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the story of Zen, Cody, Scott, Daemon, Blake, Crystal, and the evil Lord Phantom is developing here. read it now.
Chapter One
A boy dress in a black T-shirt and black cargo pants was soaking up sun in his front yard. " Zen valor? Is that you?" an elder woman said riding her bicycle by his house. Zen sat up and his messy brown hair got in front of his navy blue eyes. " Yes, Mrs. Johnson. How's little Timmy?" he asked his joyful neighbor. " Oh, he's with his mother waiting for the meteor. We don't get many down here and it suppose to be a good one. How's your birthday so far?" she asked smiling lightly. " My family went out to get my presents. It's hard to top an ancestor's sword for crazy grandpa," Zen said laughing a little looking at the sword at his side.

The sword was originally his great-great grand-father's which supposedly fell from the sky. It was an Arming sword like many knights had in High Middle Ages. The design on the sword was a diamond divided into six sections with another diamond in the middle. The inside diamond was black and going around from the top right was orange, green, red, yellow, blue, and white. The sword been in generation after generation and now it was Zen cause grandpa never had a son and his daughters wouldn't take an silly sword. He loved the sword when he was a kid, but he couldn't have it till he was fourteen cause that's when his great-great grand-father got it, his son, and so on.

" your grandpa is crazy, but hey, he can give good gifts. Well so long, zen," Mrs. Johnson said riding her bicycle away. Zen waved her good-bye looking at the sword a little longer. He decide to try it out, and he put the sword into it's scabbard. He put it on his back like his grandpa did it a thousand times; facing right so he could draw it with his left hand. His grandpa would always say, " Draw your weapon with your weaker arm cause then if you need a shield or a second weapon, then you'll won't need practice as much cause have already used your weaker of the two," and then zen get whacked by surprise in the head.

The sword was heavier then he thought, but no matter. He was going to get used to the weight and carry the sword everywhere. He started dragging himself through the neighbor to get a feel of it. Everyone was coming outside to see the meteor. The news claim that this meteor was one for the millennium. Zen felt kind of special has it was his fourteen birthday and everyone be jealous school Monday. He saw Ms. Johnson and her son Timmy and he waved at them. Ms. Johnson waved for him to come over when the rumbling started. Everyone knew what it meant but no one was expertly it so violently. The meteor looked like a basketball from the sky with a black tail. It was out of site and Ms. Johnson picked up zen. " you ok, dear?" he asked holding her child in her arm. " yes ma'am. So how's the little six year old," he said tickling Timmy a little. " He's fine, he was a little scared of the rumble, but~" she was saying but another rumbling much more violent struck.

Zen Grabbed Ms. Johnson so she wouldn't fall and everyone saw another meteor much, much bigger. The meteor passed them but they saw it crash into the ocean. After the aftershock, everyone got up. They sky was a dark red, and clouds started gathering. " Is everyone ok?" the neighborhood officer shouted to the neighborhood as they were gathering up to see what was going on. " what was that? The news said it was going to burn up in the atmosphere. They said it was completely harmless," The know-it-all in the neighbor. " Thank the lord, we live on the coast and that thing didn't hurt anyone," Mrs. Johnson said hugging her daughter and grandson. The officer pulled out his walkie-talkie and said, " report, report. What's the damage?" and everyone was silent. " Roger, you won't believe this….it's gone. Horn island is just gone. There this giant hole where it was and now water is just filling up. My god, boaters and families were there," the voice on the radio said over the sound of the helicopter.

Everyone was in dread hearing this. " Everyone go home and start packing just in case," Roger said. " Roger! Roger! Something coming out of the hole. More are coming out, what is that!? DODGE! AHHH~" the radio said right before everyone started moving. The radio was silent once again. " Amy? Amy!? Are you there? Amy!? Answer me! Everyone evacuate now," Roger said pulling out his gun. Everyone scattered to their homes expect zen. " Mr. Doe, my family went shopping. I don't know what to do," zen said following Roger. There was a pause and Roger said on the walkie-talkie, " sarah, issue an evacuation alert now and contact Mr. And Mrs. Valor. Tell them that I have their son, Zen, with me and he'll be safe." " Ok," the woman said on the walkie-talkie.

They ran to Roger's house and they jump into his jeep. " Ok, stay in the jeep at all times, got it?" he said at Zen. " yes sir," he said looking out at the neighbor as they were driving off. The neighbor looked more like a memory as they turned into the street into the city. Cars were getting packed onto the highway trying to get away. Roger's job was to make sure everyone was evacuating. They drove up and down Ocean Springs, telling people to leave now. They stop as it started to sprinkle a little. The supposed rain was a darker red. Zen thought it was cause of the Red tint of the cloud but Roger said in terror, " It's….It's blood. It's raining blood," and a loud thunder struck. The thunder sounded like Amy's scream on the radio, which both of them jump.

There was a man walking from the beach. " Sir! Your suppose to be evacuating right now, find a vehicle and leave," Roger said trying to shake away the fear so he could do his job. The man turned and they discovered it was no man, more like a creature-humanoid. This creature was a silver-gray color, curve spikes grew out of it's entire legs, spikes went down it spine, a spiked blade like bone grew on it elbows, and it had long pointy claws. It turn towards them and they saw its chest which had a black lighting bolt tattoo. Its face had skin where its eyes where suppose to be, it nose was shove in its head, its teeth were popping out and they look as sharp razor blade. It had bat ears that rotated about as it was hearing something. Three sharp horns grew out of its forehead, the middle being the biggest.

" SHOOT IT!" zen shouted scared and Roger took the shoot. It was hit square in the chest at the tip of the lightning bolt. It screamed in pain and looked at Roger. There was no wound where roger shot it, so he shot at it again. The second shot made the creature angry and It charged at them. Roger kept shooting it but the bullets wouldn't pierce it's skin. It caught up with Roger and, before Roger could pull out his night stick, it cut him with its claws. Roger fell to the ground screaming in pain. It step on Roger and started eating him. " DRIVE AWAY!" Roger screamed with his last breath to zen. Zen was in so much consternation that he didn't dare move. The creature finally stood up and looked at zen. Another appeared from beyond of zen and one landed on the hood of the jeep. Zen then in panic got into the diver's seat and started to back up. The creature fell off the hood, but it got up quickly. Zen spun the jeep and put it into drive. The creatures were chasing Zen and they were catching up quickly. As Zen put it into second gear, a creature jumped at the jeep and slashed the back left tired. Zen tried to make a sharp right turn escape but the second creature tackled the jeep side and the jeep went spinning.

Zen crawled out of the upside down jeep which spun right into a building. The creatures were right there waiting outside. He picked up his sword thinking he was going to die but he wanted to die fighting. He put the scabbard on his back which stung when he did. He sighed as the sword was one handed and really heavy. " ok, come on," zen said as if they could understand him. The creatures looked at him and one looked at the other. The one that was looked at charged at zen. Zen took in a breath and charged at the creature with a battle cry. He stung his sword at the creature who just dodge it. The creature back handed zen's sword right out of his hand and took a swing at his head but missed.

A dark lightning bolt hit the creature forcing it to fly away from zen. Zen was in awe as he stared at the man who launched this attack from his steel claw. With the man's other hand, He raise it shoulder length and his hand started to shake a little. The man was ripping a hole in the thin air and it formed a black hole in a second. Zen grabbed onto Utility pole for his life shock how that man could just stand there right by it. The creatures were sucked in and zen was losing his grip. His sword was picked up and was getting sucked in. Zen didn't know why, but he let go of the pole to catch his sword. The man moved and try to catch zen but missed and zen was sucked in.

Zen was thrown onto a pile of chewed bones. Zen got up looking for his sword. He found and grabbed it then there was a screech. Zen looked up to see he was surround by hundreds of the creatures inside a small pit. They didn't move more like waited. Zen stood up and turned around. The man from before was standing there. " I....am lord Phantom," He said with a dark raspy voice. His body covered in a dark purple almost black cloak. His face was covered with the hood. He revealed his steel claws for a second as he took them off. They were connected to a chain which zip them into the cloak. " Well, as much as I like introduction, where am I?" Zen said resulting into sarcasm in to much of fear to be serious.

" you're.......You're in your tome," Lord Phantom said sounding old in a way and very tired. " I don't think so, I'm not going to die here," Zen said and he ready his sword. " So young...... so inexperience..... and so stupid; I might miss having a challenge," Phantom said and shoot a black lightning bolt to the ground and a sword from. His sword as a misshape Falchion. It curved in and out of its supposedly original shape. The shape of the blade seem to fit an man so twisted from the rest of the world if catch by him, they be doom. " your sword doesn't scare me nor will I get caught in the blade. I see why that blade was made the way it was and It won't work on me," zen said feeling proud that he practice with grandpa as much as he did. " You keep......surprising me, zen. When I rule all of this dimension, I'll make an memorial for you saying, 'surprising....till the end," Phantom said and coughed a little. " well, if you're going to do that, then I get an health plan if I were you," Zen misjudging his opponent. " I'm not going to miss that though," Lord phantom said and took at leap at zen.

They clash sword and jump back as a test of strength. " for an old man, your pretty good," Zen said still under estimating lord phantom. They swung at each other again but this time, Zen's sword was caught into the Lord phantom's blade. " Eh, look.... who got caught," Lord Phantom said and back-handed zen to the ground. Lord Phantom swung Zen's blade to the side and he laugh at Zen squirming away. Phantom swung his sword at Zen but it was blocked by a skull that Zen used as a shield. Zen pushed back Lord phantom flew back with force.
Phantom hit the wall and Zen could tell he was glaring at him. Zen look at his sword in the distance and ran for it. Phantom reach it first and swung down at zen. Zen grabbed at bone and held the bone to defend him. The sword went right through the bone and zen's body like they weren't even there. Phantom step back. " It....seems that your are a fast learner. There not much that I can do since.....I'm so weak....Serutaerc, kill him," he said and the creatures waiting so patently charged at Zen. Lord phantom vanished into the blur of creatures charging. Zen dove for his blade and grab it right before an creature grabbed him and threw him to the wall. His back smacked the wall hard, but Zen wasn't focus on that. He landed on the ground and he got into a defense position. A Creature swung at him and zen cut it. Another and another were coming at zen and zen fought his hardest, but they broke free and started biting him.

Zen struggled them off but they were too strong, and in the last moment of his conscious life, he gave up. His last breath was telling phantom his hatred towards him.

mighty guardian
Community Member
  • 07/19/09 to 07/12/09 (1)
  • 05/10/09 to 05/03/09 (1)
  • 02/15/09 to 02/08/09 (1)

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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 02:15am
    I'd definitely like to see how this story ends up biggrin

    Neat-o brain you got there.. mind if I probe?

    No, seriously.. it's coming along great!

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