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The Random Man Saga
The adventures of Random Man
The Random Man Saga: Ep.52
The RM Saga #52
Part 1

*the sun shines down on the Seanez house*
*Alex is sleeping in his bed*
*he turns over in his sleep*
*The Juice sleeps at the foot of Alex’s bed*
*Alex’s alarm begins to ring*
*Alex hears the alarm*
Alex: Ahhhhhhhhh!
*he reaches for his alarm*
*he knocks the alarm down the floor causing it to stop beeping*
*The Juice walks over to Alex and begins to lick his face*
Alex: Stop, not today.
*The juice jumps off of Alex’s bed*
*Alex looks up at his ceiling*
Alex: Ehhhhhh, too lazy to get out of bed.
*Alex begins to roll over to the edge*
*he rolls of the edge of his bed and onto the floor bringing with him his blanket*
Alex: That woke me up.
*he gets up and throws his blankets onto his bed*
*the Juice stands by the door*
*Alex scratches his head and yawns*
*He walks towards his door*
*he opens the door*
*the Juice quickly sprints out the door and into the living room*
*Alex walks out after the Juice*
Alex: Calm down, you act as if you’ve never been here before.
*the Juice begins to eat of his bowl in the kitchen*
*Alex walks into the kitchen*
*he opens the refrigerator door*
*he pulls out a small carton of orange juice*
*he shakes it around to see how much orange juice is left*
*very little can be heard shaking about*
*he opens the carton*
*he begins to drink straight from the carton*
*the Juice begins to drink out of water bowl*
*Alex closes the refrigerator door and walks towards the living room*
*he picks up the remote from the coffee table*
*he turns on the TV*
*the news comes on*
*he drinks some orange juice*
Alex: Ahhhhhh, this is the life.
*he begins to fall back towards his couch*
*He sits down on his couch*
*he feels a lump*
*he looks down*
*Alex stares at James who is lying down on the couch*
*James looks up at Alex*
Alex & James: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Ep.52: Encounter

*James suddenly pushes Alex off of him*
*Alex is pushed onto the coffee table*
*the orange juice spills all over Alex*
James: Why in the hell did you sit on me?!
Alex: Why in the hell are you here?!
James: I have no where else to stay.
Alex: And that means you can go ahead and stay here?!
James: Well… yeah.
Alex: You can’t do that?!
James: I thought it would be alright.
Alex: You didn’t bother to tell me or anything!
James: You were already asleep when I got here, I didn’t wanna wake you.
Alex: What?! What makes you think that would be okay?! And how did you get in here in the first place, all the doors were locked?!
James: Let’s just say I have my ways.
Alex: Stop pretending like it’s a good thing, you broke into my house!
James: While I thought it would be okay since we are friends and all!
Alex: What would make you think we’re friends?! We barely had a conversation with each other!
James: I don’t about you, but I can make friends that easily.
Alex: Bullshit!
James: Are you calling me a liar?!
Alex: Well if the bull shits!
James: It’s, “if the shoe fits,” a*****e!
Alex: I know, I was putting my own little spin to it.
James: That’s stupid!
Alex: You’re stupid!
James: Great comeback, Einstein.
Alex: That comeback’s the same as calling me stupid!
James: Shut up!
Alex: No you shut up!
*suddenly, a door can be heard opening*
Alex: s**t, Sarah’s awake!
*Sarah walks into the living room*
*she rubs her eyes*
Sarah: Why is there shouting so early in the morning?
Alex: Well uh… uhm…
*Sarah sees James*
Sarah: Who’s that dad?
Alex: Him? He’s a… uh… he’s… How do I put this? He’s… a colleague of mine.
Sarah: A colleague?
Alex: Yeah.
James: That’s right, I’m a super hero colleague of his.
*Alex slowly and angrily turns his head towards James*
Alex: Why?
Sarah: What do you mean by super hero colleague?
Alex: You couldn’t wait, huh? She was gonna go back with her mother’s today giving me enough time to think of a way to spill it to her and than you go ahead and do that. You’re such an a*****e!
James: I didn’t think it was that big a deal.
Alex: What are you talking about?! You see me here trying to prevent her from knowing the truth as of the moment and you don’t think it’s a big deal.
James: Why don’t you wanna go right out and tell her anyway?
Alex: Because this isn’t one of those things you straight out tell to a person!
Sarah: Tell me what?
*they look at Sarah*
*they look at each other*
*they look at her*
Alex: Well…
James: Your father joined a group of elite super heroes who have all sworn to protect this earth from the greatest malevolent force to have ever walked it’s surface, all behind your back.
*Alex slowly and angrily turns his head towards James again*
James: What?
Sarah: You did all that, dad?
Alex: Well…
*Alex begins to flash back*
*Alex sees himself in the park last night*
*the members of S.H.A.D.E. stand around Alex in a circle*
*Justice looks at Alex*
*Laura places a helmet on top of Alex head and straps it under his chin*
Justice: Alex, before we allow into S.H.A.D.E. we must know if you truly willing to take on the challenges that befall you.
*Laura attaches wires into the top of the helmet from the device she is wearing around her left wrist*
Alex: And so what the hell is all this?
Justice: We want you to swear an oath.
Alex: I don’t get it.
Justice: You must take an oath that you will use all power necessary to stop the evil forces threatening this planet. That helmet will tell us if you in anyway have any doubts or malicious actions about joining us.
Alex: So you’re giving me a lie detector test?
Justice: Basically… yes.
Alex: I have no problem with that.
Laura: I’m done, Justice.
Justice: Right than, let’s get started Alex.
Alex: What do you want me to say?
Justice: Just repeat after me.
Alex: Okay.
Justice: I, Alexander James Seanez…
Alex: Hey, you pronounced my last name right, no one’s able to do that.
*Justice looks at Alex angrily*
Laura: He’s telling the truth.
Justice: Just repeat after me. I, Alexander James Seanez…
Alex: I, Alexander James Seanez…
Justice: Do solemnly swear…
Alex: Do solemnly swear…
Justice: That I will use all my skill, power, and heart to defeat the forces of evil…
Alex: That I will use all my skill, power, and heart to defeat the forces of evil…
Justice: That dare threaten me, my family, my friends, and my entire world…
Alex: That dare threaten me, my family, my friends, and my entire world…
Justice: And I swear on my life that I will not stop until the evils in this world are washed away with hand of justice.
*Alex looks up at Justice with confidence*
Alex: And I swear on my life, my friends’ lives, my families’ lives… my daughter’s life… that I will not stop until the evils in this world are washed away with hand of justice.
*Justice smiles at Alex*
Justice: Laura?
Laura: He’s clear.
Justice: Congratulations Alex, welcome to S.H.A.D.E.
*Justice holds his hand out to Alex*
*Alex sees Justice’s hand*
*he begins to shake Justice’s hand*
Justice: Tomorrow we will inform you on our enemies and show you how this team functions.
Alex: I look forward to it.
*Alex stops flashing back*
*he is now sitting on the couch dressed and ready for his job*
*Sarah is now sitting down next to him also dressed and ready for school*
*James stands just over them leaning on the back of the couch*
Sarah: So those people who were here the other day claiming to be your relatives... weren’t actually your relatives?
Alex: No, they were just more members of S.H.A.D.E.
Sarah: I was wondering why they looked like circus folk.
Alex: Why did you even believe that they were my relatives?
Sarah: They seemed to know a lot about you, but I guess I can see why now.
James: Now that that’s all cleared up…
*James jumps over on the couch and lands on the seat in between Alex and Sarah*
*James holds his hand out to Sarah*
James: Hey, I’m James and I’ll be living here for a while.
*Alex looks angrily at James*
Alex: No you won’t!
James: I thought you said it was okay?
Alex: I never said it was okay!
James: I’m pretty sure I heard you say I could.
Alex: Obviously you weren’t listening than!
*suddenly, a knocking is heard at the front door*
*they look at the door*
Sarah: Who could that be?
*Alex looks at his watch*
Alex: It’s probably Robert here to pick us up.
*he gets up*
Sarah: But Robert and Eoph don’t usually get here for at least another fifteen minutes.
*Alex walks towards the front door*
Alex: Yeah, but Robert just got his new car and doesn’t need Eoph to drive him around anymore. So now Robert doing it alone and you know, he’s probably just ahead of schedule.
*Alex opens the front door*
*the entire S.H.A.D.E. team stands on Alex’s front porch*
*the quickly enter in and push Alex out of the way*
*Alex is knocked over onto the floor*
*Laura walks in last a closes the door behind her*
*Alex gets up to his feet*
Alex: Ouch! What the hell?!
Justice: Sorry, about that we couldn’t make ourselves known to the public. We had to hurry ourselves in.
Alex: What in the hell are you doing here, anyway?!
Justice: I told you, we came here to brief you on our coming enemies and and prepare you for the coming war.
Alex: Why so early in the morning?!
Sergeant Pain: Listen rookie-
Alex: Stop calling me, rookie!
Sergeant Pain: Listen, this isn’t a walk in the park. We can’t spend few hours with you about it all. We need days and days to show you the ropes of the group. And we need to start this process as son a possible. We gave you the night to rest and now it’s time to get you ready for the superhuman war that’s nearly started. We don’t have time to lollygag around.
Alex: I understand that, but unlike you people I actually have a real job! And I need this job to support myself, my daughter, my dog…
*Alex points at James*
Alex: And apparently him too!
James: Yes! I can stay!
Laura: What do you do?
Alex: I’m a teacher.
*everybody in the group begins laughing except Justice, Sergeant Pain, and Laura*
Alex: Stop laughing, I really am a teacher!
*they stop laughing*
Alex: Geez, you people tick me off.
Justice: Fine than Alex, please go to work. We will start once you get home.
Alex: What? No we can’t do it here!
Justice: Why not?
Alex: Why not?! Look at us! We too packed into here as it is!
*Justice looks around*
*everybody shifts around trying to get more room*
*Justice looks back at Alex*
Justice: I will admit, this place is rather small.
Alex: Not to mention anyone of my friends could pop inhere at any moment. I mean, why can’t we just do it in the park like we did last night?
Justice: Because that was a one time thing, Alex. We cannot risk ourselves being seen by the public.
Alex: Not really, everyone else is fine, it’s only you that looks suspicious.
Justice: We can’t be seen together.
Alex: Oh… that makes more sense.
Justice: If we cannot hold our meetings here, than just where do you suppose we hold them at?
*Alex thinks to himself*
Alex: Well… there is one place we can have them.
Justice: Just where exactly?
Alex: I’ll tell you all later, but first I gotta get permission form a friend of mine.
Justice: No, we cannot have any civilians know about our presents here.
Alex: Don’t worry, he already knows about me and my Random Man stuff and trust me he has the perfect location to hold these little meetings you’re talking about.
Justice: Alright than, please do try and get this location for us.
*suddenly, a car door being closed can be heard*
*everybody looks at the door*
Alex & Sarah: Robert!
Justice: Who?
Alex: A friend of mine.
Justice: Ahhh, yes.
Alex: You guys better hurry up and get out of here.
*James runs over to the back door and opens it*
James: Come on, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.
*they quickly begin to exit out of the back door*
*everyone exits except James*
James: I’ll see you later, Alex.
Alex: Just go!
*James quickly runs outside and closes the door behind him*
*Robert suddenly enters the Seanez house*
Robert; Let’s go you guys!
*Alex and Sarah look at Robert with relief*
*Robert gives them strange looks*
Robert: What’s with the strange looks?
Alex: No reason, we’re just happy to see you.
Robert: Okay… let’s go.
Sarah: We’re right behind you Robert.
*Robert turns around and exits the house*
*Alex and Sarah quickly let out a sigh of relief*
*Sarah gets off the couch and picks up her backpack*
Sarah: Let’s go, dad. Today’s the new trimester.
Alex: Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten.
*Alex picks up his jacket from the countertop*
*Sarah exits the house*
*Alex takes his key out of his pocket*
*he exits his house and closes the door behind him making sure to lock it*

Part 2

*the bell rings for the end of school*
*students begin to leave their classrooms*
*Alex exits his classroom*
Alex: Geez, I hate first days.
*he begins to walk through the halls*
*more and more students begin to pour out of the school in a hurry*
*Alex walks into the teacher’s lounge*
*Jonathan stands by the water cooler*
*Alex walks over to the water cooler*
Jonathan: Hey Alex.
Alex: Hey Sparkles.
*Alex picks up a small paper cup from a nearby table and begins to fill it with water*
Jonathan: So how’d your weekend go?
*Alex drinks the water in his cup*
*he stops drinking and swallows*
Alex: It went the same as every other weekend I have.
Jonathan: And how would that be?
Alex: All over the place.
Jonathan: Sounds like you.
Alex: But hey, my Monday’s turning out pretty good.
Jonathan: I thought you hated first days?
Alex: Yeah, but it was better than my weekend.
*he begins to fill his cup again*
Jonathan: My weekend went pretty well.
Alex: I didn’t ask to know.
*he begins to drink the water in his cup again*
Jonathan: How come I always listen to how your days go, but when it’s my turn you don’t even give a rat’s a**?
*Alex stops drinking his water*
Alex: Because that way life works Johnny
Jonathan: No it isn’t.
Alex: Whatever you say, Johnny.
*Alex tosses his cup into the trash*
*Alex heads for the door*
*Jonathan follows behind Alex*
*Alex opens the door and exits*
*Jonathan exits after*
Jonathan: I’m just saying, couldn’t you just pretend to care about my life or any of my problems?
Alex: No.
*they head towards the front entrance*
Jonathan: Seriously, it wouldn’t kill you.
Alex: It might.
Jonathan: You are the biggest a*****e I have ever met.
Alex: That may be, but at least I’m a good friend.
*Jonathan stares angrily at Alex*
Jonathan: I hate you.
*Alex exits the schools*
*Jonathan exits the school after Alex*
Alex: I know you do Sparkles, I know you do.
*Robert has his car parked out in front of the school*
*Alex and Jonathan walk over to Robert’s car*
Jonathan: I’ll I’m saying is work on it.
Alex: Fine Jonathan, I’ll work on it, you pansy a**.
*they open the doors to Robert’s car*
*Alex gets into the passenger’s seat and closes the door*
*Jonathan gets into the back seat and closes the door*
Jonathan: Thank you.
*Robert stares back at Jonathan with anger in his eyes*
Jonathan: What?
Robert: What do you think you’re doing?
Jonathan: Sitting here waiting for you to go, I took the bus today and appreciate a ride home.
Robert: Who said you could get in my car?!
Jonathan: Oh come on, are you still not passed that.
Robert: No!
Jonathan: It’s been months and I didn’t even really do anything that bad. All I did was give him a soda.
Robert: Yeah, and didn’t you get the message the first time?
Jonathan: What message?!
Robert: I don’t like you and I never will! So get out of my car!
Jonathan: Alex, will you tell him something?
Alex: Hey, it’s his car. If he doesn’t want you in it, than he doesn’t want you in it.
Jonathan: What?!
Robert: You heard him, get out!
Jonathan: Fine than.
*Jonathan angrily gets out and closes the door behind*
Robert: Where to, Alex?
Alex: Take me to Miguel’s house, I need to ask him a favor.
Robert: I’m on it.
*Robert starts his car and drives off*


*traffic fills the streets of LA*
*loud honking and cars moving about can be heard*
*people walk through crowds trying to hurrying off to work*
*everyone in the city is in a rush to go somewhere*
*a group of birds peak at a piece of bread left on the floor*
*a man begins to approach the birds*
*the birds begin to fly away*
*the man steps on the piece of bread*
*all the birds take different paths*
*One bird can be seen flying around a street full of stopped cars*
*the bird begins to fly high into the air*
*the wind blows as the bird flies through it*
*the bird continues to ascend*
*it begins to soar over buildings*
*it lands on the edge of the roof of the tallest building in the city*
*it begins to squawk*
*suddenly, a black boot is pounded on the edge near the bird*
*the bird quickly flies away as soon as it realizes the boot is there*
*in the black boots are a man looking down to the floor*
*the man has moderately long brown hair*
*he is muscular*
*he wears the black boots, a pair of black pants, a black shirt, black fingertip-less gloves with metal knuckles, and a black trench coat*
*on the upper pocket of the trench coat is stitched in the number 7*
*his hair and trench coat waves about within the wind*
*he crosses his arms and looks down at the city*
*he gives a smirk face*
Man: I think it’s about time to stir up some trouble and see what, or should I say who, turns up.
*the wind continues to blow*


*the Ruiz’s home is quiet*
*Andrew sits at his dining table doing his homework*
*Miguel looks through the refrigerator*
*a pizza box sits on the dinging table as while*
Andrew: First day of the new tri and I already have homework.
*Miguel pulls a can of diet soda out of the refrigerator*
Miguel: What are you gonna do, teachers can do anything you know?
Andrew: At least you don’t have Alex as a teacher anymore.
Miguel: Would you stop complaining about that? Sheesh, it’s all the time with you two. Besides, I doubt Alex was that bad of a teacher?
*Miguel opens his diet soda and begins to drink it*
Andrew: It wasn’t that he was bad at teaching, I just hated a guy. Not to mention the fact, and even you know this to be true, that he had it out for me.
Miguel: He did not have it out for you, he just made the class a little more difficult for you. That, in my opinion, creates an even better learning experience for you.
Andrew: Stop defending him.
Miguel: I’m not defending him, I just can’t stand you always complaining about each other.
Andrew: It’s not me, he’s the jerk.
Miguel: You know, sometimes I think you two are one in the same.
Andrew: What?!
Miguel: You heard me.
*the doorbell rings*
Andrew: How could you even say that we were even partially alike?! I’m the complete opposite of that a*****e!
*Miguel gets up from his seat*
Miguel: Whatever you say.
*Miguel walks towards the front door*
Andrew: We’re not!
Miguel: Keep telling yourself that.
*Miguel opens the front door*
*Alex stands at the front door*
Alex: Hey, you miss me?
Andrew: How could we miss you, it’s only been like three days?
*Alex looks angrily at Andrew*
Alex: Oh yeah, I forgot he’d be here.
Andrew: What are you an idiot, I live here?!
Alex: I know it was a joke! I was hoping you wouldn’t be here!
Andrew: Than why didn’t you just say that?!
Alex: Why don’t you shut your big mouth!
Andrew: Why don’t you make me?!
Alex: You know I can and yet you still plan on going for it, don’t you?!
Andrew: I can dish out whatever you can!
Alex: You wanna put that theory to the test.
Miguel: Would you two stop it?!
*Alex and Andrew look at Miguel*
*everything is quiet*
Miguel: Good, please come in Alex.
Alex: Thank you.
*Alex comes into the house and closes the door behind him*
Miguel: So brings you around Alex?
Alex: Well, I kinda want to ask a favor of you.
Miguel: What do you need?


*the man on the building steps up onto the very edge of the building*
*the wind blows once again*
*the man begins to lean forward*
*he falls from the edge and begins to plummet face-first towards the ground*
*he places his arms to his side as he falls with great speed*
*the wind pressure pushes his hair upward as he continues to fall*
*he tilts his body to the left and just barely dodges a small sculpture bolt on the building*
*he begins to approach the ground*
*he shifts himself mid-air so that his feet are now pointed towards the ground*
*he hits the ground with a pound*
*the impact creates a hemi-spherical pothole within the ground*
*dirt flies everywhere*
*onlookers look to see what just happened*
*the man suddenly walks out of the dirt cloud*
*the crowd stares at the man*
*the man begins to walk passed the onlookers*
*the dirt begins to settle*
*Two male onlookers stare at each other in confusion as nothing appears within the dirt cloud*
*they each look back at the man in the black trench coat*
Male Onlooker #1: What just happened?
Male Onlooker #2: I have no clue.
*the man in the black trench coat continues to walk away from the scene and onto the street*
*a car suddenly stops barely missing have hit the man*
*the driver sticks his head out of the window*
*he begins to shake his fist*
Driver: Watch where you’re walking buddy!
*the man in the black trench coat says nothing and continues to walk away*
Driver: That’s right, just walk away!
*the man in the black trench coat continues to walk away not paying any attention to the driver*
*the wind continues to blow*


*Alex, Miguel, and Andrew all sit in the Random Cave*
Alex: So now we all need some place to meet and this is the perfect location.
*Miguel puts his hand to his chin and begins to think*
Miguel: I see.
Andrew: Why would an elite group of superheroes want your help?
Alex: Shut up!
Andrew: I’m just speaking the truth!
Alex: No, you’re speaking out of your a**!
Miguel: Quiet!
*they both quiet down*
Miguel: Alex, I’ll allow them entry into my home and this laboratory of mine, but only because you’re a friend of mine.
Alex: Thank you.
Miguel: But Alex…
Alex: Yeah?
Miguel: Have they even gotten the chance to explain to you the type of enemies you’re gonna be facing?
Alex: They were just about to discuss that with me until I suggested it be best to tell me here and not at my house.
Miguel: Do you even have anyway to contact them?
Alex: Let’s just say one of theirs is staying with me.
Miguel: Well Alex, they all welcome here at anytime.
Alex: I’ll try bringing them over later today.
Miguel: I’ll be ready.


*the man in the trench coat stands in the middle of a four-way intersection*
*cars honk at the man as drivers begin to scream and shout at the man*
*the man continues to stand cross armed with his eyes closed and his head tilted to the floor*
Driver: Get out of the road you jerk!
*more drivers begin to honk*
*the man begins to lift his head to the sky as he takes one big breathe*
Man: It’s time to make myself known.
*he spreads his arms out*
*suddenly, a wave of dark energy is released from his spanning across the streets*
*windows shatter, streets lights falls over, walking people fall, birds fly away, the earth shakes entirely due to this massive amount of energy*
Man: I’m here S.H.A.D.E.!
*people begin to run form the man*
*some stare in shock*


*Alex stands on the steps leading into Miguel’s living room*
Alex: I’m gonna get going you guys.
Miguel: Do you need a ride home?
Alex: Sure.
Miguel: Alright, I’ll-
*suddenly, a light on Miguel’s big computer begins to shine and a loud buzzing sound can be heard*
*they all look over to the computer*
*Miguel walks towards it*
Alex: Is there something wrong, Miguel?
*Miguel looks at his computer as he tries to see the problem*
Miguel: Hmmmm…
*Alex walks over and stands next to Miguel*
Miguel: It appears that a massive amount of energy suddenly just appeared within the perimeter.
Alex: Where?
Miguel: Just near the south city limit on Parkers Avenue.
Alex: I’ll deal with it.
Miguel: The Random Car is still a little banged up due to that fight with the Morenos.
Alex: Than I’ll take the Random Bike.
Andrew: Great, you do that and I’ll eat some pizza.
*Andrew begins to ascend up the stairs*
*Alex pounds his right hand into his left fist*
Alex: It’s Random Man time!


*the man in the trench coat continues to stand in the four-way intersection*
*he stands cross armed with his eyes closed*
*police cars surround the man*
*cops point their guns at the man*
*Rixton stands with a megaphone his hand and up to his mouth*
Rixton: Sir, please come with us or we will be forced to shoot!
*the officer in front of him loads a tranquilizer gun*
*the man in the trench does not move*
*Rixton lowers the megaphone*
Rixton: Shoot him.
*the officer points his tranquilizer at them an and fires*
*the tranquilizer flies directly towards the man’s neck*
*the man quickly catches the tranquilizer and crushes it within his hand*
*Rixton looks at the man in shock*
Rixton: Just who is this guy?
*them an opens his eyes*
*he suddenly disappears right before their eyes*
Rixton: What in the-?
*suddenly, he reappears over Rixton’s police car*
*he falls onto it and crushes the car’s ceiling in*
*he jumps away towards the streets behind the car and disappears again*
Rixton: What is going on here?!
*the man reappears some yards away from the scene*
*he lands on the floor, jumps forward, and disappears once again*
*Suddenly, Random Man appears on the scene on his Random Bike*
*he stops in front of chief Rixton*
Random Man: What’s up Chief?
Rixton: Random Man, thank god you’re here. Some crazed man appeared in the middle of the city and caused all sorts of trouble.
*Rixton points his finger in the direction the man went in*
*Random Man sees the man appear, land on the ground, jump forward, and disappear*
Random Man: I’m on it.
*He begins to drive towards the man*
*the man continues to run away in his incredibly quick sprinting*
*Random Man continues to chase the man*


*Sergeant Pain drives his motorcycle through the streets with an angry face*
Sergeant Pain: I hope I’m not too late, the only person that’s near is that rookie. And judging by the energy that was released, we’re probably dealing with Number 7. That kid’s not skilled enough to take him on.
*he begins to step on the gas*
Sergeant Pain: I gotta hurry.
*Sergeant Pain enters the city through the north city limit*
*he continues to drive off*

Part 3

*Random Man continues to chase Number 7*
*Number 7 continues to run from Random Man*
*Random Man takes out his grappling gun and points it at Number 7*
*he fires the grappling hook at Number 7*
*the grappling hook approaches Number 7*
*Number 7 jumps slightly to the left*
*the grappling gook misses Number 7*
*Number 7 jumps forward and continues to run*
*Random Man tosses the grappling gun onto the floor*
*he continues to drive after Number 7*
Random Man: This guy is fast. I can’t even catch by motorcycle, I couldn’t even imagine doing this on foot.
*Number 7 turns at a corner*
*Random Man turns the Random Bike at the corner and continues to chase Number 7*
*Number 7 continues to run*
*Random Man begins to step on the gas*
*Number 7 jumps into an alley way*
*Random Man turns the Random Bike into the alleyway*
*Number 7 jumps at a wall*
*he lands on the side of the wall and jumps off it towards the next wall*
*he does the same thing to that wall and back*
*he continues this process until he lands on the rooftop of one of the buildings*
*Random Man looks up at the building Number 7 is on*
*he looks at the walls*
Random Man: I don’t think I can do that.
*he sees a nearby fire escape*
*he jumps off his Random Bike and begins to climb up the fire escape*
*Number 7 stands at the other end of the roof with his back pointed towards the fire escape waiting*
*he looks up into the sky*
*the wind blows*
*he crosses his arms together*
*Random Man climbs all the way to the top of the fire escape and makes onto the rooftop*
Random Man: Alright buddy, I don’t know who you are, but this little game of yours ends here.
*Number 7stands quietly*
Random Man: So just get over here, and things won’t have to be rough.
*Number 7 stays quiet*
Random Man: Are you even gonna say anything?!
Number 7: When I let out my energy like that, I hadn’t expected such a weak enemy to confront me.
Random Man: Weak?
Number 7: Your aura presents a weak amount of energy following through your system.
Random Man: Listen, buddy! I don’t care what kind of mind games you’re trying to play with me, I’m not falling for them!
Number 7: I have no intentions on fighting such a weakling like yourself.
Random Man: I don’t care what you say, I’m about to wipe the floor with you.
*Random Man runs at Number 7*
*he raises his fist*
*he swings his fist at Number 7*
*Number 7 quickly disappears*
*Random Man misses*
*Number 7 quickly reappears to Random Man’s right side*
Number 7: Oh well… I could do for a small warm up match.
*Number 7 quickly knees Random Man in the stomach*
*Random Man is sent flying backward*
*he this the floor with a pound*
*he quickly gets up to his feet*
*he stares at Number 7*
Random Man (subconscious): His speed is incredible. I’m gonna have to watch out for that if I expect to do any damage at all.
Random Man: Alright, that was a nice trick, but it won’t happen again.
*the wind continues to blow*
Number 7: You still have no idea who you’re messing with kid.
Random Man: I don’t think it really matters.
Number 7: Hahaha… fine than… come at me with everything you got and let’s just see if that’s enough!
*Random Man runs at Number 7 in a hurry*
*he raises his fist and quickly swings it at Number 7*
*Number 7 swiftly dodges*
*Random Man swings his next fist*
*Number 7 swiftly bats that fist away*
*Random Man swings his other fist again*
*Number 7 swiftly dodges*
*Random Man swings his leg*
*Number 7 swiftly jumps over*
*Random Man swings his fist while Number 7 is still in the air*
*Number 7 blocks the attack*
*Number 7 quickly pushes Random Man back onto the floor*
*Random Man quickly gets up*
*he runs at Number 7 once again*
*he swings his fist at Number 7 once again*
*Number 7 swiftly steps aside*
*Random Man misses hitting Number 7*
*Number 7 swings his right elbow down*
*he hits Random Man directly in the back and sends him crashing into the ground below*
*Random man quickly rolls over onto his back and kicks his legs up at number 7*
*Number 7 catches Random Man’s legs*
*he lifts Random Man up off the ground and tosses him away*
*Random Man crashes onto the roof of the next building over*
*Random Man lies on the rooftop in pain*
Random Man (subconscious): Damnit, I can’t even make so much as a scratch on him.
*Number 7 jumps over to the rooftop*
*Random Man gets up to his feet*
Random Man (subconscious): Maybe it wasn’t smart to jump into this battle like that. Now that we’ve started fighting I can really feel his energy level. It’s so much more than what I’m used to fighting.
Number 7: I’m waiting… are you gonna make a move… or should I?
Random Man (subconscious): It’s tool ate to back out now, I’m gonna have to throw everything I’ve got at him all at once!
Random Man: Alright, I’m done messing around! I’m gonna show you the full extent of my power!
*Random Man pulls out his Random-Rang*
*he throws it at Number 7*
*the Random-Rang flies towards Number 7*
*Number 7 catches the Random-Rang*
Number 7: So it’s a weapons fight you want, huh?
*Number 7 tosses the Random-Rang at Random Man*
*Random Man catches the Random-Rang*
Number 7: Than let me show you my weapon.
*he points his fist out at Random Man*
*Random Man stares in anger at Number 7*
*the skin on the back of Number 7’s hand begins to shift back and forth*
*Random Man stares at Number 7’s fist in concern*
*suddenly, four metal claws begin to grow out of the knuckles on Number 7’s fist*
*Random Man stares at the claws*
*he gulps a little in his throat*
*the metal claws fully extend out of Number 7’s fist*
*Number 7 holds his metal claws in front of his face*
Number 7: Now… show me this power you were talking about earlier.
*Random Man stares at Number 7 in anger*
Random Man: Fine than, I will!
*he runs towards Number 7*
*Number 7 runs towards Random Man*
*Random Man swings his Random-Rang*
*Number 7 catches Random Man’s arms and halts his attack*
*he quickly slashes Random Man’s chest using his claws*
*Random Man quickly jumps back*
*Number 7 jumps towards Random Man*
*Random Man swings his Random-Rang once again*
*Number 7 kneels down*
*Random Man misses hitting Number 7*
*Number 7 stabs his claws into Random Man’s stomach*
*the claws stab into and through Random Man’s body*
*Random Man coughs up blood*
*Number 7 takes his claws out of Random Man*
*he raises his foot and kicks Random Man*
*Random Man is sent flying into the ground*
Number 7: Is that really all you have to offer me?
*Random Man gets up to his feet*
*the metal claws begin to retract back into his fist*
Number 7: I hope you can offer me more than those weak attacks.
*Random Man’s pants*
*Random Man runs at Number 7*
Number 7: Fool.
*Random Man swings his Random-Rang*
*Number 7 balls his hand up into a fist*
*He points out his pinky finger*
*the claw in pinky’s knuckle begins to extend out*
*he raises his pinky‘s claw up*
*their weapons collide*
*Random Man tries to push Number 7 back*
*Number 7 continues to hold Random Man back with just his pinky’s claw*
*Random Man tries with all his might to move Number 7*
*Number 7 holds back Random Man with little to no effort*
*Random Man stares into Number 7’s face*
Random Man (subconscious): This guy…
*Number 7 stares at Random Man*
Random Man (subconscious): What is with him? I’m not even budging him and I’m using all my force whereas he’s only using one finger and his pinky finger at that.
Number 7: Come on, I’m barely even holding back!
Random Man (subconscious): His power is incredible.
*he continues to try and move Number 7*
Random Man (subconscious): I have to think of something or else I’m a goner.
*Number 7 begins to add more force*
*Random Man now finds himself trying to hold back Number 7*
*Number 7 begins to push Random Man back*
*Random Man tries to hold off Number 7 with all his force*
Random Man (subconscious): He’s incredibly fast, he’s amazing powerful, he can see every move I’m gonna make, and I can’t even scratch this guy.
*he stares at Number 7 with a worried face*
Random Man (subconscious): I can’t handle this guy, at least not alone anyway.
*Number 7 continues to push Random Man back*
*Random Man tries and tries to hold off Number 7*
*he begins to sweat*
Random Man (subconscious): Where are those stupid S.H.A.D.E. guys when you need them?! I couldn’t get rid of them yesterday and now they’re no where to be seen!
*Number 7 pushes Random Man back all the way to the edge of the building*
*Random Man continues to try and hold off Number 7*
*he looks down into the narrow alley way down below*
*he looks back at Number 7 and continues to try and hold him off*
*Number 7 stares at Random Man with blood lust in his eyes*
Random Man (subconscious): I can’t lose. I won’t allow myself to die here.
*Random Man puts everything he has into holding off Number 7*
*Number 7 continues to hold off Random Man*
Random Man (subconscious): It’s not working, he simply just too strong.
Number 7: Where’s all that tough guy talk now?!
*Random Man stares at Number 7 with a worried look*
Number 7: I knew it, when push comes to shove you can’t deliver. You talk a big game, but you’re just a weak child at most. You had no hopes of beating me kid. It was a mistake to challenge me. And now you will pay for that very mistake…
*Random Man stares at Number 7 in fright*
Number 7: You will pay with your very life!
*suddenly, a new sense of pressure can be felt within the area*
*Number 7 feels this pressure*
*he looks over to his left*
*Random Man stares at Number 7 confused and worried*
*Number 7 suddenly has a wicked and twisted smile on his face*
Number 7: So I finally dragged a real opponent out, huh?
*Random Man continues to try and push back Number 7*
Number 7: Just what I was looking for.
*Number 7 looks back at Random Man*
Number 7: I better dispose of you quickly than.
Random Man: Huh?!
*Number 7 brings his pinky’s claw back into his fist and punches kicks Random Man into the air*
*Random Man flies off the building and falls towards the streets of LA*
*Number 7 quickly disappears*
*Random Man falls towards the ground*
*Number 7 quickly reappears above Random Man with his hand clenched together*
*he swings his clenched hands down at Random Man*
*he hits Random Man in the stomach*
*Random Man hits the floor with a pound*
*this creates a giant hemi-spherical pothole within the street*
*dirt and rubble fly everywhere*
*a giant dirt cloud hangs in the middle of the street*
*cars stop in front of the dirt cloud*
*suddenly, Random Man is sent flying back out of the dirt cloud*
*he crashes into a nearby car’s hood creating a huge dent in it*
*Number 7 walks out of the dirt cloud*
*Random Man slowly gets up off the car’s hood*
*Number 7 quickly disappears*
*he suddenly reappears right in front of Random Man*
*Random Man stares in shock*
*Number 7 smacks Random Man in the face*
*Random Man is sent flying back*
*Random Man this the ground floor and starts kidding across it like a useless rag doll*
*Number 7 quickly appears before Random Man before he stops skidding across the ground and quickly kicks him into the air*
*Random Man crashes into the wall of a nearby building*
*Number 7 quickly appears in front of Random Man with his claws already extended out of his fist*
*he swings his claws*
*he stabs his claws into Random Man’s stomach*
*Random Man spits up blood*
*Number 7 quickly takes claws out of Random Man’s body*
*he grabs onto Random Man’s neck*
*He squeezes down on Random Man’s neck*
*Random Man begins to find it hard to breathe*
*Number 7 lifts Random Man into the air*
*he continues to squeeze Random Man’s neck*
*Random Man’s tries and remove Number 7’s hand from his neck*
*Number 7 begins to laugh at Random Man*
Number 7: I pity you kid, I really do. Even after so much punishment you still insist on trying to stop me. Don’t you realize yet it’s all useless.
*he begins to squeeze Random Man’s neck even harder*
Random Man: AHHHHHHH!!!!!
*Random Man tries with all his might to remove Number 7’ s hand*
Number 7: It’s over, and you might as well give up because in the end, you never even had a chance.
*Random Man continues to try and remove Number 7’s hand*
Number 7: Persistent little punk, aren’t you?
*Number 7 lifts Random Man even higher into the air*
Number 7: I guess I’ll just have to beat it out of you than.
*he suddenly tosses Random Man away*
*Random Man flies into a nearby alleyway*
*he crashes into a wall and bounces of it onto the ground*
*he lies on the floor on his back looking up to the sky*
*he tries to move but can’t*
*Number 7 slowly approaches Random Man*
Random Man (subconscious): Can’t move… too weak.
*he hears Number 7 approaching*
Random Man (subconscious): He was right, I was never a match for him.
*Number 7 continues to get closer and closer*
Random Man (subconscious): I don’t wanna die here.
*Number 7 stands over Random Man*
*Random Man looks up at Number 7*
*Number 7 crouches down*
*Random Man stares at Number 7 with a worried look*
*Number 7 grabs onto Random Man’s collar and lifts up his head up*
*Random Man pants*
*Number 7 points his fist at Random Man’s neck*
*his claws extend out of his knuckles*
*Random Man stares at the claws with fright in his eyes*
Number 7: So long, kid.
*Number 7 thrusts his claws towards Random Man’s neck*
*Random Man’s closes his eyes in fright*
*Number 7’s claws approach Random Man’s neck*
*suddenly, he halts his claws inches away from Random Man’s neck*
*he looks up towards the street*
*Random Man opens his eyes and looks at Number 7*
*Number 7 smiles*
Number 7: Twelve… what are you doing here?
*a man stands behind Number 7*
*the man also wears a black trench coat with the number 12 stitched into the upper pocket*
*he has long light blue hair*
*he also wears a white shirt with navy blue pants and gray boots*
*around his waist is a belt with many buttons on it*
*his hair blows in the wind*
Number 12: You know very well what I’m doing here seven. One has not ordered the assault on the heroes yet.
Number 7: I know, I know, so you came to stop me before I brought anymore chaos to this pathetic little town.
Number 12: So we you understand. We must leave quickly now, before Pain arrives.
*Number 12 presses a button on his belt*
*a strange blue portal opens up behind him*
Number 7: Alright, Twelve.
*Number 7 releases Random Man*
*Random Man’s head drops to the floor*
*Number 7 walks towards Number 12*
Number 12: You’re not gonna kill him?
Number 7: Nah, he’s not worth it.
*Number 7 stops in front of Number 12*
Number 7: He’s just too weak of an opponent. The way I see it, he won’t survive long in this little war.
*Number 7 walks into the portal*
*Number 12 walk into the portal after Number 7*
*the portal quickly disappears*
*Random Man is left lying on the ground in pain*
*he coughs up blood once again*
*he tilts his head to the left and closes his eyes out of exhaustion*
*the wind continues to blow*
*the sound of an engine stopping can be heard*
*Sergeant Pain waits has stopped over Random Man*
*he looks at Random Man with pity*
Sergeant Pain: You stupid rookie.
*he picks up Random Man and throws him over his shoulder*
*he begins to drive away*
*he drives out of the alley, turns onto the street, and just continues to drive*
*the wind continues to blow throughout the city*

To Be Continued

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