I don't just mean preach his word, views and morals. Father Richard Wilfrid is of the most eldest orders of Knights from Britain. For you see Father Wilfrid is a Paladin. A holy warrior of the virtuous light. His goal to rid the world of evil and that greatest evil nowadays is the walking undead. Yes the vampire.

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Instead of killing this she-demon Father Wilfrid began to think he might be able to use this she demon to help aid him in his question against the evil, vile and unholy. Disgusted at first by the creature Wilfrid in time began to grow fond of Delilah. Delilah she is over 400 years old. Does what demons commonly do but she found in Wilfrid a friend as well as a rival. Wilfrid and Delilah fight...almost if not constantly. Always trying to 1-up the other. They are however valuable assists to the Hunters. One of the reasons is if there is anything Delilah hates it is vampires.

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Part of an Elite special Ops with the purpose of hunting down creatures of the night that pose a dangerous threat to the living. He uses his claw like gloves to stake any apposing vampires

Bloodriver Guild
The Renegade Vampire Prince, Michael du Coudray (Pronunciation: Mikha'il)
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Once the a Prince apart of a long ancient vampire bloodline he turned on them and slay them all. He wanted to be more then a dusty old tyrant ruling in a huge castle. Even though he has stopped drinking blood directly from the vain and raids the odd blood bank, he has given into his thirsty many a time. This alone with his heritage put him on the hit list of the Hunters. He decided to join with the Bloodriver Guild to ensure his survival. He still practices his "vegetarian" diet and is unswayed by the offerings of other Guild members.
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The Guild's faithful minstrel woman. Actress, singer, dancer, all around entertainer. She singing dark songs of human prey, and victories over their enemies, of bloody battles and regales them with tales of some of the most infamous of their vampiric brethren. She has often boasted about being in the court of Vlad Tepes. Although when asked more about it she quickly changes the subject.
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Beautiful and pure. White and virginal. Shocked as you might be but this fair median is indeed the sister of the Bloodriver guilds minstrel woman Belladonna. The younger sister of course. Upon learning of her elder sisters fate young Stellaluna ran headlong into the moon lit night. Belladonna always jealous of her sisters far superior musical skills thought it be fitting to take chase with her newly aquried vampiric powers. Distraught, confused and sadly lost the young Stellaluna could do nothing but look on helplessly as her sister closed in on her. She did not even see it happen, nor does she remember all Stellaluna can recall was her heartbeat and how it inevitable...stopped. Several nights later Stellaluna awoke within the family's crypt. Her elder sister sitting across from her on their grandmother's slab. Frightened at the sight of her sister Stellaluna was about to run when her sister spoke to her. My dear sister you have nothing to fear from me now, in fact you have not much to fear at all. Stellaluna then realized that like her sister she too now was of the walking undead. Reluctant a first of her unlife she tired to end it numerous times but to no avail. Soon afterward Belladonna heard of an order. A guild of vampires. Stellaluna knew not whether or not to be sick at the idea still not have come to terms at her death and "rebirth". Belladonna convinced her sister that they should join this guild. Soon afterward(even at the cringe of Stellaluna) the sister joined the Bloodriver guild. Belladonna finally accepted and loved for her music. Stellaluna however has still never tasted the blood of mortal men(or woman). She much to her displeasure sustains herself on eating rare, very rare meats. The guild is unsure if Stellaluna can survive on this diet for very long. Yet for this moment Stellaluna remains the White Flower of the Bloodriver guild.
Vampire King, Lord Solomon of Drac
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For countless years Lord Solomon of Drac has sat perched upon a throne in his citadel far away in a secluded part of Eastern Europe. With many servants to tend to his every whim and many necks to tap. Many have tried to take down this immortal and influential Vampire King. One nearly did but Lord Solomon managed to avoid a gruesome fate with a decoy. People are not sure as to how old the King really is. 100's maybe 1000's of years old. He is one of the oldest know vampire in his realm so he does not have to worry about other vampires fighting over territory. He is always of course the head of the Bloodriver Guild which has been around for as many countless years as he has been.
Vampiric Queen, Seducer of The Steely Moon, Daitanra Vicereine of Moldavia
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Being immortal has its downsides you know. The ones you love die before you. Then there is the boredom. Daitanra Vicereine has lived for centuries and she is struck with the worst case of melancholy you could ever imagine. She has grown so weary and tired of the never ending existence. She prays that something may happen. Something to pull her from the restless plight she endures. Even her spawn sense the great queens woe. Her love affair with Lord Solomon has grown tiresome as well and even the pursuit of mortal men bores her. Woe thy name is Daitanra Vicereine of Moldavia

The Ringleader, Maximus Banehallow
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Ringleader, Sorcerer and Vampire. Leader of a Vampiric Circus with acrobats, magicians, clowns, fire eaters, trapeze artists, strongmen jugglers, gypsy fortune tells, a freak show and other blood sucking circus folk as well a host of zombified animals. Maximus Banehallow ran one of the very first few Circus's in 15th century Europe. Maximus always had twisted fascination with the dark arts and evil rites. One day he came across a very dark tome, filled with spells. He started studding them for endless hours. Until one night after the show was over and the crowds were dispersing a group of black robed and hooded men came into the big top. Vampire Nomads who had not fed in months. It was over within minutes, ever member of the circus was killed and drained. Maximus clinging faintly to life, crawled back to his caravan, found the tome and began to read aloud from it. With his last breath he finished the incantation and died. As morning was fast approaching the circus, the big top, caravans and cages all began to sink into the ground along with all the slaughtered circus folk. But that next night the whole circus burst forth from the ground and all who had been killed had become the vampiric undead. For 100's of years the circus has been traveling the world, stopping in only small towns and villages to feed.
The Surgeon
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It is always a shame when good people go so very bad. His name is long forgotten now but his legacy remains. A psychotic monster even before his transformation. He had twisted views and no regard for life. Started first but experimenting on animals. Gene splicing, unnecessary surgery all sorts of crazy experiments. As much as he hated life he feared death. He wanted to find some way to put a stop it it. He learned their was only one way to stop death and that was to die. He heard of stories, read books, seen movies. He had to find a Vampire. He did some nameless fledgling, he gave himself willingly. He became and immortal, heighten senses, superior strength the works. Afterward though he became distraught, why would he want others to achieve what he had. To become death itself. He was quickly found and recruited into the guild and given only one task. To try and create a race of super vampires with no weaknesses at all. He took to the task most gratefully.

Bikendi Angelus
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A vampire who has been given a special job. He is known as the Conquering messenger. He will fly into a town or city and sneak into the leader, mayor or ruler of that down. From the shadows he will strike at them but only to deliver a message. That message is that the Harbingers of Bloodriver are coming to claim their world for their own. He then stakes off into the night only appearing as a silhouette on the pale moon.

Hybrid Werewolf Vampire
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Genetic Vampire Experiment Failure
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One of the many attempts at trying to create super vampires. This one turned out a failure. It required to much blood to sustain. They do not live long as so they make excellent fonder.
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The young Xenos had fallen into territory of the vampires and while hunting they stumbled upon the injured Nimbian. None of the vampires knew what he was, a human with wings? They pounded for a moment before snatching him up and taking him to the vampire elders. They elders had some idea of to what he was. They decided to claim this world above the clouds. Xenos begged and pleaded with them for mercy…but sadly it was his offers of bribery which caught the vampires’ attention. He promised them the city to spare his life and allow him to return to his home. They agreed to this but Xenos was unaware of what he had done and offered. A vampire leapt from the darkness swiftly plunging its fangs into the young Nimbian’s neck. His venom soon began to flow into Xenos as some of his blood flowed out down the hungry vampires throat. After sated Xenos’s body fell to the ground. It twitched and quivered until his faint heart beat…ceased. Then after a few minutes it rose again as part Nimbian and part Vampire. So the vampires spared his undead life and did let him return or rather sneak into the Cloud City and eliminated the Royal Family…

The Villains With No Affiliation

Inferno Fiend King
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Invisible Man
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Lady Endow
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She has a face of porcelain...that is to say the mask she wears is made of the finest porcelain (some say it is Bone China). She is a poor victim of circumstance. Her face is hideously disfigured from birth any who would gaze upon it would die from shock....thus was the fate of her mother, several other family members, the doctor whom delivered her, three nurses and an unfortunate policeman who happened to stop her one night. She was merely walking home when he wrenched the mask off and then stared her dead in the face. He promptly let out a guttural scream and died. She panicked and took off running through the park. In the morning the bodies of several people were found, all of which had expression of pure terror plastered across their cold dead faces.
Lady Umbra
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It was rumored that Lady Endow had a older sister that no one knew about. She was born out of wedlock so for that shame her parents Locked her in a dark room. No windows, no light got in whatsoever. After years she grew ill, Madness started to set in. She created a "friend" from the darkness. A terrible creature. It would Snarl and Growl whenever any would walk by. Her parents soon forgot about her. The feedings stopped and she could only suffer then starve to death. One day after a long time they opened the door. She was there. Dressed in black, her skin was black and her eyes were dark and Empty. On her face lay a grin a horrid thing. They crept closer to check on her and she was dead. As they peered around the darken room a pair of Crimson Eyes peered back at them. Glowing like araging fire. Before they could ether move The Black Beast (her "Friend" wink lunged directly at her mother's stomach. Her husband watch in horror as the beast Disappeared within the her. He bricked up that door and 13 days after that. Endow was born...
The Dark Stranger
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Gothic Mistress
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The Devil's Trill Sonata
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The Red-eyed black dog-like Beast that Dwells in the realm of Dreams. This Creature is based of a real I believe creature. I have had a dream about it, i know others who say they have dreamed of it as well. He lives deep in the sewers closer tho children who need to be warned. It warns of coming hardships. He is not evil, Simply misunderstood.

The White Lady and The Ivory Gentleman
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It is said that the White Lady is a specter from a different dimension, the same goes for The Ivory Gentleman. Little is known about the White Lady nor her Male companion, but for the White Lady is always seen with the Ivory Gentleman. He appears to be her Husband. They have also bore a child. He is called the...
The Gilded Ivory
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Neo-spacian Incubus
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Also from a Different dimension. The Neo-spacian Incubus he is a Sex Demon and he drains energy from those who he mates with. Those who he mates with become overly tired and worn out. They are fine within a few hours. Even tho he is a demon his Alignments are unknown. The Neo-spacian Incubus even tho his sexual orientation seems to be homosexual. The Neo-spacian Incubus as often been sighted with Delilah the she demon and servant of Father Wilfrid

Cult of Black Chaos
Extremely Insane Cultists
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Persons a little to Extreme for most cults. They found The Cult of Black Chaos suited their twisted desires. The shadows that stalk them, watch over to make sure they do as their told or don't stray off the Darken path. Females are haunted by the shadows of Children.
Based off an enemy from the SNES game Earthbound (1995)
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Bewitching Hex Mavins
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These...innocently looking enough woman tend to have strange powers over men, they can appear to be a damsel in distress, helpless and lost. Which allures to several men. Or she could be a distraught spinster looking for someone to lavish her affection and money upon. Or a widowed mother longing for the embrace of a man. Ether way you view her she is nothing but a temptress, a siren. She lures men into her web, casting her spells on them, taking over their mind, draining them of life and love. The Bewitching Hex Mavins goal is to confused and mislead. The cult utilizes the powers of these wicked enchantresses
Hollow Wraiths
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These are creatures of no remorse, no pity, no love, nor joy. Wraiths are used primarily as minions. A combination of pure dark energy and negative emotions is used in the birth of a wraith. Their birth is similar to that of a poltergeist. Those energies are then endowed into cloaks, robes and other times which in turn make up their "physical forms". As a wraith is mostly an ethereal creature it requires a focal point of concentration. That point of the wraith is the masks they wear. Wraiths have a kind of "Hive mind" working collectively under the rule of a sole being. That being is the Wraith Queen. The only purpose of a wraith is to feed off those bad vibes. They float gently along until they find the emotions that would satisfy them. The process of wraith "feedings" causing their victims to negative emotions to deepen and worsen until the breaking point when their victim can no long stand it and kills themselves. It is very rare for most people to survive an encounter with these horrific specters. Some Wraiths are more powerful then others they are encumbered with other energies besides the ones needed for their "birth". Such examples would include the Fire, Frost and Elite Wraiths.
The Four shown are (from left to right),common Hollow Wraith, Fire wraith, Frost Wraith, and an Elite Wraith
Warrior Wraiths
Evening Star Dragon, Hollow Swordsmen, Larceny Specter and Felledmen
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This is the brute and strength of the Cult. They are not as powerfully magically, but they make up for it with sheer force. The first wraith is a called "Evening Star Dragon" partly an homage to their weapon, the flail mace or morning star. The dragon part comes in that these wraiths and a dragon's soul intermixed with their dark energy. They swing their weapon so hard it could rip through 4 feet of concert. A bone shattering attack as well. The next in line is the Hollow Swordsmen. They are well gifted in the art of sword play. They have 3 arms instead of 2. With this extra appendage they are able to wield 3 swords instead of only 2. Always carry a minimum of 4 swords and a shield. If one sword breaks they will use another. If all of its swords are destroyed the Wraith is always destroyed. The destroyed wraith explodes into a vortex of dark energies. This vortex only lasting no longer then 10 to 20 minutes after that it dissipates. The second last Wraith Is very weak compared to the others, but are skilled at what they do. They are the Larceny Specters. These types of Wraith are excellent at burglary, infiltration, robbery, espionage, assassination, and stealth. They may not be powerful but they can still kill. Larceny Specters are one of the major sources of the Cults income. Unlike the other Warrior wraiths the Larceny Specters almost appear to have a full body instead of just an upper body. This however is merely an illusion. It helps the Specters to more easily steal and infiltrate if they appear more human like. As well unlike the the other Warrior Wraiths they have a special power. They can cast minor to moderate glamours upon themselves to make their tasks more easy. These glamours do not last long and most often only work at night which is good as it is when the Larceny Specters are most active. This last creature is by far the most vile, brutal and torturous of all the Warrior wraiths. They are Felledmen. Felledmen are sadistic in what they do as any other wraith but seems to be heighten in the Felledmen's cases. Very few people have seen Felledmen in action. The reason for this is that Felledmen's targets most often or not never see them coming. Cloaked almost entirely in darkness Felledmen utilize demonic portals to emerge from which they can strike without mercy their intended targets. These evil creatures tend to favor large and heavy axes. The only problem the Felledmen have is they are plagued by the ghoulish hands and spirits that sprout up from around the Felledmen's nonexistent feet and try and drag them down into the depths of hell where they belong. Felledmen always carry a single light candle with them. Once their target has been neutralized they symbolically blow out said candle. This signifies their masters that the deed is done. Felledmen take great sadistic joy out of taking people's lives. This in itself is most ironic as Wraiths in general have no emotions whatsoever to speak off.

UnGentlemen, Ladies of Gale, LadyKillers
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Ah the refined upper crust. These fancy wraiths purpose is still very widely unknown. They have appeared at elegant soirees and gala balls. They mingle, they chit chat(even tho they noises they make are more or less mumbles and weak moans). They act as if nothing about them as out of the ordinary. These is however until someone remarks upon their "unfortunate" condition. The gentleman wraith will go berserk. The tea cups they carry never empty and in the enraged state provides the wraith with a crippling attack of throwing scalding hot tea into the faces of those who "provoked" it. They have been also known to beat their targets merciously with their canes. The Lady's are equally violent when angered. The fans they carry can create strong gale forced winds which throw whatever venue they are at into complete disarray. The bouquets can also fire poisonous barbs at its victims. My advice as if a gentleman with no feet and a lady in a fine mask appear at your party treat them with the uppermost care and advise your guests to mind their manners.

The Wilderness Wraith and the Magatech Wraith
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The Wilderness Wraith was once a nature spirit but before it was infected and corrupted by the Cult of Black Chaos's Evil. They told the spirit how mankind was evil, the horrors of what humans have been doing to the forest and animals. The cult drove the spirit to the brink of despair and then killed it and brought it back as a vengeful spirit of nature. However the cult should have foreseen what was to come. As all people know it is impossible to control nature. Thus the wraith rebelled and attacked everything and one in its path. The embodiment of Nature's Wrath. An unstoppable force, a living natural disaster.

The some of the cultists decided to bring the cult into the modern age. Trying to do this by creating a mechanically advance and technologically sound Wraith. They filled its A.I. with evil and made sure every wire was coursing with pure dark energies. However in doing so several viruses infected the wraith and rendering it uncontrollable. It became the embodiment of technological insecurity. The possibilities of one day machines raising up against humanity.

As was to be expected the Wilderness and Magatech became sworn adversaries. Nature vs Technology.

Nature spirit
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This is what nature looked like before its horrific transformation.

Unmasked vampiric Wraith
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One of the few full bodied Wraiths. It is by are one of the most ruthless and violent of the wraiths. Can drain of village in a matter of hours. Swarms of them are even more dangerous. So far no more then 3 or 4 have been sighted in a group. They are solitary creatures. It is still unsure as to why these wraiths can act and exist without a mask of course those who ask such questions most often never live long enough to get an answer.

Shogun Wraith
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Rarest and said to be the most powerful Wraith(part from the queen). The Cult used the ancient armour of a powerful and blood thirsty Shogun general. It was said that this Shogun was undefeatable. His Death only came to pass, when one of his own men poisoned him. Infusing the armour with Evil energies. It was Brought to life and the Spirit of the Shogun returned to his empty, hostless armour. Now he fights not for Japan, but for the Cult.

Ahkmenasptek Wraith of the Pharaoh's Curse
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Of course you've heard of King Tutankhamun, Great Ramses, the Beautiful Cleopatra or maybe even Amenhotep III. But how many of you can tell me about the unholy Ahkmenasptek? Ahkmenasptek was once a great pharaoh of Egypt. His reign might not be known to date; Unless one is an avid explorer in occult studies. Ahkmenasptek was one of the most cruel and wicked of all the great Egyptian Pharaohs. He was a worshiper of the dark god of chaos Set. His priests sacrificed hundreds upon thousands of serpents in his name (Set's and the Pharaoh's). Ahkmenasptek death was almost ironic as he was overthrown and tossed into a deep pit of countless venomous snakes. Ahkmenasptek vowed from that dank hole in the earth to have is vengeance upon the lands Thousands of years later when archeologist stumbled upon the ruins of Ahkmenasptek tombs they would end up releasing something of unspeakable evil. Everyone knows about king tut's curse. How it killed off all those who were involved in the excavation of his tomb. Ahkmenasptek curse was far worse. It did not wait to kill of the men who found him in days or weeks, months even years. No, Ahkmenasptek's curse killed them off within minutes of the tombs opening. Those men and woman dead most horrible deaths. Their flesh melted off their bone. Their hearts exploded in their chests and their blood curtailing screams could be heard throughout the land of Egypt. Something unique about the Pharaoh is that unlike every other wraith he seems to be immune to the Wraith Queen's powers of control. Thus he is the only wraith with freewill. In fact his birth is unique too for he was not given "life" by the Wraith Queen. His contemptible spirit languished for millennia. His hatred and pure bile kept him going until his tomb was opened. As he acts within the cults interest they see no threat in him. However there has been whispers that Ahkmenasptek might seek to overthrow the Wraith Queen and to take control of every wraith.

Pharaonic Servants
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With Ahkmenasptek's freewill he has also gained control of a pocket of Wraiths that were the dead servants and followers whom he had in life. They dress in desert attire. The robes of royals and peasants alike now mere tattered cloth which clings freely to the servants. As a Pharaoh he utilizes this wraiths to do his work for him. Only rarely venturing out to accomplish a goal if his servant's incompetence is at an all time high. Good help is so hard to find.

Infernal Admiral & Vice Admiral Typhoon
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Some time in the late 1930's lived a man who was hated, feared, respected and at one point even loved. His name was William I. Hadeson Admiral of a Brooklyn class cruiser. He was a tactical genius as well he was a raving lunatic; who's orders cost hundreds, if not thousands of sailors lives, enemy and ally alike. He ran one of the tightest ships anyone could see, he once beat a man nearly inches from death, because he had spilled pea soup in the mess hall. His word was law on his ship, his crew hated him. The vice admiral was just as sadistic. He enjoyed torturing the crew, making outlandish orders and generally making the ship a floating hell. Which given the name of the ship seemed quiet fitting, USS Lucifer's Fury. The one thing that made the Admiral so respected(by others not of his chew) was the fact out of all the sailing and sea faring men, he was by far the least superstitious. Some say this is what lead to his undoing. During one voyage the chew notice something off the starboard side. The admiral took out his telescope and saw it. The Flying Dutchman, the chew was filled with shock and awe. They all protested they return to port as fast as possible. The admiral merely laughed at their pathetic request and went full steam ahead. Later that night he was eating in his quarters with his vice admiral. Out of nowhere a mass storm system seemed to materialize without warning. It pounded the ship, the vice admiral went out on deck to see what was amiss when a bolt of lightning struck the ship. one of the masts began to fall the vice admiral dodged it narrowly but slipped on the wet deck and slid into the ocean. After which the ship was struck several more times by lightning until it caught fire and soon afterward sank beneath the waves. Her Admiral cowering in his cabin, the man who installed fear became the man with the most fear.

The Wraith Queen when searching for more souls to twist and corrupt came upon and sunken vassal. She searched through its flooded corridors and came across a ghost who was weeping in a corner of what looked like a admiral's cabin. After learning of his fate she told him she could take away his fear and sorrow and give him great untold power. He at first was reluctant until the Wraith Queen reunited the Admiral with this Vice Admiral. The Queen gave them both new unlife in return for complete loyalty. She gave the Vice Admiral minor control of the elements that killed him, the waves, storms and wind. The Admiral did not really want special powers of any sort so the Queen encumbered his revolver to shoot spectral bolts and gave him complete control over his Vice Admiral.
The Wraith Queen
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She is Pure Concentrated Evil Energy. With no corporeal body to speak of (they say she can feel no pain...ever) If need be she can take her energy from her the clothes and items and transport it elsewhere. Upon doing this the the said items fall to the ground in a big heap from having nothing to hold them up any more. This proves a very useful defense mechanism and could very well explain her long "Existence". Every wraith holds some of the queen's Dark Energies. So in essence she is given birth to every known wraith. Her age is unknown. It is assumed she was the very first Wraith. Some believe she herself transcends time and is from another Dimension. She seems to aid The Cult quite willingly. Apparently only to happy to assist any evil organization. Through our History she has made other appearances. Always aiding those willing enough to be...well...Evil.
The Cult of Black Chaos

The Demonic Genie Darwish-Nasser, Restrained
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When traveling in the deserts of Persia they cult came across a juvenile Ifrit(Evil fire genie) terrorizing local villages. The cult so potential in this unruly genie. They proceeded to capture and restrain the genie. With the Ifrit's powers of wish granting they cult could be unstoppable. The Genie who's name is Darwish-Nasser seems to only grant his own wishes. He has made several escape attempts during his imprisonment.

Vile Acolyte
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Violent mercenaries of the cult and humble servants to the Shadow's Chaos Priests. They performs ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles, or ready the blood for Chaos Priests(Blood which most often or not is gathered by Acolytes). The claws they wear most times are stained in blood. The claws are said to be able to rip ones soul out from the body. The acolytes wear ceremonial and ritualistic warpaint or tattoos. The most experienced oh the Acolytes have full bodied works done. The Acolytes while working or hunting are accompanied by Cryoplights(minor demons clock spirits). The reason way these creatures follow these acolytes is unsure. They serve no real purpose but the cult is not really pestered by their presents. It is believe however that this demons calculated all the sins, murder and evil deeds the Vile Acolytes rack up and when the clock's hands make 13 full rotations the Acolyte will die.
The Shadow's Chaos Priest
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Semi-powerful users of magic of Necromancy mostly but dabble in other areas of black magic. They are the overseers of the Cult. Of course they obey a group of much more powerful masters. The Priests are blind folded so they are always in darkness. The mitres they wear are possessed by minor demons which through the demon's eyes can the Priest's see. The Priests were once human but give up a fraction of their humanity once joining the cult. In the Ritual of Allegiance a rite preformed to induct new members into the vile priesthood a part of the person's soul is offered up to a demon of their choice. In exchange the demon infects that person changing one or more of their physical attributes most often horns begin to grow, fingers may become claws, feet might form into hooves or talons and a tail of some kind might grow. The infection does not spread throughout the whole of the host's body however. In rare cases it does the priest then transcends into a full demon, depending on the power of said person they may become lesser or a greater demon. Most often they become a member of the demon order they chose to sacrifice part of their soul to.
(the priest shown gave his soul to the goetic demon Malphas)
Pumpking the Ultimate Weapon
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It Is what it is. The Ultimate Weapon. It rampages through cities and cannot be stopped till the city lays in ruin. He achivces his goal in various manners. But is favorite is the large clever like blade he wields. He can use it to slash buildings clear in half. He will use his fists and feet to. Several Chaos Priests are needed to finally bring the creature under control after he is loosed unto a city. Little does anyone realize that the Pumpking is actuality an enormous Wraith. This is the reason for the Wraiths to gather and feed upon negative emotions. They accumulate into a viscous sludge. That sludge is then given a extra does of dark power. The sludge begins to grow and grow and grow until it forms into a massive creature of pure bile and destruction.

Homicidal Requiem

The Burning Blood Moon
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One of the over Seers of the cult and other evil operations is The Burning Blood Moon. Born on the Night of a blood moon and lunar eclipse. His childhood was traumatic and rough. It drove him insane. When he was born his mother died during birth. He was raised by his father until his father was brutally murdered. He was left home alone and in the dark. He grew up alone, becoming more and more twisted.
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Unlike the Greek Nemesis who was a spirit of divine punishment, this Nemesis however is a Spirit of Demonic Punishment. Everyone through his eyes deserves to be judged and he is one harsh judge. He appears as a Sadomasochistic, bisexual, white skinned, crimson haired, tri-horned, sharp clawed demon wielding a long slender fire whip. He doesn't just kill, he finds it more fun to just use tortures of incredible horror.
Amora Morrigana and Charygawrthan
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In the deepest parts of the oceans lurk a sea serpent well a kinda sea serpent. Her name is Amora Morrigana and she is a undersea witch and the sole reason why the Secret kingdom of Aquarius met its downfall. She was banished from there and vowed revenge. She used her magics to transform her self into a human to walk the surface world. There began to incite the humans, Spread rumours, lies and propaganda. Saying that the kingdom of Aquarius meant to take over the surface world. She was the reason why the kingdom and it's people were slaughtered but only she and the rest of the Requiem know. She now resides among the ruins of Aquarius.

Charygawrthan was a sea creature of unknown species but who becomes of his incredible intelligence became the Royal vizier to the monarchy of Aquarius. His true goal was not to advice the kingdom on issues but to rob from its people. Charygawrthan has only ever care about 2 things, money and power. So it is not surprising that he decided to join with Amora Morrigana to plot the downfall of Aquarius. Once the kingdom lay in ruin Amora got all the Power and Charygawrthan got all the riches. He found it an even trade off. He now advices Amora on matters and aids in her endeavors.

Charygawrthan's name is a combination of 3 sea monsters, Charybdis, Morgawr and Leviathan.

Betrayer King, Morbent Dreadmoore
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The Bound Count Havoc Everburning
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He is...the Leader of the cult, the master. He must be bound by these chains...for if released...nothing, not even is own subjects would be safe. His own being is shrouded in mystery. Age, Birth, Mostly everything about him is unknown

He lives in an apocalyptic realm. Fiery craters It consists of only a burnt forest a river of boiling blood and large mansion. The mansion itself is constantly engulfed in flames.

Horrible News...it seems His powers are increasing...the Cult Doesn't know how much longer they can keep him in Chains

The Grim Reaper
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In English, death is often given the name the "Grim Reaper" and shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe, and wearing a midnight black gown, robe or cloak with a hood, or sometimes a white burial shroud. Usually when portrayed in the black-hooded gown, his face is not to be seen, but is a mere shadow beneath the hood.

In some cases, the Grim Reaper is able to actually cause the victim's death, leading to tales that he can be bribed, tricked, or outwitted in order to retain one's life. Other beliefs hold that the Specter of Death is only a psychopomp, serving only to sever the last tie from the soul to the body and guide the deceased to the next world and having no control over the fact of their death.

The Story of Reaver
Reaver...the name is bathed in evil. The Reaver couple, were cruel, disgusting, loathsome people, Hated by all. Exploits of their evil ways spread far and wide, yet no proof of their involvement. People knew for a fact they were behind them. It even became considered wicked to speak the family’s Surname. Even speak their Given names. The Reaver’s bore many children. Sons and daughters each one with an evil seed embedded in them. The family must be stopped people said. The parents Must be killed and their vile offspring...must be...purged. Although, before anyone could do anything the Family Vanished. Each and every one of the children were gone. Very soon after the Reaver Manor was burned to the ground. When the people starting cleaning up the ruins the former Manor they found the charred bodies of both parents, yet not other bodies were found. Aside from some of the maids and menservants thought slaves might have been a better term for them.

The Lost Children of Reaver

Drake Reaver (Fatal Mind)
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One day from the gloomy mists a young person appeared. He stood atop the grounds where the old Reaver Manor once stood several years ago. People were not really sure the age of the lad. He wield an oddly shaped Sword, almost like a Rapier but crooked or slanted. His face was hollow and his sword always drawn. For 3 days he stood there, even though a sharp, fridge wind blew. A woman approached him, offering Shelter, food, warmth anything she could think to offer. Then an old man came to the boy, he pleaded with the young lad. “Where are you from?”, “Why are you here”, and “What are you...lo”. Before the old man could finish the Boy’s sword plunged Deep into his chest. The woman ready to scream and flee was unable to. The Sword already thrust through her. The Young person smiled, he enjoyed taking both their lives. He only uttered out a single thing…”For…..Reaver...”. Afterward was when the screaming started and his massacre began…
Lucian Reaver (Lucid Nightmare)
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The Screaming soon fades, another person…for lack of a better word came and stood on the same spot the young boy once stood. He was much darker then the boy and it seemed much older to. Possible in his late teens. His Clothing patterned in such a way. Black and white from head to toe. Wearing what seemed claw-like gloves a scarf that twisted and flowed as if it were alive. The boy started his stride the Monochromatic visitor. He bowed his head and grinned fiendishly at him. “It is so good to see you, Dear brother”. The other just stood there and gave a slight nod. “Aye the same goes for you brother…I see you have been…quite busy of late”. “That I have, that I have. They must have been punished brother. For Killing Dear old Mother and Father”. The black and white clad brother chuckled deeply. “Punished…what and interesting choice of words, there is one thing you have forget silly boy”. Blood drips off the boy’s sword. He always loathed being called a silly boy. He grunted his response ”And what dear brother would that have been”. Dark black plums of smoke billowed into the sky as the village of bodies was engulfed in an inferno of incredible horror.
Sira Reaver (Pale Angel)
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Sitting so eagerly upon a broke tombstone. A pale skinned, fair haired girl waited. The moon was full and she basked in its silvery glow. A man came running towards her. Panic filled his face. “MISS you have to get out of here there are this 2 maniacs, they burning the village not far from here and slaughter all that lived there”. She gracefully slide off the tombstone. She was face was rather peeved. “Foolish man those maniacs are my brothers, thank you very much”. He was horrified but then a familiar crooked sword came through his back and out his chest. She giggled playfully as blood leaked off the tip. The sword was pulled back through him and he fell dead at her feet. See gazed at her brothers snickering. “Have you finished punishing those who killed out parents?” Both of them nodded at once. “They have paid in blood for what they have done”, “Good” was her reply.
Lilium Reaver (Crimson Rose)
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A girl much like one who sat so happily on the graves of others sat now on a throne of blood. She had changed ever so much; it would have made her mother so proud. Carrying her small and deadly dagger, she rarely leaves the safety of her parent’s tomb. It is not because she is scared, no far be it. She prefers the dank cold stone walls to the bright and sunny outside. She can still hun

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    thyne beauty of disaster
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    commentCommented on: Thu Sep 18, 2008 @ 04:48pm
    i like your archer heart

    i hope you expand this, well, ******** it.... ALL of your collections! *greedy* 4laugh

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