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.....What the hell do I put here?
“Hey Raven, whatever Jay said to you yesterday, forget it. He’s a jerk!” Eric mumbled to himself. As he thought of the incident from yesterday he shivered. Then he heard a voice in a distance calling his name. ”Eric, Eric!” Raven kept calling till she got about twenty feet away. Oh no!!! I wasn’t expecting to see her so soon!!! What will I say? Eric thought worried. “Eric? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need to go to the nurse?” “Oh! No, I’m fine. Sorry, what were you saying?” He asked. She chuckled and said “Well I have to tell you some-” she was cut off by the bell. “I guess we got to go don’t we? I’ll tell you later then! See ya later then!” she said in a good mood like she just got a boyfriend. “ Raven! Wait! I need to tell you something!” then he sighed. Fine I’ll tell her later. Eric thought happily.

It was 2nd hour now. Now is my chance to tell her. he thought. “-and I was like of course I would go out with him! I love him! But I don’t think he believes me, but of course that’s his problem not mine. I love him more than anyone or anything even life itself! Can you believe that?” Raven asked her friend heather. “ I like him too but since you like him more ill let you have him. I don’t want you to get hurt this time. And yes I can believe that. I mean have you seen the way you act around him?” Heather asked.

“Hey Raven.” Eric said sadly. “Hey Heather can you give us a moment of peace?” Raven asked. “Yea of course!” Heather said. Then she said “Good luck!” quietly to Raven and winked and walked away waving for a moment before she turned around. I’m guessing I wasn’t supposed to see that so I wont say anything about it. Eric thought curiously. They both turned to each other and said “I have something to say!” at the same time. “You first.” Raven insisted. “No, no, no! You first I insist!” Eric said. “Ok one of us has to talk . Since you want me to go first I guess I will. Ok what I wanted to say was thank you!” Raven said excitedly. “for what?” Eric asked confused. “For yesterday! You running away I was able to meet Jay! It made me so happy to finally meet him!” then she ran up to Eric and hugged him. “Ummmm… your welcome?” Eric said still confused.

“So what was it you were gonna say?” She asked still wondering. “Oh! Its doesn’t matter now.” He replied with a little regret that he didn’t say what he wanted to say first. “Come on you can tell me!” She persisted. Eric sighed and gave in. “Ok I’ll tell you later. Ok?” he asked. “Ok!” when 3rd and 4th hour passed he was tired from all the tests he was having to take. He sighed and said “Man I hate Finals! They are so hard sometimes.” After he told Raven everything she seemed upset and angry. I wonder what I said that upset her. Maybe she loves him! But… that can be she said she love me a few years ago! I’ll have to get her side of the story and soon so I don’t get too upset with worry. It only took him about 5 seconds to decide what it is he would do.

Next was 5th hour which was science; his favorite subject. He also had this class with Raven. I’m gonna have to ask her. Its now or never. He thought. “Yo Raven! Come here, will ya?” she sighed but came anyway. “What do you want?” she asked through clenched teeth. “I want to know something and I want an honest answer.” he explained. “Fine, I guess I can do that at least.” she said. “good your gonna cooperate. Anyway what I want to know is who do u love… me… or… Jay…?” he asked worried sick. “well that was unexpected, but I think I… love… you…. And Jay both!” she said with bright eyes. “what? But isn’t that… I don’t know… a little weird to love two people at the same time?” Then the bell rang and the teacher said “Ok students get in your seats and Liam I want you to pass these out to everyone please. Once you get your test you may begin.” “What if we don’t have a pencil?” one kid asked. “Good question Alexander. If you don’t have a pencil your screwed.” then Alexander turned around and laughed at his friend.

As usual 6th and 7th hour passed slowly. Raven was happy again but Eric was depressed at what she had said. Then he suddenly realized he had to stay after to help clean up. Oh man! Do I have to? he thought sadly. Then he realized the worst part was Raven had to stay after, too. “Man this had ought to be good.” he said sourly. “What had ought to be good?” Raven asked with the up most curiosity. “Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all. Just thinking out loud.” Eric replied quickly. “Well ok if you say so. You know you have been acting pretty strange recently.” she said worried. “Is that so?” he asked sarcastically. Then he said quickly “I have to do something!” “what do you have to do?” Raven asked. “Ummmm… I have to…use the…bathroom!” He said with a little trouble. He wasn’t conferrable talking about that around girls.

He did go use the restroom but when he was just outside the room he heard Heather call Raven over to her spot. “Yes, Heather?” she asked warily. “I was wondering if you were staying after tomorrow. Because I am and I know Eric is.” Heather explained. “Then I am too!!” Raven shouted just a little too loud.
Well isn’t this interesting? I wonder what got into her. All well. Eric thought. “Ok, I’m back.” he said calmly. “Eek!” Raven yelped. “Hmmm? What’s wrong Raven?” he asked calmly like nothing had happened. “Oh nothing you need to worry about!” she said spooked. Thank heavens that’s over! Eric complained. Is this even the right way? He thought. “Man I don’t feel so good right no-”then he fell to the ground holding his chest and covering his mouth. “I-I…need to…call Jake!” he gasped. He tried to reach into his bag to call his brother and managed to find his cell phone. He slowly dialed the number and it only had to ring once and Jake picked up. “Yo!” he said cheerfully. “H-help me!” Eric gasped. “I’m on my way bro!” then he hung up. Eric just let the phone fall to the floor. Idiot! He doesn’t even know where I am! he thought. He decided to get up and try to walk home on his own. When he got up his mouth flew open and four of his front teeth grew twice their size and ten times as sharp. Then he saw a woman on a bench about 50 feet away. He slowly and quietly walked toward the woman. Once he got there he bent down to bite her neck, but her phone suddenly went off and she woke only to see his beautiful face lean toward her neck. Then he bit her.

“Heh heh!” someone laughed from behind and as a reaction for defense Eric turned around in a jolt and faced his enemies. Then he growled and fell to the ground but not because he was hurt. With a surprise he only said “Kill me! Kill me now! I don’t want to live a life like this as a vampire!! I don’t want to risk killing people!” Then he passed out. “So what do we do know?” a voice asked. “I don’t know about you but I have to erase this persons memory.” another sweeter voice said. Then I woke up and jumped from my spot in an instant and moved to another spot to face my enemies. Another deafening growl came from my throat. “Don’t you dare come near me or I’ll KILL you!” I growled furiously. Then the next thing I knew a wounded girl came out from a tree. “Raven!! What happened! Are you ok? Please tell me your ok!” Eric shouted in pure terror.

“I-I…was…a-attacked by…a group of …vampires!!” She said as she kept turning to a different direction to make sure it was safe. Then she fell to the ground. “H-help…me Eric!” she gasped in pain. He rushed to her side and picked her up so gently she didn’t even notice or she was just asleep, he wasn’t able to tell. “Don’t worry honey I’ll do everything I can to help you!” he vowed. He took her to his house to tell his family since they would most likely understand. “Please you guys you have to help her! I wouldn’t be able to survive without her in my life!” he said as he was horrified by the pain in me. “Gah! It hurts! Someone stop the pain!!!” Raven yelled with horror in her eyes. “Do something! Stop this pain in her!! Do it NOW!!!” Eric yelled at his family. Then Eric’s brother walked into the room. “Ok just stop yelling at us and we will be able to focus.” he said calmly. “Why are you so calm?” Eric screamed at his brother. He took a deep breathe to calm himself. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to lose her. I love her more than anything in the universe!” Eric said ashamed. “E-Eric. Come here. Please.” Raven said weekly. “Yes my love?” Eric said so sweetly. “Please stop the pain!” she gasped the she fell asleep.

It was the next day when she woke and she was in her house and in her bed. “How did I get here? Last thing I remember I was at Eric’s house and…” her breathe caught. Then she got out of bed and took off her clothes and looked at her naked body. What the? What happened yesterday? she asked herself? “If you put some clothes on, sweetheart, I’ll tell you what happened.” someone said with a little trace of worry in his voice. “Wh-who’s there? Is it you Eric? If not go away!!! I don’t want to get hurt anymore than I-” she gasped in pain and fell to the ground. Before she could hit the ground Eric was there holding her up. “Ouch! Ow ow ow!! Eric stop the pain somehow! It hurts!” she whimpered. “Sweetheart if I could stop the pain I would but, sadly, I cant.” he said still worried. “Ok can you at least set me down on my bed? I’m in too much pain to go to school today.” she said with clenched teeth so she wouldn’t scream. “You do know its Saturday right?” he chuckled trying to help. “Oh is that so? How long was I out? Oh crud! What do I do if I meet them again, they were so… thirsty?!” she asked. “You were only out for a few hours sweetheart. Don’t worry I don’t think they will be messing with you any time soon.” he chuckled. “What did you do to them? She asked but, before I could answer she fell asleep. “I’ll let her sleep ,she needs it.” he said.

It was about 4:00p.m. when I woke again. I was in bed with the one I love, but the only problem was I was naked! Oh my god!! I shouldn’t be like this! I thought. “What’s wrong honey?” Eric asked quietly. “No offence but, I’m naked.” I replied embarrassed. “Oh at first I thought you didn’t like the fact that I’m sleeping with you.” he sighed in relief. “Oh that part I don’t mind at all, actually I really, really enjoyed it! Its just no one else has seen me naked and its really embarrassing.” my breathe caught. “what’s wrong honey? Are you in pain?” he asked worried and he rushed to my side. “I am in pain but that doesn’t matter right now! How long were you awake while I was sleeping?” I asked worried that I made him wait too long for me to wake up. “Oh just a few hours. But I wasn’t bored actually quite the opposite I was listening to you talk in your sleep.” he chuckled. I sighed and tried to remember if I dreamt last night or evening I wasn’t sure right now. “What did you hear?” I asked embarrassed. “Nothing really but you did say my name a lot. And then you screamed and I thought you had woken up and screamed in pain. I did think about waking you up so you wouldn’t have to deal with the nightmare, but I thought you would prefer the sleep most right now.” he explained.

It was about a week later and we were at school. We were walking alone together in the hall. Everyone else moved out of the way. “What’s with them?” I asked curiously. “They know about the accident sweetheart, they don’t want to hurt you even more.” he explained. My breathe caught in pure terror and in pain. “What’s wrong honey? Are you in pain? Do you need me to carry you?” he asked sick with worry. “Yes I am in pain but that’s not it! They know about the accident? They know what attacked me?” I asked curiously. He chuckled. “Of course not sweetheart, we told them you got hit by a car. It’s the only way we could cover up your story. Sorry!” he said ashamed. “No its ok! Anyway come on lets go we got to get to class.” I sad in pain. Then I finally felt so much pain I fell . But he caught me once again. Then I accidentally opened one of my cuts again and I didn’t understand what happened then till I felt it.

“Eric! What are you doing?” I asked in pain. “Stop! It hurts! Eric, stop!!” I just kept trying to get free, to run away from here. “ERIC!!!!” I shouted in pure terror and in pain. He finally stopped and let go of me. I suddenly got up and ran. He just stared at me with eyes filled with terror. What is he? Is he a vampire too? Or was he trying to help me? All well! All I know is I have to get away from here and fast!! I thought as I was running. Then I headed for stairs right next to him. I tripped and fell down the stairs. Before I hit anything I was hit by something from a totally different direction than expected. It was Eric! He shoved himself under me to get the full blow of the fall. When he hit the ground all I heard was his breathe catch then he got straight up and stood me upright as well. “G-get away from me!” I said frightened. I tried to push him away with no success. “You’re just like them! You’ll do whatever it takes to get blood!!” I gasped as I stepped back a few steps. “I didn’t want that to happen but, I had been with you for 8 days I didn’t get any time to get away and find an animal! I’m so sorry!!” he said trying to get me to understand. “Ok but please don’t bite me on a cut next time, that really hurt. Oh! I forgot! Anytime your thirsty my necks free game!” then we went to class together.

“Why?” I had to ask. “Why what?” he asked confused. “Why did you not let me get hurt even more by falling? Why did you have to be the one to- Oh Yeah! Never mind.” I said as I remembered he didn’t get hurt in the fall. “Yeah we don’t get hurt that easily.” he chuckled. Then I yawned. “Oh your tired! Ill let you sleep don’t worry I wont shake you at all.” he said with confidence. “thank y-”was all I could say then I was asleep. That night I dreamed about Eric. It was so amazing. I dreamt we were walking on a beach in summer. He was as beautiful as any boy could get and I was just as boring and bland as a girl could get. And yet he was in love with me. And I was in love with him even though he was a vampire. Luckily it was a very cloudy day. We just kept walking staring at each other then I tripped and all of a sudden my wonderful dream turned into a nightmare. He was leaving me. He was walking away from me. I tried to chase him but I was too slow. Then I fell to the ground in pain with my arms around my chest. “E-Eric help me! D-don’t leave me!” I was there just a moment ago but what took my spot just surprised me I became a wolf! W-what is this? I asked horrified. Maybe I can chase him now! I’m commin Eric! she thought with confidence.

I started to chase him again but, this time I was able to keep up. I was just fast enough to end up in front of him. “Eric. Why are you leaving me? Both you and I know I don’t want you gone. So why?” I asked as my words just rushed out. “You know why I’m leaving.” he said calmly. “No I don’t! Please don’t leave me!” as I said this I started to cry. “Don’t cry over me, I’m not worth it. Good bye Raven.” he said in a calm voice. “Please!” I begged. “No, Raven, I have to.” he replied. I ran up to him then I kissed him.

“You know, I am still gonna leave, right?” he said ashamed. “I really shouldn’t be doing this. It will only make it harder for me to leave.” “Then don’t leave!” I said through my tears, still falling. Then he took off again. But this time I couldn’t change into anything so I had to stay human. “Eric wait!” And he was gone. Then I woke up and screamed. As soon as I was aware I was screaming, I threw my hands over my mouth. “What’s wrong honey?” someone asked. I guessed it was Eric. Then I started to cry. I started to tremble. “I had a horrible dream.” I said quietly. “Oh honey. Why don’t you tell me about it?” he said trying to comfort me. I pushed myself into his chest and told him about the dream. “Oh. I see. Don’t worry I wont leave you, unless you want me-” he was interrupted. “No! never leave me!!” I said a little too loud. “Sorry.” I said embarrassed. He just laughed and hugged me tighter. “I’ll never leave you as long as I’m alive. I love you more than anything. Even life itself.” he said as he kissed my forehead.

“Ok. I think I’m gonna take a walk today. Since he’s not here yet I might as well do something with my time.” I said. After I got into my clothes and got my shoes on, I ran outside and ran to the street. “Man it’s a cloudy day. All well, I’ll survive.” I said as I walked happily down the street. Then I heard a noise in the woods next to me. “Wh-who’s there?” I asked scared. “Heh heh. I finally found you! I have been looking for you since that day about 2 weeks ago.” the voice said. Then I saw about 4 pairs of bright red eyes staring at me. “L-leave me alone! I-I don’t… Eric!!!!” I shouted in pure terror. I-I know he can here me. Oh god please come Eric!! she thought terrified. “Oh he isn’t going to come, trust me! That means your all ours!” another voice said. “Wh-what did you do to Eric?” I stammered. “Oh we just paid him a little visit. And told him if he came to help you we would kill you. That’s all.” the voice said. “Wh-what? L-leave me alone! DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!” I screamed. Then something weird happened to me. “Yaaaaah!!!” I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Then instead of me being there, something big and furry took my place. It was a wolf! “Come another step closer and ill KILL YOU!!!!” I growled. Then I turned around and ran to Eric’s house as fast as I could. I was completely aware they were following me. I’m commin Eric! Just hang in there, please! I thought.

When I got there I ran inside to find him knocked out on his bed. He was also tied up. “Eric!” I gasped. “Oh shoot! How do I become human again?” I wondered. Then I felt the same pain, screamed, and fell to the ground and I became human again. “Gah! That hurts! I’m gonna have to- Oh Yeah!! Eric wake up!!! Please don’t be dead!” I started to cry. “Oh don’t cry honey! It will be ok. For us anyway. And as long as you come quietly we will leave your boyfriend alone.” Someone said from behind me.” Do you promise you’ll leave him alone?” I asked. “Of course. We vampires are very good at keeping promises.” he vowed. “Ok untie him and leave him alone forever and you can have me.” I said sadly. I’ll do whatever it takes to get them to leave him alone! I thought. I know he’ll never forgive me but by the time he wakes up, I’ll most likely be dead. So what does it matter? Good bye my love! I will always love you. I thought to myself.

As they said they would, they untied him and let him be. And once they took me and left I said “thank you.” “For?” one of the voices asked. “You guys actually kept your promise and left him alone. For that I am grateful.” I explained. “Oh. That. No problem.” he chuckled. Meanwhile Eric had just woke up. “Ooh. My head.” he complained. “Oh! Raven! I have to make sure she’s ok!!” he said panicked. Then he got up and ran out the door. He ran straight to my house but, along the way he caught my scent along with the group of vampires. Oh man your kidding me! They took her! They are so dead when I find them! he thought angrily. “Hey guys wait up for a minute, will ya?” I asked. Then they stopped and put me down but they surrounded me to make sure I don’t run. “You know I wouldn’t be able to outrun you guys right? Besides I wont run anyway cause I want Eric to be safe.” I said calmly. “What do you want then?” one of them asked. “Well I wanted to change into a cat so you could carry me easier. Would you let me?” I asked. “Oh sure. Why not?” the tallest one said. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. And in my place was a little cat. “Ok we can go now.” I gasped pain. Then the tallest one picked me up and took off. All of a sudden I was aware we were being followed. By who? I asked myself. Then I caught his scent. It was Eric! O-oh no!!! I thought terrified. But I tried to look natural. Would they be able to notice? I wondered.

He was about a mile behind us. I was still scared for him though. Ok Eric if you can hear me do something like stop for a minute then come for me again. Please do it for me I want to know if you can hear me so I can tell you everything. I thought. Then I sensed he stopped. Ok you can hear me then. Good. Anyway don’t try to find me cause there are 5 or 6 of them here and if you face them they will kill you. Oh and yes I am the cat they are holding. I don’t know how but I can change what I am. Oh I just got an idea if you hurry up and get here I have a plan. I told him the plan and I knew he liked it cause I sensed him speed up. “Does anyone here have some milk with them by chance?” I asked. “No. Why?” the one carrying me asked. “Cause I’m thirsty. And when you’re a cat, you only want milk.” I explained. “Oh. I guess we’ll stop by somewhere and get some milk then.” one with a deep voice said sarcastically. “So what your saying is you wont let your hostage have some milk?” I whimpered. “Yeah pretty much.” he said. I looked up at the guy holding me and he looked down at me. “Fine.” he said. I jumped out of his hands and they all stopped. I jumped at the one who said I couldn’t have milk and bit his arm. Then I scratched his side with my claws. “I want milk!” I said impatiently. “Ow ow ow!!!” he shouted. And I heard Eric chuckle about a quarter of a mile behind us. You thought that was funny didn’t you Eric? I asked him quietly. Then I heard him laugh. Hush Eric! I hissed under my breathe. I knew he would be the only one able to hear. Then it was silent. “What was that?” one of them hissed. “Oh it was me. Sorry. When I’m thirsty I get really annoying and I attack people. Again I’m sorry.” I lied. “Oh I thought it was someone else. But since it was you…” then he attacked me.

He hit me with the full blow and I screamed in pain. I began to cry. “Wh-why-” I wasn’t able to get the rest out. And I let another wail of pain out. “Someone please kill me now!” I screamed in pain. Eric hurry they are torturing me!! I whimpered to him. “Ok you asked for it! And you’ll get it!” then I changed automatically into a wolf without knowing if there was any pain. Even if there was some pain I couldn’t feel it. When he attacked me it was all I could feel. Eric come out now. I’m ready to attack them! I yelled in my head. Then Eric came out from behind a tree. They were completely unaware he was there cause they were all facing me with a worried look on their faces. Now Eric attack the tallest one! He’s the leader! I screamed at him in my head. “You guys only deserve this for what your team mate did to me. So blame him for this.” I hissed at them. Then I saw Eric leap at the tallest one and I went for all the other ones. I got a good swipe at the second tallest and I killed him with one blow to his chest. “Ha! One down 5 to go!” I shouted with joy. Then I heard Eric wail in pain. “Eric!!” I shouted and then I attacked the ones surrounding him. I only got to kill one of them and it was the shortest one I killed just like the first. “DON’T TOUCH HIM!!!!” I growled. “Move sweetheart.” Eric said quietly. “Yes my love.” I whispered. “I want you to attack the smallest one now, my love, while I attack the leader.” I said through clenched teeth. “No! I’ll attack the tallest. You get the rest.” he gasped in pain. “But what about you?” I asked worried. “I’ll be fine.” he vowed.

We both got up and did what we said to do. I attacked the second strongest and missed his chest. I only got to hit his stomach. So I landed and as soon as I did I went for him again. This time I only got to hit his arm. As I hit his arm he hit my chest. “Gah!” I gasped for air. I then attacked the smallest one and bit his chest. And he was badly wounded. Wounded enough so he cant join the fight. Then I attacked the same one again and killed him. “Eric! How are you doing?” I shouted at him. “Fine! And you?” he shouted back. “I was hit in the chest!” I replied. I heard his breathe catch and then he got hit in the stomach and chest. “Eric!” I shouted in and the second strongest one tried to hit me but I jumped in time to dodge the full blow. He was only able to break my leg. Then I landed on my side and wailed in pain. I tried to get up without success. This is it. I love you Eric. And I always have. Since the first day I saw you I loved you. I said in my head then I shut my eyes and got ready for the next blow to end this once and for all.

I didn’t feel anything so I opened my eyes only to see Eric had killed the leader and was now fighting the second strongest. “Are you ok sweetheart? Can you fight?” he asked. “I-I don’t know.” I responded in pain. “I’m in too much pain to move and my leg is broken.” I whimpered. “Ok. Listen up blood suckers! If you dare lay a finger on her I will KILL YOU!!!” he vowed. “C-can you make it Eric?” I asked still worried. “Of course there’s only 2 more to go! I can handle this!” he said with confidence. “Ok.” was the last thing I said then I just lay there with my head on my paws and closed my eyes. Then I heard a deafening snap and Eric shouted with joy. Another one down. I thought. I’m to weak to handle anything. I thought.
I wasn’t aware I had fallen asleep until I heard someone walk toward me. Then I jumped up onto my feet and stepped back a few feet and let a growl rip through my chest. Once I realized who it was I stopped growling. I wailed in pain and collapsed. Then I was human again. And I noticed I was gripping my leg with a little pressure. Then I started to cry. “It hurts.” I whimpered to him. Then I noticed a slight movement behind him. The leader was still alive! The leader suddenly jumped for Eric’s back. I quickly jumped up and threw myself to receive the full blow of his attack. When I was hit my breathe caught, And I flew about 15 feet back. I finally hit a tree and hurt my back and I noticed I was bleeding badly. Then I hit my head and I fell then fell asleep. “Your lucky that stupid girl did that for you.” The leader said. “Raven! Raven are you ok? Raven!” Eric shouted through falling tears. “You’ll pay for that!” Eric shouted and lunged at the leaders chest. With one little swipe the leader was dead for good. “I guess I better take her to my house again.” I heard someone say. “E-Eric? Is that you?” I asked weakly. “Yes.” he said in relief. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I think you mean are YOU ok?” he chuckled sadly. “Just take me home to my house, please.” I begged. “Are you sure?” he asked. I sighed and said “Yes.”

A few hours later I woke up and felt really stiff. “Ouch! Ow ow ow!” I gasped in pain. “Are you ok honey?” I heard Eric ask. “Yeah I’ll survive. I think” I said as I tried to get up. “Ummmm….if you don’t want me to see you naked, you might not want to get up.” he said closing his eyes. “No I’m sure you saw me that one day, and yesterday when the leader did that to me. Now I don’t mind as long as its only you!” I said happily. “Ok!” he replied with joy. Then I saw a movement outside and jumped into Eric’s arms terrified. And then I noticed my window was open. And then someone jumped into the window so I covered my body with my arms and hands. “Eric! Who is it?” I asked scared and afraid to open my eyes. “It’s just my brother. Don’t worry.” he said trying to comfort me. “B-but I’m naked.” I reminded him. He looked down at my body and remembered. “Jake don’t look.” he said calmly. I let my arms drop when he said that and looked up to see if he looked away or not. He didn’t look away and I froze in place and just stared at him. Then I blushed bright red and screamed so loud he threw his hands over his ears and released me from his hold. And I suddenly covered my body again and hid my face in Eric’s chest. “Get that pervert out of here!” I screamed. I didn’t know I was still blushing until Jake laughed and walked up to touch my naked body. “Pervert!” I screamed and slapped his hand. “Get off me! Don’t touch me!” I screamed. Then I felt so weird I got up and out of bed. I just stood there looking at Eric with wide scared eyes covering my body. Then I ran down stairs and changed my shape.

Now I was a wolf. I learned how to change without paying much attention to the pain. Then I flew out the door and ran into the woods. I ignored the pain in my paw. Why me? Why, why, why? I feel so…so…so….violated! I screamed in my head. Eric I’m going to the middle of the woods. I told him quietly. Then I felt the slight sense of a group of people following me. And I stopped in my tracks to face the group. Once I stopped so did they. Well all but one the one still going sped up. Once he was in view I noticed it was Eric. I sighed in relief. And then I went human. “Ok never let your brother near me again. Please he touched me! And now I feel so violated. Only your allowed to do that.” I said as I felt like I was going to cry. It’s ok Raven. Turn back into a wolf again Jake wants to come here to see you.” he said ashamed. “WHAT? No! he cant come here!” I shouted loud enough so Jake could hear. I heard a boom of laughter and I felt him start to walk here again. So I tried to change into a wolf but there was something wrong. I screamed in pain again. But this time it was worse than any pain I have ever felt. When I finished screaming I fell to the ground from a branch. And it was too late. I knew he tried to catch me but he wasn’t fast enough this time. I landed with, what felt like, the pain I felt then the leader attacked me that day. It was so painful but not as bad as the pain I felt first before this.

I knew they were both there in front of me and I also was aware that I was naked. Once I told myself I was naked I jumped up and ran behind the nearest tree and hid there covering myself. D-did he touch me again? I-I don’t know if I can bare it if he did! I shouted in my head. Then I felt someone walking toward me. “Come one step closer and so help me I’ll…I’ll… I don’t know what I’ll do. But if your Eric I don’t care if you come, but if your Jake go away and don’t touch me before you leave!” I said using caution trying to find out who it was. Then I noticed it was Jake! Where was Eric? Why wasn’t he here? Why wasn’t he here to protect me? Eric! Please stop your brother! He wont listen to me! STOP HIM, PLEASE!! I started to cry as I begged him to get Jake to stop. Then Jake walked forward and touched my shoulder. I screamed again.
“Leave me alone Jake! Don touch me! Please leave me alone! I don’t like to be naked in front of anyone but Eric. So please just leave me alone!” I begged. I tried to stop crying. It worked a little but not much. Then I felt Jakes grip tighten around my shoulder and it hurt cause it was my hurt shoulder. “Ouch! Let GO! It hurts!” I tried to get up and run but I couldn’t move. Then he handed me something big. It was a blanket. “Here. Take it.” he said and as he put it in front of me he touched me again. “PERVERT!” I yelled at him. Then his grip loosened and I got up and ran. Along the way I ran into someone. “Sorry!” I said as I continued to run. And then I realized I needed to wrap the towel around me. Eric! Where are you? Eric! Help me! I shouted in my head. Then I stopped and looked at my surroundings. Then Eric walked out from behind a tree. I sighed in relief. “There you are.” I said. Then I ran up to him and hugged him. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Your filthy brother! That’s what!” I spit. “What did he do?” he asked curiously. “He t-” Then I started to hyperventilate. “Hey Raven! Hey are you ok? Raven!” he yelled. I just let myself fall to the ground and lay there crying. Then he walked up to me.

“Put me down!” I yelled. I didn’t know who picked me up but it didn’t feel like Eric. “Relax your completely covered.” the voice said calmly. “I don’t care! Your still touching me inappropriately! So either you stop or put me down!! Please?” I begged. “Nope!” he said joyfully. “Eric.” I said sadly. No one answered. “Eric? Where’s Eric?” I asked worried. “Don’t worry. He’s just hunting right now.” Jake said. “Oh well you be lucky he’s not here right now! You pervert.” I said sadly. I heard him sigh. Then he set me down on my stomach and I suddenly fell asleep. I had no idea what happened to me but what I did know was he took advantage of me being asleep. I knew what he did. He touched me I’m gonna kill him for that! Eric wherever you are help me your brother touched me inappropriately! HELP!!! I thought panicked. Then I moaned to show him I was awake. I was suddenly aware there was someone else here. Eric? Is it you who’s here? I asked quietly. Then I knew who it was cause I was suddenly in his arms.

I now pretended I was awake so I got up and moaned. I acted like I forgot about the blanked for a few then quickly wrapped it around my body. I felt lightheaded. Thank you Eric. I said sadly. I just laid back down and thought about why he chose to do this to me. I never noticed I fell asleep until Eric woke me up. “What?” I asked still half asleep. “My brother is gone. What do you want to do now?” he asked. “I’m not sure, why?” I asked. “Cause I’m bored.” he said. “Oh well can you walk me home. So you can give me enough time to sleep and you can also hear what I will be saying in my dream or you could read my mind and see what I’m dreaming about. I don’t mind what…. You…do.” I said before I fell asleep. The last thing I heard was him sigh and I said sorry my love. It only seemed like 5 minutes of sleep before I had to wake up to keep him entertained.

“So what do you want to do, my love?” he asked after he woke me up. I looked down and noticed I was still naked and I also noticed he only had boxers on. “Well that’s a first wouldn’t you say?” I asked. “What?” he asked. “I have never seen you dressed like that before. I like it. And I know what we both want to do right now.” I said using caution. “Oh yeah? And what would that be sweetheart?” he asked as if he didn’t know. I raised an eyebrow. “Come on I know what you want.” I reached under the blanket to try and find his hand and found it after 5 seconds. I took his hand and made his touch my face as I touched his. And in an instant he got out of the bed turned off the lights and got back in bed in just 2 seconds. And then he knew what we both wanted then. I’m guessing you do know what I want don’t you? I thought cause I didn’t want to ruin the moment. He just laughed and carried on.

It was about noon when I woke back up. I had been really tired ever since the pack attacked me the first time. Now I was bored. I noticed he was asleep. And I didn’t want to wake him up. So I just stayed there and only moved to face him and hide me face in his chest and blush. “What’s wrong love?” he asked and it startled me. I jumped so badly I almost fell out of the bed but he caught me. “Oh I thought you were asleep. I must have woke you up. I’m so sorry.” I had completely forgotten what had happened yesterday till he caught me and he touched me. I blushed even more when I remembered. “Oh its ok honey there’s no need to be embarrassed about it. Even I’m blushing.” I looked to see if he was lying but he wasn’t. So I just laughed.

“I didn’t think of you to be the type to blush you know it was kinda funny!” I said about 20 minutes later. I only quit laughing about 10 minutes ago. Then I remembered all the pain I was in. “Ow!” I said as tears welled up in my eyes. “Raven? Hey! Are you ok?” he asked worried. “Y-yea it just still hurts so bad.” I mumbled. “Oh I suppose that earlier didn’t help much did it?” he asked. I sighed and shook my head. “Anyway I’m bored lets go for a walk! As long as your brother isn’t there.” I said. “Don’t worry he’s at home. He wont be coming here anytime soon.” he said with confidence. “Good!” I said excitedly. “But is a walk a good idea?” he asked worried. “Yes!” I said a little to quickly. Then I jumped out of bed and I jumped a little too fast so I became lightheaded and fell to the ground. “I’m ok I just got out of bed too fast.” I said still a little lightheaded. “Oh I just got a great idea!” I said loudly. Then I got up and kissed him on the lips. “Wh-what’s your idea?” he asked. “Ok can I go to your house? I want to meet your family so bad!” I responded excitedly. “Ummmm….I don’t think that would be a good idea in you condition, Rave!” he said through clenched teeth. “Besides Jake is there.” he said hoping I would turn that option down. “No I want to go! Besides you’ll be there and, if he does anything you’ll stop him, right?” I asked. “Of course! Anyway if you want to go so bad lets go!” he said happily.

Once I was dressed I ran out the door with too much force and I tripped and hurt my leg again. “Ow!” I said holding my leg. “Raven. Next time wait for me will ya?” he said sadly. I sighed and agreed with him. We sat there saying nothing for about 10 minutes. “Someone say something I cant stand this silence!” I said annoyed. “What do you-” Eric kissed me then. This time we got out of hand. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept them there. And he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. And I just didn’t want this moment to ever end. Then I finally had to breathe so I had to push away from him and take a deep breathe. “I’m sorry I have to breathe you know.” I said sadly. “It’s ok. Is your leg better?” he asked. “Let go of me for a moment and we’ll see.” I said sarcastically. He let me go and I just stood there. Then I jumped at him and hugged him. “Never let me go!” I said sadly. And he reacted like I hoped he would; he held me tighter than ever. Even though it hurt I didn’t say anything.

We were walking through the woods when I heard a river near by. I looked around trying to find it but I couldn’t see it at all. Then I saw a big beautiful house. My breathe caught. “What’s wrong Rave? Are you in pain?” he asked worried. “No! your house is so beautiful!” I said with gleaming eyes. Then we were on the porch steps. And someone opened the door for us but I couldn’t see who it was. Who opened the door Eric? I asked in my head. Then he leaned down with his lips at me ear. “Jake did.” he said so quietly I thought only I was able to hear. Then I moved to Eric’s other side to get away from Jake. The next thing I knew was we were walking into the house and the door shut behind us. Then Eric moved me in front of him. Thanks. I thought. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Jake.

Then I was suddenly aware I was surrounded by other people. I tried to change into a wolf so I could see but I wasn’t able to change. Instead I fell to the ground scared. Then I saw several pairs of red eyes showed in front of me. Then I quickly got up and ran behind Eric. Right now I didn’t care that Jake could have been behind me. “I see you brought us dinner!” someone said. At that I was about to run outside and into the forest. But then I gave that idea a second thought and realized that’s a stupid idea to go into the forest. Eric knew what I was thinking and he chuckled quietly. Then he stiffened when I froze. Someone was touching my neck! Then he tried to move me in front of him but I didn’t move. I was too scared to do anything then I thought about screaming. Eric in about 5 seconds cover your ears ok? I thought. Then I screamed and I knew everyone had their ears covered at that moment. So I headed for the door and opened it but when I did there was someone there. Then I took a few steps back and ran into someone else and I knew it wasn’t Eric. I knew who it was. It was Jake!

I only knew it was him because I knew how his body felt. Then I shuddered and fell to the ground. He bent down and picked me up. “Let me go!” I yelled then I screamed. Once I saw the girl cover her ears and Jake loosen his grip I slid past her and ran. That was my only chance to run. I turned around to face the house then I noticed everyone was on the porch. Well everyone but Eric. Eric was walking toward me. Once I saw him walking toward me I turned around and ran. I was in the forest now and I didn’t care where they were just as long as they weren’t in front of me. Then I tripped. As soon as I hit the ground I shoved myself up and went right back to running. How could he? I thought he loved me! Would he lie to me just to get bl- then I fell and didn’t get back up.
I was in too much pain to get back up. Though I did try to get up a few times but each time I just hurt myself even more. I finally gave up after about 20 tries to get back up. I just lay there curled into a ball. Then I heard footsteps. A lot of footsteps. Footsteps from about 4 people. I was guessing mother, father, perverted brother, and sister. I sighed and started to cry. Looks like this is good-bye, Eric. I love you Eric and I always will so if you do still love me please help me! I thought panicked. Then the footsteps came to a stop in front of me. “ I guess this is it.” I said. Then the tears started pouring down. Then I felt something, something sharp stab me right in the arm. Then I yelled in pain. I knew what would happen after this was over, I would be dead. “At least I got to meet you…Eric my love! This is good-bye just like in….my dream.” I said as I almost fell asleep. Before sleep took over I heard something and there was no more pain in my arm. I sighed in relief. “How am I still alive? I thought I would be dead for sure!” I gasped. I did feel lightheaded. Then the pain came again. It wasn’t over yet!

“It’s still not over?” I gasped in terror and pain. Then my eyes flew open only to see that little girl suck at my arm. Then I thought about turning into a wolf and I felt that pain again. And in my place came a half dead wolf. Then I jumped up and growled. I knew that in this form I actually stood a chance against them. “I’LL PERSONALLY KILL YOU ALL!!!” I growled. Then I attacked the little girl. I went straight for her chest, but she ducked just in time only to receive a little cut on her cheek. “YOU BE LUCKY I MISSED LITTLE BRAT!!!” I said through clenched teeth. This time I lunged for her stomach because with her stomach I would either hit her head or her feet. Then instead of hitting the little girl something hit me in the stomach. It was the father! “SO YOU WANT IT 2 ON 1? BRING! IT! ON!” I said so loudly they covered their ears. Then I noticed the someone was gone from this group. But who? It was Jake! I looked behind me then in every direction only to look my left and see Eric fighting Jake! I also looked just in time to see Eric take a blow full on. “Eric! Eric don’t you dare die on me! You better stay alive, you hear me?” I said in terror. Then I raced past the small group when he got hit again. And I aimed straight for Jake’s chest. “YOU LEAVE ERIC ALONE YOU HEAR ME?!” I shouted at him. Then something hit me from behind.

The group had stopped me from attacking him! Then I turned around and faced them but there was only one difference; I was human now! Once they realized I was crying they let go of me. “YOU GUYS STAY OUT OF THIS!!” I said loudly. Then I turned to Eric and ran to him. “Eric! Eric! Eric don’t die on me! Please don’t leave me all alone!” The tears came out even heavier now. Then I turned to face Jake. “How could you Jake? He was your brother!” Then Jake took a step toward me. “Don’t take another step toward me you pervert!” then everyone froze and I noticed it. And the ones with the red eyes turned normal again. Then I relaxed and turned to Eric. I just fell to the ground and laid on his chest. “Could you get off…my chest?” Eric asked. My head jolted up in an instant. And the tears stopped. I only let out a wail of pain and relief. Then It was my turn to fall to the ground in pain. I didn’t pass out I just fell because I was injured badly from losing too much blood and from the blow at the side of my stomach. Eric jumped up in an instant and had me in his arms. “Ow!!!! Put me down Eric that hurts!” then he gently put me down. I knew he was fighting against his thirst.

Then I let out another wail of pain. “If your thirsty go get a drink! And I don’t mean from me! Right now I lost too much blood.” I said weakly. Then I just remembered we had an audience. Once I remembered I jumped up and stood my ground. “Come near me and your all dead! Got it?” I said through all of the pain. Then I fell right back down. “Raven!” Someone from behind me yelled. “Huh? Who’s there? Eric, take me home! Take me home now!” I said as I looked at his family. I never did take my eyes off them. As the voice grew louder I realized who it was; it was Alexander! “What the hell! Alexander get out of here! Go now!” I growled. “But your hurt! shouldn’t I-” he insisted. “No! Go NOW!” I shouted at him then I added “And tell no one of what you just saw!” then he turned around and ran back from the way he came.

“Its about time for me to get home, you know.” I said sadly. I wasn’t in so much pain now. “Yeah I know. I’m just wondering if I should take you home or not.” he heard me gasp. “No what I mean is I’m not sure I want to take you home! I would much rather spend the day with you alone! That’s all I want!” he said sadly. “Oh is that all?” I asked. “Ok you know what I want more than anyone.” he said ashamed. “When?” I couldn’t help asking. “Now!” he said excitedly. “Ok once we get to the place your taking me we can!” I said happily. “Ok!” was all he said. He took me along a road that looked abandoned. “Why are we on an abandoned road?” I asked. “Oh you’ll see when we get there!” he chuckled. “Oh man you know I hate surprises!” I complained. “Ok if you want me to take you home then.” he said sarcastically. “No! I love surprises!” I lied. He just laughed and continued to walk. It had been about 15 minutes till we got to the most beautiful place I had ever seen! “W-wow! Its beautiful!” I said amazed. “You really think so?” he asked. “Of course! How did you find it?” I asked still amazed. “Well when you were saying my brother kept touching you I got really pissed off and started to run away from this dreaded place.” he said ashamed. “But then I found this place and I thought about turning around. But when I decided to continue I heard you say that he touched you and you didn’t like it at all I turned around and ran back.” he explained. “you really care about me that much?” I said blushing bright red. “Oh. Hey! There’s no need to be shy you know.” he said calmly trying to change the subject. “Oh Yeah! don’t we have something to do?” I reminded him. He just smiled and took off into the forest.

It was about a month after I tried to meet Eric’s family. And now he spent every night with me. At school we had every class together and we always sat next to each other. And on the weekends I was only free for about an hour. Then was the time I took a shower for the weekend. I also brushed my teeth in that time, ate breakfast, and whatever else I had to do. By the time that was done he would be here in my room waiting for me. No matter how many times I had expected him to be there it still shocked me to see him. But no matter what I would smile every time. And occasionally I would blush. And every time I see him I kiss him or if I don’t make it in time he kisses me. Then I heard something scratch the window. “Eep! Oh! Who is it Eric? Who’s at my window?” I asked him. He sighed and said “Its my brother.” “Oh well I better let him in before he gets moody.” I said through clenched teeth. I went to open the window and as soon as I did he came flying through and he crashed into me and I went flying into the wall. “Ouch!!!” I whimpered. Then I tried to get up but it felt like my leg was broken again. “Thanks Jake!” I said moody. “What?” he asked like he was innocent. “Don’t act stupid! You know I’m human! I think you broke my leg!” I shouted holding back tears.

I heard Eric gasp. “Jake! I want you gone! Get away from here why you still can!” Eric said angrily. Then Jake got right up and just walked over to the left corner of the room. “I’m not going anywhere.” Jake said. “Oh yes you are!” both me and Eric shouted at the same time. Then we looked at each other and I looked away blushing. “No I’m not! I’m not going anywhere!” he said angrily. “This is my house and I say leave! NOW!!” I shouted annoyed. Then he turned to the window and jumped out. “Finally.” I said in relief. “I didn’t think he would ever leave.” I added. “I know. He can get really annoying when he likes a girl.” he said. “What did he want anyway?” I asked curious. “You don’t want to know.” he said angrily. “Well, ok if you say so.” I said. Then I remembered my leg. “Oh yeah! Are you in pain?” he asked. “No. Not really.” I answered. “Ok let me see.” he examined my leg and poked me in a spot where it hurt badly. “Ouch!” I yelped. “Ok. I have some good news and a little bad news. The good news is your leg isn’t broken.” he said. “And what’s the bad news?” I asked worried. “The bad news is he just damaged it pretty badly.” he said ashamed. “Oh is that all? I think I’ll survive. Lets see if I can walk.” I said as I tried to get up. I was able to stand and walk but it did hurt. “Ok so you can walk. Do you want to go to school today?” he asked. “Yes I do!” I replied quickly. He just chuckled and helped me into my clothes.

School was just like any day. It was pretty boring at first but by 5th hour I was having fun. I was only having fun the first 4 hours because Eric was there. I had tripped a few times but he always caught me before I hit the ground.(Yeah I suppose I am a cluts.) “How are you doing?” he would ask at the end of each hour. “And every time I would say “I’m fine! Really.” I don’t think he believed me any of the times I said it though.

“Ok students! Pay attention! We have a couple transfer students! I would like you all to welcome them like they were your sister or brother.” The PE teacher said. “Welcome.” All the kids said at once. I found that the one guy in the back was pretty cute, but I wasn’t going to say anything. Then he looked right at me. I suddenly froze then I knew I was blushing because I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Calm down! Calm down! If you don’t Eric will find out! I was calm now and I was able to look at him without blushing too much. “Raven? Is something wrong?” I heard Eric ask. “N-no! Nothing at all!” I stammered.
Then I heard something different. It was the cute guy laughing! Why is he laughing? Is he laughing at me? I thought. Then he automatically stopped laughing. “Eh?” I said on accident. C-can he read my mind?! I thought terrified. I was scared because I didn’t want him to know I thought he was cute. I didn’t want to take the chance of him telling Eric. “Ok students! Now they’ll introduce themselves.” The gym teacher announced. “Hello, I am Daniel. I am 15 years old and single. Nice to meet you all. It’ll be my pleasure to get to know you all!” It was the tall, dark, gothic, and handsome guy who said that. Then he caught my eye and winked at me. I blushed again. Sweet! I thought.

“I am Elena. I am 14 years old. And that’s all.” A small blond girl with light green eyes said. Her hair was about to her lower back and she looked about 5’4ft tall. Next up was a blond guy. He looked like he was 5’7 maybe, and he had beautiful blue eyes. “Hello my name is Claude. I am 15 years old and it is a pleasure to meet you all. I hope I will get the honor to get to know you all very well. Then he looked at me and winked. Why do they all keep winking at me?! I though angrily. Then I sighed. “Eric. Can you read their minds to see what their thinking? They keep winking at me and its scaring the hell outa me.” I said quietly. Hey Daniel. I thought then Daniel looked at me. Ha ha! I knew it! So you can read my mind? If so nod. He nodded. Ok so that also means you know I like you, right? He nodded again. Ok. Daniel, Eric is going to read your mind as well as your brothers minds. I need you to do me a favor. Will you accept my request or decline? He nodded as to say “yes, I accept.” Good. I need you to not think of me. I don’t want you thinking or the fact that I like you, ok? Please do it. For me? I begged. Then he nodded once more in agreement. I just smiled and looked at Eric.

“Next!” Mrs. Sterling said. Mrs. Sterling was the PE teachers name. Up came another guy with dark hair and all black clothes. Another gothic guy. I thought. Awesome! I heard him sigh, then he said, “My name is Damon. I am also 15 years old. And that’s all your gonna get from me.” He said then he looked up at a girl and smiled. I couldn’t tell if he looked at me or another girl next to me. Can he read minds too? Oh my god!!! I just realized! That means their all vampires!!! I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. W-what if they go after me like they….did? then as I remembered the incident with all the other vampires, including Eric’s family and the other stray vampires, I shivered and felt sick. Eric. I feel sick. I think I’m going to get sick. Eric looked over to see me holding my stomach with one hand and covering my mouth with my other hand. “Mrs. Sterling! Can I take Raven to the nurses office? She isn’t looking very well.” As Eric asked everyone moved out of the way. “Yea sure. Are you sure you can handle it? What if she throws up on you or something?” she asked. “That wont be a prob-” Eric tried to say but got cut off. “Daniel? Would you please go with them? Besides you are the only one who hasn’t been escorted through the school.” Mrs. Sterling said. “Sure! I would be delighted. And then I could get to know them better!” He looked at me then to Eric, and back to me. Here we go. I thought then I sighed.

Instead of going to the nurse we just went to the girls locker room. “Why are you two down here?” I asked. “We aren’t going to leave you down here alone, silly!” Daniel said. “Ok. Look. Daniel I know what you are.” I said. Then a hint of terror spread on his face. “No! its ok! Don’t worry your not the only ones around here.” I said comfortingly. Then I could tell he relaxed. I mean c’mon the whole mind reading thing gave it away! Silly! I winked at him when Eric wasn’t looking. “Hmmmm. Hey Eric. Is there anyway you that I could be able to read minds just like you?” I asked. “Hm? Oh. Yeah there’s one way. And that would be to lend you that power.” He replied. “Could you lend it to me for a while? Please?” I asked then I gave him a really adorable look and I knew what he was going to say. “Sure! You do that will mean I cant talk to you with my mind anymore, right? Well at least until you gave me the power back to me.” he asked. “M-kay!” I said quickly.

“Nn. Now I have a headache!” I complained. I heard them both laugh. “Yeah it takes a while to be able to hear only one person at a time.” I just focused and tried to hear Daniel only. She’s soo cute when she’s trying to focus! I heard him think. I had a strange look on my face. I was sure of that. “Now that was strange.” I said then I laughed. Hey Daniel! I know what you think of me now! I thought to him. Then I stuck my tongue out at him. He lunged for me. He hit me but it didn’t hurt that bad. “Gah!” I gasped. What the hell was that for? I thought angrily. “Eric. Could I ask you something in private? I mean alone without him coming.” I looked at Daniel. “Yeah sure. Why not?” he said.
“ I was wanting to know if you would……Ummmm…..” I wasn’t able to get the words out. “What is it Rave?” He asked curiously. “I wanted t know if you can….please, change….me into a…….vampire!” I was finally able to get the words out. I stared down at the ground. I was too afraid to see the look on his face. “Why would you want to be one of us?!” he shouted. I was terrified at the way he acted against me. “Huh?! C’mon! tell me!” he shouted with rage. “I-” that was all I could get out until he interrupted me again. “C’mon rave! Do you really want to be a creature of the night?! A filthy creature that no one seems to like around here?!” He was still shouting. I was starting to cry and I tried to speak but I just couldn’t so I ran out the door crying. I knew someone was following me. I could sense it. It was Daniel. I turned around and ran up to him and hugged him. I just stayed there hugging him like a baby and just cried. Then he hugged me. “It’s ok Raven.” he tried to comfort me. “N-no its not ! He hates me now! He was the only one I loved!” I cried and I but my head against his chest like I would with Eric. I like you but I hardly even know you, so I cant love you yet. I’m sorry. I have probably hurt you as well, haven’t I? I thought sadly. “No. you haven’t.” he said then he hugged me tighter. Actually try happy that someone as pretty as you likes me. He thought. I slowly stopped crying and once I completely stopped Eric came outside. I hid behind Daniel so this way Eric wouldn’t hurt me. For once in my life I was actually scared of him.

“I’m so sorry Raven! I didn’t mean to yell at you like that! I just cant believe you would want to be on the immortal side.” He said then came out from behind Daniel, ran up to Eric and hugged him. I didn’t even realize I was crying till Eric wiped away the one tear that had escaped. “Oh! That’s right! The reason I was feeling sick! I completely forgot!” I turned to Daniel. “Daniel? Will your family cause me any problems? Will they attack me at all?” I asked, then I remembered the two times I had to fight a gang of vampires. I knew Daniel was reading my mind because he gasped the first time I got hit. “I had no idea!” he gasped. “Yeah and they were all strong but, you wanna see something cool?” I asked. “Sure.” he said. “Ok follow me.” I said then I walked back into the girls locker room. “Once I was being attacked for the first time I found this out.” then I changed into a wolf, then a cat, and the I changed back to human. “W-wow! I have never met someone who could do that!” he sounded so excited. “Yeah. I wonder why it happened to me though. I mean don’t get me wrong I do enjoy it. I did come in handy a few times.” Then I remembered Jake and shuddered.

Then I heard Daniel laugh. “What’s so funny?” I asked. “Just the fact that some random guy came up to you and touched you while you were…..naked. I’m sorry but that’s kinda funny.” he chuckled. “Yeah. But at least you didn’t get put on your stomach then you instantly fall asleep. And after that you didn’t get touched while you were asleep.” then I shuddered at the memory. “Horrible memory to me.” I added. The all of a sudden he became serious. Mind if I kiss you sweetie? I heard Daniel think. Then I was sure I had a stupid look on my face. “Raven what’s wrong?” Eric asked worried. “I think I’m going to get sick again.” I said. Daniel. I don’t really feel sick I just want him outa the room so he doesn’t see it, ok? I directly spoke to Daniel. Oh! So that’s your idea! Ok! he thought with only excitement in his thoughts. “Eric. I think you had better go tell the coach I’m going home. I’ll just wait here to try and calm myself down and if anything happens Daniel is here to help me. Besides your faster than Daniel is.” I said pretending to feel sick.

“Alright. I’ll be back in about 5 minutes.” I heard Eric say then he ran out the door. I waited till the door shut till I let Daniel kiss me. “Ok lets get over there incase I do throw up.” I winked at him then carried on with what I was saying, “I don’t want it over here. Besides there’s a trashcan over there.” I said. Ok lets make this quick so Eric doesn’t come back and see us. I thought. I somehow learned to send my thoughts directly to someone. Then he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me over there into the little corner where no one would be able to see us from the door window. Then he gently pushed me against the wall and kissed me on the lips. This kiss lasted about 20 seconds and when his lips parted from mine he said, “You really are cute you know that?” then I knew I was blushing. He just laughed and said, “there’s no need to be shy.” And he winked at me. So after that he kissed me once more and he took me back to the open room.

Eric came back at least 45 seconds after we got back into the main room of the locker rooms. Then he just smiled and said, “Can you believe the coach thought we had come in here? I mean c’mon! what does she think were rapists? I cant believe her!” he said then he started laughing. We all started laughing. All of a sudden I heard something in my head and stopped laughing. They stopped laughing, too. Then I heard a lot of voices in my head at one time. I fell to the ground holding my head. “Make it stop! Take it back!” I shouted at Eric. Then I heard nothing but silence. I let go of my head and got up. Then Daniel took my right hand and Eric took my left hand. Then I pulled them both and ran. We had to run up the stairs and onto the gym floor. Then there were more stairs but we made a run for it. They were so fast they were able to make it outside without being seen. Then I sighed and said, “Is there anyway you can have me run as fast as you guys but you’ll still be able to run fast?” I really wanted to be able to run fast. Then he gave me the power to run. So I said thanks and he just nodded. Then I thought about the whole vampire subject and my whole body shivered. “Is something wrong Raven?” I heard them both ask at the same time. I got up and said, “No. Nothing at all. I just want to be alone for a little while. Eric when I want you to come over I’ll ask you to, ok?” he nodded and I got up and slowly walked to the direction of my house. (~*To Be Continued*~) ^.^

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Byakuya Kuchiki7834
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