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Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith Class and Force Powers System


This here is a System I have created with the Guild Council's authorization. What is the purpose if this system, you ask? The objective is to define a set of rules in the Main Role-play specifically (This system can be adapted to any other role-play to be created if the role play’s creator agrees to use this system, if not, the role play’s creator is free to create a new one entirely), by giving your character a class (Regardless if you're a Jedi or a Sith or another faction) and limiting and specifying the Force Powers each character has and can use at a time. Intrigued? Please, read on for further enlightenment, let's get started with the Classes each Faction has.

The Jedi Order

As we all know, the Jedi Order has existed for the past 25,000 years in the galaxy. They are the protectors of peace and all that is good in the universe. There are 2 classes a character can be:

Jedi Guardian: Traditionally depicted as the Jedi wielding the blue lightsaber, those are instructed Jedi and proficient in combat. They spend most of their time solving conflicts and offering assistance in such. They are more proficient on Combat Based Force Powers than in Mental based ones.

Jedi Consular: Traditionally depicted as the Jedi wielding the green lightsaber, these are the philosophers, the ones who are ambassadors, thinkers and scholars. Found themselves often in high positions of study and research. Although they are instructed on the arts of combat, they are more proficient on Mental Based Force Powers than in Combat Based Force Powers.

As for ranks, the Jedi Order has:

Padawan: A neophyte in the Order, picked by a Master, he's not able to pick a class yet as he's learning his way through the Force, he is bound to his Master and must follow directions at all times. His weapon is provided by his Master until his Master deems him worthy of creating his own.

Knight: A Jedi Knight has been deemed worthy of serving the Jedi Order and the galaxy itself by preserving peace and harmony. He or She is either Jedi Consular or Jedi Guardians according to their skills, they are able to build their own weapons (Lightsaber based only) and their array of Force Powers is increased.

Master: A Jedi Master has been in touch with the Force for so long, he or she has Mastered several aspects of it, the wisdom of a Jedi Master surpasses any boundaries and are able to take Padawan Learners to raise the new generation of Jedi. They are able to create their own Force Powers (Upon authorization from the Guild Council) and are able to use Relics as well (Also, upon authorization from the Guild Council)

Grand Master: The most powerful Jedi is the Grand Master, history teaches us this by recalling the names of Yoda or Luke Skywalker, the Grand Master is also able to take a Padawan Learner, and he's not forced to pick a Class for he has surpassed the knowledge that a Class can limit.

The Jedi get their Powers from the Light Side and Core Categories.

The Brotherhood Of The Sith

The ancient enemy of the Jedi now under The Rule by the Strong, the Brotherhood of the Sith has emerged from its slumber, stronger than ever and mastering the Dark Side of the Force. There are three classes in the Brotherhood of the Sith:

Dark Jedi: When a Jedi falls to the Dark Side and agrees to serve the Dark Lord, he won't be promoted to a Sith Class right away, as he or she will be tested for an amount of time during which the Jedi will keep his Light Side and Core Force Powers, slowly gaining Dark Side Powers, when the Dark Lord deems the Dark Jedi worthy, he will assign them to a Sith Class and give them a red lightsaber, and destroy their previous weapon as a symbolic ceremony of transition. A Dark Jedi can not reach Masterhood until the Dark Lord assigns him or her a Sith Class

Sith Assassin: A powerful Sith that takes pride and pleasure on killing anyone opposing the Sith, especially Jedi, he or she is proficient on Combat Based Powers more than Mental Based Powers.

Sith Marauder: The equivalent of the Jedi Consular, the Marauder is the kind of Sith that loves to show off their power in the Dark Side and will prefer to use the Force rather than use other weapons, though he or she are not banned from doing it so.

Sith also have ranks that are:

Apprentice: The Force Sensitive that has been groomed without being "Tainted" by Jedi teachings, it's the equivalent of a Padawan, they depend on their Master endmost of the times will learn their lessons the hard way.

Knight: A Sith Knight like its Jedi Counterpart, has been deemed worthy of serving the Brotherhood of the Sith, he can build his own lightsaber based weapons without problem.

Master: A Sith Master has gained control of the Dark Side like just a few and are second to just the powerful Dark Lord. They are in charge of training the Apprentices to become Knights. They are able to use relics to their advantage.

Dark Lord: The most powerful Sith in the Order, his power can no longer be contained in Classes, he's able to Master the most obscure and powerful forms of the Dark Side and teach the most hard to learn lessons.

The Sith take their Force Powers from the Dark Side and Core Categories.


Conceived in the mind of a former Jedi Grand Master, Nexus is formed under the doctrine of Potentium, which exposes the Force as the only entity in the universe that is absolute, therefore, the Dark Side and Light Side exists only in an individual's mind and not in the Force per se. This belief has rendered them able to use certain Dark Side Powers. When in need of members, Nexus contacts you first. There are two Classes sin Nexus:

Nexus Illuminati: Those are the Nexus Members who are proficient on Mental Based Force Powers always researching and meditating, they are said to excel their connection to the Force.

Nexus War Master: Those are the Nexus Members who are proficient on the battlefield, always showing a great power when they are needed, and able to take on several adversaries at once.

Nexus also has three ranks that are:

Nexus Knight: The lower rank in Nexus, they have been previously trained by either Jedi Masters or Sith Masters and completed their training with Nexus Masters. They are able to build their own weapons (Lightsaber based only).

Nexus Master: A Nexus Master has reached a strong bond with the Force and is able to Master several aspects of it, he is either a brilliant mentalist or a powerful Warlord, while the Disciple/Master relationship doesn't exist in Nexus, the Nexus Masters are allowed to give advice to the Nexus Knights and even spar with them.

Nexus Lord: The most powerful Force Sensitive in Nexus, his power, just like a Grand Master or a Dark Lord, has surpassed the boundaries of Classes.

Nexus take their Force Powers from Light Side, Core and Dark Side (PM The Nexus Lord before picking any Dark Side Powers) Categories

SPECIAL NOTE: There's a restriction in Nexus, once joining this faction, you're not to leave it or switch sides, so think twice before you consider joining it.

Adding Force Powers

This is the part that you will find interesting, the actual adding of Force Powers to your character. No, you don't need to delete your profile and create another, you just need to edit it and add your Force Powers. Here are the limitations per rank:

Rank: Padawan/Apprentice: You get to add a grand total of 5 Force Powers, since neither Padawans nor Apprentices are able to pick a specific Class, there is no restriction as to what kind of Force Powers you can add (Speaking of Combat Based or Mental Based).

Rank: Knight: You get to have a grand total of 20 Force Powers, by now, you have your own Class, and there are restrictions concerning your Class:

The Major Mental Based, Lesser Combat Based Class (Jedi Consular, Sith Marauder, Nexus Illuminati): From the 20 Force Powers you'll get, 12 must be Mental Based (Those are described in the Force Categories) and 8 must be Combat based.

The Major Combat Based, Lesser Mental Based Class (Jedi Guardian, Sith Assassin, Nexus War Master): From the 20 Force Powers you'll get, 12 must be Combat Based and 8 must be Mental Based.

Rank: Master: You get to have a grand total of 30 Force Powers AND 3 Developed Force Powers, what are Developed Force Powers? You get to create your own Force Power (Present the idea to the Guild Council and wait for it to be approved), the restrictions concerning classes are as follow:

The Major Mental Based, Lesser Combat Based Class (Jedi Consular, Sith Marauder, Nexus Illuminati): From the 30 Force Powers you'll get, 20 must be Mental Based (Those are described in the Force Categories) and 10 must be Combat based.

The Major Combat Based, Lesser Mental Based Class (Jedi Guardian, Sith Assassin, Nexus War Master): From the 30 Force Powers you'll get, 20 must be Combat Based and 10 must be Mental Based.

Rank: Faction Leaders: The Faction Leaders have several names (Grand Master, Dark Lord, Nexus Lord) they are no longer attached to a specific Class and can have 35 Force Powers and 4 Developed Powers.

Force Powers Categories

Light Side Force Powers

Force Powers Available For All Ranks

- Force Valor (Increases user and allies willpower and morale, making them stronger, faster and more accurate for a period of time) <Mental>

- Alter Damage (With this Force Power, the user can minimize the damage he can do with his or her weapon) <Combat>

- Battle Meditation (The user is able to influence on the process of a duel, a battle or an entire war as a support) <Mental>

- Crucitorn (The user is able to endure great amounts of pain) <Mental>

- Force Blinding (The user generates a flash of light momentarily blinding his opponent) <Combat>

- Force Stun (Force Stun was a power that could temporarily deaden the senses and perceptions of a targeted enemy, an advanced form was Force Stasis, which would render a target catatonic for a period of time, and the most advanced form would be Stasis Field, which would put a group of targets into a harmless catatonic state for a period of time) <Combat>

- Force Weapon (Is a Force ability that allowed the user to imbue an unpowered weapon with the Force for a brief period of time) <Combat>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Knights And Masters

- Force Enlightenment (Empowers defensive Force Powers to the highest degree) <Combat>

- Force Protection (A method of protection against attacks, rendering the user invulnerable to certain attacks by a period of time) <Combat>

- Shatterpoint (The user is able to see fault lines, during a duel, during a battle, and even during situations such as political moves and wars) <Mental>

- Droid Disable (Allows the user to cause a droid to short circuit) <Combat>

- Energy Resistance (Was a Force power used by many Jedi, especially those fighting during the Jedi Civil War. Its main effect was to create a barrier of energy-absorbent force around the user, reducing the damage taken from energy weapons like blasters) <Combat>

- Force Armor (Allows the user to protect him or herself or a group of allies from physical damage or Force damage for a period of time) <Combat>

- Malacia (Is a technique that used the Force to induce a powerful dizziness and nausea in enemies. It was completely incapacitating, but caused no damage to the body) <Mental>

- Plant Surge (Is a skill that is based around the channeling of life energy into plants, allowing the user to improve the plant's rate of growth and even affect the manner in which it grows, acquiring certain control over them) <Mental>

- Ray (With this power, the user could turn small amounts of nearby matter into energy that could be controlled. With this energy, the user could block attacks from blaster bolts and lightsaber attacks) <Mental>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Masters

- Force Reflex (Is a Force power that allowed the Master to effectively slow the world around them, heightening their reflexes and perceptions) <Mental>

- Electric Judgment (The user is able to project an electric discharge that is very similar in form and function to Force Lightning.) <Combat>

- Force Projection (The Master is able to project an image of himself which is fully interactive with the environment and even capable of intercepting enemy fire) <Mental>

- Force Light (When used against a Dark Sider, weakens his connection to the Force almost completely, on advanced versions, Force Light is able to contain and cleanse entire locations infested with the Dark Side, Force Light is also able to destroy Dark Side Spirits) <Mental>

- Protection Bubble (With this ability, the user could create a defensive sphere around their body. It is described as a shimmering blue globe of energy. It could protect the user from a wide range of attacks, deflect laser blasts, defend against lightsabers, vacuums and even inflict certain amounts of damage upon contact with the enemy) <Combat>

- Revitalize (Is a power that revitalized an exhausted, wounded user, unconscious, and/or whoever the user directed it at. Being a Force-based power, it did not work on non-organics such as droids) <Mental>

- Sever Force (Is a non lethal Force power by which a being's connection to the Force was interrupted, or blocked from them with a wall of light-side energy) <Mental>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Faction Leaders

- Force Summons (Is a powerful Force technique that was utilized to only the strongest of Jedi Masters, due to the amount of energy that was required to use this power) <Mental>

IMPORTANT NOTES: Force Powers act different according to your rank, for example, Battle Meditation by a Padawan can affect in a slight way, a duel, while the same Force Power by a Knight can influence a battle, and Battle Meditation from a Master can influence the whole war. Also, advanced forms of a Force Powers are "Unlocked" in some cases to Knights and Masters and in other cases just to Masters

Force Powers Categories

Core Force Powers

Force Powers Available For All Ranks

- Force Healing (Accelerates the healing factor of a living being) <Mental>

- Mobility (Mobility augments the user's speed, reflexes and jumping ability; Combination of Force Speed and Force Leap) <Combat>
- Force Speed (Augments the user's mobility) <Combat>
- Force Leap (Augments the user's capability of jumping) <Combat>

- Far Sight (Mental Force power that allows the user to see current events in far places) <Mental>

- Force Persuasion (The user is able to spread his influence on the weak minded, except on Hutts, Toydarians, Yinchorri, Dashade and Falleen) <Mental>

- Telekinesis (Telekinesis allows the user to manipulate objects or people from a distance, pushing, pulling or even throwing the manipulated with the user's mind. A user's proficiency grows with experience; Combines Force Pull, Force Push and Force Throw; Force Push does not progress into Force Whirlwind or Force Wave) <Mental>
- Force Pull (The user is able to retrieve objects or even sentient beings from a short distance) <Mental>
- Force Push (A telekinetic impulse that allows the user to push an adversary away, and advanced form is Force Whirlwind, which enables the user to control the wind currents around the target and cause a maelstrom, lifting the opponent, making him spin and immobilize him. Force Wave, one of the most powerful forms of Force Push, uses the principles of Force Push on several targets at once) <Mental>
- Force Throw (Allows the user to throw objects and event people against a target) <Combat>

All Force Users were granted the following innately.
- Force Sense (Allows the user to sense different things, from a person's mood, to ripples in the Force and to the Dark Side or Light Side) <Mental>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Knights And Masters

- Art Of The Small/Force Concealment (Reducing or changing the Force Signature to a microscopic level) <Mental>

- Force Absorb (Absorbs negative/harmful energy) <Combat>

- Levitation (Allows the user to suspend himself and hover to any direction) <Mental>

- Force Suppression (Was a Force technique used to attack the will of the target, canceling all first and second tier Force powers. Force Breach was an advanced form of Force Suppression that interrupted all powers in use by the target at the time) <Mental>

- Combat Kinetics (Combat Kinetics allows the user to affect a great amount of people or objects at once, repulsing them in large swathes around or away from the user, expanding on the user's Telekinetic abilities) <Combat>
- Force Blow (Allows the user to throw all objects around him away within a bubble) <Combat>
- Force Repulse (Forming ripples in the space with the Force, the user is able to expand those ripples and throws anything and anyone around him away) <Combat>
- Force Wave (Reference Force Push from Core Apprentice; "Force Wave, one of the most powerful forms of Force Push, uses the principles of Force Push on several targets at once" Notably used to clear large swathes of foes from the user's path) <Combat>

-Force Whirlwind (Reference Force Push: Force Whirlwind; enables the user to control nearby wind currents causing a small maelstrom, lifting opponents to immobilize them or forcing hovercraft off course or out of the game). <Mental>

- Force Resistance (This universal power offered some protection from direct Force Power attacks of Force Sensitive opponents, possibly negating their effects automatically. This only offered protection for a limited 60 seconds, Force Immunity was the stronger version of Force Resistance. While Force Resistance offered limited protection from Force attacks for a duration of time; Immunity rendered the user virtually invulnerable to any Force powers. The user could not be harmed or manipulated by the Force while using Force Immunity) <Mental>

- Precognition (Allows the user to have Force Visions of a possible future, or during a battle) <Mental>

- Telepathy (The user can mentally communicate with someone else) <Mental>

- Doppelganger (The user creates an illusion of himself, the user is able to make the doppelganger interact with everyone else) <Combat>

- Force Cloak (The user is able to blend with the environment, turning invisible) <Mental>

- Force Deflection (Allows the user to deflect or contain blaster fire, Force Powers or even lightsaber attacks) <Combat>

- Force Flash (This Force Power enables the user to be invisible to surveillance devices and droids) <Mental>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Masters

- Force Burst (Was a Force power that could be used by a Jedi or Sith. The strength of the Burst depended on the amount of time and energy put into it. A Burst's size and intensity could range anywhere from huge and combustible, to small, but relatively deadly. It was usually semi-transparent with a blue or green hue, where as the Sith variant had a reddish shade. The sphere of Force energy sought out it's intended target with the utmost accuracy and speed) <Combat>

- Phase (Was a Force power that enabled the Master to pass through solid objects, such as walls and doors) <Mental>

- Alter Image (With this Force Power, the user is able to change his appearance, such as height, body shape, sex, skin color, face factions and voice on an amount of time) <Mental>

- Force Barrier (Was both an offensive and defensive Force power, aligned neither with the light or dark sides of the Force, that created a barrier or wall of Force energy around the intended target, be it self, friend, or foe) <Combat>

- Force Illusion (The user projects an image into the minds of beings within range, of anything from a pillar of fire to a horde of snarling monsters to a fleet of warships, depending on the range) <Mental>

- Force Flight (Enables the Master to fly) <Mental>

- Force Maelstrom (Is a devastating combination of the powers Protection Bubble, Telekinesis, and Force Lightning/Electric Judgment. First, the user would form a Force Bubble around their body, concealing and protecting them inside. Then, any loose objects/persons around the user would swirl around the bubble, through telekinesis. Finally, the user would devastate the objects by blasting them away, in a surge of Force Lightning/Electric Judgment) <Combat>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Faction Leaders

- Force Ghost (Used after Death, the ability to appear, speak and in some cases, interact with the living) <Mental>

IMPORTANT NOTES: Force Powers act different according to your rank, for example, Farsight executed by a Padawan could allow him to see to certain distance in the city he's on, while by a Knight would enable him to see to certain distance on the same planet he's on, and by a Master could enable him to see from one planet to another, keep in mind the effects of certain Force Powers according to rank

Force Powers Categories

Dark Side Force Powers

Force Powers Available For All Ranks

- Drain Knowledge (The user is able to drain certain knowledge from a sentient being) <Mental>

- Force Fear (The user is able to strike intense fear on his opponent, the advanced form Force Horror allowed the user to strike fear on several adversaries, while Force Insanity allowed the user to render anyone in a 10 meter radius to become insane with fear and paranoia for a short period of time) <Mental>

- Force Drain (The user is able to drain the Force from a target to heal himself and harm the target, the advanced version Drain Life drains the Force from a group of enemies, and Death Field also kills the enemies after draining them) <Combat>

- Force Scream (A scream filled with rage, frustration or sadness that would create aggressive ripples through space and attack everything nearby the user) <Combat>

- Force Slow (This power clouded the target's mind, causing them to slow down both mentally and physically; Force Affliction was a variant of Force Slow. Affliction worked much like a fast-acting poison, quickly debilitating the target. The effects of affliction worsened over time and may cause death if the user is strong enough in the Force; Force Plague was a more powerful version of Force Affliction. Plague worked like a fast-acting toxin, horribly debilitating its victims. The effects of Plague continued to worsen over time) <Mental>

- Malicious Telekinetics (The user's impassioned proficiency with telekinesis enables him to both immobilize and crush a soft target, initially, the apprentice is only able to crush weaker parts of their opponent, such as the neck. As the user develops their power, they may go after smaller, softer target's innards. A Master can lift and crush nearly anything he can manipulate; Combines and Scales: Force Choke (App), Force Grip (Kni) and Force Crush (Mas).) <Combat>
- Force Choke (Enables the user to immobilize and choke a target, sometimes killing him if not resisted) <Combat> Apprentice
- Force Grip (A crushing application of the Force, Force Grip was an advanced level of Force Choke and could be used to levitate and strangle a target's internal organs) <Combat> Knight
- Force Crush (This ability lifted the opponent into the air, and as he/she was floating, his/her body literally imploded as it was crushed by the Force) <Combat> Master

Force Powers Available ONLY For Knights And Masters

- Combustion (The user is able to make things, not living beings, explode by sheer determination) <Combat>

- Deadly Sight (The user is able to harness Dark Side energy on his eyes and direct it to an enemy or a group of enemies to cause pain, injuries or even death) <Combat>

- Mind Control (Allows the user to take full control of the target or targets) <Mental>

- Force Lighting (The user can summon an energy discharge against one enemy, this Force Power is able to kill the adversary. Force Shock, a variant, would strike a target and repulse him, injuring him in the process, Force Storm, another variant, would be used against several targets at once, and Chain Lighting, another variant, was used in a way that the energy would strike a target, then jump to the next and so on) <Combat>

- Force Wound (The user is able to inflict direct injuries on the target's organs, causing a great deal of pain to the target) <Combat>

- Force Kill (Enables the user to inflict an amount of pain to the target by just thinking about it, in extreme cases and if not resisted, the target could die) <Mental>

- Force Wind (The user is able to manipulate the wind currents and create a powerful tornado and blow away targets) <Mental>

- Force Corrupt (Takes control of a target to serve the user's purposes by a period of time) <Mental>

- Force Rage (The Force user would tap into his or her innermost fears, pain and hate, converting them into intense anger. The user could then channel the anger to increase his or her own speed, strength, and ferocity. However, the body could not handle such rage for long periods of time, so the user became greatly weakened for some time after the rage subsided) <Combat>

- Kinetite (Is a sphere of restrained kinetic energy which could be thrown at an enemy. The ball was fist-sized and could batter down most obstacles in its path) <Combat>

- Lighting Grenade (Was a devastating move which combines Force lightning and Force grip. The user would use Force grip to grab a person or an object, then shoot it with lightning, and throw it high speed at a target, causing an explosion) <Combat>

- Spear Of Midnight Black (It enables the Force-user to summon the Force and forge with it an invisible spear from dark side energies which could be hurled at opponents, killing or injuring them as if it was a real physical spear) <Combat>

Force Powers Available ONLY For Masters

- Create Force Wraith (Is the Force power which allowed Force-users to create Force Wraiths. Because of the nature of this power, creating a being of dark side energies, the user was seduced more and more by the dark side each time they used it) <Mental>

- Force Blast (Force blast was a dark side Force power, that could be conjured through Sith magic or the Dark Side alone, it projected concentrated blasts of pure dark side energy at objects or opponents, usually with devastating effects) <Combat>

- Invoke Spirits (Was a dark side Force power conjured through Sith magic, that summoned the spirit of a deceased darksider, usually to augment the requesting Sith magician with the deceased's power) <Mental>

- Force Destruction (Enables the user to concentrate an enormous amount of dark side power and blast it through his or her hand, causing severe injuries and in the worse cases, death, even those not in direct contact will get pushed away by the backlash) <Combat>

- Force Phantoms (Were lifelike apparitions that when created, could fully interact with the physical world around them in whatever manner the conjurer desired) <Mental>

- Force Resuscitation (Allows the user to resurrect someone, it works under very special and rare circumstances) <Mental>

- Force Storm/Wormhole (It's the ability to create hyperspace wormholes via the dark side of the Force. A Force storm could range from the size of a small starship, like a freighter, to huge maws capable of obliterating whole starfleets. The smaller storms appeared to be more easily controlled from great distances than the larger ones) <Combat>

- Force Travel (Is a Force power which allowed a being to travel great distances instantly by creating a momentary rift in space. This power caused the user to be corrupted by the dark side, as it broke the normal rules of the galaxy by ripping the Force asunder. This power became more difficult to use depending both on how far away the target was, as well as how familiar the Force-user was with the location.) <Mental>

- Mechu-Deru (Is a Force based skill of the mechanized area. Part of mechu-deru related to the ancient Sith Alchemy which infused mechanical objects with the energy of the dark side of the Force) <Mental>

- Midi Chlorian Manipulation (Is form of Sith Alchemy allegedly mastered by Darth Plagueis. Requiring immense knowledge of the dark side of the Force, it was the ability to create, maintain, or save life through the influencing of midi-chlorians to a certain degree) <Mental> [This Force Power Requires The Authorization Of The Dark Lord]

- Sith Alchemy (Sith Alchemy actually had its origins in the formation of the Sith Order. A group of Dark Jedi discovered that they could use the Force to radically mutate creatures. The creatures the Dark Jedi made caused the Hundred-Year Darkness, resulting in the Dark Jedi being exiled from Republic space, where they found the primitive Sith race, Sith Alchemy was primarily used to enhance the strength of weapons and armor (such as the famous Sith swords), or to genetically engineer and enhance alien species, making them more dangerous and easier to control by the Sith Lords. The most famous example of creatures altered by Sith Alchemy were the Massassi. More sinisterly, Sith Alchemy was capable of waking the dead in servitude to the Sith. Korriban zombies, and possibly Sith Undead, were creations of this branch of the art) <Mental> [This Force Power Requires The Authorization Of The Dark Lord]

- Thought Bomb (Is one of the most powerful and destructive applications of the dark side of the Force which targeted all Force-sensitive individuals and vaporized clothing, flesh, bone, and even stone within the radius of the weapon's blast. The thought bomb sucked the souls of its victims into a sphere of dark side energy where they were trapped in an orb of dark torment) <Mental> [This Force Power Requires The Authorization Of The Dark Lord]

Force Powers Available ONLY For Faction Leaders

- Transfer Essence (Or transfer life, was a radical dark side Force power used to transfer a person's consciousness into another body, or in some cases an inanimate object) <Mental>

IMPORTANT NOTES: Force Powers from the Dark Side tend to have "Advanced Versions" or "Alternate Versions" that can only be Mastered when you achieve a higher rank, consult with the Guild Council before you add an Alternate or Advanced Version of a Dark Side Power, also notice that there are some Dark Side Force Powers that require the authorization of the Dark Lord himself

(PM Me To Add Your Question Here)

Question: I've seen some Jedi combining/using two or more Force Powers at once, can that be done? I don't see it anywhere

Answer: Yes, it can be done, with limits of course, let's take the ranks to make a comparative table.

Apprentices/Padawans: They can only use 2 Force Powers at the same time.

Knights: They can use 3 Force Powers at the same time.

Masters: They can use 4 Force Powers at the same time.

Faction Leaders (Grand Master, Dark Lord, Nexus Lord): They can use 5 Force Powers at the same time

Question: I see some Force Powers have "Advanced" versions or "Variations", like Force Push, what rank do I need to be to use these variations?

Answer: Taking Force Push as an example, you'll see that in total, there are three Powers, Force Push, Force Whirlwind and Force Wave. When you're a Padawan/Apprentice, you're able to use Force Push. When you're a Knight, you have specialized in Force Push and you have learned Force Whirlwind. And when you're a Master, you have mastered Force Push, specialized Force Whirlwind and learned Force Wave. This same criteria is used for any other Force Powers that have variations like Force Push

SPECIAL NOTES: The "Advanced Versions" or "Alternate Versions" as cited on the example, are included on the same "Slot", IE: If you have "Force Push" as your Force Power Number 10, Force Whirlwind and Force Wave are Force Power Number 10 too, BUT you must be rank Knight to use Force Whirlwind and rank Master to use Force Wave

Question: Currently, I'm a Jedi/Sith Knight and I have been using certain variation of a Force Power, that variation is specified for Masters only, does that mean I have to delete it from my profile?

Answer: Sadly, yes, this system has been created and approved by the Guild Council in order to prevent the excessive usage of Force Powers considered "Unique" on some aspects, so yes, you need to adjust your profile and use the Force Powers as indicated on this system.

Question: I'm a Jedi Master and I am thinking of switching sides and join The Brotherhood of the Sith, however, I see this Dark Jedi thing going on, what does this mean?

Answer: It means you won't be placed on a Sith Class right away, your Class will be "Dark Jedi" and you'll keep your Light Side Powers and slowly develop Dark Side Powers, the Dark Lord is testing you and when he deems you worthy, he'll assign you a Sith Class. I recommend keeping contact with your local Dark Lord for more information.

Question: What is this "Nexus" and "Order of the True Sith" I see around and how do I join?

Answer: Nexus and The Order of the True Sith are "Special" Factions. The Order of the True Sith has been started by the former Dark Lord Validus and his Apprentice, Bastet. While Nexus is not officially on the rp storyline, it has been named quite a few times, it'll be started and put in motion very soon. You don't "Join" these factions, while pm'ing the leaders of said factions is the appropriate thing to do, they won't be recruiting anyone just yet. Nexus stance in the rp will be, for instance, approaching someone to recruit him or her, not the other way around.

Question: I've read this whole System, and I don't like it, I don't agree with having my Force Powers limited that way, if I want to be a Padawan using Force Lighting, I will. Is there a way I am excluded from this system?

Answer: Unless you plan on stop rp'ing, or plan on starting a rp of your own, no, there is not. The system has been developed and deemed mandatory for the main rp, however, it is optional for the new rp's that can be created, the owner or creator of a new rp must specify on their opening posts if they are using this system for references or using their own.

Question: Everyone knows of the force unleashed character and his rank as an apprentice. Since he was an apprentice but his force push was quite powerful and explosive I’m guessing that would be a special case. But here’s my question for an apprentice how powerful is the force push? Does it come out as a blast like force unleashed or a different way? Personally I think the blast should be allowed but like force unleashed as you rise in rank its range and wide spread should increase

Answer: Force Push is categorized as Telekinesis, which means "Mind Over Matter". In TFU it is a special case, Starkiller is a Jedi's son, groomed by a Sith Lord he was a child and had an extremely powerful connection to the Force. In reality, Force Push would work as an effective push from a distance, being an Apprentice your Force Push would be limited to a range of 3 to 5 meters, and it would just that, a push. For an effect similar than the one you see on TFU, you will need to Master Force Push, which means attaining the rank of Master.

ATF Force Powers Changelog:

12/25/09 -

- Electric Judgment (The user is able to project an electric discharge that is not lethal towards an opponent) <Combat>

- Electric Judgment (The user is able to project an electric discharge that is very similar in form and function to Force Lightning.) <Combat>

The distinction of lethality should fall upon the user... gives an interesting plot tag for people...

02/06/2010 Changes:

Compressed multiple powers with the same portfolio of effects and redirects one into it's own little show.

New powers from others.
Telekinesis <Mental>
- Telekinesis (Telekinesis allows the user to manipulate objects or people from a distance, pushing, pulling or even throwing the manipulated with the user's mind. A user's proficiency grows with experience; Combines Force Pull, Force Push and Force Throw; Force Push does not progress into Force Whirlwind or Force Wave) <Mental>

Combat Kinetics <Combat>
- Combat Kinetics (Combat Kinetics allows the user to affect a great amount of people or objects at once, repulsing them in large swathes around or away from the user, expanding on the user's Telekinetic abilities) <Combat>

Malicious Telekinetics <Combat>
- Malicious Telekinetics (The user's impassioned proficiency with telekinesis enables him to both immobilize and crush a soft target, initially, the apprentice is only able to crush weaker parts of their opponent, such as the neck. As the user develops their power, they may go after smaller, softer target's innards. A Master can lift and crush nearly anything he can manipulate; Combines and Scales: Force Choke (App), Force Grip (Kni) and Force Crush (Mas).) <Combat>

Mobility <Combat>
- Mobility (Mobility augments the user's speed, reflexes and jumping ability; Combination of Force Speed and Force Leap) <Combat>

Ripped from Push
-Force Whirlwind (Reference Force Push: Force Whirlwind; enables the user to control nearby wind currents causing a small maelstrom, lifting opponents to immobilize them or forcing hovercraft off course or out of the game). <Mental>

Telekinesis <Mental>
Core Apprentice
- Force Pull (The user is able to retrieve objects or even sentient beings from a short distance) <Mental>

- Force Push (A telekinetic impulse that allows the user to push an adversary away, and advanced form is Force Whirlwind, which enables the user to control the wind currents around the target and cause a maelstrom, lifting the opponent, making him spin and immobilize him. Force Wave, one of the most powerful forms of Force Push, uses the principles of Force Push on several targets at once) <Mental>

- Force Throw (Allows the user to throw objects and event people against a target) <Combat>

Combat Kinetics <Combat>
Core Knight
- Force Blow (Allows the user to throw all objects around him away within a bubble) <Combat>

- Force Repulse (Forming ripples in the space with the Force, the user is able to expand those ripples and throws anything and anyone around him away) <Combat>

-Force Wave (Reference Force Push: Force Wave, one of the most powerful forms of Force Push, uses the principles of Force Push on several targets at once).

Malicious Telekinetics <Combat>
Dark Apprentice
- Force Choke (Enables the user to immobilize and choke a target, sometimes killing him if not resisted) <Combat>

Dark Knight
- Force Grip (A crushing application of the Force, Force Grip was an advanced level of Force Choke and could be used to levitate and strangle a target's internal organs) <Combat>

Dark Master
- Force Crush (This ability lifted the opponent into the air, and as he/she was floating, his/her body literally imploded as it was crushed by the Force) <Combat>

Mobility <Combat>
Core App
- Force Speed (Augments the user's mobility) <Combat>

- Force Leap (Augments the user's capability of jumping) <Combat>

02/22/2010 Changes:

- Force Sense (Allows the user to sense different things, from a person's mood, to ripples in the Force and to the Dark Side or Light Side) <Mental>

Assume every Jedi has this, as well as the basic Mind Trick.

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