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who cares
what ever goes
Family: mother- Queen Daisy, farther- King Luke, Brothers- Ash & Blake
Background Story
Born in a village in the middle of the ancient forest; Kitty was the youngest daughter of the rulers on the village. Her Village is unknown to the outside world; they are a special race of people. Each person is born with special powers, one of which is an animal to call, that they can control and turn into. The second power is one of nature; her people can control one element of nature. Being that of Water, Air, Earth, Plants, Fire, Icy, or Healing; each family has its own powers. Leading to family marring off they’re children to others of the same power. Over time it has been forbidden to marry outside of your family’s power. For fear of unknown effects the offspring may have do to having parents of different powers.
Each person in the village has their power and animal to call by the time of their fourth birthday, most bonds to one animal from their animal to call; this animal is called a Lunar. The Lunar is special from normal animals, when chosen the Lunar life span is shared with their master; and they live as long as their master lives. The village has lived peacefully with each other through out the ancient forest for centuries. They keep to themselves away from the outside world of other creatures of power; such as Were-people, Vampires, Witches & Warlocks, Demons, Angels, and other creatures known and unknown to human kind.
Kitty has two older brothers from a different mother, they are both Water elements like their father and Mother. Her oldest brother Ash has a wolf as an animal to call; then the younger brother Blake who has a monkey as an animal to call. Unlike her brothers Kitty’s mother was not a Water element. The people of the village were unhappy with their king’s chose of a non-water element wife. So much that they keep away from her and her daughter, not allowing their children around Kitty. Her mother died when she was two years old, not having anyone to turn to her two brothers took care of her. On her fourth birthday she got her animal to call all Felines; which mad all of the village people avoid her even more. For it has never been known for a person to have more them one kind of animal for their animal to call. Still not having a element of power her brother practice with her all day of her fourth birthday to try and find out what her element is; in doing so they found out she could mildly use all of the elements, even thought her mother was a healer element and her farther was a water element like them.
Unnerved by their father’s odd behavior, they didn’t tell him or anyone of their finding. Keeping their training of their little sister to themselves; they trained her in all of the elements, making sure she knew to tell the villages she had not element, in fear of them hurting her if they knew the truth. Also she was total to pretend she found an animal to call, which she thought was odd since she did not yet. Not knowing what top do she asked they for a pet to call her Lunar. Seeing the problem their sister had, they found a normal kitten and gave it to her as her fake Lunar. The village happy with their powerless mutant, they left her alone to herself.
Forbidden to marry again her father was stripped of his powers and left with only the title of king. The oldest brother Ash became high prince and given the powers of king by the village. Her farther left with nothing to do became more unstable and hungry from supernatural power watched his daughter closely. Finding out she was not a mull to elements. Happy with his daughter’s unnatural abilities he watches over her from afar. On her ninth birthday she was having a peaceful birthday party with only her brothers and herself in the forest. She was having a time when her farther called her over for her present. She left with him to see what he got her, going back to the house she was soon cornered by him. If he couldn’t have unnatural power he would just eat her and get them from her. Insane he thought it would work, but her brothers stopped him, running away from their farther they hid her inside of a crystal in one of the caves they used to train her in. returning back to the village they face off their farther, only to die with the rest of the village. The king not being able to have the power he wanted went crazy and blows up the entire village. Only a few villagers who were away hunting survived the blast. Over the years they moved to the outside world joining the rest of the people. Leaving behind their past and their young princess trapped inside the crystal her brothers used to protect her thousands of years ago.
Over time the people from the village married to other beings afraid to marry to each other of different elements. Thus being their kind to extant ion; never know that they were of a special being that lived for hundreds of years, some even longer. Do to their connection to nature. There are still myths of these special beings, but none of their princess that they didn’t even know still lived forever sealed inside a crystal; watching the world age, but never aging herself.
Thousands of years later the once great forest is now less then it used to be, with many beings adventure into it trying to find things from their past. During an adventure in the forest a group of Demons came upon the old village of the Lunar people, named after their animal to call. Exploring the area they came upon the cave containing the crystal with her inside. Happy to find a true purebred of the original tribe; they freed her from the crystal. Instead of showing her off to the public they kept her as their personal slave. Using her to care their things and do random hard work; being sealed for thousands of years left her with unnatural power without the experience. Do to this unexplained thing her eyes and hair changed with her mood and one morning years later she woke up with her demon masters dead. Not knowing what happened she took off with her new found freedom, she has been wondering around for the past two years trying to find a place to call home.
Over the years she has learned to do many things in her new world. She was taught to cook, clean, and take care of random things like a maid. She also learned behind her old masters’ back how to fight, hunt, gamble, and use the nature around her to her advantage. During her travels around places she has ran into trouble with men trying to cause her harm; only to find them dead in the morning. She unnerved be this slowly finds out she killed them. Not remembering killing them, she soon finds out she has a hidden inner personality. Her inner self was called Neko; she found this entire thing out by a massage Neko left her one morning after an encounter from troublesome men one night. Neko knew all about Kitten, but she was totally unaware of her other self. Do to this split personality Kitty tried to keep away from her kind most of the time.

Lunar Animal
Lunar animals normal share their master’s life span because their master lives longer then them, but on some real occasion the Lunar animal natural life span is longer then their master’s on the those rare occasions the master will share their Lunar’s life span. This hidden knowledge has been long forgotten even when the village was still whole. For it has never been known for a shifter to bond to an animal who lived that long. For most animals that bond to the people are normal mortal animals. Thus this exception to the Lunar animal bonding rule has been left forgotten.

Lunar Elements
Lunar elements are: Air, Earth, Fire, Healing, Ice, Plant, or Water. It had come to be that each family shares the same Lunar element, thus marring to other families of common Lunar element. Each and every person is born with a Lunar element; but everyone shares the same limits; not one single shiftier of the tribe can use their element beyond these limits. The limit is extended with age and experience; but all have the same limit. It all depends if they reach that limit or not. It is also know what each element limit is too. Do to the age limits of the people these rules apply to all who are born a shiftier of the tribe. Thus the laws of the elements are concert! Each element has a weakness and strength from other elements.
Strength: Fire
Weakness: Plant
Limits: Those of this element can control mild effects of temperature; but are limited to the are they control. They can also only control the temperature on way at a time. They can also filter air of its gas base elements, making pure section of certain element,. Such as filtering all elements in the air except for oxygen; the staring base for controlling air is at four hundred square feet at one time. Taking away ten square feet per Celsius they change, and twenty square feet per percent of the air they filter from the area. They can cause winds, but for each mile increase of the exciting wind speed takes away. All of this is taking from a base area of five hundred feet, but it’s impossible to control this entire base around do to the fact they have to change something in the air to control it. Because of all of these limitations air is weak against solid elements which makes the user use up more energy , thus less amount of the element to have an effect over solid objects.
Strength: Air
Weakness: Ice
Limits: Those would are gifted with this element can control the ground to certain limits. They can control sand up to three hundred square feet, hard dirt and rock mixed ground up to one hundred and fifty square feet, and normal density rock up to seventy five square feet. They can compress a square foot of earth down to a third of its size, and repeat the process unto its natural limit. They can not make diamonds or shape the higher density of rocks. They can mend pieces of these elements together. But in no way can they control hardest rock, the Diamond. This element is weak against Ice which can break it up on micro size levels.
Strength: Ice
Weakness: Water
Limits: These people can control fire that already exist or can create fire if given a spark to work with. Their use of fire can only be determined by the element they have to use. No use can create fire without three main factors: spark, flammable material, and the right kind of air. Without these key factors no matter how powerful one maybe, they can not create fire. Those who can control fire can only control it to some degree; they can not make fire burn things it can’t natural burn. But not to be confused with melting ice; they can melt ice. Unfortunately if done carelessly will also destroy the fire. They can only control fire up to one hundred square feet of space without the fire gaining control. They’re last power is that they can protect certain thing from the fire if within that limit.
Has no strengths or weaknesses to other elements, it uses all elements and can be harmed by all elements as well. Those who use this element don’t normally fight, they are used for healing those who do; or those who are hurt/sick and need healing.
Limits: Can not bring people back from the dead or save them from the break of death. They can heal minor wound, improve the progress of severe wounds. They can not heal sicknesses such as cancer or curses; but can heal or improve other sicknesses depending on most sever the sickness is.
Strength: Water
Weakness: Fire
Limits: Those who can use Ice can turn certain amounts of water into ice of their chosen form; but are limit by the amount depending on the original temperature of the water they are using. They can control and slowly reform ice of up to three thousand liters. Taking away two and a half liters per temperature rise from the freezing point of zero Celsius. The harder they want the ice, the less they can use, by using the same ratio one degree to two and a half liters of water. The purer the water they easier to control, they can not filter water like the Water element people.
Strength: Earth
Weakness: Air
Limits: With the right amounts of natural elements these people can control the rate and speed of a plant’s grow, but only one kind of plant. From two hundred square feet of grass to a single tree; the bigger the plant the less of that kind of plant they can control. But their have to been the natural elements these plants need to grow, thus they are only limited to the growth of the by the natural amount of elements the plant has around them. Them can control the shape of plants but are limited by the amount of each natural amount they can control originally. Plants are still bond by the natural laws and can be moved from the spot they are at, such as they can’t make plants walk. The more they try to control the less they can control, such as if they want to control and move the braches from a tree, they can only move one at a time, or to control a whole tree it has to be a skinny tree of only four feet or less.
Strength: Fire
Weakness: Ice
Limits: They can float small amounts of water in the air and move moderate amounts around on the ground, they can not remove water from things, nor can they control more then three thousand liters of water on the ground at one time, or fifty liters in the air. They can not control the temperature of water or change the chemistry of it. They can removing items from it or hold items in it, but the bigger the body of water the less force behind the hold; regardless of age and experience. They also can only control water in two of its forms liquid and steam. Only steam in minimal ways, they can not force steam back into liquid or keep it at its original temperature.

Kitten's animal-to-call
Titania's Panthera

A Panthera is a big cat with a multicolored hide; when the panther roars it emitting a sweet smelling odor. This odor draws in any creatures that smell it (the dragon being the only creature immune. It’s hid is soft to the touch, but is tough against attacks; making it nearly unpenetrateable to most attacks against it. Able to change its size this cat can be the size of a common house cat, to as big as a horse. Having no fear of water, unlike its smaller cousin’s, this cat is able to swim well in water. Its claws are as sharp as diamonds and can be very deadly to those who cross its path. Patheras are rarely owned by other, do to the harsh judgment they pass on others. But those who are worth in their eye, will have a Pathera that is very loyal and protective of them.
Historical- Panther: Legendary Creature
A Panther is a creature out of ancient myth that resembles a big cat with a multicoloured hide. Under medieval belief after feasting the panther will sleep in a cave for a total of three days. After this period ends, the panther roars, in the process emiting a sweet smelling odour. This odour draws in any creatures who smell it (the dragon being the only creature immune) and the cycle begins again. The ancient Greeks believed the panther was one of the favored mounts of the god Dionysus. Other names for this creature are pantera, pantere, and love cervere. In Germany, the panther is often depicted in heraldry as a creature with four horns, cow's ears and a fiery red tongue. The coat-of-arms of the city of Cres, Croatia shows a panther with a fiery tongue. This form is known as the Panther Incensed with flames coming from its mouth and ears, representing the panther's sweet odour. This form was most notably used by King Henry VI as his badge and by other members of the House of Lancaster.
[Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panther_(legendary_creature)
Neko's animal-to-call
Titania's Bakeneko

The Bakeneko is the size of a big house cat. It’s has supernatural abilities that allow it to talk through the mind to others, that give it their, permission. Becare to which Bakeneko you allow to talk to you through the mind, for it will never need to ask of it agin. It can’t read minds, it can only transport words to your mind. The cat has also been know to walk on its two rear legs and shapeshift. Its abilities of shapeshifting are limited to changing it’s looks to other cats, but it will stay the same size. It can also mimick and turn into it’s master, a mini-version that is. Most Bakeneko have a master, one that have helped them when they were in trouble. But a few still perfore to be free. A Bakeneko is more powerful and can do more when they are with a master, then if then do not have one. A abilities that only owned Bakeneko’s have is the abities to shapshift into a weapon for their master. Each Bakeneko has it’s own form for this weapon, in to form of somekind of hand held weapon. They can not turn into anything liks a gun.
Historical- Bakeneko
In Japanese folklore, any cat that lives over thirteen years old, reaches one kan (eight pounds) in weight or is allowed to keep a long tail can become a bake-neko or Ghost Cat (Addis 2001). A bake-neko is a cat that gains paranormal powers after certain circumstances. The breeding of the Japanese Bobtail may have some connection with this superstition. After a bake-neko tail grows long enough it forks into two tail then the bake-neko is no longer called a bake-neko, but a neko-mata. Other forms of bake-neko are Maneki-neko (Addis 2001). Most of the stories about the bake-neko are told orally in Japan.
In the early 17th century the Japanese used cats to kill off the rats and mice that were threatening the silkworms. During this time it was illegal to buy or sell cats. Most of the cats in Japan were set free to roam around the cities. Stories about these street cats became legends over time. There are many stories about the supernatural abilities of the bake-neko: talking, walking on their two rear legs, shapeshifting, and even resurrecting the dead. Because of the stories about the bake-neko the Japanese people may cut their cat’s tail off to stop them from becoming a bake-neko. Cats that were caught drinking lamp oil were also considered to be bake-nekos. Cats may have regularly been caught drinking lamp oil due to the fact that old fashion lamp oil was made from fish.
There are many legends about the bake-neko. One in particular may have given birth to the Japanese Bobtail. As the legend goes, a cat was warming itself near the fire and set its tail on fire. The long-tail cat then ran through the town burning many buildings to the ground. For retribution the Emperor decreed that all cats should have their tails cut off.
Another famous bake-neko story is about a man named Takasu Genbei, whose mother’s personality changed completely after his pet cat went missing for many years. His mother avoided the company of friends and family and would take her meals alone in her room. When the family peeked in on her they saw a cat like a monster in the mother's clothes, chewing on animal carcasses. Takasu, still skeptical, slew what looked like his mother and after one day his mother's body turned back into his pet cat that had been missing.
Not all bake-neko are bad; in some stories they are faithful and good-hearted to their owners; three stories in particular tie benevolent bakeneko to the legend of the maneki neko. One such story is about a bake-neko named Tama. Tama's owner was a very poor priest who lived in a rundown temple in Setagaya, west of Tokyo. The priest would tell Tama, “I’m keeping you in spite of my poverty, so couldn’t you do something for this temple?” One day the lord of the Hikone district, Naotaka, was standing under a big tree in front of the temple to avoid the rain. Naotaka become aware of a cat calling him to the temple gate. As he begin to walk to the temple gate the tree was struck by lighting. The cat who called out to Naotaka was Tama. After the incident, Naotaka became friends with the priest of the temple. Naotaka chose the temple to be the family temple and change its name to Goutokuji. Because of Tama's help the priest became prosperous.
Another good bake-neko story is about a cat whose owner was a high-ranking geisha. Every time she would try to go to the toilet, the cat would claw at her robes to keep her away from the toilet. Because of the cat’s strange behavior the geisha killed it. After that she proceeded to the toilet. As she begin to use the toilet, the ghost of the cat bit to death the snake that was lurking near the toilet, saving its owner from harm.
Sometimes the bake-neko had the power to enter someone’s dreams. There is a story about a bake-neko who entered her owner's dream to tell her to manufacture its image in clay in order to bring her wealth. Other stories tell about how a bake-neko may sometimes shape-shift into a beautiful girl, so that their owner would be able to marry them and have children.http://en.wikipedia.org/

Personal Limits on Lunar Elements

Kitten can use Healing Powers as well as any Healing person from her village. She can make remedies for anything a person can be suffering from. Unless it’s do to a curse or some outer element; but if it’s from anything natural or nature cause she can cure to certain degrees. She can not cure cancer or near death sickness, but she can lessen the symptoms and pain for the person. She can add in speeding up healing of minor non life threatening damage with the aid of her herbs.
Kitten can keep plants alive and health; making them produce more then they normal could, but her can not speed up their growth or change their shape. She can nudge them to grow their fruit and seeds faster and better, but nothing take major. Her second side power from healing is water. Loving to play in water she has learned how to float tiny bubbles of water in the air. Enjoying how it makes the children happy. Her powers with water are mostly minor things; that are only useful for her healing and cooking. She cans not more water bigger then seven gallons at a time, nor can she do an damage to others with her abilities over water. Kitten can only use one element at a time, she can’t use them together. She can use all of the village elements, but she has no knowledge of how to use them. Nor does she have the teachers to teach her. She knows Neko can use different ones from her, but she leaves that alone, and believes practicing with what she does know is more important then trying to learn more things.
Neko being more aggressive and out going has practice the art of the Fire Element. She can control the element to almost the full limit of her people. She is happy with her use of the Fire element but has much to improve of her second element she can control. The Earth element, she can filter out impurities in the metal. She can’t control large amounts of ground or anything like that. Her use of the element is only in the field of purifying rocks and minerals of the earth. She has great use of this with her favorite hobby of black smith. In which she has become a natural master of making blades for weapons and cooking. She has learn as much about different kinds of weapons and she has about different cooking knifes. Knowing Kitten’s passion of cooking, in which Neko likes making new knifes for her to use. As for blades for herself, she normally sells them off after a few days of using them. Knowing she can always make more later, and that her work pays very well on the market. Neko has slowly started to learn the art of air element; but nothing like her people's use of the element. she just uses it along with her other two to make blades; by controling the fire and earth.

Split Personality
A normal person with Kitten’s and Neko’s problem is commonly referred to as having DID. Meaning a person with more then one personality; but they do not have this disorder. Kitten and Neko are in fact to entirely different people. They just share the same body. Kitten knows nothing about Neko except what she leaves in a letter for her. Neko on the other hand knows everything Kitten does or says. She can not read Kitten’s thoughts or mind. Their body can control all seven of the Lunar elements; but neither one of them can control them all; only together can they control most of them. Kitten has powers over plants, healing, and water; Neko on the other hand has the power over Fire, air, and earth. The only power that neither of them has learned in the power of the Ice element; but neither is in any hurry to learn it.
Both girls are very different from each other. Not just in looks and their element powers. The two are also very different in how they act, dress, and in the everyday behavior of their lives. Both girls secretly wish for one day be able to talk to each other, and maybe even be two different people; without sharing the same body.
Both girls share two common personal traits; and only two noticeable traits. They both love to shop, maybe not for the same things; but none the less they both share a passion for shopping. The second thing they both like to do is that they have a habit of playing with their clothing or hair when they are nerves. A habit neither of them can break; but one that binds them together in likeness. That and thier pasion for clothing; but they have very different taste in clothing.
Scinetficly Correct Term
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The diagnosis requires that at least two personalities routinely take control of the individual's behavior with an associated memory loss that goes beyond normal forgetfulness; in addition, symptoms cannot be due to substance abuse or medical condition
Kitten is a shy reserved girl by nature; but she can be very stubborn when is comes to a person being hurt. She loves to heal people she meets; when staying at another person’s place Kitten will clean and cook form them. She does this because she loves doing those things. If cooking only for herself she will make her favorite dishes; which is salads and pasta meals. She will drink once in a while; when she does she drinks wine or sake with her meal. She does not like the harder liquors; nor can she handle them. Kitten loves to shop for various things besides food and herbs. She likes to look at clothing and accessories; her taste in clothing is more reserved and feminine. She likes to wear dresses and skirt that flow down to her knees, and peasant or button down tops that are loose fitting on her figure. Her favorite colors are shade of blue and greens; they remind her of the water and forest she loves so much. Her shoe of choice is sandals in the summer and soft ankle length leather boots in the winter. She dreads looking into her bag when Neko has been on a shopping spree. It makes her very uncomfortable to know that the less reserved clothing that Neko wears was on her body. But over all Kitten is happy with her and Neko’s different behaviors and tastes.
Neko is very out going and not afraid to speak her mind; unless there is a cute guy around. Then she will bit her tongue a little; but if the guy is a jerk she let him have it three folds. Neko is a very stubborn person who loves to prove people wrong. She hates it when men think little of her because of her size and gender; Neko gets great pleasure out of teaching these men their place. When ever Neko has time to herself she likes to work out and maybe start a fight with a bunch of drunken fools in bars. She loves to get her hands on a blacksmith shop; where it’s her passion to make blades. Neko sells most of her personal creations after a week or few of owning them. Knowing her work sells for high a price and that she can always make more, which is the best part of having the weapons. She likes going to the bars for more then just fighting Neko loves to eat meat and her best kind is smoked and BBQ style. She is not a very patient person and distaste waiting hour for her food to cook, nor can she make bread. She can make flying unbreakable disks of bread; Neko has gotten very good at that. Going to bars pleases more then just her taste for meat, she also loves the ale and rum she finds their. Her best kind of ale to drinking being home brewed ale the bars in the woods and urban areas make themselves.
Neko loves to go shopping for hunting and fighting items; along with clothing to wear that shows off her figure and is comfortable to fight in. Thus her taste in clothing runs to lots of leather; she likes to wear leather in corsets, pants, knee high boots, wrist guards, head bands, and belts. Her color of choice is shades of crèmes to dark brown and black for her leather. She loves tight fitting peasant tops, but normally wears Kitten’s loose fitting ones with a corset. Her personal choice of colors is reds and blacks; she loves the richness of the color red. Neko wears boots through every season; until she is trying to stay unheard during the summer hunting. Then she wears Kitten’s sandals or nothing at all. Neko does not like to dress up like a proper lady; she has thought of trying on some short sexy dresses. But thought better of it; knowing Kitten would have a fit if she ever knew Neko wore one. She knows Kitten distaste her choice of clothing already; so she does not go all out for the tight fitting blouses and bottoms she would like to wear. Think that it was a descent compromise.

Life After Enslavement
Shortly after Kitten’s freedom from her captors; she went back to her place of birth. Hoping her collection of family treasure was still safe inside of the same cave she was found in; knowing that her stash was not taken out of the caves with her when she was first woken up by the demons. Making it through the once beautiful ancient forest, that has now turned into a ruined battle field with its once tall majestic trees; now falling and long gone, with new trees replacing them. Walking into the cave Kitten makes in through varies twist and turns. She enters through a hidden doorway to find her families treasure still intact. Not wanting anything to do with the tainted blood for her father’s legacy; but not wanting for other to use and destroy it. Kitten slowly made several trips transporting her collection to a bank to keep it save. Knowing she will never touch it again, nor will anyone else; Kitten finally happy that the very last of the once great village is safely sealed away. She leaves her motherland and travels to other places learning different cultures. Letting Neko have time to her self for days at a time; knowing she needed time to relax too.

Neko's Lunar Animal
During her travels to the alchemsit Neko cam upon a hurt cat by a tree. bending down she saw that it's back hidlegs were broke. Picking it up Neko set it in her basket full of herbs, for kitten; and Head for the building they were staying in. Tending to it's wonds she placed the poor thing on the bed.
Making sure it was as well and comfortable as she could make it, Neko returned back to her work. Still a little concerned over the cat’s split tail. Wondering what or how it happened. Hours later she looks up to see the sun setting in the distance; letting her know it was getting close for them to switch places, retiring her tools for the night. She washes up and walks to the bedroom, bending down to check on the black cat, she smiles seeing the cat awake. Slowly she backs up as to not frighten the poor thing. She walks out of the room, to quickly return with a bowl of milk and plate of fish. Keeling down a few feet away form it she pushes the bowl and plat towards the feline. Hunger over taking nerves the cat quickly ate the fish, polishing off the bowl of milk too. It soon became Neko’s partner in helping her gather things once it was held by Kitten. Soon after they finish their travels for the Amulet the black cat became Neko’s Lunar animal. She found out that the cat was in fact a Bakeneko.
Do to Neko’s various abilities with blades her Bakeneko can transform into any kind of blade she wishes of her cat. Given the feline permission from both of them; they learned of the Bakeneko’s past life of hardship and curl people it has met. The cat was once owned by its mother’s master. Its first master didn’t like male Baknekos and was very disappointed over hers given birth to only one male baby. Given the feline no real name only calling it Baka-Baka; the girls feeling sorry for the poor thing decided to name him themselves. Letting him choose the one he liked the best. His name become Hiromasa Katsutoshi. Meaning wise and straightforward, & to win cleverly. But he is called Hiro for short.
Even thou the Bakeneko is an immortal animal, it does not make Neko immortal. For Kitten would have to have an immortal animal of her own for them to be immortal; because they are of the same body, they both will have to be of the same age.

The Amulet
Working together Neko and Kitten spent weeks working them selves to the bone. When one went to sleep the other one woke up and began working spending all of there time making items to profit off of; trying to save up enough money to get a special alchemist commission Amulet; one that would last forever. Unlike the one their dear friend made them for the one special night. After nine long tiring weeks of none stop work; the two barely able to be conscience and their shared body unable to with stand the stress of consistent working. They finally made the amount they needed to pay the group of alchemist to craft the Amulet.
Kitten spent her nights and early mornings baking delicate gourmet cakes and pastries for weddings, royalty, and powerful Immortals. Working at unnatural speeds to finish the many orders she had coming it. Knowing that the faster she could work without losing the quality of her work; more orders she could take. Trying to lessen the amount of time it would take to reach their goal.
Neko has gained more muscle built and a golden tan, working all day and evening crafting blades for the local armies and warriors. She spent every waking minute on her work; only stopping for lunch. That was only when her metal was melting giving her time to rest and eat.
After they reached their goal and made the arrangement for the Amulet form the alchemist. The two started to hear tells of a plague spreading across the land. Knowing it would take time for them to craft the Amulet they head off to find a cure for the plague.
It's Powers
The Amulet is made up of many precious intendments fussed together to form an elegant breathtaking piece of work. A mixture of finely weaved metals of mixed shade of gold, are interconnected together to form a delicate rose, with shade of green and blue gold for the leaves; and the rose is a mixture of many layers of petals in shades of white; yellow, rose, purple, and red gold to make a heart stopping work of art; that any art collector would pay anything for it. In the middle of the rose is a flawless red diamond with many more diamonds of all shades and colors hidden within the detailed weaves of the rose and leaves. Not to be seen except of the one in the middle of the rose. The diamonds inter react with the magically infused gold strands to enforce the power of the Amulet to increase the effect of the original magic spell.
This Amulet allows Neko and Kitten to be able to talk to each other any time they want with or without being separate from each other. The two can not voluntary change for one person to another; they still need to be asleep or unconscious to change minds. The Amulet does have one very special use besides the ability to communicate telepathically. It can allow them to be separate from each other for three hour. But this effect can only be achieved once every twenty four hours. Which makes it very important to them when and how they will use this special time each day they invoke the Amulet.
The girls had an option to increase the time spent together form the Amulet but declined the option. For it would turn the Amulet for an eternal spell fussed with they’re own DNA to a spell only good for maybe one decade that anyone could steal and use. Knowing that a few hours a day for they’re whole life was better then many hours for a short time of they’re life.

Neko’s Dark Secrete
Neko carries a dark secrete that only she knows. Well she is the only one left alive that knows. When their mother was pregnant her husband kept it secrete from everyone; even his sons; that his wife was pregnant with twin girls; it was bad luck in the village at them time to have twins in a royal family. Such a forbidden thing that many husbands royalty or not would kill the second born for fear of unfortunate event happening in their house. The king not wanting to lose face in his people kept the Secrete to his death. Not even letting his wife know of her second child.
Two weeks before her do date the queen went into labor. Hours later she gave birth to two daughters; the weaker one healthily and very much alive; but the stronger one dead soon after the second weaker one was born. It was never known why the strongest one who life was so strong gave up soon after her weaker sister. But the king never had a chance to find out for fear of others finding out about the dark secrete.
Neko knew why she gave up her life; and she will never let Kitten know; at least not intentionally. When Neko was still in the womb she would guard over her little sister. Making sure she had plenty of nutrition. But close to when they were ready to be born, she heard her farther talking to his self. Mother was fast asleep, so was her sister; her farther was talking about how he would kill one of them, the second to be born. Knowing their mother did not know about the two of them; Neko was fearful of her sister’s life; caring more about her then herself.
On the day of the birth Neko was born first; crying in sadness over the fact that her sister would be the on killed she wanted for her to come into the world. Once she heard her first cries of life; Neko know what she had to do to protect Kitten. She gave up her own life and stop breathing. Feeling her farther trying to safe his first born Neko let her life slip away; smiling that her final act for her sister would not be in vane. Little did she know that Kitten who catch her sister form death by bringing her into her self; keeping her big sister who protected her safe inside her own body. That is were Neko said hidden in the shadows of her mind watching over her. Until the day she can once again regain strength to protect her sister who means so much to her.
Do to this sharing of body; Kitten could control all of the Lunar Elements, but neither her nor her brother who know the real reason behind it. That is the way Neko likes to have it too.

The House
You walk through the door, the first this you see is red and black carpet all over the floor. Next you feel the door stop; turning to the left you see it hint the wall. Thinking it’s odd for the door to be in the corner of the room. Your soon too distracted by the bed in the left back corner of the room. It’s an ogre size bed with dark cheery wood bed post carved with intricate detailed rose vines. The post go almost all the way up to the high ceiling, with strips of material hanging down mimicking the flow of a water fall. The material is made up of soft silk and sheer fabric of the riches reds. The bed itself is covered in red satin silk sheets of a blood red, with black velvet pillows and covers. So soft looking you just almost can’t resist reaching out a touching them. Next to the bed is a matching dark cherry wood desk with neatly stacked shelves full of writing supplies; a beautifully matching chair.
Turning to the left upper wall you see an oriental screen covering a section of the space. Looking behind it you see a warm steam garden tub the size of the bed, big enough for nine people. In aw over the beautiful black marble the tub is made of you notice the enter floor is made up of the same thing. What you once thought was odd carpet was actually fur rugs lands down every where, each one a different type. Looking farther back behind the garden tub you see a tall cabin in the same design as the bed. Walking over you open it up to see one side full of different size towels in shade of reds and black to grays; bringing out your hand up, you run you hand down the stack feeling the soft Egyptian cotton. Looking into the other door you see shelves of exotic bottles full of unique fragrances.
Seeing enough you turn around to see the other side of the room, to the right in the corner is a fire place made of the same black marble. Noticing this you follow to marble to see how far it goes. Circling around you see that the entire wall, floor and ceiling covered in the marble. Looking at the marble more closely you see that its made up of pitch black and dark midnight stone swirling around with twinkling stones mixed in it. Turning back towards the fireplace you see a sitting arrange meant surrounding the fireplace; two loveseats made of black leather on each side and a matching long couch in front. In the middle is the same intricate dark cherry wood as the desk. At the corner of you eye see a set of matching side tables in each corner of the seating arrangement.
Looking to the other side you see that the wall you first notice is had a door in the front. Walking over to the dark cherry wood door, you open it to walk into an impressive walk-in closet with three rows of clothing. Not wanting to get caught up into the things inside you turns right to see a hallway. Walking down the hall you see double doors on both sides. Peeking into the left on you open the doors up to see a kitchen any chief would dream of. Everything made of stainless steal with the tables a mixture of stainless steal and the same black marble covering the walls and floors. Everything is tastefully designed the same as the rest of the place.
Walking over the other doors, opening them you see the same tasteful design. Taking in the table in front of you, you see that it’s made of the same dark cherry wood. The table is shaped in a long rectangular strip and sits eighteen chairs. The chairs themselves where duplicates of the one placed at the desk by the bed; studying the walls you see three dark cherry wood cabinets along the back with one on each end . On the wall behind you is long side tables against the wall decorated with a bouquet of rich full European roses. The walls in here were not covered by fabric like the rest of the place, u=instead the kitchen and dinning area had intricate framed paintings of roses and midnight Landscape, given the place a forbidden enchanted feeling.
Wondering where all the lighting is coming from you look up to see silver chandlers hanging from the wall. The chandlers are each made differently through out the place. The different sizes and intricate designs giving the place an old time feeling, the chandlers’ designs tying in with the decor of the cherry wood; looking up at them you see something you didn’t before. The ceiling has carvings engraved into them, studying them closely you see a resemblance to the same intricate details that the wood has. Walking out of the dinning area you follow the ceiling to see that the entire ceiling in the place is engraved in the same design.
Looking back down the hallway you see a door at the end, walking back down the hall to it, you open it up to see a simple Laundry room designed with stainless washer and dryer to the right. On the left there are two cabinets that are a mirror imagins to the one by the garden tub. Looking to the back wall you see a wooden basket used for dirty clothing. Looking around at the walls, you see they covered in pictures. Seeing enough you walk out to enjoy yourself and rest for a little bit.
Walking back over to the bed area you see a door in between where the bed and bath area is that you didn’t notice before. Walking over to it you turn the knob to fins a flight of stairs leading both up and down. Climbing the flight of stairs down you come across a dark simple room carved in the rock itself. The room is filed with rolls of shelving supplying things from old books to wine and ale. Towards the back you find stacks of supplies for Neko’s blacksmith hobby along with a set of stairs hidden behind the tall stack of supplies, the stairs head up to the back of the house. Climbing up the stairs you are soon covered in dust as you enter the backside of the house out of a hidden secrete door to Neko’s shed that is covered in tools, unfinished weapons, and supplies. Not interested in the Blacksmith shed you head back down the stairs to the first set you used.
Climbing up them you pass the door and head to the second floor of the place. Opening the door you find a hall way with three doors. One to the left, right and strait ahead; the place is designed with the same pattern and wood as below. Turning the knob of the door on your right you find a simple room of a queen size canopy bed, desk, dresser, small closet, and vanity. Everything designed like the bedroom below except of shades of bleu and black; this room is red and black. The walls are covered in paints of fire and sunsets. Walking back out you close the door and turn to the other door on the left. Opening it up you find a matching room and the one behind you except instead of red, the color in this room is shades of green; with simple plants places in spot and decorated with forest paints on the wall. Leaving this room you close the door and head to the door down the hall. Opening it up you see it takes up over half of the second floor. The second thing you notice is that everything is in light shades of grays, silver, yellows, greens and blues. The walls share the same design as the rest of the house but in stone of a silvery gray. The room has windows across the left side with a breath taking designed screen across the middle of the room blocking off that side. The screen is made of a thick material with a floral design of greens and yellows imprinted on it. The wood is the same as the rest of the house but in a light golden wood. Walking over you sees plants placed on the window seals and bigger ones scattered across the screen. The place has two sets of sitting arrangements in matching wood with a big cabinet to the back wall. Going to it you find china inside it that match the screen. With silk napkins of the same pattern too and paints of spring time. Leaving this section you look around the other side of the room to see the rest of the place is layered with couches and seats of different shades of blue and paints of oceans and lakes. Each of the five sitting areas has a couch and chair with a small table in between them. The tables are of a lightly darker shade of wood decorated with a beautiful lamp that match each set of sitting arrangement.
The place gives a cozy feeling to it; to the back wall of this side is a wall covered in shelving. The shelves are full of books making the place a great area to get away and relax. The entire house is covered in enchantments that help protect the place from harm and enhances one’s abilities; to improve the use of other’s powers. The shed is also blesses with these same carvings of enchantments. These enchantments are found on the floor of the place; but are hidden by the dust and debris form Neko’s work.

Suki Koneko, loved kitten....

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