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Usagi-Baby and Friends!
Various tales and accounts of the misadventures of Usagi and the other sailor senshi...
Baby Kimmy and Nurse Shego
From another game, this time with more Kimmy/Shego goodness. Enjoy! =3


"Hmmm... With this helmet. I can infiltrate Kimmies dream and find out her deepest darkest nightmares." *Slips it on* ".... Why am I in a nursery?"

*And little misss 'Can-Do-Anything' was lounging among a large pile of Cuddle Buddies, the biggest of them bearing a striking resemblence to Rufus, smiling happily with a pink dummy in her mouth, and very thickly padded* "~big happy sigh~" ^_^

-Sweatdrops- "This.. is a nightmare? For me maybe..." -She said, then again. She could work with it, smirking she popped her fingers and changed, her clothes resembeling a green tinted nurses uniform with rubber gloves- "Gootchie gootchie coo!" -She said with a smirk, as she began to stalk her way towards the large pile of stuffed animals-

Sliding her way down the colossal mountain of plush toys with an adorable "Wheeee!", the pampered teen do-gooder giggled as she landed at the bottom with an audible crinkle, looking to be completely enjoying herself, unaware of her uninviated guest in her subconscious. "Dat was fun!" She chimed in, sounding more like a carefree toddler than a world renouned adventuerer cheerleader.Getting up to her feet, she shook her head some, her orange hair tied off in an adorable set of pigtails, and a green and yellow bib tied around her neck with the words "baby kimmy" embroidered on it in crayon themed text.

"... oh yeah... im definately going to need therapy after this..." -Shego muttered, seeing h er teen foe like this almost made her want to hurt her head. Still, it held high hopes, particularly the thought of getting revenge on hall her past defeats. She moved quickly and quietly, before her hand would suddenly dive out... Slipping down into her diaper as her other hand grabbed her shoulder- "Does Kimmie Cub need a didee change?" -she said, with a smirk-

Blinking at the sound of the new voice, Kimmy blinked for a moment, seeming a bit confused, then turning her head sharply to look back, her eyes meeting Shego's instantly. She didn't say a word for a moment or two, and barely reacted at first, until a great big smile spread over her face, and she proceeded to do something the green skinned mercenary probably next would have expected: she pounced her and hugged her. "Shego!" She cried out happily, smiling brightly. "Shego came to see Kimmy!"

"Ack... What.. but.... No! get off!" -She acked at the hug, eyes wide as she squirmed and tried to push her off, squirming- "You're not supposed to be excited to see me!" -She protested at the turn of events-

The overgrown teen toddler just giggled, oblivious to the older woman's protests as she showed her so much affection. Finally relenting her stranglehold of a hug, Kimmy sat up and smiled back at Shego. "Why nots? Kimmy's always happy to see Shego! Shego's fun!"

-Shego acked and grumbled- "This is not what I had in mind." -She said- "I was supposed to see your nightmares. Bleh, i'm leaving." -She murmered, reaching up to take off her helmet.... but then just feeling around, still feeling her head- "Uh.. wait... wait how am I supposed to take it of now?"

Kimmy's eyes grew large, latching onto Shego's legs, giving the big sad puppy eye routine she was so famous for. "Nooo! Shego can't leave! Shego just got here's! Pweeeease? Kimmy wanted to pway!"

"No.. GRAH! DRAKKEN!!!!" -She shouted, before feeling the cling to her legs.- "I'm probably stuck here till Kim wakes up... great..." -she facepalmed, sighing softly and looking down at Kim, icking softly- "Uh.... yeah, sure.... What do you want to play?" -She asked, feeling a little awkward. Sure she could just... wail on Kim, she was still her foe. But for some reason, beating on a toddlerized Kim just didn't sound that fulfilling-

Quickly going from sad and pouty to bright and happy again, Kimmy squealed and glomped Shego once again, hugging her tightly. "Yaaaay! Shego's gonna pway with Kimmy! Shego's the gweatest!" She proclaimed, then got up again and looked around her 'nursery'. "Kimmy's got lots of things we can pway.. lots of games and toys and stuff! Kimmy always comes here to make herself happy!"

-Shego put on a nervous smile as she nodded and sighed, moving to follow Kim as she rolled her eyes- "Im going to kick Drakkens a** when I get out of this... Till then." -She muttered, walking around the nursery in her nurse uniform, taking note of all the toys and large baby furniture, hmmming som-

Kimmy held onto Shego's hand as she gave her the 'guided tour', letting her see how elaborate it really was. Finally coming to what had to be the biggest toy box the former hero turned badgirl had ever seen, Kimmy let go of her guest's hand and ran, or rather, toddled up to it, flipping the lid open and started to rummage around inside, occasionally tossing things out of her way, like oversized dolls, more plush toys, the occasional rubber chicken, and various other sight gags.

"Glad I don't have to clean up this place." -Shego commented, dodging the occasionally flying doll or toy, to avoid being hit or struck by them as she made her way closer to the box to look in for something to suggest. Just something she could spend her time with till Kim woke up.. Then she could forget all about big baby kim, and go back to beating up on her kim-

"What does Shego wanna do?" She asked, looking up at her with an innocent look on her face. "Mommy alkways said I should ask friends first if they want to play something." She said matter of factly, nodding her head as she sucked cutely on her pacifier.

"Um... How about a board game? Do you have board games here?" -She asked, sweatdropping as she saw her slurping on the pacifier, blushing some and looking to the side, trying not to laugh at how she looked, softly crossing her arms across her own breasts-

"Yeahs!" Kimmy declared, running over to a large shelf. "Kimmy's got lots of games! Lots and lots of games!" Looking over the shelf, filled up completely with various boxes with different labels on the, she tilted her head to the side, trying to look serious for a moment as she studied each one, no doubt looking completely silly in the process. "Mousetrap, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Guess Who, Clue, Candyland, Sorry, Trouble, Uno, Connect Four, Go Fish, Old Maid, Checkers, Chess, Dominos... Kimmy got so many choices..."

"... its a dream. Of course you have alot of choices...... uh. how about Sorry?" -She asked, moving to follow Kim once again, blushing deeply as she saw her thickly diapered hips wiggeling infront of her as she ran, sighing some and moving to sit down on the floor where a clear space was, adjusting the short tight skirt she wore-

"Okkie dokie!" She looked around the shelf for a moment, trying to find the game again, then gave ah triumpant "Ahh!" before pulling it out, accidently dislodging a few other ones as well, making them clatter on the floor much to her surprise, just standing there a moment staring at it, before giggling cutely. "Oopsy!" She chimed in, then waddled back over to where Shego was sitting down at, plopping down across from her, crinkling cutely in the process.

-Shego acked as she saw the boxes plummeting, wincing and shielding herself from being hit, before sweatdropping- "Ah... its okay.." -she said, nodding a little as she watched Kim slip down to sit near by, h earing the thick plush diaper crinkeling as she fidgeted herself. She doubted shed be able to look at Kim the same way again after this-

Kimmy giggled, happy to get to play with the older woman as she set up the board game, giving the green pieces over to Shego while taking the red ones for herself. "Kimmy doesn't play much... too busy keeping RonRon out of troubles.. so Kimmy is happy Shego wants to play with hers." She smiled.

"I can imagine.... I have enough troubles keeping Dr D out of trouble.... Honestly, i'd think those two were seperated at birth." -she said, huffing and blowing some green hair out of her e yes that stuck out past her nurse hat as she moved to draw a card to play-

Kimmy giggled, watching Shego go first, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her head in her hands. "Kimmy remembers when RonRon and Drakken switched places... scary that Ronron was a better baddy than Drakken was.." She commented, moving her feet back and forth idly.

"True. Or that Drew wa- well... I guess him on the side of good wasn't that hard to see." -she murmered, pushing her pieces around boredly, as she continued to play. Watching Kims feet wiggle some, still feeling awkward watching the full teenager act like a preschool toddler-

Switching to being down on her tummy, Kimmy kicked her legs behind her as she drew her card and looked at it. "Drakken's a nice man when he wants to be... and Shego's nice too, even though she acts all grumpy and mean... and doesn't like Kimmy much..." She pushed her piece along the board with one finger, her eyes following it while she made car sounds.

"Well thats life, Kiddo." -She said, playing her turn as well... Sighing as she looked around and saw a clock... which was completely useless as it had no hands on it. Who knew how long this dream would go on before Kim woke up... She really needed to think of something to help pass the time better than this game. Fidgeting some, also begining to wonder if shed get hungry like this, in her dream-

Rolling onto her back and watching Shego move, Kimmy plucked her paci out of her mouth, bringing her legs up and holding her feet in cute poses, like watching her was the most interesting thing she'd ever done. A soft sigh left her lips as she smiled. "Even if Shego is mean sometimes, Shego's still fun to play with, and Kimmy always loves the workout Shego gives her." She commented, popping the n****e of a large bottle between her lips, filled with what appeared to be strawberry milk, which hadn't been there moments before obviously.

-Shego sweatdropped at the size of the large bottle suddenly appearing... But chuckled- "Heh. Thats convenient.. atleast I don't have to worry about feeding you." -she commented as she finished her move to wait for kim to, watching her suckeling down the bottle of strawberry milk-

Kimmy giggled, holding up the long end with her feet while reaching back with one hand to make her next move. "Sowwies... did Shego want to feed Kimmy?" She asked innocently enough, smiling sweetly up at her like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Nooo thanks. You have it under control." -The nurse shego said, shaking her head as she sweatdropped. She was never good around kids, and being around a full grown baby of her rival didn't exactly appeal to her much. As she made her move as well, watching Kim the entire time as she fidgeted-

"Okkies," the babied redhead giggled, continuing to drain the large baby bottle, drawing her next card. "... aww.. I gotta go back.." She pouted cutely, moving her piece back two spaces. The real Kimmy would've probably been mortified by this point, but dream Kimmy seemed perfectly at home playing games with her rival, on display like the adorable tyke she was dressed as.

-If one thing, atleast Shego seemed to be winning so far.... still, she felt a bit ridiculous, sitting there in the adult-style nurses outfit, with the diapered Kim possible across from her, hmming-

Kicking her legs abit, Kimmy sighed, watching Shego move along, a bit annoyed to be losing at the moment... as she had the bottle nearly empty, a soft, faint hissing noise could just barely be heard between them. Oblivious to it hersself, Kimmy didn't pay it any mind, but the source soon revealed itself as the pink lines down the front of Kimmy's diaper started to fade out.

-Shego tensed as she heard the noise... shaking her head as she moved to move her piece when she felt a strange urge overtaking her. She eeped some, pushing herself up... Not in full control of herself as she felt compelled to make her way to the changing table and fetch supplies-

Kimmy blinked, watching Shego get up from the game, "Awww..." She pouted and sat up, her diaper squishing just a bit from having been just used. Blinking again, looking a bit confused, the babyish redhead looked down, pulling out the front of her diapers, blushing sweetly when she realised what she did. "Ut ohs...."

"Is Kimmie-Wimmie ready for a diddee change?" -Shego said in a cutely sweet voice, before she suddenly blinked- "D-di.. did I just say that?" -She said, eeping as she stood there with a huge plush diaper in one hand, and a can of wipes and power in the other-

"Uh huhs..." Blushing cutely, Kimmy-Wimmie nodded her head and put her thumb in her mouth. Watching Shego standing over her with her the new diaper and the changing supplies, the poor baby girl looked up at her, a shy expession on her face. ".... Shego change Kimmy?" She asked

"No.. I.. er.. mean...." -Shego blushed, as she would find herself kneeling down next to kim and gulped.- "Of course, sweetie." -she said, though not entirely meaning to. To Shego's horror shed find her hands gently spreading Kim's legs wide and moving up to undo her diapers and draw them down.... softly raising her legs to tug them away

Kimmy laid there as Nurse Shego went about changing her out of the wet diaper, completely naked save for the bib tied around her neck, her legs spread out and showing off her smooth hairless cunny. No surprise there, after all, how embarrassing would it be for a cheerleader to have another pompom between her legs while doing routines?

-Shego pulled out wet wipes and held Kims legs, as she proceeded to wipe and clean her up from her wet accident... much to Shegos horror, embarrased as she found her own body wanted to do its own thing, and properly clean Kim up even though she didn't. Then, tugging her hips back up, she pushed the even thicker diaper beneath her and began powdering-

Giving a happy sigh, Kimmy laid there wiggling her toes, enjoying the attention she was getting from the older woman, soaking it up like a sponge. Perhaps part of her subconscious liked the idea of Shego taking care of her, playing with her and all that, hence why Kimmy seemed to go along with it so much. Or maybe it was just the fact she was dreaming, and didn't even realize any of this was happening in her head. Who could be sure?

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"In the name of the moon, I will pu-- *deep blush* .. oh poopy. *toddles off, her diapers sagging behind her*"

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