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-S u n r i s e -
Thoughts and Information for Bruce
- r e s i g n a t i o n -
Full Character Interview

[[not written in accent, kthx]]

Part 1: The Basics
1. What is your full name?
Bruce McCulley.

2. Where and when were you born?
Australia, in some backwater hospital, like HELL I remember these things.
Wait, my birthday?
NO not gonna tell you that.
September 22

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Dad's a cattle rancher and my mum stays at home. That's about it, other than them wanting me to be in some other profession OTHER than being a professional assassin.

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Younger sister...Think she's about 17 now. She's somewhere other than the Outback, thats all I know.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
Currently working at RED Industries...but I also reside in a camper van. What?

6. What is your occupation?
Headshot Specialist RED Sniper.

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
-I'm tall. About...6'5". I have short dark brown hair with some white dyed tips. I've kept it like that since...I dunno, when I was twenty? It was a fad, I swear.
I have gray eyes (from what I've been told, it looks more light blue), and I have a small scar on my left cheek. I'm a little tanned due to being born in a place where the sun always stays shining. Vests and fitting pants--that's my wardrobe, along with my aviators and my hat.

8. To which social class do you belong?
...Dead to anyone. I'm a hunter, being hunted.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
From what I know of, I'm damn healthy. Take note of THAT, Spy.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?
Dual. I use both. giggety

11. What does your voice sound like?
Rugged. Gravelly. And it gets even more gritty when I'm mad.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
"Thanks for standing still."
"PISS OFF."<--for bloody enemies.
....You might need to remind me of any more. I usually just cuss.

13. What do you have in your pockets?
Lint, probably. And a Swiss Knife. And some spare bullets.

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I'm aloof. I'm sarcastic. And I'm sick minded. That enough for you?

Part 2: Growing Up
15. How would you describe your childhood in general?
I'm the end result :3

16. What is your earliest memory?
I had a pet koala until it...I refuse to talk about this.

17. How much schooling have you had?
Dropped out when I was 16 to take care of the farm. So...about 10 years.

18. Did you enjoy school?
Not really :/

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
An uncle who died while teaching me how to cattle herd and this other Sniper who died while teaching me the arts of Jarate. Both brave men, I tell you.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Putting this plainly.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I KIND of wanted to be an astronaut, just to see if there was life on other planets. That sort of thing.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?
Stargazing, counting sheep (No seriously), and tried catching kangaroos. Don't ask.

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
Pfft. Same as now. Just...attained more perverted traits as I grew up.

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Shaddup. Next question.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?
This one lass in my last year in elementary school. Got a slap. Ehh.

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
I'm just going to say no, no and NO.

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
That's how I came to be.

Part 3: Past Influences
29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Being here still. Thats a blessing if there ever was one. Oh, and still blasting people's brains off. Yup.

30. Who has had the most influence on you?
Other than that uncle and that Sniper who knew Jarate? Nobody really. I taught myself.

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Getting into RED. I'm an official assassin.

32. What is your greatest regret?
Uh. Trying to be something in my Dad's eyes and really just dumping said ambitions in front of his face.

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
I have a list. Most of them include headshots. I had to kill a koala family once, despite my childhood liking for them...

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
If I had one, I'd be death sentenced. Maybe that's why I'm here?

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?
When I was out of bullets and I was stuck with enemy Demos and Soldiers around. Thankfully I survived.

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Has to do with Jarate. And a few showers on the first try.

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Getting my mother to understand that this is what I love doing.

38. What is your best memory?
My first headshot with a rifle. Remember it like yesterday.

39. What is your worst memory?
My uncle dying in a cattle herd accident. It was very graphic. A 14 year old shouldn't see those sort of things.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
-Both. Tends to change.

41. What is your greatest fear?
I don't have a fear but i do have this pessimism about the end of the world. Honestly. I can't stand to having to think to survive over a pandemic or a world wide catastrophe

42. What are your religious views?
None. Yeah.

43. What are your political views?
None. Yeah.

44. What are your views on sex?
Kinda hot. Yeah.

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
Acceptable if the guy's a wankah or not a part of my team. :3

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Betrayal. Hence Spies.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
Mates. Yeah. I'm not one to talk about these things since I break things off too easily.

48. What do you believe makes a successful life?
Loving your job and loving your life as much as loving to breathe.

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
I'm damn honest when I WANT to be, thanks.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
I don't like Spies. There you go. Save for a few exceptions. You know who you are.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Falling too hard for someone. I realized I'm not able to do such a feat. Its terrifying.

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
I try not to, since there are people who won't LET me die. :/

Part 5: Relationships With Others
53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
I'm aloof but if I let myself get closer, it'll only be at...bout two arm's length. I can't get others to really get attached to me, in case I...suddenly die.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Myself. despite what I said in the last paragraph, there are people who WILL miss me

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
I'll only list a few and then add when I meet more people.
Johnny, Cherry, Johanna, Charles, Demoman, Ray-Lyn, Pyro.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
No, don't have one.

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
Don't know the feeling.

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?
Someone to hold up, and to hold up when they break. I want to protect them

60. How close are you to your family?
Close enough to be considered to call every now and then.

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
I could consider them Scouts I talk to as younger siblings...but you know? No. I couldn't handle taking care of kids.

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
My insane piece of mind.

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
I trust myself, thanks. That's why I'm looking for a mate

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Probably those people who just met me.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Mum and Dad. I’m pretty sure I was an accident. No worries. Hopefully I'm dead to them now

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Tend to argue when a flare's been set.

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Well no. When nobody's mature enough, then I try to at least organize the chaos.

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
No, not really. I'm not meant for social activity.

69. Do you care what others think of you?
That's for you to decide.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Hunting, stargazing, collecting...certain things. animals

71. What is your most treasured possession?
My hat that I got from my deceased uncle and my aviators.

72. What is your favorite color?
Red, Yellow and Orange. I like warm colors--hence my choosing in assigning to RED.

73. What is your favorite food?
Apricots. I'm kind of obsessed with them.

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?
Newspapers any I can find

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
...Collecting certain things :/

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
Used to smoke, but I quit some years ago. I drink every now and then.

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
I either try to sleep, seeing as my week is full of missions from base, or I go out to practise my precision in sniping.

78. What makes you laugh?
Amateur wankers and little mistakes that people do. They amuse me.

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
Humor that I'm a part of >/

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
I'm sort of diagnosed with that, seeing as my job gives me little sleep.

81. How do you deal with stress?
Decaf coffee.

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Have a plan, of course. to kill everyon single wanker you meet

83. What are your pet peeves?
People taking off my aviators off, twitchy people, cardboard rubbing together (Or just cardboard in general)

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
Get everything back in the norm, of course.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?
I'm a professional at my trade--I kill when necessary.

86. What is your greatest weakness?
I don't HAVE a bloody weakness, unless you count decaffination. But there is this thing I call love that I have a problem with.

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want to see ghosts. Just to SEE if they are around or not. And say hi to a few passed on wankers.

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Introverted...I guess?

89. Are you generally organized or messy?
Pfft. Messy's my lifestyle.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
1) Sniping
2) Jarate (ITS TRUE)
3) Name-calling.

1) Probably watching my back from Spies. :/ I barely escape most of the time
2) Comebacks
3) Sanitation Habits.

91. Do you like yourself?
Sure I do smile

92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)
Its outdoors, you won't go hungry...and you kill people! Its that fun!

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
To somehow live past this Sniping job and settle down, being a hermit all my life. Yeah. Sounds good?

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
pfft. Probably dead?

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
...Hmm. In my sleep, and of old age. Not shot, backstabbed or blown up.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
1) Write a personal letter to parents. A letter that needs to be sent by someone else.
2) Give someone my hat.
3) Stargaze. Even if its cloudy. I just need to look at the sky.

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
-"The Handsome Rogue Who Headshot Many"

98. What three words best describe your personality?
Aloof, Sarcastic, Perverted.

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Distant, Cool, Perverted.

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)
Bruce. Bruce.
Stop fooling yourself, drop your pants and gimme twenty.

User Comments: [6] [add]
British Columbia
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 01:03am

O __ O;

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 01:04am
Did you ever end up catching a kangaroo?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 01:11am
Up to this day...



I did punch one once.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 01:16am
Uhh, way to go?

Community Member
Quick Blu Scout
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 03:12am

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 18, 2009 @ 02:00am
...'Gain wit t'apricots.

Have ye tasted t'stuff? Its...wot y'call "hella good."

Community Member
User Comments: [6] [add]
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