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RolePlaying Characters
It's a perfect place to put all these ultra mega long character descriptions, yeah?
Regular RP Character #1 [Sakuza Hebi Daiten]
CHARECTER CHART___________________

Character full name: Sakuza Hebi Daiten
Reason or meaning of name: Sakuza: Not exactly sure. It was originally "Sazuka", but somehow I got mixed up, so now it's Sakuza. Sounded cool. Hebi: Snake Daiten: I'm sure I had a meaning for this at one point in time, but I forgot. So, yeah.
Character nickname: None so far. Could use "Saku" or "Hebi" or "Dai" or something, if needed.
Reason for nickname: Probably for comedy relief.
Birth date: March 17 (random)
Gender: Male
Blood Type: ... really? Alright: AB; I guess.

Physical appearance_______________

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Age: 21
How old does he/she appear? : Maybe a year or two younger
Weight: ...who knows? He's pretty skinny...
Height: Uh. 5'8"? Somewhere around there.
Body- build: Slim, but well worked out.
Eye color: Emerald green
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Normal to Pale.
Distinguishing marks: None to speak of.
Predominant features: I get what it means now, but there's not much to put. Er, maybe... the bright green eyes?
Hair color: White
Type of hair: Long
Hairstyle: Bangs hanging free, the rest tied in a ribbon.
Voice: Usually monotone, sometimes condescending. He actually has a caring tone, but it's rarely used.
Overall attractiveness: Who knows? Some people go for the stotic, work-a-holic type. XD
Physical disabilities: His human form is an illusion, so it's not possible to keep it up when exhausted.
Usual fashion of dress: White dress robes with a green and black shall draped over it for easy mobility. Tied at the waist.
Formal wear: Same. Might iron his clothes, though. ^^;
Favorite outfit: Same. They ask a lot of clothes questions, na? <.<
Jewelry or accessories: Single necklace that hangs to about his stomach. Given to him by his mother.


Good personality traits: Tedious worker.
Bad personality traits: Short and to the point. Doesn't participate in such 'trivial' things as small talk. May come off as rude and self-centered.
Mood character is most often in: He's mostly just 'there'. Neither happy nor sad.
Sense of humor: Little to none. If he's in a good mood someone might get him to smile.
Character greatest joy in life: Being useful.
Character greatest fear: Having nothing to devote himself to. [[In other words, being bored. ^^;]]
Why? He feels that life is too short to waste, and has to spend the time he has making an impact in his life. [[Even if he's an ageless Basilisk. XD]]
Other Phobias: Sleeping. [[Being caught un-aware]]
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? Er... he can pretty much handle anything. I guess if someone dug through that shell of his to become a close friend and died, that would take it's tole. >.<
Character is most at ease when: He's doing something productive.
Most ill at ease when: Sleeping/going to sleep/thinking of sleeping/etc.
Enraged when: Someone wastes their life/wastes another's life/etc.
Depressed or sad when: ... others around him are sad?
Priorities: Work. Work. And more work.
Life philosophy: Life's too short to waste away. [[As said above.]]
Character soft spot: Compliments/Rewards
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Headmistress. Because of his offered teaching position, and she's easy to talk to/work with.
Greatest strength: Knowledge/Poison/Illusions
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Not so good at close combat.
Biggest regret: None, really. He's always either steered clear of anything regretful, or completely made up for it afterward.
Minor regret: Times when he gets 'grumpy'.
Biggest accomplishment: Human illusion
Minor accomplishment: Reading and memorizing every book he could get his hands on.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: He had completely failed any and all close combat weapons classes in his first year, improving over time, but barely.
Why? Why not? It's pretty embarrasing.
Character darkest secret: He's inherited his race's sadism, but keeps it tightly locked up. Most of the time.
Does anyone else know? Meh. Maybe. Not that he knows of.
How they deal with stress: Any form of meditation, or any tedious workthat he can absorb himself into.


Drives and motivations: None, really. He hasn't found much, but devotes his life to the school.
Immediate goals: Developing his skills. Trains a lot in close combat, but secretly.
Long term goals: Doesn't think that far into the future.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Secret training. [[As said above. ^^;]]
How other characters will be affected: Er... they won't. Most likely.


Hometown: Wasn't born in town. Was born seceretly, in the mountains, as his race was hunted fiercely, thought to not be able of kindness, or anything other then pure ruthlessness.
Type of childhood: Hated. Feared. He was eventually separated from his family in an accident and accepted warmly into the school, and since then hasn't let his past control his life.
Pets: None.
First memory: His clan running away from his birthplace, due to being attacked.
Most important childhood memory: His father had been a lot more savage then others, and had driven it into his mind that he should only trust himself. His mother contradicted that belief, but her arguments weren't strong, as there was little proof otherwise.
Why: Er... why not?
Childhood hero: Mother.
Dream job: Doesn't have one. Content with his job now.
Education: Graduated in little over a year and a half, and was considered a prodigy.
Religion: Adamant believer that religion is fake.
Finances: Doesn't care much for money. He has a place tostay, and food ready for him. He accepts less then half the pay normal teachers get, and even that's put into a savings that he rarely uses.
Social Status: Respected teacher. [[Sometimes.]]
Nationality: ... Basilisk?
Ethnicity: Er... big word.
Where they've travelled to: Several dozen unpopulated hiding places, before finally ending up at the school.


Current location: Academy.
Currently living with: Students and staff in dorm rooms.
Pets: None.
Religion: None.
Occupation: Teacher.
Finances: Whoever made this is really repetitive. >.<


Mother: Witch. Current wereabouts unknown.
Relationship with her: He looked up to her quite a lot, and she's the only real reason he had to control his hatred long enough to find a good life.
Father: Basilisk. Current wereabouts unknown.
Relationship with him: Thinks of him as a ruthless taskdriver. Respects him and understands him, but still has a deep, mostly controlled hatred for the man.
Siblings: A nest of four. He's the youngest. Current wereabouts unknown.
Relationship with them: Never really had the chance to get to know them.
Other important family members: None. Even though they traveled in a clan, each family was strictly seclusive. They rarely talked to other branches, and even then it was only for battle purposes.


Color: Green and white.
Least favorite color: Red.
Music: Doesn't usually bother with it. But as long as it doesn't preach about some religion or beliefs and doesn't have a headache inducing beat, he'll listen to it.
Favorite Food: Carnivore. [[Has a secret soft spot for anything vanilla.]]
Least favorite food: Any vegetable. Can swallow fruit, but would rather not.
Literature: Anything knowledgeable.
Form of entertainment: None to speak of.
Expressions: Usually emotionless, but doesn't hold back an 'evil smirk' or angry expression every once in a while.
Mode of transportation: Flight or walking.
Most prized possession: Only realy possesion: necklace. Given to him by his mother.


Hobbies: Secret training, work, avoiding the most annoying of coworkers and students.
Plays a musical instrument? Can play a little piano, and a couple songs on a flute, but doesn't really "waste" his time doing such things. He only learned because it was in a book he read.
Plays a sport? Besides combat, he's never taken the time to play any.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Either working or meditating.
Spending habits: Little to none, unless he has to pay for food. Buys clothes when needed.
Smokes: Tried it and hated it.
Drinks: Can't stand the smell and won't go near it.
Other drugs: None.
Other bad habits: Work-a-holic.
What does he/she do too much of? Ugh. Work-a-holic, if you didn't get it by now.
What does he/she do too little of? Relaxing/vacation/etc.
Extremely skilled at: Poison/Illusions
Extremely unskilled at: Close-combat/a lot of recreational things
Languages Spoken: A little of everything. Mastered English, Japanese, some ancient runes, and his race's language. [[I'mma just say Parseltongue, so ya know what I mean.]]
Nervous tics: Stuffing his hands in his pockets / avoiding the topic by using either insults or work-related issues
Usual body posture: Formal and stiff, usually tense. Almost always doing something with his hands.
Manner of writing: Elegant.
Manner of speaking: Straight and to the point. Sometimes canbe taken as rude.
Manner of walking: Purposefully.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Anything mental [[Tactics/strategy/history/etc.]] "Potions" [[Anything poisonous/remedies/etc.]]
Mannerisms: Polite, yet blunt. Treats those of higher and lower class the same, unless he has personal respect or hatred for them.
Peculiarities: He's known to always inform someone when they're making poor use of their time, no matter how insignificant.
Health Problems: Well-known and self-inflicted insomnia.


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, but speaks in a pessimistic manner, often pointing out everything wrong and forgetting to add in a compliment or two.
Introvert or extrovert? Mega introvert, but not afraid to show feelings in certain situations.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious. Likes to think things through before acting. Even if the end result is just "go all out and hope for the best."
Logical or emotional? L-O-G-I-C-A-L!!!
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Do you even need to ask? Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? UGH! WORKING!!
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident, but has a hard time with compliments.
Animal lover? Has nothing against them... and obviously has a thing for snakes.


How he/she feels about himself/herself: He hates the race he was born into, but doesn't let it get to him. He keeps his emotions tightly under control, because he fears of his inherited sadism.
One word the character would use to describe self: Controlled.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Why am I wasting my time with this? Whatever. I work. Hard, and a lot. If anyone doesn't work for things, then they don't deserve them in the first place. I hate small talk, and I won't busy myself with anything unproductive. I don't think about the past too much, because it only proves to get me depressed and wastes valuable time.... what? No, I'm not going to stick around for dinner! Are you crazy? I'm busy! Go bug someone with less a life. Good bye."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? He truthfully tries his best to keep his personality in check. So he'd probably like it best when he's calm and collected.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Anger. Sadism.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hands. He trains his hands more then any other, and sometimes they even move without him consiously thinking aboutit.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Eyes. It's hard to control what people see in his eyes. They show too much emotion for himto be comfortable with.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Despite what people believe, he has a high fear of what people think about him. He tries to maintain good relationships with everyone, but nothing more then he has to.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: *sigh* So repetitive. He'd like to change his inherited Sadism.

Relationships with others______

Opinion of other people in general: If they work hard and make something of themselves, then they deserve respect. Slakers and pushoversdeserve to be punished.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Y-E-S!!
Person character most hates: >.< S-L-A-C-K-E-R-S!
Best friend(s): Ah... few to none. That he knows of, anyway.
Love interest(s): So far he believes love is simply an annoying waste of emotion. He doesn't care if others love, but he doesn't need it. [[Or does he...?]]
Person character goes to for advice: Very, very rarely does he ever need advice that anyone can give him. But probably co-workers.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Students.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Anyone [mostly girls] who try and compliment him.
Person character openly admires: Er... none.
Person character secretly admires: Still, none.
Most important person in character life before story starts: Mother.
After story starts: Er.... meh, who knows?

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