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B u g _ T e c h n o
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Total Value: 6,871,097 Gold

Item List:
Silent Night
Pale Marionette
The Nightmare 10th Gen.
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Dark Elf's Light Armor
Death Whisper

Character sheet: DnD 3.5


      Female Dark Elf Jaguar-Totem Barbarian 5 / Rogue 20 / Battle Sorcerer 5
      Chaotic Good

      Strength 22 (+6)
      Dexterity 22 (+6)
      Constitution 17 (+3)
      Intelligence 17 (+3)
      Wisdom 15 (+2)
      Charisma 20 (+5)

      Size: Medium
      Height: 5' 5"
      Weight: 140 lb
      Skin: Black
      Eyes: Red
      Hair: White; Curly

      Total Hit Points: 176 [includes epic toughness x1]

      Speed: 50 feet [barbarian] [quick]

      Armor Class: 18 = 10 +3 [studded] +5 [dexterity in armor]

      Touch AC: 15
      Flat-footed: 18 [uncanny dodge]

      Initiative modifier: +6 = +6 [dexterity]
      Fortitude save: +14 = 6 [base] +5 [epic] +3 [constitution]
      Reflex save: +23 = 12 [base] +5 [epic] +6 [dexterity]
      Will save: +13 = 6 [base] +5 [epic] +2 [wisdom]
      Attack (handheld): +26/+21/+16 = 15 [base] +5 [epic] +6 [strength]
      Attack (unarmed): +26/+21/+16 = 15 [base] +5 [epic] +6 [strength]
      Attack (missile): +26/+21/+16 = 15 [base] +5 [epic] +6 [dexterity]
      Grapple check: +26/+21/+16 = 15 [base] +5 [epic] +6 [strength]

      Light load:
      Medium load:
      Heavy load:
      Lift over head:
      Lift off ground:
      Push or drag:
      173 lb. or less
      174-346 lb.
      347-520 lb.
      520 lb.
      1040 lb.
      2600 lb.

      Languages: Abyssal Common Draconic Elven Dark_Elf_Silent Goblin Undercommon

      Rapier [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 2 lb., one-handed, piercing]

      Composite Longbow [1d8, crit x3, range incr. 100 ft., 3 lb, piercing]

      Whip [1d3 (nonlethal), crit x2, 2 lb., one-handed, slashing]

      Two-bladed Sword [1d8/1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 10 lb., two-handed, slashing]

      Studded armor [light; +3 AC; max dex +5; check penalty -1; 20 lb.; arcane spell failure 15%]

      Cat familiar


      Exotic Weapon Proficiency Weapon:
      Improved Counterspell
      Power Attack
      Great Cleave
      Improved Sneak Attack [epic] x2
      Epic Toughness [epic] x1
      Great Charisma [epic] x1
      Great Dexterity [epic] x1
      Great Strength [epic] x1
      Spell Penetration
      Greater Spell Penetration
      Two-Weapon Fighting
      Empower Spell
      Maximize Spell



      Skill Name





      Appraise Int 13 =
      Balance Dex* 21 =
      Bluff Cha 25 =
      Climb Str* 11 =
      Concentration Con 13 =
      Craft_1 Int 3 =

      Craft_2 Int 3 =

      Craft_3 Int 3 =

      Decipher Script Int 13 =
      Diplomacy Cha 9 =
      +2 [bluff] +2 [sense motive]
      Disable Device Int 23 =
      Disguise Cha 15 =
      Escape Artist Dex* 6 =

      Forgery Int 3 =

      Gather Information Cha 8 =
      +1 +2 [know local]
      Heal Wis 7 =
      Hide Dex* 21 =
      Intimidate Cha 7 =
      +2 [bluff]
      Jump Str* 14 =
      +8 [speed 50]
      Knowledge (arcana) Int 25 =
      Knowledge (local) Int 13 =
      Listen Wis 19 =
      +15 +2 [elf]
      Move Silently Dex* 29 =
      +20 +3 [cat]
      Open Lock Dex 26 =
      Perform_1 Cha 5 =

      Perform_2 Cha 5 =

      Perform_3 Cha 5 =

      Perform_4 Cha 5 =

      Perform_5 Cha 5 =

      Ride Dex 6 =

      Search Int 25 =
      +20 +2 [elf]
      Sense Motive Wis 17 =
      Sleight of Hand Dex* 28 =
      +20 +2 [bluff]
      Spellcraft Int 27 =
      +22 +2 [Knowledge, arcane]
      Spot Wis 14 =
      +10 +2 [elf]
      Survival Wis 2 =

      Swim Str** 6 =

      Use Magic Device Cha 18 =
      Use Rope Dex 6 =

      * = check penalty for wearing armor

      Bluff >=5 ranks gives +2 on disguise checks to act in character.
      Decipher Script >=5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks involving scrolls.
      Search >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks while tracking.
      Spellcraft >=5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks on scrolls.
      Use Magic Device >=5 ranks gives +2 on spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls.
      If the familiar is within reach, +2 on spot and listen ("alertness" wink .
      Nightsighted trait: +10 feet on darkvision; -1 on Spot in bright light.

      Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 5 per day

      First-level Sorcerer spells: 7 (5+2) per day

      Second-level Sorcerer spells: 4 (3+1) per day

      Dark Elf:

      * +2 dexterity / +2 intelligence / +2 charisma / -2 constitution (already included)

      * Immune to magical sleep

      * +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments

      * Darkvision to 120 ft.

      * Spell resistance 11 + class level

      * Dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire once/day each

      * Light blindness

      * Character level +2

      * Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow

      * +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks

      * Notice secret doors


      * Illiteracy (2 skill points to learn to read)

      * Rage

      * Fast Movement (already included)

      * Uncanny Dodge (level 2)

      * Trap Sense (level 3)

      * Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 5)

      * Damage Reduction 1/- (level 7)

      * Damage Reduction 2/- (level 10)

      * Greater Rage (level 11)

      * Damage Reduction 3/- (level 13)

      * Indominitable Will (level 14)

      * Damage Reduction 4/- (level 16)

      * Tireless Rage (level 17)

      * Damage Reduction 5/- (level 19)

      * Mighty Rage (level 20)


      * Sneak Attack +12d6

      * Trapfinding

      * Evasion (level 2)

      * Trap Sense (level 3)

      * Uncanny Dodge (level 4)

      * Improved Uncanny Dodge (level cool

      * Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)

      Battle Sorcerer:

      * Familiar / Alertness, etc.

      * Can know only limited numbers of spells

      * Battle sorcerers know fewer than other sorcerers.

      * Battle sorcerers also have fewer spell slots daily.

      * Battle sorcerers get light armor and a simple/1 handed martial weapon.

      * High charisma gains bonus spells daily

      Class HP rolled
      Level 1: Rogue 5
      Level 2: Rogue 1
      Level 3: Rogue 2
      Level 4: Rogue 0 +1 to constitution
      Level 5: Rogue 5
      Level 6: Rogue 1
      Level 7: Rogue 5
      Level 8: Rogue 1 +1 to constitution
      Level 9: Rogue 1
      Level 10: Rogue 3
      Level 11: Rogue 0
      Level 12: Rogue 5 +1 to strength
      Level 13: Rogue 0
      Level 14: Rogue 3
      Level 15: Rogue 5
      Level 16: Rogue 2 +1 to dexterity
      Level 17: Rogue 1
      Level 18: Rogue 1
      Level 19: Rogue 1
      Level 20: Rogue 5 +1 to strength
      Level 21: Barbarian 1
      Level 22: Barbarian 2
      Level 23: Barbarian 9
      Level 24: Barbarian 0 +1 to strength
      Level 25: Barbarian 4
      Level 26: Sorcerer 0
      Level 27: Sorcerer 5
      Level 28: Sorcerer 7 +1 to dexterity
      Level 29: Sorcerer 6
      Level 30: Sorcerer 5

      Nivica's Equipment:

      37 lb
      6 lb
      2 lb
      5 lb

      2 lb

      4 lb
      3 lb
      10 lb
      5 lb
      8 lb
      20 lb
      3 lb
      8 lb
      1 lb
      8 lb
      2 lb
      1 lb
      125 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
      Arrows (quiver of 20) x2
      Flint and steel
      Grappling hook
      Oil flasks x3
      Rations (1 day) x10
      Rope (50', silk) x1
      Spade / shovel
      Torches x3
      Waterskins x2
      Disguise kit
      Spell component pouch
      Thieves' tools


      Cat familiar: Str 3 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 8 Wis 12 Chr 7; Hit points: 88; Initiative +2 (dex); Speed 30 ft.; AC: 17 (+2 size, +2 dex, +3 level); 2 claws +4 melee, bite -1 melee; Claw 1d2-4, bite 1d3-4; Weapon Finesse (claw, bite); Fort +6, Ref +14, Will +7, Balance +10, Climb +5, Hide +17, Listen +4, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Alertness feat when in arm's reach; improved evasion; share spells; empathic link; deliver touch spells; speak with master; free familiar spell use;

      More about Nivica:

      The Escaped Traitor.

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