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idk its mine tho
i plan to write stories that pop into my head at any given time
Drizzt and Genji 2
Ok everyone, this is part 2 to my story i finished it on my way back from LBI this summer and now i'm putting it on here...
I was running as fast as I could, not even trying to look back to see my pursuers. I turned right passing empty chambers with open doors and I skidded to a stop so suddenly that my momentum carried me forward almost causing me to fall. The reason I stopped was that I heard the voice of my armour calling out to me, “Drizzt in the room to your right hurry!” When I was captured, the knolls took my dragon spirit away from me taking my armour and weapons with it. I dove into the room and quietly closed the door. Two figures quickly melted into the visible spectrum of light who I quickly realized were my two closest friends Genji and Annabel. I quickly bonded with my dragon spirit once again but what appeared on me was not the armour that I grew acquainted with but magical clothes, although the clothes were still very light and the same colors I was confused when I called upon my dragon’s spirit and I received no answer. “I’m glad to see you two,” I said as I hugged Annabel and Genji. I haven’t seen them in over three weeks. Genji provided me with a long sword that was made out of a black metal that seemed extremely heavy. I told them that large creatures were following me and that we would have to cut the reunion short. I opened the door just enough to allow me to see out of it. My eyes widened as they registered what the colossal beasts were. “Minotaur,” I whispered to my friends as they went for their weapons but I knew we would have to be swift to kill them or else we would soon have to face dozens of them along with many knolls and kobolds. I know that minotaur are very overconfident and would only call for backup if they knew they were massively outmatched. I dove out into the corridor taking the minotaur by surprise and swung my new sword up making a deep gash in the lead minotaur’s left side. It instinctively rushed forward trying to impale me with its sharp horns. I quickly fell onto my back and brought my sword up stabbing it in the heart. Just then, I remembered minotaur are very heavy. Genji rushed over and lifted the slain beast off me and I slid my sword out of its chest. “I guess I’ve got to be more careful,” I said as I approached the second and third minotaur standing side by side snarling. “Annabel now,” I called as an arrow flew over each of my shoulders impaling them just over their hearts, it didn’t really matter where they were hit because they soon fell to the ground snoring louder than a bear or any animal for that matter. I almost dropped my sword for what I saw behind them coming out of the shadows. It must have been over twenty feet tall and it wore my dragon armour. My eyes narrowed and my grip tightened around the heavy sword as my dragon started crying out for me to rescue it once again. I told the giant minotaur to let my dragon go but it only grunted either not caring or not understanding my words. It didn’t matter to me either way because now I had a score to settle. As I took a step forward, Annabel unleashed multiple sleep inducing arrows at the beast. They had taken no effect as Genji moved in front of me with the loaded hand cannon. Bang! It went off and as the smoke cleared, the massive beast still stood walking ever so slowly and I know why. The armour is making it invulnerable, the only things that can hurt it are dragons and dragon weapons. I calmed myself and focused my magic and looked inside myself for any remains of the dragon’s energy. Of the little that was left, I focused it into my sword, which began to glow a mixture of black and white. The longer I focused on this energy the more my body started to change. My skin became leathery and grew scales but only on my right side, the side that held the sword. Although the scales only grew from the right side both of my eyes changed, my pupils became long lick a cats’. I started to feel immense power start to flow through me. I shifted my stance and prepared to charge at my prey, it wasn’t my enemy anymore I made sure of it as I embraced my power letting it grow and flow through and around me. I shot forward so fast that nothing would seem visible if it wasn’t for my new eyes that seemed to capture everything in their way. I stopped just before it and the force of my extreme speed knocked it back over three yards. I moved slower now but not because I needed to. I moved slower to see what this abomination could do with my old power. I could now sense the fear in Annabel growing as well as in Genji. I couldn’t take it, the power was taking control of me and I grew fearful. Not of what might happen to me but what I might do to my closest friends. I tried to stop but my body just kept moving forward towards the minotaur who pulled the armour off itself and hurled it at me to halt my movement. I just kept moving. I tried to stop as it turned and ran away from me but just as fast as it had turned I had picked up my pace and moved in front of it slashing at it slicing the beast to pieces but now I had become the beast unable to control myself. I had gained enough willpower to look up at Annabel with her bow fully drawn ready to shoot me with tears streaming down her face. I fell to my knees as tears began forming behind my eyes. I couldn’t move and then everything around me turned to darkness. When I was able to look up I saw myself the new me. I put my head down and looked at my right arm, I was back to normal, and I rose my head with a smile. I stood up, looked myself in the eyes, and walked forward thinking about Annabel and Genji. Suddenly I noticed that my dragon armor was back and I had my drake sword as well. I kept walking as the other me started charging at me and swung high. I ducked and I hit him in the gut with my sword’s hilt and he staggered backwards. He recovered and swung at my midsection, I parried and he tackled me to the ground. He punched me in the face with his left hand twice then thrusted his sword at my throat. I caught it at the last second and kicked him in the gut and he stumbled back. I quickly got to my feet and lunged forward hoping I could use my dragon magic. It worked! A shard of ice rocketed out from my blade and I ran behind using it as a decoy. As I reached him I extended my sword and spun connecting with his right for-arm. The scales had hardened into an armor plating that my sword failed to slice through. I swung again as hard as I could. Clang! Not even a scratch had appeared on his scaled arm. I jumped back as he sheathed his sword and extended his right arm back. He started running at full speed directly towards me. I stepped into a defensive stance ready to counter his next barrage of attacks thinking about what I would do. I parried the first three then I stopped his attacks by stepping on his left foot. “Woops sorry didn’t mean to do that,” I said as I took a swing at his undefended midsection. Bang! An explosion went off as my sword connected with his ribs sending me backwards. I dug my sword into the dark ground to slow myself from the ferocious speed I was traveling at from the impact of the explosion. I rushed back in thinking that my opponent was just as dazed by the explosion as I was. I was however…wrong. He had known I would think this so he drew his sword once again and prepared to counter whatever attack I could throw at him. Luckily I silently called upon my dragon’s spirit allowing me to use it’s full power. I immediately felt the power flow through me. With my speed increased, I fully charged ahead letting my sword arm hang freely almost straight out behind me. When I closed in on my target just a few feet away I swung my sword to confuse him, then he lifted his sword to defend himself just in time to have it batted aside. I swung my sword once more against the reptile like arm and instead of just deflecting off of the scales my sword dug deep almost severing it just below the elbow. The sword arm now uselessly hanging started summoning black sparks over the wound. This is my chance, I thought as I thrusted my sword at his defenseless neck but honorably stopped drawing a trickle of blood. “Surrender or I will destroy you to protect my closest friends,” I said in a threatening voice. Suddenly the dark spirited me faded away along with the darkness that surrounded me. I awoke in a fright hoping that I had not harmed my friends. They were both standing over me with their weapons drawn. As a tear rolled down my face they lowered their weapons and hugged me so tightly that I thought I would pass out again. “I’m so sorry,” I said as I started to sit up but I gasped and my body collapsed back onto the hard ground from the blinding pain from the long fight I had just endured. I was out of magic and couldn’t even heal a scratch that was on my arm. “I’m sorry,” I said just before I faded into a deep sleep to recover my lost strength. When I woke again I found both Annabel and Genji sleeping. I decided to look for something to eat which took longer than I thought for all the life in the closer tunnels had ceased to exist. I finally found a room that seemed like it was a kitchen. Upon entering, everything seemed out of place for instead of creatures of the dark there were humans. As I looked around my eyes met with those of most of the humans’ and all I saw and felt was emptiness. I stopped an older man and asked, “ What is happening here, who do you serve?” The only reaction that passed through the man was his hand pointing towards a pair of double doors. When I passed through them I entered a very dark room. The room being darker than the main tunnels I found my eyes shifting into the infrared spectrum. At the far end of the chamber I saw the outline of a very large serpent-like creature until my eyes fully shifted. The scales still shone black against the cool blue hued walls of the wide open chamber. My first instinct was to turn-tail and run but I stopped when it spoke out to my dragon’s spirit.
“Stop where you stand human,” the beast hissed.
“I’m no human and I have but three simple questions.”
“To me you are just a pitiful human but I will answer your questions before I make you my slave.”
“Fine, I will become your slave only if you win a little challenge and that challenge is very easy”
“On with it already, I’ll just eat you if you don’t hurry up!”
“Ok, ok I’ll start with the questions. First of all what do you call yourself?”
“I’m Rovnum, the darkest dragon of all the realms, the master of men, the king of darkness, the…,”
“Ok enough I got it your strong but are you strong enough to beat an ice dragon, elf hybrid?”
“A wha-…of course I can I can beat anything and anyone I AM THE GREAT ROVNUM!” the beast called so that anything and everything in the tunnels would shudder in fear.
“Well I guess I hit a sensitive subject so I’ve decided no more questions but I’m changing the challenge to a fight. And just so you know I fought a great wyvern and won.”
“Ssstho be it,” he hissed as he lunged forward. I dove to the right drawing my sword and spun to face Rovnum. His head coiled back and I got into a crouching position ready for another dive. Just as Rovnum’s head halved the distance between us the room lit up in an immense light causing him to hit the ground ten feet away. I fell into a fetal position to shield my eyes and stop the blinding pain. Before I could even open my eyes, I was being lifted into the air. When I opened my eyes I found that Genji was running, carrying me over his shoulder. I managed to whisper, “what are you doing, Gondra sent us to kill that beast. Let me go!”
“That would only serve to cause your demise and to the demise of your clan,” Genji snapped at me. I sighed and closed my eyes to think about what I’m doing and why. I knew that I was asked to do this but I could have just said no and lived peacefully with Annabel, but I accepted this task and here I am so much further away from my friends then I ever thought was possible even though I’m with them. What caused me to drift so far away in just a few short months? Why did I run off on my own? Did I really think it would be for the best? A scream opened my eyes, it was Annabel and she was face to face with Rovnum. His head coiled back as I fell from Genji’s shoulder into a desperate run. I reached her just in time to get in front of her and grab Rovnum’s upper and lower jaw. I know I’m not strong enough I know I can’t win but I had to. I had to save Annabel, my love, and Genji, my best friend. At that moment when I knew that I couldn’t protect them did a large power flow through me. “You are the Protector. You must protect those that can not protect themselves. With your blood, the blood of the Lokhan Clan, you can protect many people. You have to tap into the power that your ancestors left to you and embrace it if you want those close to you to “remain” close to you,” K’hasadea my sentient dragon spirit called, “and I can not let you foolishly die!”
“Good point, but to me it’s anything but foolish,” I screamed as I started to lift Rovnum’s massive head and turn it to the side. “Genji, take Annabel and run I can handle this now, and I thank you for pulling me out of there earlier. Go back to the castle, I’ll be there soon,” I said reffering to Entrire’s castle, the place where I accepted this mission.
“Now let’s see what the Protector can do,” I asked myself with a smile on my face. I ran after Rovnum as he turned down a side passage and my sword, now glowing with power, appeared in my hands. I heard the most agonizing scream when I swung my sword and severed a two-foot long chunk of tail. I noticed that the area I had cut had turned to ice. “I could get used to this,” I said as I sprinted ahead into a large, dimly lit, chamber. At the far end I could see a throne but I couldn’t see the person who would be in such a place until I heard a familiar voice call, “How dare you attack my pet, who are you?”
“I am the last survivor and heir to the Lokhan clan. I am the defender of things that are goodly and just. I am the Protector of those who cannot defend themselves. I am Drizzt Lokhan and…”
“What?! You are a Lokhan, you can’t be, I killed them all with my own hands,” the voice boomed. My eyes went wide and filled with anger but I didn’t let it cloud my mind.
“Who are you? Why did you kill everyone…”
“How dare you not know your own grandfather,” he said with a chuckle.
“Why did you do it!”
With a smile on his face he said, “The Lokhan clan, an ancient and powerful clan that lived beside powerful dragons is said to destroy the world so I simply tried to put a stop to it and I will finish this Now,” he stood up and he and Rovnum became one, with armor and weapon that mirrored my own he charged. He chopped down and I couldn’t get my sword up to block so I swung across and he wasn’t there. I reversed the swing using its momentum to spin me around just in time to parry and throw myself back to launch a shard of ice and calm myself.
“I am the last Lokhan for you don’t deserve the name. You have forsaken the clan, no, the family, your son, your grandson and everyone else. You’ve no reason to live for taking the live of so many, and now it will end with you. K’hasadea, I summon you,” the ground shook as the great ice wyrm materialized behind me. A song flowed through our minds but it wasn’t just a song it was a spell, it sounded through my voice echoing throughout the cavern. Grandpa was doing something similar. He slashed his sword through the air in front of him countless times growing faster with each. I unconsciously started to twirl my drake sword as it grew into a doubled sided dragon sword. I spun it faster and faster until it moved forward out of my reach floating in front of me while still spinning. The songs ended and my hands started to glow, K’hasadea took a deep breath, one that only a dragon could, at the same time she let out her freezing breath I shot a beam of pure energy through the spinning sword. They passed through, intertwining and strengthened from the spinning sword they hit my grandpa’s barrier he had cast. As the last of the excess energy passed through the sword, I grabbed it and using the draft from the energy beam I shot forward and the sword passed through the weakened barrier and through his heart, which had left him years before. I fell to my knees as he faded away, all of my strength was poured into those last two attacks and my sight faded into darkness as I fell the rest of the way to the ground. When I awoke, I was still in the cavern. I looked around and there was no evidence that a fight had even taken place except for two swords, my drake sword and another made of a black steel imbedded in the stone floor. I slid my sword from its stony sheath and walked over to the other. “It is yours to claim and wield, and so is its dragon, Rovnum.”
“What will happen to you, K’hasadea,” I asked worried that we might be separated.
“I will be with you as long as you wield my sword.”
“Then I will wield both for now for I cannot let someone of evil heart wield such power,” I pulled it free and I felt it tug away at my resolve trying to control me, “Yeah I definitely can’t let someone evil take this.” I walked out of the cavern and tunnels, I walked through the woods and over hills. I made my way back to the castle, and told my friends everything.

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