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heart June 16, 2009:
11:39 pm, "How has it changed, the time in the day, where the light you've seen has gone in the endless night.. Waking up in the morning to hear the birds churping. Realizing the world has.... yet to be changed." By Neng Xiong

May 23, 2005:

The life of a seed
Is a seed to a flower
By Nature's power
By Neng Xiong

January 5-6, 2007:

Someone once ask me this. "Why do you smile?" I thought about it for a day, I came back to that same person and said, " I smile because, even though it's a small smile; just this one small smile might just brighten someone's day."
I'll always remember his name. Keith.. (never new his last name, he was a black transfer student, and only went to Superior High school in 2007 sophomore year for about 2 weeks) By Neng Xiong

July 5, 2009:

10:50 pm, " mind: me standing on a hill, looking over the hill across where i c a lake; a wall of fire burning across it, from right to left, and the wind blowing to the left. i turn to looking into the distance sky up ahead. A cloud of smoke making a genie, laughing with an evil terror. Now the sounds of the rawring hits me, i hear the burning sensations the calling of the dead. i wonder to my self. is this the worlds end?" By Neng Xiong

July 6, 2009:
12:06 am, " mind: personas; a kid, curled up in a dark dark place. only him self that glows in the dark. i watch as he breathes, rocking back n forth with his rite eye down against his lifted right knee. then a wing of light, comes out of his right back, and a wing of blood comes out of his left back. has he stretches back, he slowly looks up a head, n smiles. i wonder to myself, how long has it been?" By Neng Xiong

heart July 9, 2009:
2:43 am, "There is this one girl i met, and i feel soo lucky that i got to meet her! She's my light in this darkness night, she's the fire that burns deep inside of me, and with the her gentle touch, which soothes me into an endless dream. If a star was to fall every time i thought about her, the night sky would be empty with the lunar moon all by its self.
who she is, is what makes her that much better." By Neng Xiong

July 10, 2009:
1:45 am, "A friend of mine just got married (July 4th 2009), and it was a tough day for me and him. (oh btw I'm Hmong, and Hmong wedding aren't so nice. Things get out of hand fast and easy, but good thing it didn't sweatdrop ) Ever since that night, i need to get back on track for changing my body into break dancing, and instead of popping. To my dork, please don't jump to conclusions of how I'm acting when I'm with you, my body is just in a critical spot right now, but i'll be back on my feet in no time!" By Neng Xiong

heart July 10, 2009:
4:05 am, "After a long night staying out late doing what I do, (its a personal thing I like to do) something came to me, and I have forgotten this very very important thing that was special to me." By Neng Xiong

heart July 11, 2009:
2:23 am, "Yes, i can't sleep at night. It has become a bad habit. But yesterday night movie was nice, Kung Fu Panda . Spent some good times with my girl and with good friends. whee " By Neng Xiong

July 14, 2009:
11:48 pm, "We'll a few of my friends was about to have a get together to go watch Harry Potter the Half Blood Prince, but it was already sold out! sad..." By Neng Xiong

heart July 15, 2009:
9:12 pm, " ~kuv hlub koj 19,20,5,16,8,1,14,9,5 26,15,23,9,14~ and I always will." By Neng Xiong

heart July 18, 2009:
12:42 pm, "Yes! It has been at least 10 years every since i had my Strawberry Banana Crunch Muffins! UGH! It tastes soooooo goood! God i love food!" By Neng Xiong

July 22, 2009:
8:36 pm, "Woot, I have just notices that I haven't been progressing in life for my first 18 years of my life! Time to change the unchangeable! yeah right, haha. Today here on, I'll do some critical thinking before i do something vase or important, but i can't still help myself being me! >_< Need some thrill!." By Neng Xiong xd

July 27, 2009:
5:51 am, "It's sun rise.. tonight didn't go as well as i thought it would. I'm just not able to see things in other people's view; I guess I'm just too selfish. I'm planing to be a Psychology Major for college, and I can't even see what I have done to myself and those who are around me, how lame am I? I really do care; but words it's just so complicated for me to find the right ones. One more thing, I'm sorry, I was always so blind that I didn't see what I have done without knowing. If i knew, I wouldn't have said anything." By Neng Xiong

heart August 3, 2009:
8:26 pm, "I really am really lucky to ever met you Stephanie M. Zowin. I feel greatness inside, but sometimes it hurts to think; Don't get me wrong. Anyways, I've finished the book! I never thought I would ever read a book in the summer after I graduated! Thanks a lot you loser! smile Going to college during the Spring of 2010, I thought it would be best to skip the fall because I have to get things together first and help watch my baby brother when my whole family is away for the Fall. I've been babysitting for years so I'm use to it, but it takes a lot of time; on the bright side, family bond is good. smile Right now I seriously want to favor this time of my life as much as I possibility can, it just feels so great; I have a bad habit of being very selfish. OH! another thing! I want to get this down to give me a little push on a project I've been wanting to do! smile PHOTO BOOKLET! Stephanie, you really saved my life, if only you knew how much." By Neng Xiong

August 4, 2009:
3:22 am, "I've told myself many times, but things hasn't change. I've cheated myself, disappointed myself, excuses. I have what I need, I must not be lazy. I know myself best then anyone out there. No more talk, I must do if I am to hold on any longer." By Neng Xiong

August 6, 2009:

1:45 am, "I'm just about to go to sleep, but I wanted to do this before I forgot. xp These pass two days have been fun! oh also I got my first cell phone! Iphone! smile It's really handy! Internet everywhere I go! Unlimited texting and calling! A foreigner from England is here to visit! Morgan Place. Funny thing is I know a Megan Place, and I was just wondering if they are related? The bonfire night was nice. These days are to be remembered for me. There are a few words that I really want to say to *you*, but I don't want to force you into saying it back. Things I'll do for the one beside me are beyond what I can see." By Neng Xiong

August 6 2009:
11:51am, "ugh, lol. Back to my recent journal blog on the same day, a correction. The foreigner's name is actually Morgan Price! Sorry Morgan for getting your last name wrong. Also, thanks Steph for the little comment you left me there. xp " By Neng Xiong

heart August 10, 2009:
10:48 am, "Today is very nice, warm and not too sunny. Things are starting to look good for me, it seems. Planing to get a 2nd job working at FedEx from 4am - 8am in the morning doing heavy lifting. The bad habit of me staying up all night, and do nothing. Oh, also thanks Stephanie, for staying up with me, and talking to me on late nights. heart 3nodding " By Neng Xiong

August 11, 2009:
3:27 am, "Funny. Now I come to think of it, I really love the night. So many I can say about it, but now isn't the time. I closed at BK Yesterday, and got off at 1:00am, and around 1:20am ish, I was dancing in the street when a random dude by the name Justin came a long. He seem pretty nice; funny thing about it was he is a dancer at Stargate (it's a dance club in Superior Wi). He saw me dancing and wanted to get to know me. I guess he wanted me to go show some dancers at Stargate whats up, but I have a funny feeling that I know who these dancers Justin is talking about. xp A very interesting night I had." By Neng Xiong

August 11, 2009:
10:47pm, "I can't help it no more, I'm not going to sit around and wait to see if anything goes down. s**t is going to happen, and I'm not going to sit around and wait. I'm feeling a lot of furious inside right now, and it's what I'm going to use to get around. God Dammit, I need see who I can really depend on. I'm starting to study a lot now. Working the morning, then going to the library until I feel like going home; Work at night, then going to the library in the morning. Things are going to change around here, I'm calling the shots, so a message to my peeps, keep in touch." By Neng Xiong

heart August 13, 2009
2:19am, "Wow, today was a long day for me! It was full of good stuff! I really got out there today. It has been awhile I felt this good how things flowed in together. I had a meeting at the college from 10:00am to 11:30am, then we took a break for lunch and we picked back up from the meeting at 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Oh man, I had to play a little dress up! I don't really like dressing up, but many people say I look better haha funny. I have another meeting I have to go this coming Friday at 10:30am to before lunch starts. Later this night I worked from 5:00pm to 11:00pm, it sucked; I'm stuck with a drug addict closer, plus a horrible manager! Well going to see Stephanie after work made my day! Thanks for making my day loser. Anyways my day doesn't end there. Around 12:30ish midnight was when everyone left home, I didn't want my girl to take me home, she was already tired enough and she's still sick crying , plus I would rather have her be home safe then her out even later; I just care for her a lot (yes I do worry a lot) because she means so much to me and you don't even know how much whee . I started walking home and dancing in the night like I always do. Random people honk there horns at me, and a semi truck drove by and honk its' horn. lol that made me jump a bit hahaha. (that's what I get from dancing in the middle of the night) Around 2:15ish a old friend of mine by the name Norm R. came by out of the blue. We had a little talk and caught up with old things. We still have much to say but it was already late and, I didn't want him to take me home, but he wouldn't take a no for answer, so I thought we can catch up on more things anyways. Another very interesting night I had ha!" By Neng Xiong

August 16, 2009
2:45pm, "Man I was too tired yesterday to type this one down. I got home around 6:00am ish, funny the night was raining. I had a blanket, books, Iphone, and a candle. It was nice. Oh, I dance most of the night away too wink " By Neng Xiong

August 17, 2009
8:02pm, "I thought about here and there, I have just notice, I really want to be a doctor. Lets see how far this one will go. But, dancing is still what I do best. xd " By Neng Xiong

heart August 19, 2009
11:24pm, "This one is for August 18 too. On the 18th it was crazy! I went to the gymnastic gym to practice dancing from 12:00 to 2:15ish pm; and at 1:00pm a few of the older peeps came in, and want me to do some stuff. Later they said I would make a awesome gymnastic. That was fun, and took a lot of energy; Oh I also learn that I can do a hand stand and jump with my hands! Today on the 19th, was nice. Spent a few with my Steph. smile Well we both are heading down to the cities this weekend, and I hope I get to spend time with her down there, if I'm not so busy. I got a wedding to attend to. The 'ring' thanks, loser.... that made my day." By Neng Xiong

August 23, 2009

12:39pm, "Wow, that was a wild weekend, but I surprised myself! Really, I have lost a great respect in myself. My body is much weaker now, then it was last year. I have gotten lazy with my training. Working hard isn't a problem, but having the determination and the support of someone is what I'm lacking. But I'm not going to stop there; One of Pao's wife's uncle, by the name Pao Her. Traditionally, he came up to me like a Hmong wedding and hand me 2 shots, one for greeting each other, and one for congratulations to Pao. After the wedding he wanted to talk to me. Once again I was asked, 'You're so nice to people, how come? You bring something that doesn't come in a lifetime, but once every new star. You are a strong, loyal, solid man. If I was in Pao's shoes, I would had chosen you for my best man. I can see in your eyes you're very protective to those who are your loved ones. Keep an eye on Pao, and my niece; now I hand her over to Pao's family. Watch them well, and come back to visit us.' An advice he gave me, 'Care for yourself.' Things seems to be going good, but that's just my first 18 years of my life, I still have 80years or more up ahead; I don't plan on dieing at a young age." By Neng Xiong

August 24, 2009

3:44am, "Random, I just wanted to type this down before I hit the lights. I am starting to realize things a round me. I know I am currently the best street popping in Superior, but new dancers are showing up around town. I need to bring up my game. Currently I am starting up my own crew. I have 1 official dancer who is able to support me. I am teaching him right now, Aron Yox. He currently has the mind set, but helping with his body movements is another story. I'm not a poser; I DANCE FOR LIFE. When it comes to dancing, I hit the lights and the dance floor is mine. To all the dancers, out there, I don't run solo anymore. A little message to Nuggie Xiong, the dancing with you this weekend was fun, sorry again I didn't go to the Hmong Fest get together in the cities. Things always seems to be plan out oddly." By Neng Xiong

August 24, 2009
11:46am, "Today is the day I start my training. It's going to be more intense then my other ones, I have been slacking off in my training. I need to get back on track. Due to the fact from Pao's wedding had a major impact, I'm not blaming him; don't get me wrong, it opened my eyes a little bit, and I've notice things I have missed in the last year. Also, a little message to my Steph; Don't worry about me with this training, my mind is set, and I won't hurt myself, but my body would be in a critical point for some time, so I'll be a bit off from the usual. Which doesn't change much, because I'm always unusual haha. razz " By Neng Xiong

August 26, 2009

11:51am, "Food, I crave! I feel soo dry! It's the third day of my training and I'm already dieing out. >__< First phase isn't done yet though. I still have 20 more miles to run, (not jogging but running), before this week ends! Lets do this!" By Neng Xiong

heart August 28, 2009
1:43am, "Just got back from a battle! hell yea! NO one Superior is better then me at popping! ******** yea. Them Duluth boys were S**T lol yes. The rush! I need this. It's been awhile I felt this rush. I LOVE TO DANCE! It's true. 3nodding Staying up late like the usual. Haha, not too long though. I need to rest up for tomorrow's training, due to the fact that I just got back from a dance battle, so I'm going to be sore. Thanks Justin, but I'm taken so, sorry I couldn't help you with your ladies haha. I'll catch you some other times, keep on dancing though, your foot works are good." By Neng Xiong

heart August 30, 2009
3:20pm, "This is for the 29th of August. On the 29th, was fun. My final good byes to friends who are leaving for college. A toast yeah!! To all who left Superior; come back and visit there are people who would love to see you again. Those who stayed, we'll see each other around. smile Also, good luck and always remember that we are friends. A little message to Katlyn; I'm very very sorry S.O.R.R.Y. on what came up! blah. Even if you forgive me, or it wasn't my bad, I still feel bad for bring your hopes up, and then taking it away." By Neng Xiong

September 2, 2009
1:37am, "Today's journal isn't for today, last week has been a long week. It's almost time my brothers, and I'll be needing to contact you two soon. Very soon. Fall has begun, and Summer has ended. Today is where everyone starts school or everyone gets busy. I'm enrolling into college Spring of 2010. I've been thinking a lot lately, things goes through my mind left and right, but somethings just stays in. I really don't know what to type down, but I just wanted to let everyone here know what's going on I guess. Time of the esscent is coming to end soon. Lets bring a little spice into Superior. Also, Thanks Ivy; Making it able for me to get meetings with the Administrators and Consolers, also more thanks for letting me get a more understanding of something I've been lacking. Oh one more thing, I have been having a weird feeling, and I just can't get my hands around it just yet, but to my Steph: my last part of my training has begun, if I remember correctly, you read my "Notes" so, I'll just let you know here if you don't remember, ' I'm going to go in a full body training, so i'm going to shut myself down from doing things with other people, but if you want to meet up, just let me know, and i'll make time for you only.' I don't know how long I'll be in this state of mind but, feel free to text, call, message, or other kinds of contacting me. I'll end this journal blog here, Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 2, 2009
11:59pm, "Today was crazy! I worked in the morning, and today was the first day of school for UWS students. It was actually surprise to see my Steph, and friends come to BK! I didn't think they would even come close to here haha. Thanks that made my day so much better you don't even know! After work, for about 4hrs of mixing running, dancing, climbing and body lifting, with a 50lb weight vest, two 5lb ankles straps, and two 5lb arm straps; with a total of 70lbs on me. Oh, man I AM BEAT! sweatdrop Cool thing is I saw a black cat walking with a white cat, down in East end of Superior? weird huh? After a good cold shower, and a few words with my Steph... awww, Grr! she... can make me smile soo much. heart Hopefully the plans goes as plan! ugh, I'm soooooo tired, no more typing, i'll just leave it here... 40min over time, need sleep; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 8, 2009
10:51pm, "I was about to log in yesterday night, but I fell asleep on the computer lol. Spend time with my Steph, I always love to. Last weekend was nice. Wow, you really made me realize how really tired I was! gonk Grrr.... lol. I ended my training early. It was hard to focus, but that isn't a bad thing. My mind was set, but I guess I just wasn't in that state of mind for long. Dancing, I had plans with a friend to go practice dancing at this gym place today, but they changed the time? WTF? They told me nothing about it last time I went last week. I guess I'll just have to invest in my own place. I am currently drawing logos for dancing! I really want to get a dance crew up, but soon!!; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 10, 2009
1:34am, "Here I am again, late nights, lol. Chatting with my Steph for awhile, then hitting the lights after this journal entry. Yesterday was odd, Steph and I went to watch "9" at the movies in Duluth, when the light blacked out? Funny ehh? Just happen to be on this day. Also, another weird thing happen earlier in the week; Remember how those bottle pop has a code in the cap, so you can win things online? Well I just happen to get a bottle of pop (DR. PEPPER) which had a code that was *NENG*.... yes it had my name as a code! Yes it's true, out of all the bottle caps that were made, that one bottle just happen to be right there? I didn't keep it because it makes me think a lot, plus I tend to lose stuff; So I end up giving it to my girl. biggrin Anyways back to the movie, I somehow enjoy more, a lot more sitting there with her waiting for the movie, then watching it when the blackout ended. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy watching it with her! smile Another thing, a friend by the name Keith showed up at the movies. He wanted to battle me? hahaha, nah, I didn't want to battle him, but it was still fun dancing with him. I somewhat screw up my elbow without knowing? I had my dad checked it, and he said it's just bruised up inside, and that I might had hit a nerve with a sharp object. Oddly, there was no Sharp objects at the movies. Man weird things are happening lol. I just can't get my hands around it. Just holding her heart I don't know if you're still there but, you are very sweet, and caring.... I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. I'm going to bed; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong heart

heart September 13, 2009
2:13am, "Today was wonderful! biggrin Spend some good times with my Steph up at Canal! yeah! 3nodding We went and got some ice cream at Cold Stone! Good stuff. Worked that day, crying but good thing it wasn't busy at all! rofl There was two people who didn't come to work; one got fired, and one just didn't show up. So it was just the closer and I running Burger King haha. Yeah we good. Stephanie......... *thinking about you*; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

September 13, 2009
12:13pm, "Last night I had an another little chat with my brother all night. Seems like things isn't always how I want it to be. My dad is Hmong and they are old school Hmong. So he's more different you can say. I really want to highlight my hair, but I'll have to wait a bit. gonk ; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 14, 2009
12:21am, "Oh my, I want to savor this moment with *you~!* as long as I can. A day to never forget and always remember; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 16, 2009
10:12pm, "It was nice today, funny to see my Steph, Alicia, Jessica and Mikhael at Burger King right before I worked! biggrin Kind of surprised me. The day went on smoothly, congrats to Stephanie for getting to level 60. hahaha cupcake!? She's a pro when it comes to Final Fantasy XI Online. Anyways, had a fun time at The Red Mug, and then head over to Sam's house for a little fun; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

September 18, 2009

11:35pm, "This day felt weird, it just did that's all. I don't have much to say, but just make a little entry. Just got back from Wal-mart around 11:30ish and had a little nice chat with my brothers smile ; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

September 19, 2009
3:04am, "Staying up late how I usually do. Everyone at home right now is sleeping... finally lol. I just can't help it, but I ENJOY! THE NIGHT! I still don't mind the day time, but I just seem to prefer staying up late even if I feel tired. Hmm, I actually don't care if anyone says staying up is a bad habit. I personally like it. I have about 3 more hours before I need to babysit. crying Sadly enough I was stuck with my baby brother, and my nieces. I really want to go to a rummage sale. I don't remember ever going to one in my life! sad The saying, ~Someone's trash might just be someone's treasure~. I like that saying, because it gives me some hope that even if we are trash to someone, there is someone out there that treasures you. 3nodding I love the night; for example a park full of kids during the day, but at night time... it's silent and you can only hear nature. It's like after all the beating the park has gone through, is now resting for at peace. It's just the feelings I get from it, that makes me love the night soo much. I can fill this up with thousands of words about the night, but I'll just end it here. Good night everyone, depending on me, I may or may not stay for the sun rise wink ; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

September 22, 2009
5:31am, "Fell asleep last night, and woke up just now. Anyways, yesterday wasn't bad at all. The city of Superior, not much people here are night folks, lol. Well at least I don't see much people out at night. Ew... BK! Hmm, still on the waiting list for the FedEx job from 4am to 8am every weekdays. I might just get off that waiting list and do a 5am to 10am shift from Menards instead. I have a friend and he found a spot for me, and if I wanted to I can get in anytime. He said he'll be able to keep that spot open for me. Also, had a few with my Steph yesterday at Red Mug heart .; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

heart September 24, 2009
2:15am, "First... I'm sorry. I lied! It wasn't a quick nap.... Second... I'm also sorry, for not realizing and being blind tonight..... Third... Enjoyed every sec with you.... Fourth... My yesterday wish 11:11 was for me to now leave something here, and move forward.... Fifth... Yesterday was lovely.... Sixth... I love you.; Fallingmemorries of Me." By Neng Xiong

I'll end this one here. Oddly, it seem I typed too much on this one. So I'll just make a new one.

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