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Screaming in Pink
[AW] Satou no Journal
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ღКuяσлeкσ §ɑtσu's Jσuялɑℓ
For The Anime World

The Witch of Sins
Overprotective Big Sister

    What the hell is a FLAG? - In dating sims flags are points in the game where you can get one of multiple scenes depending on with harmette likes you most or where how you react to a scene will trigger more or less affection from a certain character. I've "flagged" this journal as a bored gag to mark points where the characters' affections shift in a possible romantic direction, though in more cases than not the "points" count for friendship. So sorry if you're confused!
    User Image Acquaintances
    ღ Aang-san | Satou only briefly met him but thinks he's a nice boy. She hopes to become better friends with him in the near future.
    ღ Tsukishiro-san | Satou might have only just recently met Akira but she knows that she wants to be Akira's friend. After all, Akira seems really nice and seems to get along with Masume too.
    ღ Jason-san | She thinks he seems pretty nice and feels like they can be good friends since they both have sisters they love. But has very strong and sad emotions, which makes it hard for her to hang around him.

    User Image Friends

    ღ Chris-san | Sure, he annoyed her by forcing her to open up, but Satou gets along with him. His emo phase bugged the crap out of her but since then she's learned to respect him. She doesn't realize it but her mun and his plot to stick them in awkward situations. [ FLAG POINTS: 2 ]

    User Image Best Friends
    ღ Ryuu-kun | They've been very close because of their shared affection for Masume. Though they do occasionally compete for her attention they are very close... When Satou mocks him and bullies him she does so out of sisterly love. [ FLAG POINTS: default 5]
    Elric Edo-san | Even though they got off to a bit of a rocky start Satou highly respects Ed, both for being a fellow big sibling and being "amazing". She'd like to get to know him better but realizes that she's probably just a burden. She's also very worried about him after Yukio mentioned Ed was upset. Ed's helped her self-confidence a bit and she finds that he is the easiest person in the group to talk to. [FLAG POINTS: 3 ]
    ღ Alex-san | Possible Lesbian Lover? Everyone else is mean to Alex but Satou is very accepting. They've gotten along great since meeting. [FLAG POINTS: 1]

    User Image Crush?


    User Image L O V E S
    ღ Masume Sakura | Satou has no remaining family so projects all of her love on her sister. Biologically they're only cousins. It could be argued that Satou has a slight crush on Masume because no one else in the world means as much to Satou as her cousin but past RPs have proven Satou in love-love acts quite differently.

    User Image H A T E S


    User Image H A T E S .E V E N. M O R E

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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 12:41am
User Image∂ąч 001

I know I was saying that backpacking got dull after a while but that didn't mean I wanted to go to another world... I woke up in this weird forest, certainly not the hostel I paid to stay in last night, and I was all alone. But don't worry! I found Masume. I was so scared I'd lost her but she had just gone on a walk. I guess Ryuu didn't end up coming, though...
I met some other people in a similar situation to myself as well. This man named Sai-san asked me to pick a side and I picked to go with the goody-goodies. After all, they look friendly... Masume said she wanted to be neutral but Sai-san was very nice and let her stay with me! Thank you, Sai-san!

Traveling with the "Shining Blade" is actually quite nice. I learned a few names and found out that everyone has an amazing power... Like Elric-san, who is an Alchemist! He said he doesn't believe in magic, though, which makes me kind of sad. It's like saying I'm crazy for calling myself a magic user... But oh well. We've only just met.

Masume and I stuck together until we reached this town. Then I lost her. Elric-san, you're a jerk for saying I shouldn't worry about her 24/7! I HATE YOU. GAO!!!!!!
I found Masume again when some demons attacked, but I wasn't very useful. There was also this strange red head who is apparently Elric-san's girlfriend. I knew he was a bit annoying but he doesn't have to date annoying people too. She's small so he's probably some sort of twisted Lolicon... Like hell I'm letting that creep near my loli little sister!!!
The red head girl also threatened Masume and Elric-san denies their relationship. Whatever.

A lot of people died during the fight...I'm still upset about it. I can't believe that people died when we, the "Shining Blade", the "heroes", were here. To make up for being useless I repaired some of the village and did some cemetery work. Elric-san popped up (Why do I keep running into him?! >_< ) and I noticed he was sad. Idiot. I know a fake smile when I see one. Takes one to know one, after all. I hope I cheered him up... Sure, he's a #@$%! but we're still team mates. And I guess there's some good to him.
User Image Maybe.

There was one more attack and I was still useless. After that I went to the hotel. I found Masume and we shared a room. I lost her twice today...I've never been so scared. I swear,Masume, your big sister will never lose track of you again! NEVER!


commentCommented on: Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 04:05am
User Image ∂ąч 002

Today I got up nice and early to make bentos. The kitchen staff at the hotel was really nice and let me use the kitchen, but I had to buy my own groceries... sort of. I feel bad, but I think I accidentally manipulated some of the villagers... They said it was a thank you gift for fixing the place up yesterday but I don't see why I'd be thanked... I couldn't prevent the damage. It's my fault it happened in the first place...

B-but I am grateful! Thanks to them I made enough food for everyone! B-but...
Oh god, Masume...Where are you? Maybe... If I was the only one lost here and you were back home where you'd be taken care of it would be okay... But you're lost in a strange world now..
please... if there's a God in this messy world...
don't let anything happen to my little sister...
i can't stand to lose her...

We were ambushed on our way but every one fought hard... One of the bad people said Masume was with a black haired boy...It must be Ryuu... I hope he takes care of her... I'm so worried...
Then I healed Erulikku-san.... auu... "Yukio" said something about Elurikku-san holding a pain in his heart... Unbearable pain... I kind of have mixed feelings about him, him being a lolicon and all, but how can't I worry when Yukio phrased it like that?
Poor Elrik-san... I hope the pain goes away. I don't like it when people suffer. Even lolicons. I told him to smile more as payment for the healing. I wonder if that'll help.

Right after I healed Elruku-san ( AUUU. I CAN'T GET HIS NAME RIGHT EVEN ON PAPER!!!) some girl and a boy showed up. The girl was really pretty but she wasn't too friendly. She said this "wasn't my business" but it is! As soon as someone threatens my friends it becomes my business!! grr.

When she left I gave everyone the bentos I made for dinner! I think they liked my cooking... I'm really flattered! Shugo-kun would say "Arr, your cooking sucks" but they liked it! I healed Tsukishiro-san too, and I think she appreciated it... That makes me so super happy!
I sort of got sad after a while so went so I could cry alone but Blanchard-san sorta almost killed me with his freakin sword and then demanded I tell him what was wrong of he'd cling to my leg forever
How annoying...
But telling someone I was worried made me feel a bit better... So I'm glad that I did...
He said he was worried about being useless... So now I have two people to keep an eye on! Blanchard-san and Erul-- the other guy [*has given up on writing Ed's name*]. So many people to worry about now!!!

Oh well...
I hope I sleep well tonight, at least... For some reason healing people makes me tired now... It's never done that before. Maybe I'm just exhausted from worrying about Masume all day...

User Image uwa...masume...
please be okay.
I love you so so much.
Stay safe. I'm coming to find you real soon. I promise...


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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 09:14pm
User Image ∂ąч 003

Everyone likes to sleep! I wish we didn't have to get up so early because I think they need to relax... But we were up at 6 today! I got up early and made onigiri for breakfast, because traveling on an empty stomach just isn't healthy!

After breakfast I went outside to see if I could sense Masume. I found this cute blue puppy, but Chris-san and Erulik-san were jerks! They said he was suspicious!!!
... But they were right. I guess I'm just stupid... I really wanted to keep Wolf-san too, but he tried to hurt me...
... he... he threw away my necklace too. In the bushes... my parents gave me that... The red haired girl, I learned her name is Vita-san, with Wolf-san said it was a "device". I guess they thought I got my magic from it... I went to look for my necklace after the fight but everyone seemed to want to get to the next town so I had to go...
uck... What'll I lose next, ne?

We got to town but dammit boats are expensive. Elulic-san got some gold and bought us a boat but I don't think it was fair that he transmuted it... Plus I would have liked to hang out in town and earn money fairly. Maybe Masume would catch up...but I guess we are in a hurry...

On our boat more stupid heads came, like this art obsessed blond idiot. So annoying. After handling that Ryou-san seemed really upset. He thinks he's useless too... What a popular feeling. Now I have him and Blanchard-san to worry about.
We went to help Ellic-san with the engine. I gave him a lesson on how boat engines work so he could fix it but Ryou-san fixed it with a magic card~! See, Ryou-san? You aren't useless, silly! Eluric-san is the moron who couldn't fix the engine~!
oh well...I'm the moron who couldn't do anything but ramble... So I went to find other ways to help! Ryou-san got seasick so I went to make him tea, since that's supposed to help a sick person, but I got distracted by Ryou-san's freaky evil twin! Another evil dork...He talks like everything is a game. I never got a chance to kick his butt but I guess I can do that later.

After that I made ginger tea for Ryou-san and then he helped make supper for everyone! But then I remembered that my empathy makes me pass out in big crowds of strong hearted people.... so I left for the deck. I overheard something about Blanchard-san being the new team leader. Hopefully that'll cure his low self-esteem.

[!FLAG!]Oh. Elriku-san was on the deck too. But guess what? He's letting me call him Edo-san now! It's kind of embarrassing since being on first name basis with someone is really...um...er...
It's easier to say this way!!!
Edo-san! E-do-sa-n! So I guess it's okay...
He was nice. I guess I had some wrong ideas about him.[/FLAG] I healed his shoulder for him and then some weird robot-thing came and teased him...auuu... I'm nothing but trouble... If I wasn't there Edo-san wouldn't have been teaseed. He told me a bit about his brother and I was actually enjoying talking to him...But a man with a cigarette came and started talking to Edo-san. I think Edo-san is better off talking to people who don't smack their faces for punishment so I left. I was already asking too much with the conversation we had anyways.

I think I'll keep watch tonight. It'd be bad if someone attacked while everyone was sleeping... Even though, for some weird reason, I've been feeling a bit dizzy...User ImageEspecially after healing Edo-san's shoulder. Now my shoulder aches...
But oh well. No sense stressing over nothing.


commentCommented on: Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 08:19pm
User Image ∂ąч 004

My shoulder still hurts really bad. So does my side... But I don't see how or why.

We landed today and I went exploring a bit. I wasn't needed much, as usual. Actually, I wasn't even acknowledged much. I did meet Shinku-san today, though. She's such a sweet doll. I became her medium.

I also had an annoying conversation with "Jason-san". He wants to resurrect his sister from the dead. Have you ever heard anything so selfish? I-I mean... I know where he's coming from... If Masume died I'd...
no one means more to me than her. And occasionally Ryuu-kun...
but... What Jason suggested is wrong. I 100% disapprove...
User Imagestill... I wonder... if Masume died... would I take a different stand on this issue?
oh Masume... Ryuu-kun... I hope you're okay. I really do. I miss you both so much. Where are you?


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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 10:58pm
User Image ∂ąч 005

I wanna go home.
For starters we're in the desert right now. Yes, you heard right. And it's freakin hot. I've been to a lot of crazy places but never on a suicide march across the desert.

I didn't do much today. I'm in a bad mood, though. Could have something to do with Ryou's evil twin touching me. Next time I run into him he's toast.

User Image At least I have Shinku... but I'm thinking I might leave these people. I just wanna be with Masume... Shinku says she'd help me find her... So maybe that's what I'll do. I don't know how much longer I can put up with these people anyways. I just want my little sister...


commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 04:15pm
User Image ∂ąч 006

Today it was stormy. I didn't like it. I hate thunder... usually Masume calms me down in storms because she loves them. Seeing her happy makes it easier...
I decided to distract myself by cooking. I thought I'd be alone but Edo-san was there already. I offered to make him breakfast and then he was really nice and helped me cook... He realized I was scared of the thunder so helped distract me by turning on the radio, but really, I just felt a lot better having someone nearby.

User Image We made pancakes for everyone. And I'm going to try to think a bit better of myself, only because Edo-san suggested it. I guess not all of these people are that bad...It was silly of me to be so gloomy and hate everyone.
Tomorrow will be a lot better, I hope. I'm going to give it my 100%!!! FIGHT ON!


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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 17, 2009 @ 03:11am
User Image ∂ąч 007

I wanted to thank Edo-san properly today. What he said yesterday really helped. I thought I was going to go postal but I think talking to him actually helped.
But before I could find Edo-san I met up with Ryou-san. He talked about someone named Sachi-san... geez, I didn't realize boys were into that love crap too... But for some reason I got thinking about Ryuu-kun. GAAA! That dork! Just mentioning him makes me mad!


Anyways, I did find Edo-san again, but not after kicking a kitchen counter and hurting myself. He was hiding from Vice and was kind enough to drop the subject. But then I said stupid crap about how I'm homesick even though I don't have home. Frick. Can you get any lamer, Satou? Probably not.
Turns out Edo-san is in the same boat as me, though. Maybe that's why he's so easy to talk to.

Then everyone went to the library. Everyone but me. Shinku-san and I went to buy groceries. I opened a portal to my house too and showed Shinku around. She helped me put the groceries in the fridge. Then we caught up at the library. Blanchard-san was hurt so I healed him up, but it made my back hurt for some reason. Ryou-san came to help but he didn't do much... intentionally, anyways. I stole some of his feelings for Sachi-san to heal myself. Sssh~.

The library fell down boom. The evil people had the book. So some of us went to get it and some stayed. I think Ryou-san was trying to tell me I was useless for fighting because he suggested I stay... no...I'm probably overthinking it..but...
I've gotta stay positive dammit!

So I made dinner! But then some @!$####$! came and ate my pot! THAT THING!!!! Eating mom's mom pot!!! I have to keep that in good condition, you know! What if mom and dad remember to come home?! If I move things too much at home they might get lost! And what if mom really likes this pot? Or something... What if she decides not to come home because I lost the dishes? What if she comes home and is so angry that I lost them that she leaves again?

... right... moving on...
Edo-san fixed the pot for me. It's not the exact same but it's good enough. Edo-san is so nice. I'll have to thank him later...
User Imageoh and... ask him to fix it again... That little @!!@$ ruined the pot again shortly after...

I must drive Edo-san crazy. I bother him a lot. More than anyone else. I wonder if that means I can be his friend? Or maybe he thinks of me as a pest... acquaintances is probably still safest.


commentCommented on: Tue Feb 24, 2009 @ 10:18pm
User Image ∂ąч 008

[entry is missing]

User Image


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commentCommented on: Tue Mar 03, 2009 @ 11:13pm
User Image ∂ąч 009

Tsk. That girl! This is Shinku writing, by the way.

I should have you all know that all she did today was glower! She has been in an absolutely horrid mood as of late! She was feeling sickly upon returning from the Ice Temple and would not even tell me what was wrong; simply separated herself from my company and went to practice swinging her wand.

Her friend, Shugo Yumeno, also arrived today. [!FLAG!]He was able to lure her out of that antisocial shell of hers. [/FLAG]She is smiling a bit more at this moment but I can still see some sadness on her face...
User Image I do hope that she sucks it up sooner or later. It is hard to watch someone looking for sad when she is so cared about. All I can do now is pray that this Shugo boy fixes her, I suppose...

Oh goodness me. It's 9pm. Night time is for sleeping. Good night.


Shinku's Affections
User Image Acquaintances: Blanchard Chris, Hawkeye Riza, Mustang Roy
User Image Friends: Kuroneko Satou, Owen Ryuu, Yumeno Shugo

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 06, 2009 @ 04:05am
User Image ∂ąч 010

[ no entry yet ]

User Image

Shugo's Relationships
User Image Acquaintances: Chris Blanchard, Katara
User Image Friends: Shinku, Ryuu Owen
User Image Best Friends: ---
User Image Crush: Satou Kuroneko?

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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 04:07am
∂ąч 011

[ no entry yet ]

Ryuu's Relationships
User Image Acquaintances:
User Image Friends:
User Image Best Friends:
User Image Crush: Masume Sakura

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 04:27am
User Image ∂ąч 012

Today we got up bright and early to go buy more food supplies. Well, Chris-san, Gene-san, Edo-san, and I. We also got some money... I had to manipulate some people but the boys promised not to tell [!FLAG!] and Edo-san even pretended to be my abusive Master to help out! It was actually kind of fun to act with him... Is that bad for me to think? [/FLAG]

Afterwards we headed back to camp at the beach but we were attacked by these "homunculi" who were bothering Edo-san! He's my friend and I won't stand for it! I tried to beat some up to protect him but he still got stabbed in the side... It's all my fault. I should have helped... Worse yet I got shot by "Wrath" and passed out before I could heal him.[!FLAG!] And to make it worse Chris-san had to carry me back to camp!!! AHH! So embarrassing!!!![/FLAG]

Mikuru-san healed me a bit [!FLAG!] and then Shugo helped restore my magic... I feel bad... He's always looking out for me and now he's really sick... Oh Shugo... Why do you always do these things? It really hurts to see you suffer because of me...[/FLAG]. I fell asleep [!FLAG!] and when I woke up Alex-san was holding me... How embarrassing... I feel bad for her... But I felt really safe sleeping... auu...[/FLAG].

Kai-baka attacked too. GAR. He ticked me off so I used some of my crappy love magic on him... and it really worked! I wonder why... But he won't touch Masume! [!FLAG!] Or Shugo! NEVER![/FLAG]

Then we went to the Air Temple. We had to play a game of Twister to get the relic or something... I thought it was retarded so went ahead and got the relic while everyone was playing. But no one stopped me. It was really really easy... I wonder why. We lost the game and right when it looked like I'd never see my friends again Skylar-san brought them back! [!FLAG!] I was so worried about Chris-san and Ryuu! I-I sort of gave Chris-san a hug... oops... I should control myself better... nihe.[/FLAG]

Afterwards we just relaxed... sort of. I went to practice magic. [!FLAG!] Skylar-san noticed my magic and showed up. We talked a bit. He mentioned that I should use light magic more often... I wish I could... But I'm so horrible. Someone as sinful as me can't use more light magic... Still, I liked talking to him. He's such a sweet kid. Sort of like Masume! <3 [/FLAG]
I couldn't sleep so I went to the fire to think. [!FLAG!] And what do you know? Edo-san was there. I always run into him when I'm stressed... And once again he made me feel much better. He told me about his little brother and him... I like it when friends are open with me but... dammit... I'm so selfish to whine. He has things much worse. I've got to be stronger, like Edo-san!!!
Talking to him helped me a bit. I know I didn't get to talk about what I noticed about Kai-san or about how the fact the relic was way too easy to get or anything but having Edo-san open up to me... Just having him there actually made me feel so much better... I wonder why? I guess he's just amazing like that! [/FLAG]

User Image Relationship Points
Chris: + 2
Ed: + 3
Alex: + 1
Skylar: + 2
Shugo: + 2
Ryuu: +0 <3333


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