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Marrin_La_fe's Journal
This journal will most probably contain lots of ideas, and many rants. My self I'm a dreamer. Who hates the world as it is, and would love to see it change. With out further adue. May the ranting begin. Oh ya did I forget to mention I'm light hearted
Fillers between episodes
Ok before I start episode 3 I would like to get some artwork done, or have some art work done. In the meantime I do have an rp. I can either host it in the guild or the main rp boards. I thinking of calling it Underworld Rising, but that is a title in the works.

The Prolog to Underworld Rising

Hope you enjoy biggrin

name: Mizuki Sawa
age: 18
race: Dark Angel
appearance:User Image
weapon: Her slave chains (Normally a Black onyx staff, and the book of Cruixshadow)
powers: Ability to wield arcane and divine magic
bio(optional): Captured by slavers, and brought into the city from a far off land. She has broken free of her bonds, but a blood trail still lingers as she searches to reclaim her weapons and enact vengeance for her clan.

Mizuki's foots steps echoed as she ran down the stone floored corridor with dull barren walls. Would be completely dark save for the few sparse red candles lit on gothic style sconces. Wrapping the chain around her fists she did the best she could to keep them from rattling. Fresh red blood running down her arms dripping to the floor. Behind her she could hear the sound of dogs barking as they approached the padded paws echoing as well with a clicking sound of their nails hitting stone. She had just killed one of her captures as he tried to have his way with her. She was to be sold tonight to some demon who would most likely use her as a battle slave. Most Dark Angel energy crafters from the Raven Song clan had some talent with the songs of war, But a rare few were gifted in all aspects of magic. She was quickly running out of hall way, and ahead of her a huge gothic style arc window. Quickly thinking of a spell she could use she flexed her wings and shouted a command word. The glass in front of her bowed out then shattered once it reach its breaking point right as she jumped out with wings fully extended.

Landing on a roof top across the street from the window she jumped out of, she turned to see the dogs come to a sliding halt. Still barking viciously, and growling with droll seeping from there muzzles. Soon the other slavers caught up. One of them hold the severed head of the slaver she had killed. "We will find you!" He Spat. Throwing the head out the window. Mizuki turned and ran away out of sight of the window.

Mizuki jumped down landing gracefully in the alley way. "I need to get my things back. The slavers didn't have them... Of coarse the demon who bought me must have taken them as incentive, but which demon lord could it be?" She thought to her self. Looking around the corner of the building making sure the slavers had not followed her this way. Seeing that the cost was clear she ran across ducking into the shadows of the next building. "I'm going to need something to hide me."

Looking around she saw a discarded cloak new a dumpster seemed to be on top of a pile of other discarded cloths. Grabbing it she wrapped it around her self, and walked towards the nearest Bar.

The cloak looked awkward draped across her wings though she did the best she could to fold them in. Looking around the bar not many seemed to pay attention to her. Quietly sitting down at a corner table she sat there trying to stay warm. When a serving girl came to her she just asked for water not being able to afford anything else. That she needed to stay alert incase the slavers tried to look for her in here and other bars.

The serving girl came back with her drink and left again. Mizuki using both hands grabbed the glass her chains clunking against the table, almost spilling the water. Then she drank it down fast. Putting the glass down she saw her bloody finger prints. Doing her best she wiped them off using her cloak. "Oh that was close!" she thought to her self.


A few of the slavers were searching around the city for Mizuki with where wolf/dog hybrids. The dogs looked like Doverman's with a slightly longer muzzle and longer ears. Completely black with yellow piercing eyes, and a very short snub tail. Well trained and very keen to the smell of blood. One of the slaver groups passed by a small gathering of pedestrians two girls and one guy. They didn't pay them any mind, but it was obvious they were slavers.

Seeing a loud boisterous girl enter the bar and shout at the bar tender for a Bloody Mary. "Bloody Mary what in the world is that?" Thinking to her self. She just resigned her self to another glass of water keeping her mouth shut, and just observing the crowed.


The Slavers hounds definitely on the blood scent found there way to the bar. Laughing they unleashed there dogs. The barks barking and growling ran into the bar knocking over people, chairs, and tables. These were large dog, often prone to taking a lot of joy in there work. One of the dogs had bloodied its muzzle ripping the throat out of a hapless man who tried to fight back. Another girl pinned to the floor by another dog closed her eyes crying. The dogs catching the scent again slowly stalked there way towards the girl shrouded by a cloak. Obvious fear in her eyes.

Mizuki stood up and tried to back up, but there was only wall behind her. As the dogs snarling stalked ever so close. Mizuki needed to act fast or she would be killed, or worse caught and sold to her new master. Though for now she had limited freedom for the binding collar only works when the purchase is complete. Throwing the cloak to the side and letting the chains fall to the floor around her, she prepared her self.

Her ebony wings stretched as far as the space would allow her. Closing her eyes she started to sing lyrics. The sound of her voice though seemed to have a visible rippling effect, and the three dogs yipped and howled as they were caught in its path. Other things like table, chairs, and glasses, splintered, and shattered into pieces. "Oh no you don't little angle princess" said the really tall muscular slaver wearing a large brim hat. with ear muffs to block the effect of her spell. The other two ran in behind him also wearing ear muffs. Mizuki opening her eyes in shock reflexively used the chain as a whip. The slaver and the dogs jumped back as the chain smashed into the floor where they were.

Mizuki ending her spell stared at the slaver defiantly. "You know I will have vengeance for what you did to my clan." She twirled the chain around her then released it as all three dog lunged for her. The chain met them in mid air throwing them back. One of the three slammed through a support post. Causing the building to shift, and cracks formed in the ceiling. The other two crashed down on tables. The Slavers made there attacks with their whips grappling onto Mizuki's arms and neck. "Now I do think its time you stopped resisting your new master is waiting." The tall slaver with his whip around Mizuki?s neck. Mizuki still trying to struggle as the three slavers dragged her out of the bar.


Elsewhere near the cities common there were a lot of shady characters milling around. Some visibly carrying weapons, others looking more lavish or important talked with one another. All however wore there best attire for the occasion. The slavers had many slave for auction this night ranging from mere human servants, to battle captive demons, and Dark Angels from other clans. Off the right of the stage platform where the slaves were being displayed was a tent with white and red stripes.

"My lord Auezmodeous! What a pleasant surprise to see you here. The young Dark angel battle captive is being kept secure and awaiting your arrival as we speak." Said a short bald man in a weaselly tone.

"Yes I am sure you are taking good care of her. I do hope for your sake she is not damaged to much. I like my purchases to be in mint condition when I buy them." Auezmodeous said in warning tone.

"Ye... Yes my lord! I can assure you she is in tacked, and has not been de-sanctified!" The bald man almost whimpered.

"Good that is what I like to hear from my dogs." Auezmodeous laughed.

Still struggling to get free, Mizuki was lead to the cities common. Where Her master awaited his prize. Though she has never seen him, He has most defiantly being watching her. Getting closer to the common Mizuki struggled even more to get free, feeling the presence of her new master. It was unbearable, and she wished for a quick death. Though in the back of her mind she knew that if she had died he would resurrect her, and she would be a slave to him for eternity.

"Let me go!" She shouted. Still struggling as she slavers draged her to the common grounds. There already were many demon lords, and other massive land owners, ignoble noblemen awaiting the bidding to begin. Most already having seen the slaves, and picked out the ones they wanted. The ones closer to the edge turned to see who was comming. Many of the faces lit up when they saw the newest prize being draged in.

"Ah see my lord your prize still as defiant as ever." The bald man breathed with a sigh of relieve.

Auezmodeous just starred out of the tent at his prize not saying a word.

The crowed now started to wave money with shouts of figures. The auctioneer looked to the direction of the tent with a confused look on his face. Auezmodeous now visibly becoming angry stormed out of the tent to the stage. The other Demon lords and assorted members of the crowed immediately silenced at his presence. "There will be no bidding on this one! She is mine!" He stared into the eyes of each individual driving his point home.
Then the leader of the slavers ran onto the stage just as his men brought onto the stage Mizuki. Auezmodeous stalked around his bound prize, and breathed in her sweet scent.

"Your even more graceful then when I witnessed you on the battlefield, and now your mine. With you by my side this world will fall before me begging for a merciful end. Look upon me with your eyes!" Auezmodeous demanded passionately. Instead she just continued to look away from him towards the crowed, or towards the other slaves. Auezmodeous growing impatient realized the collar had not activated yet. Biting into his own finger making it bleed he grabbed Mizuki by the neck letting his blood soak into the collar. Uttering words in the infernal tongue the collar now had red glowing writing, and Mizuki's once vibrant defiant eyes were more dull and complacent.

"Now look at me!" He demanded once more.

"Yes My lord!" She obeyed.

Auezmodeous now stood on the stage laughing please with his triumph. It wasn't long afterwards that He snapped his fingers, and two of his shadow attendants appeared holding a chest. Opening the chest Auezmodeous took out the Black onyx staff, and a very old tome with a black onyx emblem of a cross flanked by angel wings with runic letters that spelled out Cruixshadow. "Now my dear I think these belong to you." He handed her the items, then dismissed his attendants.

"Yes my lord!" Mizuki replied taking the items from her new master.

"Now lets go celebrate your coronation my slave queen!"
He laughed again.

"As you wish my lord" She rose the staff into the air chanting a prayer. The sky above now turned violent and turbulent. Around her and Auezmodeous formed a circle that glowed a vibrant violet that rose to about waist high once it was formed. Once the circle was in position four lighting bolts stuck out at once at the four key positions of the circle North, East, South, and West. With a flash of light they were gone. Leaving the crowed of gathered demons, lords, and various others in a state of dismay.

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