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Window into my life
is as the title sugests
There has always been one thing always seen through out history almost since the dawn of early man, and that is religion. Ever since I was young ive seen religion as just some way people control others, and as I
went through school through history classes and read books I realized it was
much more than just that. Through out history religion was a foothold used in
governments around the world, in races of people, or even different cultures to
warm or control the beliefs of others, in the roman empire it was believe in
our religion or we will kill you, Christianity its believe in our religion and
you wont die you will just go to some magical place we call heaven where
everything is perfect and no one ever does anything bad. Or if you don’t
believe in our religion you’ll go to a hell where you are tortured eternally
for not believing in the so called god. As far as ive seen religion has been a
threat, believe in it or be killed or suffer forever. The human race uses it to
gain power over people and as I see it to gain money as well, as said in some
movies which I wont list “the catholic church is one of the biggest
corporations in the world with enough money to do anything they damn well
please.” Which is really all religions are different massive corporations whose
employees include priests or other figureheads in buildings and their product
is some kind of salvation or peace of mind in this hellish nightmare of a
world. People believe the foolish idea for lack of a better understanding of
what this life really as and for a lack of better understanding of how things
got here. Its one of the biggest weaknesses of man kind, “we don’t know how we
got here or anything else for that matter, so lets chock it up to some unseen
force that we have to worship or be wiped off the face of the earth” then the
people wanting control over the weak minded who see the truth of what is really
going on use that ignorant willingness to believe anything to control the rest
of the pathetic human race. The so called “gods” humans worship are seen in
every business or corporations at one point in time as well is in government
mottos such as “In God We Trust” it’s a load of crap which people follow
because they fear what may happen if the don’t even if they don’t think a god
exists they still worship one in fear of the inevitable “what if he IS real and
decides to kill all non believers” I mean fear is what runs the world not money
not anything else, fear of the unknown and unexplainable so people give it a
face or a name so they don’t have to fear what they cant understand as much
anymore. So let me throw out this little thought, and ill let those who take
the time to read this mull it over and tell me what they think of this “What
If” situation: What if religions were
eradicated and the human race was forced to face the truth that the so called
gods they worshiped were just a tool used by figureheads to gain the upper hand
of control over the masses, would humanity crumble? In all honesty Id like
everyone to first consider this, the main idea of war and the main causes of
war are attributed to either money or religion, a fight over wealth or beliefs.
If you removed both factors what would happen?

Since the age of 7 I've known the truth about religion and as such have known there is no god since i have been able to use my complex reasoning skills. if anyone actually reads the bible they would realize just how much that book is full of crap, ive died and been brought back from the brink numerous times ive seen what comes next theres a hell theres a purgetory but there is no heaven and what ive learned is the god of man abandoned man kind roughly 200,000 years after he started the chain of evolution, he was stripped of rights and power as a deity and banished as a mortal to this world and has since then perished and been suffering within the 9 hells. the ancients and gods of all still watch over the world but none watch over the humans only the dark lord of hell and death watch over humans we have no salvation only suffering ahead of those who do not truly understand and respect nature and the earth.

alright so ive been thinking a lot on the other aspects of religion and ive realized how many pompous little self righteous idiots use religion as an excuse to put others down and to treat them like idiots or bad people. ive personally witnessed it, people who just because they go to church and get their so called "gods forgiveness" that they are better than others. im sorry but the more i think about it and read about it the more i see just how much crap all religions are full of. if anyone actually takes the time to look at religion from a distance rather than holding it in reverence as some depiction of higher powers then they would realize how many loopholes there are in any form of religion and how little logic actually exists within it, i personally cant stand those so called "goody goody" people who believe theyve been saved by their god. its absolute lunacy, just because a so called "higher power" forgives your wrongdoings doesnt mean all is well, youre still just as much of a jerk and a bad person and there isnt any salvation for you. its ridiculous how many fall for religion really its all because of man kinds thirst for an explanation for that which they dont understand. honestly there is some good that comes from religions, the fear so called hell instills in those who believe in it makes more people behave with at least a minimal degree of civility and also the chance at a perfect paradise a heaven after this life is a sweet dream and reason for people to strive to be a better person just for their own little piece of it, so yes religions have good points ill admit it they prevent utter chaos and madness from covering the earth. but at the same time it welcomes and ushers in another kind of evil. it gives people who support such ridiculous notions as religions an opportunity to control the weak of heart and will those who cant think for themselves are often ushered in under the control of their religion and then used for the gain of the churches, temples, or whatever the names of such "places of worship" are. the point still stands that no matter which way you look at it yes religion is used to instill fear in those who are bad to promote good behavior but its also opens doors for other kinds of wrong doings, if there wasnt the thought that "if i do something bad ill be forgiven and still go to heaven if i just ask god for it" then a lot less bad would be done the thought that just asking a so called god for forgiveness and all will be well just means people can clear their conscience of their own guilt and go do it again without second thought, its because of religions we have cold hearted killers, they say "HEY if i kill someone ill still get into heaven as long as i ask god for forgiveness so no hard feelings right?" its utter crap. and frankly i wish i could just rid the world of all religions yes chaos will erupt but then so will marshal law, if someone does wrong kill 'em. simple as that people will respond the same way they do to the fear of hell to the fear of death and dieing for their wrong doings, in fact it would work better than just fear of a mystical place of everlasting torture and fire. so yea screw religions theres no point in em really.

today i found another video that proves my point of religions bad influence and ill share it with the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JfNUvgEsoE&NR=1&feature=fvwp

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