that episode was so sad....These people (u.s army~nyo?) was shooting intot he room and when Robin was gonna go save Kihoko(sp? Ish that he name?) It was too late, she been shot, then OS on, skip the boring parts, at the end Amon!!!! My Amon was being kicked!!! Kicked by his damn ******** turd boss!!!! I could have killed that b*****d!!! He kicked him because he didn't get to the girl that girl intime, the one that got shot, she's int he hospital now, but then Amons boss kept on kicking and kicking him!!! untill it was the end of the ep!! I wanted to bawl ym eyes out so much ;-; I wanted tot o kill the ******** b*****d for doing that to him, rage ness ish coming on, and please pople dun ruin what I feel about anime, yes we are all different, just dun bring us down, not a happy feeling ;-;