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Draven Alistair
Community Member
This is Chapter 2 of my novel The Hour of Sins ~ Envy

I woke the next morning and smiled to myself. I went to my closet and chose an outfit, then went to the bathroom. I started the shower and stepped in, enjoying warm water that ran down my body.

New day, fresh start I thought to myself as I got dressed about twenty minutes later. I had decided on a fairly gothic looking outfit that I thought I looked pretty damned good in. I looked into the mirror when I was fully dressed and frowned. My eyes looked red. Like... bright, demonic red. I looked away, then looked back, relieved to see that my eyes were back to their familiar shade of jade green.

"You're losing it, Veronica," I muttered to myself as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bagel and headed out to my car, slid in and just sat there for a few moments so I could finish eating. Finally, I started to drive, pulling into the school parking lot not even ten minutes later. I headed down to the main office and waited for the secretary who seemed insanly busy. When a few minutes had passed and she still didn't notice me, I cleared my throat, making her jump and turn around to look at me.

"Hello," I said softly, a little more nervous now that her stormy gray eyes were focused on me. She had that ream commanding, 'don't-mess-with-me-because-it'll-be-the-last-thing-you-do aura.

"Can I help you?" she finally asked.

"I'm Veronica. I just started today..." I said quietly, even more nervous now, due to her impatience.

She nodded and looked at her computer, pushing her glasses up nose a little more. A few moments later, she handed me my schedule.

"Get all of your teachers to sign that, and bring it back to me at the end of the day." Then she turned back around in the chair, continuing with what she had been doing before I interrupted.

"Yes ma'am," I murmured before walking out. "Thank you," I added, then opened the door. I heard a startled 'oof' and I quickly let the door shut as I stepped out into the hallway.

"I'm sorry," I said lightly, looking at the girl behind the door.

"Yeah, you better be," came back the snapped reply. The girl stalked past me with a toss of her long, blonde hair.

I sighed and walked into my first class. Just great. My first day, and I already made enemies. Then the bell rang, me having just barely sat down. After it ran, in walked him. I couldn't help but stare at him, my breath catching in my throat. He was just so damned good looking.

"My most sincere apologies," he said to the teacher in his incredibly husky voice. He looked around and winked at me, walking to the only seat available, which happened to be right behind me. When the teacher turned around, I got a note passed to me.

What's a beauty like you, doing in a school like this. You don't belong here.

I smiled lightly, before scribbling my reply and handing it back to him.

I have my reasons. And I could ask you the same question.

When he didn't answer, I turned to sneak a peek at him over my shoulder. He only shook his head though, and pressed a slim finger to his lips. I turned back around, puzzled, wondering if I had said something wrong.

About a half hour later, the bell rand and I stood up. He looked at me and I looked back for a moment before looking down. His gaze unnerved me with its intensity. He seemed to know that because he merely smirked while brushing his hair out of his face.

"Well?" I finally dared to ask.

"Nuh-uh." He chuckled lightly. "You didn't answer me when I asked you. So, why should I answer when you ask me?" He grinned mischeiviously and began to walk, leaving me to have to catch up to him.

"I did answer you though," I said when I finally caught up to him, raising my eyebrow slightly.

"Your reply wasn't a sufficient enough answer," he replied, then laughed again. It was a deep, husky laugh, yet it had a harmonic ring to it. I shivered slightly and looked down again, rolling my eyes. There was just something about his voice, and I couldn't help myself. It was the way he talked, and the way he presented himself. It was almost as if he belonged a couple hundred years back in the past, instead of us here, with our technology. Needless to say...it intrigued me more than I am willing to admit.

"Well, either way, we better get to our next class. We'll both be late." I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, unable to hide the small smile that wanted to be seen. Then I spoke again, eager to hear more of his voice.

"Um... If I were to tell you... why exactly I am here... then would you tell me why you are?"

Azarius nodded, smirking again, apparently well aware of the effect that he had on me.

I sighed, looked around for a clock, then began to explain as we walked on to class. "My mother got a job transfer. Also, she wanted to be far away from my father."

He looked at me, his gaze softened, and less teasing. "I am sorry to hear that. It seems as if you would rather be with your father, am I correct?" he asked in a quiet voice.

I started to shake my head, then nodded instead, wincing slightly. Truth was, I did want to be with my father. He understood me in a way my mother did not.

He smiled again and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you will see him soon." He then turned abruptly, turning me as well. "You will be late," he added, looking pointedly over my shoulder.

"Thank..." I murmured, having looked over my shoulder at the door number. I turned to face him, only to find him already gone. "... you." I finished to myself and sighed. I walked into the room, handed the teacher my paper and he waved me to an empty seat. I sat down, unable to stop thinking about the strange boy. The gorgeous guy... I didn't even know his name. Ah, why hadn't I asked... I struggled to concentrate, but when I looked down into my notebook, I saw I had been drawing his face for quite some time. Of course, it looked nothing like him, but the fact you could tell who it was if you knew him was a good thing. Maybe bad. Depening on how you look at it I guess. Oy, there I go rambling again. Well... anyway. I pondered about my seemingly new obsession, but the bell rang, startling me out of my reverie. I got up, packed my things and walked out of the door. As I headed to my next class, someone walked into me, making me drop all of my books.

"I'm so sorry," murmured a falsly sympathetic, completly familiar sounding voice.

I looked up and bit my lip lightly, knowing this would be nothing but trouble. It was the same petite blonde I had hit with the office door earlier this morning and she was wearing a wicked little grin on her face.

"That was just so clumsy of me."

I studied her face for a moment before nodding. "You're right," I finally spoke. "It was clumsy of you." Then I smiled innocently as she bared her teeth and uttered a low snarl.

"Watch your tone,chica. I can make you and break you faster than you can blink. After all... I am the queen of the school." She flipped her hair over her shoulder after she finished, and I couldn't stop the snort as I stood up.

"Queen. Right. There's no way you could be the queen," I murmured softly, knowing she'd probably knock me out if she could.

"I'm not? Then what do you think I am? If you think I'm someone like you, you're sadly misinformed." She said all that in a low, scary dark voice that made me shiver a bit.

But, I continued, even knowing how stupid of an idea it was. "No, I don't think you're like me. More like... a bublle-headed, pom-pom-waving, blonde b***h."

She didn't reply, but stepped closer to me, raising her hand. I honestly thought she was going to hit me. That is to say, until a hand reached over my shoulder to grab hers.

"Kandy... no. Leave her alone," a deep, husky voice spoke.

"But... Azarius," Kandy whimpered lightly, the false hurt coloring her voice. "She started everything. She provoked me..."

He only looked at her and she sighed, throwing a malovealnt glare in my direction. "Warch your back. I will be back for you," she snapped and stormed away.

I couldn't help but giggle, even though I know she meant what she said.

Azarius turned to look at me, so I gazed up at him, my heart hammering in my chest. He raised an eyebrow at me and I tiled my head.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"What did you do to make her so angry?"

"I sort of told her she was a bubbly-headed b***h..." I whispered, looking down, covering my mouth with my a book to stop the next giggle that wanted to escape.

He nodded. "I see," he said softly, looking thoughtful. "May I ask your name," he asked.

The question was just so sudden that I blurted it out, without even thinking. "Veronica VonCarpa." I avoided his gaze as I spoke.

"You may want to watch what you say, Miss Veronica," he said with another husky laugh. Then he turned all serious, his face grave. "I do not want to have to listen to her rant. But honestly... it is about time we get someone around here to put her in her place." He looked at me in a way that made it seem as if he was looking right into me. He frowned softly for a moment, then a calculating look replaced it. "But be careful, please. She has a nasty temper and she won't hesitate to make your life a living hell." He shrugged a bit and grimaced, sighing lightly.

I smiled again, softly. "Why do you even care?" I asked him, quite pointedly.

"I- I do not care..." he muttered, turning around so that I was unable to see his face.

"Mhm... sure you don't."

"Look..." he growled now, glaring at me. "Just be careful. I do not need your death to fall into my hands."

"How would my death be on your hands," I asked, my heart hammering at the mere thought. "If I were to die, it would be because of some freak accident. You don't think I'd let Kandy hurt me, do you? So, why should you worry? Why should it even matter to you, come to that?" I turned half-way to the door of my classroom, still looking at Azarius.

"Because. Kandy is my girlfriend," he replied. He looked at me for a couple of long seconds, then turned and walked away without another word; leaving me to stand there, speechless.

"Oh..." I finally muttered to the empty hallway and walked into the classroom, now about fifteen minutes late.

"Sorry," I said quietly to the teacher who had stopped midsentence.

"And who might you be?" she asked, ignoring my apology.

"V- Veronica VonCarpa, ma'am," I stuttered, handing her my paper while noticing the tremble of my hand.

She took it and then pointed to a seat behind another girl. I sat down and sighed softly, ignoring the curious stares I felt being thrown my way. I could already tell this was going to be a long year. I sat through class, hardly hearing a word that was being said. I couldn't get Azarius out of my mind either, which irked me. The bell rang and I jumped, then stood up. Once I was at my locker, taking out books for my next class, I frowned, hearing the click of high-heels on the polished linoleum. I knew instantly who it was, even before she spoke.

"You little whore!" she snarled when I faced her.

"What did I do now?" I asked wearily, leaning back against my locker, glaring at her.

"As if you don't know!" she snapped. The only thing she seemed to know how to do. She then growled and flipped her hair over her shoulder, then snarled at a couple of younger students who had walked to close to her. They scampered off and I shook my head.

But then I glared at her as well. "If I knew... would I really be asking? Or standing here for that matter... Now hurry up and tell me what the hell I did, otherwise I'm going to leave. Don't want anyone thinking we are friends or anything... Lord knows that's the last thing I want."I raised an eyebrow, wondering if she would hit me. Instead, she took a step back.

"Azarius broke up with me..." she finally mumbled, then anger blazing across her face.

"Well that explains a lot. Too bad it's not my fault, or my problem," I replied coldly and turned to walk away, just barely hearing her whispered reply.

It will be if you get to close to him...

I just shook my head and walked into my final class of the day. I saw with great surprise that Azarius was already in there. I permitted myself a small smile when he saw me and waved, then began walking towards me.

"Hello," he said quietly.

"Hey..." I replied nervously, Kandy's words ringing in my head. I didn't want anyone to see me talking to him. He seemed to know what I was thinking however and put my mind at ease.

"Do not worry, Veronica. Kandy is all talk and no action. Contrary to what I said earlier, I know. But without me, she is utterly powerless.

He didn't say that as a bragging right either. Just a little state of fact. I assumed that Kandy knew that as well, based off of her reaction in the hallway when she cornered me.

"Late again," I muttered as the bell rang. I sighed and walked in behind Azarius, both of us having beem out in the hall while we were talking. I wondered what everyone was thinking when we walked in together. We certainly got a few stares, some of them none to friendly towards me, others just envious. I knew word would spread around quickly as surely as I knew Kandy would be after me, despite Azarius's words.

I sat behind Azarius as class began, studying him. As I was doing so, he turned around, sliding a note onto my desk. My heart picked up speed when he did so, and I sighed before looking at the note in curiosity, after getting over the blush that he had caught me staring at him.

I am here for much the same reason as you are. Just reversed. I live with my father, but my mother is dead...

I sat there for a moment, confused before finally scribblinb back and handing it to him.

I'm so sorry to hear that. But you told me your mother wanted you to bring that bowl over yesterday.

I heard him sigh, and didn't recive a reply. I wondered if I had said something wrong, then shrugged because I had only stated the truth.

After the final bell rang, I stood, ready to pack up and leave. Before I could so, Azarius put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "I will tell you why I lied to you yesterday, if you will allow me too."

"Of course," I replied, nodding then walked out the door with him following close behind me

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