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The Bloody Kingdom Temporary Home
I am writing slowely a fictional story in the fantasy (vampire) / scifi genre. It's not writen in normal terms it's written in a journal form from one person view. I would love input about my writing please~
Chapter One
Junuzi 15, Age of Morar 3

Dear diary,

You are officially my new diary. I have not a clue if I had one before due to the fact that I have lost all of my memory. I only know myself since this morning. I will now tell you the events that have taken since this morning.

I awoke in the middle of a hot and humid forest. I was caked in dirt, blood, and sweat. Surprisingly there was a violin next to me in perfect condition. It was made out of amazingly shiny red wood and stiff, but elegant silver strings. The side of this violin had a gold engraving saying “Requiem”. On the other side of me lay in exact perfect condition a bow for the violin. The bow was made out of the same material as the violin. When I picked the two items up I felt a surge of power. I could of sworn it the two called to me to play them.

I followed their command. A range of melodies soared through the air. Those melodies ranged from happiness to an anger that overwhelmed me, it was as if they were showing me their capabilities. When the music started off my violin strings grew outward and danced in the air. Then when the music reached it’s most unpleasant emotion the strings became ridged and started to quickly cut through the vegetation in a storm like madness. As I let the storm continue I saw a man surrounded in a green aura laughing.

This man looked like he was doing all of the destruction. His wild short red hair, facial scar, and black eye patch made him look perfect for the part. In this mad man’s laughter he rambled on how I would be perfect. Now with all of my music I could not hear what exactly he thought I was perfect for. Before I could urge the music to stop the man blew a blue cloud in my direction and I instantly passed out.

Next thing I knew, I was in a beautiful red velvet room. All the drapery, bedding, and carpet was red velvet with black and gold trimming. The furniture and walls were made of what seemed to be the same wood my violin was made of. Although they did not shine like my violin, so it must be of a more normal wood type. Around me was what seemed like an army of maids. They all had weapons on their bodies. The maid in the utmost front stepped forward to speak. Just the look of her gave me the chills, her hair was a long, thick, wavy brown and she was one of few that had the same scar that the madman had. “Requiem I am here to brief you on your situation. You are now residing inside the castle of the Bloody Kingdom. Due to your special abilities you are being given a chance to prove your worth to the kingdom. The prince is looking for a new executioner and with your special abilities you have become candidate for that position. However if you shale fail in entertaining the prince during the execution you will be his next dinner.” At that point all I could see the prince as was a burly strong man in his mid thirties with shaggy brown hair wearing animal or human skin. I shook off the awful thought and continued to listen. “We have already groomed you and dressed you for the occasion, your violin lays over at the vanity. Pleas go and pick it up, it has a tendency to attack us. When you find yourself ready we will teleport you to the throne room where you will perform the execution.”

When the briefing was concluded I pulled off the covers and was amazed at the beauty of the cloths I was dressed in. I was dressed with a red silk tank top, long red silk skirt, and a black leather over coat that had tail touching my ankles. What fascinated me was the huge ruby broach that held the over coat across my chest. At the moment I stood up and quickly came to notice the high black high heals, good way to keep a prisoner from running. Now slowly making my way to the vanity I came to see the art work they did on my hair and face through the large mirror. Now before this I never saw my face, but guessing how the rest of my body looked when I first woke up, it couldn’t of looked good. Here in the vanity window I saw a porcelain white face, fragile to the touch, with succulent red lips. My eyes sparkled like two gold coins, one hidden in a vale of black silken hair. If I had long hair before, I didn’t now. My hair was somewhat long in front and cut short in the back, giving a mystique look. After a few seconds of admiring my looks I reached down to the violin that was forever calling me. Yet again I was overwhelmed by the power. But I found the strength to subdue it knowing if I went out of control again, I would be killed. Then slowly walking over to the maids I gave them the nod to escort me. The head maid grasped my hand harshly and uttered the words “Vas telle”. In an instant a white light overcame me and I found myself in the middle of a huge room.

This room was decorated with red velvet drapes covering silver plated walls. The floor was a wavy red velvet carpet with two lines of gold bars leading up to the throne. The throne set the theme of the room, death. It was a black onyx towering monolith worshiping death, covered in silver skulls. In that throne of death was the prince, he wore a red jeweled crown, a red cap lined with white fur, and complete black cloths. Even though he was surrounded by death he was happy. His short black hair seemed to blanket his head only showing his vibrant red eyes and cruel smile. I realized I was looking at the prince too long when a man by name of Moe who is the head butler of the kingdom and adviser to the prince stood up from his seat and announced me. “My lord, your general Aya Shwarz has delivered us a woman who could possible become your new executioner. Her violin attacks those who she wishes to be eliminated. Would you wish to see her skill?” Moe then knelt down and bowed to the prince awaiting for a response.

“Lets see… An executioner that plays music to kill her victims. Sounds fun! Now miss Requiem you will either be rewarded for your performance or punished. Your reward is to become my personal executioner and musician, and you will keep your room. Your punishment is to be fed to those maids over there just waiting to cut you up and eat you. The prisoners you are to execute are four little boys who tried to steel my most prized position. What was it you ask? It was the body of my mother, I do not tolerate anyone who wishes to take that away from me! So please I ask you to do your greatest work on them!” He looks to the right where the four boys are standing in chains. “Bring the prisoners to miss Requiem. It’s time they pay for what they attempted to do!”

Soon enough four boys dressed in nothing were standing in front of me sobbing like babies. Normally a person would hesitate, but I’m no person I have come to believe. My violin took over my body and I started to play. It was a dull moaning sound at first, but I knew I had to make it into actual music. I closed my eyes and ripped the strings into a sound of fire. Screams were heard soon after as the boys were lifted into the air. I smiled as I heard the screams, my violin and bow were happy too. This was what I was made to do! I mocked their screams with screams from my violin. Limbs were being torn off, making the screams louder. I then twirled around making the sound of birds falling. The limbs that were torn off fell to the ground. Hearing only but sobs from the boys I decided to play the final part of the song a screech was heard from my violin and the boys screeched at the same time while the strings punctured quickly through their hearts. I let the dead bodies float in the air for maybe a minute then I made another screech and the bodies came falling down making horrid thud sounds. With the song over I gave a long lasting bow and waited for my judgment.

As I looked up I did not see the prince. I was worried he got bored and left. In an instant though he appeared right in front of me. He grabbed me quickly by the waist and kissed me so deeply! Then in a second I felt a stabbing, scratching pain in my right cheek. After the painful scratched ended the prince parted his lips from mine and spoke. “Requiem you are now more than just an executioner or musician, you are mine! I have never wanted a girl so badly before in my life. This mark I have given you shows that you are no normal person, you are royalty! No one may lay a hand on you without my permission. I love you!” He then bent me over and kissed me more deeply and then started to lick the running blood off my face. I hoped it would never stop, but Moe came over and separated us. “My lord I think I shall take miss Requiem to her room so she can get dressed for dinner. You should do the same.” The prince nodded and immediately teleported out of the room with a quick “Vas telle”. Moe then clasped both hands on my shoulders and looked down at me. “Miss even though the prince wants you, I cannot allow him to have you so soon. You are an unknown being, and since you have no background I must make sure you are safe for the prince. Just keep your distance.” He gave a long soft sigh and then uttered the words “Vas tell” and in an instant I was back in my room. “You have a hot spring for a bathtub in the back room next to the vanity and I laid out your dining dress on your bed. You will have time to go to the library if you want before dinner. Just ask a maid or guard for directions. A guard will get you when dinner is ready.” Moe took his hands off of me then teleported out of the room.

I stood there for a moment and heard the rushing water in the other room. It sounded so peaceful I just had to go in. I opened the door and found a tropical rain forest instead of a bathroom. I knew they had magic, but didn’t think such a thing could be conjured up! I saw a green with gold trim towel hanging on a tree limb next to the spring. I took off my bloodied cloths and slid myself into the nice hot water. It seemed to adjust perfectly to my body and I lay there almost asleep for a good half hour. I still had my violin in my hands, mainly due to the lack of security I felt. The bow was on the edge of the spring. It was funny how they both seemed to soak up the steam from the springs like I was. Soon though my happiness was interrupted by the sound of a gun shot. Thankfully my violin had better reaction than I did. It immediately flicked it’s strings to swat away the bullet then it attacked the gunman or should I say gun woman. I turned around and saw a brutally murdered maid holding a gun. Instantly a group of male guards came teleporting into the room. “Miss Requiem we were notified of a killing in this room.” Before saying anything else the head guard took a quick look around the room. “Of course due to obvious evidence it seems you killed in self defense.” Then he took a good look at me… “It also seems you need time to um get dressed. We will clean all this up after you are properly clothed.” He bowed and then all of them teleported out of the room.

After the men left the room I got up and wrapped myself in the towel. I snuck around the dead body thankfully getting no blood on me. In my room I saw make up thrown onto the vanity for my use. I knew the maid had no intention of me using it. Unfortunately for her, she was the one to die today, maybe this will send a note to all the other maids. Just for safety I thought to keep my violin on me at all times. I sat down at the vanity and admired my beautiful face. I truly admired the mark on my face, it was a perfect ex. What amazed me about it, was that there was no more bleeding or swelling, the prince must of used a healing spell on it. I could not stand the stench of the decaying body anymore so I quickly brushed out my hair and applied my makeup. Next to me on the bed was the dress and a new pair of high heels to match the dress. I slipped into them as quick as possible but making sure they were positioned on me just right.

After getting myself dressed I picked up my violin but before exiting the room I saw a belt like object on my bed. There was a note on it saying, “Requiem this is a belt that will safely hold your violin and bow at your side. This should give your hands some freedom to do other things than carry around your violin.” It was signed by Moe. I quickly put it on, the belt was black and sprinkled with diamonds. Just as I finished putting it on I heard a knock at my door. “Miss Requiem are you finished in there?” It was the guards. “Yes I am. Please come in.” This time there were only two guards, but an army of cleaning crew. I guess since there was no threat there was no need for many people with weapons. The head guard turned to me and bowed. “Since you do not know any teleportation spells I am required to bring you where you need to go. My name is sergeant Kline. Dinner is not ready yet, so you are allowed to go to the library or one of the gardens.” I really wanted to do some reading up on the place to get to know what the customs were so I decided on the library. In an instant I heard the teleportation words and was brought into this grand room.

In this room there were towers of book cases, strangely several feet above a normal person’s head. I would estimate about twenty or more feet. Next to the stain glass windows that lined around the room were circular booths covered in pillows and soft leather cushions. In the center there would be a small round table to lay your books on. The guard knew I was taking the sight in but pointed my eyes to the shining ball right in front of me. It would spin rapidly and bounce around almost like a dance. Then it turned from a white glow to a blue glow and spoke! “Miss Requiem I am the librarian Steve. Due to the height of the book cases I am to obtain any book that you require. If you do not know the name of the book please just tell me what type you would want to look at. We can narrow it down then.” I pondered for a few minutes then decided on a book of laws. “Steve I would like a book on the kingdoms laws.” Steve then turned orange. “Sorry miss Requiem, but that book is taken out by Princess Mysti. She has though put her booth into anyone can come. Perhaps you can check out her booth. Shall I guide you there?” I said yes to Steve and a blue lighted line ran across the library. The guard headed off so I followed him. Soon we came to a booth where a girl with black curly hair and a boy with blue short hair sat. “Are you Princess Mysti?” I gave the courage to ask. The girl stared blankly and replied. “Yes I am. I suppose your Requiem, I knew you would want to look at the book so I allowed access to this booth. I needed the book to run over some rules with Pororo. He is new to the kingdom too.” She tapped the pillow next to her. “Please have a seat. I will start with the basic rules.” Before I could sit down the boy who was sitting quietly started to gnaw on my right hand. Instinctively I drew out my violin to attack, but Mysti yelled at him. “Pororo why are you attacking a trusted person?” Pororo stopped gnawing and replied with a disappointed look on his face. “She smelled like mother... Mother used to allow me to eat her hand...” Mysti put her hand on her face and sighed. “And Moe tastes like father! I love you Pororo but sometimes your excuses are not good enough. You know you shouldn’t try eating living people only the dead ones that are not marked for my brother!” While they were talking I noticed I healed instantly from the injury. Even Mysti and the guard took a second look at my hand. For a few hours Mysti ran over some of the basic rules with me. She even ran over the previous history of the kingdom for me which I have made notes in another journal.

After a while Mysti looked at her watched and notified all of us that it was time for dinner. “We best not be late. I know my brother is really looking forward to eating with you. The only time I saw my brother so enthralled was when he was crowned ruler. He must really like you. I wouldn’t mind having you as my big sister either. Your much calmer than how my big sister is...” I gasped and asked what was wrong with her sister. “Well she lost her sanity when she saw our mother commit suicide from starvation.” I covered my mouth out of astonishment, then I excused myself noticing I made a complete fool of myself. The guard then used the teleport spell on me and we were at the entrance of the dining hall. When we heard the prince call us in the doors swung open revealing a grand hall. Covered in gold and silver except for the table and chairs. The furniture was made out of cherry wood with beautiful carvings of angels. The prince’s chair had carvings of sculls and demon wings, fitting for his tittle. The two princesses sat on his right and on his left was Aya and Pororo. Right in front of me was an empty chair and the prince nodded his head for me to sit in that chair. “I’m so glad you could make it to dinner Requiem. I heard you had an intruder during your bathing. At least her punishment has already been carried out. Tomorrow you will be taught how to do some of the magic that is used around here. I bet your used to the phrase vas telle, right? That is the first spell you learn. The second is a seal for your room so no one can enter. I’ll have guards at your door to protect you. They can detect any transportation spell.” While he was talking I couldn’t help but keep looking at those small moist lips that once touched mine. It took all strength to keep from blushing and squirming. Thankfully soon came out the meal. The meal started out with a salad with some meat tossed into it. Knowing that these people eat humans it was probably meat from my previous victims. When seeing everyone else eat, I too started to eat and it was delicious to my surprise. Then came out the main course which was ribs roasted with some sauce, baked potato, and bean salad. The meal came with a wine with an eye ball in it, everyone got an eyeball but me and Morar got two. Some how that showed me how much I mean to Morar. Before desert came Morar started to speak again. “My Requiem could you come to my room after you change into your night gown. I would like to speak with you.” He actually lost all composure and blushed like a red tomato. I nodded and agreed and nodded at Moe who was standing in the corner glaring at me. Desert arrived and I thought the eye balls were a little off even though those had no taste, just crunchy. Well desert was fingers covered with strawberries, sauce, and whipped cream. The cook seemed to know how to candy the fingers so it actually worked. After the whole meal we were all teleported back to our rooms.

When I got back to my room I was exhausted and ready to write into you, but I had one more duty to fill. I quickly exchanged my dinner dress into a silky red kimono. It was made out of a chiffon material that felt cool to the touch. It also had a nice smell of lavender. I then brushed my hair and walked out of the room. There the guard took my arm and used the teleport spell. I entered the most beautiful room I have yet to see. The entire room was surrounded by the view of the ocean. In the middle of the room was a huge four poster bed with velvet red drapes and silk red covers. There on the edge was the prince dressed in nothing but his undies. I gave a quick blush, then I was summoned by the prince. “Please come sit next to me, next time we do this I will have proper night time cloths. I don’t usually have company in here.” I came over to him and sat next to him. Immediately he lay his head on my lap. “I know this might be strange to you, but you make me feel so calm and happy. I have been jealous of my sisters. Both of them have a man to claim their own. I have been alone since my mothers death.” He started to cry and all I could do was stroke his hair softly and allow him to continue. “Now I hope I have someone I can tell all my feelings to. I don’t want you to ever leave me.” As his crying subsided he fell asleep on my lap with a smile on his face. This was not what I expected but I guess it’s best for both of us. When he was fully asleep I tucked him into his bed, then Moe came in to take me out of the room. “Miss Requiem you did a good job. You followed my orders exactly. I shall now escort you to your room. Your guards are standing by to protect you during the night.” At that I was teleported back to my room. And here I am writing my days events into you.

I think it’s time to say good night. I have had a long day and I loved it.

Good night~

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