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Chronicles of Purple
It's about me being awesome.
Like four things I stole from Silver. >=O
1. How tall are you barefoot?
6'2" about. >=O

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
No. Drugs are bad, mmkay.

3. Do you own a gun?
Mebbe. =D

4. Rehab?
Once. There was a time I thought the number 72 was out to get me, but the men in white coats fixed that all-- HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GOD THERE IT IS AGAIN!

5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
A little?

6. What do you think of your friends?
Which one? I have varying opinions. XD

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Grandma got run over by a reindeer? Can't go wrong with wholesome Christmas violence...

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
A Cherry Coke, honestly. That early morning caffiene helps me get my day started. Too bad that hasn't happened in a long time. XD

9. Do you do push-ups?
Sometimes? I used to be able to do like 50 real easily. I still can, but it takes me like 2 minutes. D=

10. Have you ever done ecstacy?
No. Drugs are bad, mmkay.

11. Are you vegitarian?
LOL No. I'm actually very likely to take a bite out of a living thing if I was hungry enough. =D

12. Do you like painkillers?
Do you mean "do I like to just take them for fun?" What the hell's up with all the drug questions? No. If you mean "do I take them when I'm in pain?" Then sometimes.

13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
A wire-mesh net.

14. Do you own a knife?
More than I can stick in your body.

15. Do you have A.D.D.?

16. Date Of Birth?
Sunday, December 10th, 1989, 11:56 pm (I was almost born on the 11th =O)

17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
"God, I'm hungry."
"I can sure go for a Cherry Coke right about now."
"Dariling so shaaaaaare with meeeeee~ Your love if you haaaaaave enough~ Damnit, I got that song stuck in my head again..."

18. Name the last 3 things you have bought?
PSP 4 GB Memory Stick, PSP USB Charger/Transfer Cable, and the Sims Mansion and Garden Stuff Pack (For my sister for Christmas)

19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
Cherry Coke, Orange Juice, regular Coke, Pepsi, Cherry Pepsi... <.<;

20. What time did you wake up today?
Like 9:30 am. I didn't get out of bed til after 10 though.

21. Current hair?
Long, sexy, and (mostly) black... Need to dye it again, my roots are showing. D=

22. Current worry?
I don't think I'm worried right now.

23. Current hate?
My lack of Cherry Coke...

24. Favorite place to be?
I guess right here. I don't really have a favorite place. XD

25. Least favorite place to be?
Around people. >=O

26. Where would you like to go?
Office Depot, I guess. I need to buy me some CDs...

27. Do you own slippers?

28. What do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
Probably a janitor or something. I wanna work in Game Design, but I'm pretty lazy... XD

29. Do you burn or tan?
I burn, unfortunately. >.o;

30. Last thing you ate?
Ramen! >=O

31. Would you be a pirate?
I guess? I don't really care for pirates, but doing nothing but sailing and wrecking s**t can't be that bad...

32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
Like, two and a half years ago... It sucked a**. a**!

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
A lot of things... <.<;

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Ninjas. D=

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Vilex, actually...
[13:34] <TehRandomMan> Lets destroy the Shagohod!
[13:36] <Vilex> Let's destroy Random's mom's vag with corn!

37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
They were always just white... XD

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
I guess that time I accidentally stabbed myself in the leg? That was nothing, really, but it's the one that left the biggest scar. XD

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Uhhh. 5. Used to be 7, but two of them broke. One of which was mine, I haven't had one in like a year and a half now. DDDD=

41. Who is your loudest friend?
Uhhh. I don't really have loud friends. Most of us are just quiet nerds. XD

42. Who is your most silent friend?
I don't know... I'm the most quiet one, since I usually don't have anything to say. XD

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
I dunno. If they did, I wish they'd tell me. >=O

44. Do you wish on stars?
Sometimes. =O

45. What is your favorite book?
The Outsiders. =D

46. What is your favorite candy?
Snickers... Or Butterfinger. =O

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
The Batman Theme Song. Duh.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
The Batman Theme Song. Duh.

49. What were you doing 12AM last night?
Your mother! DAMNIT! I almost made it a whole survey without a your mom joke. D=

50. Do you love someone?


Who was the last male you talked to?
Vilex, I guess. XD

Who is someone that can always make you laugh?
There exists no such person! For everyone has their moments! And none have always succeeded in cheering me up! >=O

What were you doing at 10am this morning?
Getting out of bed.

What were you doing an hour ago?
Coloring one of Renegade's sexy pictures for him.

Do you plan on moving within the next year?
I guess... Need a stable job first though. =.=;

Are you wearing anything on your feet?

What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
Not particularly. o.o;

Do you remember your dreams?
Usually. Like the other day, I had a dream where I was with my sister in my back yard, and we were with Vegeta and Yamcha, and looking for Cell, who was hiding somewhere in our back yard! And we were shaking trees looking for him and stuff, but then I saw my sister's ex-best friend Amy back there, and she was standing next to an eagle that was like HUUUUGE! It was like, 4 feet tall! I was like "omg" and took a picture! And then I woke up. We never found Cell. D=

Where did your last hug take place?
Too long ago. Last time I got a hug was on my friend Megan's birthday, which was like over a month ago now.

Have you been to a baby shower?

What cell phone company do you use?
Verizon, I guess. >.o;

What color is your hair brush?
Black and red. Badass.

Do you watch the Super Bowl?
Not usually.

What about World Cup?

Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
Not since I was like 2.

What is the last movie you watched?
The Dark Knight. Badass. =D

What movie do you think everyone should watch?
The Dark Knight. And The Terminator. And Terminator 2, while we're at it. If you don't watch those, I'll come to your house with an ear of corn and do unspeakable things to your loved ones. >=O

What is your middle name?
Alexander. As in, Alexander the Great. Bow before me, mortals. >=O

Do you have your future children's names picked out?
Yes. If my first born is a boy, his name will be Peter, like me. As for any others, I like the girls names Alice and Hanna, and I like the boys name Chris.

What color is your mailbox?

Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?

What brand is your computer printer?
LOL I don't have a printer. D=

How many cars can fit in your driveway?
Three. We only put one there though, since it's a tight fit. <.<;

Who was your Kindergarden teacher?
Oh man. I've been trying to remember her name for years now. She was awesome... At least that one... I also had Mrs.Carr (eeeeevil) and Mrs.Prescott (my friend's mom XD) though.

Are you taller than your mom?
Yes, by like a foot almost. XD

Do you have any bruises right now?
No, not right now.

Are you cold right now?
Not really. =O

Do any of your close friends have kids?
None of my CLOSE friends, no. I do have a friend who has a son though.

Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
Nope, can't say I do.

How many years older and younger than you are you willing to date?
2 years younger, and 2 years older. I'm 19 right now, so that puts my range at 17 to 21. XP

What brand are your favorite jeans you own?
I'unno. I don't pay attention to brands. XD

What is the closest red object to you?
I'd tell you, but my room is so damn dark right now I can't see anything really... Uhhh... I think that thing over there is red... What the hell is that...? I think it's an audio cable thing.... Oh! my Zero model on the shelf behind me! He's red! =D

What is your favorite video game?
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Easily.

Do you play games on your cell phone?
LOL. My cell phone can barely call people, let alone play games.

Do you look more like your mom or dad?
I've been told I look more like my mom. And I can kinda see that, I guess. My brother and sister both look like my dad though. XD

Have you ever broken an pinata?
Yes. At a school party once. =O

Do you have an iPod or Mp3 player?
Uhh. No. Well, if my PSP counts, I guess. But lolipod, lolmp3player.

If someone doesn't like you its probably because:
Because I'm an a*****e? XD

Who was the last person in your bedroom?
Aside from me? My sister, I guess. She came in here about an hour ago to b***h at me about the roof leaking.

What are your plans for this weekend?
To sit around here doing nothing? Or I guess, go to Office Depot to get those CDs...

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes. <.< >.>

Do you lose your keys often?
Nope. It's only happened like once, and I found em quickly.

How many keys are on your keychain?
Uhhh... Car key, house key, desk key... 3. Used to be 4, but my mom was a d**k about who got to have the spare key to my dad's car (She doesn't even drive it! >=O)

When was your last encounter with the police?
Like 38639 years ago. Said cop wasn't amused by my fireworks.

Do you sing in the shower?
Mebbe. <.<;

Do you always wear your seatbelt in the car?
Yes. Do I look like I want a 120 dollar ticket to you? >=O


Are the Abercrombie models hot?
The who what now? Am I one of them? If so, yeah. =D

Do you have to sleep with a television on?
For a long time, yes. But I got used to sleeping without one on after mine broke. D=
Sometimes when I'm having trouble sleeping though, I put on music on my computer. XD

Do you have any animal print clothing?
Nope. o.o

How many peoples top eights are you on?

Do you like the smell of febreeze?
I guess?

How much is gas where you live?
$1.75 at the good Chevron around here. Much, much better than the $3.12 it was at last month. o.o;

Are you a dare devil?
Kind of. I do crazy things, but only to prove a point, not just for fun. XD

What IM messanger do you use?
MSN and if it counts, IRC.

What is your favorite food to smell while it is cooking?
Chicken. @_@ *drools*

Whats your favorite flavor of tic tacs?
The spearmint ones, I guess.

What is hanging from your rear view mirror in your car?
Nothing. I don't want my vision blocked. Do you want your vision blocked? Driving is dangerous enough without extra distractions. Shame on you for even asking. >=O

How many clocks are in your house?
Uhhh... Living room... TV room... Kitchen x2... Mom's room... Sister's room... My room... Computer clocks x6... Phones x4... Watches x3... PSP... DS x3... Wii... A lot. XP

What sounds can you hear right now?
It Doesn't Matter - Theme of Sonic - Sonic Adventure. The PSP is playing music at me. XD

How many people's houses do you have keys to?
Just mine. XD

Who is your favorite serial killer?

How do you like your eggs?
Deviled. Or scrambled... Goddamnit, now I want eggs. XD

What was your favorite job you ever had?
Moving boxes... Nothing quite like mindless physical labor. =D

What is in your glove box?
Hell if I know. My mom sticks all kinds of s**t in there. I try to avoid putting anything in there in fear of it getting lost.

Do you prefer to have male or female bosses?
Don't got a preference. Both have a high probability of being a b***h. I guess a female, if I had to pick. All my teachers all my life have been female (almost) so female authority figures put me at ease easier.

Do you toast your bagels?

Have you ever been pregnant?
Yes. Wait, no...

Do you watch when your dog poops?
Uhh... No.. o.o;

Have you ever ran into a parked car?
A couple times. <.<;

Have you ever played with a Ouija board?
Yes. It was boring as hell. >.>;

Do you play an instrument?
I USED to play one. D=

How many watts do you like your lightbulbs to be?
Who gives a s**t? It's a Goddamn light bulb...

Do you own a digital camera?
Nope. Unless you count that s**t a** camera on my piece of s**t phone. But I'm pretty sure it's not even a camera, just a fuzzy image generator.

If so, how many megapixels is it?
They have MEGA pixels now? =O

What do you order at Subway?
I order a quarter pounder, then when they tell me they don't got it, I go to a REAL fast food joint. >=O

Have you ever had the falling dream?
Yes. A few times. Those are awesome, but kinda scary.

When was the last time you did laundry?
Oh man, like 3856396 years ago.

Did you climb trees when you were younger?
Yeah. Haven't climbed trees in a long time though. XP

Have you ever had a panic attack?
Yeah, I have them now and then. Inherited that from my mom. I'm a man about it though, I just tough it out. They're kinda annoying though. >=O

Are you in a good mood today?
I'm in more of a "meh" mood. Not really happy, but not mad.

Do you have any weird superstitions?
HOLY s**t 72!!

Are you dating the first person on your friends list?
I don't date my siblings, no. Sorry. Go ask your mom if you wanna hear about that s**t. It'd explain why you're so ugly. >=O

Have you ever been electrocuted?
Yes. I do it for fun sometimes too. XD

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
I can make a really sick joke right now, but I don't think you'd want to hear it.

Is it alright to curse in front of your parents?
Yeah, I guess. They don't care when I say s**t like "a**, s**t, b***h, b*****d" or call things a douche or a f** or anything. I don't drop the F-bomb around my family though. I doubt my mother would mind, but it might bug my father, brother, and sister. XP

Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
Yeah. I know a few Mikes. There's Trizan, he pwns. Then there was Mike from Chem 101. He was cool. then there was a Mike in grade school. He was a douche. Then there was another Mike in high school. Didn't know him that well.

Do you think Barak Obama will make a good president?
Nope. But I guess we'll see. He ain't even in office yet. I wanna wait for him to screw up before I start calling him a screw up. XD

Have you ever been to D&B?
A whosawhatnow?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
Like, do I believe he existed, and was an awesome person? Yeah, sure. Do I believe he's some ghost guiding mankind? Nah.

Do you think you're a good lipsyncer?
I'unno? I never done it in front of a mirror before.

Do you have a guardian angel watching over you?
If I do, it's not doing a very good job... XD

Has anything eventful happened today?
Nope. XD

What is the one question that you are really sick of seeing on surveys?
"r u hawt?" YES. For the love of God YES! Stop asking. =D


Do you think two people can last forever?
Yup. Just depends on how much they love each other.

Have you ever gone out with a football player?
No. o.o;

Who was the last person you were in a car with?
My sister, when we went to the Mall the other night. XP

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

Do you care what people think about you?
Depends on the person. Most people I don't care, but some people then I do care about their opinion of me. XD

If you could move out of the house right now would you?

Is there anything pink within 5 feet of you?
Uhhh... Damn, another color question... Let's see if i can find anything in this dark as hell room... Uhh... My sticky notes next to my computer are kinda pink, but they're more on the purple side... Uhh... I guess not, cause I don't see anything.

What do you have planned for tonight?
RPing. Maybe. Depends on if we thought of anything, and if that b***h Suprema is around. >=O

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
No clue. Haven't cried in like 10 years. XD

You're trapped in a room for 3 days with your worst enemy, what do you do?
Break down the wall with their head? =D

When is your birthday?
Sunday, December 10th, 1989, 11:56 pm. (oshit, deja vu)

Look behind you, what do you see?
Goku, Mario, Gohan, Mickey Mouse, Zero, Raichu, and a hand grenade (I should probably consider redecorating...)

Do you have good eye sight?
Yeah, I guess so. It's my hearing that's not so good.

What do you do when your angry?
That depends. If someone pisses me off to my face, I walk away to avoid killing them. If it's over IRC, I kick them. If I get mad at a video game, I throw out a bunch of swear words and walk away. If I get mad at everything in general, I throw out a bunch of swear words and walk away. XD

What are you listening to?
Life is a Highway (Rascal Flatts version) cause my PSP is still playing music at me. XD

How easy would it be to get over the person you currently like?
I'unno? I'm not even so sure I like a person right now. XD

Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah, I guess. I've seen one once, and felt one before too. XD

Do you consider yourself creative?
Yes. =D

Do you wanna see somebody right now?
Kinda I guess?

Are you any good at math?
I used to be. But it hates me now. D=

What were you doing last night?

Last thing you received in the mail?
Uhhhhh.... Naruto: Narutimate Accel 2. Japanese PS2 game. =O

Would you change anything about yourself?
Sure. I wouldn't mind losing this gut of mine so I can see my beautiful muscles better. XD

What is outside your bedroom window?
Bushes? o.o;

Any plans for Friday night?
RPing maybe? XD

Ever kissed anyone with a n****e piercing?
Nope. o.o;

Does it annoy you when someone takes ages to text back?
Sometimes? I don't usually text people unless they text me first, so it's their loss if they don't respond. XD

Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
Never tried, so I dunno. XD

Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever??
Yes. Gotta love that good ol' fashioned bullshit. =/

Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?
Almost. 7 and a half. =O

Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning?
Nope. I don't drink. XD

How many first cousins in total do you have?
What's a first cousin again? If it means what I think it does, then like four.

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
Nothing. Unless I have to be up, I lay around for up to an hour before actually getting out of bed. XD

How has this week been?
Can't complain?

Do you like winter?
No, not really. I've always been more of a Summer/Autumn man myself.

Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Only important ones?

Are you someone who worries too often?

Would you ever donate blood?
Sure? I don't see why not. Probably wouldn't go out of my way to do so though. I don't like people that much. XD

What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Peter or Nightmare. XD

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
Nope. Was on the beach for the sunset once, but I was like "lolboring" and went home. XD

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