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Peachy Keen Noes, don't kidnapps me!

Community Member
To Steal a Peach pt 2
~Ch.2 - The Life of the Sweet Peach~

The peach. A small tan colored fruit. It assumes nothing and expects nothing to happen. It is sweet, juicy, round, and its flavors explode in your mouth. Nothing about a peach could ever harm you, and why would you ever want to hurt one of them? Not unless you hate the taste of peaches, you despise their very core, and wish them the torture of hell, but then you still couldn’t wish to actually harm one. They are fuzzy, they are soft, and as you cut them to eat them their only thought is that of happiness, thinking ‘Yay! Soon someone will enjoy me, Hurray!’ They are harmless, carefree, innocent things. Well most of them are, or were. Until the night one particular Peach got confused…

Peach lay in the bed provided for her. She had brushed her teeth before lying down, so she could no longer taste her meal, but she remembered it. It was absolutely delicious! The meat was so soft and tasty, it melted in her mouth with every bite. The rice beneath it was covered in a brown sauce and together the meal was incredibly decadent. Konan, after hearing all of the commotion over the ‘chop sticks’ had run out to teach her to use them. Once she learned how to eat with them, she fully enjoyed her meal.

All of the lights were turned off in the room and after a few moments her eyes adjusted to the darkness, now making the room lighter than ever as it filled with beautiful moon light. She could hear the Akatsuki members down the hall laughing and breaking out into an argument every once in a while, but it didn’t bother her. It was nice to hear such merriment down the hall, she smiled to herself. The blankets and mattress were so unbelievably comfortable she sincerely wished to sleep here every night, despite the fact that soon a man would be joining her in the room.

After a few minutes of thought she heard foot steps down the hallway coming in direction of the room. The voice began yelling,

“Hahahaha! Oh eat a d**k, ********!” There was a pause, she could tell someone else was yelling too, but couldn’t understand. She put one hand behind her head, and twirled the necklace she never took off between the fingers of her other hand.

“I know, I know,” she heard the man again “Well I need sleep so shut up!” she heard laughter followed by the door knob twisting, at this she sat up waiting for the man to enter.

Light from the hallway filled the room blinding her for a minute but soon the door closed, making her eyes work to adjust a second time. When she could see again, she looked around for the man but he wasn’t there. There was no one in the room with her. She released a breath she didn’t know she had been holding and relaxed. Maybe they had gotten the wrong room…

A groan was heard from a corner of the room she hadn’t seen, pulling her attention from her thoughts. She practically jumped at the noise and looked in the offending direction. There stood the silver-haired, bare-chested, man. This was Hidan!? And he was to spend the night in here!? With her!? She couldn’t believe it. “Y-you’re Hidan??” She questioned. Hidan heard her and looked in her direction.

“What the ******** are you doing in here!?”

“Konan said I could sleep in here for my first night…” Peach answered, totally and completely melancholy. This meant Hidan didn’t like her, which meant she wasn’t spending the night in here, which meant she was spending the night in her grey-colored, blood-scented cell.

Hidan seemed to be thinking about something. “Well I’m beat and a little dizzy from the sake so I’m going to sleep now. Feel free to ********’ stay up or whatever,” He then took his cloak off, making his upper-half completely bare. He walked toward his bed and flumped down onto it with a tired sigh.

Peach grew very happy at the thought she wasn’t being kicked out! But seeing Hidan again made her think. She was happy for her new friend Konan because she had Pein and she loved him. But did that mean she was going to have a baby with him? No.. she said she thought she loved him. That must mean it doesn’t count. But what was love? She’d never been in love… What did it feel like? Was it a sensation, like you felt pain? Ow! I’m in love! No that didn’t make much sense to her… maybe you fell in love then you knew it when you saw your baby!

But then What did Konan mean when she said ‘You don’t know what sex is!?’ What was sex? Was sex the feeling you got when you were in love? That made sense, you were in love, you felt sex, then you got a baby! But where did the baby come from? So then it wasn’t true… she was confused. She looked toward Hidan and decided to ask.

“Hidan?” She asked gently hoping he wasn’t asleep.

“What,” was her reply. She was glad he wasn’t asleep.

“What is sex, and where do the babies come from once you’re in love?”

There was a very long pause and she began to worry that he’d fallen asleep, but soon after she got a short reply.

Hidan lifted himself up by his arms to look her straight in the eye. “What.”

Peach got a little nervous when he did that and shifted in her bed “Well Konan said I couldn’t sleep in her room, I had to sleep in this room because her and Leader-sama would be doing sex whatever that is-” “Gross.” She was interrupted, but continued “And I asked her what it was and she said ‘You don’t know what sex is?’ and I said no, and she said ‘You don’t know how to make ba-”

“Alright I’m going to stop you right ******** there,” Hidan said as he sat up against the wall to look at peach. “babies come from your p***y,” He stated, pointing at her for emphasis. Peach tried to form a sentence but it was hard, considering she'd never heard the term Hidan had used. Hidan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Your v****a."

“What? No they don’t. I’ve never gotten a baby.”

“No, no. You have babies,” Hidan REALLY didn’t want to be having this conversation. He should have had more sake.


“Through your ******** v****a,” He said so very condescending.

“How does it get inside you?”

“You make it,” He was getting sleepy… hopefully he’d just fall asleep and not have to finish talking.

“But you’re not telling me how!” She was getting frustrated.

“Okay, SIGH, Do you ******** know what a c**k is?”

“… No…”

Hidan smirked “Want me to show ya?” He was kidding but she couldn’t tell.

“No,” She really didn’t want him to show her anything.

Hidan chuckled, “Mmkay, so first, my finger represents a c**k,” He held up his finger.

“Is that what they look like?”

“Shut up and listen! Anyway, this hole I make with my other hand represents your v****a,” He held up his other hand and made a hole. “Sex is when this,” His finger “Goes into this,” he put his finger through the hole and moved it in and out. “Over and over again. Then my finger cums and gets you pregnant and then the baby grows in your v****a and in nine months it comes out and eats all your food and waists all your ******** money,” He ended and smiled at her. ‘wow, I’m a great teacher!’ He thought.

Peach was shocked… she had so many more questions… “So… Konan wants a baby to eat all her food with Pein?”

“No I don’t think so. It would be a bad ******** plan to get knocked up right now.”

“Then why are they having sex?”

“He probably pulls out so he doesn’t c** in her vag and make her pregnant.”

“Then why are they even having sex in the first place!?”

“Oh ********, I forgot the best ******** part!! It feels ******** good!”

“How can that feel good?” She was confused and tried to picture a c**k, whatever that was, going inside her and it didn’t sound appealing at all.

“Well I’d show you, but I’m ******** tired. So I’m sleeping now,” With that he lay down and left her with her thoughts.

The next morning Peach awoke without realizing she’d fallen asleep. She sat up and looked around the room. Hidan’s bed was messy and he was gone. He must have gotten up early and left. She got up and put the solid blue under-dress on. She thanked god it had a built-in corset because she still didn’t have a bra, and this way at least they’d be comfortable, and lifted biggrin . She slid the over-dress on and tied the blue bow in the back. Blue wasn’t exactly her color, but it looked pretty enough. She brushed her hair, made the bed and walked out into the hallway.

She walked down the hallway into the main room where she was greeted by the sight of 5/10 members at the table all eating except Konan who sat in front of an empty plate. She heard clattering in the kitchen and walked to forward to see what it was. Hidan was in there making toast and eggs. She smiled a bit to herself, the place seeming a lot less scary on her second day. Sitting down next to Konan, she got a smile from the woman.

“So,” Konan began “I thought today, I’d feed you, then since you are restricted to your cell unless with a member, I thought I’d give you a sex-ED lesson.”

“No need to, b***h,” Hidan’s voice came from the kitchen.

“Why’s that, a**?” Konan replied.

“I told her all about it last night.” He gave Konan a proud smile.

Konan’s eyes went wide. ‘Oh dear god’ “Why did you tell her!”

“She asked me to.”

Konan looked from Peach to Hidan several times before standing up. “Peach we’re going to the library, so get up,” Peach just stood up. Konan probably had a reason for suddenly wanting to go to the library so bad. Konan stripped off her cloak, her weapons, and her ring before walking towards the door pulling Peach with her. She quickly opened the door but thought twice before leaving. “And,” she turned to the rest of the group “If Leader-sama asks where I am, tell him I’m saving Peach because Hidan harmed her mentally.”

“OI, I DIDN’T DO A GOD-DAMNED THING!!” Hidan screamed as they rushed out the door.

“What did you do?” Sasori, for the first time all morning looked up from the paper, asked.

“I told Peach what makin’ sweet love was.”

“She didn’t know?”

“Nope. She’s a ********’ virgin I guess.”

“And you ******** groped her on the way here. Jackass.”

“Shaddup, Puppet!!”

Konan and Peach spent the day at the library, reading all of the books and even buying a few about the human body. They looked online so Konan could show her pictures and explain better. The pictures that embarrassed Konan the most intrigued Peach. She was so curious. She would never tell anyone, not even Konan, but she took all that she learned and thought it of her and Hidan. She didn’t know why she didn’t think it about Mario; Mario was her hero. Even so, Hidan was the one in her thoughts…

The only thing she had a big question about at the end of the day was how it felt that good? It seemed like something being shoved inside you would hurt… a lot… but according to Konan, it didn’t hurt at all, and Konan would know. (lulz biggrin )

When they got back to base Konan went in search of Pein to ask if Peach had to be locked in her cell or if she could sleep in a bed again, meanwhile leaving Peach in the main room. Peach walked over to the table across from the stitched man again and laid her head on top of her small stack of books to rest.

As she began to relax a loud crash could be heard outside. She lifted her head in curiosity as the door flung open. Hidan walked in wobbling and laughing hysterically. Sasori came in behind him trying to hold him still or at least keep him standing up.

*~~*~~**_______Earlier that day with Hidan__________

Hidan ate his toast and eggs, soon after growing extremely bored. He threw on his cloak and walked outside to find Sasori sitting in the grass making a poison or something of some kind. ‘watta ******** nose-bleed.’ He walked over to the puppet and watched him, quickly loosing interest and walking off into the forest to look for a sacrifice maybe. As he walked he stumbled upon a rather large (but not unusually large) mushroom. Its top was red with white dots and its base was just tan. It seemed to have a face, though, and he stared at it for a long while.

“YOU!” It yelled, startling Hidan.

“WHAT THE ********!” Hidan screamed.

“Are you the one who stole the Princess!?”


“My name is Toad! Give us back the Princess at once!!!”

“JASHIN WHAT THE ******** IS IT, IT TALKS!? YOU ******** FREAK WHY DID YOU CREAT SUCH A HIDEOUS BEING!?” Then it hit Hidan. Jashin would only create something this awful if it was meant for food. Maybe it was really tasty. ‘Okay! Thank you Jashin!^ ^’ Thought Hidan. He then picked up the mushroom and ate it.

As Hidan walked back toward Sasori, feeling confident he’d heard the voice of jashin, the grass started turning pink. ‘that’s ********’ weird’ he thought. Oh well, whatever. He saw Sasori in the distance but as soon as he saw him the ground began to shake beneath his feet. He was having trouble standing up and couldn’t make any noise to get Sasori’s attention. The red of Sasori’s hair was the only thing he could see anymore, for Sasori was moving away, and Hidan couldn’t run, only watch. Hidan was finding the whole situation extremely funny and could do nothing but hold his sides. The red hair grew and turned into a snarling beast and Hidan's laughter grew. The pink grass and yellow sky molded together and made beautiful paintings Hidan wished he could paint.

Sasori was drawn from his bubbling concoction by a hysterical Hidan rolling around in the middle of the grass not too far away from him. His pupils were dilated and Sasori knew he hadn’t been up to any good. Drugs? Hidan didn’t seem like the type but maybe he was just an idiot. Sasori quickly made something to take the effects of whatever he did away very soon. ‘there we go. But ill have to put him somewhere until the drugs wear off…’

*~~*~~**_______Back to the present with Peach__________

Sasori sat Hidan down at the table at the end, away from the other two sitting at the table. “What’s wrong with Hidan?” Peach asked, feeling more confident talking to these criminals.

“He’s… eaten something bad. I’ve given him a… medicine for it and it should work in a few minutes.” Peach sat and stared at Hidan for a little while before Konan walked in.

“Peach,” Peach looked up at her “Leader-sama has agreed to let you stay in the ‘New members’’ room as long as we don’t get any more new members. Though, during the day you will need to stay in the company of one of the members at all times. I mean at ALL TIMES.” Peach nodded and smiled a thank you. By the time Konan had stopped talking, Hidan had stopped laughing and seemed to calm down quite a bit. He seemed to be turning back to normal. ‘Thank god.’

Konan had informed her that the next two days she was to spend with Itachi and Kisame. Konan also told her to address the two men as Uchiha-san and Hoshigaki-san, just to be safe. At the beginning of the day Peach had woken up, put on her blue dress, made her bed, and ate with the rest of the members as was her new routine. She then proceeded to walk up to Itachi and gain his attention by poking his shoulder until he turned around.

“Leader-sama has requested today be the day I follow you and Hoshigaki-san, Uchiha-san.”

Itachi raised an eye brown at the formal name and smirked. Kisame, hearing his name turned around to look down at the blond girl. “Hey, look at that!” he nudged Itachi “We get to hang out with the Princess today!”

“I’m scared that you sound so excited, Kisame,” The young man replied, only winning himself a smirk from the other.

“Hey, Princess, we didn’t have any missions today, so we were gonna go to the river. You’re coming?”

Peach smiled “Yeah!” she was so glad the day wouldn’t be spent following around the two men doing nothing. Itachi and Kisame grabbed a few things then proceeding to walk out the door, Peach following close behind. They walked some way into the forest, Itachi and Kisame making light conversation, something Peach never expected the Uchiha to do.

It was a beautiful day outside, not a single cloud in the big beautiful blue sky. It was warm outside, just the right temperature for swimming; hot, but not too hot. The trees were a bright green, the leaves almost translucent and it reminded Peach of her home. She missed her home land, but felt it too beautiful of a day to be spent home sick. As they neared a wide and deep river, she could hear a waterfall which she assumed to be not too far away. The shore of the river was covered in rocks, the rocks slipping under the water and plunging downward into the earth.

The boys went up to a big rock, setting their things down on top of it, and stripped of their cloaks, shirts, and pants, leaving them clad in boxer shorts. Peach blushed at the sight with the new knowledge of what was underneath, but she hid it so they wouldn’t make fun of her. Itachi walked on top of a big rock which looked tall enough to send you in the middle of the river. Kisame silently snuck behind the Uchiha, putting a hand on his back, and pushing him in.

Itachi’s head came up out of the water after a minute sputtering, as he wiped the water from his eyes. “Kisame!” He yelled “You a**!”

Kisame just laughed. “Calm down, you were taking too long!” Kisame was in the water with a big SPLASH!!!

Itachi and Kisame started wrestling in the water, splashing eachother and fighting. Peach smiled to herself but then soon realized she couldn’t swim in her underwear, she didn’t have a bra. So deciding she didn’t want to bring the mood down, she went to the shore and dipped her feet into the water. She started thinking about Hidan and about the world and Mario and she was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t realize the noise level drop to 0.

When she felt wet arms around her waist, she jumped, her yelp being muffled by the cold water of the river. She re-surfaced to hear the two men laughing gleefully. She wiped the water from her eyes in realization of their joke. As if seeing both men actually laughing didn’t phase her at all, she smiled and splashed them both.

The day carried on this way until it started getting dark outside. All three of them laid out on rocks drying a bit in the sun before it left, Itachi spoke.

“I guess we better get back to base, huh?”

“I guess so…” Kisame retorted “Today was a good day.”

Itachi smiled and nodded in response, Peach doing the same.

Itachi and Kisame dressed themselves once again, Kisame letting Peach wear his cloak so she didn’t have to walk home in a wet dress. As they walked home fireflies lit the path in front of them. When she looked in the sky, Peach saw the sunset, the moon, and the stars. She looked toward the men, wondering if they’d seen it. While Kisame was fascinated by the little glowing bugs around them, Itachi looked to the heavens with the biggest smile she would ever see on his face. She didn't realise how abnormal both men had acted and took it for granted, enjoying everything.

The next day she spent with Itachi and Kisame as well, however she only went to town with them since it was their turn to get groceries. The two days after that were spent silent in Pein’s office. Peach didn’t know if it was just because of Pein’s presence but Konan talked to her half as much as she did when Peach had first arrived. The day after that was spent scared. Scared of the huge half white half black carnivorous plant she had to spend time with. He had warned her that morning not to say anything or he’d eat her, so she didn’t talk. The day that followed marked that she’d been there an entire week. She felt so very homesick; she didn’t like that, plus the fact that this day was Sasori’s day.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR STUPID PUPPETS, UN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!” Deidara screamed at his partner. You see, Sasori had been fixing one of his puppets when Deidara had started talking. Sasori had tried to shut him up using his broken puppet as an excuse. Wrong way to shut up Deidara, Peach took a note.

“How many times do I have to tell you to STOP BUGGING ME WHILE I WORK YOU DUMB BLONDE!”


Peach watched the two men bicker for as long as she could before she couldn’t take it any longer. She didn’t want their anger directed at her, but she couldn’t listen anymore. “Excuse me?” She said loud enough for them to hear. Both men turned to her and glared, Sasori making Hiruko’s tail point at her with chakra strings. She cleared her throat at an attempt to regain some nerve. She turned to Deidara, “D-Deidara-san,” She began “What did you come in for? What did you need?”

The blond man was taken back by the question. He hadn’t expected her to ask and now that she had, he didn’t remember why he’d come in. It was probably a subconscious decision he’d made, wanting to be closer to the red head. ‘********!’ Deidara frowned, yelling at himself in his mind. Turning and walking out of the room, neither Peach nor Sasori heard from him for the rest of the day.

Spending the rest of the day just watching Sasori fix puppets wasn’t great but it was much better then listening to Sasori and his partner yell. The next two days were spent following around Kakuzu who was hardly interesting to be around. After that it was Deidara’s turn where he’d accidentally spoken his love for Sasori to her. He’d been so mad at himself for feeling the way he did, he’d punched the wall. She didn’t really believe in gay marriage, and when he punched things he was scary, but she thought it was awfully cute! To her excitement, the day after that was Hidan’s day.

Peach turned over under the covers of her bed as the sun began to show itself over the tops of the trees. It was getting colder outside and the trees slowly started loosing all of their brown-orange leaves in preparation of winter. The sun had filled the room as Peach’s lovely dream ended and her eyes began to flutter open.

“Wake up!” she heard a very loud man yell at her, but it didn’t quite register in her drowsy mind who or why. Then, giving her no time to think, a large object was thrown at her head.

“Ow!!” she sat up and held her hand to her head. Looking at the object, then promptly to its thrower, a frown fell on her face. “Hidan, why’d you do that!?”

“You wouldn’t wake up! Get up I wanna ******** do something!” Peach was confused until she remembered what day it was and sighed. She got out of bed, turned so he couldn’t see her as she dressed, and dressed herself. Once she brushed her hair Hidan assumed she was ready to go, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the base.

Once outside of the base, Hidan stood peach in front of himself and took out a knife. “W-w-wait what are you doing!?”

“I’m sacrificing to Jashin…” was her answer.

“Sacrifice? Who, me??” Hidan paused, then decided he didn’t care what she thought, and took up his knife. “N-no!!” she yelled “I’ll go find you a sacrifice! Don’t kill me!” Hidan smirked at the frightened Princess, he had never planned on sacrificing her but maybe this would work to his advantage.

“Fine then, go get me one!” as she ran into the forest, he laughed to himself.

Now, Peach had never killed anything, seen anything get killed, or seen what Hidan did to kill things so she didn’t really know what she was doing. She just hoped that coming back to Hidan with this little bug would suffice. As she ran back to Hidan, she tripped falling and loosing her little bug friend in the process. ‘oh no where is it?’ She looked around on the ground but then was picked up by Hidan.

“I’m not gonna ******** kill you. And Jashin would be insulted if I sacrificed that tiny little bug. Let’s go ******** do something fun,” Throwing Peach over his shoulder, he walked toward the nearest town.

The majority of the trip was spent over Hidan’s shoulder but she didn’t really mind. It was actually pretty comfortable up there, she could see everything from a higher vantage point and it looked cool. She began to wonder about Hidan though, and she wanted conversation.

“Hey, Hidan?”


“How old are you?”

“Way older then you,” he smirked

“But how old?”

“See my white hair? That’s not just to make me look damn fine, I’m old.”

“How does that work?” She was a bit confused by that…

“I’m immortal, I can’t die.” Shocked at what he said, she asked another question.

“How old!?”

“I don’t remember.” Not remember?

“You don’t celebrate your birthday?” The conversation was cut short, however, by Peach’s stomach. She blushed at the loud noise it made, signaling her need for food. Hidan hurried to the town, and sat her down at a restaurant type thing. “I don’t have any money.”

“Whaaat? You mean you’ve just been eating all our food and using our house for free?”

“uh… yes.”

“********! Someone better pay for you, if we’re lucky that money will make up the s**t we lost!” Peach frowned and stood up from the table. ‘No food today I guess’ She began leaving the restaurant, but was held back by Hidan’s hand on hers. She blushed of embarrassment or anger, she didn’t know, but looked at him with a questioning gaze. “Look. I’m ******** sorry or whatever, okay? I’ll ******** pay for you’re food. Sit down.”

They both ate, Peach unwillingly blushing the entire time. Hidan thought it was cute how she wouldn’t look at him unless he wasn’t looking at her. ‘adorable, she has a crush on me.’

Hidan made sure that every minute of the day was then spent doing “date” things. Not only was it fun, and not boring which was the main thing Hidan wanted to avoid, but it was cute how she didn’t stop blushing once.

They went to get their picture taken in a picture booth, something Peach had never done before. After they got ice cream, Hidan realized he’d never really been on a date and didn’t know what to do, so they sat on a bench and did Hidan’s favorite pass-time: they made fun of the people that walked by. Well Hidan did most of the name calling, Peach just sat and ate her ice cream, laughing at his jokes. They were so mean, but so funny at the same time! Peach then spotted a dress shop and stood pressing her nose against the glass of the display window for about 10 minutes before Hidan forcibly removed her from it.

They walked around for a little while finishing their ice cream before Peach pointed to a big Farris wheel in the distance. “I wanna go on that!” It had started turning dark outside, and the sun barely peeked over the tree tops as they sat down and waited for it to start.

“Why’d you wanna go on this? It’s boring.”

“No its not! You can see the whole world when you’re on top. It’s beautiful!”

Hidan grumbled “Fine. But we’re doing something I wanna do next.”

“Okay,” Peach agreed happily and smiled. The ride started up and they quickly moved to the top. Peach looked over the land, the sun shown more brightly from way up high, the stars sparkled so close, she thought she might touch them if she reached out her hand. Hidan was a bit taken aback by Peach’s expression. He didn’t think anyone could have looked as beautiful in comparison, Her long golden hair twirled and twisted around her face, falling down around her shoulders and back. She looked at him with her royal blue eyes, smiling. “What?” she asked.

Had he been staring? He cleared his throat, “hold on,” She held onto the bar.

He rocked back and forth, rocking the seat with him. She laughed, a little scared in the back of her mind. With one good push, the seat rocked forward, flipped upside down, and rocked back into position again. Shrieking as it went upside down, Peach giggled through it all. Unfortunately, the ride stopped and they were both kicked off. They headed back to base, Hidan bitching the whole way about not finding a sacrifice today, oh well.

When they reached base, Hidan left Peach in their room, excusing himself to go shower. Peach sat there for a few moments before pulling out one of the romance novels Konan had lent her. She began reading, getting captured in the story and before she knew it Hidan walked in clad in only a towel.

“What the ******** is that?”

She was torn from her thoughts, and book as the voice of Hidan filled the room. She looked up to him, blushing at his lack of clothes “A book.”

“What’s it about?” Peach closed the book and outstretched the book held in her hand to him.

“Wanna read it?” He walked over and sat on the bed across from her. He took the book and read the title; It Had to Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Hidan read it over again to make sure he read it correctly.

“Is this some kinda sissy book?”

“It’s a romance novel,” replied Peach.

“Oh ho, so you’re all studied up and now you like porn,” he snickered.

“It’s not porn, it’s a beautiful story about a man and a woman and-”

“And they meet and poon!” Hidan laughed. Seeing the confused expression on Peach’s face, Hidan finished by saying “They make babies.”

“It’s a good book!” Peach defended. She took the book back from Hidan and hugged it.

“Oh yeah, wouldn’t you rather find Mr. Perfect and make babies with him yourself? Instead of reading about this girl doing it?”

“I already have a man who loves me!” Hidan sank a little bit when she said that, but he didn’t let it show.

“Who’s that?”


“Who’s that?”

“He’s my hero.”

“Oh so he saves you or whatever, has he ever said he loved you?” Peach had to think about that… No, he hadn’t, but why would he save her all the time if he didn’t? “Okay, why hasn’t he saved you from us yet?” She didn’t know about that either… maybe he’d gotten sick of her always being gone. Hidan cupped her chin, bringing her out of her thoughts and made her look at him. “What kinda name is Mario?” He asked.

“He’s Italian,” It was a simple answer to a simple question but seeing the expression it gave Hidan, it must have been bad.

“Sheisty little Italian, he just wants in your pants!”

“No he doesn’t! He wouldn’t do that!”

“That’s all they think about is poon!”

Peach threw the book at Hidan. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!!” Hidan didn’t say anything, he just got up, put clothes on, and laid on his bed. The conversation was over and so was the day. Peach laid down and drifted into a fitful sleep.

~End Ch.2~

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