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The Random Man Saga
The adventures of Random Man
The Random Man Saga: Ep.50
The Random Man Saga: Ep.50

OH!!! Random Man.
He does random things,
At random times,
With random people.

During random events,
At random places,
With random stuff,
And random weapons

He's got random socks,
And random hats,
And random shirts,
And random pants.

He's got the Random Car,
He’s got the Random Jet,
He’s got the Random Jeep,
He’s got the Random Bike.

He's got Random Boy,
He’s got Random Girl,
He's got Random Dog,
He’s got Random Fish.

All together
They save the world
At random with Random Man.

*screams at the top of his lungs* RANDOM MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ep.50: The Mourning of a New Day

Part I

*Random Girl’s body lies still on a small bed within the Random Cave*
*Donna cries over Random Girl’s body*
*Random Boy tries to comfort Donna by patting her on the back*
*Random Man grabs Miguel by the neck of his shirt*
Random Man: What do you mean you can’t help her a*****e?!
Miguel: There’s nothing I can do.
Random Man: There must be something you can do!
Miguel: Alex, I’m positive there’s no way I can bring her back!
Random Man: There has to be!
Miguel: There isn’t!
*Random Man stares at Miguel in anger*
Miguel: I’m sorry.
*Random Man looks over to Random Girl with a sad look*
*he lets go of Miguel*
*Miguel begins to unwrinkle his collar*
*Random Man walks over to the bed*
*he stares at Random Girl*
*he brushes the hair out of Random Girl’s face*
Random Man: Sarah…
*he looks away in sorrow*
*anger begins to come over him*
Random Man: Damnit!
*he kicks over a nearby chair*
Random Man: Damn that Moreno!
*he picks up the chair and crushes it within his hands*
*Random Boy, Miguel, and Donna stare at Random Man*
*he throws the broken pieces of the chair on the floor and begins to crush it into the ground with his foot*
Random Man: This shouldn’t have happened! Not to her!
*he turns his head and sees everybody staring at him*
Random Man: What?! You’ve never seen a grown man through a fit before?!
Miguel: Calm down, Alex.
Random Man: NO! I... I... NO!
*Donna stands up straight*
Miguel: Yelling and getting mad isn’t gonna change anything, Alex.
Random Man: I know that, moron!
Miguel: And insulting me is definitely not gonna help.
Random Man: You know you’re really starting to get on my nerves, Miguel.
*Donna begins to walk towards Random Man*
Miguel: Me?! How can I possibly be getting on your nerves?!
Random Man: You not even gonna attempt to come up with a decent solution to the problem!
Miguel: I did all that I could do!
Random Man: Well it wasn’t good enough! There’s some way we can help her I know it, and I’m not just gonna sit here and let her perish!
*Donna stops in front of Random Man*
*Random Man looks at Donna*
*Donna stares at Random Man*
Random Man: What do you want?
*Donna begins to hug Random Man*
*Random Man stares down at Donna in confusion*
*Donna cries*
Donna: I know how you feel. She was my sister as well as your daughter.
*Random Man stares at Donna in sorrow*
*he begins to hug Donna back*
Donna: Losing someone close is never easy.
Random Man: I just can’t let it go.
Donna: I know.
*tears begin to fall from his eyes*
Random Man: This is all my fault.
Donna: No it’s my fault, I should’ve made sure that Dr. Moreno was taken care of.
Random Man: No, I shouldn’t have dragged her into all this.
Donna: You were only doing what was best for everyone.
Random Man: But at what cost?!
*they continue to cry and hug*
*Miguel and Random Boy stare at them is sorrow*
Random Boy: I’m so sorry for the both of you. I wish there was some way that I could help.
Miguel: I’m sorry too, but she’s not coming back, I’m sorry. Without any working nanites in her system there’s no way she’s coming back.
Random Man: Damn that Dr .Moreno.
*Donna looks up at Miguel*
Donna: What if she did have working nanites in her system?
Miguel: What?
*Donna stops hugging Random Man*
*Random Man stares at Donna in confusion*
Random Man: Yeah, what are you talking about?
Donna: Just answer the question.
Miguel: Well it hasn’t been too long since the nanites were turned off, if we hurry and get some new nanites into her body than she’ll be fine and dandy in no time.
Random Man: Yeah, but we don’t have any working nanites.
Miguel: No, unfortunately we don’t.
Donna: We do have working nanites.
Random Man: What?
Miguel: Uhm, Donna, now was it? I don’t have nanites. You’re father had nanites because he was a super scientist, but I don’t.
Donna: I’m not talking about nanites that you may or may not have built, I’m talking about the nanites inside of me.
*they stare at Donna in confusion*
Random Man: Inside of you?
Random Boy: Donna, that’s crazy how would we get the nanites from inside you into Sarah?
Miguel: We could perform a blood transplant, but she’d need to be of a correspondent blood type.
Donna: Don’t worry, I’m blood type O negative.
Miguel: That’s sure lucky.
Random Man: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Donna, you now if we replace the nanites in your body with the ones in Sarah’s body than you’ll…
Donna: Become like her? Yeah I know.
Random Boy: But that’s crazy.
Random Man: Donna you don’t have to do this, I miss Sarah as much as you, but I know she wouldn’t want you to give your life up for hers.
Donna: No, you’re wrong. I do have to do this. She‘s my sister and I wouldn’t be able to go on with life knowing that I had a chance to save her life and didn’t take it because I didn’t want to exchange my life for hers.
Random Man: Are you absolutely positive that you want to do this?
Donna: I’m positive.
Random Man: Than I couldn’t stop you if I tried.
Donna: Please Mr. Ruiz, help me save my sister’s life.
Miguel: Okay, but I’m gonna need everyone’s help, we gotta work now and we gotta work fast.


*a tube in Random Girl’s wrists begins to suck up blood into a pumping machine*
*Random Girl lies strapped down to the bed*
*Donna lies on a bed near Random Girl unstrapped with a tube in her wrist*
*the nanites are in Random Girl’s body are begin sucked up into the machine*
*the machine stops pumping*
*Miguel removes the a blood pack form the machine and drops it on a new by table*
Miguel: We’re ready.
Donna: Let it fire, Mr. Ruiz.
Miguel: Are you sure?
Donna: I’m sure just hurry and do it already!
Miguel: Okay.
*Miguel flips on the machine*
*blood from Donna’s body begins to be sucked up into the machine*
*Donna’s blood begins to be drained into Random Girl’s body*
*Donna looks over at Random Girl and smiles*
*Random Man and Random Boy stand over Donna*
Random Man: I can’t thank you enough Donna.
*Donna looks over to Random Man*
Donna: It’s no problem. Besides, I should be the one thanking you. You kept her safe all these years and I could tell she loved you as much as you love her. She trusted you with all her heart and soul. In fact, she looks up to like a real hero and I don’t mean that just because of the fact that you have super powers.
*Random Man smiles*
Random Man: Well I’m glad she had a sister like you to look over her too.
*Donna smiles*
*the nanites begin to drain into Random Girl’s body*
*everybody is quiet*
*they stare at Random Girl*
*Random Man stares with a worried face*
*Random Girl is motionless*
Random Man: This waiting is killing… *looks down at Donna*… me… I mean… Uh… well I mean the waiting is actually killing you, but... uh… You know what I’ll just stop talking.
*Donna chuckles*
*They stare at Donna in confusion*
Random Man: Why are you laughing?
*Donna looks up to Random Man while still chuckling*
Donna: I don’t know.
*she continues to laugh*
*Random Boy begins to chuckle*
*Miguel begins to chuckle*
*Random Man looks around in confusion*
Random Man: You guys are all crazy.
*they continue to laugh*
*Random Man begins to laugh himself*
*everybody continues to laugh*
*the laughter begins to settle down as everyone begins to look towards Random Girl is sorrow*
*Random Girl stays motionless*
Random Man: Doc, are you sure this is gonna work?
Miguel: I’m positive it should.
Random Man: well she doesn’t appear to be moving at all.
Miguel: Just give it all little bit of time.
*Donna’s head begins to bobble around*
Random Man: What’s wrong with her?
Miguel: Loss of blood is making her dizzy.
*everybody is quiet*
*they all stare at Random Girl*
*everybody appears to be worried while looking at Random Girl*
*the entire room is quiet*
*all of a sudden, Random Girl begins to cough*
Random Man: Sarah!
*he quickly runs over to Random Girl*
*Random Girl opens her eyes and looks up*
Random Girl: Wha-wha-what happened?!
*Random Man begins to hug Random Girl*
Random Man: I’m so glad you’re okay.
Random Girl: What, where am I, dad?
*she begins to look around*
*she sees Miguel sitting near the machine and Random Boy standing near Donna*
*she sees Donna strapped up to the pumping machine and looks at her wrist*
*her eyes widen as she realizes what is going on*
Random Girl: No, someone stop this!
*she tries to move, but cannot because she is strapped down to the bed*
Random Girl: No, someone get me out of this thing!
*she struggles trying to rip out of the straps*
Random Girl: NO!
Donna: Sarah, calm down.
Random Girl: I won’t let you exchange your life for mine!
Donna: And I won’t let you die this way.
Random Girl: But it isn’t fair! You don’t deserve this! I’ve been given the way through life and now it’s your chance to be happy! You can’t just throw it away!
*tears begin to fall from Random Girls face*
Donna: It’s okay Sarah, I wouldn’t live happily anyway knowing that I could have saved your life.
Random Girl: But… but… but…
Donna: It’s okay Sarah… it’s okay.
*Donna’s head collapses over*
*she stops moving*
Random Girl: Donna…
*she continues to cry*
Random Man: Relax Sarah, everything will be okay.
*Random Girl closes her eyes shut and continues to cry*
*Random Man strokes Random Girl’s head*


*Sarah sits on the Ruiz’s front porch looking up into the early morning sky*
*Andrew and Alex look at Sarah from inside through the window*
Alex: I think I should go talk to her now.
Andrew: But she said she wanted to be alone.
Alex: That was several hours ago.
Andrew: But she got pretty steamed at us earlier when we just let Donna do what she did.
Alex: Yeah, but I think it’s been a good enough time, besides school starts in like three hours and we need to get home and shower and stuff.
Andrew: Than yeah, it sounds like it’s about time.
*Sarah watches the sky*
*Alex exits the house and closes the door behind him*
*Sarah looks over to Alex*
Sarah: Hey dad.
Alex: Hey dear.
*Alex sits down on the porch next to Sarah*
Alex: So does this mean you’re not mad at me anymore?
Sarah: No.
Alex: That’s a relief.
Sarah: I’m just wondering…
Alex: About what?
Sarah: A lot of things. Why Donna did what she did, why did all this have to happen, where is Dr. Moreno, and will he try and hurt us again?
Alex: Donna did what she did because she loves you as much as I do. It all happened because it was all inevitable. The coward Moreno is just hiding from us until he can figure out a new way to defeat us. But don’t worry, he can no longer control your nanites, which means you’ll be safe from him because I’m not gonna let him begin harm to you at all.
*Sarah smiles*
Sarah: If we had actually killed Dr. Moreno out there, what do you think would’ve happened?
*Alex begins to scratch his head*
Alex: I suppose Donna would’ve become a new part of the family and you’d probably live happily with your sister.
Sarah: That what I was thinking.
Alex: Listen, you’re not the only one who lost someone you loved. Andrew lost his girlfriend.
*Sarah looks at the window and sees Andrew staring at them*
*Andrew hides his head*
Sarah: Andrew, I didn’t know you loved her.
*Andrew quickly walks out the front door and stares at Alex*
Andrew: How in the hell did you know that?!
Alex: I was like half conscious when you two were saying your goodbyes.
Andrew: I hate you.
Alex: And I love you kid.
*Andrew smiles*
Andrew: I guess there are worse people than you.
*Alex smiles*
*they all look up to the sky*
Andrew: So end’s another big fight.
Alex: In which two of us had been dead.
Sarah: And yet we’re still here.
Alex: Damn, we’re good.
*they all smile and begin to laugh*
Alex: I’m pretty proud of the two of you. Andrew, you took on Diana to very death and you helped save my life because of your little relationship. And Sarah you took on the big opponent in this whole thing and beat him. I don’t think I could be more proud of my little sidekicks. You two are getting a lot better as time progresses.
Andrew: It wasn’t much, just a whole lot of fighting.
Sarah: Thanks, dad.
*the sun begins to rise on the scene*
*they place their arms over their eyes to block out the sun*
Alex: We better get going Sarah, school’s about to start soon.
*Alex gets up off the porch*
Sarah: But the school’s partly destroyed.
Alex: Yeah, but not bad enough that school’s cancelled.
Sarah & Andrew: Awwwhhhh, man.
Alex: Andrew, tell your dad I’m gonna borrow his car today.
Andrew: Okay.
*Andrew walks back into his house*
*Sarah looks at her father who is looking to the sky*
Sarah: I’m proud of you too, dad.
Alex: Proud of what?
Sarah: That your still this town’s biggest hero.
Alex: Oh… hero… yeah, I am, aren’t I? Hero…
*he looks up to the sky*
Alex: Hero?
*the sun continues to shine on the scene*

Part II

*Alex parks Miguel’s car in front of his house*
*Alex and Sarah get out of the car*
*Alex stretches in front of the car*
*Sarah walks over to the front door*
*Alex follows Sarah*
*Sarah opens the front door*
*they enter their home*
*Alex closes the door behind them*
Sarah: I’m gonna shower.
Alex: Alright.
*Sarah walks over to her room*
*Alex looks over to his window to see it broken*
*he looks onto the floor to see puddles of water on the ground*
Alex: Don’t know, don’t care.
*he walks over to his couch and sits down*
*The Juice lies down on the couch next to Alex*
*Alex begins to pet the Juice*
Alex: Hey there boy, sorry we’ve been gone all night, superhero business.
*The Juice barks*
Alex: Let’s see what’s on TV.
*Alex grabs the remote and turns on the television*
*on the TV appears the city of L.A.*
*Alex looks and sees the signs of their struggle throughout the town*
*Kelsey Stintin appears on screen*
Kelsey: And quite a spectacular night it has been for The Random Team. It appears that once again the city’s local heroes fought an all out brawl.
*on the screen appears the park left in struggle*
Kelsey: All the way from the park…
*the streets of L.A. appear on screen as well as the broken building and potholes in the ground*
Kelsey: To the streets…
*Cerino high school appears on screen drenched and broken*
Kelsey: To the local school…
*the street near the Moreno house appears on screen*
Kelsey: Even all the way down the suburbs of the city. Yes the Random Team made quite a mark on the city last night. But let’s hear from those who saw parts of their struggle.
*the scene changes and Kelsey is in a conference room with Eoph*
Kelsey: You claimed to have been near the battle while it was going on, do you mind sharing the experience with us.
Eoph: Oh the battle was awesome. I was driving up to the school to pick up a friend of mine when I saw some kind battle going on between these two teenage girls. I don’t know what was wrong with RM at the time, but I just sat me car for a little bit to watch the battle. It was probably one of the greatest moments of my life and that’s because it was a cat fight.
*the scene changes, Kelsey sits in the conference room with John Edwards*
Kelsey: Sir, can you explain what happened?
John: Certainly, I was at the bank getting some money for myself, when out of the blue Random Boy and some girl came bursting through a wall. I immediately ran for my life, but from what a saw Random Boy was pretty much losing the battle.
*the scene changes, Kelsey sits in the conference room with Jonathan*
Kelsey: And how would you describe the battle scene, Mr. Gonzales?
Jonathan: Uhm, well I had heard a strange noise coming from outside my house. I went out to check what was going on and I saw a battle between Random Girl and some old guy going on. But Random Girl was really getting beaten down hard by this guy. I don’t exactly who he was, but Random Girl seemed to address him as Moreno and he kinda looked like some kind of scientist.
Kelsey: Well can you explain this... Doctor Moreno to us?
*Alex stares at the TV*
Alex: How did they get these interviews so quickly?
Jonathan: Well, he looked like your typical old guy scientist. He had gray hair, a white lab coat, glasses, a cane, you know the usual stuff.
Kelsey: Can you describe what types of powers he had?
Jonathan: Oh he didn’t have any powers, he just fought with his cane.
Kelsey: Excuse me, what?
Jonathan: Oh sorry, all his powers were within his cane.
Kelsey: I’m not understanding.
*the scene changes back to Eoph and Kelsey*
Eoph: The powers they were using? Well one of the girls was obviously using water attacks. And the other… I have no clue. I think she through spikes and that was it.
Kelsey: What kind of spikes?
Eoph: I don’t know, brightly colored ones.
*the scenes changes to Kelsey and John*
John: The girl had a bit of an electrical touch, hahaha, if you get what I mean. Hahaha.
*Kelsey shakes her head*
Kelsey: No, no I don’t know what you mean, sir.
*John stares with anger in his eyes*
John: She used electricity. Electricity was her power.
Kelsey: Why didn’t you just say that?
*the scene changes back to Kelsey and Jonathan*
Jonathan: He had a cane that could use flamethrowers and forcefields and that kind of stuff.
*the scene switches to Kelsey and John*
John: And she used the electricity as a magnet as well.
Kelsey: A magnet?
John: Yup.
*the scene switches to Kelsey and Eoph*
Eoph: One of them seemed to have been using some kind of forcefield as well as the power to heal or something like that.
Kelsey: That must’ve an obstacle for the Random Team to overcome, someone with the ability to heal their opponents.
Eoph: Well it seemed to be a big problem until she started helping the Random Team.
Kelsey: Why would she start helping them?
Eoph: How the hell would I know?
Kelsey: Well can you explain the battle a little more to me?
Eoph: Well, after Random Girl and the water girl walked away Random Man and Random Boy fought a double battle.
Kelsey: Double battle?
Eoph: Yeah it was them verses two girls.
*the scene switches to Jonathan and Kelsey*
Jonathan: Eventually Random Girl teamed up with some girl that had water powers. And at first they couldn’t really seem to touch the guy, but eventually they really stuck it to him.
*the scene switches to Kelsey and John*
John: They eventually left the bank and started fighting on the streets. I have to say Random Boy was being smacked around by this girl.
*The scene switches to Kelsey and Eoph*
Eoph: They caught a building, that was awesome. I mean, it wasn’t a giant building, but it was pretty good size.
*Scene switches to Kelsey and John*
John: than they started fighting within the sewers. I’m not really sure what happened next, but after some time she climbed out of the sewers and some time after the sewer water started floating away from the scene. I have no idea what was going on.
*the scene switches to Kelsey and Jonathan*
Jonathan: Eventually once they took the cane, he fell and lost. But than he rand back to his house and I don’t know what happened after that. A neighbor of mind told me that eventually the rest of the Random Team arrived soon and took an unconscious Random Girl away.
Kelsey: And it was at that moment that all the fighting stopped?
Jonathan: Yeah.
*the scene changes, Kelsey stands in front of the news station*
Kelsey: There you have it folks, The Random Team made their appearance known last night in one of biggest battles this town has ever seen. And now I would like to take a couple more minutes to thank the Random Team for their efforts. For half a year ago today, the Random Team made themselves known for the very first time. All the way from catching petty criminals all the way to last night’s fight the Random Team has been around putting away criminals and saving the city’s citizens from danger.
*Kelsey begins to walk away from the news station*
Kelsey: It was during the month of October when Random Man and Random Boy first came to the city’s aid to catch the notorious group of robberies Stark, Gil, and Tucker.
*a picture of Stark, Gil, and Tucker appears on screen*
Kelsey: And very soon afterwards, The Random Team’s first super human rival made himself known to the world. The Organizer tested our heroes’ courage and wisdom when he implanted a bomb somewhere in the city.
*Kelsey appears in the conference room again with Miguel*
*words appear at the bottom of the screen “current interviews given last week”*
Kelsey: Sir, you seem to be one of Random Man’s friends.
Miguel: I am.
Kelsey: And you were the scientist to defuse the bomb The Organizer had hidden within the city?
Miguel: Yes.
Kelsey: How did you feel defusing that bomb?
Miguel: It was a little nerve racking, quite some lives were depending on me defusing that bomb.
Kelsey: And how did you feel once you deactivated it?
Miguel: Quite relieved, I was never one to defuse bombs or anything of the sort, but I was a bit proud of myself once after defusing it.
Kelsey; And than what happened after you defused the bomb?
Miguel: The Organizer came walking in and that’s where a their first real battle had started.
Kelsey: And what were you doing?
Miguel: Helping Random Boy save the president.
Kelsey: Oh yes, he his plane was in danger of crashing wasn’t it?
Miguel: Yes, but it’s a shame that The Organizer had gotten away right afterwards.
Kelsey: Mr. Ruiz, how many times have you helped the Random Team through tough predicaments like that?
Miguel: I have actually helped them a lot through the many months they’ve been saving the city.
Kelsey: So you’re probably closer to the Random Team than other regular human, correct?
Miguel: That is correct.
Kelsey: Can you tell me a bit of their personalities?
Miguel: Well… no I think that’s a bit of private business.
Kelsey: Please sir, it would really help out this presentation of mine.
Miguel: They’re... a bit uneasy.
Kelsey: What do you mean?
Miguel: They are quite the weird bunch. Probably different to any other person you’ve ever met and I don’t mean that just because of the fact that they have super powers. Random Man can sometimes be a little aggressive towards everybody and not just his enemies. Random Boy bottles up a lot of his emotions to himself and he absolutely can’t stand Random Man.
Kelsey: So there’s some turmoil within their group.
Miguel: Yes.
Kelsey: Can you tell me a little bit about Random Girl?
Miguel: She appears to be your average girl. Except she kinda takes after her father sometimes.
Kelsey: Is that it?
Miguel: Yeah.
Kelsey: So quite your unorganized bunch.
Miguel: Yup.
*the scene switches, Kelsey continues to walk around the news station*
Kelsey: After their fight with The Organizer, they caught a local thief as well as a local deli owner.
*the scene switches, Kelsey sits in the conference room with a handcuffed deli man*
Kelsey: So you were caught by the Random Team?
Deli Man: Yes.
Kelsey: And how did it go down?
Deli Man: Well I had stolen some money from the first national bank of L.A. and was about to leave town right afterwards. I had been a local resident there for quite some time and gained everyone’s trust in the process. When I was ready to leave RM, seemed to be right on my tale, but he seemed to know me as the local deli man of the town and instantly trusted me. And I almost got away, that was before his dumb dog attacked me and revealed the thousands of dollars I had on me.
Kelsey: So you’re saying you would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the Random Team and their meddlesome dog?
*the scene switches, Kelsey stands in front of the news station*
Kelsey: And from arresting the deli owner to stopping some already arrested criminals.
*the scene switches to Kelsey in the conference room with Peter*
Kelsey: Now when Stark, Gil, and Tucker broke out of jail they kidnapped you, is that correct?
Peter: Yes.
Kelsey: And what happened that day?
Peter: Well, I was kidnapped obviously and than the Random Team came to rescue me. They had a hard time because this time Stark, Gil, and Tucker had weapons.
Kelsey: And what happened to them in the end?
Peter: They died at their own hands.
*the scene switches, Kelsey sits in the conference room with Robert*
Kelsey: So I’ve heard that you’ve met Random Man once or twice.
Robert: Yeah, yeah, yeah I have. Hi mom!
*Robert waves to the camera*
Kelsey: Can you tell what Random Man’s like?
Robert: He’s okay.
Kelsey: I understand that you have Random Man’s autograph.
Robert: Yeah.
Kelsey: May I see it?
Robert: Yes you may.
*Robert hands Kelsey the autograph*
*Kelsey looks at the picture in confusion*
Kelsey: Who is this woman on the autograph?
Robert: It’s my mother.
Kelsey: You made him sign a picture of your mother?
Robert: Yup.
*the scene changes, Kelsey walks away from the news station*
Kelsey: And then there was the big monster battle right in the middle of the city. The Random Team struggled with three different monsters that were roaming the city. Much of the city got destroyed in the battle, but in the end the Random Team prevailed and saved one lucky woman in the end.
*the scene switches, Kelsey sits in the conference room with Lidia*
Lidia: I’ve been saved by Random Man more than enough times to know what a great hero he is.
Kelsey: And could you explain what kind of hero he is?
Lidia: Certainly, he’s the kind of hero that would stop at nothing to protect the innocent and defeat his enemies. He’s the kind of hero that would come to your rescue if you were in danger. He’s certainly one that I’m proud to call a friend.
Kelsey: I’ve had some word that you’ve actually kissed Random Man.
Lidia: That… may be true.
Kelsey: What was it like?
Lidia: I’m sorry Kelsey, but that’s a bit of private business.
Kelsey: Oh come on, you can tell me.
Lidia: Well I’d be glad to tell you if the camera wasn’t on, I don’t need everyone to know all my business.
Kelsey: But you can just say it and we’ll cut it out later.
Lidia: No, because big corporations like this news stations never keep their word.
Kelsey: Are you saying that I’m lying?
Lidia: Yes.
*the scene switches, Kelsey continues to walk around the news station*
Kelsey: And than from fights in the middle of the city to more fights in the middle of the city.
*the scene changes, Kelsey sits in the conference room with the mayor*
Kelsey: How would you describe the Random Team’s actions throughout the months they’ve been helping the city?
Mayor: The Random Team has been a very essential part of this town. I don’t know how we could’ve gotten along without them. They’ve helped us at many horrible situations we never would’ve gotten out of if they weren’t here.
Kelsey: So are there any special words you would like to say to our heroes?
Mayor: Keep doing what you’re doing.
Kelsey: Is that it?
Mayor: Yes.
*the scene changes, Kelsey walks into the parking lot of the news station*
Kelsey: And the Random Team has even helped out our local police during several different occasions.
*the scene changes, Kelsey sits in the conference room with Chief Rixton*
Kelsey: Give us a bit of words about the Random Team.
Rixton: Oh they are a huge help to the force. Because of them we have solved many cases and caught many different criminals.
Kelsey: Would you call yourself and Random Man friends?
Rixton: We don’t really know each other that well.
Kelsey: Would you like to say something to the people out there about the Random Team?
Rixton: Yes, The random Team our probably the greatest heroes this world have ever seen and I would want no one else protecting us. I would like to congratulate on everything that the Random Team has done for this town and will continue to do in the future. Thank you Random Team for always being behind the force and for protecting us against superhuman threats.
*the scene switches, Kelsey stands next to a news van in the news station’s parking lot*
Kelsey: After the case of the murdered James Haggerty, The Random Team kinda disappeared and so did huge crimes. For a while the Random Team seemed to have a large break, until this weekend when Random Man had himself a date. And to the latest news, the battle in the middle of the city was the last appearance of our heroes.
*the camera gets in close to Kelsey*
Kelsey: Who knows what the future holds for The Random Team or even if they’ll be able to defeat it, but here we know that we wouldn’t want anyone else protecting us. So thank you Random Team, thank you for all of your heroics throughout these months since your arrival. We love you for your courage, your strength, your wisdom, and your heroism. I am Kelsey Stintin reporting the latest Random Team news to you, the people.
*Alex turns off the TV*
*he stares at the TV blankly*
*Sarah walks out of the bathroom dressed and ready for school*
Sarah: Okay dad, I’m done in there.
*Alex looks over to Sarah*
Alex: Oh, okay.
*he looks back at the TV blankly*
Sarah: Why are you just staring at the TV?
Alex: No reason… just thinking.
Sarah: Okay? Thinking of what?
Alex: Of… nothing, don’t worry about it.
Sarah: Are you sure?
Alex: I’m sure.
Sarah: Okay.
*Alex gets up from the couch*
Alex: I’m gonna get ready.
*Alex walks into his room*
Sarah: I wonder what that was all about.

Part III

*the sun shines down on the school*
*the school stays broken from fight*
*Andrew enters the hole in the front of the school with Joe*
*construction men sit cleaning the mess and resetting the bricks in the school*
*Puddles lay everywhere around the hall ways*
Joe: Man, I wish I could’ve gotten a glimpse at any of the fighting going on.
Andrew: Yeah, I bet Random Boy really kicked a**.
Joe: Nah, I’d rather want to see Random Man’s fighting.
Andrew: I bet Random Boy’s fighting was pretty cool too.
Joe: Why do you keep talking about Random Boy everybody knows that Random Man’s the big fighter in the group?
Andrew: It doesn’t mean the rest of the group didn’t have their own battles to worry about.
Joe: Yeah, but I don’t care about the rest of the group.
Andrew: I hate you.
Joe: What I say?
Andrew: Just forget it.
*Andrew looks over to his locker to see battered and broken*
Andrew: No!
*he runs over to the broken lockers*
Joe: Oh, bad luck.
Andrew: Come on! It had to be my locker, huh? b***h.
Joe: Oh well, just carry all your stuff.
Andrew: But I still had some of my homework in there.
Joe: Oh well, it’s not like without some homework you’re gonna fail your classes. Everybody knows you’ve done all your assignments the entire tri. So missing one assignment won’t hurt you.
Andrew: Whatever.
*Andrew and Joe begin to walk away*
*Meanwhile, Alex and Sarah enter the school*
Sarah: I’m gonna go see if I can find Andrew.
Alex: Okay.
*Sarah walks away*
*Alex walks into the teacher’s lounge*
*Natalie, Jonathan, and Ricardo sit at a table together*
*Alex sits next to them*
Natalie: Morning Alex.
Alex: Hey you guys.
Jonathan: So pretty weird about what happened here last night, huh?
Alex: Yeah, huge battle.
Ricardo: I envy those people who got to see any of the battling.
Natalie: I heard Random Man, was collapsed for a part of the battle.
Ricardo: What?
Jonathan: Please Natalie, I would believe this town’s hero is a little too strong to be taken out so easily.
Alex: He was collapsed for a part of the battle you two.
Jonathan: Not you too, Alex.
Ricardo: Knowing you, I would’ve believed you’d be on our side.
Alex: Yeah, but just because he’s this town’s hero doesn’t mean he can’t lose.
Ricardo: But he didn’t lose.
Jonathan: Yeah Alex, what are you talking about?
Alex: I’m just saying, what stops him from losing or being knocked out by someone. He’s good but not great.
Jonathan: Stop joking around Alex.
Ricardo: Yeah, you’re sounding pretty weird right about now.
Alex: I’m serious you guys, Random Man isn’t all that great.
Jonathan: I could’ve sworn you’ve boasted many times that he is the greatest.
Alex: Yeah, well… a man can change his mind, can’t he?
Jonathan: I guess.
Natalie: Is there something the matter Alex?
Alex: Natalie, shut up. I don’t need another one of your lame speeches about how I’m bottling up my emotions again. I’m not listening to it anymore.
Natalie: What in the hell is your problem?!
Jonathan: Yeah Alex, your being a real a*****e. Well, you’re usually an a*****e all the time, but this time you’re also being a d**k.
Alex: Just drop it all, I’m out of here.
*Alex gets up out of his seat and walks out of the teacher’s lounge*
Natalie: What in the hell was all that?
Jonathan: He must’ve had a rough night last night.
Natalie: I guess.
Ricardo: So let’s get back to the conversation at hand.
*Alex walks through the halls of the school*
*he listens to the conversations of the people around him*
Conversation #1: Random Man must’ve really kicked a** last night.
Conversation #2: I’m really glad Random Man’s here to protect us.
Conversation #3: I wonder what would happen to this town if RM wasn’t around to protect it.
Conversation #4: Random Man’s amazing!
*Alex enters his classroom and closes the door behind him*
Alex: No… no I’m not.
*meanwhile, Andrew sits in the cafeteria with Joe*
*Andrew looks across Joe’s shoulder and hallucinates Date waving at him from across the room*
*Andrew waves back*
*Joe looks at Andrew*
Joe: Who you waving at?
*Andrew stops hallucinating about Date*
*Joe looks behind his back and sees Sarah entering the cafeteria with Jennifer*
Joe: Oh it’s Sarah.
Andrew: Yeah… yeah it is.
*Sarah and Jennifer sit down next to Joe and Andrew*
Sarah: Hey you guys.
Andrew: Hey Sarah.
Joe: Hey Jennifer.
Jennifer: Hi.
Joe: So did any of you get the chance to see any of the fighting?
Andrew & Sarah: No!
*Joe looks at the two of them*
Jennifer: I did.
*they all look over to Jennifer*
Sarah: You did?
Jennifer: Yeah, me and Chris were walking through the park and saw Random Boy fighting somebody.
Joe: Did you get a good look at the person he was fighting?
Jennifer: Nah, I mean It kinda looked like Diana from class, but there was no way it could be her.
Joe: Yeah wouldn’t that be strange if they were fighting the Morenos?
Andrew: Yeah, really strange.
Joe: And you know what else is awesome.
Andrew: That after today we won’t have Alex for a teacher?
Joe: Hell yeah!
Andrew: High five!
*they high five each other*
Sarah: Oh come on, my dad is not that bad.
Joe: Yeah he is.
Andrew: I’m telling you, Alex is a jerk to everyone.
Sarah: Not to people that don’t get on his nerves.
Andrew: What do I ever possibly do to him?
Sarah: A lot of stuff.
Andrew: Shut up.
Sarah: No.
Andrew: Why do I even hang out with you?
Sarah: Because we’re bet friends.
Andrew: Yeah whatever.
*a bell rings*
Jennifer: looks like we better be getting to class.
*they all get up from the table and begin to walk away*
*meanwhile, Alex sits in his classroom looking at grades for his students*
*he looks at the Morenos grades*
*he raises a pen to the sheet of paper and marks out the Morenos names*
*students begin to enter the classroom*
*Alex looks at all of his students coming into the room*
*he puts the students’ grades down on the table and picks up the movie they had been watching the previous day off his desk*
*he gets up from his seat and walks over to the TV*
*more students begin to enter the class as Alex puts the movie into the DVD player*
*students walk through the halls trying to get to their classrooms*
*Andrew, Sarah, Joe, and Jennifer enter the classroom and sit down in their seats*
*Alex walks back to his desk and sits down*
*Damon sits at his seat in the front row*
Alex: Hey Damon.
Damon: Yes?
*Alex tosses the grades onto Damon’s desk*
Alex: Pass those around.
*Damon picks up the grades*
Damon: Okay.
*he begins to look for his grade*
*Alex looks up to the clock*
*the students in the classroom talk*
*the bells rings for the start of class*
*Alex gets up off his sit, rounds his desk, and walks towards the door*
*he gets to the door, closes it, and turns off the lights*
*he turns around and begins to walk back towards his desk*
Alex: We’ll be finishing yesterday’s movie, so enjoy it and be quiet.
*He sits back down behind his desk*
*he reaches for the remote and turns the movie on*
*students continue to talk and not pay attention to the movie*
*Alex looks up to the ceiling and puts his feet up on top of his desk*
*Damon passes the grades over to the next person*
*Alex continues to look up blankly at the ceiling*
*Sarah looks over to Alex with a worried look*
*Alex slowly lowers his head and looks at the Morenos empty seats*
*he begins to block out everyone’s voices as he continues to stare at their empty desks*
Alex (narrating): As I sat there, staring blankly at the desks of my former students, I couldn’t help but wonder… what type of hero I was. Half a year had gone by and nothing had changed since I started, I still felt rather… weak.
*Alex looks down at his hand and balls it up into a fist*
Alex (narrating): I had listened to the cries of all those citizens for all those months and could only let them down. They had trusted me with all their hearts to be this hero that would save them in their greatest time of need… and I wasn’t sure if I could live up to their potentially they had given me. Because after so many months of fighting, protecting, defending… I couldn’t help but fall in the previous night’s battle with the Moreno Girls. And someone had even died trying to save me. All because I couldn’t come up with the strength I needed to defeat my enemy. What kind of hero am I?
*Alex looks over to Sarah*
Alex (narrating): I couldn’t even help my daughter, my pride and joy, from falling at the hands of the real enemy. She had almost died and all I could do… was nothing. I couldn’t do I damn thing to stop it… and knowing this I had real started to hate myself. I couldn’t even help my own daughter from the clutches of death; her sister exchanged her own life for that of Sarah’s. I couldn’t help my own daughter, the one person in this world I love the most, how could I possibly save this town from it’s eventual inevitable destruction? What kind of hero am I?
*he looks over to the window*
Alex (narrating): This city had thanked me for helping them. How much more wrong could they be? I haven’t done anything spectacular. I’ve put away petty criminals… something any cop can do. I’ve protected them from super human threats? Yeah right. I have only killed the innocent and let the maniacal slip away. Roy… Dark… Diana… Damariz… Date… all innocent… all killed because of my abrupt actions. The Organizer… Anti-Random Man… Dr. Moreno… all truly evil inside…. All got away because I wasn’t strong enough to stop them. What kind of hero am I?
*Alex looks to his students an than to the five empty seats in his class*
Alex (narrating): Five of my students of dead… as well as eight different deaths all caused by one man. And this man… this twisted man… had gotten away in the end. And now he’s out there and he’s seeking vengeance. And I don’t know what to do. And I’m not sure if I can stop all of my enemies. I’m sure they’re getting stronger… and what about me? Well my enemies grow stronger I am stuck here having to go about my normal life not having the time to train… and when they finally make their return… how will I be able to stop their overwhelming power? I have trouble dealing with these... young girls. How will I be able to stop somebody with strength that completely over powers my own? What kind of hero am I?
*Alex looks back up to the ceiling*
Alex (narrating): How was I supposed to live up to everything that everybody had intended me to do? Impossible… inconceivable… undeniable… I just couldn’t. I am not the hero they expect that I am… hell I don’t even know what it truly means to be a hero. Everyone calls me a hero… a savior… some would even go as far as to call me a god among men. A god? That I was sure that I was not. I was merely an ordinary guy who was given an extraordinary destiny. And I had no idea was coming… all I knew was that I couldn’t possibly be that hero that each and every citizen in this city had expected me to be. I was merely another man… the same as everyone else. Except in my case the lives of so many innocent people hang in the balance. One wrong move… and all of these lives could change… forever. All this... eating me inside… it’s something nobody should have to deal with, for I am just a mere man. I shouldn’t be loved… praised… worshipped… prayed over. I am a mere man… and I can’t make everyone’s wishes come true. Innocent people have died at my hands and they will continue to be hurt because I cannot save everyone. I cannot be everywhere all at once. I cannot always protect everyone. And I have proved that I can barely defend myself. Why does everyone look up to me? Why?! Why was all this thrust upon me? Why must I be protector of thousands of lives? Why me? What’s so extraordinary about me? If I represent all the hope that this town has... than what does that say about its citizens? Do they have little hope? Have they lost all hope? Or do they just know that no matter who comes to their rescue they’ll never be safe from their inevitable end? I am a mere man, not a god. I shouldn’t even be respected by my peers. I am no great savior, just a mere man… with super powers.
*time passes, the bell rings for the end of school*
*Students begin to leave the school*
*Alex packs up his stuff and walks towards the exit*
*he stands in the doorway and reaches for the light switch*
*he turns off the lights and reaches for the doorknob*
*he places his hand on the doorknob and gets ready to close the door*
*he stops and looks at his classroom*
*he sees all the empty seats*
Alex (narrating): How can I be this city’s hero when I don’t even know if I am a hero? How can I save all those innocent lives that are depending on me? I once had a dream that was about me never even becoming Random Man. In the end I was destined to fight as a hero, but in the end... nothing changed. I don’t know how to really interpret this, but if I had to guess it would be that no matter how hard I try, no matter how strong I become, no matter how many allies I have behind me… it’ll only end up in chaos and turmoil. Who am I to decide the fate of these peoples’ lives? I am just a mere man, that is who I am, and probably who I’m destined to be. I was never meant to be anything special, it just turned out that way. So now, there I was… I was thrown a difficult path in front of me. And I didn’t know where to go from there. I was lost… confused… and dumbfounded. I didn’t know why I was given these powers or even what I was gonna do with them, but all I knew was that I should not be protecting all these people. I am just a mere man… and that is why… I believe… maybe… soon enough… that it’d be best to… some time…
*Alex closes the door to the classroom*
Alex (narrating): Give up the cape.

To Be Continued……………….

*Alex and Sarah return home during the night*
*Sarah yawns*
Sarah: I’m gonna go to bed dad.
Alex: Okay dear.
*Sarah takes of her jacket and walks over to her front door*
Sarah: Love you dad.
Alex: I love you too.
*Sarah opens her door*
Sarah: Night.
Alex: Good night.
*Sarah enters her room and closes the door behind her*
*Alex takes of his jacket and puts it in a nearby closet*
*he walks over to the counter top and looks through the mail*
Male Voice: Hello Alex.
*Alex turns his head towards the couch and sees a shadowy figure hiding in the shadows of the living room*
*he quickly raises his fists up to the shadowy figure*
Alex: What are you doing here?
Male: Oh I’m sorry, should I have addressed you as Random Man instead?
*Alex gives the man a strange look*
Alex: What?! What are talking?
Male: Don’t play dumb with me Alex, we know who you really are. We have been watching you and would like to ask of you a favor.
Alex: What kind of favor?
Male: We merely want you to fight along side us in a great war that is about to break out. And we need all the help we can get.
*Alex lowers his fists*
Alex: Who are you?
*the shadowy figure walks out of the shadows*
*Alex sees a man wearing blue and white super suit with a “J” across the chest*
Male: We… are S.H.A.D.E.

End Saga

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