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The Story Of Ahnehelle
Ahnehelle's story begins in the Sidhe mounds. She was born to the King and Queen of the Seelie Sidhe and she was their pride and joy. She had a mostly happy childhood, learning her powers and the responsibilities of a Sidhe princess. She had many passtimes but her favorites were music, literature and archery. She excelled in them all and her parents praised her frequently for her grand accomplishments. As she aged she learned that all Sidhe would eventually sprout and grow a stunning set of wings. This was usually around their 13th year and as Ahnehelle's day approached there was much excitment in the air. She knew that as a Seelie princess her wings would glow with the warm rays of the sun and she could not wait.

The Kingdom gathered to celebrate the coming of age of their princess and the heir to the throne. Her wings had sprouted the week before the party and she was still getting used to them. She knew when she was proclaimed of age she would be inbued with the ancient magic that caused the wings if the Sidhe to glow. For now her wings were a stunning white..unlike any had ever seen. The day of her party arrived and the right of passage ceremony progressed smoothly. She stood in front of the the entire kingdom, her father on her left and her mother on her right. As her parents laid their hands on her head she was pronounced of age and they removed their hands. It was time, this was it, Ahnehelle closed her eyes and thought of light emmiting from her body....she heard murmers, a sharp gasp, shouts of God help us and cries from the crowd. Her eyes flung open to she what was causing the commotion and she realized that everyones eyes were on her...she was glowing. But it was nto the warm glow of the sun that was coming from her wings. It was a soft silvery white light that was in its place...she was glowing with Moonlight, the mark of an Unseelie Sidhe.

Confused and bewildered she looked to her mother. Her mother was staring at her in fear and then looking to her father. Ahnehelle looked to her father who eyes flashed with rage. He ordered everyone from the hall and Ahnehelle to her chambers IMMEDIATELY. With tears in her eyes she raced to her chambers. She did nto understand what was happening..she was Seelie how was it that her wings were filled with moonlight. She sat for a while in her room and then curiosity got the better of her. She made her way to the royal chambers and stood outside the door. She was able to catch only a few words through the screaming and crying coming through the door.....affair...slut.....damn unseelie child...bannished....arrainged marriage...

Ahnehelle was confused and hurt. She ran back to her room and waited crying. After a while her father came in with a face as cold as stone. "You are not of my flesh..you father is the King of the Sluaagh, Master of Nightmares. You are a damned abonomination, half one half another. I loved you..but now the sight of you is painful. Your mother is to be banished and you will marry a FULL BLOODED SEELIE as soon as you are of age at 16. Till then..you are not allowed to glow and you will learn your magic to alter the color of thse wings." With that he walked out and Ahnehelle stood there in shock. She was not his daughter? An affair..her mother banished...her mind raced and she cried..alone.

Her life was forever changed in that moment. She never saw her father without a specific audience and he was nothign but cold and aloof. All the love had left her life in one fatal moment. For the next three years she studied, her nose buried in books. As her 16th birthday approached she new her impending marriage would be announced but she still did not know who it was. On the day of her Birthday a lavish party was thrown and her father sat stoic at the front of the room. As the festivities wound down the King stood and gathered the attention of his people. "I am pleased to annoiunce that Jacae has agreed to take Ahnehelle as his wife in one week" with that the Head of the Seelie Sidhe Royal guard appeared beside her father with his arms crossed in the usual fashion, and steel faced. Ahnehelle's heart dropped. The only thing she knew of him was that he was a warrior beyond compare and had a very nasty cruel streak. She dispised to be around him for he always treated her as a piece of meat.

As Jacae stood next to her father, he looked at her and sternly motioned her to join them as the applause began. She walked to stand next to him and as he slipped his hand down her waist to rest on her butt her skin crawled. She looked out to her friends standing in the crowd and looking just a horrified. They were not clapping but just standing there looking at her with stunned looks on their faces. The festivities were called to a close and Jacae escorted he to her bed chambers and then forced a kiss on her before throwing her in her room and locking the door behind her. "I can't have you trying to get away now can I" he said through the door.."You will please me much, and being King one day will be well worth it all".

She spent the next week in her room while the preperations for the Wedding went on around her. She was fitted for her dress and flowers were brought in. Nightly Jacae would visit her chambers and attempt a preview of his soon to be wife and she consistantly refused him...growing to hate him more and more every moment. The night before the wedding she refused him once again and his true self showed. He pulled back and with all his might struck her across the face throwing her to the floor and busting her cheek open. Stunned she tried several times to get up but stumbled to the floor again her face bleeding onto the floor. He looked at her.."Pathetic" he said "Tomorrow night you will not refuse me..you will be mine" he said grabbing her hair at the back of her head to force her to look at him "and I will do what ever I want with you" He kissed her fiercly slamming his face into hers and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She was still so dizzy and in pain she could not fight and when he had had enough he threw her to the bed and walked out slamming and locking the door behind him.

Ahnehelle cried on the bed. She was trapped, with no way out. Later that evenign her friend snuck in with the dress fitter to see her. She saw the state she was in and they devised a plan to get her out, but only moments before the wedding. She was to dress and prepare for the wedding as planned and when it was almost time ..her friend would shoo everyone out to allow the bride time to perpare alone for her new life. The she was to run through the back corridor that led to her room and out of the mounds seeing as how there were to be no guards posted there and it would be unlocked since she was supposed to process to the throne room through that hall. She hugged her friend tightly and they cleaned her face before turnign in for the night.

The day of the wedding had arrived and Ahnehelle was nervous. She proceeded through the day as planned and dressed and primped as any bride would. The Wedding was to begin soon and as planned all were shooed from the room. Ahnehelle waited a few moments and then raced down the corridor and out into the fresh air outside the mounds. She pulled her wings in tightly and ran untill her legs could no longer carry her. Finally she collapsed crying a few hundered yards from a lake and she clutched the grass tightly. She had just begun to gain her composure when she felt a hand in her scarlet hair jerking her to her feet and growling her name..."How DARE YOU...I will teach you to embarrase me" Jacae said as he tossed her to the ground kicking her in the side on the way down. He becan a series of hits to her face, pulling her up by the hair and hitting her fiercly. She was blinded and bleeding when without word the hands were gone and she passed out.

The next thing that she knew awoke in the arms of what seemed to be an Angel. She looked into his gentle face and smiled weakly....she knew he had been the ont to save her from Jacae but she was unable to speak. He nodded as in understanding and lifted her gently in his arms and they flew away. He took her int o heaven and allowed her to heal under his watchful eye. They learned more and more of eachother everyday till one day she realized that she loved this angel..this Warrior..Varcran. She wanted to be with him always..together safe in his arms..safe in Heaven. But one thing still bothered her, she never knew what had become of her mother. She spoke to Varcran one day to ask if she might be allowed to search for her in the wood outside the mounds. He was very reluctant at first but agreed and took her to the spot he had found her. Being called back to Heaven Varcran kissed her deeply and said he would return soon.

Ahnehelle searched the forest for a week and encountered a few toheres but wass unsucessful at finding her mother so she whispered Varcrans name towards the heavens and he appeared not far from where she stood. She ran to embrace him and kissed him deeply. She looked into his eyes and smiled for she had never seen him so happy. "What is it my love?" she asked softly. He looked at her gently and spoke.."I have been given permission and the blessing of my father to take your hand in marriage is you will have me" Ahnehelle looked into Varcran's eyes and cried for joy. "My love I would be blessed and honored to be yours for all eternity". Varcran kissed her and said, "Lets not waste another moment than." and he took her arm in his hand and laid his palm over the inside of her arm as it began to glow with a warm light.

Without warning and arrow flew and struck Ahnehelle in the arm and she cried out in pain. Varcran quickly released her and drew his swords. "RUN AHNEHELLE....TO THE TEMPLE...GO!!!!" she looked at him terrified as he began to scream in a tongue she had never heard as brimstone rained down and fallen angels began to appear. Moments later the Angels were descending and Ahnehelle was running for her life..she felt arms around her waist and her wings being bound. She screamen in terror.."VARCRAN!!!!" she struggled and fought as she was drug away. In the distance she could see him under a swarm of fallen and he looked at her with pained eyes ad the distance between them grew greater and greater. He screamed for her..."NENE!!" and she saw him fall under the deamons. "She screamed in pain and fought and kicked before she was clubbed unconscious.

When she awoke she was chained to a wall spread eagle, bloody and both of her wings were broken. She hung from the wall and Jacae appeared before her.."He is dead and you are mine...I will let you free when you agree that you love me and no other.." She said nothing and he began to beat her mercilesly. She screamed and cried in pain but she refused to say she woudl love him. He beat her daily, frequently allowing her to heal and then rebreaking her bones. This continued until one day after a long session she was hanging on the wall broken and wishing to die and she heard a soft voice. She looked up slowly and she saw an Angel before her. At first she thought he was there to help her cross over but she soon understood that he had been sent to rescue her.."My name is Kristoff and I was sent for you my dear.." she laid his hands gently on her head and relieved her pain as a gentle calm and warmth spread through her broken and bloodied body. He quickly released her from her bonds and scooped her up in his arms. He held her like a child cradled in one arm and one wing as they made their escape. She drifted on and out of awareness as he fought for their lives. She could hear him whispering to her in a tongue she had only heard once before and she was beginning to glow softly...she sighed as the world faded away and she could hear him whispering to her..."Stay with me..you are safe...stay with me.."

When she awoke she was wraped in feather soft wings and she once again heard the voice of the one who had come to release her...she was unable to move and she sighed. Noticing she was awake the angel whispered to her.."Please dont try to move Ahnehelle, you have been near death for days. Rest child and let me help you...rest..." she again fell into a deep slumber. For what seemed an eternity she lay in the safety of his wings till she eventually awoke mended but weak. She turned to face him and he looked softly into her eyes as she spoke..."Please tell me your name again." He smiled and brushed a strand of hair from her face.."I am Kristoff a High Saraphim and I have returned you to this place as your protector and healer." she laid her head down and felt the warmth of his embrace. "Thank you" she said softly "Have you been here all this time?" she asked. He smiled and nodded "I have...you have not left my arms since I released you from your chains" They continued to lay there and talk for what seemed like eons getting to know eachother well.

Kristoff spent emmense amounts of time with Ahnehelle and she began to feel that she didnt want to be apart from him. He was the bright spots in her day and she could see in his eyes he was beginning to feel the same way. They had taken to walking together through the gardens ,eventually hand in hand. On one such walk he put his arm around her and pulled her close..."Ahnehelle...I have talked with our father today and he has requested our presence this evening.." he said softly. She looked into his face with question. "What for?" she asked. He looked into her eyes.."Well it is about our feeling for eachother" She nodded slowly "I see" she said. " I...I have fallen in love with you and he knows doesnt he.." she said. Kristoff smiled and looked at her raising one eyebrow "That is kind of a silly question isnt it?" he said cHe then stopped her in the path, turned her to him and looked deeply into her eyes.."And i have fallen in love with you as well" he said just before he leaned in and kissed her in the garden that was Edan"

That evening she stood infront of her maker and her love stood behind him and to his right....the father spoke to her.."Ahnhelle...Kristoff has asked for your hand and I have given my blessing. If this is what you wish step foward and hold out your hand. She smiled at Kristoff brightly and stepped foward holding out her hand. Kristoff stepped foward as well and their father took their hands and placed them together....."You are now eachothers...Kristoff you are Ahnehelle's protector for all time...you are her guardian and Ahnehelle, he is yours for eternity. Cherish eachother but know that Ahnehelle's time to live here is not now. You must return and soon, for you are healed. Ahnehelle was devistated but knew she would not defy the will of the father. She looked in Kristoff's eyes as he leaned in to kiss her deeply..."We have a few hours before I must take you back...come with me love" he said as he led her to his bedchambers. There they spent their first time together, loving eachother as two in love would. The time for her to go had arrived and they looked at eachother and as a tear rolled down her cheek he whispered in her ear..."I will find you again...you are my life and Mi Amore da me Vie.... you will know me when you hear this again" with that he placed his hands over her eyes and kissed her lips and she was on her way to the mortal realm to be born....

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