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Welcome To My Nightmare... (Hope I didn't scare you...)
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The wind rolled over the soft green grass, creating a wave with the blades of grass. A young man played a small wooden ocarina while sitting in the windy feild. The notes danced and twisted out of his memory then floated out of the carved insterment, filling the air with a song that toyed with some distant memory of his. He sighed with a slight pause and then countinued the tune. He closed his eyes trying to forget his own pain and happiness, just to be free with the moment and soar with the musical dance

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Rose Crystal
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 02:46am
*from the distant woods a small figure stroles out with the wind lightly playing with her green skirt and black tunic*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 02:49am
::pauses once more to look up at the sky and then returns to playing the song that's haunted him for months::

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Rose Crystal
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 02:54am
you keep playing that your going to get it stuck in the birds head* her melodis voice teased as it drifted over with the wind*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:02am
::blinks and rests the ocarina beside him and chuckles:: I doubt they even listen.

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:06am
*smiles as she raises a hand and a little meadow lark lands on it, tilts her head as if she's lisening intently then turns luminouse green eyes to him as she comes with in five feet of him* he says diffrently*her eyes twinkle impishly*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:10am
Talk to the birds often, miss....?

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:16am
*gives an eligent shrug* do you play that same tune often *her tone chalenged tinged with teaseing*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:22am
Occasionally, when I'm alone. It reminds me... of someone...

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:26am
* her eyes soften* remembering can be more painful then the looseing*turns and lifts her hand high to let the little lark take wing* he was looking for his mate they were seperated inthe last storm...*smiles as a littler lark appears from the grass* they always find their way*whispers*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:29am
::whispers more to himself:: It can be... ::looks back up at the woman:: So what brings you out here? By the way you dress I assume you are not from around here.

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:36am
*not takeing her eyes from the happy reunion* i travel here and there*gives a shrug* i heard you playing and an owl complaining, so i desided to see who was playing*looks at him* it was a nice tune
*turns and starts walking farther across the field* i do hope you find the one you lost, for i'm sure they'd like to be found*casts a look over her shoulder then looks up and laughs as the larks flay close by twittering, nods her head regally to them* be safe my friends....

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:41am
Thank you, safe journey miss. ::whistles and a beautiful mare with moonlit hair races up and stops beside him:: Um, wait ma'am, do you want me to take you back to wherever your going? It takes forever and a night to cross the Hyrule feilds.

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:45am
*turns with amusment in her eyes* o i'm sure i'll be fine, but ithank you in your offer*bigins to hum a little melodey as she begins to walk again*

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:49am
::shrugs and hops on to Epona:: Are you sure? I'm heading to the castle, there's a few towns along the way.

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Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:52am
* a dark cloud passes over her eyes at the minchin of the castle* no i'm fine i'm headed in the other direction anyway*smiles* i'm just off to fetch my things

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:55am
* a dark cloud passes over her eyes at the minchin of the castle* no i'm fine i'm headed in the other direction anyway*smiles* i'm just off to fetch my things

Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 03:57am
Alright, later miss! ::lightly nudges Epona and both horse and man race off into the midday sun::

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 04:00am
*gives an unlady like snort at his departing back then goes into the forest and gets her pack then continues on her way, in the same direction the man and horse were fastly disappearing in*

Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 04:14am
::sighs walking Epona up to the gaurds at the front gate of the castle:: Slow night, guys?

Link! I was wondering if you'd show up. : surprised ne of the gaurds walks away from his post to greet his blonde friend. Both head back to where the gaurd was standing:: Eerie night isn't it? ::listens to the crickets chirp nervously::

Yeah, Epona barely got me here before thr town gates closed. I'm glad I didn't stop by the village first.

Don't know why you go there. It seems foolish with the lands being all peaceful like this.

::sighs:: Yeah, I used to wish there was some big bad guy I could defeat with some mystical sword. Fool for I to believe in such childish dreams... still I remember them as if they were distant memories... And there's this girl who is standing out in a feild somewhere sing a song. I can't seem to get it out of my head.

Yeah, well don't wish for awful things like that. It's bad enough my wife is having our fifth kid. Thanks for taking patrol tonight, Link.

Sure, no problem. ::sighs staring off at the road::

Watch the road now, Link, there might be bandits about. No mtter how hard we defeat the baddies, there will always be bandits..

I know... ::watches his friend leave and then watches the road again, absent mindedly humming the song he played earlier::

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 04:27am
*absent mindedly starts to sing a song* "thats strange the animals have become so quiet" *shakes her head* "its nothing, probly just my singing...though it never seemed to bother them before" *heres a loud crack of z twige and spins to see a burly man step out of the shadows*
well well well looky what we got here boys*lears with a grin*
a wee girl sore for company*elects a mighty chuckle from the rest of the three men as they emurge from the dark as well*
*back stiffens* i wish no coral with you gentalmen*
talks all purdy too....
*sees the evil twinkle in the mans eyes reflect throughout the whole band of vile men* dont ....*her voice quivered belaying her fear....she soundly cursed herself for letting her weakness show*it would be in your best intres-*shreaks as she spins and the men move as one to catch her, but she doges her small form under the arms of one gorilla and runs with all her might tourd the castle* "i've been traveling all day and night" *sees that the sky is growing light*"gods let the gate be open...."
GRAB THE LITTLE MINX!!!*yells charging after her*

Rose Crystal
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 11:09pm
*a mysterious figure lurked from the shadows of the trees*

"I want to join that man on his journey but...*sigh* I am too embarassed to ask. I wonder what he will say?" the young man whispered to himself.

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 11:25pm
* a little white wolf watchs the girl in the distence* I wonder if my human form can be friends with her.... she seems nice... *golden eyes flash and in the place where the wolf once stood stands a women with long silver hair and gold eyes.... she waers a blue sleeveless kimono with gold time and wooden sandles..... She runs out of the woods crying * Hello there mis..... what's your name?

Hope it sounds ok....... sweatdrop

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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 11:39pm
*the young man watches the girl run out into the field of over-grown grass*

"She looks familiar, but I dont recall her name." he whispered to himself as he played with his silver bracelet.

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:24am
::wipes the dirt off his gloves and his peasent style pants. Hops onto Epona waiting for the draw bridge to lower and reveal the Hyrule feild. As it lowers he notices three men chasing after two girls. One of them being the girl he had just spoke to the day before:: Hold on!! I've got to make it in time! Those guys look like they could really cause some damage. I doubt they're even from Gerudo Valley! Who are these creeps?

::He races up the bridge while it's still moving. Epona jumps, sailing through the air and lands after a fourteen foot radius and continues to run in the direction her master has indicated, ignoring the dust cloud she created. Link draws his sword, the light glints off the silver metal in the morning light. Not a impressive sword, but one that has been built for battle and is obviously in the hands of a natrual::

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:30am
surprised OOC: Angel, you're doing fine. Just realise your character has to run if she's trying to talk to Rose Crystal's character. Because RC's character is being chased by big guys that seriously want to do some harm to her in one way or another. So unless you want your character to be hurt by the men, I suggest she runs, and runs fast. But help is on the way ^_^!

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:32am
"*gasp* Very impressive! I shall lend him my magic!" the young man says to himself.

*the mysterious man comes forth from the tree he was hiding behind and sprints toward the canyon that would be at least 500 feet deep into the river*

*The man leapt into the sky and spun into a spiritual pose as wings sprouted from his back, he glided onto the dusty terrian and took out quickly his Amythst Staff*

"I have came to accompany you young warrior, my name is Sion! I am an apprentace of magic and summoning, I am rusty with it but I want to work with you!" Sion said as he firmly stanced in front of Link trying his best to look cool and attractive as well.

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:33am
OOC: She left....sorry...umm I think it is the Driver Education thing...so we have to leave her out...for now... sad

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:44am
WHOOOOAAAA!!! ::pulls back on Epona in order not to run into Sion:: Careful!! Uh, thanks... Sion, but we need to get to those girls before they do! I'm not asking why that man has wings and small ears.... Come on! ::races towards the girls again after carefully directing Epona around his new found alley::

OOC: We'll just assume Angel's character is running and is to scared to speak or something.

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:49am
"Right!" Sion floats in mid-air...gliding 2 inches from the floor, firmly grasping his staff. *the wind soars through Sions hair, revealing that he actually has lion ears, and Sion began to get uncomfortable in his pants for something was bothering him*

"Gah..." Sion embarassedly spoke for he placed his hand into the back of his pants and pulled out his tail of that which resembles a lions.

*Sion glides along-side Link, serious and very much of showing off his ego he begins to laugh menacingly as they flew to their target*

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:54am
::chuckles at his new ally's battle cry:: You and me both buddy! why... does he have a tail....? He's DEFENTALY not from Gerudo Valley! Hang in there ladies!!

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:57am

"Lets show them how to treat...a...lady? Is that correct?" Sion began to doubt himself...it isnt like him to be saving females...but to show Link how usefull he is...he'll do his best.

OOC: I gotta go...library closing...I'll be back tomorrow and this is really fun Vicca_Rose! heart

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:03am
My thoughts exactaly, Sion! ::a mean grin spread over his face. Just what he always wanted, a real fight with a real cause:: HIYAH! ::he urged Epona into a faster speed:: This is going to take forever...

OOC: Ok, glad you're having fun and catch you later!!

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:25am
*Sion and Link were closing in upon their victims and were just only a few feet away*

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:38am
OOC: Don't mind if I join in, right?

Blue silver hair blows in the wind as he watches the impending battle. Unsure of why he's drawn to the charging forces he streatches his blue scaled wings, flexs them and takes flight. {Prehaps I was drawn here for a reason...?} He flies towards the group, still weary of which side he should be on.

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:41am
*Sion begins to take shelter, for he is a magician...in training after all...he flew up upon a pillar and made sure that Link knew that he was there just in case*

"I'll be up here okay?"

*But as he finished his sentance his animal insticts went crazy and he smelt someone around the premises*

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:47am
Stops in front of the half human half lion creature, "Who might you be?"

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:53am
Sure, Sion. ::raises his sword again and steal rips through flesh and bone, severing one of the men's head. With his other hand he scoops up one girl and places her behind him. Clang, rip, swoosh. His sword rages through battle again as he picks up the second girl::

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:53am
*Sion startles from the surprise, sure he smelt him but didnt know which way he came from*

"Waaaohh!" Sion jumps from the pillar and launches his claws onto the pillar to stay hold onto. "Me? W-well...I...a human hybrid...I was fused together with a lion...and well...I am a Chosen upon my tribe. I am here to save the day!" Sion over does his ego once again trying to act all powerful and sexy at the same time. "May I ask that of which you speak upon yourself?"

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:54am
OOC: food, brb!

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:58am

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:00am
"My name is not important. I too am a hybrid, but nothing feline of the sort." Lands on a pillar that stands parallal to Sion's. His wings stretch and slowly draw themselves back into the flesh in his back, "What goes on here?"

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:04am
*Sion is curious of the stranger but his feline sexyness wont abue from this*

"Well...I am new onto this situation as well...it appears that the people we are after has some females as hostages or somthing rather the sort..." Sion said as he apparently confused himself as he talked.

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:08am
"As it appears, the friend you were with now has them hostage and has killed two of the men who were with the women."

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:12am
"Appearantly so!" Sion sighs... ((I wonder when I'll be useful for my magic?))

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:14am
"What is your speacialty, if not the sword?"

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:22am
"I know of the mystical abilities of the elements and I know a little bit of summoning..."

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:26am
"A summoner? There aren't to many in these lands. How did you come by that knowledge?" {I thought the last summoner was wiped out years ago, and yet hear stands a human hybrid that claims to be one!}

OOC: I have to pick up my sister, I'll be back shortly.

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:33am
"Well...our clan isnt very well known...so I should be the only one in these parts"

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Rose Crystal
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:38am
AAAAHHH*laches on to link around the waste*WHY DONT YOU WORN SOMEBODY WHEN YOUR GOING TO DO THAT!!!!*glares and kicks a man in the head nocking out a few teeth, looks around* dear gods we're being surrounded....* notices that the three of them on the horse is weighing them down* sorry but this is where me and the girl get off..* pushes back away from links suddenly takeing the girl with her and rolls to her feet draging her sudden companion with her* common lass, this is no place for you*grummbles* or for me.*races forward weaveing through the men trying to catch her, stomping on a foot or two untill she breaks free* common faster girl faster!

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 02:48am
((looks like she needs protection *wink wink*))

*Sion faced toward the female running and soulfully chants* "Guide this weary soul with the protection that you can offer us!" Sion chanted as he swung his staff.*the woman was sheilded as if she were in crystal when the spell first was casted upon her body, any attacks toward her would be useless* "Be strong oh so feminine one." Sion quietly speaks.

OOC: Note that Sion has a dirty mind...as well as I do...but gay ones! lol!

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