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Screaming in Pink
[AW2] Satou's Journal
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Satou no Journal -desu
Kuroneko Satou is a young witch now at the age of 16. She was present for the original adventures in "ACHAAAAA" so is one of the heroes honored in museums and the like. As the Witch of Sin she is 'cursed' to bring misfortune to anyone who stays in contact with her for too long. This is due to her being the opposite of her beloved younger sister Sakura Masume, who title brings "miracles", limitless magic, and repels "sin". To balance this, Satou brings "disasters", draws in magic [sometimes even health and 'life'] of those around her, and attracts "sin". This title has made her paranoid of social interaction out of fear that she may hurt those she loves, especially now that her sister is 'dead' and not there to negate her title's powers. However, she stubbornly refuses to be alone and wants to keep playing the "Game of Life" with her new friends. Satou is very conflicted about whether or not she is willing to risk her friends for her own happiness.

Edward User Image
Chris User Image
Alex User Image / User Image
Simon User Image
Shugo User Image
(Ryuu) User Image
(Masume) User Image / User Image???
Ichigo User Image
Aang User Image
Katara User Image
Vinita User Image (*cough*)
UsaUsa Usao User Image
Mikale User Image
Fate - ???
Marron - ???
Diana User Image

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 09, 2009 @ 11:47pm
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Masume never came back... After we returned to our homes a year ago I ended up with only Shugo. All records of Masume ever existing were gone.. Her cellphone was disconnected... And I was all alone...Shugo and Usao-san were nice enough to take me in but... but...

... shugo... i'm so lonely...

[ sigh ]

B-but... We're back now. I guess that's good...I-I guess I'm being silly but it made me really happy to see Chris-san and Edo-san again. I missed them so much... I know it's selfish but I was really really happy when they let me join them again. Really happy... Everyone around me always leaves me but even when I tried to pretend I didn't know them they stayed my friend... I hope we can stay this way forever... or at least for a bit longer. I don't want to be alone anymore.

But not everything is perfect... A thousand years have passed in this world... If I left Masume here that means... that means she would have...
A-and there's a new dumbass to beat up. "Kami". I understand he wants to make things good but I think his method is wrong... He knows about my title. I'm so scared. What if he tells everyone about it? It wasn't a problem before because even though we were separated Masume seemed to be close enough to negate my title... but now she's gone... All my bad luck is going to hurt my friends... If Edo-san and Chris-san find out they'll definitely hate me. If they find out what happened to Shugo they'll leave me... I don't want to be all alone again...

I'm so selfish. I'm terrible. No wonder Kami wants me dead. Maybe it'd be better if I died... But Shugo died so I could live...If I throw my life away I'll be throwing away his gift to me...
auu... I'm scared... Shugo... Masume... Ryuu... I need to talk to you right now... I need your help...
I don't know what to do...

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 06:04am
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Last night I slept by the graveyard. I was going to go to the Inn with everybody else but the magic restraint on my outfit broke so I had to deal with some of the "bad luck" I acquired. I didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone...

Edo-san has a map now that a pretty guardian girl gave us. We all decided to check out an "abandoned village" but got attacked while at a bridge. Mikale was there too... he used that stupid flirting stuff again but Chris-san saved me. At the village we split into groups... I really didn't like that. I'm happy with just Chris-san, Vinita-chan, and Edo-san... and maybe Alex-san, but I'm afraid of trying to be her friend again.. I know that's selfish but I'm scared... I don't want to lose anyone but I don't wanna be alone anymore...

well... we found out the village was only abandoned a little over a week ago. Edo-san found a strange symbol and when it activated we all saw a vision. After doing some thinking I decided to look in the library for clues (Edo-san went somewhere all alone. I was really worried. Please don't die, Edo-san.) I got attacked by Usao-san... I guess she came here too. I hope she stays away. What if she tells everyone about Shugo? They'll get the wrong idea... or... well...
is there a wrong idea? Maybe Usao-san is right... maybe it is my fault...

ah... and after I fought her I went back to the others in time for dinner. Chris-san told me they found out Kami-san used to live in this village and they think he sacrificed the souls of the villagers... I won't forgive that if it's true! I have to find a way to save them somehow!
He tried to get me to eat too. Shugo used to do that for me... In some ways Chris-san reminds me of him... I hope that doesn't mean he's going to leave me...
He got Edo-san angry and he threw a pan at Chris-san but FIVE BOWLS OF RICE FOR SATOU! I blocked that pan with my head so Chris-san is A-OKAY! And then Chris-san scolded me. boo. I'm still happy I saved his head.
And then Emilee-san showed up! She's a friend of Chris-san! Edo-san made me happy. He said "we" are Chris-san's friends. I think that meant me too. I wonder if that means Edo-san thinks of me as a friend? I know it's selfish but I want to stay with them. I want us to all be together forever... Chris-san, Edo-san, Alex-san, and me. But... I know I can't. Because people like me aren't allowed to be happy, ne?
Still... I can hope, right?

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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 06:36am
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I had almost forgotten what it was like to travel with Chris-san. He got everyone up at 6am and we were off again within an hour. We went to Twilight Town and learned that there was a tournament going on with half of a crest as the prize! So of course some of us entered, Chris-san and Edo-san included. Edo-san was a jerk to the registration man so I told him to apologize, which he says he did. Thank you, Edo-san!

I waited around with Alex-san and Ichigo-san before Chris-san lost to Mikale-baka and came with us. We didn't actually leave until the quarter finals were done, though, and Edo-san came with us (oh and Mikale-stupid used me as a shield again. I'm sorry, everyone. I only cause you trouble). We went to a mansion and ended up in these weird pod-things. They made everyone relive bad memories and nightmares. Chris-san saved me Chris-san, thank you. I want to believe what you said is true... but when it comes down to it, will you really stay? Even if you might get hurt? I doubt it.I don't want that. I'd rather you left me then get hurt... right? That's what I need to think... and then we went to help poor Edo-san and Alex-san and all of the others.

Afterwards Edo-san went back to finish the tournament and we got the other half of the crest. We took it to the tournament and made it in time to watch the finals. "Is there someone you have a crush on?" Is there? Why did I act that way? My pulse got quick and I blushed and someone came to mind. I'm scared. Who was it? Who am I trying to hurt this tie? Crushes are bad. People I like get hurt. People who like me die. I don't want that. I don't want to be alone. Please, everyone, stay away from me!

I watched Edo-san's fight and I think he was very amazing! I admire him. He works so hard for everyone. He was really doing his best to win the crest half. I feel bad that I can't be like him or make him very happy. I think I'm just in his way. It's selfish of me to want to be friends, isn't it? Still, being together makes me happy. So I want to be selfish a little while longer.

Edo-san lost. So Chris-san and I went and stole the crest half. Pffft. There are no rules when it comes to saving the world. I guess the villains weren't happy when we decided to take a note from their book 'cause they tried to stop us. Luckily that Marron girl teleported us to safety.

Then we activated the crest. Or... tried to. Only Edo-san could do it. Maybe I'll try with magic next time...
Sujio and Kismoto Tsukai... In the memory Kami-san buried them. Who were they? What did he mean when he said "I shall lead this village to new prosperity and bring God's light to all those who shun it"? Was it that abandoned village? Why did he... Would he really sacrifice that place?
I'm so confused.... I want answers. I want to understand why he's doing this and stop it peacefully! I don't want this time to end like with Kai... I don't want that again...

Chris-san went somewhere and Edo-san said he didn't need me to heal him. I wish he'd let me. Then I'd be useful. Poor Edo-san. Putting up with me. We met a very cute kitten, though!!! Diana-san! She's so...so... CUTE~ I love her. I love her so much. When she's around I feel better. Only Edo-san and I know she can talk. We're going to find her mommy.
Then I met Namine-san. Chris-san introduced me. Because I had Diana-san I wasn't scared either. By the way, Edo-san had fallen asleep. Poor guy. I guess he really was sleepy.
Chris-san almost found out that Diana-san could talk but I covered for her! Go Satou!!!
Then Diana-san and I went to investigate a sound we heard. Some of her friends were fighting. I healed one of the (Ami-san, I think) but her head was really hurt... ow. I'm gonna feel that tomorrow... With the help of a nice boy [Gohan] and girl [Minako] we put a crown on the bad guy [Burly]'s head and everything was better.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 03:58am
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I woke up this morning with a headache. I guess that's what I get for healing someone's cracked skull. Diana-san came to guard me while I slept though. She's so sweet~! Then we all went to Shibuya. Mokona-san, Sumomo-san, and Kotoko-san were taken from us so we could not understand languages we didn't know, which is a problem when we all come from different worlds. I know both English and Japanese and was put in charge of leading the other Japanese speakers to find the crest. I also found Luna-san, Diana-san's mother!

First a strange boy with wings [Shen] attacked us but I used my magic to chase him away. He was easy compared to the strange machine [Inferno] that took a lot of my magic to take down. The machine's blast also broke my wand... That's no good. I met and healed Sakura-san though and Seira-san healed me.
After that I found the English group where Chris-san and Edo-san were. There was another fight and Roxane-san took care of me...
Then I went to talk to Edo-san... I told him about Shugo... and about how unlucky I am...But Edo-san didn't leave me. He said it wasn't my fault and that I blame myself too much...
Edo-san... thank you. I'm glad. No one's ever said that to me... but... I know it is my fault. And if I'm not careful Chris-san, Alex-san, and Edo-san... you're going to end up like Shugo...
I don't want that...

Nnn nn!! Look at me! All depressed!
It'll be okay! Shugo said "As long as you're smiling and not alone you aren't losing". So... I'm smiling, Shugo! And I'm not alone! I'll protect my new friends...and we'll be together, smiling, forever! Zutto zutto!
so... I'm winning, right?

Sakura-san helped me repair my wand. Diana-san stayed with me all night too... I'm starting to think that maybe... maybe having friends isn't so bad...

Shugo, are you watching? I'm smiling and I'm not alone. I'm winning.

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commentCommented on: Sat Apr 25, 2009 @ 05:32am
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I slept perfectly last night. Not a single nightmare. I feel great, even though I'm a bit sore from the fighting... I think I feel good because I told Edo-san about Shugo. Edo-san, thank you...

We needed a boat to cross the ocean so Edo-san and I put on a little act again. We got a nice boat. [-cough-] I'm glad we got such a pretty boat because I think everyone could use some time to relax. I want to make happy memories with all my friends. I talked with Edo-san for a while and then Yukio-baka put a hole in the ship... Edo-san went to fix it and I stayed on deck to fight.

I messed up and blew another hole in the ship.
And... some seagulls died because of me... On top of that I had to hurt some whales... There was this man controlling them. He spoke a lot about fate and how I was fated to join the heroes so that he could defeat them... something like that...
I wonder if he knows... if he knows more people could find out. Edo-san was nice about it but I didn't tell him everything, did I? He wouldn't be nice if he knew everything...

When we got to Central we were attacked by "Chimeras". It's so sad... They're apparently animals fused together with alchemy... That was must be so frightening. To suddenly have two souls in one body...
Anyways, we went to an underground safe haven where the civilians were. Then we tricked the guards so we could go back up and find the crest. We ended up at this church and Edo-san activated a secret passageway... But there was a lot of strange gas in the secret underground city. I was okay, probably because as a witch my body heals itself quickly and I sometimes get the air around me naturally "purified" because my title eats the bad stuff... But not everyone else was so lucky... I should have done something. If Skylar-san hadn't come they'd have died... All my precious people were in danger and I could only watch.

I'm terrible....

In the end we left to a nice hotel without getting the crest.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 11:09pm
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Today we were very very lucky~* As payment for us doing our best we got to stay at a five star hotel and we had a beach party! I still feel a bit bad about yesterday but playing Chris-san, Emilee-san, and Edo-san made it better! We had a watergun fight and went swimming! I had so much fun. I don't remember being this happy in so long...

Of course, the dream had to end eventually. Someone was attacked by a shark, probably because I was there and wished for one. Shark attacks aren't common but disasters always seem to become more likely to happen when I'm around. I guess that should have been my wake-up call... I should stop hanging around everyone before I cause them trouble too.. but I'm smiling and I'm not alone. So I'm winning, right?
I want to try for a little bit longer. I don't want to end this game yet.

... Even though I say that I skipped out on the dancing. I wanted to look around Central a bit anyways. It was a bit lonely but I have enough happiness from the beach to last me at least until tomorrow. I'll be okay!

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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 11:41pm
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Edo-san was not here last night. He went out to get the crest and some train tickets. Isn't he great? So kind and wonderful! Like Nanoha-san!!!
But I was too excited. I didn't realize he was sick until Inuyasha-san told me. It's because I'm careless like that that people get hurt. I'm so selfish and rotten, especially compared to Edo-san and Chris-san, who are both very nice and wonderful.

While waiting to go catch the train I had Edo-san rest. Chris-san was a jerk and tried to write on his face while he was sleeping but I punished him good. After that I brought Edo-san some fruit and hot chocolate while on the train. Then I let him be...
AH AH !!!
I idolize her. She's amazing! I want to be as wonderful as Nanoha-san!! she's so kind and strong and wonderful...

After we got off of the train Yukio made a stupid maze. Two people were kidnapped and put at different exits. We could only rescue one and the other would die. And if we were too slow poison gas stuff would kill us... Everyone got very sad so I tried hard to cheer them up!!! Even Edo-san, who was sick, did his best... but in the end Tohru-san was killed... B-BUT! luckily... She came back. In this world the Guardians give us each one extra life. How lucky... ne?

I wonder if... if everyone has two lives it would be okay to..
I'm not like that anymore. I can't do that.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 11:56pm
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My arm is broken... maybe healing Chris-san was a bad idea...It really hurts. I don't know what to do... I should ask someone to help me make a cast...

Edo-san got to train with Nanoha-san this morning... H-how luckyyyy!!! I'm so super jealous!
and I accidentally mentioned it on the train ride. Stupid stupid! I shouldn't tell Edo-san things like thaaat! H-he wasn't angry but...auuu... I feel so stupid...
A-ah but! then... We played cards together!!! I-I'm really happy.. I was so blessed and lucky to have fun at the beach... and now I get to play cards with a friend too? I must be the luckiest girl alive!
Though Edo-san cheated.
I was totally in the clear. I-I play by the Japanese-Canadian rules for Poker. MY MOVES WERE LEGAL!!!!

Then we ended up in a strange cave-maze. Lovely. We have such luck. By believing in love we got to the end but we saw a clone on the way! At least... I think it was a clone. Of Chris-san. Calling him Clone-san is probably mean so he shall be Kuriisu-san from now on!
oh but.
He stole Simon-san's arm...
I'm so worried about her. She seemed so very very sad...
And there was nothing I could do.

We are now in the Country of Oto. I'm going to help out with the Cafe! I baked a lot and when everyone got back from Onii hunting I gave them supper... Actually, the stew was meant just for Edo-san... but sharing is okay too. I was hard to cook and serve with only one hand so I cheated a bit. Now my arm really really hurts.

CHRIS-SAN!!!!!!! AAAHHH. how dare he not lock the bathroom door?! ♨

Gohan-san, who helped me make dinner, also found a young demon girl. She's actually an enemy but I just couldn't throw her out. I had to watch her for a bit so I couldn't join the others as they went to find Alex-san and Simon-san...
I hope they're okay...

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