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The Flame Deluge

            тι'-ʀαɴк мαɢε
                → Quentin "Quintessence" ti'Melourd

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              Title → Quentin "Quintessence" ti'Melourd
              Author → Xen-Zanbato
              Page Count → Tremendously Old, over 4000 years
              Gender → Male
              Preference → Heterosexual
              Dimensions → 5'9" and 135lbs
              Alliance → Hierarchy of Mages
              Rank → ti'-class

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              Step One → Quentin Melourd was born to Stephen and Kilandra Melourd over four thousand years ago. He predates all but the oldest Magi, and even the Tower itself. A silver-haired and silver-eyed baby, he was abnormal from birth. As a child, he displayed talent in magic, unforeseen, considering his non-magical lineage. Like other young talents, Quentin had yet to become partial to a particular element or discipline, but as the years went by, he found that he was different than his peers. When his friends were excelling in Fire-based or Water-based magic, young Quentin found that he lacked specific talent. It was known that most Magi are extremely talented in at least one, if not two, different magical disciplines, and Quin's lack of proficiency branded him pitiable and prodigal.

              Quentin was never particularly happy with his failure to excel in elemental magic, but he never found himself resenting those who could. Instead, he was happy for his friends, those who had become elemental adepts. Vowing that he would come to master magic unlike any before him, Quin sought many teachers and sages, though all were of little help to him. Even after one hundred years, Quentin Melourd had yet to achieve any semblance of elemental mastery. It was then that the crafty young magus began to abstract his approach to magic. He figured, if he could not master magic as it was, then he would alter magic to bend to his power.

              Another hundred years passed, but this time the young mage found he was making progress using his form of 'magic physics.' By skewing tradition and the key elements themselves, Quentin displayed control of some of the most quintessential forces of the natural world: forces of balance, gravity, pressure. It was rudimentary, to say the least, but he knew now what he was capable of. He knew that this was only the beginning of much greater magic. Quentin now aimed for total mastery of this magic, which he had dubbed 'old magic,' for it was based upon the most rudimentary laws of nature, and breaking them.

              Years passed, and the eager mage grew to understand his 'old magic' more and more. He devised methods for altering and affecting that which others deemed impossible. Though minor, he proved his critics' arrogance when he first amplified gravity, albeit in a small, localized area. He did so again and again, proving that nature's laws could be bent, even broken. It was then that he decided he would achieve what he considered the epitome of his 'old magic:' the warping of space and of time. He knew it was possible, he had to believe it was, for only in this unique and original magic did he truly excel.

              He began his work, compiling groups of waypoints and breaking points, the first of which would take him the better half of a millennium. Through complex formulas, equations and alchemical processes, coupled with a tremendous amount of time and effort, Quentin reached his first benchmark. He managed to fabricate a single beaded ounce of his unique substance: a semi-solid, thick, gooey silvery compound which he dubbed "Quintessence." Effectively, he had elapsed just the smallest amount of ether into physical form. Time itself was in his hands. No one denied it now, the young man was onto something.

              Shortly after his first major successful breakthrough, plans and development for a massive tower began circulating. It would be a place for young Magi to apprentice and hone their inborn talents into practiced magic use. It was to be a place for already powerful and learned Magi to reside, holding counsel over all others and passing on the knowledge of their generation. It was also to be a place to revere the well-loved deities, where those gifted in restorative and protective magics would find a common calling. Quentin was more than supportive of the proposed endeavor, and while he was not the oldest nor most powerful Magus involved on the project, he put forth more effort than anyone expected.

              Quentin deemed the construction of The Tower to be a landmark institution of order, balance, and wisdom. Perhaps his worldview was heavily influenced by his new magical pursuits, but he was considered one of the wisest, most level-headed men of his time. He passed from eager, hurried youth to calm, collected maturity. While his peers continued to lust for more power in as quickly a fashion as possible, Quentin found that he was much more partial to take his time. He knew his work was delicate and if rushed, could result in disaster. With patience, he continued his discovery of the quintessential nature of all things.

              Quentin outlived his peers: friends, rivals, family, older, younger -- it seemed that he had developed a sort of affinity with the laws of quintessence, his body seemingly immune to the effects of time. The more time that passed, the more clearly he came to view his goal. Such a path required true, devoted neutrality, a perfect balance between all things. If he was to achieve this goal, Quentin knew that meant achieving a perfect personal balance. With that knowledge, the fledgling Time Mage set out from his new home at the Spire, seeking time alone for personal discovery, enlightenment, and balance. It was during this journey that he created his staff as well.

              He did not return for well over three hundred years. Many wondered what became of him, many simply forgot of him. All were astounded and took noticed when he finally did return. Despite what others said, Quentin did not feel himself a changed man, only a man who finally understood himself and the world around him. It was this true, clear understanding that allowed him to finally achieve his goal, though he knew his work was still just beginning. Upon returning home to the Tower, Quentin displayed the impossible: manipulation of quintessence. Through this 'quintessential magic,' he could distort the very fabric of time and space. Feats and accomplishments of this benchmark included creating small rifts or tears in our dimension, using which he could travel short distances or store objects, canceling gravitational forces on a localized, specific level, and, his most prestigious achievement of the stage, altering the flow of time, slowing or speeding his or others' time frames.

              Finally, others came to realize the true potential he had, his already formidable determination only served to further boost his newfound 'fame.' He was given many nicknames and 'titles' outside of his traditional class, among them "Quintessence" and "Silverstaff." Many desired him as a mentor, and even the Master of the Tower offered him a seat on the counsel, his knowledge and insight admired even by the most powerful Magus in the world. Oddly enough, despite his trouble early in life and his previous intent to stand out, Quentin cared little for the fame and glory his work brought. Now, all that mattered to him was keeping a strict balance. He knew very well the implications of manipulating or altering quintessence, the very basis upon which all things were built. He decided then that he would not take on an apprentice or instruct others in his quintessential magic. That a single being had power enough to distort reality and manipulate the purest essence of existence was enough, and he was not sure just how much he would be able to trust any others with that sort of power and responsibility. To the present day, many a magus family bear a grudge or are discontent with Quentin for declining to pass on his secrets. Initially, he declined offers to serve on the Master's Counsel, assuming they meant to utilize his magics for ungainly purposes. Eventually, however, Quentin came to trust the Master and joined the Counsel. Since then, there has hardly been a Master's Counsel devoid of Silverstaff's influence and membership. He near-religiously began donning gray robes with silver decorative trim, signifying his connection to both quintessence and neutrality.

              Over the next many centuries, the self-proclaimed Quintessential Mage further developed his mastery over Quintessence. His powers were exponentially improving, and he rose to the level of ti'-class. His mastery over the fundamental forces of the world were so great, he could literally tear through dimensional barriers without a second thought, providing himself an effective means of travel and protection. Additionally, His manipulation of the time stream had improved to the point where he had limited precognitive abilities, able to see events prior to their actually taking place. He could halt the flow of time, briefly, though it wore on him tremendously to channel power of that magnitude. He had only just begun to tamper with the sensitive nature of reversing time. While Quentin could do it, albeit on an immensely limited level, he was loathe to do so, as the consequences would never be clear until it was too late.

              Within the last few hundred years, conflict arose. The Flame Deluge, an epic tragedy of two young Magi, filled with lust and hatred and divine influence. The result of the Flame Deluge need not be reprinted here. What can be said, however, is that the event caused conflict within Quentin ti'Melourd as well. The conflict resided within his knowledge. He had foreseen the catastrophe. It was something he was often unwilling to talk about. Those who remember the Flame Deluge, those who lived through the dreadful event, and those who knew of Quentin's knowledge of the calamity forever resent him. The younger Magi, usually students or prodigies remain blissfully unaware of his "error."

              Quentin does not deem it an error, though he does have conflicted beliefs about the subject. Despite his heartfelt desire to prevent the Flame Deluge, either by revealing it's impending happening or by directly confronting Charter and Lilia, he absolutely could not veer from his code of neutrality. At least, that his how he rationalized it to himself. Deep down, however, he feels terrible and wishes he'd have done something after all. While the balance was important to uphold, he cannot help but wonder how much of the balance he could have preserved had he warned of the travesty. Even now, forty years later, he still feels the sting of guilt. Much of his time currently is spent perfecting his mastery over time reversal, though whether he plans to use it to correct past mistakes, even he cannot yet say. Such a tremendous alteration of history could have a limitless number of consequences.
              Step Two → Above all else, Quentin strives to maintain neutrality in all things. Only through balance can he make full use of quintessence in his magic. As such, he tends to appear withdrawn and aloof, especially to those who do not know him well. This is not always the case, however, and he is not lacking in emotions or other 'human' qualities. He has a rather dry sense of humor, though he is not particularly prone to sarcasm. Additionally, Quentin is very patient and insightful, and when coupled with his precognitive powers, he is often highly empathic with others, capable of 'reading' their feelings. Ultimately, he aims for balance but is still human, and thus can be social. He feels, being among the oldest beings, that it is his duty to watch over the world as it is, conserving the balance, especially after the Flame Deluge. He does have a tendency to lose track of time, as it hardly phases him anymore, having lived so long.
              Step Three → The Tower
              Step Four → While Quentin views the Flame Deluge as a cataclysmic annihilation of the natural balance of the world, he views the unfortunate pair, Charter and Lilia, as victims of quintessential circumstance. Ultimately, the Flame Deluge was meant to occur, its place in the time stream made clear to the Time Mage. In light of this, clearly there had to be a catalyst to initiate the event, hence, Charter and Lilia. If they didn't, likely someone else would have. Of course, that does not make the pair any less guilty in Quin's eyes. It only serves to make him bear a modicum of pity towards them.
              Step Five → Silverstaff – Quentin’s ‘weapon’ is a simple, silver staff, straight, thin, and practically weightless. A diamond-shaped fragment of solid quintessence adorns the top of the staff, about the size of a man’s fist. The weapon is not typically used as a melee device, though theoretically it could. Instead, it acts as a conduit for his magics, as well as protection from the magics of others. The raw quintessence cresting the staff disrupts the magical energy of other Magi when activated, though it is by no means a means of invincibility. ti’Melourd crafted the device himself, many years ago. When he is without his staff, it is naught but a second away, easily obtainable. He stores it in an extra dimensional space and can call it to his hand whenever he wishes.
              Step Six → Quintessence – Time
              Step Seven → Though he was brought up to revere Herewynn, as time progressed and he came to better understand the rudimentary nature of all things, Quentin expanded his views to the entire pantheon. He recognizes the role each deity plays in the order of the universe, treating none more important than any other. As such, he may seem to be less religious, as he doesn't pray or express special devotion to any deity, but in reality, he may perhaps be one of the most fundamentally religious individuals alive.

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              Chapter One
                Quiet and Tranquility
                Level-headed Individuals
                Crafty and Resourceful Individuals

              Chapter Two
                Disturbance of the natural order of things
                Violence for the sake of violence
                People pestering him to teach them his magics
                Dishonesty and untrustworthyness

              Chapter Three
                Further refining his mastery over quintessence
                Working on new mathematical equations and formulas
                Losing track of time and not particularly minding
                Developing logical, effective solutions to problems
                Long walks alone, which can last for months at a time

              Chapter Four
                Quintessential Magic - this includes manipulation of Time, Space, Physics, and other properties that defy natural laws. He can use other magics, but at a much lower proficiency.
                Time Magic - Speeding or Slowing the Time Frames of individuals, Halting the flow of time for short durations [though others are not susceptible to attacks/manipulation during Time Stop], Reversing Time [limited use currently, though still effective to relive recent happenings]
                Dimensional Magic - breaking boundaries of dimensions for travel, item storage, imprisonment, etc. Rifts can be formed in this dimension to other places in the dimension [teleportation], or they can be formed leading to other dimensions [storage or imprisonment]. Also can be used to divert attacks/spells by opening a rift in the path of a projectile. In this case, the magical energy or physical projectile is transported through the dimensional rift, appearing from the other end of the tear.
                Gravitational Magic - Increasing or decreasing personal or radial gravitational forces, allowing for levitation or suppression of flight and potential crushing force. Additionally, own gravity and that of others specified can be subjective, meaning 'down' and 'up' can be designated as any direction.
                Age Alteration - can alter appearances by 'aging' or 'unaging' the body, making the subject appear younger or older. This extends to actual age alteration, but power is limited and only ever used extensively on a personal level.

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              MuseTime by Pink Floyd [Youtube + Lyrics]
              Typeface #C0C0C0 – Silver
              Back CoverQuintessence – the pure, concentrated essence of a substance; the fifth essence or element, ether, supposed to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies, the others being air, fire, earth, and water.

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