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My life is not a sitcom

Community Member
A collection of characters and such.
For those who are interested. These are a collection of RP characters from the roleplays I'm currently in. Maybe my rp friends will read into it and join the roleplay and we can do awesome plots together again <3. X3

Someday I may create a roleplay of my own. But as of now...I'm to lazy to think of anything.Bleh. gonk

Am I crazy?2 :

A semi lit yaoi asylum roleplay. The first yaoi I've ever done. surprised It's different and fun, full of drama. What else do you expect from crazy gay people X3.

Name: Ethanael Rictor
Age: 20
Gender: male

Why he/she was sent: He was primarly sent as a brainwash victim of an activist pagan cult "Yuph Der Terra" but after extensive research, therapist believe that he may also suffer from a bizarre association disorder and is considered mildly histrionic and cyclothymic. He was also diagnosed with Attention deficit disorder at a young age-although never medicated for it. His grandiose personality is also a debated issue of mental illness, nevertheless it remains undisputed that the egotistical male is a brilliant genius.

Appearance: Ethanael Stands a little over six feet and has a rather average-yet athletic figure. Everything about his attire seems golden and majestic: Vibrant amber eyes, a silky caramel tan and and untamed mop of hair the colour of cornsilk adorned with bright orange strands over chocolate highlights. He is always dressed in flamboyant bohemian jewelerry and a featherweight cotton of the brightest colours usually slapped on with a pair of old jeans and flat sandals.

Bio: As a young teenager, Ethanael came from an ordinary family. Though it was their strict roman catholic faith that casted out his sexual lifestyle and had the rebel search outside his community for acceptance. He was fourteen when he met Eric Sullivan; the founder of Yuph Der Terra and the boy's lover. Back then, it was a small political activist group that coincidentially shared an interest in Magik and several other "satanist" hobbies of wiccan origin. As the group grew larger, faith became an influence to their activities and "Terrahism" (Synonym to Gaea, this religion consist of worshiping the mother Terra and all spiritual forces are her being) was created with more than a thousand devout followers. Ethanael was sixteen, his family unaware of his whereabouts for two years until he made headlines all over the state after releasing hundreds of animals at a local zoo during one of the group's protests. Being a minor, the court ignored his misdemeanour at the condition that he be sent to an institution for the mentally unstable where he remained for several months before escaping once again in the arms of his lover. For two years the boy was brought in and out of the hospital after several suicidal attempts and then dissapeared for eight months until he was finally caught and accused for being one of the masterminds behind the visa bankrupcy scandal. Ethanael spent four months in a criminal youth facility until pleaded mentally unstable and has since returned to the hospital.

Other (optional): He is a radical vegan and cannot tolerate the site of animal print or the person wearing it. He is also quite adept in the arts of tarrot (hence the card in his hand)

Sullivan has been sent behind bars after being pleaded guilty of the kidnap of the Rictor boy. He is also serving as a sex offender as his lover was still a minor. Ethanael claims that the two no longer speak to eachother

Name: Guillaume Kawasky
Age: 29
Gender: male

Why he/she was sent: A hired psychiatrist, Guillaume has been working in this facility for two years.

Appearance: Guillaume brought to you by Heise and my lazyness He wears a doctor's coat instead of that sexy see through. That outfit is reserved for that special someone

Bio: A young franco-japanese, his father was japanese, his mother french. He was raised in France. Since early childhood, he has always had great interest in the fonction of the human mind and often experimented with his friends and family by studying behavior patterns and adapting to them to have his way. His remarkable genius and charming allure granted him a seat in the World's most prestigious universities where he studied psychology for seven years and obtained his doctorat a few years later with hight honours. He is among the most renowned doctors in the World and rumoured to be the only one qualified enough to work in this psych ward who is infamous for having the most enigmatic and dangerous patients.


Name: Caleb Dyami Keaton
Age: 17
Gender: male
Why he was sent: Caleb suffers from post traumatic disorder and has been revolving in and out of the hospital since his first diagnosis. Along with the anxiety attacks, the angsty teen is also suspect of BPD, a seasonal mood disorder and severe sensory issues. His hearing is inhumanely acute and he refuses to be touched by anyone. He says that it's the buzzing that brought him back here, although no one knows what that means, Doctors guess that it triggered his latest panic attacked and rendered him to take a fatal amount of Oxy-Cotins. His overdose attack alarmed the boy's guardians who rushed him to the hospital. Along with the numerous problems he already suffers from, they now suspect that he may be addicted to the Narcotic drug.
Appearance: Sketch of Caleb

Standing at 5"9, Caleb is built slim but athletic. His skin is a burnt sierra tone that comes from his Miq'Mac heritage. Dark bridded eyes sparkle with intelect and mystery giving off a faint chestnut hue barely visable under even the brightest light. His thick ebony hair are adorned with streaks of platinum blond and fuschia and fall in straight bangs, cut in seperate lengths down to cover his forehead and under his delicate cheeks. From behind they fall in multiple layers. A slightly squared jaw bone and a small narrow nose show the boy's fierce character and cunning allure. His usually attire would be more colourful and "phunky" but in the hospital, he takes little interest or care of his appearance and dresses casually with old Led Zepplin T-shirts and torn acid washed jeans, adorned with multiple plastic bracelets brilliantly coloured in green, yellow and orange.

Bio: Caleb was born and raised in an unstable family. His father dissapeared when he was barely a month old and his mother always came home in the middle of the night, drunk and ******** a new man. His older sister Kenai took care of him and his other older sibling, Dakota and despite their mother's neglect. The tree lived as normal a life they could and got around pretty well. Caleb was only twelve when he met Daniel, Kenai's first boyfriend. A tall blond football jock she had met at one of the city school dances. He quickly grew fond of him and appreciated spending nights watching football games and eating popcorn with him as Kenai went out with her friends and Dakota was off lord knew where, most likely doing some kind of drug.

It was an ordinary Sunday night. Caleb was sitting besides Daniel popping popcorn in his mouth as they waited for the big game to start. His mother was passed out on the couch and Dakota was gone as usual. Kenai gave the boy a swift kiss on the forehead before heading off to work and ran after her carpool as she was already late. Caleb barely remembers anything from then on. The next thing he knew, Daniel had somehow seduced him into something he would never imagined himself doing and he had been raped. Although he remained silent about the incident, it took no time for the school Social Worker to notice the boy's wounds across his body and she immediately accused the mother for neglecting her child and he had been swiped away, without any chance to object. He was swapt from foster home to foster home and endured countless other abuses for eight months. Untill the Keaton family fell in love with him and adopted him as their own. Never did they expect that the boy beared such a secret, and it was only a matter of time before the last grain of sand made him topple and his life shattered in only a matter of months.
Other (optional): ((That was waaaaaaayyyy too long. Me and my big mouth )) Oh yeah. He's a bit of a brownoser and is severely hostile towards white american males.

Name: Dr. Sigmund Hadrichven
Age: 32
Gender: male

Why he/she was sent: Doesn't work in the psychiatry department, although his role in neurology requires him to do some clinic duty in the ward. Furthermore, Guillaume being one of his dearest friends, you'll often find he and the psychiatrist spend their break hours together walking around the ward or flirting with the social workers.

Appearance: Sigmund doesn't look like you're ordinary doctor. Standing at 6"9 and with a large husky figure pumped up by hours of bodybuilding. The neurologist is known as a gentle giant throughout the facility. Thick wavy hair glimmerring like cornsilk are cut short under his ears and flip outwards giving him a rockstar allure. His face composed with a straight and narrow nose, strong cheekbones, a powerful square jaw and pincer lips give him a fierce character. But his large set of pale blue eyes give softness to his robust allure and grants glimpse to a kinder nature. Sigmund often jokes about his scary appearance. The norwegian doctor claims that his great grandfather was a viking.

Bio: Sigmund shares little about his personal life and prefers minding into the life of others. He has worked as a neurologist in the hospital for four years with remarkable genius and talent. His skills are unarguably the best but his work ethic questionable. The doctor is known to have a few records of contentious behavior in the facility and speaks his mind in an arrogant manner. He have but a few priviliged friends whom he cherishes dearly and often plays a fatherly figure to them. He left his family in Norway when he relocated himself to America, where, as far as most are concerned, he holds no family ties and lives a rather lonely life.

Other (optional): I'll add something here soon.

Name: Evelyn "Eevee" Finch
Age: 2 1/2
Gender: female

Why he/she was sent: At such a tender age, it would be impossible to diagnose her with anything. The happy go lucky toddler is actually a therapy experiment from Dr. Guillaume. Her mother suffering from terminal cancer, Eevee often find herself in the care of nurses while her mother rests from extensive chimotherapy. Ms. Finch being Evelyn's only family she has spent several weeks at the hospital and was invited to participate in an outrageous study led by none other then the psychiatrist himself. You'll often find her titubing across the ward halls searching for "Ahquee" or under the care of a displeased "Pocaa'ontaa" (Caleb's pet name)

Appearance: Although she barely reaches your knee in height, Evelyn's adorable face and cute charm gets everyone's attention. A happy little girl, her large porcelain face and button nose seem to radiate with that large set of saphires orbs sparkling under a small tear rolling down her rosy cheeks as if her little body couldn't contain any heat and left her cold. Her Onyx hair are pulled into a small ponytail with large opalescent pink beads with stray locks of baby hair falling over her face and sweeping under her neck. You'll usually find her wearing turtle necks of all the girliest colours or puffy long sweaters that she has not yet grown into and cute little plaid skirts or jeans with kitties or ducks printed into them. She'll rave about her Hello Kitty shoes; bright pink shoes with florals straps adorned with the TV show Icon printed on the side which she can put on all by herself.

Bio: At two years of age you don't have much to say about yourself (O-o) Evelyn's has never met her father. An accident took his life before Mr. Finch could even get the chance to see his daughter's face. He left his beautiful wife and child behind whom received her first diagnose of severe breast cancer at the birth of her child. Determined to see her daughter grow, the widdowed Finch followed her chimotherapy and lead the life of a single working mother all at the same time. Finally, the illness caught up with her and she was hospitalized simply to try and survive a few more days, maybe weeks. All to see her daughter's face. With no other family, the hospital adopted little Eevee while her mother's strenghts wained each day. The oncology department neighboring the asylum, She's since led her life on this floor.

Other (optional): Her favorite colours are pink and purple and she has a plush kitty called Rover that she always carries with her. Eevee doesn't eat green beans or orange juice.

Yeah.....wayyy too many chars. XD, guess I'll have to kill one off sometime.

Feathers of Blood (FoB):
A litterate fantasy rp where creatures of all shapes and form thrive under the rule of one King, however suspicious activities are going on about. If you want to know more click the link and go see for yourself mad . I'm still pretty new to this one so I'm not that deep in the plot myself XD.

I did however, create a new special race for my very own char <3.

Acronomicion (Acrons)-Anatomically similar to human, they are widely recognize for their slender figure, long pointed ears, vibrantly coloured eyes and wild skin tone, ranging from fair caramel to dark mocha. Infamous for their venomous fangs, small pointed canines barely noticeable at first glance, when an Acron feels threatened they will lunge at you savagely planting their fangs, which enlongate to six inches, into your neck or stomach. Their poison is deadly but the victim is condemned to a lifetime of agony and suffering as the poisonous fluids travel into their veins, attacking the nervous system, either paralyzing the body or driving one to insanity. Fortunately, there is a cure if treated immediately (Dimi humour: The blood of a pheonix dimi mixed with costa petals and Dryad roots). An Acron has a weak sense of smell and a barely adequate eyesight which is why they discover their World by touch. Don't whisper curses after the species though: their hearing is so acute a mouse whimpering under the tall prairie grass is not safe from them.

And my char.

Gaian name: Nathael
Name: Keahllah Hezrin Khalif
Age: looks to be in his late teens to early twenties
Gender: Male
Race: Acron
Appearance: Tall dark and handsome is how one would describe Keahllah Khalif. Standing at 6'2 and a slender figure that compliments the acron stealth he is splendor and elegance to the women, a deadly panther to his foes. His dark sierra skin is embroidered with multiple arm band tattoos that swirl into mystical shapes and runic figures that tells the tale of his Acron heritage. Mysterious almond eyes gleam with intelect and wisdom in his turquoise orbs as majestic as the pacific Ocean itself, meadows of emerald streak the lower sphere of the iris and sunkissed specks of gold circle the slitted navy pupils. His face is that of pride, with a squared muscular jaw, straight nose and charming crest smile. His long ears peak through his thick mahogony hair streaked with wildfire red and chocolate highlights that are especially apparrent in his messy bangs that fall just over his eyes and stretch a little longer over his ears to his jawline along with the rest of his hair that touch the tip of his neck. He is always elengantly dressed in light onyx armor garbed with a wine coloured mantle that scarf around his broad shoulder and fall to hide his body down to his knees covered in khaki pants. A large hood hangs from the back of the mantle which he only wears on those "special" meetings.
Personality: Keahllah is quite wreckless and irresponsible. He's very well known for being unorthodox, wild behavior and controversial remarks on just about anything. He's the one who goes against the river flow and often gets the remarks and attention he so desperately demands. There's a softer more ingenious side to him that people tend to fall for. Keahllah is an excellent communicator and his eccentricity and open mind makes it easy for people to open up to him. A brilliant young man with a critical mind and eye opening philosophies. However it is very rare that one will see this side of Keahllah, for his ADHD governs his behavior and make him seem rather flamboyant and contentious.
Weapon/Abilities: A light wooden javelin carved with symbols and drawings of magnificient spiritual creatures of the Hesampostle faith and painted in brilliant colours of orange, gold and red. The head is made of Mythrill with a small garnet gem encrusted on it. Tribal beads and brilliant pheasant feathers are tied under the head with a whine velvet rope. He calls it Amazon. He's also adept in his tribe's martial arts and carries a small dagger used mainly to cut ropes and twigs then for defense
Brief history: A mercenary from the eastern Acron tribes hired by the royal family as an ecort. Little is known about the Acron though rumours circulate that he may have a hidden agenda.

Les trois mousquetaire.:

Not based on the classic tale of D'Artagan and his swordmen friends. The concept is similar but those are the only links between the name. Story takes place in 17th century, France. The characters are partially premades, the bios and appearance were made by the rpers though. There are still spots left if anyone wants to join X3 and there's also room for originals.


PS: some of these characters have links to pic. (yes I have enough time to spare to doodle them, don't expect some work of art though X3) however, they're not working. I'll try to figure out why later. razz , I think this post is full enough as is for now.

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