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random bit's of literature
I write, Well I try too. Just kick back and relax, it's usually a hell of a ride.
This entry is going to be used as a profile for my OC/D&D Character... because I like jumping on bandwagons, plus it might give me inspiration to play the character more...

So, for the record; yes, my avatar is completely and totally a cosplay of my OC, who happens to be my primary D&D character right now.


The BasicsUser Image

Name: Freija Elryssya Caldwynn
Known Aliases: "Salem Wolfe", "Michael Canaan", "Seleene", "Maria". (Potentially more as yet unrecorded.)
Known Titles: "Neverwinter Rose", "Handmaiden of the Forgotten Goddess", "Sandovaal's Iron Wolf", "Mistress", "Knight-Captain", "Bleak-Wind Witch", "Harlot", "Prostitute" and "Her Fluffiness"
Age: 705 (Actual) [though functionally Immortal, Fae-kind of Freija's type cease to age physically at 18 years of age. Though she can still be killed by weapons, poisons or magic, she will not die of natural causes.]
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Prefers Women)
Date of Birth: 8th of the month of Coldeven, in the Common tongue, under a full moon.
Place of Birth: The City of Verbobonc
Place of Residence: Currently Itinerant, but maintains a full base of operations in Neverwinter
Philosophical Proclivities: Optimistic Nihilist
Religious Leaning: Sunite, serving as the Goddess' Handmaiden.
Occupation: Thief, Cad, Rogue, Ne'er-do-well, Assassin, Mercenary, Dancer, Prostitute, etc...
Race: Fae-Kind. Half-Nymph, Half-Shifter.


Height: 176.8 centimetres.
Weight: 67.2 Kilograms
Hair: Cream-Blonde
Eyes: Bright Blue
Complexion: Fair
Handedness: Ambidextrous, Left-hand dominant.
Marks or Scars: None Apparent
Tattoos or Piercings: None
Body-Type: Slim, but athletic. Conventionally beautiful in most regards, Freija's large Breasts, and wide hips owe to most of her mass.
Physical disabilities: None


Born as the b*****d son of a Nymph and a Cobbler, and raised in the Feywild, Michael Canaan took his own name from two words he read in a book that had been scattered to the planes. Words he believed held some deeper meaning to him and his fate. In spite of being raised in the Feywild, Canaan is scornful of fae creatures, believing them to be frivolous and wasteful.
When his time came to seek employment, Canaan opted to join the Arcane Swordsmen regiments of the Summer Queen's court, before dishonourably washing out after an incident saw him kill a sparring partner. Now a wanted man, Canaan fled to the Prime Material Plane, and spent several years living as a drifter and vagabond. Eventually, through no small amount of luck, he managed to land steady employment as an enforcer for the "Barking Lizards" Thieves Guild, based out of Verbobonc.

Unfortunately luck had run thin for the Bandit, and Canaan soon found himself in a dungeon, and was delivered an ultimatum; He could either live out his sentence and be executed, or he could attempt a suicide mission to earn his freedom.
And so, like any good bandit worth his salt, Canaan took up his sword in service of the Viscount, and joined a group of adventurers headed to Dapple Wood to hunt down a group of evil mages.
Things went well for the group, Canaan earned his freedom, and found that he had made friends who appreciated him for more than just his skills and capabilities. The group even amassed a small fortune as mercenaries.

After accruing such fame, the group took an assignment from the lord of Greyhawk himself; Hunting down the ancient Black Dragon, Venerestrix. And so, gathering several other groups of adventurers and mercenaries, Canaan and his companion ventured into Mistmarsh, where they would meet their doom.
Tohn, the group's defacto leader and Paladin was the first to die, mercilessly butchered by cultists. Canaan took up his sword in memory and was the second to die, pinned down by the Black Blight and summarily executed by her breath-weapon. Vickus, the group's wizard was pinned by a poisoned arrow, and bled to death in the swamp. Kraile, a naive young cleric, was captured and tortured to death, and legends say that her ghost still haunts the Mistmarsh. Benton and Braig, the twin Dwarves fought to the last, buried under a mountain of corpses.

The only one to get away from the slaughter was a strange young skald, who followed the group to chronicle their exploits; a Half-Demon named Deimos, who had managed to squirrel away and preserve a bit of one of his former comrades.

Four years passed before Deimos had enough coin to raise his fallen comrade. Instead of the virtuous Paladin, or graceful Wizard, Deimos found that he had revived none other than the group's Thief; Canaan.

The two began taking any odd-jobs they could to get Canaan back on his feet, four years of being dead had not been kind to him, after all. Eventually, after exterminating at least ten-thousand pests each, they found a job posted for inexperienced mercenaries; Caravan guard duty to a small village called Hommlet.

Thus, Canaan and Deimos had become mercenaries again. Novice mercenaries, but mercenaries nonetheless.

In the village of Hommlet, the group began taking other jobs, again, easy jobs, but it put coin in their pockets and gave them the lay of the land. It was in a small marsh in the Gnarley Wood, in a formerly abandoned watch-house, where they discovered documentation which made reference to the "Temple of Elemental Evil" Deciding to act on this, the group made their way through the forest, and discovered a temple, locked and barred by powerful, but fading, magic.
On order of the Viscount once again, Canaan and his crew infiltrated the temple, slowly destabilizing the forces within before coming to the final confrontation with Zuggtmoy and her servants, and handily besting them.
Once more the hero, Canaan saw fit to retire on his fortune, settle in Verbobonc, and form his own Thieves Guild and Dueling school. A mere three years later saw Canaan coming out of retirement to rejoin Deimos and his new companions in investigating rumours of a powerful cult of wizards, seeking to tear open a portal to the planes.

A cataclysmic battle saw Canaan and his group cast adrift on the planes, wherein they sought to return to their homes, undertaking numerous small campaigns for various factions in the Astral Sea.

Eventually, the group found a portal to a home. not the home they knew, but a home where the rules of nature were familiar, and took their chance, coming out of the Astral Plane and into Faerun, in the Tower of Thay.

Once again, Canaan found himself dead, but this time it was not the mindfulness of his comrades that brought him back to the land of the living, but a goddess that had taken note of him early in his life, but was far outside her reach. Sune offered to return Canaan to the land of the living on the condition that he take an aspect better suited to serving Sune in the material world.
Weighing the pros and cons was an easy choice for Canaan, who found himself returned to Waterdeep. After utilizing his, now begrudgingly, her new abilities, Freija regained contact with her old comrades and found that they had been forced into a similar situation, with each of them serving a god of the Realms on the promise that, after a set amount of time had passed, that they would be returned to their homes in Flanaess. Freija now serves as a Handmaid of Sune, preserving love and beauty and fighting against those who would seek to destroy it.

Personality Profile: Cunning, ruthless, efficient, manipulative and quick-witted, Freija uses her wiles and skills to turn those weak of will away from violence, before punishing those who force her into combat.

Outside of combat, Freija is flighty, easily distracted, and possessed of a cynical sense of humour. More than ever before, she now uses her appearance as just as much of a weapon as the multitude of blades she carries, calmly and coyly manipulating those around her into believing her to be something far less dangerous.

~ Honesty
~ Honour
~ Beauty
~ Grace
~ Civility
~ Stiff Drink
~ Magical Trinkets that do nothing of major importance
~ Magical Trinkets that could potentially destroy entire planes
~ Good music
~ People who keep their word, even if in the end it would be more profitable to stab someone in the back
~ Beautiful Women

- "Miscreants"
- "Cretins"
- People who think they're smarter than they actually are
- By and large, actually fighting
- Loud noises and being loud
- Most types of seafood
- Politicians
- Improperly used Magic
- People who squander or destroy beauty
- Zealots
- Unjustified Anger

- Cages
- Time
- Actual Death
- Axes of most types
- Being bound and unable to move
- Abyssal Dark
- Magic, used as a scalpel to dissect reality
- Magic, abused solely for personal gains


Granted Powers:
- Clerical Magic
Freija possesses a massive store of magical energy, due to her Fae Blood, and her connection to her goddess. Thanks to her connection, she can utilize this energy to bend reality to her will, stitching wounds closed and staunching blood with a touch, calling forth scathing bolts of energy to scour impurity from the souls of her enemies, and providing more physical and immediate aid when required, in the form of sparking natural fires, extinguishing any type of flame, protecting from extremes of temperature, and nourishing her allies.

- Fae Magic
Similarly, Freija can utilize her energy for Fae Magic, creating illusions, and befuddling the senses of the weak-minded, or rendering herself completely invisible and silent, or allow her to commune with natural animals, and even plant-life. With concentration, Freija can even temporarily alter her physical form to that of another humanoid, and by expending more energy, that of a beast, or even a Dragon.Typically this magic is non-harmful in nature, but if used with tactical wit, can be just as deadly as any blade.

- Rogue Talents
Naturally light and quick-footed, Freija is regarded as the perfect weapon by her peers. She strikes from the shadows with surgical precision, dealing optimal amounts of damage on the first strike before quickly weaving out of combat to carefully gauge her situation. When push comes to shove, however, Freija's skill at arms is second to none, as she swings her massive, crystal-bladed claymore in terrifying arcs and dizzying feints.
When utilizing the magic in her gauntlets, she can even swing the massive blade one-handed, and engage in stunning aero-batic displays of grace that can put the most skilled tumblers to shame. Similarly her ability to strike fast and hard is augmented by her rapier and natural reflexes. When combat is necessary, Freija will always strike first, capitalizing on even a billionth of a second's hesitation from her enemy.

- Non-combat abilities
Being Fae-Kind, trained in the Summer Queen's court, Freija is a canny dancer and singer, capable of enchanting displays of skill and grace that only the Fae can hope to ever match. In addition, Freija has taught herself how to maintain her gear while on the road, away from common smithy's and armourer's, using what tools she has. She also possesses a breadth and depth of knowledge that could only come from vast stores of personal experience travelling the planes and fighting other mages. It takes a lot to surprise her.
Because of this, she is widely knowledgeable on the operation and function of most arcane devices, and can discern patterns in the weft of magic in the artifact. When not using her physical skills in dance, or combat, she is possessed of a perfect sense of physical balance, and is an accomplished sprinter. Though her strength leaves much to be desired, she is skilled at leveraging her weight to amplify her shortcomings.
On the road she learned much, and much of it is self-taught, or taught to her by her companions. She can brew basic potions for healing in times of need, and can purify unclean water, or simply create water out of thin air to the untrained eye. To say that Freija's only place is in combat, would be a fool's statement.

Carried Weapons:
Note: All of Freija's weapons are carried on her bracelet, a unique magical artefact that allows her to store a weapon as a charm on the bracelet. When the charm is removed, it becomes a weapon as listed. When the weapon is touched to the bracelet it reverts to charm form. This makes it very easy to hide the vast multitudes of weapons that Freija carries.

- Gotterdammerung (Vorpal, God-slaying, Brutal, Aetheric)
Once a mundane, and simple weapon wielded by the Paladin Tohn, Gotterdammerung is now an elegant, beautiful blade seemingly hewn from smooth, jet-black crystal, through which clouds of purple, blue, red, and gold flow, twist and writhe. The blade is wielded in an elegant dance, evocative of the movement of stars through the night sky.
Blessed by Sune's Divinity, the blade seeks out the blood of tainted immortals and revels wholly in their slaughter. When striking just so, the blade seems to lash out at the very essence of a creature, growing in power unto infinity.

- Shimmer-Fang (Quicksilver, Shocking, Vorpal, Brutal)
Freija's first sword, dating back to Canaan's training under the arcane swordsmen of the Summer Queen, this elegant, broad-bladed, swept-hilt rapier is both a work of art, and a sturdy weapon. Can be used in thrusts and slashes, the blade moves like lightning in Freija's well-trained grip.

- Graefling (Short-Sword, Deals Necrotic Damage and wielder gains Blood-Sight, and True-Sight while wielded)
Fairly large-sized for a short-sword, and forged from a matte-black metal that seems to absorb light, Graefling was once the go-to weapon of the Sorcerer Nasaahd. Canaan took the blade initially as a trophy, but eventually found a use for it. Good-aligned creatures can automatically feel the presence of the blade, but due to Sune's influence, it is becoming more good-aligned.

- Hearken (Short bow of Dragon-Slaying)
A folding short bow that was paradoxically made by a Dragon to kill other Dragons, Hearken is a small, mundane-looking weapon that hides a sort of simple or rustic charm. The bow has special pulleys that reduce the draw-weight, without sacrificing power or precision. The Bow is mounted with a special sight for long-distance precision shooting.

Other weapons: Lightning Halberd, Hammer of Stonecunning, Dragon-slaying long sword, and an Acidic spear.

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    commentCommented on: Mon Mar 02, 2015 @ 07:41am
    Epic level and no artifacts nor prestige classes, what is this <|:U

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