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My lyrics,thoughts,updates,and some of my literary works in progress.
Here is what i have so far for all of those who would like to read it! I hope you enjoy it! Well here it is:

Scarlett of Rhinemoore-
Chapter One: Mother Rose- Scarlett glanced at the sun-bitten treetops
as the birds were calling. It seemed such a cheerful day ! it was
her day of birth celebration soon. Well with her parents being noble
members of society not far under the king (her father was in his
privy council) she was most likely to get something extravagant. She
was daydreaming of horses and carriages or one of those beautiful and
well trained Arabian horses she loved so much. She loved it when her
mother planned banquets. She loved the delicious foods and the
pleasant uplifting music. James,her friend always gets to come and
play his music. It was nice outside today and she had reason to be
happy. Everything was going her way. She heard rustling in the
bushes that startled her but she saw the large wet,black snout and
realized that it was only her puppy Louise. She jumped on Scarlett's
brand new red velvet and lace gown and covered it in mud. Her mother
loved to be dressed up and made all of her family do so as well. She
knew she would get in trouble for the muck but she did not care at
all.. She had plenty of things to look forward to and was not going
to let her mother's loud mouth get to her! Later that day, they went
to the market. This was a rare occasion for her mother was very fond
of having her one servant do it for her but she was not feeling to
well at the moment.The trip was on near as joyful as she had assumed
it would be. It was still and exiting experience though. The
marketplace smelled of Mr.Rodagan's strawberry cream tarts, and Lady
Priscilla's delightful dragon's brew. Along with the delicious
scents, and beautiful sights there were also the down falls.In a
gloomier part overshadowed by tall old buildings an elderly man in
tattered and frayed clothing held out a chipped cup with a few coins
in it. She rushed over to hand him a coin but her mother snatched
her up before she could. "Do not meddle in other peoples problems.
Spend your gold on something else!" she said scathingly. She bought
a strawberry cream tart that normally tasted delightful, but now
tasted bitter and unappetizing. Another poor person, a woman in an
old black dress was singing for a woman who had paid her 2 gold
pieces. Scarlett loved the music and sang along until her mother
took her to the carriage where they rode back to the Blackmoore
manor. At the market earlier, she had heard the town crier say that
the queens yearly jousting tournament was coming tomorrow and was so
exited. Jackson Blakeley, Rhinemoore's native jousting hero, was
going to joust at this tournament.Rose had not heard for she was
buying platters and baskets for the Banquet. She was so exited. She
wondered why her mother had not brought her to one in the past.
Rhianna, the 80 year old servant that had been their since
Scarlett's grandmother was a teenager dusted off the mahogany table
with her hand. She looked at Scarlett with a mean scowl and
continued about her business. Scarlett knew that Rhianna had only
stayed because of her seniority at the manor. She would also say bad
things against the Blackmoore family name if they were to dismiss
her. They were not phased by the old woman they just wanted their
family name to be respected not downed. They were aristocrats in a
high society and to stay highly known and aristocratic you have to
come from a proud good name and have a good family that you
represent highly.Her mother always planned tea times on Wednesdays
and always dressed in expensive finery. Even when she was just
staying at home, she dressed that way just in case someone were to
arrive. Her mother was cordial, polite, and articulate. She was also
always very mannerly.A true female aristocrat! Scarlett always had
friends over because of the tea times. Many of her mother's friends
had children about her age they would bring with them so they could
visit. She did indeed feel sorry for those who were not aristocratic
and were not rich or wealthy. She knew this life well and could not
imagine living in poverty. When she could she wanted to end that.She
finally gathered up the courage though to ask her mother about the
tournament. Scarlett had explained her situation and about Jackson
Blakeley. She explained how he was the man of her dreams and how she
would love to see him. Her mother got a bit of an angered look on
her face. "No,no,no! Certainly not! We have gone over this before
Scarlett darling! It is dangerous and Lord knows what could happen
to you. There are drunkards who could in a minute hurt you!", she
said scathingly.Scarlett was determined to go though and she would
not get hurt! She was thinking her mother was over protective. "Who
would hurt a noble girl at the Queen's jousting tournament?"
Scarlett thought, "I don't know why anyone would." When the time for
the jousting tournament came around, she put on a pretty dress got
her little velvet satchel and put ten gold for whatever she may need
to pay. She slowly scaled down the wall and landed on her feet. She
saw a crowd of carriages and others on horseback. She followed them
all on foot until they arrived at the tournament ring. a husky man
next to a sign held out his hand she saw the sign and handed him two
gold pieces.That was her entry fee. Her mother was right about the
drunkards. There were a few of them acting barbaric in the stands of
wood.She was very careful about who she stood next to. She had seen
that James was there and hurried over to him. She told him how much
she was exited and about sneaking out and about how Jackson Blakeley
was the man of her dreams and how it was so neat for her to watch
him joust. James realized that she really did not know how he felt.
He liked her as more than just a friend and he knew he was just too
shy to tell her how he really felt. He nodded his head and thought a
bit. All of the sudden a loud blow of trumpets hit her ears. She
looked at Jackson. Handsome as she had pictured him. He had ocean
blue eyes and raven black hair. Scarlett had heard the phrase that
you can see a persons soul through their eyes. Scarlett thought he
must have a beautiful soul. The flags were raised and the trumpets
blew a second time. The third blow meant to start. She looked at the
opponent. He was a burly, greasy,and dirty looking man that had a
stench about him. They blew a third time. They darted at each other
with fury. If one hit the other near the heart and rocked him they
got 1000 gold every time. Knock him off of his horse you get 1000 gold
and the horse after the tournament. Win and do either or both at
least 3 times and you have won the tournament,you get gold and maybe
a horse, and you get the trophy of the kings choice. This time it
happened to be a rose from Queen Catherine's gorgeous garden. It
was a most pleaseant place to amble about in! Well Jackson made the
ugly man fall off of his horse and he got the horse and 100 gold. 1
blue flag two to go.The second time Jackson made contact. but so did
the man. 2 Jackson 1 for his competitor. This last round was all or
nothing. They bolted at each other javelins pointed for each others
hearts. Jackson knocked him off of his horse a second time. The
competition was his. It was late now James and Scarlett headed down
Maine.She re-scaled the wall and almost made it to her window...then
everything went pitch black.She had awoken to her mother's cry. She
regained consciousness and looked over herself. Her once white dress
now red and sodden with blood.She did not have deadly wounds but
a lot of pretty bad ones. She was cut,bruised, and scraped and she
did not feel good at all;plus the guilt only made it worse. Her
mother lifted her from outside on to a soft bed inside. Scarlett
felt mind numbing pain. Her mother dressed her wounds which made
them hurt worse and she cried in pain. Minutes later she drifted off
to sleep.
Chapter Two-The Big Banquet It had been two weeks and she
never got the awful punishment she had anticipated. The servant was
busy setting up the banquet hall and Scarlett's father had finally
come back from war and peace making in Transylvania. This had gone
on for two months and finally he was back! Scarlett was busy getting
ready. She had her hair in a tight but an put on her best gown. She
smoothed out the creases and put on all of her jewelry including
her black opal broach. Her father was talking with some of his
friends and her mother was having tea time in the sitting room. She
found James easily, people were standing near him listening to his
music which only stopped playing when her father proposed a toast to
Scarlett's thirteenth year of age. He took the first sip of wine.
And then continued chatting, until minutes later, when he fell to
the floor suddenly. She ran to him and he said three last words "I
love you". Then he was gone. It was evident he had been poisoned.
Scarlett did not know who did it or why they did but she was the one
to find out. She was to depressed now though. Filled with raw anger,
she ran out of the manor and down the road until she blind sightedly
ran into the rear end of a horse. She fell down. "Are you alright?"
said the voice on top of the horse. Then she realized she ran into
Jackson Blakeley and his horse! "Hello, Madam. Why are you in such a hurry may i ask?"
he said politely.Scarlett was at a loss for words. She did not know what to say and she
did not realize that she was blushing herself red. "Sir, I was...I was...heading to the market...
yes heading to the market to get something for mother." she stuttered finally sputtering the words out of her mouth."Well would you like me to take you the rest of the way?" he asked considerately.She did not know exactly what to say but she really did not want to pass up this valuable chance at finally talking to and meeting Jackson Blakeley. "That would be exceptional Sir!"she finally gasped.He rode her all the way. Scarlett could hardly believe what was taking place. He was taking her to the market and she did not care where he was taking her. The fact that he was even talking to her seemed like something immense. She looked around her. The perfect scene for her. It was beautiful outside, roses swaying together in the wind like they were waving salutations, and ivy wrapped around trees as if it were choking the life from it,yet it appeared something much more appealing to her. She looked down at the charming steed on which she was riding. "Charming prancer you have here Sir." she said finding any way she could to carry on a conversation. "Thank You my lady. I got him from the tournament today. Did you watch?" he asked. "Of course and what a noble fight it was! I loved it when you knocked him off of his horse! It was just divine!" she said complimenting as much as possible. He seemed to enjoy the ride but not near as much as Scarlett. She was trying not to exasperate him, but she enjoyed conversation. To her dismay the joyride had to end eventually and that it did. She finally arrived at the market not terribly far from home. James was there with his mother picking out fresh fruits for a dessert. James burst out in rancor at the sight of her on his horse with him taking her there. "How dare you be so impudent? Go away now. Don't bother to say your farewells! How dare you take my lady with you. How dare you be so audacious! Go! Go now!" he cried. Scarlett was astonished. James had kept in how he felt about her all along as Scarlett thought he saw her as just a friend. The feelings she had kept pent up inside of her for awhile had now found their way out. "James, I hate you! How dare you be so inconsiderate?" she called. She looked around her soon realizing that her dream was over and that Jackson Blakeley had now retreated to his manor. She was so upset she walked away in tears. James taking awhile to realize what exactly he had done stood there emotionless still trying to figure it all out. Scarlett finally arrived back at the manor. She did not want to go inside for her mother to witness her tears so she wandered out back to the area she had been told never to go and had never gone to before. She did not care if anyone found her or if she got in trouble all Scarlett wanted was alone time and that is what she was to get. She carefully stepped through the many bunches of brush and untangled herself from the vines. She found what lay on the other side to be astounding. It may not have been very appealing to others but being a nature lover she found it a beautiful escape. There was a big stone in the middle of a big grassy clearing with something misshapen and disfigured a few feet away. It appeared to be an abandoned castle tower that did not seem to be attached to anything but some worn wall that was falling apart. It was appearant that this is what used to be a castle and it now was wearing away. She was overcome by curiosity and wandered over to the worn stone tower. It had a rotting wooden door in front of it. She tried to open the door but it remained closed. She finally pulled harder and the whole door fell down out of the tower. Scarlett realized that it was old and was probably going to go away eventually anyway so she continued. She went up the old stairs to a place where they finally stopped and air replaced it. the tower was not a full tower but about half of one. she wondered what happened to the rest of the tower but continued to look around. She saw a little wooden door that appeared to open to a very small space she tried to open it but found that she remained unsuccessful. She collected some old keys over time at her home in the manor. She decided to walk in and sneak out with her key box. Scarlett walked down the stairs and out of the brush over to the manor door. Her mother saw her and wrapped her up in her long,bony arms. Scarlett knew she had no way of hurrying upstairs now. She was doomed to interrogation from her mother for a few hours and by time she would be able to sneak outside with the key box, it would be dark. She decided to try in the morning. Meanwhile she had to go through the cooing, and irritating questions. "Darling, i was so very worried about you! Where have you been? Oh i am so upset about your father! Oh I know you are too darling! I was so scared! Are you alright? Oh my! you have a cut on your arm!" she kept going on and on but Scarlett knew she had no way out of it whatsoever. Finally her mother tired and retreated to bed. It was past midnight and finally her mother went to sleep. Scarlett had a craving for sleep so she decided that her previous plan would be best. In morning she would get the key box and attempt to open the small storage chamber in the old,crumbling tower. She slept very unwell that night. Tossing and turning with thoughts of the previous day. Also, savoring some thoughts in her mind as if to make them never die. Still puzzled and tired she woke up in the morning though there was not much waking to be done. She had much trouble sleeping and thus was terribly tired but decided to go anyway. She walked through the house with careful steps trying not to wake her mother. The steps were stone and her footsteps near silent as she wandered down them until she realized the doorway to the Main Hall was blocked by the bony figure of
Rhianna. "Scarlett...May i ask why you are awake at this hour?" she said. Her bitter old voice inquiring. "I...well....i mean...I was up to go visit a friend. Yeah a friend."she blabbed out. "A friend. Yes... As well why would this "friend" want to meet you so very early?" said Rhianna. Scarlett was still determined to wriggle her way out of this terrible mess. "My friend is a morning person." she replied."Morning person aye? Fine, get along then. I know how it is to miss a meeting with friends." Rhianna said, her voice now creaking. Scarlett kept along all the while pondering how Rhianna could be so understanding. Surely she hadn't been anything like Scarlett in her younger years. Or maybe she had. This left Scarlett puzzled. Scarlett found her way outside,around the back, and then to the rock where she had sat the previous night. She tried key after key in the wooden box. There was only one key left. Scarlett had little faith in it,because she knew it probably wouldn't work. It was the key around her neck on the bright red ribbon. The exact key her father had given her at a young age. Scarlett had always wondered what the key was for. He always told her,"You will find out when the time is right." She unlooped the ribbon and inserted it into the key hole. She then slowly turned it.the box fell open revealing an ancient leather-bound book. She looked at the first page. It was written in runes. The only person she knew other then her parents and Rhianna that knew how to read it was James. It was up to her to go to him and request help. Scarlett rarely knew to seek help. When she did it was mainly to her mother. She really still wondered why James had done that. He evidently had some feeling for her. She questioned herself. She left a note on parchment to Rhianna to give to her mother:

Dear Mother,
I have to go for awhile.
On a journey. I do not
know when i will be back
but do not fret. I am only
going to visit a good friend
and i have to go alone.
I will be back. I love you.
She hoped she had made it evident. She walked down that long road. Hoping to find what she really wanted to say. She noticed someone walking but then they vanished. She was alone as humanly possible. She hoped it wouldn't be this way long.
The birds twittered cheerfully giving off a sweet song for Scarlett to listen to. She amazed herself with the site of so many beautiful creatures. Scarlett would soon be in the big market town of Belle Town. It was crowded so she decided to eat her lunch before she entered the city. She had little gold but did not want to spend it on food and things that she had with her. Scarlett quietly munched on her buttered bread and drank the water she had carried with her. Scarlett got up and she continued on her way now arriving at the gates of Belle Town. She continued on through the large amount of people well aware of pick pocketers. She noticed somebody pulling on her dress. She turned around quickly and saw the face of a little boy, who was about four years of age. "Do you have any gold madam?", he said in a sweet voice. Scarlett reached into her black leather pouch and took out two shillings. "There.",she said kindly, placing them in his small hands. He told her he was very grateful for it, smiled and walked away. Scarlett felt really good right now. That little boy in rags looked so cheerful despite the state of things. That gave her a new outlook. She walked on and did not stop until she found the other gates.
Now she had to go to the next town to find James. The next town was Leola.
She was determined to go there. No matter how long it took. She needed his help and also forgiveness. It was eating her up how evil she had been but how she felt right at that moment when he sent Jackson Blakeley on his way, she was filled with anger. She was now concentrated on what he said," How dare you take my lady."
She pondered on these things while on foot. She did not know what dangers lie ahead but she was determined to get there no matter what.
She entered the town, expecting it to be as lively as usual, but there was an eerie silence about the place. She looked at the buildings. The town was deserted, some of the houses were charred from fire exposure, and some it appeared, had their doors knocked down. This town was taken by force. Worst of all. James was in danger. He loved her and the last words she ever said to him before he was taken away, were "James, I hate you! How dare you be so inconsiderate?".
Regret soon washed over her like a wave of foamy ocean water.

She went to his house, which was one of the houses that the invaders had set fire to. In it, Scarlett found something that brought a tear to her eye.
The flower she had given him for his fifth birthday. It was pressed inside a notebook which was open when she walked in. She decided to look at the pictures.
They were pictures of her, and they were drawn very well.
Scarlett leaned against one of the house supports, and sobbed.
If James was still alive, who ever did this was going to pay.

Next:Chapter 3- The dusty trail.
If you are liking it so far, check for updates on it in my journal now and then.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 26, 2006 @ 11:38pm
Hurts my brain!!!!!!!!! eek Can't read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commentCommented on: Tue May 02, 2006 @ 11:31am
You could if you wanted to!

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