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Kitty has gotten Vicious: Rants
Well, a lot of things piss me off in life that no one really cares to listen too. So instead of making a Youtube blog about it, I've decided to write them here.
A rant on the GD forum and camera sluts

Hey, so this is my first rant. I'm sure my fingers will bleed after all my anger has filled out on to this empty canvas. That's what Band-Aids are for anyway, so lets get this party started!

Note: This may offend some people. If you don't like corse language, people who have an opinion other then yourself or a small vocabulary I sugest you get the hell out.


Well, for those of you people who know me very well I have a very strong opinion about the subject that I've decided to rant about. If you know me very well, you will also know I like to start s**t in the GD for reasons that I cannot fully understand. Perhaps I was beaten as a child or perhaps I have this unprescribed illness that hasn't been discovered to date. Whatever it is, annoying the s**t out of GD'er is a ******** ball. Most of you know what a GD'er breed is. They're a breed of mammal very alike you and I, though more then often not as intelligent. They like to roam Gaia pretending they're smarter/faster/stronger/hotter or whatever but they're DEFIANTLY WAY BETTER THEN YOU! SO GET THE HELL OUT OF GD IF YOU HAVE AN OPINION OTHER THEN THEM!

Wait a second though! Isn't GD short for "General Discussion"? Why yes it is! If you scroll over for information on the topic on the forums home page it says, and I quote "Create and participate in light discussions and debate threads here." Ok, well then I guess it makes some kind of sense. I mean, it is clearly a debate topic right? So if I DO have a different opinion for someone in the GD it should make for a good, clean debate where people stay on the topic at hand and don't create personal conflict. YES? ******** NO!


Before I get to my main argument over the GD (which is as the title says, putting your face in a signature). Let me just start with one topic I came across. It was a topic comparing two music artists, Phil Collins and Elton John. Now, these men are both amazing artists, just wow, I can hardly described their talent. I don't even have a favorite out of those two. Phil Collins portrays so much emotion that it's unbelievable and Elton Johns lyrics cannot be matched. However, what I saw in GD was absolutely inexcusable. By the way, the forum topic was basically "Who out of the two is your favorite artist and why?" a very simple topic.

So anyway, on to what I saw that made me ******** angry. It was on the FIRST PAGE TOO. THE FIRST, ********, PAGE.

This ******** said "Well, I think that you're ******** guy to like both of them. The only reason why Elton John is famous is because he sucks cocks. He should be killed that ******** homo and don't even get me started on Phil Collins." (By the way, this is the edited version, the b*****d tlked lyk dis.)

I literally stared at this comment for a while and then shrugged it off. This guy was clearly being an a*****e. SInce this was an old topic of like, I don't know, 6 pages at the time I assumed someone flamed him but I was SADLY mistaken. Literally the guy RIGHT UNDER HIM QUOTED THIS b*****d AND SAID, AND I QUOTE "Aha, yeah, burn those ******** homos!" I was so ******** shocked at this that I turned off my monitor and threw it across the room, thus breaking it so I could never see this comment again.

Has humanity gotten THIS disgusting? Now, OBVIOUSLY this guy DIDN'T like this "Homo" Elton John, but this guy only stated the reason WHY he hated him BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL PREFERENCE. Nice going GD'er, nice. This guy didn't even say anything about his music. Hold on, he did, but what he said was "The only reason why Elton John is famous because he sucks cocks." REALLY SIR? Don't you think being gay would make someone LESS famous due to the scum of the earth who think being a homosexual is a mental illness? Putting that aside, Elton John was famous WAY before anyone even suspected Elton John was gay, he even had a wife at the time. Now putting THAT aside, Elton John's music is still really awesome, and just because someone is gay, doesn't make it less awesome. So you n00b GD'er, go ******** yourself with a 7 foot poll because at least you would make more progress with that then your horrible typing and life skills.

However, the biggest thing I found disgusting about this is the fact no one even gave a s**t. Not the author, not the GD'ers, nothing. Why did you just sit back and watch this guy be an a*****e and let OTHER people quote this a*****e. It makes no ******** sense to me. THis guy has his opinion, but when you base it on the fact the the guy is GAY and THATS WHY HE'S BAD. YOU my friend should get THE HELL OFF OF GD, no on second thought, STAY in GD, because apparently you're among friends.


I came here to talk about the people who put pictures on their signature. The reason why i began it with GD? Well, after what I stated above, I still had hope. I thought "Well, not all GD'ers are THAT bad! I mean, they're people just like us, it was probably just one n00b being an a*****e."

I was wrong. The guy stated above had been on Gaia longer then I have and he has the maturity level of a peanut. So to all you Non-GD'ers like myself I hope you can completely understand that now, I absolutely loathe that place. I stay WAY away from it now. Here's my story.


I decided, being sick of the filth that sprouts from that place that I would start s**t. Why? I wanted to try to prove a point to myself. I decided that I was going to hit them where it hurts. After intense research (intense meaning... one page of one forum) I knew EXACTLY where to hit. Their profile pictures. Literally everyone on GD has a picture in their signature. I guess it's to fuel their overly large teenage egos. I also noticed a trend of scene/emo kids in the signatures. I seriously hopped that fad was done but to my dismay it wasn't. Better luck next year.

I posted a topic "People with pictures of themselves in their signatures...
Are vain and want attention.

I honestly couldn't care less, how hot you are, save your picture for your profile.

K thanks."

What happened next I didn't expect (well, I did but I didn't think GD would sink to an all time low.) The person, right under me didn't even talk about why she thinks I'm wrong like a debate SHOULD. As General Topic says it's a place to debate. Or even, she didn't even say I was right and said why I was right. No, she said, and I ******** quote "Well, I honestly could care less you failed a drivers test on Gaia."


Now to clarify what she said, I had a picture that showed I failed a drivers test on gaia. Now, as you all ******** know the drivers test on gaia is so easy, a caveman can do it. I don't remember the questions or answers, but you know they're similar to "What do you do at a red light? A) Stop B) Gun it C) I'MMA FIRIN MY LAZORZZ" Really, I have no idea why I failed it and put it in the signature but thats besides the point. I'm getting off topic.

So as you can tell, though it DID have to do with signatures (thank god she was at least a bit on topic) she didn't even rebuttal to my statement. So I guess the GD is a forum filled with lies since what I read there was a smart-a** who thinks she's more intelligent then me by making fun of my signature since I made fun of hers, even though i didn't do it directly. As in, I didn't say "You have an ugly face in your signature, I suggest you save us the agony and take it off."

To make matters worse, I swear to god more then half of the people on gaia mindlessly quoted her. Wow, I can ******** do that. These people were no worse then the a*****e in the Elton John thread. For ******** sakes does anybody even KNOW what a debate is?

So then we had the people who called me a b***h, and a troll, and people who further proved my statement that they're vain and want attention by saying "Quote if your an attention whore." I can honestly say out of the 6 pages, there were only 3 people who made it seem more like a debate (instead of people just telling me to go ******** myself). Now, this isn't saying they're from GD, Only ONE out of the 3 were from GD, and she still managed to sound... a little vain "Well, I completely disagree with you, I like to see who I'm looking at and know who I'm talking too." (the other two weren't from GD and were quite intelligent. They both had very well responded answers. One of them even said "however, I disagree that all of them are vain..." and continued to make her point. See? There is hope in the world.)

So, in the forum they continued to cement themselves. They further proved my theory that they were vain. How? Most of the comments were also the fact that they liked to know who they were talking too. WHY? Why the ******** does it matter if you know who you're talking too? For all you know they look COMPLETELY different from their photo! THat statement is ridiculous... on the internet, and in real life for that matter, you shouldn't CARE what they look like! People are people, blue, green, yellow, red, white, black whatever! It's such a personality flaw to sought after people who you'll look good with. It's just so ARG, I need some vodka...


So, now I feel a lot better now. I must make a closing statement before I leave though. Now that I have calmed down I have something to say.

1) Even though I HAVE lost hope in GD, that doesn't mean I hate every single one of you. I might step back a bit because of the image your people have carved themselves for me, but I'm still hospitable. After all, I've been here for almost 5 years so It's amazing you've held my faith in you for this long, since this s**t has been going down forever.

2) I still cannot stand when people play the "jealous"card whenever I talk about the fact that other people post their picture in their signature. Here's a way you know I'm not jealous. I'm so perfectly content with myself that I don't need complete strangers staring at my picture in some thread to make me feel good about myself. I don't need someone telling me I'm beautiful to feel good about myself. I DON'T NEED TO TAKE PICTURES OF MYSELF EVERY SECOND AND PUT THEM ON A WEBSITE SO I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF. I'm PERFECTLY content with who I am, thank you very much. People shouldn't be led into your profile because of the way you look. They should be led by your personality that comes out in the forums.

3) I don't give a s**t if I sound like a b***h. This is my thoughts, that's why they're in a journal. This isn't my opinion fabricated because I felt like it. I'm angry because of what the GD'ers have said to me, and other people. If you want to come in here and call me names (as a GD'er, or anyone else for that mater) then GREAT! You're just further proving my point!

So thank you for reading my rant. I must apologize for the grammar, but I in no way apologize for the things said here today.

Have a good ******** day! (I wonder what this word count is...)

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