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My Book with My ideas in it...every thing from my day to my storys.
Clouds story (new! XD)
(NICE AND NEW! XXD brings a tear to my eye crying ) XD
It was noon now. The golden sun set with in the fair mountain range, watch fires where just being lit. From my tower the men looked far smaller than ants. The watch fires lit the night, some men drank, even praticed their skills. My watch was over, so I took my sword and bow with me down the tower. It has been 4 years now....4 years since the Deamons broke the left flank. Out kights fell and where pushed back...we held our ground till we where over powerd, screams and shouts filled the the night sky that night. Men lay dead across the flank, human blood was mixed with the blood of deamons...standards still in hand...there they lay slain, dead to the rest of the world...dead to everything. My eyes still burn with that image. Said the commander.

We even the kights of Legion can be taken down. So, as your commander, you are to do as I tell yo--COMMANDER! Our watch has picked up enemy troops at the Northern Gate!,....right, thinks ,messanger, men let's move out!.

I got my sword as i was told, and fallowed the commander my sword glimed in the sliver moon light...my armor leaving deep inprints in the muddied earth as i went...then i asked my self...Could this be the real thing?..like what happened to the commanders unit?...I then stoped in my tracks, i stood there looking at my old leather boots......I looked up and leanded to my Zack and said..you know, my dad once said if you look up at the moon long enough, the reponse to you question shall revil, it's self.....he looked at me like i was crazy his brown eyes scaning me... then he turned to say...if you keep thinkning like that you might get killed.... ...the thought of being killed made me thrn cold inside...my blue eyes grew large...my spiked black hair ahd a sliver tint to it...thinks to the silver moon light...we martched on for a few hours the next day, shouts and explosions could be heard. we kenw the time had come, to go from men to kights...some of us where lancers, swordsmen, and some archers. We where a large army, under one command, commander James, how could we lose? We couldn't we were that good. The commader gave the order to stop and be quite, the roudy, loud army grew quit...amazing how musch power one man could have...then he spoke...Men, now is the time for fear to fear it's self, so ready your wepons, but not only your wepons, bur ready your minds. Let's kick some demon butt! he said raising his large sword, the gold and black blade shining in the sunlight...all at once we drew our swords and shouted, Kick butt we will sir!, for that is what we do!

I ran in to battle, sword in hand, my eyes fixed on a small scaled demon, I brought up my steel sword and I brought it down on the demons gead as gard as i could, the sword cut in to the demons head. Dark red blood fleew...I was sure i had got him...but i didn't...the demons brought forth its bloody claws and sent me flying, I hit the ground with a thmp. The demons bright red eyes where fixed on me, its clawed feet dug in to the earth as it drew closer to me fear shot through me, my body went cold, I was sure death would come fast yet slowly.

I looked down there lay Zack, dead, his body twisted and bleeding, but thee shine of Steel got my eye, a swrod...but could i get to it?....The demon brought its claws at me I ducked and grabed Zacks sword, and ran like a bat out of hell. I ran till i was sure i was safe, therei stood, breathing deeply, sweat runing down my face, then it hit me...where am i? then, my blue eyes hit the sword...Zack...dead? how could that be?..there was not the time to cry...and think, and i knew it...my eyes became blurred with tears, thenit happend I felf something inside me break, and change, my body was burning. I felt fear mealt away, no felling at all...I then remebered what I was out here to do...fight..I ran hard and fast, my mind was racing. I didn't feel lilke my self as i ran...something different...I just didn't know what...as i ran Zacks sword glimed in the light as it hit my steel chest plate...then i saw it.. the demon with my sword loged in its head...my eyes met its cold deadly eyes,and we charged in ot battle...sword met claw, sparks flew, blood was shead and gone.. but both of us remained. I ran in front of the deamon and waited for a chance... the demons large froma turned and round to meet mine..there, the claws of the demon came, but i was ready..I ducked and jumped up, bringing the sword down on its head..blood flew left and right...Zacks sword met with mine, a shout and 2 swords falling to the ground could be heard...3 hours later the commander found me.

I had my back aginst a tree...my eyes fixed on the mound of dirt, with a few sticks sticking out of it..he got off his black horse and came over to me, his face covered in blood and sweat, his grey eyes looking at me...then he asked....What happened here? his deep voice said to me..his eyes scaned the area, he rasied a brow when he saw the blood on the demon...who did this?...he looked at me with a spark in his eye..then i spoke...I...did..sir...my voice was weak and my arms where on the butts of the two swords...both of them...has a purple tint to them..the demons blood was dry and incrusted on then swords, Boy, you look like your have been through hell and back......i bet i do sir.....he smirked....well aleast your alive. Let's get that arm fixed up shall we?...I smiled and looked at him, my eyes metting with his...the he asked...boy what is up with your eyes?...Nothing that I know of sir...Then why are they silver? after he said that i felt it againg...the same feeling as before ...but this time it was weaker..then it was gone.

Mmmmmm..the commader said looking at his boots rubbing his beard...then he spoke to me...A...SwordMasher eyh?, been along time since one of those came along...Something big has been planed for your distiney...he said....I shook my head head, I didn't understand a single word..my eyes fallowed his every movement as he talked to me, SwordMashers are men and wemen of great power, but are very rare and only imurge when something vrey dangurouse is taking place, that means you Cloud are of great importance. he said leaning hevely on his sword, his frame towered over me...

The next day i was discarged from the army, it was insited by James. They gave me food to last for a few days, and some money.James said, So you adventer starts here, make the best of it and don't give up.

Man my feet are killing me....i said as i walked down the dusty old path, my swords jinggled as i walked...my hair blew in the wind as i walked.....i scaned the area for a place to set camp....A few hours later i found a spot in a clearing of trees, i made a fire and set out for food, I picked up my swords from the ground, they both glimed in the fire light...something was in the bushes.....my eyes scaned the area....my arms and legs where tense........who gose there? i said looking around....a rather small figure appeared form the bushes...the yellow travle clok glimed in the fire light....."what do you want?" i said in a arretated voice....the figure removed the clok, Your a GIRL?!?

Yes....do you have a problem with that?...or what?.......no, no, not at all, but...why would some one like you be out here in the forest & at this time of day? her hand went qucikly to her side...her face slowly turned to Cloud......Who are you and why are you asking me all these questions? ...Why would i have to expain my self to you? I said looking at her with my eyes fixed on hers...she went to a qestionly like face....her eyes spakling in the fire light...because a gental men allways explains him self to a lady...I started laughing...then before i knew it i was on the ground..i got up and cleared my thoat...So you think I am a gentalman? I said trying not to laugh...and that i will explain my self to you? I mean after all you are at my campfire. i said to her. my armor was giving of a little a onange tint fromt he fire...she got up and droped the travlers cloak her face red with anger she drew her sword, the sword shining making a metal on metal sound as she drew it...you DON'T think that I can TAKE CARE OF MY SELF OUT HERE DO YOU!? she said throwing down the swords casing on the ground...she steped forward leaving small foot prints in the damp earth...hey lady, watch it...come on..put that thing down I said yelling at the top of my lungs..the sound ecoed off the trees like a wolf looking for a mate..but failing horribly falling in to a bear trap...NO! I am tired of people telling me that i am to weak to do this and that, well it end here! she said trusting her sword at me, side steping and losing my balance i fell to the ground sending mud every where...lucky..i said growling..drawing my sword and slashing like a mad man after something i was afaid to lose, i hit her sword sending it in to the air and embeding it self in the muddyed earth..see what happens with you point that thing at people!? i said as i watched the girl embrace that she had lost her weapon her small form stumbled back fear embraced in her green eyes as she wiped her hair out of her face when the cold night air got to it..how?...how?! she said looking at me as my armour shined brighter as i came..now what where your saying? i said puting my shining sword in its case, as the sword was cased the shine died away and the silver glow was lost as if the moon was covered up with a black blanket...i shighed...fine do what you want...i said walking back over to the banked glowing fire the only small source of light for miles
The next day we awoke to a chilling to the bone breeze, my skin was as cold as snow and had not feeling what so ever i had trouble just trying to get up and look around.."hey lady, you all right" i said laying there facing the sky..she responded a few minutes latter "yes...it looks like winter time is apon us..just great isn't it?" she said curling up in a ball pushing her legs even closer to her chest.

"I can see clearly now that my stach is gone,
because I have eaten off my magic plant,
the cops have came and said boy thats not no cat n**,
I can see all opsticals in my way!, well, all exept that dead fat cat!
I knew today would be shiney because i got high, yes it's, a high and sunshiney day!
Yes, i can seethings that arn't even there!
but now i am sad cuz i have no more magic plant!
yes thats right...no more bright and sunshiney days.....not any more anyway...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jan 22, 2006 @ 06:29am
That last part about the magic plant...that is not part of the storie...that is a song me and a crazy freind are working on. XXD

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