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Tas Meh Journal! And You Cant Have It.
Find Out More About meh! My Quiz Results
1. How much gold do you have? // 609
2. How much gold do you wish to have?// enough for my quest
3. Are you questing something?// yep
4. If so what?// omg
5. How much more gold do you need till you have enough to get your questing item?// not sure
6. Whats the first letter of your first name?// H
7. Can you stand on your hands?// hardely
8. How many seconds?// 2
9. how old are you?// 12
10. What is the most interesting thing you've done today?// worked on my manga
11. Do you ever find pictures in the clouds?// yea, once isaw a chicken...
12. Do you remember your dreams?// somtimes
13. What are some of your dreams? (If you cant remember your dreams just scream)// Once one of those huge blues clues ball thingys was punding me to the ground, and i have a dream i was the famale version ofjames bond and i was jumping off of building s and stuffs
14.Do you dream in color or black and white?//color
15. Which is your favorite emotion?// I feel sadness, but i like love, even though it mayhurt somtimes
16. Have you ever been out of the country?// yes
17. If so where? (If not punch yourself in the face)// mexico
18. Do you like pocky?// yesh!
19. What time is it where you are?// 9:10 PM
20. What is your favorite brand of shoes?// T.U.K
21. Can you multi task?// Sorta
22. Do you shave your legs?// Yep
23. Who are you with right now?// Noone
24. Who do you wish you were with right now?// Stewie Griffin
25. What was the last thing you read?// Chobits 4
26. What type of car do you drive, or if you don't drive, what type of car do you want to drive?// BatMobile!
27. Do you prefer reading or watching television?// reading
28. What is your favorite forum?// Chatterbox
29. Why do you like that forum?// your pretty much free to say whatever you want to.
30. What was the last forum you posted in?// Probably the help and questions
31. Do you prefer shoes, sandals, or bare-feet?// bare-feets
32. What is the fourth letter of your state (or province)?
33. Witch color do you mostly type in?// the ususal, black
34. What is your favorite song?// All The Things She Said-T.A.t.u
35. How do you like your hamburgers?// Wif Cheese
36. Who do you love?// Brett
37. Who is your favorite author?// natsuki Takaya
38. What toppings would you have on your pizza?// Mushrooms, Cheese
39. Do you like macaroni and cheese?// kinda
40. Whats the weather like outside?// Snowy
41. Why do you like Gaia?/// My friends use it and its fun!
42. How long have you been a member of Gaia?// 7 months mabye, this is a new account
43. Do you like candles or electric lights better?// electric lights
44. Whats the most romantic setting?// On the top of a really tall building (the roof) where you can see blue sky at night and stars
45. Whats your favorite sport to watch?// None
46. Glasses, contacts, or neither?// use to wear glasses, not anymore
47. Have you eaten since you took this quiz?// yep
48. If so what? (If not wish you had)// 2 pb&j sandwiches
49. Was it good?// yes, yes it was
50. Can I have some?// ******** it
51. Do you like jump drives?// no
52. What are you afraid of?// Afraid of somone finding my secrets out, and fire scares me too.
53. At the grocery store, do you pick paper or plastic bags?// plastic
54. Are you right or left handed?// right
55. Do you flame much?// no, im not that big of a hater
56. Do you receive flames often?// no i leave ppl alone they leave meh alone
57. What pets do you have?// a Kitty!
58. How many pets do you have?// 1
59. What are their names?// Scotchy
60. Is there a pet you wish you had?// a Newfoundland Black Dog
61. Which is your least favorite emotion?// Joyfulness
62. Boxers, briefs, underwear or thongs?// uhh teh regular? XD
63. Would you rather play, or listen to music?// listen and play!
64. What kind of toothpaste do you use?// Spongebob ubble fruit >.<
65. Have you ever Prank Called Someone?// Yes
66. Have you ever prank called 911? ((not a good idea))// YES! ^^
67. Have you ever called 911 because it was a real emergency?// No.
68. Do you have a messy room?// Yes
69. What is your deepest darkest secret ever? ((dont have to tell if you dont want to))// sorry cant tell, but i did use to have an imaginary freind named McCrappy XD
70. Have you ever eaten squid?// yes and it was delicious
71. What color is your hair?// Blonde-Brown
72. What color are your eyes?// Hazel
73. Do you look anyting like your avatar?// No
74. What are you currently saving up for in real life?// My Trip To France This Summer
75. Have you ever played Neopets?// Yes
76. If you have, what did you think about it?// it was fun for a while then when my ADHD stopped i quit playing
77. How many cousins do you have?// 12
78. What language do you want to learn?// spanish, French
79. Do you cuss often?// yea
80. What color are the pants you are currently wearing?// black
81. What is your least favorite food?// Coconut
82. Have you ever eaten duck?// no
83. What is your favorite thing to say?// I like calling people Retards.
84. What is your favorite thing to type?// This: =^_^=
85. Do you have a retainer?// no
86. Do you wear hats often?// No
87. Do you like to wear dresses?// no
88. Have you ever snowboarded?// yes
89. Have you ever seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean?// yes
90. Have you ever seen a Broadway play?// no
91. If so, what was it?// none
92. What do you do most on Gaia?// talkto people
93. Have you ever won the lottery?// no
94. Spongebob or The Simpsons?/ spongebob
95. Would you consider yourself a "dark" person?// yea
96. Have you ever signed a petition?// yes
97. If so, what for?// To get this old study hall teacher fired, i everyone got a good kick outta that one
98. What channel do you watch most on TV?// 38,37,27,64,53
99. Sneakers or flip-flops?// sneakers
100. What is your favorite day of the week?// Thursday
101. What is your least favorite day of the week?// Sunday
102. If you could change your name, what would it be?// Carson, Adrien, Eva
103. What is the most frequently used button on your keyboard?// Well at the moment its the / button
104. Do you have long or short hair?// Medium
105. Are you a virgin?// Uhhh.......>.<
106. What year were you born?// 1993
107. Concrete or Asphalt?// Concrete
108. Are your parents married or divorced?// Divorced
109. MP3 or compact discs?// Mp3
110. What are you allergic to?// NOTHING!
111. How much gold do you have now?// uhhhh
112. Who is you favorite actress/actor?// I odnt have one
113. Is this boring?// no
114. do you wish me to stop now?// no
115. What is your dream career?// Vet, Artist
116. Have you ever been arrested?// no
117. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in real life?// no
118. Do you believe in having boyfriend/girlfriend? On here// yea i dont give a s**t what you think
143. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (On here)// Hell yea
119. Whats your favorite Movie?// Family guy, War of the worlds, The butterfly effect
120. TV show?// Family Guy
121. Color?// Black-Silver
122. Number?- 13
123. Book?- Fruits basket
124. Game?// Final Fantasy 5
125. Band?// Greenday/ T.A.t.u
126. Song? All The things she said-T.A.t.u
127. Animal?// Cat, Dog, Hyena
128. Person?// I like Yulia Volkova ( My Idol)
129. Sport? // None
130. Season?// Spring
131. Why are you doing this?// cuz
132. What one thing on Gaia do you want the most?// OMG
133. Do you like Wal-Mart?// no
134. How tall are you?// 5'3
135. what kind of computer do you have?// Flatscreen / Balance
136. How many friends do you have on Gaia?// like 14
137. How many items do you have?// none XD
138. How many items to you have equipped right now?// 2
139. Do you do surveys often?// sorta
140. Have you made your own survey before?// no
141. What do you mostly do on Gaia?// chat
142. Do you role play?// on occasion
143. How many characters have you played?// about 2 or 3
144. Are you new to Gaia?// no
145. Do you like to draw?// YES!
146. Are you enjoying the survey?// yes
147. Whats in your sig right now?// Nothing
148. Has your sig always been the same?// no
149. If it hasn't, what has it been before?// NONE!
150. Do you change your avi a lot?// Sorta
151. Do you fish on here?// Somtimes
152. If so, gotten any rares?// No
153. What kind of rod do you have?// basic
154. Witch rod do you think is the best?// not sure
155. Have you exchanged any fish for anything good?// no
156. How many rare events have you gotten?// like 30
157. Have you ever played slots?// yea
158. Have you gotten anything with your tickets?// no
159. Are you saving up your tickets for something?// yea
160. If so what?/ Black and white joker collar
161. Are you a boy or a girl?// girl
162. Do you have a journal?// yea
163. If not did you know you can have one?// uhhhh
164. If you have a journal how many times have you posted in your journal? like 6 but i deactivated 4 of em
165. Have you ever done the hang out thing?// uhhhhh
166. If so, have you done today?// uhhh
167. Are you apart of a guild?// yes
168. Do you own a guild?// Yes
169. If you are apart of more then one guild, how many are you apart of?// 1
170. What are they called?// Fruits Basket Guild
171. Do you have a house on gaia?// yes
172. If you do, does it have a lot of stuff in it?// no
173. Do you own a shop?// yes
174. Do you like using the emoticons?// somtimes
175. Are you a poll whore?// no
176. Have you gone poll whoreing lately?// no
177. Have you been in an avi contest before?// yes
178. Are you engaged?// on gaia
179. Are you married// no
180. If so, congrats! Do you have kids?// no
181. Which continent do you live on?// North America
182. Do you live with your parents?/ yea
183. Do you have siblings?// yea
184. What color is your room?// white and grey, and black
185. Do you like ice cream?// yep
186. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?// oreo or cookie dough
187. Do you like to dance?// yes
188. Do you like to sing?// yes
189. Do you like music?// yes
190. Do you hate a kind of music?// dontcare for country much but i like a coupe songs
191. What is your favorite type of candy?// Carmelies!/ Creamsavers
192. Do you like popcorn?// yea
193. How much gold do you have now?// uhhhh
194. Are you getting irritated with the questions yet?// no
195. Do you have a favorite soda drink?// yesh
196. Whats your favorite soda drink?// root beer
197. Have you tried an alcoholic drink before?// Yes
198. Do you like Kool-Aid?// HELL YAH!
199. If yes then, whats your favorite kind of Kool-Aid?// Cherry
200. Do you collect stuffed animals?// I odnt but iahve some
201. If not, did you used too?// klinda
202. Do you collect scented candles?// no
203. If so, whats for favorite?// none
204. Do you have a favorite animal; you can't keep as a pet?// yes
205. What is it called?// white tiger
206. Do you like your name?// no
207. Do you like it so much, you own stuff with your name on it?// no
208. Do you have a job?// no
209. What kind of job is it?// none
210. Will you be returning to school?// yea?
211. What are your school colors?// orange & black
212. Does your school have dances?// yes
213. Do you have any piercings?// my ears
214. If so, how many?// 2
215. If you have lots, where?// only ears
216. Do you have a tattoo?// i Wish
217. What is it of?// uihh it would be a cross with a dragon goign around it circles with pentagrams and a ninja sword and blood
218. Broken any bones?// no
219. If so, what bones did you break?// none
220. Have you ever broken anyone elses bones?// yea
221. Sprain anything?// yes
222. If so, what did you sprain?// ankle, wrist
223. Do you own your own computer?, i used to
224. Do you own your own phone?// yes
225. Do you have cable/digital cable/satellite in your room?// no
226. How many vhs movies do you own?// 20
227. How many DVDs do you own?// 50
228. How many cds do you own?// 16
229. Do you still have cassette tapes?// no
230. If so how many do you have?// none
231. Getting tired of this yet?// no
232. You think I can go further?/ yes
233. How much gold do you have now?// uhhhh
234. Are you regretting doing this?// no
235. Are you determined to finish this no matter what?// i guess
236. Are your fingers crapping from answering these questions?// no
237. Gonna tell anyone about this?// no
238. Have you told anyone yet?// no
239. Being outdoors or being inside// outdoors
240. Cookies or ice cream?// ice cream
241. McDonalds or Burger King?// McDonalds
242. Fast food or restaurant?// restaraunt
243. Dairy Queen or TCBY?// dairy queen
244. Theme parks or fairs?// fairs
245. Rides or games?// games
246. Water parks or roller coaster rides?// water parks
247. Love or Lust?// Love
248. Family or Friends?// Friends
249. The sun or The Moon?// moon
250. Books or TV?// books
251. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?// none
252. Mulan or Brother Bear?// none
253. Pink or Red?// red
254. Blue or Green// blue
255. Shoes or Sandals?// shoes
256. Alone or with someone?// alone
257. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?// ew
258. Romance or Comedy?// romance
259. Paper view or renting a video?// renting
260. Taking pictures or video taping?// taping
261. Computer or laptop?// laptop

Have you ever

262. Been Sick?// yes
263. Told someone you loved them?// yes
243. Been told your loved?// yes
265. Hated someone?/// yes
266. Been called a b***h?// yes
267. Been told your pretty?// yes
268. Been told your ugly?// yes
269. Been told your fat?// no
270. Hurt yourself by accident?// yes
271. Hurt yourself on purpose?// yes
272. Read a book?// yes
273. Missed anyone?// yes
274. Wished to be alone?// yes
275. Wanted candy?// yes
276. Ate any candy?// yes
277. Saw a ghost?// no
278. Been on a date?// no
279. Went shopping?// no
280. Smoked a cigarette?// no
281. Ridden on a subway?// no
282. Made a frog out of clay? // uhh no
283. looked under your bed to see if there is a monster before you go to sleep?// no
284. Written a book?// no
285. If you have do tell what the name of it is and ii will read it.// no
286. broke curfew?// yes
287. Been kissed?// yes
288. feelings hurt?// alot
289. hurt someones feelings?// probably
290. Got into a fight?// yes
291. Watch something on the news and find out someones missing?// no

Do you like....

292. Mulan?// no
293. Brother Bear?// no
294. Green Day?// yes
295. Tarzan? // no
296. Pizza?// yes
297. Cheese?// HELL YEAH! ^^
298. Ice Cream?// yea
299. Harry Potter?// no
300. Lord of the Rings?// no
301. A Series of Unfortunate Events?// sorta
302. Dogs?// yes
303. Fish?// yes
304. Fallout Boy?// yes
305. Gaia?// yes
306. Chatter box forum// yes
307. Rap?// no
308. Country?// no
309. Hip Hop?// eh.

Do you wish you could?

310. Fly?// no
311. Breathe Under Water?// no
312. Stop these Questions?// no
313. Be a super hero?// no
314. be invisible// no
315. run at the speed of light?// no
316. Do something you've never done?// no
317. Have a magic ability?// no
318. Be a superheroes sidekick?// no
319. Walk in someone elses shoes?// no
320. Make world peace?// yes
321. End world hunger?// yes
322. Make the hungry not hungry?// yes
323. Find a cure for an incurable disease?// yes
324. Hire a maid to clean your room?// yes

325. Can you do back flips?// no
326. Have you ever seen a fairy?// no
327. Would you walk 100miles to see someone you love for 20 minutes// yes
328. Are you going to keep going?// yes
329. Describe your perfect date.// uhhhhhhhhhh
330. Have you ever smoked pot?// no
331. If you had a chance to go on a trip where would it be to?// Japan
332. Do you believe in love at first sight?// it happended to me
333. What's your lest favorite chore?// kleening meh rooom
334. Do you even have chores?// yes
335. How much gold do you think you would have if you never bought anything?// alot
336. What's your Gaian Username?// [T.A.t.u ]
337. How much gold do you have?// uhhhhhhhhhh
338. What does your dream avi have on it?// omg
339. Do you drink alcohol?// not normally
340. What is your Mom's middle name?// marie
341. What is your Dad's first name?// jeff
342. What month where you born in?// june
343. Name the 7th month.// july
344. What do your parents call your Grandma?// mom
345. Do you wear diapers?// no
346. Do you like KiKi Kitty's?// kinda
347. Have you ever slept with a blankie?/// i sleep with the ones that keep me warm nothing babyish
348. What age where you when you stopped wetting the bed?// i never did
349. How did you find out Gaia was a site?// friend
350. Are you active?// no
351. How much gold do you have?// uhhhhhhh
352. How much more gold do you have now?// uhhhhhhhhhh
353. Are you doing these in separate posts?// noooo
354. What is your favorite kind of dog?// newfoundland
355. What is your favorite website?// gaia
356. Type a random word.// chicken skin
357. Do you think the end is coming up?// no
358. Do you have a mule?// no
359. Have you ever kissed a big spider?// no
360. Do you donate to your friends?// yea
361. What is your favorite letter// dun have one
362. Where is your computer located?// comp. room
363. Have you ever choked on a gumball?// no
364. Have you ever got stung by a bee?// yes
365. Have you ever had warts?// not
366. Have you ever had zits?// like 1
367. Do you use face cleanser?// no
368. If you do is it clean and clear?// no
369. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10?// no
370. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket?// no
371. Have you ever hacked someones account?// no
372. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school?// by accident
373. Have you ever got coal for Christmas?// no
374. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet?// no
375. After Christmas or Easter, have you ever seen Santa's or the Easter Bunny's footprints around the house?// retard.
376. Have you ever slept with a blankie?// no
377. Have you ever punched your mom or dad?// no but somtimes iwish i could
378. Have you ever seen a UFO?// no
379. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?// burn
380. How long are your showers?// short
381. Do you like getting mail?// yes
382. Do you like cheese?// yes
383. how many posts do you post a day?// a few
384. Bump once// bump.

Now I will say a nonsense word and you will tell me the first thing you think of

385. jukubu// Gumdrops
386. akebane// Wolves
387. watsawanna// Kissing
388. flsad// Salad
389. uytae// Ok
390. xfgjn// None
391. vlobonasee// none
392. weekot// Muscrat

393. Can you dive?// yes
394. Whats your worst fear?// fire
395. Do you like someone?// yes
396. Whats their name? // *beep*
397. Are you in love?// yes
398. Do you believe in love?// yes I DO BELIVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE! - Cher
399. What do you like most about Gaia?// everything
400. Whats the scariest thing you've done?// I got lost
401. Are you listening to music right now?// yes
402. If so, what kind?// greenday
403. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon?// i dun kno
404. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet?// no
405. How much gold do you have now?// uhhhhh
406. How much more do you think youll get?// ur a**
407. Why did you choose that user name?// cuz i <3 T.A.t.u
408. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame?// no
409. Take the poll if you havent already.// Make meh
410. Are you observant?// no
411. Positive or negative?// negative
412. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends?// real life
413. Do you remember what question 12 was?// No
414. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite?// No
415. What is your favorite website?// Gaia/ Quizilla
416. Is this quiz stupid?// no
417. Is it getting boring?// no
418. What is your favorite cereal?// Smorz/ coco rice
419. Can you force yourself to burp?// EW NO!
420. Where would you like to go in the world?// Japan
421. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz?// Goto ym room and draw
422. What time is it now?'// 9:52 pm
423. What time did you start this quiz?// About 9:10 PM
424. What time do you think you'll finish?// tommororow
425. Did you know that it is not even half over yet?// yes i did
426. Have you done things you wish you could take back?// yes
427. Do you wish some people could just go away?// no
428. Do you ever wish time could stop?// no
429. Do you wish I would just go away?// no
430. How much gold do you have now?// uhhh

Which one is better?
431. Dog or cat?// Cat
432. Cat or mouse?// cat
433. Anime or manga?// manga
434. Comedy or horror?// horror
435. America or Japan?// japan
436. Black or red?// black
437. Yellow or purple?// purple
438. PS2 or Xbox?// ps2
439. pills or liquid medicine?// liquid
440. Delta Force or Fleet Command?// uhhh
441. Math or science?// science
442. Science or social studies?// science
443. Math or gym?// gym
444. Art or gym?// art
445. Spanish or french?// spanish
446. French or german?// french
447. Spanish or german?// spanish
448. English or social studies?// english
449. Math or english?// english
450. Doom or Diablo?// uhhh
451. Fish or cats?// cats
452. tv or pc?// PC
453. Cookies or chocolate?// chocolate
454. Strawberries or peaches?// Strawberries
455. Chocolate pocky or strawberry pocky?/./ Chocolate ( strawberry tastes like barf!)
456. Apples or strawberries?// strawberrries
457. Matches or lighters?// lighters
458. Gaia or XFIRE?// Gaia
459. Metal or plastic?// metal
460. What time is it now?// 9:56 PM
461. Own something one of kind?// No
462. Do you Like Riddles?// No
463. What about unscrambling words?//
464. What is 12x12?// Im, not even gonna try figuring out cuz i dont feel like it
465. Are you as bored as I am?// i dont know, how bored are you?
466. What does it take to make you happy?// Love, Freinds, Being Alone!
467. As anyone saying I love you ever hurt you?// Yes
468. Have you looked at how many questions there are yeat?// no
469. How much gold do you have?// uhhh
470. How much more gold do you need to reach your quest?// alot
471. Are you going to Finish?// yesh
472. Have you have splurged on something for yourself?// no
473. If so, what did you buy?// none
474. What's your favorite music to dance to?// rock
475. Do you think it easy to rap?// yes
476. Do you go to concerts often?// no
477. What was your favorite Summer Movie?// not sure
478. What was your least?// NONE
479. What is the worst food in the world?// Ham!
480. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor?// The red kind
481. What is your least favorite number?// 2
482. What Brand of Lotion is your favorite?// i dont use lotion
483. What is your favorite thing about me?// i dont knolw you
484. Why do you think I worry about what you think about me?// freak
485. What is your Favorite kind of Headband [ex: steel-plated Ninja Headband, Angelic Headband etc.]// i like the ninja bnand
486. Do you have any new ideas gaia should use?// more gothic clothes!
487. Which item annoys you to death?// that leaf on the head thingy
489. Do you use 1 player or Multi Player in fishing?// multi
490. Do you join other people's games or do you start your own?// start my own
491. How many friends have you taken off your friend list lately?// none
492. Why would you do such a thing?// i iddnt sad
493. Do your Friends Comment in your journal?// on occasion
494. Does anybody comment in your journal?// somtimes
495. Do you hate Quest Threads?// i odnt really care
496. How Many Quest Threads have you made// like none
497. How many Quest Threads have you donated to?// a few
498. Are you Greedy when it comes to gold?// no
499. What is the ugliest item on Gaia?// that fat belly, the one for guys
500. What is the Weirdest?// that thong for guys
501. Whats your least favorite number?// 2
502. Do you like waffles?// YES I DO LOVE WAFFLES! *head bangs*
503. Can you wait to get a mouthful?// NO
504. Do you demand people call you by your screen name?// no
505. What's your favorite kind of weather?// sprongy weather
506. What is your bed time?// anytime
507. What do you first think of when you wake up?// yay school!
508. What is your Heritage?// uhhhhh
509. How long was your relationship youve ever been in?// like 1 year and a half
510. Have you ever been beaten up?// yea
511. Have you ever beaten someone else up?// yea

What would the sexiest girl/boy for you look like

512. Eye Color?// Blue
513. Hair Color?// Black
514. Short or Long hair?// medium (skater hair)
515. Height?// 5'4
516. Style?// Skater
517. Personality?// Funny, Smart, Kewl
518. Looks?// Uhhhh
519. Hot or Cute?// Cute
520. Muscular, Really Skinny, or fat?// Muscular/skinny

521. How do you want to die?// Drown...*_*
522. Been to the Mall Lately?// yea
523. Do you like Thunderstorms?// yea
524. Do you get along with your Parents?// no
525. Do you think your Attractive?// no
526. do you shower Daily?// yea
527. What age do you want to lose your Virginity?// Uhhhh
528. Hate anyone?// A few
529. Are you Straight, gay, or bi?// Straight
530. What age do people think you are?// Wellwhen they look at my drawings about 14-15
531. What age do you wish you were?// i like the way it is
532. Are you happy with your hair color?// no
533. Do you dye your hair?// yes
534 are you Left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous?// right hand
535. Obsessions?// Anime, T.A..t.u
536 Have a favorite quote? //no
537. If you do what is it?// none
538. Do you have a web page?// yea
539. If you do what is it?// www.freewebs.com/fruitbasketfanclub
540. If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?// Death
541. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?// never
542. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?// i would ^^
543. Have you ever played strip poker?// no
544. Have you ever thought you were going crazy?// yes
545. Have you ever killed an animal by accident?// NEVER!
546. Been on the radio/TV?// no
547. Had a dream that kept coming back?// yes
548. What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?// i like courtneys grapefruit spray, i odnt wear perfume
549. do you Believe in life on other planets?// no
550. what about Miracles?// no
551. Magic?//no
552. do you Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?// no
553 Do you wish on stars?// no
554 Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? yea
555. Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?// yea
556. Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?no
557. What's the last present someone gave you?// i dont know
558. Do you consider your significant other hot?// uhhhhh

Who was the last person?
559. That haunted you?// Uhh
560. You wanted to kill?// My sister
561. That you laughed at?// My sister
562. That laughed at you?// my dad
563. That turned you on?// brett
564. You went shopping with?// jasmyne ( EW)
565. That broke your heart?// DSont wanna say, he could be watching me
566. To disappoint you?// none
567. To ask you out?// dont know
568. To make you cry?// Uhh, cant say it
569. that you thought about?// Brett
570. You saw a movie with?// Paige
571. You talked to on the phone?// lmy aunt
572. You saw?// my sis
573. You thought was completely insane?// my sis
574. You wanted to be?// Yulia Volkova ( T.A.t.u SHE ROX!)
575. You told off? // jasmyne
576. You trusted?// noone

When was the last time you?
577. Smiled?// dont kno
578. Laughed?//dont kno
579. Cried?// Hmmm
580. Bought something?// Hmmm
581. Hugged someone?// Hmmm
582. Watched your fave movie?// like 4 days ago
583. Had a nightmare?// long time ago
584. Talked on the phone?// last night
585. Listened to the radio?// right now! ^^
586. Watched TV?// long time
587. Went out?// not sure
588. Helped someone?// not sure
589. Were mean?// alot
590. Sang?// ALL THE TIME!
591. Saw a movie in a theater?// long time

Have you ever?

592. Skipped class?// no
593. Eaten a bug?// no
594. Crashed a friend's car?// no
595. Done drugs?// no
596. Been in love?// yes
597. Been dumped?// yes
598. Shoplifted?// no
599. Been fired?// no
600. Been in a fist fight?
601. Snuck out of your house at night?// no
602. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?// yes...unfortunatley
603. Made out with a stranger?.//.. no
604. Gone on a blind date? //no
605. Lied to a friend?// yes
606. Had a crush on a teacher?// no
607. Killed someone?// nope
608. Been in a car accident?// no
609. Seen someone die?// yes
610. Been on a plane?// no
611. Cheated on a test?// no
312. Stopped reading a book 20 pages before you finished?// no
613. Made a snow angel?// no
614. Played dress up?// no
615. Cheated while playing a game?// no
616. been lonely?// yes
617. fallen asleep at work/school?// yes
618. Used a fake ID?// no
619. Felt an earthquake? // no
620. Touched a snake?// yes
621. Ran a red light?// no
622. Been suspended from school?// no
623. Had detention?// yes
624. Worn a outfit that you later regretted wearing?// yes
625. Had someone tell you your outfit is ugly?// yes
626. Witnessed a crime?// yes
627. lap danced?// no
628. Given a striptease?/ no
629. Been lost?// yes
630. Been to the opposite side of the country?// yes
631. Felt like dying?// yes
632. Cried yourself to sleep?// yes
633. Played cops and robbers?// no
634. Sang karaoke?// yes
635. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?// yes
636. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?/ yes
637. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?// no
638. Kissed in the rain?// no
639. Sing in the shower?// no
640. Been embarrassed in front of your boyfriend/crush?// no
641. If you have please tell of your horrifying experience.// none
642. Had a dream that you married someone?// yes
643. Glued your hand to something?// yes
644. Gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?// no
645. Worn the opposite sex's clothes?// yes
646. Sat on a roof top?// yes
647. Not showered for a week?// no
648. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?/ /no
649. seen such a scary movie you slept with your parents that night?// no
650. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?// yes
651. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?// yes
652. Been easily amused?// yes
653. Laugh so hard you cry?// yes
654. Cry so hard you laugh?// yes
655. Mooned someone?// no
656. Flashed someone?// no
657. If youre a girl tried to pee in a urinal?// I wish XD
658. If youre a boy worn makeup to school?// Thats hawt, if its eyeliner!
659. Forgotten someone's name?// yes
660. Slept naked?// no
661. Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?// no
662. Been kicked out of your house?// yes
663. Played a prank on someone?// yes
664. Gone to a late night movie?// no
665. Failed a class?// lots
666. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?// yes
667. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?// no
668. Eaten a whole package of Oreos in one day?// hella yes
669. Bought Mardi gras beads?// no
670. Thrown a shoe?// no
671. Felt like killing someone?// yes
672. Ran away?// yes
673. Been kidnapped?// yes
674. had detention and not attend it?// yes
675. Yelled at your parents?// yes
676. Made parent cry?// no
677. Cussed at your parents?// once
678. Cried over someone?// yes
679. Owned more than 5 sharpies?// yea
680. Dated someone more than once?// yes
681. Have a dog?// no
682. Have a cat?// yes
683. Own an instrument?// yes
684. Been in a band?// yes
685. Had more than 25 sodas in one day?// yea
686. Broken a CD?// yes
687. Shot a gun?// no
688. Was it real or fake?// didnt
689. Been on Gaia for more than 5 hours straight?// yes
690. Slept in the same bed as someone of the opposite sex?// my brothers when i was little?
691. Have a dream come true?// no
692. Been kissed unexpectedly?// no
693. Tried to break a record?// no
694. Entered an eating contest?// no

Do you?

695. Cook?// yes
696. Want to know me?// no
697. Want something that you can't have?// yes
698. Think this quiz is too long?// no
699. Own more than 6 pairs of shoes?// no
700. Get on Gaia daily?// yes
701. Like to write?// yes
702. like school?// yes
703. Own a pair of cuticle clippers?// no
704. Enjoy listening to music from games?// yes
705. even if you've never played the game?// yes
706. Read magazines?// no
707. What kind of magazines do you enjoy to read?// none
708. Like to listen to music?// yes
709. Ever get cramps?// yes
710. Ever get migraines?// no
711. like kitties?// yes
712. like dogs?// yes
713. like animals in general?// yes
714. Crave something right now?// no
715. like chocolate?// no
716. Think the sun is too bright?// yes
717. Do you shop at Abcrombie and Fitch?// EW NO!
718. Wish I can stop asking these stupid questions?// no
719. Wish you never started this quiz?// no

720. When was the last time you missed someone?// dun know
721. When was the last time you fought with a family member?// dun know
722. Fought with a friend?// 6 ddays ago
723. Had a serious conversation?// i odn tknow

724. How long have you been doing this quiz?
725. How much gold have you gotten so far from doing this quiz?
726. How much longer do you think you can take it?
727. Can you not wait till this is over?
728. Do you hate me for asking all these questions?

729. Do you know your multiplication tables?
730. What is 12 times 16?
731. What is 135 times 674?
732. Do you know how to divide?
733. What is 72 divided by 9?
734. What is 6789 divided by 3?
735. What is 144 divided by 12?
736. What would you do if you were going to die in a day?
737. Favorite breakfast cereal?
738. Do you like coffee?
739. What's your favorite restaurant?
740. What do you like on your pizza?
741. Have you ever tried to make a pizza?
742. Do you eat the cream out of the Oreo first?
743. Do your teachers like you?
744. Are you a teachers pet?
745. Would you ever run for president?
746. Would you ever marry someone for their money?
747. What is the date?
748. What does you dream home look like (please describe vividly)
749. Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
750. Has someone ever told you your avatar was hot/cute/sexy?
751. Have you ever told someone that their avatar was hot/cute/sexy?
752. Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish?
753. What are you thinking about right now?
754. What would you do if an Alien landed in your backyard and asked for directions to the White House?
755. What would you do if your room was painted neon orange puke green and highlighter yellow?

756. Do you like anchovies?
757. Do you actually carry out your New Years resolutions?
758. What's your favorite subject?
759. Why do you like it?
760. Which subject do you absolutely hate?
761. Why do you hate it so?
762. What grade are you in?
763. Do you like school?
764. Do you eat cafeteria food?
765. Ever work in the cafeteria?
766. Ever started a food fight?
767. Aced a test you thought you wouldn't?
768. Have an overdue library book?
769. Do you still have that over due library book?
770. How long have you had the over due book?
771. How much do you think your fine is by now?
772. ever been in a school play?
773. Are you in any of the school clubs?
774. If so witch ones?
775. Seen a school play?
776. Is your school private or public?
777. If its private do you wish it wasn't so you didn't have to wear a uniform?
778. Do you actually use the hangout option on Gaia?
779. Do you make your bed?
780. Do you wish this survey was over?
781. Do you make bad jokes?
782. Do you take candy from strangers?
783. Do you wish you had facial hair?
784. Do you have any skills you'd like to brag about now?
785. Do you ride the bus/drive/ or get driven to school?
786. whos your best friend?
787. Are you weird?
788. Do you act like you're on drugs but your actually not?
789. Can you flare your nostrils?
790. Do you have the soundtracks from your favorite movies?
791. Do you still have a VCR?
792. Is it even plugged in?
793. Do you own scented markers?
794. How many posts have you made?
795. Whats your rarest item?
796. What are your goals in Gaia?
797. Why do you play Gaia?
798. What do you think the point of Gaia is?
799. Why did you join gaia?
800. Say a random word!
801. What did you put for the poll?
802. Do you still believe in Santa Clause?
803. Did you know you that you were adopted?
804. Have you ever tried to wax your dog?
805. Whens your B-day?
806. Do you like ice cream or soft serve better?
807. How many emoticons are there?
808. Did you know that 98% of gaians want a kiki kity? (Note that I'm one of the 98% that do!)
809. If you HAD to choose a different Gaian name, what would it be?
810. What is your birthstone?
811. Will you randomly bump while doing this?
812. On a scale (1-10) what would you rate your avi?
813. Why?
814. What would you rate my avi as?
815. Why?
816. any suggestions on how to make my avi look cooler?
817. Do you pop your knuckles?
818. Half Full or Half Empty?
819. Did I tell you My goal is to get to 1,000 questions?
820. Do you think ill make it?
821. Do you like the beach?
822. Do you tell people a fake name when you answer the question Whats your name? on quizzes like this?
823. Do you sing in the shower?
824. Whats the best age to be in your option?
825. Are you addicted to Gaia?
826. First thing you did this morning?
827. Last thing you ate?
828. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
829. Do you even have a cell phone?
830. What's annoying you right now?
831. What's the last movie you watched at home or someone else's house?
832. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
833. What's worse: Being in love with someone you can't have, or pretending to love someone you don't?
834. Is there someone you miss so much it makes you sad?
835. Have you ever had anyone give you something worth 5000g or more?
836. If you could put together a concert of 5 bands, which would you choose?
837. Is gaiaonline.com your favorite website?
838. do you like polling or posting better?
839. Do you like to collect the rarest items?
840. What's your most vivid memory from 6th grade?
841. Do you have an addiction?
842. if you do What is it?
843. How many people would you say you were interested in at this moment?
844. Do you think someone thinks about you daily?
845. Do you think someone is secretly in love with you?
846. Are you self-confident?
847. What's the thing you're looking forward to most in the next 6 months?
848. How many people do you know with the same name as yours?
849. What was the last thing you spilled?
850. How many people have the same birthday as you if a baby is born every 7 seconds?
851. Have you ever fallen off your bed?
852. Do you sleep on the floor?
853. Do you know any one with a birthday on February 29TH?
854. Do you like to play hopscotch?
855. What do you do when it rains?
856. Are you on a desktop, laptop etc?
857. How many people do you think are taking my quiz at this moment?
858. How many surveys have you done today?
859. Do you go to summer school?
860. Do you go to camp?
861. Have you ever played basketball when it was storming?
862. Are you a cheerleader?
863. Have you ever fallen in the mud by accident?
864. What elementary school did you go to?
865. Middle school?
866. High school?
867. Have you ever made a mud pie?
868. Do you like betty boop?
869. Do you know my dad calls her betty be bop?
870. Do you ever go to Bath and Body Works?
871. Have you ever gone camping?
872. Have you ever been to a wedding?
873. If youre a guy have you ever painted your nails before?
874. How many times have you moved?
875. Do you take medicine?
876. Have you ever been on a cruise?
877. Whats the most exotic place youve been?
878. Are your nails painted right now?
879. Do you have makeup on right now?
880. Do you wear glasses or contacts or none?
881. Do you know anyone that is blind?
882. If you do do they have a seeing eye dog?
883. What kind of dog is it?
884. Do you think you are popular?
886. Have you ever planted a tree?
887. Do you wish you had a cell phone?
888. Why dont you have one?
889. What is one thing that is turned on all the time?
890. Do you have braces?
891. How many times have you had them?
892. Did you want them?
893. How much longer till you get them off?
894. If you dont have braces do you wish you did?
895. If you dont have braces right now are you going to get them?
896. Have you ever roasted marshmallows?
897. Have you made a snowman before?
898. Is it snowing right now?
899. Do you have a secret handshake with someone?


900. Have you ever made paper?
901. Have you ever eaten more than you could handle?
902. Have you ever Said "I love you" and meant it?
903. What are you wearing right now?
904. Have you ever Been to New York?
905. Does this bother you that there are so many questions?
906. What grade are you in?
907. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
908. Will you post a funny pic?
909. Why do you think that pic is funny?
910. Do you go around looking for polls for the 10g ignoring the topic?
911. Have you ever Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?
912. Have you ever Ate something really weird?
913. Have you ever Broke something you didn't mean too?
914. Have you ever Lost something really important to you?
915. Do you think you will finish this survay?
916. How do you like your eggs?
917. How do you like your steak?
918. Do you have a crush on someone?
919. does this seem like its never going to end?
920. Should I stop asking these questions?
921. Have you ever pushed someone into the mud?
922. Do you fell bad about it now?
923. Future daughter's name?
924. Future son's name?
925. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
926. Bump 3 times
927. Who do you wish were there with you right now?
928. College plans?
929. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?
930. Do you even use conditioner?
931. Have you ever tried counting to a million in separate posts?
932. Do you read during the summer?
933. Does your school make you read during the summer?
934. What is your favorite sports team?
935. What clothes do you sleep in?
936. Who is the last person that called you?
937. Who was the last person you called?
938. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?
939. Where are you right now?
940. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
941. Do you have a mule account?
942. Do you own a pair of rolie shoes?
943. Do you like being around people?
944. Have you ever caught a firefly?
945. Are you for world peace?
946. Are you a health freak?
947. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after?
948. Do you want someone you don't have?
949. Are you lonely right now?
950. Ever afraid you'll never get married?
951. How much gold do you have?

[T.A.t.u ]
Community Member
  • [02/11/06 08:23pm]
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