So, I made it to Sean's house yesterday. We went on a really long bus ride but it's okay...I slept most of the way. I was wicked tired when we got to the house and so was Sean but we went to Sanford anyways and got high with some people he knows there. We also visited his sister Danielle. (sp?) She's 19 and she has a baby. Her baby's really cute. Her hair puffs up in the front and it kinda looks like a mowhawk. haha. After that we went to the store and got a bunch of munchies. I ate soo much. You'd think I'd gain a few pounds but no, I woke up this morning and I was still skinny. I played warcraft a little yesterday too. That s**t is so addicting. I asked some random dude to be in my group and he accepted and he followed me around for about an hour and helped me kill everything I wanted to kill. It was very nice of him. Ya I'm sitting here on the laptop. oOo purty laptop and some people are doing dishes and some people are watching tv and the babies crying for some more food and sean's playing warcraft. It's a crazy little apartment. Way too many people live here but I guess it never gets boring this way, right?