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******** titles.
Subscribe to me because I'm vain.
Well this post is going to be kind of a long one....
I doubt anyone reads them other than me so who cares right?
I imagine the future me agreeing with me now.
So first let's start with a story I heard.

A king was having a feast for all the princessess of the land.
When one royal guard saw a princess, and fell in love instantly.
He fell so in love yhat one day he just had to tell her how he felt.
But what is a guard compared to the daughter of a king?
Alas afterdays the guard told the princess that he could not live without her.
The princess so moved by his depth of love told him if he could wait 100 days,
and nights she would be his, so the soldier went, and sat under her balcony.
Day, and night unmoving for the first 10 nights 20, 30, birds shat on him.
Bees stung him, but still he waited rain snow heat it didn't matter.
Until the 90th night the soldier sat there all white tears forming.
Then on the 99th night he picked up his chair, and left

No matter how many nights I lie awake thinking.
I cannot for the life of me find the answer.
Maybe there is no answer, I don't know.
Why wait so many days, and then leave?
Love makes people do strange things.
I'm seriously confused future me I hope you solved the problem.
I doubt you did it isn't a problem you can solve.
Why is it you fell for the two girls in the world who really didn't want you?
Why is it you can't for the life of you get over them no matter what you do.
Becoming an alcoholic seems to be the only thing that covers their tracks huh?
God not only do I talk to myself, but I talk to my future self.
I imagine the future me is laughing.
Happy Halloween future me.
Well I had a cray cray dream so that'll be part two to this story-post-thingy.

So i'm like walking down the street with Cassidy ( the first girl I ever fell for)
Then I look to the left an see another me with Aly (second girl I ever fell for)
Then there is a third me justt sitting in a ball in the middle of the street.
The fourth me is running down the street twords all of us in a suit screaming.
He has a gun, and shoots Aly, and Cassidy.
I'm like oh ******** no, but the me that was with Aly breaks down.
He goes in the middle of the street with the third me and they fuse together.
So i'm running and crying at the fourth me that had the gun.
The fourth me just starts laughing and shoots himself all Fight Club status.
So i'm sitting there with a hole in my head (hurt like a ********)
Then I turn to see that the third me had grown huge and he sighs.
His breath from the sigh blows me all the way to the bench I hang out at.
I'm sitting there with Aly on the left Cassidy on the right (hole in my head still hurts)
The me that was in the suit is standing there(he's fine) and says choose.
I say I can't they both left me alone.
Then I see the third me that had sighed he was faceless.
The me with the gun says bad choice and shoots me in the throat(also hurt)
Then walks away with both Aly and Cassidy.
Then the me that had no faces walks over, and steals my face.

Crazy right I woke up screaming, and sweating.
That damn rose I got gave me a craycray dream.
Oh and Gabriel says he has a crush on me.
It wasn't weird I guess more as it felt unreal.
I seriously considered experimenting for a minute.
I mean when has love worked out for me with girls?
Then I was like naaaaahhh
I really really like p***y.
It's been awhile since I had sex too.
I sometimes get the feeling to slum it around again.
Then Alyessa-senpai says I shouldn't.
I listen to advice given usually.
Plus I still can't get over Aly.
I got asked " What makes me love someone"
To which I responded:
I love someone when I they make me glad I don't sleep.
Then I was like well in terms for people who sleep I guess I love someone when:
They make me feel like I can't live life without them.
Like Cassidy even thoughs she's engaged(to which I am invited) I still want her.
It took me years to start having sex after her.
Aly is still around me everyday ohhh permanent scarring.
Well I kinda want put my story on her just in case I ever lose the paper.
Plus the more I write it the more I like it.
Also who knows maybe people other then me actually read these posts.
Also footnote if other people do read this.
I don't put quotation marks when the main character is speaking.
So yeah here we go!!!

I love people I would tell her. She would nod, knowing what the next thing I would say would be. That's why I kill them. She would then shake her head still not understanding my reason, but today would be the day. Today would be the day I tell this beautiful black haired woman how it truly is to be me. If only I could get over her beauty. How could god let this woman exist. Standing at a perfect 5'6 with measurments of 38-24-37, so tan so unbelievably. I'd bet it was all over, the kinda tan you'd have to sit out naked to get. I'd feel my pants stiffen a bit. "Mr.Johnson" she would say, Ms.Waterson I would respond. "It's Mrs." she would correct me. I know I would tell her, it's just easier to love her if I don't think of her husband. That part was at least true, I wondered why she would never believe me.That's when she says "So tell me Mr.Johnson why do you kill people"? I would tell her the same thing I always tell her, I love people. Even though they are horrible creatures. The worst animal on the entire planet. There is no hope for them in anyway. Even so I still love them all their little twitches and their quirks. Their imperfections it is those things that make me love people. The thing about love is it kills. I shouldn't be blamed for love. That's when she would say " That's no excuse for murder if you really loved something, wouldn't you want it to live forever"? I would tell her for most people that was probably true, but that's why i'm different. Being different in America makes you weird, and in my case it makes me a sociopath doesn't it Ms.Waterson? She flinched when I said that, almost as if I threatend her. "It's Mrs." she corrected me her voice cracking. I started chuckling at her puzzled expression. She flinched again, You don't have to be afraid of me I reassured her. I love you Ms.Waterson, then I gave her the biggest grin I could give. She trying to hid it she smiled a bit back showing off her perfect smile. She then goes back to writing things about me down on her notepad. I looked around the room all white except for Ms.Waterson's black mini work dress. It was cold in the room, and her dress was so tight I couldn't help, but notice her nipples perking out. The bulge in my pants got harder. She would then glance quickly, I didn't say anything knowing she would deny. She would then so effortlessly in a way that seemed almost automatic flip her beautiful black hair, and push up her glassess. God how I wished I could hold this woman forever. She would then clear her throat, and say "What makes you so different"? She says the words cautiously as if she was afraid of my answer. I chuckled at then even harder at her puzzled expression. "Are you going to answer me"? She would ask me with her face turning a slight red, sounding obviously annoyed at me laughter. I will I would say What makes me so different is that I'm afraid. She would look shocked by my answer, and continue writing things down on her notepad. "What do you mean"? she would say " Everyone gets scared". Yes I would say still chuckling to myself at her curious glare. Everyone gets scared, but no one likes to admit it. I know without a shred of self-doubt, I am terrified. "Of what" she would ask voice trembling. Of being left behind I would tell her with the best smile I could muster. "That's a very rational fear" she would say. Trying her best to reassure me. Even though she was trying to make me feel better, she was still writing things about me down on her notepad. I also like long walks on the beach, and romance I would say laughing at my own joke. She would chuckle a bit and then say "Those are all rational fears Mr.Johnson, you don't become a sociopath for being rational". She would then lick her lips. God I wished I could taste those lips so soft looking I just knew they would taste amazing.She would continue staring at me until I said something. I just stared back at her, into her amazing light brown eyes. Like swimming in a sea of chocolate only I hated chocolate. For her though I could learn to love it. Then down to her full breasts again, my bulge became fully erect. If only that straight jacket and pants hadn't been so tight it wouldn't have been so noticeable. I moved my eyes downward to her legs, in that tight dress they looked amazing. "Can I help you" she would say catching my stare, and looking at my pants. No I would say, but you can help yourself, I would say opening my legs a bit. She would then bright faced look away insisting she didn't know what I was talking about. I think you do I would tell her opening my legs even wider. She would tell me voice cracking "Anyway, do you think you're a sociopath"? I would tell her that I was different, and in America being different makes you weird. In my case it just makes me a sociopath. "Mhm" she would say writing down the things I just said down. " Then tell me do you think your family would've understood you" She would ask me just as Steve would walk in. " Mrs.Waterson your time is up for the day" he would say with his big booming voice. She would look at Steve, and then me with her big chocolate eyes, and sigh "Fine" she would say looking obviously dissapointed with the day having to end. We had so much in common. "Mr.Coppenhaggen will escort you out of the facility Mrs.Waters" Steve would say while staring at me. Steve really liked me, he alwats loved to watch me around the asylum. He knew just when to hit me to put me back in palace, he really cared. The only thing is I hated Steve. "Of course he will that creep always watches me" Ms.Waterson would say gathering her things. In that moment I began Hating Mr.Coppenhaggen the old perv. He was short too always wearing suits, and carrying that stupid cane. "It's his job to be observent Mrs.Waterson" Steve would say trying to get a peak at Ms.Waterson's cleavage. I already hated Steve, but that was crossing the line. Ms.Waterson is mine. "His job is to home the meantally ill" Ms.Waterson would say while walking to the exit "And my eyes are up here Steve". Steve and I would both watch her perfect a** as she left the room. Of course though that is my a** not Steve's. "Well let's go you little ********" Steve would say grabbing me forcefully. You know Steve I would say, you should check yourself in here. "I'm not crazy, you crazy ********" He would say squeezing me harder. You sure I would question him. What with ripping your shirt's sleeves off, and letting your hair grown all long, you look a little psychotic. "******** you, you crazy piece of s**t I know what you're trying to do" Steve would say pulling me harder. Oh yeah smart guy what am I trying to do I would say somewhat sarcastically. "You're trying to ******** with my brain well that ain't gonna happen numbnuts" Steve would say laughing thinking he solved some sort of brain teaser. If only you were that smart your entire life you could've landed a better job I teased. Steve angry by remark slugged me across my face. Wow Steve I know you can hit better than that I would say spitting out blood. " You asked for it c**t" Steve would say setting me against the wall. For the next ten minutes Steve wailed on me. Maybe you should check yourself in for anger management I would gurgle out. He hit harder. I'm guessing you don't feel any guilt for hitting me eihter, according to Ms.Waterson you're just as much a sociopath as me. "It's Mrs. you ******** b***h" Steve would correct me right before landing his knockout right hook to my left temple. I would wake up hours later in my room or cell as I liked to call it. I was out of that god damned striaght jacked, but I was still all white, my cell was all white bright disorienting white, and everywhere. I looked in the mirror Steve did more to my face then I expected. My left eye was a purplish black, and I had a big gash on my left temple from Steve's big fist. I had a few more cuts across my face, but nothing I couldn't be proud of. I got my beenie and pulled it down iver the left side of my face. The pure white of this place was spreading. I laughed at my own little joke, then looked at the bear Ms.Waterson had given me. It was originally black, but Mr.Coppenhaggen had me dye it white. He thinks colors makes a stir in people. God how that man was. I pulled out a black tuff of hair that I had "Missed". I decided I had enough giggles that night, and difted off to sleep. I remember I had dreamt of the day I'd get Ms.Waterson, and love her forever. I would wake up the next day(rudely I might add) by Steve "Wake the ******** up looney nut". I would turn over and grumble out five more minutes mom. "I'm not your mom c**t, but you can call me Daddy" He would then lift me up over his shoulders lauging hard at his own joke. The movement of his shoulders from his laughter was suffocating me. You keep laughing, and I think I might die I said as the room started to fade a bit. "Sorry I forgot you were such a p***y" Steve would say dropping me hard onto the floor. I could see he had carried me all the way to the door of the mess hall. "Enjoy your slop you worthless piece of s**t" Steve would say walking into the orderly only lunch room. I hate you Steve, I would mumble to myself. As I got up I saw Tyler. Now Tyler was a looney one from what I've heard, but I mean who here wasn't. They say he had a twim named Andre but i've never met him. Appearently Tyler came out of the womb choking Andre, some real Caine and Abel s**t. Anyway so around their like eighteenth birthday Tyler decides to finish the job. They say he snapped screaming" It's my birthday not yours"! he then cut their birthday cake and began shoving it by the handful down Andre's throat. Now Tyler had a rather quiet morman family so they were all too shocked to do anything, they just watched it happen. After Tyler had ran out of cake he took a candle lit it, and said "Happy birthday to me". After that of course they put him in here. Tyler however still thinks Andre is still here with him talking to him wherever he goes, and who am I to judge. From what Tyler says Andre wanted to be a doctor. "Andre and I both agree Steve really likes you" Tyler would say matter-of-factly while helping me up. Like, I would say looking at Tyler his hair, his clothes, were all dyed white like mine. Only difference was he had a twitching thing with his neck, and he always looked to the left. I assume that's where Andre was. Steve doesn't like me I would say swatting the dust off my clothes, he loves me I just hate him. Enough about Steve though, I would say putting my arm around Tyler who would look to his left. Let's get breakfest my dear chum. "Andre and I think that's a great idea" Tyler would say nodding his head rapidly. Good now stop moving your head so fasr you might snap your own neck, and I doubt Andre would like that I would say patting Tyler's back. "No he would not" Tyler would say shaking his head slowly. "My brother loves me". I'm sure he does I would say as we made our way to the food line. I couldn't stop thinking how big, and stupid he was. I guess that's just how they're grown in the south. Even so he was still my best friend.

Well that's all I got so far, well that;s a lie.
I wrote more, but I misspelled a word so I quit.
I'm sure there is some misspelling in the story thatr I never got around to fixing.
Who cares right hahahah I don't ahhahahahaha.
Sarcastic laughs could you tell?
Well I'm done now I guess.. For now!!! MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

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