omggg i am soooo happy i just made a new chacter and now i sold my fairy cloth and shoes and now i have like almost 2000 gold all i need is 50 more gold imma expodle i am over the fairy thing i don't know what to be now maybe a lesbian lmao jk i just trying to write as much as I can for more gold so like JIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY FFFFFATTTTTTT LADY lmao i'm stupid it must be all the crack i sniffed <.< >.> jk coke lmao jk jk jk I'm talking to my best friend Shannon on the phone right now. There was a bug on her bed thats worse then having a lesbian on your bed o wait no it isn't lmao oooooo i want the kiki kitty and the ice wip and like so high heels and maybe a sexy devil outfit lmao thats atractive and like omg you are beutiful like a sea turtle and you a beatuful like a cow. I AM NOT A PILL POPPER lmao ooooo i want those madin black gloves or what ever there called and then I CAN BE COMPLTED o wait no I can't i want alot of diffrent outfits like 2 or 3 oooooo and one of those little panda things they are shooooo cute i want one or the kiki kitty but not both only one cause they don't look good together well i don't think so people might have there own opoions about it but I for 1 think it's ugly like a lebsian or a turtle lmao because the panda and kittys don't mix and the kitty and panda whites are 2 diffrent shades ooooooo i aslo like the fox stuff I wouldn't mind getting those and like butterfly wings or butter wings lmao oooo and one of those cigrates or like a peapod or like maybe a vegtable can you get a vegtable? does anyone know that i would like a cabage right bye my foot or a turnip O O O a pumkin no wait pumkins aren't going to look so good a carot of gold ooooo like a huge diamond can you get a diamond necklace or braclet or just a huge diamond or like topaz topaz is kewl OR CRACK lmao image is a gaia chacter had crack in like there hand and there face was all up in it I wouls piss myself laughing that would be funny and if they wanted to put down their hands crack would be all over there face and stuff like in there hair that would be funny. I hate those balloons there ugly there all 2 demosional and not in with the program not only that but they don't match with anything it's an off color that no one can find and it like messes your main phare up then you look all retared. i love my 3 most bestest friends jessica shannon and rochelle they are the BOMB DIGITY lmao I love you guys. well I think it's time for me to end this entrie until next time buh bye