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Cries of a newborn quieted as the new mother held her baby girl close. Long silver hair cascaded over her shoulders, only making her pale skin look even paler. Bright red eyes gazed down into the deep crimson of her child, the deep blue of the father's looking on sadly. He was shaking as he held back tears, he couldn't help but hate the child... his beautiful angel, the one he had fallen in love with only a few years back, had givin birth to a demon. They had called her an angel, just like her mother, a beautiful little angel. Anita was the name her mother had blessed her with, the name that now brought hatred into the mind of Loki, the father of this acursed thing.

His new child, the one that was suppossed to have been the joy of his life, was slowly, painfully takeing the life of her mother... and the only docter around this part of the heavenly land, could do nothing to stop it. She called his name, and he ran to her side, grasping her hand and she smiled, nearing the end. "Don't leave me... please... don't leave me..." the words came in only a wisper, and he hung his head, causing dark hair to hide his face. Tears began falling as her hand went limb in his.


It was now five years later, and Loki's daughter, Anita, was causing her father's hatred of her to grow. Pale blond hair now hung to her shoulders, her eyed growing lighter, and she was becomming more and more like her mother every day. Loki despised her, ~Why? This little demon has no right!~ he'd think over and over, ~Is she mocking me? She doesn't deserve to hold the beauty of her mother... she doesn't even deserve to be called her child...~ He let none of this show, keep his thoughts locked deep within his mind, treating the child like she was his pride and joy, and even his sister thought that he'd do nothing to harm his little Anita. She had a child of her own, a little five year old boy. He was small for his age, black hair like his father Damien, the blue eyes of his mother, Ayami. Sasukâ, that's what they had named him, and Ayami had juat had another on about a month ago. A little girl, Yumi... that's what they had named her. Loki envied his little sister, and his heart longed to see his wife again every time he looked at her. Loki slowly, so very slowly, was beginning to hate them all as well.

Sasukâ was amusing to Loki. He was only five, though treated his little sister like she was a delicate little thing that couldn't get hurt or she'd die. He was always near her, making sure everything was ok. Loki chuckled to himself, ~If I tried to kill her right now, he'd probably bite my hand off~ He thought this often... but he also wondered if he'd protect Anita the same way he did Yumi... Though if he did... Loki would just kill them all. But no... he had other ways... he wouldn't kill his 'dear little girl'... not yet... she was an angel, and all angels can fall. Loki smirked at this, he'd get Anita back... he'd cause her the same pain she had caused her mother, his first and last love. But how? It wouldn't be easy to convince the angels enough to make them banish Anita... and if they found out that it was him who actually preformed the murder... he didn't want to think about it.

Loki turned, hearing his name being called. It was Ayami, his sister, asking if he was alright. He hated her, holding her little girl... it should have been her that died... he hated them all... they had survived, but he was the one that had to suffer. It was then that the plan formed... he would kill them all... destroy his daughter, and make everyone's life a living hell...

((Short chappie, yes... but bla... there ya go))

~ II ~

The calm of the night was almost deadly, but this was fitting, for deadly plots were being followed through. A cloaked figure ran through the fields, a small bundle in his arms. He was headed deep into the forest, where he knew the one he seeked would be resting. As he neared his excitement grew. This, on the night that stole his beloved's life away 8 years ago, would be the night that he would finally begin his revenge. It neared, it's sparkling waters already in sight, with the shadow of the angelic form dimming it's glory only slightly. The figure slowed, just at the edge of the last line of trees. He set the bundle down, unraveling the cloth so that the dim light of the moon shone down upon the sleeping Anita. Loki smirked, only three years ago he had first began the process of devising the perfect way to condemn his demon of a daughter, his 'curse'. Now that Anita was eight years old, he could set his plan into motion, and finally gain his revenge for the loss of his wife. Out of the cloak he pulled a gun, and, closing his eyes, he aimed for Anita's head. He smirked, pulling the trigger as the shot was fired. "Now, "he began, his words barely above a wisper, "Is the time to see if it has worked." His eyes opened, and so did Anita's. Slowly she stood, gaining the same posture of her father. Loki lifted his right hand, Anita did the same. He kicked the air, and again, Anita mirrored his actions. He now had complete control of the young girl, it had worked.

As the sound of a gun echoed through the forest, the angel turned, short, red hair shielding his eyes. He called out, hoping to recieve an answer. This place was his safehaven, the small pond at the side of the mountain, crystal clear water falling from the peaks above, splashing it's way down around the puzzle formation of the rocks. Again he called out, though again, got no reply. The bushes rustled nearby, and his gaze snapped to follow. The young girl emerged from them, white wings hanging behind her. The angel relaxed, "Anita," he said, kneeling before her, "What are you doing out so late? Shouldn't you be home with your father?" He gently pulled her gaze to his, but what he saw alarmed him. Instead of the girl's deep crimson eyes, he found a dull, black, stone-cold gaze from the child. He shot up and backed away, "A...Anita?" he studdered, knowing that this wasn't normal. Watching behind the cover of the trees, Loki controlled the girl's movements with his own, when he moved, she moved, when he attacked, so did she. Anita smirked, "Fool... you are all fools! Did you honestly believe me to be the quiet little child of my mother? No... Gabriel didn't give birth to an angel... I am the darkness within every living being. I am the nightmare of every child, the fear of every mother. I am a shadow, born into the life of a heavenly being, with the soul of a devil. You shall soon learn of your mistakes... you should have killed me eight years ago." She laughed, pulling from her pocket a black dagger, it's hilt a deep purple, with silver gems adorning the metal, a cross overlapped with a pentagon engraved into the brass. Anita lunged, her weapon intruding deep into the angel's flesh. She dragged the blade down as she fell, creating a large gash in the angel's torso. Anita fell, though only lept back, attaching herself to the boy and sinking her teeth deep into his shoulder, pulling a cry from the boy's lips. "Damn you!" he hissed, grabbing the girl's colar and yanking her from him, throwning her into the water. The angel grabbed his shoulder, a golden blade appearing in his hand, though nothing happened. He waiting, but still nothing... but no... something was happening. His eyes grew wide with the event before him. The clear waters of the angels slowly turned a deathly black, boiling as Anita dragged herself onto the shore. Slowly she stood, steam rising from her young body, and she began towards the angel. "Wh... what the hell are you?!" Anita smirked, "Fool, I am Hell" She laughed, lunging forwards and stabbing the blade into the angel's heart, his life imediately ending. Anita froze, her gaze returning to normal as she collapsed on the ground, and angel falling beside her, his blood staining the grass around him. Loki smirked, walking from his cover and taking Anita's dagger in his gloved hand. He knelt beside the angel, tearing open his shirt and beginning to carve something into his chest. Only when he stepped back could the symbol be read. It was her sign... every angel when they are born, is givin a sign. It is their identity, their life, and now, Anita's was carved into the very flesh of the young angel 'she' murdered. The cross and pentagon ly clear as a sign that Anita had done this. Loki chuckled, throwing the dagger onto his daughter's sleeping form. The angel's would be here soon, they were already on their way. Her life would end soon, she would be banished, only to become a fallen, wandering the earth, and unable to escape to heaven or hell, but be condemned to limbo for an eternity.

~ III ~

The woman stood in the darkness, a bright glow surrounding her. Pale silver hair cascaded down her back, bright red eyes lingering on the small child before her. She was adorned in a simple white dress, large bright feathered wings folded at her back. This was the angel Gabriel, the mother of Anita, the beloved of Loki. Pain and sadness reflected in her eyes as she gazed down at her child... she had seen everything... and knew what was about to happen. "Mommy..." Anita sobbed looking up to her mother, "I don't want to fall... I... I want to stay where I can help people... Why mommy? Why does daddy hate me so? Am I a bad girl? Did I do something wrong? I didn't want to hurt you... I didn't want you to die! I promise mommy, I didn't want you to die... I didn't!" Anita cried, she knew very well what was about to happen... this was the quiet before the storm, and soon, she would be nothing more than a dead soul wandering the earth. Tears ran down Gabriel's face, though she could not comfort her daughter, not with words... she couldn't hold her baby, she couldn't wipe away her tears, tell her everything was going to be alright, tell her that it wasn't her fault, that she had done nothing wrong... but no. She was a ghost, a mere spirit, unable to speak or touch the living, and it tore her apart. Silently she cursed him for being so cold hearted, so hateful towards his their child, when she had done nothing. The darkness around them both began to lift... and with it, Gabriel began to vanish. The room around Anita turned to the bright white of the heavens, as the angels now stood before her.

"Why?" This was the only word that escaped his lips. The angel held a look of sadness... dissappointment. "Why Anita? Why.......?" The girl could do nothing but cry softly to herself. ~It's not fair~ she thought, ~I didn't do it, I didn't... did I?~ The angels took turns speaking, though their words were lost to Anita, as the only words that got to her were the ones of her thoughts. Thoughts of why her father had betrayed her, why he hated her, despised her. It wasn't right, not at all... she was a child, afterall... so how could the angels believe that she could've taken out a full grown angel. Unfortunately, the only things she could remember from last night was a shot being fired, and waking up in a puddle of blood... his blood... Anita's suppossed kill. Her thoughts were interupted as the air around her began heating up. "No no no no no," she repeated it over and over, but it didn't stop anything. A dark fire surrounded her, and she let out a terrified scream as it began consuming her. Her wings soon lost their feathers, becomming leathery and black. Her hair burnt, becomming the color of ash, and darts of pain rushed through her body. Again she screamed, and she felt herself falling. Down, out of the clouds, into the world below. Tears fell from the young girl's eyes, and she slowly lost consiousness.

~ IV ~

"Are we there yet?" the child asked... again. "Not yet Yumi... but we'll get there soon." Ayami smiled, shaking her head as she watched her two children run around. Sasukâ laughed, running away from his little sister as she tried to get the ball from him. Damien frowned, "I haven't seen your brother around lately, anything wrong?" Ayami shook her head, shrugging, "I haven't seen or heard from him in a long time. He's probably off somewhere, teaching Anita to be an angel... or who knows, maybe they've gone to the humans, I could never figure out Loki... but he'll come when he wants to. The four continued on, and minutes later they finally reached their destination. Yumi and Sasukâ imediately ran off, playing catch with the small multicolored ball. Ayami and Damien sat beneath the large tree, the hill dipping down into the large grassy area where their two children played. Ayami sighed, resting her head on Damien's shoulder, "You know... neither Yumi nor Sasukâ have began to show signs of their powers." Damien laughed, "No... Yumi's only eight, Sasukâ 13... they're still young. Give it another year, and if nothing's happened by then, you can start worrying."

"Catch!" Sasukâ yelled, throwing the ball to Yumi, who tried to catch it, but it flew right over her head, dissappearing into the forest behind. "I'll get it!" she cried, running into the trees to find the small toy. Sasukâ ran to the edge of the trees, watching to make sure his little sister didn't hurt herself. Yumi dissappeared from sight, so he began following. He started to worry, for Yumi still hadn't returned. Sasukâ couldn't find her in the bushes... but she finally returned, the ball in her arms and Loki following behind. "Look! I found uncle in the forest!!" she cried happily, waving to her brother. Sasuka relaxed, running to them both and turning to walk beside Loki. "Where did you go?" he asked, tugging on his sleeve, "Mother says that she didn't know where you went, and that she was starting to worry about you..." Loki smiled, "I went to go fisit with a few friends, that's all." he said calmly. Yumi frowned, "Where's Anita?" she asked, searching for her cousin. "She's at a my friend's house. I came by to say hello to your parents, and then i'm leaving to go pick her up." "So... will you bring Anita back to play?" Loki chuckled, "I could do that... possibly." By now all three were standing just a few yards away from Ayami and Damien. Ayami jumpped up and waved, "Loki! I was wondering where you ran off to!" she said happily. Yumi smiled, "Mommy, he was at a friend's house, and he says he's gonna bring Anita back to play!"

Loki frowned stuffing his hands in his pockets and Yumi and Sasuka ran off again. Damien stood beside his wife, "A friend's house? I thought you weren't the social type." Loki shrugged, "I'm not... I never was, and I never will be." Ayami frowned, "What's wrong?" she asked. Loki pulled his right hand from his pocket, a gun pointed to his sister's head, "Everything!" he hissed, pulling the trigger before she could say anything else. She fell to the ground, eyes wide, and blood trickling down the side of her face. Damien stood wide-eyed, not believing what had just happened. He soon shook off the shock, which had turned to rage, "You b*****d!" he yelled, jumpping for him, dagger in hand. Loki smirked, "Die b***h," he sneered, and fired a second shot, hitting Damien between the eyes. The man fell, landing a few feet from Ayami. Loki turned to face the children. Yumi was pulling on her brother's sleeve, asking over and over again what was wrong. Sasuka just stood there, tears beginning to form in his eyes, though he shook them away, taking his sister's hand. "Yumi... mommy and daddy are playing a game," "Loki too?" Yumi asked with a smile, "Yes, Loki too. It's called don't get hit, and mommy and daddy are out, cause they got hit...." "They're gonna be ok right?" Sasuka didn't respond, trying to keep the tears back, trying to contain his fear as his uncle slowly walked towards them. "We... we have to go now, before we lose too," he said, pulling Yumi back towards the forest... Yumi followed, "So Loki is it? And he tries to get us?" He nodded, now breaking into a run, both dissappearing into the forest, "Yes, yes that's it... come on, we have to go... hurry!" Yumi still didn't quite understand when the game had started, or why they were playing it, but she followed her brother anyway as he led her through the tall trees, never stopping, always running. Yumi bagan to worry, "Sasuka, can't we stop now? I'm tired, and I don't know the way back... I don't wanna play this game anymore, I want to go back to mommy and daddy right now!" Sasukâ slowed, finally stopping beside a large tree, a large hole carved into the base of the trunk. "He told Yumi to crawl in, that they would rest a bit, then go back. She nodded, crawling into the 'room', or so she called it, Sasuka following close behind. They sat at opposite ends, and Sasuka pulled his knees to his chest, hanging his head as he began to cry. Yumi was silent, and slowly, she began to realize what had happened. Her eyes watered, "We're not going back, are we? They're not ok, are they? This isn't a game... it never was, right? Mommy and daddy... they're gone, arn't they?" Sasuka could do nothing but nod in reply. Yumi shook her head, "No... stop it! I don't like this joke... you're joking, arn't you? No... they're gone... they're gone..."

~ V ~

The village had become crowded over the past few years, people comming to find homes, after theirs had been destroyed. The rumors were, a demon from the depths of hell had been born into the world, but was abandoned, and became enraged. And the only thing that can calm it's hatred, was destruction. The two teenagers only laughed at this when they heard it... They laughed, yes, laughed. It had been so long, 5 years precisely, sence they had come to the place. It was only just beggining to feel better, but not really better... they had become numb, yes... numb would explain it. The young boy had run through the gates, his little sister curled up agenst his chest. It had been raining, and none had seen them, none could hear their cried, see their tears. It was only a week after they had taken shelter under the local inn before anyone ofund them. Their faces dirty, their clothes tattered, and having nothing to say to anyone. The old medican woman had adopted them, bringing the two home with her, cleaning them up, giving them food, a place to stay... but she had died four years later. The old docter could only force their names from their lips, nothing more. Yumi and Sasukâ, their past remained a mystery to the villagers, but the two became part of the village quickly. They were now older, Sasuka 18, his sister 13... they had come to realize that what had happened, was ment to happen... and that they could have done nothing to stop it... or at least, that is what they told each other...

"No... I think this will be enough, thanks." The small 13-year-old smiled, leaving the stand to browse the rest of the market after paying the owner. She carried a large sack with her, using it to hold the things she bought as she searched for the things her brother had told her to get. "Lets see..." the said to herself, dark purple eyes gazing around at the multiple number of carts, all holding a different collection of items. She had tied her hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes, she she wore a black shirt, black pants, and a skirt matching the color of her eyes. The skirt was ripped from the bottom into several strips, all the tears ending about two inches from the top. Onto each of the bottoms of the strips was tied a small silver bell. Sasuka joked around and said that she did this so he'd never lose her, but the truth was... she loved the small bells. Her mother, Ayami, had givin her the smallest one she had ever seen, it's metal and black as a raven's feathers, and it made the purest sound when jingled. Yumi used to wear it aorund her neck, but recently it had been lost in a storm, and it had tore her apart. It was the last thing she had of her mother, and she had lost it. Sasuka had reassured her that he would find it for her... but she had told him to give up a while ago.

Blue eyed gaze snapped up as Yumi walked through the door. Sasuka smiled, standing and helping her with the sack of items. "Why are you so late? Did you run into anyone?" Yumi chuckled, shaking her head, "No silly, I stopped by the lake on the way home... I told you this morning i'd do that, don't you remember?" Sasuka sighed, "No, I didn't... but you are ok?" "Of course! Don't worry so much, you're going to go gray by the time you're twenty!" Sasuka shook his head, "So, what's for dinner?"


"It went this way! Run, find it and destroy it!" Anita's breaths were heavy as she clung to the tree. The moon's light barely made it past the dense treetops, and because of her dark hair and clothing, she couldn't be seen. She waited for their steps to fade before relaxing, falling to her knees and sobbing quietly. ~I'm not a demon... I'm not...~ she thought, shaking her head and folding her wings tight around her shoulder's. She hadn't ment to do it, she hadn't wanted to destroy anything. But, she didn't, no, couldn't stop it. It was like someone was digging into her mind, forcing her to kill, murder, and destroy. They called her a demon from hell, but she was only a young teenager, who wanted only to die in peace. But no, nobody accepted her anymore, even her own father abandoned her after he learned of what she had done. Anita had tried to explain it to him five years ago... but he had only kicked her away, calling her a murderer, and tellign her that her mother would be ashamed. Anita dried her tears with her sleeve, standing and heading off, following a dim light in the distance. Maybe she could find someone, maybe she could find something, that would accept her for who she was, and not care about what she had done in the past... ~There has to be someone who's not a cold hearted demon, someone who i can trust...~


There was a soft knock on the door, and at first, nobody answered. Another knock, light, as if the person there was unsure of wether they wanted to be here or not. Yumi sat up from her 'bed' on the floor. Sasukâ lay asleep on the other side of the room. She smiled, he was finally sleeping again... Another knock at the door caught her attention, so she stood and yawned, slowly making her way to the entrance. Yumi opened the door, finding another girl about her age before her, soaked from the rain, and trying to keep warm by clutching demonic wings to her shoulders. She studdered as she tried to speak, "P...please... I... i... I don... don't want t... to go ba...back." She seemed to be crying, but Yumi couldn't tell completely with the rain. Yumi didn't understand what the girl ment by 'I don't want to go back,' but she did know how it felt to be lost and alone, caught out in the rain. She stepped out and hurried her inside, telling her to sit while she grabbed some blankets. Anita's gaze wandered around the room, but only found two small beds.. or two piles of blankets that looked like beds. A boy was sleeping in the corner, he looked about 17, 18... maybe 19 even, but she wasn't sure... but then again, right now, she didn't care. The girl who had answered the door rushed back in, a pile of blankets in her hands. She wrapped them around Anita, sitting down before her. "Are you ok?" Anita nodded slowly, though she was tired. Yumi spoke again, but Anita couldn't hear, ~So... tired...~ she thought, finally falling asleep.

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