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Looking into the Mind of the Kitsune
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[General Information]

Work/Casual Appearance

Name: Cenaco Ceiba
Nicknames: Cici
Titles: Manticore, Avatar of the Cycle
Age: 29
Birthday: 12/15
Star Sign: Ophiuchus/Sagittarius
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

[Personal Information]
Occupation: Barista
Sexuality: If it swim, slithers, crawls, walks, runs, or flies...
Likes: Nature mostly
Dreams: Unifying the Forces of Red, Green, Grey, Clear, and Black
Dislikes: Humanity, Pollution, the Destruction of the Planet's environment
Fears: Losing himself to the call of the Wild
Darkest Secret: He may have eaten some people/father or mothered some things
Favorite Food: Sunlight
Favorite Drink: Tropical Rain
Least Favorite Food: Decaying Flesh
Least Favorite Drink: Cold Blood
Loyalties: Himself
Intelligence Level: High
Dominant Hand: Left
Strengths: Highly Adaptive with keen animal instincts
Weaknesses: He is pretty much technologically illiterate. He considers many machines to be abominations and an affront to nature.

Cherished Items:

Unity Star Totem A mysterious object with origins beyond Earth. During the Initial Colonization of North America the totem was split into five parts and scatters across North and South America. This object is capable of great power once and is a relic gifted to him by his grandfather. At one time he had collected all [ 5 ] parts but in recent years the totem was broken apart once again. It is unknown to Ceiba what happened as he no longer has memory of the [ 3 ] months leading up to the event as well as the [ 3 ] months that followed.

Philosophical/ Social Viewpoint: As the Avatar of the Cycle he looked down at Humanity as a whole for their wanton destruction of nature throwing the various Forces into disarray causing the Rot (Black) to begin over taking the others on Earth. If left unchecked it would lead to the death of the planet. Though he still holds Humanity in contempt he strives to be compassionate in his attempt to bring the Forces into Balance on Earth.

Religious Viewpoint: Due to the nature with the various Forces of Life he practices Shamanism. He often enters trances to commune with the Various Parliaments of the Forces seeking guidance, wisdom, and strength. He has fallen from favor with all five of the Parliaments and is seeking redemption to once again become their Champion.

Romantic Viewpoint: It is difficult for him to be Romantic simply because he has worn so many skins that he can, at times, find it extremely difficult to relate to Humans. Finding many of their mating rituals and habits to be Bizarre and overly complicated.

Personality Ceiba is often described as being cynical and clumsy. He is also a man of many contradictions. He often seen as light heart and easy going yet has an intensity to him.

In costume he often seeks to infuriate others to the point of madness while maintaining a stern face. His use of transformations and abilities often have a humerus effect. While in Costume he does not filter his contempt for humanity. He fights not for the good of Humanity but for the Forces that gives life to the Planet Earth. As a result he comes off as much as a nuisance as he does a hero.


[Relationship Information]

None as of yet
Relationship Explanation


Relationship Explanation

Grand Father (deceased)
Relationship Explanation: Mentor

Mother & Father (deceased)
Relationship Explanation: Parents

Romantic Relationships:
Relationship Explanation: Its complicated.... sweatdrop

[Weapon Information]


[Ability Information]

Peak Performance: Ceiba is the specimen of Peak Human Endurance, Stamina, and Strength, for what its worth.

Mental Fortitude: Due to his communion with the Parliaments he is well prepared for telepathic attacks making it difficult for telepaths to enter his mind or attack it.

Avatar of the Cycle: Ceiba at one time was a Conduit to the [ 5 ] Forces of Red, Green, Clear, Grey, and Black. He channeled them through the Unity Start Totem which has since been split. Now limiting his powers only to The Red.

Conduit of the Red: By tapping into The Red he is able to use various animal related abilities listed below. He is restricted from tapping the Universal Force of the Red and can only use the forms of creatures that evolved on Earth.

___Form Acquisition: Carnivore: Ceiba is able to learn the form of animals by consuming flesh or blood from them. As a result he can acquire Alien or Mystical animal forms (for example: if he eats dragon flesh he then becomes able to become a dragon).

___Animal Traits: The weakest form of his connection to The Red he is able use various animal abilities for example he can heighten his senses of smell by channeling certain species. He can "increase" his weight. This does have its limits how ever he is unable to breath under water or achieved wingless flight for long periods of times (more than a post) and his top flight speed with this method is 30mph. These traits are also limited being able to only use [ 3 ] at a time and are half as powerful as the physical transformation version.

___Partial Transformation: A more Advanced ability used through The Red. This allows him to physically transform parts of his body thus allowing him more power. Using partial transformation he can only transform [ 2 ] parts of his body at a time and can not be used in conjunction with "Traits." Examples of this would be turning his hand into a claw, growing a pair of wings or swapping his lungs for aquatic ones.

___Full Transformation: Because Ceiba is able to tap into the Red he is able to complete transform into a single animal. By doing this he gains all the abilities of the animal. Though Ceiba has always had difficulties controlling this type of transformation. As a result he can sometimes loose himself to the call of the wild and forget himself in his form. This as lead him to many odd adventures. When using this transformation roll a 6-Sided Dice. 1 or 6 and Cieba succumbs to the Call of the Wild and is unable to transform back for [ 3 ] Posts.

___Mixed Transformation: The most powerful ability afforded to Ceiba when he taps into the Force of the Red. Ceiba has learned how to combine various animals into a single creature thus allowing his imagination to take form granting him great power, but because the form is unnatural he is unable to maintain the forms conjured through this type of transformation longer than [ 3 ] Posts. Also he is only able to combine a max of [ 5 ] creatures to create his Mixed form.

Conduit of the Green (Locked): By tapping into The Green he is able to use various Plant related abilities listed below. Because he is unable to tap the Universal Green he is limited to plants native to Earth.

___Form Acquisition: Herbivore: Ceiba is able to learn new plant forms by consuming them thus gaining access to Alien or Mythical Plants (For example Magical Mandrake Root).

___Plant Manipulation: By tapping into The Green he is able to manipulate plants in his surroundings. This is the most basic form of his ability.

___Plant Creation: By tapping into The Green Ceiba is able to produce seeds from his body from various plants and rapidly grow them allowing him to create a variety of plants for a variety of uses.

___Plant Transformation: The most powerful version of his Connection to the Green. Ceiba is able to convert his body into a living mass of plants allowing him to greatly augment his plant controlling abilities as well as amplifying the power of them. He also has greatly enhanced regenerative abilities. This transformation causes great strain on the body and can only be maintained for [ 3 ] posts.

Conduit of the Clear (Locked): By tapping into The Clear he is able to use various communicative abilities by connecting to the primal emotions and related abilities listed below. Because he is unable to tap the Universal Clear he is limited to living things native to Earth.

___Form Acquisition: Linguistics: By coming into contact with Alien lifeforms and entities he gains the ability to communicate with them telepathically.

___Communication: By connecting to The Clear Ceiba is able to communicate with animals both land or sea. At its highest potential he can communicate with creates on the other side of the planet, but this causes great strain on him as well as requires him to enter a meditative states rendering him immobile. He is also able to use this ability to communicate with other sentient lifeforms.

___Sensory Link: An advanced form of Connecting to the Clear. Ceiba is able to share sensory experiences of creatures. Though sharing the the animal's sight, taste, etc...he is not able to control them. Instead he can speak to it to help guide it. Excellent for Recon purposes. He is able to link with other people but depending on their intelligence and sensitivity the often feel as though they are being watch or even that he is sharing in on their experience.

___Control: The most advanced form of using the Clear. Ceiba is able to reach out and call creatures to his aid. This abilities allow him to call flocks of birds, to swarms of local insects. He is able to further reach out to call creatures from farther distances, though they take much longer to come to his side. Due to the nature of this ability he is unable to take control of sentient lifeforms due to their powerful wills.

Conduit of the Grey (Locked): By tapping into The Grey he is able to use various Fungus related abilities listed below. Because he is unable to tap the Universal Grey he is limited to fungus native to Earth.

___Form Acquisition: Mycology: My consuming Mythical or Alien Fungi he learns its form allowing him to use and control them.

___Fungi Control: By tapping into the grey the user is able to control various forms of Fugi accelerating growth or growing them to impossible size.

___Spore Creation: An advance application of The Grey. Ceiba is able to generate various fungal spore allowing him to become highly adaptive and often toxic form of combat. Due to the nature of some spores they may not always be visible to the naked eye.

___Transformation: A powerful application of The Grey. Ceiba is able to become a construct made of Fungi. This greatly augments his Fungal abilities as well as strength. Due to its composition it also grants him powerful regenerative abilities including the ability to grow smaller and weaker forms of himself ( up to [ 2 ]). Lasts [ 5 ] Posts.

Conduit of the Black (Locked): By tapping into The Black he is able to use various decay/death related abilities listed below. He is only capable of using these abilities after experiencing a moral shift from Good to Evil after acquiring the Black Star Point Totem Piece.

___ Necromancy: By channeling The Black Ceiba is able to temporarily reanimate the corpses of the dead and other dead things. Reanimated corpses last [ 3 ] posts.

___Rot: An adept application of The Black. Ceiba is able to wither or "decay" things he touches. On organic material they become sickly during green and .progressing to black causing it break down after a time. (Takes [ 5 ] posts) Inorganic materials begin to break down. It is able to released in a wave capable of withering all plants, fungi, and lesser animals (non sentient life).

___Umbrakinesis: An advance application of The Black. By tapping into The Black Ceiba is able to manipulate dark energies to creates blast, blades, or project his shadow.

___Transformation: The most Advance form of tapping into the Black. Using this Ceiba is able to envelop his body in Rot causing him to take on a monstrous black form. In this state his abilities are amplified including regenerative abilities easily able to reattach severed limb. Also due to the nature of the Rot while in this form he has a temporary immunity to death. Transformation lasts for [ 3 ] posts.

[Weakness Information]

The Red: Has a tendency to go feral causing him to abandon battlefields or potentially attack allies. Also varies depending on form.

The Green: Generally weak to Fire, and extreme cold, but various depending on the plant used.

The Clear: Entities with higher level intelligence, magical abilities, or cybernetic implants can disrupt the abilities of The Clear.

The Grey: Same as The Green.

The Black: Healing and Light Magics

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