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Kaym's Journal
Missions, mafia notes etc
Levi so far..
Entering Levi:

::Kaym's search had finally come to an appealing hault. The information on her tracker had indicated she was in the Mithral Mountains. If this much was true, she had traveled a long time and a very long way. :: She had finally gotten around to changing her atire as well. Instead of wearing her usual light weight grey nylon sleevless shirt and pants, she was now wearing something that suited her fansy more. A Cossack hat, a red turtle neck and a Brown long jacket, which looked all to similar to her old KGB uniform coat.

::Kaym leaned up against a copperstone rock, it was about her height and the reddish-brown metallic element was a great conductor for heat. She figured, if she wanted to stay warm. This would be a perfect place to catch the suns reflection.
:Her legs finally let loose, allowing her back to slide down the smooth rock. She sat there, content with the distance she had covered in that short period of time. She had already covered the peak of the mountain and was on her way down. She had noticed earlier on, a type of road. At least, she thought it was a road, it looked as if it hadnt been used in a while. And if it has, not much for traffic passed on it.

::She would reach the road in little less then an hour. ::

::It was well past 8pm and the sun had let itself rest for the night. Kaym had been walking, Indeed she find the road. It did turn out that she was correct, the road was dirt and not much life had walked on it in awhile, possibly more then two weeks?
:The downhill stretch was long. She could not see any lights from her current position and she was still pretty high up. The elevated fog had turned out to be thin misty clouds. The condensation would thin and then thicken sporadically.
:Even after when her pace quickened she still found herself on a long trip. She sat once again. But, this time she found a rock waist high and decided it was a great place to scoup out the general area.

::No more then two minutes later, she stopped. The air was getting more dense and she could hear quiet steps at which were gaining swiftness.

::No more then two minutes later, she stopped. The air was getting more dense and she could hear quiet steps at which were gaining swiftness.

And suddenly the screen went all blurry as the action music began to pick up, indicating a fight, sort of like in those Final Fantasy games with the random encounters!

Well, actually, not really...

Night, the time when all the nightmares and horrors of the world came out to plague those who live. When the sun sets and darkness creeps across the land, such is the time where the emotion of fear is most prominent.

Footsteps. Who's? His? Someone else's? Who cares?

The figure stepped up behind the woman, a casual gait, as can be observed by the rhythm of the footsteps. No words said, just the sound of footsteps creeping up behind her.

Mithral Mountains, one of the mountain ranges which seperated the dreaded northernlands where death and evil were abundant in, housed the ruins of Sorrow's Keep. According to legend, the place was haunted by spirits, and probably some demons as well considering the history of the place. And being in such a close proximity, it would be hard not to think of this at night, when the mists covered the ruins and the dead skeletal trees reached out of the miasma like claws from a grave.

Anyways, back to the figure. It stepped towards the woman, and unless she had eyes in the back of her head, she wouldnt be able to identify what it was, be it a simple traveler, or a zombie or something.

Now if she did turn around, she would see what would appear to be a man, considering the broad width of the shoulders generally seem in males, dressed in a flowing black cloak. This cloak of course, would be tightly wrapped around his body, even sporting a cowl atop of it which hooded most of the features of his face in a heavy veil of shadows. Execpt for the eyes; inverted they were, the sclera and pupil were pitch black, the pupil stark white.

If she didnt turn around, maybe too busy surveying the area, or zoning out, a skinny hand would reach out from the folds of the cloak and grasp the woman's shoulder to get her attention.

And when she would notice him, he would speak, face splitting into a crooked grin.

"Hello my dear..."

Now if she did turn around, she would see what would appear to be a man, considering the broad width of the shoulders generally seem in males, dressed in a flowing black cloak. This cloak of course, would be tightly wrapped around his body, even sporting a cowl atop of it which hooded most of the features of his face in a heavy veil of shadows. Execpt for the eyes; inverted they were, the sclera and pupil were pitch black, the pupil stark white.

::Kaym did not turn right away, instead she was curious as to what he would say... or do, for that matter. The footsteps she encountered not but a minute before were indeed, not his. But, the steps had stopped as soon as the man approached her from the bushes.

random people walking from the bushes... I like this place already. She gave herself a warm smile and finally turned her head.

And when she would notice him, he would speak, face splitting into a crooked grin.

"Hello my dear..."

::His very courteous greeting to the very least made her solitude lift.

"What might you be doing at this hour?" She asked calmly.

"But of course, I am looking for potential victims to kidnap and be used as test subjects for twisted exeriments. Care to join me?"

Decruda said quite simply with a calm smile, with all the grace and etiquette that he could muster in the situation. Well, maybe it was a sick joke or something, or maybe it wasnt, especially with his odd appearance, all dressed in black with the weird eyes.

"But of course, I am looking for potential victims to kidnap and be used as test subjects for twisted exeriments. Care to join me?"

::Kaym didnt turn away, instead she gave him points for his straightforwardness. Of course, she didnt really know if he was that type of person, or if he was joking but, nonetheless she didnt mind humor... if it was humor...

She rose her eyebrow, "I was actually wondering how far away the nearest town was. But, in suggesting i go with you on my own free will to be disected, does arose my interest. She smiled, sincerely hoping she didnt have to cry wolf and run away. She didnt like the thought of the first human being, or human looking creature she encountered in the area wanted to play with her insides. If that was the case, she would have to totally change her gettup and go back to demon slaying, because, damnit.. thats all that follows her. She didnt mind it... but damn, shes just one unlucky chick.

"Oh good... good... The closets settlement would be Lament. A dark city somewhere at the foot of the mountains, somewhere on the more volcanic regions I believe. Nothing to see there really, so, would you like to come with me now? Or shall I have to sedate you and then drag you away?"

It would probably be a good idea to start running... right about now, because Decruda was entirely serious, though casual in his speach.

"Oh good... good... The closets settlement would be Lament. A dark city somewhere at the foot of the mountains, somewhere on the more volcanic regions I believe. Nothing to see there really, so, would you like to come with me now? Or shall I have to sedate you and then drag you away?"

Sadation eh?
"Lament you say? Mmm, it sounds surprisingly interesting." She paused. Really not caring if he were serious or not. She could take care of herself in situations. She was already half dead as it were, and she didn't mind a personal quarrel if needed.
"Im sorry I do believe I will have to pass on your offer for the time being, but, if this town is much to see as you just stated, i will have to take your offer in consideration, since well, Ive traveled pretty far and the idea of my insides being played with... even moreso since most of it doesnt work... doesnt really interest me, and unfortunately for you, poisons and somnifacients wouldnt do the very trick. But, i thank you for the information. I must be going then."

::Kaym nodded her head and turned down the mountain. She indeed was not intimidated by the man, she just really didnt feel like a confrontation at the moment. If he were to pursue her, she would willingly fight back and being well armed made her just as confident.

Peaceful negotiations never did work, did it?

Oh well, didnt matter to him. As the woman would be walking away, Decruda would say a quick little phrase before he placed a small black cylindrical object into his mouth and slide a blowgun between his lips.

"I wouldn't go that way if you plan on escaping."

It was like a game to him. No big deal, one person from another, why not have some fun?

Perhaps 'sedation' was not the right word to use, since the effects was not to knock someone unconscious, but rather knock out their motor functions. Oh well...


A quiet hiss, and a needle would shoot out of the blowgun towards the back of the woman's neck, towards exposed skin. The needle of course, was coated in a specially made, highly potent neurotoxin, made with the essences of several poisonous herbs such as calabar bean, gelmesium, stavesacre and thornapple. It works by inhibiting the nerves of the body, like any other drug, blocking off the signals which direct movement in the body's motor functions. Mainly, it affects the spinal chord, medulla oblongata, and the central nervous system in the brain. Generally, this 'toxin' causes a general weakness in the muscles, a lowered heart rate, double vision, and may cause delirium. This drug is carried through the body's fluids and affect the nerves it comes in contact with as it spreads to the designated areas they mainly affect.

As a specially made drug by the cult of the dead, the herbs used in its creation are much more potent than those found in the wild, being specially cared for in its growth and production, and finally, the toxin itself is made by the necromancers which take care of them, weaving 'black magic' into its creation to increase its overall potency. The only problem with the paralytical drug is that asphyxiation resulting from its use, may kill the victim unless an antidote is applied relatively quickly after capture.

Anyways, during this time where the tiny needle, near;y soundless, flew through the air, Decruda would have drawn a glass dagger in his left hand and began to pollish it with a piece of wool that was in his right. Glass is one thing easily sharper than steel, however, it is brittle and easily breakable. So his weapon seemed to lean towards offensive effectiveness instead of defensive practicality. The blowgun of course, remained between his lips, as he held it in place with his teeth if he would need to fire more needles.

And about the path she was headed in? Well, some distance more, and she'd see if he was bluffing or actually making a sound suggestion, considering the fact that he hadnt been lying the entire time.

::As kaym turned a minute before, her hand would have entered her coat pocket. While doing so, she heard the man say:

"I wouldn't go that way if you plan on escaping."

::Without delay Kaym immediately swung her body around, predicting he would try something. His voice was serious when they met and even moreso now after his last response. Abruptly, she rose her forearm up, sheilding her face, which was the only part of her body exposed. But, that wouldnt matter. The dart that had been blown had penatrated her leather jacket. The dart had embedded itself into her outfaced wrist.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Kaym demanded, as she ripped the dart from her wrist and lowered her arm.
::Without waiting for a response she unhesitatingly throw, in a bowl like manner, two silver balls from her pocket towards his direction.

::From these balls would sprout spiders, mechanical ones at that. If he wasn't prepared they would lock onto any heated target and hereby explode. As the mini deadly spiders skattered hastefully on the ground, Kaym would instintively unhilt her sword and pull it to her bow.
Quickly following her pets, she would do the same; Charging at her opponent she would forcefully swing her blades, hopefully slaying his flesh - torso to his shoulder.

She would turn, speak, pull out the needle, and as she was about to throw something, Decruda's hands would already have moved. A quick slash through the air with the glass dagger, pulled sharply from between the wool.

And in that mere moment, the night would appear as day for only a split second, lightning erupting out from the arch of the glass dagger, streaking quite literally at the speed of light towards her in a highly charge electrical bolt.

Mechanical spiders that would explode with heat? Probably not a good idea, given the amount of energy in the lightning bolt that would streak through the air and strike at her. Each mechanical unit would, due to the large amount of pure energy, cause them to explode right on the spot or overload them and make them melt, rendering them ineffective, right in the woman's hands or right in front of her.

Ever been struck by lightning before? Metal would probably be superheated or something, and she'd be at least heavily shocked by the bolt. If the neurotoxin didnt work, then frying the nerves themselves might.

Lightning Bolt

Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy. The lightning bolt may set fire to combustibles, sunder wooden doors, splinter up to a half-foot thickness of stone, and melt metals with a low melting point (lead, gold, copper, silver, bronze). If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt continues. A bolt can breach a maximum of 1 foot of wood or half a foot of stone.

The material components of the spell are a bit of fur and an amber, crystal, or glass rod.

((Wool and glass dagger used as components, modification of a glass rod.))

Nothing to worry about, as the initial response would have been interrupted in that one motion. Secondly, the bright flash of lightning in the close proximity would temporarily blind the woman if she so happened to be looking at Decruda as he unleashed the spell, which in this case, she had.

The necromancer on the other hand, had turned his head to the side as he let lightning fly, though the hair on his body stood up on end as the air around them was charged and smelled quite strongly of ozone.

As he turned back to face the woman, he'd slip the piece of wool and dagger away, drawing a scimitar in his right hand from his left hip as he answered her question with the blowgun still between his lips, a little too gleefully, maybe on a 'high' after firing off that bolt of lightning, magic still coursing through his body as the aftereffects of the spell.

"I'm doing exactly what I said before, looking for victims to kidnap and use as a test subject for experiments."

Kaym would instintively unhilt her sword and pull it to her bow.
Quickly following her pets, she would do the same; Charging at her opponent she would forcefully swing her blades

And in that mere moment, the night would appear as day for only a split second, lightning erupting out from the arch of the glass dagger, streaking quite literally at the speed of light towards her in a highly charge electrical bolt.

The immeasurable energy from the lightning was severe. Instead of melting her sword and raping her eyes of sight, it did something really different.

::The swords' swing indeed had gone through, but no where near in time to slash the mans torso but, instead, having the strong blade in the air directly positioned to her bow and face The lightning hit. Not Kaym, but her sword and all of her units, frying them, leaving them stranded without power. On contact, the smothering light and heat, overwhelmingly heated her sword to the point of being red. Also being that Lightning is a large discharge of electricity. Electrons moving at an accelerated pace, which is the same way heat is created, the sword was not damaged. But, Kaym not being of the same - Her hands instantly were being burned through her gloves, smeltering them to the sword itself.

:The lightning almost being reflected by the mysteriously durable sword didnt do too much for Kaym benefit.
The force had sent her body flying back (faster then the speed of light? xp )down the mountain, gaining more distance then (I) would have figured. eek
Not in minutes but only in seconds did this all happen. After the inital strike, Kaym didn't know much of anything that happened other then her finally smashing into the ground, ripping her coat to shreds and then approached a cliff, a short fall but a painful one. Smashing, onto the 45degree rock, ripping her should out of its socked and continuously rolled down the mountain.

She never fully stopped moving, her body was still in a complete fumble when she finally caught herself and pulled her arms in and used her sword as a pivot on the ground, swinging her face forward and her feet to the ground.

She had not noticed the the break, nor the large amount of blood that flowed from her head, arms and hands. Her hat and jacket had been ripped from her body. Instinctivly looking about for the man, she could not see him. How far did she fly? Seeing she was in a completely different place, ... a canyon? Where the hell did that come from?
Her hands did not move. One was melted to her swords hilt; probably all the way through the muscle and to the very bone. She wasnt sure, but either way she wasnt going to remove it now, it would be better if it was at least stuck in her grasp, then out. Her other hand had indeed been burned... charred was more like it. She must have touched the sword on the way down with the other as it was still smoldering hot.
She also realized she had sharp arrow like rocks undoubtably embedded into her arms, legs and back.
Jesus... She thought, not wanting to touch them. All she wanted to do now was get to town, or at least get away from this guy, and return later to kick his a**... or at least try...

OOC: ( i tried to imagine her being directly infront of him, so if thats peachy, thats peachy... rofl )

((To tell you the truth, I totally didnt expect that to happen, but whatever.))

And when Decruda opened his eyes and turned back, drawing his scimitar to speak the lines previously mentioned concerning the woman's question, he would be surprised to see nothing.


Well, he really didnt plan on having a lightning bolt do this sort of damage. Nothing he could really do but try and figure out where the body was around the mountains, but first, he would have to do one thing, which was round up the unit of ghouls which were under his command.

He headed in the direction the woman seemed to be going before, the very same direction he had warned her that it wasnt a good idea to go that way, since in fact, a distance further, and that was where a unit of five hunter ghouls, outfitted with launchers on each arm, were waiting in ambush for any passer-bys.

A dead body or a live body, it really didnt matter to him. Dead bodies could be raised as zombies, chopped up for graft parts, or stuck in the spawning pools to create abominations. A live body however, were usually used for experimentation and then turned into a ghoul later on.

Kaym silently walked for a short while down the rocky, snow-covered, or was it ash.. avenue, her arms drug to her side. ( which way did she travel?) her fingers were tightly wrapped around the swords' hilt still unable to move. It had the physical appearence of a hand completely bound to rubber cement, but only in this situation, it carried the distinct smell of burnt flesh and dry blood.

::When she first escaped from her scary undead opponent she held her position for about an hour before moving. She figured if he wanted to look for her, he would have in that time. Although, she did not know how far she had fallen... hopfully it was far, she was in no condition to defend herself. The small to medium sized rocks were still impaled in parts of her body. Removing them at this time would only cause further damage. The blood flow would only attrack hungry, rabid animals or... undead humanoids whom wanted to take her apart. Those werent the only factors though. She knew very well if they had been removed she might lose consciousness, for two of the sharp stones were entirely driven through her body, puncturing one of her lung and thigh, the others were short, and spread throughout her body.

The sharp rocks felt more like metal shavings or volcanic rock... Volcanic rock. She then realized there were traces of igneous... granite, form when magma cools...

..wait, what the hell am I talking about? Am i really losing that much conscious? She shook her head continuously trying to get a better grip of herself.

She couldn't believe what happened to her. Did she really not prepare herself enough for something like that?
Hell, would you think he would shoot out lightning?! damned magi...

::Just as she lifted her head she spotted something. She squinted her eyes once more, trying to figure out if it were a structure or large rock. Staring a bit harder she noticed a door.

"Oh s**t." She said with a bit of relief.
After walking just several more steps she was stopped to a sound of a voice.

"Hult! You there!" Spat a voice, a human voice.
Kaym turned just to her right, seeing a man, a guard pointing something at her. "Hey..." She said, waving her only free hand saying a very short, wimpy hello to the guard.

He then stopped, obviously staring, probably trying to figure out what was wrong with her. "What?" He paused and then quickly approached her. Unexpectedly, he saw her sword and the many wounds that covered her body. "unhand your weapon." He surprisingly said in a calm voice.

In response, she lifted her arm, hand pointing down and let out a soft chuckle. "I cant." She shook her hand up and down, proving her point. Just then, she stopped moving her arm, her eyes rolled and she fell forward.
Luckly the guard was in arms reach of the pathetic woman. He stopped her from falling to the ground and effortessly picked her up; two other guards joined his side and they headed into the city.

(ooc: Meh! i just saw your post: Why kaym flew so far? Well! * sits down for story time* - Kayms sword has its own personal energy. It acts like a force field. When pressure/ energy hits it, it kind of activates and pushes back, it shields her from the potential threat yeah, but the bad thing about it, it sometimes backfires, usually causing damage in the long run. Cant have a good without a bad. tis* in my very journal - licious place pirate

((Well I was going for an electrical shock knockout at the most and I expected rubber soled boots or something else that would minimize even that. Oh well, guess not. But hey, thanks for the RP. Hope I didn't interrupt whatever you were going to do with the footstep thing too much, I'm just randomly going around mugging people with undead anyways.))

Such a large mountain range, and no indication of where the body would have disappeared to. Formerly a ranger, Decruda possessed skills in tracking, but without any tracks, there really wasnt a point. After an hour of searching, aided by the small unit of ghouls he commanded, he simply gave up. Besides, there's always traffic on the roads, and ambushes could easily be set for other passer-bys, here, and in other areas.

Luckly the guard was in arms reach of the pathetic woman. He stopped her from falling to the ground and effortessly picked her up; two other guards joined his side and they headed into the city..

::Leaves Mountains - Entering Dark city of Lament:



Luckly the guard was in arms reach of the pathetic woman. He stopped her from falling to the ground and effortessly picked her up; two other guards joined his side and they headed into the city.

- Enters City from North gate of Mithral Mountains -

::Kaym opened her eyes to a rugged low flowing ceiling. The dark brown colored wood smelt musty and humid, but still possessed a conforting warmth. Even so, the slum home was much better then a cold rock.
:She sat up, Immediately placing her hand on her rib cage, expecting to find the granite spear. It was gone, and replacing her shirt was a thick strip of gauze covering her bust and wound. The other wounds on her arms and forehead had also been covered by small patches of tape and material as if looking like a half-a** wrapped mummy.

"Ohh... So you aren't dead..." Said a very slow and timid voice.

:Kaym turned her head to her right, to none other then an older woman, looking around the age of sixty.
"I didnt think you would wake up so soon." She claimed, slowly sipping the warm beverage in her hand.
:Without answering right away, kaym shifted her body, removing the blanket from her lap, her feet touched the floor. Her boots had been placed at the foot end of the small bed. She slipped both of her feet in them and stood up.
"How long was I asleep?" She curiously asked, stepping over to the table and sitting in the only available chair.
"Oh... You were brought in by one of the city guard, no more then a day ago... I patched ya' up best as I could." She smiled and sipped her tea once again.
It kind of came to a surprise to her. She figured she would have been thrown in a cell or something alittle more brutal. Immediate care wasnt a luxury she experienced very much... She didnt know what to say, on how she could show gratitude.

Kaym unassertively smiled. "I dont know how to thank you. I can pay you for your assistance."

"Ohh.. pish-posh... money's hard to come by." She waved her hand in a silly manner. "How are your hands by the way. It was stuck to your sword. The kind city guard helped me pull it off your hand. We were surprised you had a hand left... it was melted to the very bone!..." Motioning her sight towards Kayms hands.
She hadnt even noticed. Looking to them she noticed her right hand was completely encompassed in bandages, and even though it was layered thick, she could still see a dark tint of blood that had soaked through many of the layers. The other only possessed single band-aids around her fingers.
"It feels alright." She answered, placing her hand on the table. "Where is my sword?"
"Ohh.. I put it up in the closet." She explained with a bit of excitment in her voice. She then got up and headed towards a door and pulled the wrapped sword from the closet. "I wrapped it in wool so it wouldnt collect dust..." she handed it back to kaym, "I wasnt sure on how long you would sleep." She then sat down again.

::The door opened to the old womans house. Both stood in the door for a brief second, Kaym nodded her head and smiled
"You be careful out there, young ladys' shouldnt be doing those things youve been doing." The old woman stated, taking hold of her hand.

:Kaym smiled. "Im not as young as i look..." Her eyebrows curved, giving the old lady a generous face.
"Ohh.. pish posh, you look younger then 25!" She laughed out loud as she let go of her hand and shifted her way to the door knob.
"I'm 81." Kaym said kissing the old woman on her forebrow. Immediately turning away and walking away from the speechless lady.

::Turning at the next building corner, Kaym thought of their conversation. It was brief, but she'd hope that the old woman would forgive her for leaving the large sum of money on the pillowcase. Kaym was sure she would use it for good. Definately to a more knoble cause then she would. Kaym would have ended up spending it on destructive toys.

:Having her sword mounted to her back and her firearms safely belted to her legs and arms, she was happy to be moving once again. Her body was still heavily bandaged, especially her right hand. She still couldnt fully grip her sword and she knew it would take at least a few days before it was completely healed.
She rounded another corner and stopped infront of a disposal-unit. She ripped and tossed the bandaid into the trash, easily exposing the large scratch on her cheek. She wasnt fond of bandaids...

:Now for the time being, what the hell was she doing in this town. There had to be some reason why she came here... Did she forget?

::In hearing a near conversation, Kaym nears the edge of neighboring brick building to get a better understanding of what they were talking about.
: Turning her head around the corner, she immediately sees a woman and a man, she had just grabbed his arm.

"Anyone have any preferences?"

:Kaym motioned back to the other side of the building, out of sight. She wasn't stalking them, but just curious as to were they were going.

"We need somewhere where the police won't be so strict.. maybe.. we can all find what we're looking for.."

"Let's head to the city of Durem. It's closest here, and maybe has a more lighter atmosphere."

::Lighter atmosphere? She placed her palm on the wall behind her and rose her eyebrow. Indeed. So far i've encountered a nutcase who felt, throwing darts was a way to make friends... Her own stale humor was enough to make her move.
:She leaned off the wall and emerged into the open, passing the plotting trio without moving her eyes their way. They were obviously in a much needed hurry to mind her passing. : She continued on her way to the inner area of the city.

::She had watched the scenery pass as she gazed out the window of the moving train. The trip itself didnt seem that long. Before she knew it she had arrived in the large city. She didnt want to stay long, not more then a a few days, to see the industry and material goods. And quite possibly find some sort of adventure.::

:Arriving in Durem:

::When Kaym arrived in Durem the sun had already set. the meaningful dark relieved her a bit, she always worked well in the dark, it wasnt even cold out. This trip should be a relaxing fun one. Or so she thought...

:Finally stepping off the tram, without hesitating she reached into her pocket and grabbed a cig, lit it and breathed in the dull toxins in deep.

"Smoking is bad for you." Came a voice to her right. She slowly turned her head to see the arrival, knowing what to expect.

"You dont say?" Kaym sarcastically replied. Her position did not move, she did not care if anyone overheard the conversation. "How did you find me this time?"

"Dont worry about that...We know exactly where you are." A pause. Kayms eyes narrowed at his response. So annoying...

"What time is it?"

"9PM." The cloaked man said, without looking at his wrist or around for an insight clock.

::Neither characters moved, Kaym continued to inhale the death stick and the quest man stayed in his tracks.

"Am I late?" Kaym managed to ask.

"No." He paused again. "What happend to your hand?" He then tossed her a small information stick. He finished.

"I dont know. You should know, ... right?" Kaym was annoyed even more then before. She was still pissed at the knowledge that her hand was still intensely bandaged.

::Without saying anything further, Kaym slipped the stick in her pocket and began walking towards the exit.

: biggrin urem had already shown its face as a city that gets around. Information hungry and crime friendly... Why am i not surprised? Her following orders didnt feel friendly to her either, but, she didnt very well have a choice in the matter. She shrugged to herself and reached into her pocket.
Pulling out the stick and then inserting it in her ear piece. This quickly formed a one way holographic display over her eye of ... blue prints? And a small, to the point letter.
Looking over the information and then turning taking out the stick, in doing so, it activated a self detonating process. the stick can never be read after that. A quick circuit burnout was just fine, it got the job done everytime.


-Latent- post city battle-

::Upon leaving the HoH tournament stadium, Kaym had made her way to the top as planned before. - She replaced her wraps and headed for the top, if she couldnt escape from the floors, she would simply exit from the broken window. .. it was but a small hole, compared to the two story glass that it held. The glass had probably broke during a battle? She didnt know, nor did she mind the polite gesture.- High jump, sure; but not for someone like her. Spelunking and roof top jumping would have to be one of her favorite past-times. :
She reached the aperture and leaned out of it to get a better look at what had been going on:
Seems interesting enough...

:She then, seeing the perfect opportunity to jump and a place to land - Leapt from the window -

-- Upon falling from the window, her arms were completely spread out and her right leg was bent at her knee, nearing her chest - giving her the ability to push herself further off the stadium wall behind her.
-She did just that. Her arms still errect, and her posture completely straight, she thusted her bend leg back using it as a pivot.

-Within seconds of porpelling, she lifted her head, sensing something immediately at her bow. Too late! By the time she saw the black clothed figure, he was already on her. Slamming her back into the stadium wall with such immense force her body was savagely embedded into the concret wall.
Her arms were being held firmly above her head. His nails acted as a gouge, driving themselves into her wrist and forarm. His face being only inches away from her. His breathe was nauseating - the teeth that still remained in his mouth, other then the rotten holes, were black and yellow.
Kaym had already spat up bio and blood upon wall impact. Her teeth were being clinched her fists were closed so tight, trying to enable her from not screaming.

"Helloooo, Kaym..."

Kaym held her breath down. She still had ******** dignity, she wasnt going to give it up for this b*****d. "What a shitty greeting." She said as controlled as possible. But, her response was quickly met with more pain. His feet being strongly pushed against her stomach, pushed even harder. She coughed up more blood along with a little moan. She was wedged against the ******** building, while he floated with ease.

"Don't ******** with me Kaym. Why didnt you do what you were told?" His angry spat shot siliva from his decaying mouth. His eyes were red with anger and insomnia.

"******** you and him. I am not ..going to follow ..your bullshit orders. I was never your ******** dog."

"Thats not how we see it." His long claws flung from her arm directly to her face - slashing a long deep wound across her left cheek. His knees closed in on her chest as he licked the new red blood from her face. Within the time after, he hastely grabbed a large needle and drove it into her neck.

"Get off me, you sick fuc..." Her words were cut off, her Yellow eyes became blurry, then dark - and her head feel forward.

::Kayms' Yellow eyes opened - Immediately, stunned and alarmed, her body hastely swung forward. She instinctivly noticed the difference in the climate change. It was warm, much warmer then it had been in latent. She then looked around, searching the new dark dungen environment. No light entered the room, It felt like a well - Old and wet.
Her arms were bound to the wall, held high over her head, - no chains to carry them, just a large steel plate encompassing her wrists. The wounds on her arms were already healed and her stomach didnt feel an ounce of pain. How long had she been down there?

[******** thinking about it, just get the hell out of here. She looked above and below her, the wall was high and the floor was right under her feet. Covered in water. -
This is gonna hurt. she closed her eyes, trying not to think about it.

And with only a few seconds to think of her situation, she immedately began swinging her legs back and forth, she held then tight together.
She swung - High - and higher- Until she flipped her entire body over, Dislocating both of her shoulders and wrists then, landing her feet directly above and on the steel plate which was above her hands. After this, she pushed her feet more on the wall, lifting her arms up. The sharp nerve pain was hard, but if she could ignore her dislocated parts and pain, she shouldbe able to break the bolts from the wall. The steel plate was stong, yes, she knew she couldnt break that, but the brick was old, and being in the dark with no light, it was being rotten by the moisture and water from the floor.
Was her current condition strong enough to pull the bolts loose? Of course!
::Kaym pulled harder, she clinched her teeth as tight and hard as she could. It moved-The steel plate was edging more and more forward with every ounce of energy put into the job. Two bolts shot from the wall, leaving just the other two.
"ahhhh" She bore a low growl as she pulled the remaining two bolts from the wall. Success!
The steel plate let off her arms, and she flew forward with the two surviving screws. : Landing on her feet and agilely snapped her arms back in place. Was that too casual? Probably. But, being in situations like this as long as she has... It came almost too easy. She just didnt enjoy breaking her shoulders out of place. -Bleeding the pain into her will made the job easier.

:Time to look around:
:After her parts were back were they belonged, Kaym stopped. Allowing the water to settle under her feet and ankles. This gave her an opportunity to hear her surroundings. Water trickles? She looked from were she had pulled the plate from the wall. The screws left very large-deep holes in the remaining brick.
Carrying her boots, she approached the wall. Light, it was small, but there was a small source of light. She peered over the hole, maybe she could see out?

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