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Diary Part 2
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The day today started normally, waking up on the bedroom on the living room, seems just same as the other days I'd encountered. Seems like a routine of my life, At first, Today is my brother's day off, that's why I was amazed since he brought his basket of baggy clothes and told me to pack up my bed so I won't be disturb when sleeping, but duhh,... I'm already disturbed because he woke me up through his noise. then I went to my room and there I saw my cousin-in-law lying on my bed, I just ignored her and went to sleep until my tita entered our room and sprayed water on her while sleeping. She then woke up. but lay back on the bed. that's why I'm joking with her, I kicked her bed from under since It's a double deck bed, then she is still asleep. then I pulled her arms but still wouldn't wake up. I just went to sleep. then after a few minutes she went downstairs and washed her face. I went downstairs and noticed that dad and tita are leaving, they went somewhere else to seek for some financial help, It's life. Me and my brother were left alone in our home when suddenly his friend or whatever "Kuya Bei" arrived in our house, I just played Gaia zOMG and continued on the game. as always I'd been playing with Gaia Marketplace, Selling loots, MC and other stuffs.

When afternoon came, My brother and his friend arrived from somewhere else and guess what? They got some snacks, burger,fries and drinks, He called me to get mine and I ate it while on the computer. I just continued playing zOMG and noticed that they got a PS set with them. My brother told me to play but I refused since PS is so boring to me. sorry xD lol. then they left again? where did they go? I dunno xD, they left when my tita and dad arrived in our house.... then at night.I kinda became bored and I just spent my time on Gaia towns since it's boring in zOMG, alone orb farmin' xD as continuing, when my dad arrived they bought a bucket of KFC chicken that will serve as me and bro's viand on our dinner. My dad told me to cut off my emo hair and go to the barber shop, but I don't want it to be cut. sad I love my emo hair and now It's going to be leave my scalp sad .. As I was saying I when I was on towns, I played with the other players there and talked with a NEW friend? She's not new to me but she's kinda silent that's why I rarely talk to her. but at this night I talked to her and played jokes with her. I am sad and lonely since my Hottie is not going to be in towns because her flash or something has a problem, I wish I could help her. but nahh... I can't go to her house. okay this is the end of my day summary today. I love you my friend have a nice time on being part of me xD lol what does that mean? never mind. xD

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today seems a lil' bit quite simply great! xD I woke up on my bed, lying on the floor, When I woke up, same as the other days, I saw my brother preparing his food since I'm on the living room sleeping, he always disturbs me because he often turn on the lights that distracts my good sleep but when he left home I turned it off again XD and took a nap again, another nuisance, my dad is now awake, walking on the stairs... that's why although I really don't want to get up I don't have a choice since all of them are now up, thus, I packed up my bed and brought it to my room. I didn't took another nap because I had enough xD. I took my breakfast and ate a delicious sandwich with a soothing beef noodles soup. My tita was on the laundry room washing their clothes. woah! It's time for me to go to school today to report! xD I'm really nervous since I've been away from school for about a month. I just watched TV while eating my breakfast: Doraemon, Flame of Recca, Street fighter then changed channel to QTV-11: Marina and my fair princess... then we took our lunch after my step-mom finished her chores...all seems ready! fish and clams are on the table...off course they're cooked DUHHHH xD....

then I prepared to leave home, I arranged my clothes and then went to school. when I was on the road I'm really doubting if I'm going to let my hair to be cut because I love my hairstyle what should I do? I don't have a choice since my dad is now the one who is demanding me to cut my hair. I finally arrived in our school, seems a ghost community, very silent and no people, I mean less people xD since 2nd year students don't have classes today. wooot. then after that I saw kouji, he's my only classmate who is the only one in our school, I asked him about the schedules, payments and other things and It's really great since he answered me with a good tune of voice, "He always teases me whenever he sees me but not when he's alone" I also saw Sheng calling me while on my way to the school, Sheng was waving her hands while shouting "Angel" to me xD, she's really cute... xD then I settled up everything in our school. Now I'd decided that I will let my hair be cut. I went to the barber shop and let the work be done. I went home after that and my tita told me why'd I didn't let my bangs be cut? xD duhh... I said "I don't want It's my style xD" she didn't argue. I then started gaia, all my sales were sold, and when I was on the bass'ken lake quest rave approached me and told me to join his crew to the shallow sea. then I was killed lots a times since I'm a low CL gaian. then I gave up and went to towns to play. I saw BUNNEH! She's online today and she's explaining to me something about Ria, Ria humiliated my Bunneh... sad Woot...My hottie is now online? xD very surprising since she should be in her dorm today, but she's at home right now. I really love her... ^_^

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Today was definitely one of the most annoying days of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN! I hate this day! I hate it! I hate it! Waaah!,,, well here's the story of my day today, first last night I didn't had a good sleep since Its freakin' hot inside our house, then when I woke up, I cooked for my home-made packed food for my lunch when my brother was still preparing to leave home.! I hate this day because I'm going to school! and I really hate my hair since my Emo hair was cut. At first I woke up with a smile, but when my brother told me that he'll wait for me to and wants me to join him on the road to work. When I was still cleaning up the stove he was really like duhh excited to go to work that's why I fasten up everything and even combing my hair was skipped. then I don't have more time to fix my self since he's been tellin me to move faster.! DAMN! good thing he paid for the transport bill. When I arrived on school, one another thing which is very annoying is that! I arrived there earlier. my teacher was not going to attend the class! damn! and when I arrived there I was criticize by my friends, teasing me that they hate my hair, blah blah blah! Damn! then I waited from 8am until 11 pm because there's no classes on that time! then I ate my lunch when my viand was kinda not delicious because it lacks flavor due to absence of ketchup in our canteen. then another annoying thing is that our room in our school has no enough ventilation machines that cause every room to overheat! damn the humid is killing me, I can't breath and It's like suffocating me hardly. I had a headache. Then when our next class proceed I begun to feel sick, It's stomachache with headache, ********! then I went to the comfort room, I released the feces on the CR then finally when everything was settled up, damn! The flush is out of order! Waaah... sad Damn it's really disgusting, then I wanna stifle the embarrassment that's why I hide from the people when going out of the CR but then the janitor noticed that I'm inside the comfort room, then I'd confessed what happened he just told me to leave it like that.! Damn that was so embarrassing! duhh!!! then when I went back to the class, waah my classmates shouted to me: "Success!!" I just remain calm and quiet since I don't feel very well. then I went head start home. When I was walking on the very long way to the market I saw my tita, I thought she's going home, but she needs to buy something more, She handed me the vegetable he bought from the dirty-market...then I was like a student in uniform vending vegetable because of what is on my hand. damn good thing Tita gave me some coins for my fare because If not, I won't be able to reach home, it's because I left my allowance for today on my drawer.! damn...then when I arrived at home, I was alone, I played gaia online and when night came my dad arrived from outside and noticed my hair again! "Your hair doesn't really suits you" Damn! Another criticizer! sad okay enough! I hate this day...headache and full of misfortune. sad

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Today seems a lot different compared to yesterday which is really a nightmare! Damn! well as I was saying today is my rest day. I stayed at home because it's on job training..and since the training place is not yet set for us, We don't have classes! I stayed at home today, Like any other day I always do my routine at home. After sleeping, watch TV then eat lunch, oh today! my tita left and went to her province. I think she'll be back by tomorrow thus, dad prepared the meal for us. We ate a lot and our viand today is simply just fried fishes. then after eating lunch while facing the TV, I cleaned up the stove again and washed the dishes since that is the one who cooked our meals. then I proceed to Gaia online. I mean to my computer. I played and played. I was kinda annoyed since I my dad i always asking for favors when I'm on the computer seat. "Pls close the car door." "Please buy some bread for our snack." okay here I go. to tell you the truth I don't really wanna show up my face because of my ugly hairstyle, I don't want to meet my hottie yet since I look insanely fugly! xD going back to the story, when I was on the way to the bakery, The bike's tire was flat thus I need to pump it...waah I have an arm sprain..I was biking while my arm aches with pain. well okay finally I bought the needed food. and the sun was striking to my whole body, It's very hot.! Well I returned to Gaia again..play and play..bored. and I starter a new cosplay today! It's Brock Aka Takeshii in Pokemon..lol it was so fun..I love the cosplay since I got everything I need including Brock's Zubat. Then I noticed that someone PMed me about my store in the gaia exchange... so we negotiate a trade and then I sold some of my zOMG items today..xD then okay...night came, We ate our dinner and my dad prepared the meal for us. I ate Adobo, an authentic Filipino dish simmered with soy sauce and selected spiced like pepper, laurels, ginger, onion, etc.. then I cleaned the kitchen again and went to the computer...then lingered on towns...okay enough I'm done on this day...conclusion: boring day xD

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lol, I have classes today! xD toinkz xD as I woke up today, I first saw my big bro asking what time is my classes for today, xD then I said 8 am that's why I get up then ironed my clothes, took a bath and prepare my packed lunch...I was really going to leave the house earlier but my bro said that he'll join me on the road that's why I waited for him. He paid my fare on the jeepney, so kind xD...now I'm on school, I saw bev, lorie and shai on the road heading to school, I joined them while talking about our upcoming on job training sessions. waaah I still don't have a venue for OJT sad I should seek as soon as possible. Okay when I arrived on our school campus I saw Lilibeth being so problematic about her finances. Then I ran to Dixie and played with her. xD She is so cute, then I saw Rhen, she hugged me and told me that she missed me...duhhh...I'd been gone for only a day then she'll miss me? silly Rhen, well Rhen invited me to play Billiard on a Carinderia near our school but I refuse since our teacher is still not at school, I mean there is a possibility that she'll arrive, I waited and waited! duhhh! She didn't arrived now I'm really feeling a lil' bit bored. no teacher and no classes. from 8am-2pm, I just stayed on our canteen and waited for our next class. while on the canteen, I watched anime' same as the anime's I always watch at home, Jackie Chan's adventure, Doraemon, Flame of Recca and Street fighter then after that I ate my lunch with my other classmates: Ruth, Lorie, Shai, Sarah, Bev, Mary, Harty, duhh!!! all were girls, because my male friends are on the mall hanging out, I didn't join them because I thought there will be classes hence, I was left alone on school. xD Well I just chatted with my girl friends and then we played pick up sticks, It was so fun, I never thought they're fun to hang out with, then I told them about my hair problems, they helped me and cut the tips of my hair bangs. okay done. It's 2pm, time for classes. We had a quiz about number systems, I got 17 out of 20, well not that hard. After that I went home and when I arrived on the jeepney station, I saw someone looking at me, very masculine and very weird? xD well I then seated on the jeep's seat then he was looking at me, but when I look at him he turns away, O.O very weird but when I heard his voice talking to his friend, Duhhh the masculine guy was a gay xD lol...hahahaha... very funny...then when I arrived at home, many kids were looking at me because of my new hairstyle. then when I'm already at home, I went to the PC and play. At night I ate my dinner, Roasted Chicken bought by my bro's friend. then I played PC again, I began to make the animation of my avatar cosplay entry "Brock of pokemon" that's why I was so busy, I don't have enough time to talk to my hottie because of this sad sorry hottie.. My dad told me to sleep in his room, I would like to argue because it's hot in his room, but I have no choice I should accompany him since he has nightmares recently. okay I couldn't sleep now.! He noticed that I kept on moving back and forth on my bed since It's hot in his room. I went downstairs and drank a glass of milk, washed my face and went back to sleep...okay now I had slept already. xD

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Woohoo! It's friday again my pal! It's the end of the week again! xD...lolz okay today my mood is, irritable! sad First when I woke up, I saw my dad dressing up to buy some rice on the market since we're now out of stock. xD He went to the market and when he arrived I then arranged my bed and went downstairs to watch TV, anime again. lol It's so fun watching those anime. then my tita arrived from the province of Pampanga, she brought some pieces of barbecue, She cooked it and then we ate. lol it was so delicious, then for the dessert I ate a slice of chiffon cake, xD, then when I was eating, a kid from our door called me on my seat to borrow a basketball, I just handed it to him since I don't know him lol I mean he's a friend of my maid. okay then we prepared for it's conference prayer today, it's friday! duhh... okay as I was saying. We prepared, I was very conscious since my hair today is really different.!!! okay my dad didn't tease me anymore. xD when we we're on the road, my dad shared to me some words of wisdom. xD then we arrived on the mosque. It was so different because all people we're looking at me because of my new hair style. It's unexpected xD lol then we prayed, The sermon's topic is about good conduct and morality. okay after that we went home,...I ate my snack at home, cola and chiffon cake again xD. then I went to my PC and opened up my gaia account and played...I continue on my work, making the animation of Brock vs. Gambino and it's really fun doing it! xD...as I was continuing making it. my Tita and dad went out to buy some snacks again! xD snacks! snacks! snacks! They bought Bibingka and Ice Tea. then we ate... woooh.. do scrumptious and delightful! xD well after that I went back to the computer when suddenly my dad told me to sleep in our room to accompany my brother who has asthma right now! duhhh It's his fault why he has that, he's such a smoke-lover xD...well actually I don't really wanna sleep on our room because it's really really hot there... well I have no choice...xD okay! then I showed up my half-full finished art to my friends, rave, aj, def and jas well they think it was good.. and quite amazing. xD

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Today seems a very stressing day! damn.... sad okay read as follows to know more..xD okay at first I woke up on the morning. I didn't noticed the time I thought I was late thus I turned on the TV to make sure if I am really late xD...okay when It was turned on, I forgot that today is Saturday where TV shows are all about religious duhhhss..okay I just went back to my room, I ironed my clothes for about 15 minutes xD Okay I'm done! woohooo...xD so I went downstairs to take a bath then cooked my home-made packed lunch and then arranged my self in front of the mirror...lol I took another 15 minutes just to furnish a presentable look to the world xD..lol My bangs has split ends! duhh and it's really irritating me so much! okay I went to school after that. then when I arrived on our school it was 7;25am and there were no teacher.. sad I'm the 4th student who arrived in our school, okay so I waited there and talked with Jerome Flores, one of my classmates, we talk about lots of things, about my upcoming on-job-training then about the things in which computer has concerns. Okay so lots of students kept on arriving but no instructor has lay a foot on our school floor. Okay I'm starting to be annoyed more! when I knew that our next subject which is National Service Training Program 4 will be taught to us by our teacher in PE which is also absent today! duhh! now 2 subjects are now vacant!...okay so we went outside of the campus to buy some food since the food inside the school costs too much, they're so corrupt! then I saw Ruth, my ex-girlfriend..she is still the same, a loner. well I invited her to join us on the store but when she saw lorie, she stayed with her. So when we arrived from the store, we stayed on the canteen from 9-11am then we ate our lunch, when we we're waiting for our next subject, one of my classmate approached me and informed me that our next teacher won't be attending the class today! duhh! another absentee! damn xD sad We're paying for tuition and they're just absenting! then she also told me that the meeting of the graduating students will be held today! I asked one of the staff and they said that it'll take place at 2pm but It's already 2:30 pm but there is no signs of conferencing! damn...so I went home feeling alil' bit disappointed because of the school. I finally arrived at home, I took a bath again for I was impure again..xD So I decided to cut my bangs because It's really bothering me too much! xD so after that I went to play PC, and damn at 7:10 pm! the network server was not responding again! waaah! My dad and Tita bought Bibingka (a variety of rice-cake cooked on a clay-ware heated with black coal) Again, omnomnomnom... xD then when I returned to the PC again! damn still no connection thence I installed star-craft and play it..no cheats thus it's boring...Then I went to sleep and rest... so bored isn't aye? xD

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Status of today, huhm...seems unchanged, same as the Sunday last week, well.... I woke up on our room not in my living room xD dad scold me once to sleep in our room for my brother to be accompanied, duhhh he wants me to help my brother whenever he has asthma o.o what am I? a medic? duhhh whatever...okay never mind besides he's my brother xD...well today, I was bored. When I woke up, I went downstairs and saw my brother watching anime' in GMA 7,,duhhh... O.o is he a child? I mean cartoons are for kids? and I saw his reaction, very happy laughing and says "attack attack attack!", he hasn't changed after being a 22 year old man. xD still childish...well I joined him watched the anime' becuz anime's are suited for my age, "a 17-teen" xD..okay so my brother planned to wash his clothes, I don't want to wash my clothes today although it's my schedule, but I didn't proceed since he'll surely order me to let his clothes be washed xD.... and so I just watched TV and eat my breakfast. btw because of his laziness, he told me to cook noodles for him, It was like he's still sick? duhh... he's fine now and yet he still wants to act like a Don in the house. okay so I cooked the noodles, I also left some for my dad. so my dad cooked our lunch, fishes and veggies xD and then our neighbor gave us some Italian style pasta, the taste was definitely terrible, kinda spicy and a pasta with pumpkin...lol It's really weird, In my life I only tasted pasta with pumpkin in their dish, I never tasted it before. xD so I ignored the pasta they gave to us and put it in our refrigerator. xD then as always, after dad cooked our food, I'm always assigned to clean the dishes, but why not my brother? is being a youngest son an issue in this? It sucks! but I'm happy cause I learn a lot about hygiene. okay so I went to the PC and played Gaia, when my dad told me to buy some snacks on the bakery, It's really annoying because I'd been disturb on the game...okay I have no choice but to follow his orders. I then pumped the flat tire of the bike when I noticed that there's a hole on the bike's tire damn.! I have no choice but to walk to the bakery about a hundred-fifty meters away from our home. So I walked through there and the sun is striking to my skin, so hot. I have no choice since I hate to use umbrellas, It just doesn't suit me. okay when I was walking on the road, many peeps were looking at me? what are they lookin' at? never mind. okay so I bought doughnuts, buns and breads. lots of them...I hope they're now satisfied...grrrrrrrrrr... okay so I finally arrived at home, Kinda disappointed because of the humid. so we ate the food. then dad cooked for dinner at night then I cleaned the kitchen again...duhh....>.< okay then after that I went to my PC, When I was on towns chatting with my friends, My hottie was there..we played and talk over n' over again, then I told her a story about me and my ex-gf Ruth, about why Ruth is being so jealous on my friends when I'm hanging out with them, well duh! I'm stayin' with her on our school for almost all the time, then she became jealous whenever I'm with my friends....duhhh! okay It's a very long story... xD then my hottie was warned by her mom to go to sleep for it's already midnight, then the weirdest part when my hottie left, my ex-gf annesteffany arrived in towns? xD lol...It's just a second away when hottie left xD...I don't know if it has a meaning...well NVm...okay I'm done with today,! take care my friend...I love you! xD

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wohooo! Another monday again! xD today, I'm scheduled to wash my clothes, so when I woke up, I went downstairs directly and took my breakfast when I heard my dad talking with his friends on the phone, speaking about some sort of transaction. okay so I ate my breakfast which was "chicken adobo - an authentic filipino dish cook with soy sauce, laurels, and other spices," so I ate the food while watching my favorite cartoons, doraemon, flame of recca then street fighter, okay so after breakfast I went directly to the laundry and fixed everything, the estimation of water, the right amount of laundry soap, okay so everything is settled now, thus I finished the white, then the colored ones, then the black ones, until everything was all done! and then I hung my clothes on the hanging wire on our backyard, it was sunny at that time, then after a few minutes, duhh! annoying rain starts to fall unevenly...damn...that's why I carried all the clothes to the sheltered hanging wires. then after that I was watching marina, and my fair princess while dad was eating his lunch already, I was very tired so I therefore took a rest on the living room's sofa, I sat down for quite awhile while pointing attention the the television show. okay so after that I was informed by my dad that he's leaving at 1pm, so I just ignored him, okay then after that he left the house, I was happy because I'm alone again, and I have the privilege to watch whatever I want on either on the TV or on the PC, so I went directly to the PC and begun watching my favorite porn, xD the main attraction on the segment was really seductive that even made me wanna masturbate while watching that person, It's really fun! I had fun until... knock* knock* knock* on the door by my tita, she finally arrived on our house door, so I cut off the download and closed the porn movie, okay so I just pretended that I was just playing gaia online..so then after that I continue on my works, then my tita was doing her chores, cleaning the bathroom, washing their clothes, and cooked some food...so what I'm doing on that time, instead of watching porn. I just watched youtube, at first my initiative was just to watch Paramore videos and music, and I was having fun while singing along with the instrumentals or the karaoke thing or whatever it was called, okay when suddenly while browsing through the list of the videos, I saw the video labeled "Avril: Poser or Punk: Decide!" So I watched the video and is really fun,,,although I was kinda sad because my idol was being criticize by those damn haters...but I do agree to them, they have a point, because of what Avril said when she was interviewed by the media, "I ain't punk" but she's into punk fashion but it's pink fashion right now xD, "I won't use clothes that will bare me!" but the anti-avril showed out some pictures that shows avril's booties xD...okay enough of Avril, then after watching music videos I was leaded to Sci-fi videos, about aliens, then into angelina jollies' (sorry if it's misspelled) morphing into alien (time-draw xD), from scary movie 1,2,3,4,5 until winterrowds weird pranks xD...so after watching on youtube, I then took a nap, then after that I took a bath, went outside to buy some snacks when I noticed that there were no more friends to talk to because they're all at home right now then. went home and watch TV, and went to the PC and played Gaia towns, woah! It's been awhile now when I stopped playing zOMG, I was sicked of the game already yet it's not yet been released for about a month...now I have no more time to stay on towns anymore since I'm so busy with school and my job...okay till here my friend till next time ^^

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okay! another annoying day,,,listen...we have classes today on that damn school, If only I could recall everything back from the first day that I first enrolled on that school I would prefer it to be canceled! I don't really wanna study on that school anymore, yet it is known as an international school but it's one of the most international school ever! okay so when I first wake up. I notice my tita downstairs watching TV, then she talked with me about different things like food, family, etc. while I was on the kitchen preparing for my food. I prepared everything, I ironed my clothes and had done different things for departure. so I'm finally away from home, I'm on the road...people were staring at me because I look very different with my new aura, "hairdo" duhhh whatever! okay so when I finally arrived on our school. I first saw bev, I thought I could received some sort of criticism from her but she remained silent when we started our class. then lots of my classmate entered the room gradually, boys then girls....okay so enough about that! oh! I was shocked about the announcement that our teacher in Philosophy resigned recently because of being married. Her husband doesn't want her to work, thence, she was substituted by another teacher Mr. Ronnie, a principal in a high-school in our community. okay so he's quite like a gay or something, But I found him very intellectual and very diligent. I like his ways of speaking/communicating. okay so after that class. the bell rung and I went directly to the canteen to watch my favorite anime' but Gina one of the most "kill-joy" person in our school sarcastically communicated with me, she wants me to not turn on the TV because she wants to use the radio, but then after I'd insisted, she is finally persuaded. I watched TV then went outside the campus to buy some snacks, then after that I waited again on the cafeteria until 12 noon. okay so after that I went directly to our class, to tell you the truth I hate our instructor in this session, he's kinda brags at us often and it irritates me! damn, he always compare our school to different institution that he'd been! duhh....okay so we went to another classroom because our room is kinda hot so, I asked the security-guard to turn on the ventilating machine in the area, but I think they're just reasoning so that they won't turn on the air-conditioners...damn so my head begun to ache. It's really freaking me out, the humid seems very hot. and I feel like I'm going to be sick. so as we continue, it's time for another class, then after that, the administrators conducted a meeting which were held at 3pm, the meeting is merely concerned with our upcoming on-job-training. I was kinda excited because it's my turn to seek for a job xD... so at 5:30pm I finally went home after chatting with my other friends. okay so when I finally arrived at home, I was alone, all of them were downtown, thus I cooked our meal, Adobo, lol, I forgot to lessen the heat of the pan therefore the soy sauce was all absorbed by the chicken, no more soup, sad xD lol so I saute the meat again, lol The meal I'd cooked was very oily and fatty. but tasted delicious. okay so after cooking the food, my cousin-in-law was on the house, she is here to the fact that she wants me to help her make her resume for our upcoming on job training. so I helped her with everything including the editing of her images for the resume pic then proceeds the making of the format,etc. etc. I was up until 12 am while making her resume, then I tried to fool her of one picture of us, I told her that one of the girls in the picture is not our classmate O.O xD she was kinda frightened, I mean super frightened xD I told her to eat her meal but she refuse because she's scared, she wants me to accompany her on her meal. xD okay so we went downstairs, she ate her meal, then after that, instead of going straight to bed because it's midnight already, she chatted with me until 3pm, she was talking about love, friendship, soulmate,,duh... but I was really happy for she was really entertaining me, I thought she's just a bragger that always tease me at school. but she was definitely different. then she went to sleep after telling me all about her love life, and duhh...whatever ! okay bye!

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Sometimes! I really wanna give up on making this sort of diary, I'm already tired and I don't know if I could still maintain this one since, I'm becoming alota busy nowadays, okay the summary of my day today, After talking with my cousin-in-law last night I was quite sleepy! xD.... okay so when I woke up, I noticed my tita and my cousin leaving the house, they're heading to the super market for the salad ingredients that they'll make for our lunch, so then I packed up my bed and brought it to my room, I continued my sleep there. then when suddenly I noticed my brother ironing his clothes and preparing for his work, so I was annoyed because he tapped me on the shoulder while sleeping, I thought it was something different, but he's just going to give me some money for my allowance, xD lol so after that, I woke up at merely noon and I heard my tita and my cousin, cooking for our lunch, then I went to the kitchen to check out the whats for lunch, okay so I noticed my tita was cooking spaghetti and then my cousin was annoyed because I tasted the food she was preparing, xD so after that, they're finished preparing the food, thus we ate our lunch, then we watched TV, I put my movie on, It was the rosa rosa again, the indie film that we'd made for our school, then after that I switched it to my personal slide show...okay it was kinda fun, but duhh! I'm already late for the meeting,,,xD it was already 12 noon, and our meeting will be held at 1pm so then I then prepared for everything, I ironed my clothes, then after that I went directly to the bathroom to take a bath when suddenly tintin wants to piddle on the bathroom, I want to annoy her because she always tease me while on school, so I spend more time on the shower when she wants to take a pee, then I brushed my teeth for about 5 minutes just to annoy her xD...okay so finally I was finished, she thus ran to the bathroom in no time, xD I was just expressing mirth xD....so then after that tintin finally left and went home, so I then left home also, and then when I finally arrived on our school, I saw my teacher and I asked for her advice about the resume that I'd created...xD okay so I showed it to him, My work was greatly criticize by two aliens mad damn...so I was frustrated because of their comments, I got their point but duhh!!! why didn't they informed us about the resume format yesterday on the meeting? sad so I need to repeat everything so I asked Mr.Maico to allow us to use the computer laboratory but damn! he disagreed sad okay I have no choice but to go home, the when I got home, I'm alone again, I asked for the key from my neighbor then took a collation......I was really annoyed today, damn school, sad okay so I watched porn and had fun but I had headache after releasing some fluids xD so then dad and tita finally arrived on our house, tita asked me to put some music on her brother's new phone, okay okay! damn another order,,,,then my tita gave me another phone,,,Instead of being gay because of the gift, I felt frustrated, another boring phone,,,, "It's just for contact you know" dad said... duhhh!!! when my brother arrived at home, he brought some roasted chicken for our viand by tomorrow, but at midnight, I took a piece of it and ate it...I'm hungry...omnomnom

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Today is a bad day, I woke up when morning came to go to school. It was really a bothersome day. okay so when I woke up, I noticed my tita was downstairs, she cooked rice for us, while I was preparing to leave, my brother was still inside the bathroom. okay so I ignored his slowness and continue on fixing myself. so I left home and went directly to the school. So when I arrived I was kinda nervous since I'm not ready for the upcoming report to be discussed by me and my partner Sheng, so all we're inside the classroom already, I was really not prepared for the report for today is the day when our instructor handed to use the summary of our report, so here's the story. So When I was working on the report, My Sheng first discussed it, I'm still reading and comprehending the meaning of the selection when Shen was already in the middle of the topic then after that, I was asked by my instructor to seek for some white board marker in the office, So I then asked for one, a new employee handed me one, so when I went back to our classroom, That's just when I noticed that the marker has no more ink so I went downstairs again and ChariRay gave me another one, So I then went back to the class and wrote the summary of our report on the blackboard. So Sheng was really tired of explaining, I then caught her sweating...xD lol...so While continuing on the report I then finished the summary and It's my turn to report about the Philosophy of Man, I explained everything, about the main scope of philosophy, and etc. okay so I finished everything, so after that, our instructor was impressed by our report, although we're not well prepared, the explanation was definitely absolute. So I'm done, and I'm happy although I'm kinda ashamed because of what our report had gone up. okay so my classmates gave me and Sheng 10 claps. XD okay so after the class, It's vacant time again,Woah! There are some group of children from an orphanage school entertained me very much, they caroled on our school, the children was really amusing, they're cute, and I love their music, xD so I gave some donations to them, I then changed my uniform to some semi-formal clothes because I'm heading to the Saint Jane Frances School to apply for OJT, but I ate my lunch first, I ate the chicken which my brother bought last night, and then I proceeded to the SJFS and when I arrived there, the principal was still out, so I waited from 12noon until 1pm but still no teacher has arrived, I just handed my resume to the caretaker of the school and left. When I headed back to school, I saw my friends making assignments, I played with Ruth's cellphone, I'd taken stolen shots of her just to tease her xD...so after that our next teacher arrived on our school, He is late again...duhhh.. stare we had a quiz, then after class I went home, I walked with Sheng while on the road, Talkative Sheng rode on the PUJ, so I then went to the market to eat some, I'm really hungry, I ate fried squids, Kwek-kwek (Egg covered with orange batter mixture n' deep fried) and meat balls, It's so pleasing, and now I'm satisfied xD. so I then went home, when I arrived at home, I was knocking but no one were answering, then suddenly my dad opened the door, so It was dusk already, so I ate my lunch early tonight, then my tita talked with our neighbor about my OJT training to be held in their school, so I then talked with her, she was really nice, and pretty, so after that I went to the PC, I roleplayed on towns, when suddenly I noticed that my hottie was kinda annoyed...that made her make some sort of falsity that deviled me too much, she told me that she's dieing and her heart is enlarging...duhhh!!! stop it...I'm not listening...I even ignored her on YM, then I edited my profile and attached some words of wisdom about broken-heartedness, okay enough!

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Woah! Today is really a very lucky day! wowowowowoooo! xD I really love my day! okay so listen: here's the story, when I first woke up, i noticed my saliva was on my bed, duhhh! my bed is wet...duhhh but thats not a big deal besides it's just my saliva,,, xD okay so when I woke up, I went downstairs and I noticed my tita was cooking our food, boiled fish, then after that, I noticed some sort of french bread on the table, I ate it when suddenly my neighbor's servant handed us a jar of coco jam, I ate the food, and It's really delighting, xD so I watched TV, and When I noticed that it's still too early because it's still jackie chan's adventure xD...okay so I watched and watched, waah! today is the ending episode of Flame of Recca sad after for about a month, It's now ending.. okay Everything has an end, okay so after that. I prepared everything since I'm scheduled to scout for some OJT place. so I ride with my dad, then he dropped me by my school, so when I arrived at school, everyone was laying eyes on me since I'm wearing some sort of formal attire xD....first time to see me like that? xD good thing I didn't went there early since my classmates weren't there yet...lol, so after about 15 minutes, they finally arrived, but the school gate was locked. this is often done because they don't want students go outside to buy food, they want their stocks of food in the canteen be consumed immediately, so We waited for sometime until the guard finally let my friends in. then after dressing up, we went to PAG-IBIG Fund, a government funding office, then we inquired for OJT sessions, but all were full, so I then went alone to International British Academy, so I inquired again for OJT, but the guard told me to go back there next week...duhhh!! so I'm angry again, since second attempt of scouting fails, then I went to Pilar hospital, where my brother works but the office told me that they don't have any available jobs and then the OIC asked me what is my relationship with Mr. Ismael Balilo, then I told her that Ismael is my brother, then when I left the room damn it! I saw my brother, thus I passed on the stair stealthily xD...so I was laughing since my brother didn't noticed my presence there, thus I went home, and finally when I arrived at home, I went to Benedictine Institute of Learning, then I inquired there, and finally! I'm being accommodated in the school, Yes! Finally! so I went home to inform my daddy. they're happy for me, xD So dad and tita went to Charlie, a taxi driver to asked if he could service my dad through the airport, so I was left home, I was eating while watching my indie movie, Rosa Rosa the lazy snail, I mean the servant Girl, so After that I went to the PC and began singing, when it rains and how to save a life, I then signed in to gaia, and I noticed some PM from my hottie, she's sorry for what she'd done last night, duhhh....whatever so I continue on gaia, then when suddenly Prince donated to me some of his valuable things: Katana, Dem Anklets, Rock hard, Masterpieces and a set of 2k7 Halloween bags. I was very pleasured xD...so after that I chatted with friends, and then my brother finally arrived at home, and he bought a dozen of dunkin' donuts wow! so delicious...Today was really fun, both in gaia and in real life, I wished today will be like the rest of my days,,, no grief and sorrow, but all happiness and pleasure xD

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This is definitely the most exhausting day ever! wtf it's my first time to had such schedule, It's like no resting for me, okay so here's the story, I woke up first at 6:30am, I wanna get up and at the same time I also wanna go to sleep, but nah, I don't have a choice, I have to get up cuz my class starts at duhh!! 8am, nvm okay so I got up from bed, I ironed my clothes, then I went downstairs, no viand for lunch hence I just heated the rice using the microwave, then I ate the donuts left on the ref, I didn't wait for my brother to get awake because I ate his donuts, so I then went to school straightly, so when I was on the road to our school, I saw one of my tita's friend ms. katherine but I often call her Sabaw, that's her nickname xD...lol then after that she gave me her no. and texted me, I just ignored her duhh....she's such a loser...so when I arrived on school, I noticed that I'm kinda late so I entered the classroom with full of confidence, okay so after that I was the main attraction of the class, my teacher was talking about volleyball then he'll notice me whenever the topic comes to a rude discussion, okay so then after that I ate my lunch on the break time. I walked with my ex-gf Ruth anne, then we bought our viand on the store, ok so after that we went back to class. boring but kinda good since it's cold inside the room. then after the class we went to robinson's mall, it was really fun, the first stop was a magician's shop, lol the magic exhibition was absolutely amazing! Actually, I don't believe on magic, but after what I'd seen I felt alil' bit strange, first magic was the changing colors of the chips, then another one is the disappearing ball, then after that, the burning wallet, then last and the best is the book within a book. when you open a thin book, lies within it is a new thicker book,..so after on the magician's shop, we went directly to the bookstore, I read the some books there and bought some school supplies, Lol, I was reading lots of books when suddenly one of that damn employee there scolded me for reading the books,,,duhh...then I was frustrated and left the bookstore. So we went to the arcade room, lol we played first the gun thingy, then we proceed to the arcanoid thing, we played and duhh...It's really tiring, my arm is now filled with pain. okay the we rest for a bit. and then we went to the department store, then went to the bathroom. I was on the door when I asked ruth for some face powder, when simultaneously one of the janitor sings a song about putting back a relationship, I was shocked, and I had nothing to do just LOLed xD okay so we went back to school, It was so tiring, my feet was like burning. then after that we waited for some time,for our teacher was late. when we started the class, nothing seems weird. so Lecture, discussion, old style studying. then WTF I didn't noticed the time it's already 8pm, so then I went home after that, It's my first time to go home that late so I walked with my friends on the road then finally I arrived at home, I noticed my brother with his friend Bey, okay so I ate my dinner: Fried Chicken, Japanese Beef Steak and rice so delightful..I love it, then I went directly to the my bed, and took a nap...It was already 11pm in the evening, then my brother went to his bed, I was awaken, damn it. I can't sleep again, It was so hot and the light was so bright thus I went to the living room and slept there, when suddenly my brother was awaken by his illness, He exclaimed at me. I just went back to my living room, he noticed that I'm kinda angry since I was disturbed. So he told me to get some things, water, glass, etc. duhh..!!! It's already 1pm. then he scolded me for leaving him at the room alone. So we went to the hospital to ask for some help, we arrived on emergency section, we asked for some assistance, I saw different ill people, one we're accidentally struck my some vehicle, the other one was like drunk then got slipped on the bathroom, then the other one was like sick because of some sort of sickness, okay I ignored them since my business here is to accompany my brother.So when we went home, it was already 4am in the dawn. but before that we passed by the mercury drug to buy his medicine and some snacks.. so Finally It's my time to rest...hayz...what a stressful day.

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Oh it's the end of November! I'm so happy that I'd survived the month without facing some major problems in life, hayz....okay today seems a very stressful day although it's Sunday, I didn't have a good rest. when I woke up on the morning, I looked at my phone, and I got an SMS from lance, saying about "Who's your new GF?" lol, I don't have enough prepaid balance, no replies was given to him. then after that, My brother was downstairs watching TV, he's resting...okay he's fine now ^^ so after that I obtained our clothes, It's my time to wash it, since he's sick. okay so my tita gave me money to buy some laundry soap since we're out of stock. then after that while washing the clothes, I was watching TV, I missed the anime' shown on morning since I woke up at noon already, SOP the show on tv on that time, so the main theme of the concert TV for today was about PasiklaBand 2008, I was watching the TV and having fun with the bands. It really sucks when Callalily was awarded as the best rock band vocalist of the year, WTF! They suck! I was hoping for Chicosci to obtain the award, but WTF It's unexpected! okay so at 3pm I was done washing our clothes hence I rested for a bit and took some collation. Okay so after that,I went to my room to take a nap, since I was really tired of those house chores that I'd finished lately, and when I woke up I went to the PC to play Gaia online, like what I'd expected, there is no evolving item report, all was about the gaia discussion topics, daily chance, account log ins etc. etc...damn I have to wait, okay so when I was browsing to the marketplace listing, I noticed the big changes on the market, I noticed that It's inflation week again, or I would say it was inflation days, xD so when I was on the PC, I noticed that my cousin-in-law is in the house, she's so annoying damn. so after that okay I just ignored her, although sometimes she's quite okay to speak to. okay from the initial time that I'd logged in, I was focusing more attention to the gaia marketplace, so I realized that it's really useless to hoard monthly item collections, since the prices went ups and downs, xD I mean they increase then decrease from time to time, damn so I decided to sell all the unwanted stuffs on my inventory, I sold those...xD so after that I went to sleep and till the next day

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