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Sky's Bio
Exiled Abyss

In the world of Exiled Abyss the two powerful entities the Devil Lord and the Angel King get together at the beginning of each universe and compete against each other in a contest: the loser of the last picking the challenge. The Devil Lord, losing last time, chose that each keep combating each other with a certain individual of each side, the Dusk Devil and the Dawn Angel. Two selected individuals would be chosen (by hereditary means if possible) and would battle, the winner would either bring peace to the world or destruction, however as they'd seen fit.

Deaulanor is the name of the planet Sky and all live on. This planet is much more unique than many others, this planet grows. Every generation of the Twilight it gain 5% it's own mass. This planet is at the center of the Universe. If it gets too big the Azure angel appears and resets it to about the size of Mars, then letting it grow over time in an endless cycle; which normally lasts about 1 trillion years or so.

StoryIn Sky's world there are many chains, though kept separate they balance the harmony of the world.
Twilight: The Twilights are representations of Good and Evil. Every generation there is a great battle between the two.

Dusk: The Dark side is chosen by the Devil Lord, and is normally the strongest person on Deaulanor in terms of physical strength or power. They grow up training to defeat their holy counterpart. The Dusk is human and not necessarily inherently "good". Some may be arrogant, liars, mischievous ext. After the Devil dies, a new one is born to another random family. The child becomes the new Dawn and grows to defeat Dusk. The Dawn's final weapon is Eternal Dawn to vanquish their Opponent as well.
Dawn: The Light side is chosen by the Angel King, normally the most willful or honorable person on the planet. Just as Dusk they aren't necessarily "evil", only walks a destined path that eventually leads to a fight with their counterpart.

Avion It is said that when the creator decides the world has gotten too large and must be restarted, an incarnation is born. This mighty being grows as a normal child with no abnormal powers, but once reaching fertility is obtains devastating powers. It is the imminence for the end of the world. Rather than killing everyone this creature is to restart the world with it's mighty Azure Blast. Upon being slain by this you are sent to purgatory until the new world is created. It is said to unleash a might blue burst of energy engulfing the planet, sending back to infancy so civilization can start anew. It is also said that upon knowledge of it appearance, the Twilight will team up and summon an even mighter weapon Eternal Twilight, with is said to hold enough power to vanquish the Holy being. God had not created such a weapon and does not know what it can do, frightened by this is instantly unleahes the mighty blast, sending both Demons to Oblivion.

The Elementals To control the balance of nature, seven individuals are given the power of the elements. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Electricity, Light and Void. The elementals have absolute an total control over their element, bound only by their imaginations and resourcefulness. Fire has control over heat and can conjure plumes, heat waves and explosions at will. Water has control over all liquid. It also has control over the form of matter (so long as it wasn't solid to begin with). Water can control a body of water of any size with no effort from a lake to the blood in your veins. Wind has control over the breeze and pressure. It can create a gust of wind to blow opponents away, form a vacuum around something and crush it to dust, even suffocate a person stealthily. Earth has control over the solid elements. He can hurl rocks, level mountains, create weaponry on the fly, he can even metabolize the carbon in a living thing and regenerate indefinitely. Electricity has control over electrical current and magnetism; it can fire bolts of electricity, cause electrical equipment to mal/function. He could even manipulate the electrical bonds between molecules to create an etirely different object. Light has control over the physical aspects of light. And it's not bound to electromagnetic light, it can control UV, X-Ray, Gamma Ray ect. The Light elemental can create personal "Sam Fischer" goggles, or cause things to become invisible. It can even manipulate the momentum in photons to give physical properties, such as force fields or bullets. The Void Elemental has power over non-perceivable forces, such as gravity or a person's awareness. It could cause a person to become unaware of an object or a smell or even their own life.
The Elementals are genetically chosen. If a bloodline is broken a person will be chosen at random.

Exiled Abyss


Back when the world was new, Blade was to be the Dusk of that universe. Blade complained and refused to be the destined creature, The Devil Lord did not take likely to this and turned Blade into one of his Devils, forcing Blade to be the Dusk for the rest of this eternity. Blade became immortal, either defeating Dawn in combat, or losing and being brought back to life shortly after. Blade took his opportunity to hunting Dawn down over and over again before it could gain knowledge of it's destiny, causing Blade to live for eons, becoming the most powerful Devil in existence, outliving even a Devil Lord. Blade was feared by human, demon and angel alike.
Before long, Blade grew tired of the monotony of following the same destiny over and over, and he sought to end his duty as Dusk. The Devil Lord as well as his descendants knew that they were save from Blade, so long as he was Dusk. He was literally unable to seize the throne from them, so no Devil Lord dared to help him out of fear. The Angel King responded with a similar thought. Eventually, Blade became desperate, hating is existence following the same path. He tried to escape from it, refusing to battle Dawn or even look for him, but everything ended in failure. Dawn could find him, force to battle die at Blade's hand. Blade would be walking down the street and he would cause some accident that would end up killing a random person that ended up being Dawn. Before long Blade attempted to search for his own escape. He attempted to gain the powers of the elementals in hopes to trick the universe into allowing him to become Devil Lord and free himself from his curse.

Yenek Vakgahna: <<Borrowed from Yenek's journal>>

Yenek was born to Kluth and Leksey Vakgahna, his father was the Darkness Elemental and his mother was Dawn. Kluth sacrificed himself by using all of the elements to destroy himself and Blade, keeping the country save from Blades cluthces. Yenek grew up in Narathu with his mother and two friends. About when he reached seventeen years of age a devil uprising began and the Narathian army mustered all the people with the highest signs of elemental energy in hopes to find the elementals which supposedly disappeared with Kluth. Yenek, an his two friends Nhoj Rugard and Belac Siddad get drafted into the military shortly after Yenek hears of his mother's death. While in the drafting competetion, in the desert, Yenek meets four other people, immidiently after their meeting they obtain the powers of the elementals from a stone found at Blade and Kluths battlesite; although with the elementals released, so it Blade, whom challanges the elementals to test their abilities. Miserably losing that match, the elementals survive and train their elements for a few months. While on an expidition outside the main city, Rhan, Yenek and the elemental of Light, Nesa encounter blade one more, where he exlains that Yenek is tied to Blade by destiny and one day they will fight each other to the death, saying that he proposes that they team up to defeat destiny.Yenek refuses and Blade solemnly leaves. Years pass and the elementals become more and more proficient.

(working bio)
(Working Story)

Nohj is killed
Blade trades Yenek's elemental power for his Devil power
Yenek and Blade battle
Yenek defeats Blade, but his body is possessed
Yenek crafts the elements into Ragnarök

Sky Rayburd

A young married couple once lived in the laid back town Windmill Village. The mother had red hair, in some lights mistaken for purple, she was rather small built, scrawny one could say. The father had short brown hair, a thick neck and broad shoulders. Together they bore a son, once they saw him they were shocked, the child had two small horns and four small wings, their son was a Demon.

A dark, shadow-like creature came out and attacked the village, seemingly looking for someone. The mother came from her small house and raised her sword. The creature smiled, finding what he'd come for and challenged the woman. The woman put up a fight, but soon fell to the creature's might.

Ferociously the Devilish figure brutaly murdered both of the child's parrents, reddening everything. Seemingly the Devil did not see the child, whom now toppled on his back and saw nothing but the Sky, which calmed him.

About a month later the Devil boy stole food and hid in allyways, he was afraid and almost everyone was too fearful to approach him The townsfolk scourned the infant, drove him out of town. The young unmothered child looked around in the city, He looked up at the only thing he enjoyed, the sky.

Sky normally kept his key demonc traits hidden, though most knew him for what he was. The boy had grown only a tiny bit before a man came to him and offered shelter so long as he joined his millitary. The man's name was Hikura Hintara, and was the infamous, corrupt general of the imperial Hintarian army. The man asked the three year old his name, the boy looked at him with cold green eyes and responded, "I'm called Sky.....Sky Rayburd"

Before even a year, Sky had shot though Hintarian ranks and become one of the most famous soldiers in the world. The small child was normally used for assasianation. Though the boy showed promise, he was very incompetent and disobidient, so he and General Hikura did not get along. In fact, around Sky's twelfth year, Hikura hated Sky Rayburd and sent him on the most obscure missions hoping he'd be killed; but the boy was too good, erradicaring anyone in his path.

When Sky had turned seventeen, Hikura wanted Sky dead; and hired a top ranked Irotokian assasain to exterminate him. Sky was sent to the assasain as a "misson" to infiltrate Narathian territory to gain intel on WMDs. Once he gained knowledge of the false information, Sky went berserk. The shadow from fourteen years ago had returned; the demon Sky killed the Irotokian and returned to Hintara HQ in a blind rage. His rage was not yelling and screaming, more rather an evil look of complete stoicism.

Sky had killed over ten thousand Hintarian troops before reaching the traitor. Once he'd gotten in range he raised the same weapon his mother held before him, though now it was shrouded in a black shadow, and simply touched Hikura Hintara, and he dissapeared ending the corrupt army.

Sky fled to the nearby town. It was late, so Sky escaped many staring and questions. Sky walked down the street, with the intent of raiding a supplys shop, when he spotted a woman under a tree, looking like the peace Sky had never seen.

The woman had radient red hair and a lean attractive body, about the same age as Sky was. The woman looked to him with fear sticken eyes, and nervously pasted herself to the tree.

Within moments a cry broke out, followed by many people running away from the town square. Sky looked up and saw a swarm of Demons in the sky, truley the work of a powerful demon.

Sky ran to the square to see the same visitor from his infancy. The Devil hovered in the sky and looked down to see Sky, the Devil lunged at the Sky and began a battle. The Sky had been surprised to see this Devil challanging him. Sky swung his shadowed sword, matching the creatures swordsmanship, which was impossible. He had been the most skilled swordsman in the world.

More than amused, the creature stated it's name: Blade. Blade challaged Sky to a battle in the air, Sky flew up to Blade and raised his weapon. Before Sky had a chance to reach him, Blade transformed into a great figure, mostly shadowed in the dimness of the sky and rushed at the new demon. Blade had powers far beyond Sky's abilities and rushed in for a fatality. Out of nowhere Sky dissapeared in a whisp of black smoke in naught but a fraction of a second Sky struck Blade down, unphased physically by the attack, Blade had not expected this technique used againse him and Blade fled.

Upon defeat of Blade, Sky became the villages new problem. The village wanted Sky to leave and never return, raising pitchforks and torches on him. Unafraid of these pitiful weapons Sky willingly left the village that brought bad memories. As Sky was leaving the village, the red headed woman chased after him. She asked to join him as she sought to learn swordsmanship, which she had heard he was a master of. Sky agreed to let the girl join him, her name was Monica.

Sky needed to know who the devil Blade really was so he sought Oblivion, the Devil Realm.

Upon a great journey to the castle, they entered Oblivion and spoke with the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord seemed troubled with Sky's presensce and explained their situation. That Sky's "late" grandfather Yenek was the Twilight AND the Darkness elemental which began screwing with the balance of nature.

The Twilight also never died, as Blade was BOTH Dawn, Dusk AND a Devil, so thats why the system stopped. As the Lord, he ordered Sky to attend to these matters, as other Demons were forbbiden to enter Sky's planet. He told Sky to kill Blade/Yenek if he could or keep him at bay untill The Creators advant child comes to right this universe.

More than willing, Sky accepts. The Demon Lord says that Blade wants to decimate the newly rebuilt Rhan, and is planning on "Crashing" the Irotokian-Narathian war in the fort of Bidheam, the Lord sends Sky and his slave to combat Blade.

She and Sky left south-east for in the Lohengrian port, Port Shimmer. The two of them stole a boat and went over seas. The trip took about five days, the boat was small and Monica began feeling akward, as she slowly developed feelings for the outcasted Devil. About halfway the encountered the giant seasnake Leviathan, Sky used his Demon powers to vanquish the creature.

One night, when Sky had awoken, their ship was glowing in a radient blue aura, as was Monica's forehead. Assuming it was a deam, Sky returned to sleep.
After a long voyage, Monica and Sky arrived at Narathian port, Port Luster.

They walked a long four thousand miles to the commerce town Rhan, there they learned that the war won't begin for another month or so. So Sky meditated for a month, refraining from interacting with much of anyone.

Finally arriving at Bideam Fort, the general reluctantly accepted Sky's help in hoped of fighting Blade again, seeing as him as an anomaly after what he experiences with Yenek. The war began and many Irotokians flew in and began attacking. Sky saw this fight as easy, as he plowed through countless battalions of troops. Monica stay aside the fort walls in safty.

Before a day into the war, Sky's annihilation was stopped by Blade. More confident of his abilities Sky rushed into the air and began another battle with Blade. Blade still held the upper hand, though they were alot closer in strength than before. After hours of battling Blade caught a weak point in Sky's form and threw a Dark Spire at him. Sky was impaled in the chest.

Hundred of Yards away, Monica cryed in anguish as her crush was slain before her eyes. The young girl's eyes began glowing in an Azure blue as an incredible force had exploded from her. The great power was a enourmus Azure energy dome that went hundred of thousand of yards through the battle field, every person caught in it had dissapeared into nothing. Fearning it, Blade flew away and dissapeared into the sky. Strangly, this unstoppible power had no effect on Sky's limp body.

Once the blast had finished, none of Bidheam was left. Only Monica and Sky, on the floor, were left. The lovestruck teen dashed to Sky's body, occasionally tripping over herself. When she had reached Sky's body, he rose from the dead. Sky was almost completley unharmed. Both bewildered the got up and left for the capitol city Narathu.

The two of them make it back to the western castle and into Oblivion. In Oblivion they learned of a powerful sword of the elementals that Yenek had banished in a cave to the north, that only one from his family could retrieve.

Sky laid to rest and the devil lord spoke to Monica. He spoke of the legend of Avion and how a being of gods incarnate would descend to the world and emmit the creators power onto the world, restarting the universe back to normal and to start anew. He also spoke of the problems Kluth started and how those problems descended to Yenek and Blade and ultimately, Sky.

The Demon Lord said that this anomaly had to end, and he would do it himself, by killing Sky and Blade, retaliating, Sky slayed the Demon Lord, his final words were "It's your buissiness now" and left nothing but his horns, making sky the rightfull Devil Lord; instead Sky crushed them under his feet, ending the Demon Civilization as all Demons other than the two anomalies (Sky and Yenek) immidiatly died.

The two of them escaped and traveled to the fabled cave to find not only the mighty weapon, but Blade as well. Blade said that he'd finally gotten the sword he couldn't before, now being connected to Sky, Blade seemed to be a valid wielder for the sword he called Ragnarök. Sky challenged Blade again. This time the match was different, Sky had grown much faster then Blade, so fast in fact that Sky ended up inflicting much more damage than Blade had. Almost overpowering Blade, he fled and challanged Sky that if he wanted to settle it, he was to go to the remains of Windmill Village and continue their battle.

Sky decided to fly back this time, grabbing Monica by the waist and flying over seas at a much faster rate than before. Still a trip too long for one day, the two of them stop at a cave on an incredibly tiny island in the middle of the vast ocean. In this cave, Monica admits her feelings for Sky and tells him that she loved him. Ignorant of what to say, Sky asks her how she could love such a creature. Monica replied that she was much more of an abomination than he could be, she admitted that she was the fabled Azure Demon. She also understood if Sky hated her, or even tried to kill her. To the contrary Sky simply replied, "I love you too"

The next morning, the two of them continue flying north to Windmill Ruins. There Blade stood, along with all the people of the entire continent. Monica ran to the sides as the battle began.

Sky rushed at Blade and the battle had begun. It was Blade's immeasurable strength against Sky's out matchable speed. Sword locked for a long time.

Blade held much power and strength over Sky, but Sky was much faster and agile. Sky and his weapon Vengeance, however, were no match for Blade's Ragnarök. The battle lasted for months, when Blade's hand glew in a black luster. Both of them surprised, Blade summoned the all mighty weapon of Eternity, Eternal Dusk. Laughing menihacly Blade tossed the now undermined Ragnarök aside, Sky catching it before it fell.

Blade had the upper hand for several a majority of the match, Sky miraculously surviving. When, just as Blade was about to strike the finishing blow, Sky's hands glew in a white aura and summoned his rightfull weapon, Infinity: the Devil Lord's sword.

Sky had brandished the uber weapon: Infinity. Blade was scared out of his mind, as this weapon took all the life from Sky as he rushed at Blade and swung the mighty weapon, beginning the greatest battle the world had ever seen.

Now that Sky had summoned this devestating weapon, Sky had the upper hand over Blade this time. Now demolishing what chances Blade had on winning before, an Blade did not have a comback. Sky began fighting with a verocity from not before. He swung Infinity at Blade's head, removing his Horns, thus seperating Blade from Yenek's body.

Blade in a last despiration, moment's before death, inhabited Sky's body. To further his victory, Blade placed Yenek's horns on his head, gifting him with a third power. Although, since Blade left his body, Yenek was once again alive. Quickly adapting to the situation Yenek created a Devil Symbol and sent himself into Oblivion, the demon world so he could survive without horns. Sky was immidiatly Banished by the same spell that Kluth used, but trapping Sky in Ragnarok, which stood in front of Oblivion.

Monica sat at the bottom, sobbing, almost drowning in tears. As she was leaving, soldiers came to her and told her that she was supposed to have been the Queen of the monarch Lohengrin, through Sky, as his late father was King. Monica went with them to the radiant castle and had the people raise a giant staute of her lover Sky Rayburd.

Only a month after had she learned that she was pregnant with Sky's love child. It turned out to be a young girl she called Jade, also giving her her father's name Rayburd. The two of them lived fifteen years of peace together.

Jade Rayburd

Fifteen years following Sky's death, Monica and her daughter Jade lived in the peaceful kingdom of Lohengrin. Lohengrin was currently the controlling monarch of the mainland, although it wasn't corrupt. Monica was queen there, and although pampering, Jade didn't really enjoy the princess lifestyle. Though not mischievious, Jade often escaped from the castle into the town and talk to the villagers.

Jade was good at heart, almost one of the purest. One day the village was visited by a visitor. A man that looked exactly like Sky had appeared in the village. Jade, only knowing him from descriptions and stories, diddn't catch on right away. Jade's bishop Cova Dax XXIV saw Jade and the figure and alerted the queen.

Monica confirmed with complete certainty that this figure was her late lover. This time, Sky did not have the same look as he did fifteen years ago, it was arrogant and meniachal rather than soft and emotionless.

A civilian got too close to the enigma and was killed almost instantly. Sky walked up to his former lover and grabbed her by the neck with intent to kill. He raised Overdrive ~ Vengeance to her neck and raised it to swing. His daughter stoped him by headbutting Sky with enough force for him to knock Monica from his grip, Overdrive fell from his arm as well. Sky dissapeared with a whisp of black smoke and a laugh.

Jade picked up the dark sword, the moment she touched it it morphed into a radient blue blade that shone in the dimest of lights. The mighty weapon in fact made some people feel better. Monica announced that she would leave the kingdom in search of Sky, but Jade objected, she told her that she should manage her kingdom, and let Jade have the adventure. Monica agreed and the entire kingdom saw her off.

Almost twice as long as Sky's quest in the generation before, Jade arrived at Windmill Village, now completley rebuit. The young girl liked the scenery alot. Jade overheard alot of talk about her father, although none of it was about his recent return. Assuming Sky was not there, she decided to stock up on rations and leave.

Before long Jade left, almost fifteen minutes after leaving a giant beast-like creaure showed up and informed that he was beaten by her father several years ago and was going to take it out on her for revenge. Frightened Jade could do nothing but helplessly evade the creatures attacks. Jade was skilled in swordsmanship. Out of the blue a man in a red bandana and a ripped up shirt jumped from the trees and slayed the mighty beast with his enourmous sword. The man was Tyde Zerone, Sky's superiour officer during his Hintarian days. Tyde never liked Sky, though it was not a spitefull distainment, rather than a competetive one. Tyde's philosophy was that since Sky beat him almost twenty years ago, Tyde's only way of repaying were to train his daughter.

Tyde spend several days training Jade at his house with his wife Emerald, which was only about five miles from the village. Jade appreciated their hospitality and accepted Tyde's training.

Jade became very skilled with her sword, enough to protect herself from monsters or hopefully her father. Jade traveled to Ice Village to ask if anyone has heard anything about him in a while. Villagers said that he was spotted around the outskirts of Lohengrin Castle

In a gasp of fear, the young girl dashed to her home with adrmireable speed to see if anything had become of her kingdom. Once she had gotten there, the kingdom seemed peacefull, but Sky had entered through the south enterance.

Women in the kingdom screamed in fear, both Jade and Monica had arrived to see Sky there, drenched in Lohengrian blood. Nine Guards and six Civilians lay limp at his feet. Sky's face was dark and sinister, almost frightening. Jade raised Luster and challenged her adversary to a duel. Sky refused, he pushed Jade out of his way and walked to his wife.

Monica looked at him with a daring look, her eyes burning with anger. Sky engaged Monica in battle, Sky's training had giving Monica absurd skill with swordsmanship, enabling her to match Sky, blow for blow. The battle still bored Sky with his immortality. He activated Shadow Shifter. Monica was instantly stabbed and killed. Avion's purpose was all but fufulled.

Jade was completly in shock. Almost unable to comprehend what was going on. She started growling, and raised her sword, and began to fight. Her blind rage was no match for the Devil. Seeing her as a little threat, he punched her gut and knocked her out rather than slaying her. Sky then flew into the Sky.

The people of Lohengrin proposed the rise a monument of their pacifical late queen. Jade, now being the queen of the kingdom, preached that Sky was not himself, that the real Sky would never kill his wife, she based this off of her own mothers stories and descriptions.

The kingdom rethought and instead rose a statue of Monica right next to Sky. They errected a memorial in Monica's likeness up on Twilight Hill, where Sky's grave once was as well as the rest of Sky's family.

Several days after her sobbing, Jade decided to go hunt down the shadow of her father. She was overseas to Rhan, where they informed that he would be likley to take place in the second Narathian/Irotokian war, as both Sky AND Blade hated the Irotokians. Jade enlisted.

After showing her skills to the Narathian army, they instantly valued her as a soldier, completley ignorant to her ancenstry. Just before the war, Jade began experincing short periods of intense stress and sometimes began to spark in a peculiar energy.

Before long, the war began, although Jade refused to kill any bystanders in her quest, she hit attackers in the head with the blunt side of Shimmer. The battle went on for hours before Sky showed up.

Jade felt the surge of rage and anger she was unable to feel before. The young girl rushed toward Sky and a blind fury, jumped about twenty feet, and swung at Sky's left shoulder, only seconds after his arrival.

Now seeing his adversary was more skilled, Sky barley evaded her forcefull attack, though it pushed him back in the air. Unfortunatly for him, Jade was physicaly stronger than he.

Sky and Jade battled for even longer, the Narathians stayed and watched in awe as the Irotokians fled to their isolated city. The battle of Sky and Jade was getting hot, though Sky seemed to have the upperhand. Sky then began to taunt Jade, about her mother's death and her kingdom's immenent destruction.

Jade's abilitied had nearly multiplied, if anything overwhelming Sky.

Sky dissapeared in black smoke and Jade was left on the ground. When she woke up, all of the Narathians stood behind her. Seeing that Sky was gone, she felt a little happier; but the Narathians raised their weapons to her and explained she was one of Yenek's abominations.

Jade tried to run away, but the Narathian Troops followed her. She ran into a cave and curled in a ball, the soldiers came in and pointed their bayonettets at her face. In a surge of fear, the same blast exploded from her body, and the entire Narathian army was erradicated by a surge of Azure Energy, Avion was reborn.

After the devistation of the Narathian army, much like her great grandfather Yenek, she was banished from the continent. Jade continued back to the mainland, to see what her father has become of it.

She traveled in a small boat, bearly large enough to carry her petite body. She cried most of the way there, praying for the saved souls she has relinquished from this world.

Once she had reached the mainland she traveled north to Windmill Village to find it completley desolated. The town had recently been destroyed by Sky, many civilians dead. The townsfalk told her that he had headed up to his castle in the west and that the greatest swordsman in the village, who had lived through the erradication, was to train her for her epic battle with Sky.

Jade traveled to the fabled castle to find nothing but a portal. She entered where she again found an empty Devil World. Upon exploration she found one last survivor of the Demon Race, Yenek Vakgahna, her great-grandfather.

Yenek informed that he had been a human once, and was not completley dependent on the Devil Lord's existance, therefore, as long as he had the Demon energy of the Demon world to live on he remained. Yenek spoke to Jade and learned the situation, Yenek struck a deal, he would teach her how to temporarily become a Devil Lord, if she gave him the horns when she was done. Thankfully, she agreed.

Jade then learned Demonology, the art of demonic symbols to create spells. Jade also learned that the Creator rested within her body. Trapped, this was strange; to her shock she learned that her soul was stronger, and divine.

Jade was God itself.

Jade began a sybological demon ritual. Taking a dagger she drew a demon ambigram on her chest, blood dripping from her. This Terrun would save everyone. This powerfull spell gifted her with the powers of a demon. Normally this technique is used stupidly by humans, though the symbol gifts great power, it not only takes half your soul just for using it, but drains your soul twice as fast as actually living. Jade's soul, however was special; it was the soul of God, an infinate source of Astral energies.

Several months later, Jade reached her hometown. Where Sky had been sitting as if he were king, on the throne of Lohengrin. Jade opened the doors and confronted Sky

Sky stood up, knowing this would be the last battle of their lives. The kingdom was freightned for Jade's safty, remebering the last time she had fought him. Sky rushed at Jade with unimpressive speed for his body and lunged at Jade. She drew the symbol on her hand that activated the Demon Lord's power. Her eyes flared red and her hair went black, two large horns went down her back and wings sprouted on her back.

Jade whipped Luster from her side and parried Sky strike with a new sword: Eternal Dusk. Jade and Sky got in a valliant Sword Fight, parry after parry. After a few hours Jade proved to be more than a match for Sky, her swordsman ship was much better than Blade's attempt at Sky's skills. Sky laughed and manifested another powerfull sword: Eternal Dawn.

The town gasped at the mighty weapon in fear of what Sky was about to do. He slammed the swords together, the earth began to rumble for a few minutes during. After the rumbling, Sky stood there, holding the mightiest weapon known to man and demons alike: Eternal Twilight.

Jade felt a hard crash in the pit of her bosom, as she was aware of this weapons power. Despite her fear, Jade stood up and walked to Sky with means to do battle again. Sky rushed at Jade and swung the mighty weapon, Jade parried with her Shimmer, but the power of the Blade was too powerfull.

A battle to the death ensued, when several hours into said battle Sky stopped and hopped back. With a sinister smile Blade transformed into his demonic Shadow Drifter and began pummeling Jade. Jade stood no chance.

Jade raised her sword and slammed it down, Sky swiftly dashed around her and impaled her in the back, the town gasped again. Jade stared down at the fightening weapon and her heart began pounding and her head throbbing. The pain was unbearable, she ripped the Demon Lord's horns off her head and threw them aside, when she exploded with Azure Energy again. With all her resistance and will power Jade sucked that power back into her, as if she were redirecting it. The power crashed into her body, releasing the seal on the Creator.

This awesome power reacted with Jade in a way none other before. This power granted her powers similar to Shadow Drifter, only much stronger and faster. This form could also preform an ability identical to Shadow Shifter, only with no penlties or costs. Jade had unlocked her soul, she attained the power of the creator.

She had become God.

Jade unloaded on Sky, pummeling him to the ground with speeds and stengths incomprehensible to any living being. She was gifted with the power of God. Sky got free and was givin a chance to speak. He said that the world had to end and that Jade should let the powers go from her.

Jade rushed in on Sky at a speed beyond Shadow Shifter and took his fourth horn, Yenek's life horn, where Blade was to be held. Upon removing this horn and destroying it Blade was forever vanquished and Sky was freed of Blade's control.

Sky was giving the rest of Yenek's old powers and full rationality over his body. Crying, Jade collapsed and Sky ran away to live his life in solitude. Jade taking rule over Lohengrin kingdom as queen. Lohengrin became a kingdom of housing demons in need, they were the only ones who trusted them.

Unable to herself, She gave the Devil Lord's horns to Sky and told them to bring them to Yenek in Oblivion, facaciously blackmailing him with saving his rationality with a smile on her face.

Competently Sky delivered the horns to his grandfather and Yenek became the new Devil Lord, demons flourishing throught.

Seth Rayburd/Cielo

About ten years after the finale of Blade. Irorokians waltz into Lohengrin, requesting an appointment with the queen. The villagers refused, with a grin the highly advanced soldiers killed a noble with a laser rifle. Almost immidiently Jade had appeared. The soldiers said that she was to be taken into captivity in Irotoko. If she cooperated her kingdom would be protected by Irotokian Law, if she refused it would be demolished.

Jade cooperated was was roughly sent to Irotoko.

The Irotokians were facinated with what happened the past four generations and decided to make clones. Yenek Vakgahna had been made into a clone as was Sky Rayburd himself, though none of these seemed to work well as all they could use was insufficiant DNA. Sky was presumed dead after the finalle and Yenek's body was destroyed.

The Irotokians needed the best DNA they could find, the source of God. Jade awoken to find herself in a cylinder filled with a liquid and a oxygen mask on her face. She looked to her left to see an infant in an identical cylinder, on said cylinder the name read "Seth Rayburd", she stared at her child.

The Irotokians took an Irotokians sperm and injected it into Jade's uterus, where a angelspawn was born. The child was exactly what they were looking for, it showed his potential IQ to be well over 400, and showing divine properties.

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Sky and the Azure Blast
When Sky was around Monica, he crafted a divine symbol onto his chest, it instantly became one with his body and made him immune to the Azure Blast.

Jade, God and the Devil
To start with, Jade is an anomaly; She was the child of God's mortal form and God's form was trapped in the child. Jade's body has very few capibilities and many limitations. Though she has an unlimited energy source, but a completley human body, so no energy to utilize it. Right before Jade entered the battle with Sky, she drew a the Demonological Ambirgram for the Devil Lord, thus taking half of her infinate soul to grant her a demon body, with horns, thus utilizing her dramatic astral energies.
Sometime throught the battle the horns force her to preform the final Azure Blast she mustered the will power to stop it from increasing in circumference, thus merging herself with the energies and becoming God.

Demon God
Seeing as Jade temporarily made herself a demon via Demonology an odd creature was born. Technically this creature simulated the birthing of the Demon Lord; as "god" created the Demon Lord before, (s)he did it again.

Seth and the Clones
Before Seth's time, clones of the Twilight/Shadow demons were created, including a clone of Sky and Yenek. Yes, these clones also have the same powers Sky and Yenek have, although they are much stronger than that of Sky and Yenek, although usage of these techniques means instant self-destruction of said clone.
Seth however, not being a clone, but a true offspring CAN use these powers without dying, and without any back effects like Sky's turning human after Shadow Shifter, although they are much weaker.
Seth also has horns, and since he is no longer apart of the Shadow Demon chain, he has a hidden power inside of them.
Upon created of the Yenek clone, a Blade-like counterpart had to be created as well, so an intangible shadow alot like the old Blade was born as well, although he cannot posses another body.

Sky Wesley
In the Orinian Tournement, Sky was matched up with Taliman Wesley in round one. Long story short, he got his a** kicked. Sky relied too much on Gaes, wheareas Taliman was more fluent with Ki. Ki was alot more effective, though less potent. After his humiliating defeat, Sky went into a period of intense training, he almost stole a move from Taliman (see move bio) and perfected it into a Gaes.

Samayou Rayburd
After his defeat by Taliman, was eager to try his new abilities out, he challanged Samayou Tamashii to a little spar, turns out he still diddn't do too well. Tamashii informed Sky that he had some battle conflicts, that he was build for a warrior, but thinks too much like a mage. Sky then went into some more intense training, as well as some demon hunting. Sky went and fought 100 demons without using a single Gaes, in hoped of defeating Tamashii

Scai Rayburd
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