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Wth? o.o

Part 4 of Chapter 2

In the middle of the night, I woke up fast from having a nightmare,
"...James and Lily..both dead by Voldemort?..." I whispered to myself while having a look around the dormitorie, all the girl's were still asleep, same with Sirius.
I got up off the bed and left the dormitorie, the fire was still burning brightly in the Common room..but I didn't want to be alone so I went back into the girl's dormitories and woke up Sirius, I felt bad for waking him up but he didn't mind.
We both came out the dormitorie and sat down right beside the fireplace, keeping warm in the cold night.
"So..what was the nightmare about?" Sirius asked while yawning,
"Voldemort..." I replied while looking down, Sirius tilted his head alittle then changed back to his dog form and layed his head on my lap while wagging his tail, trying to cheer me up.
"James and Lily were in it too Padfoot" Sirius look's up at me wanting to know more, I stroked his head,
"James and Lily...Voldemort killed them....." Sirius' eye's went wide then he changed back to human form,
"But it was just a nightmare Ange, I wouldn't think it'd be real" he replied,
"But it felt real Padfoot...that's what's scaring me, I mean what if i'm ri-" Sirius covered my mouth with his hand before I could finsh,
"Let's go see Dumbledore, maybe he can explain the thing's you saw" I nodded.
While leaving the Common room,
"Ange go Animagus so we're unnoticed" I nodded again and went to my Animagus form of a large creamy brown wolf with a dark brown muzzle, the colour also coated the tip's of my ear's, paw's and tail. My eye's were a dirt brown colour with little fleck's of amber. Sirius Animagus to his black dog form.
Sirius popped his head around the corner and told me to go, I ran for it to Dumbledore's office, Sirius followed close behind.
As we were running down the hallway to Dumbledore's office, Argus Filch the caretaker of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who wander's around the school corridor's trying to catch student's breaking the school rule's came walking down the other way, we both stopped and changed back to human before he saw our Animagus forms,
"Well, we shouldn't be wandering about the school during the night, now should we?" he grinned knowing we would get detention now, I sighed for getting Sirius in trouble,
"Sorry Padfoot" he smiled,
"No worries, I wouldn't let you go into detention alone anyway"
Filch took us to Dumbledore's office, after a couple of hour's we got six week's detention with Hagrid, but I told Dumbledore about the nightmare I had about James and Lily dying at the hand's of Voldemort, he said there's nothing we can do unless James and Lily did get married, we didn't want to scare them and ruin the future, after that we went back to the Common room, it was still late so we went back to bed, off course Sirius was on my bed in his dog form again, minute's went by and before I knew it I was asleep, along with Sirius.

In the morning I woke up late, but not to late to miss classes.
I got up off my bed and ran into the shower's then dressed before coming out the girl's dormitories, Sirius and Remus were waiting for me in the Common room.
"Padfoot told me about the nightmare you had and also told me you got six week's detention, that's pretty bad luck" I nodded,
"Sorry again Padfoot" he laughed,
"What did i say last night?" I smiled,
"I wouldn't let you go into detention alone" he laughed again,
"That's right, now let's get the classes before we get in more trouble" we all left the Common room.

First class we had was Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall was teaching us Animagus,
"Only very powerful and skilled wizard's are able to become Animagi. The process of becoming an Animagus is long and arduous, and has the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong. Once the initial training is over, an Animagus can change at will at any time, with or without a wand" she said while teaching the class, then she went round the class making student's do the spell, most of them couldn't do it, as she was about to come to me she stopped and looked at the time,
"Oh dear me, class is over, you may go!" when she said that I slammed my head on the desk making Sirius, James and Remus burst out laughing,
"Don't worry my dear, maybe we can try next time" Professor McGonagall said thinking I was sad that it wasn't my go, I just goaned loudly making Sirius fall off his seat laughing and the other two nearly dying of laughter, after that we left Transfigurations and went outside since that was the only class we had today, I didn't mind that at all since I wanted a break before detention with Hagrid came.
We walked down to the Hogwarts Lake and sat down together,
"Have you heard? they say a Giant Squid lives in these waters" coming from Sirius who was throwing stone's across the lake,
"Yeah I did, but they say it's actually very docile and helpful to the student's of Hogwart's" I replied.
"Wonder if it's truth?" coming from James as he layed down on his back,
"Well they did say this squid is also known to be playful and accept food from student's" I replied again,
"How bout we throw some food in the lake and see what happen's?" coming from Sirius as he got up to get some food,
"Well, you could try but I don't think it'd come up Padfoot" I replied once again, he nodded and ran back up to the school to get some food for the Giant Squid, I yawned while waiting for him to come back,
"Think it'll come up?" Remus asked me,
"I don't know, it might or might not, depend's on what he bring's back" I repiled.
About five minute's later Sirius came back with alot of food for the Giant Squid and some Chocolate Frog's for us,
"Gah, I hate these thing's, they always jump out before I can eat them" I goaned,
"Don't want it then i'll have it" laughed Sirius,
"No no no no, i'll have it but its gonna jump away before I get the chance to eat it" I pouted alittle, making them laugh,
"Aye, what are you kid's doing here?" asked Hagrid from behind us making me jump,
"Waiting to see if the Giant Squid is real" replied Sirius,
"Off course he's real just throw that food into the water, you'll see what I mean when ya do" we nodded and threw the food into the water, Hagrid smiled as we did,
"Now ya just wait" he said as we waited, just then the food started to disappear underwater, we waited alittle more and then these huge tentacles came out the water straight to us,
"Ya see? you made him happy now" he said while watching the tentacles move about the air,
"Wooooowww...." coming from Sirius as he watched,
"Thank's Hagrid!" I replied while petting one of the tentacles,
"No problem, oh you and Sirius got detention with me right?" he asked,
"Yes we do" we both replied,
"Let me guess, Filch caught you" we both nodded,
"Ahhh, well don't worry about it, I won't make you work to hard for six week's, don't want ya tired for school now do we?" we laughed,
"Thank's again Hagrid" he smiled and walked off back toward's his hut after that the tentacles went back under the water.
"Well, what now?" I asked,
"Lets go back to the Common room before detention start's" replied Sirius, I nodded and got up then started to poke James hard since he fell asleep,
"Oh my god, wake up!" as I poked him hard,
"Move it Ange* coming from Sirius as he jumped on James hard making him wake up with a yell,
"WHAT THE HELL?!" we laughed hard at the face he is pulled.

Alittle later we were all in the Common room talking while I was reading the book about Gytrashes again, Filch came in for me and Sirius since it was time for detention, he led us outside to Hagrid who was waiting for us already,
"Hope your ready, it's gonna be a tough night" he said while leading us inside the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid took me and Sirius deep into the Forbidden Forest, where he pick's up some silver blood off the ground,
"Do you know what this is?" he asked,
"Thats Unicorn blood" I replied, he nodded,
"A Foal is hurt in this forest somewhere and it's our job to find it" he said while wiping the blood off his finger's,
"A foal? but wouldn't you find it by now Hagrid?" I asked,
"It's not easy to find a hurt foal Angelus, even if their golden and silver" he replied then made us search the area where the blood was,
"Nothing Hagrid, it must of moved" said Sirius to Hagrid, Hagrid sighed alittle,
"Well let's keep looking alittle longer, Angelus you go that way and Sirius you go that way, i'll be this way" we nodded and started searching again, as soon as I was out of sight I turned Animagus form then started sniffing about for the foal, a couple of minute's later I found it sitting under a bush, I turned human and shouted,
"HAGRID, SIRIUS OVER HERE!" then I pulled the foal out from under the bush carefully and picked it up,
"Well done Angelus" coming from Hagrid who was behind me, I smiled while carrying the foal,
"Lets get this little foal back to Hogwart's so we can heal it" Hagrid said while petting it softly,
"What about the mother?" I said while pointing behind me at the mother who was watching from behind a tree,
"She'll follow, don't worry she know's we're here to help it" I nodded while carrying it back to Hogwart's.
As soon as we were at Hogwart's we went into Hagrid's hut, the mother of the foal stayed in the forest but close enough to watch, I carefully put the foal down on the floor, Hagrid at a look at it,
"Ahh, I see the problem, she's been bit by a Acromantula, she'll be fine now, you two can go to bed, thanks for the help" we smiled and left the hut, the mother came over to us,
"Shes saying thanks too" coming from Hagrid, I giggled and stroked her head then whispered in her ear softly,
"Your welcome" after that we went back into Hogwart's,
"God that was fun" Sirius said to me,
"Sure was, not many people get to stroke a Unicorn" I giggled, as we were about to go back into the Common room Professor McGonagall called me,
"Angelus!" I looked over at her then walked over,
"Yes Professor McGonagall?" I asked wondering what was wrong,
"I heard from Hagrid that you got to touch a Unicorn, what did it feel like?" I was alittle shocked by Professor McGonagall asking,
"It was very soft..I could almost sleep on the fur" I giggled, she smiled,
"Not many people get to do that Angelus, you are one very lucky girl now off to bed with you" she smiled again, I nodded and ran into the Common room where Sirius was waiting,
"That was...weird" I said to Sirius,
"Tell me about it" he laughed, we both headed up to the girl's dormitories, since everyone would be asleep now, Sirius changed into his dog form and waited at the door while I changed then I let him in then got into bed, Sirius jumped up on my bed and lay beside me then we both fell asleep once again.

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