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Death, Doom, Despair and... Jelly Beans?
Short Story: Shattered Mirror
was lunch time, and as usual Shinegome was sitting by him self off to the side in the cafeteria. Just by looking at him he looked lonely, giving off the vibe that he was wishing someone, any one would, come up and say hello. An almost hungry need for human contact. Yet as soon as he sensed someone looking at him, or thinking about nearing him, he would look up at them with such a fearsome Death Glare, his blood red eyes daring them to come closer, they would immediately reconsider there sanity for thinking such thoughts and never look his way again.

Shine looked at his half empty milk container, he considered getting up and getting another but the lunch lady band him from the kitchen and he didn’t feel like fighting today. Last night was more then enough to last for a while. Even though he hated his twin he just didn’t get that good feeling his mother seemed to get when Tristin screamed in pain.

Why cant the weakling just find his father so I don’t ever have to see him again? He thought

He considered the nights events, his mother had went out looking for Tristin-- he never under stood that either, if she hated him why did she care if he wasn’t there?

Well Tristin came back…

Shine was sitting on the couch watching House on Hunted Hill, his favorite movie. When he heard the door open.

"Well if it isn’t my whore of a brother. Mom’s out looking for you." he said. He took a sip from glass of milk without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Nice to see you too. Think I would of come in if she wasn’t?" Tristin leaned over the top of the couch. "House on Haunted Hill AGAIN? God Shine don’t you ever get sick of it?"


"Ooo-Kay. That’s my skirt."


"what will Mom say if she knew her favorite son wore skirts when she isn’t looking?"

"Probably the same thing if she new her least favorite came home when she wasn’t" Shines replied his eyes glued to the TV

"Yea, just keep it, I don’t need it anymore. Ummm, did I get mail?"

"Not that I know of"

"So I guess by the fact your not beating the crap out of me your off duty?"


"Sure…and I’m somewhere in New Mexico"

"Whatever. Mom said she would be back in a few hours so get what ever you came here for and beat it ********. I don’t feel like hearing about it tonight."

"There’s my loving s**t-For-Brains brother, I was wondering if the TV had completely killed all his brain cells" He reached a hand over and ruffled Shine’s dark blood red and purple hair. Shine looked up and blood red eyes glared into deep violet.

"I would almost be frightened if it wasn’t for that milk mustache …"

Shine almost cracked a smile when they heard keys at the door.

Raven, their mom, was home.

There was no way Tristin could of hid. When your in an Energy sprites home, they can since your presence no matter where you are.

Not wanting to deal with another night of tortured screaming, Shine went for a walk. Walking around down town he found him self in front of Leala’s house. Stopping to lean on the tree in the yard, he stared up at the window he discovered a while back that shown inside the room of the redhead. Hoping to get a glance at Iyany, who often spent the night, he stood there a few hours just to kill time. He wasn’t worried about getting in trouble when his mom went into torture mode, which is pretty safe to say she was in, she could go hours without noticing anything else. When he got home around midnight the house was silent. Raven was asleep, and Tristin was… he looked around the room, which was really messy as usual, it seemed Tristin was the only one in the family to have inherited the ’Neat Freak’ gene; the only thing ’out of place’ was the chain thrown almost casually on the couch.

Shine mentally winced, usually she just ‘slapped’ Tristin around trying to get him to make a sound, any sound, though it wasn’t tell she sunk her razor sharp finger nails into his arm that he would start screaming in agony.

This never made since to Shine, when ever Raven did this this to him it was never more then a soft sting. When he asked her about it she said he was his weakness and her strength that made it hurt. Though when he did it to Tristin at school on her command, he never even winced. This often made him doubt if he was as strong as his mother often told him.

Unlocking and opening the closet he stared down at a very badly beaten knocked out Tristin. Anger surged through Shine, why did he have to be so weak?

"wake up!" He ordered giving his twin a sharp kick in the side

Tristin gave a feeble moan and tried to sit up, leaning against the back of the closet for support he looked up at the glaring Shinegome

"Shine, can’t you just kill me?" he whispered looking down. Another surge of anger ran through Shine

"Coward!" he hissed he reached down and dragged the weekend twin out of the closet. He could feel Tristin’s body shiver, knowing he was absolutely terrified of small enclosed spaces, he through him on the couch. He was seeing red, another damn weakness. Seething with misplaced hatred he looked at his brother Bruises covered his chest, his eyes were black and had a sickening green hue around them, blood clotted around a head wound where the chain must of made contact, or he fell on something maybe the coffee table.

Grabbing Tristin he gave him just enough energy to stand and walk, then without a word yanked him up, half dragged him to the door and through him out.

"If I ever see your weak-a**, no-brained, pathetic excuse for an Energy Spite around here with mom closer then days away, I will personally remove you from the family tree!! Now beat it!" with that he slammed the door.

Shine looked at the now completely empty milk container. Maybe he will have that second after all, who said he HAD to see that cranky lunch lady, or maybe he‘ll go see what Iyany was up too, maybe rile her up just a bit…


Shine almost jumped, never had he heard his name screamed with such anger, or hatred for a second he was almost afraid. Looking up he saw his crush walking toward him, her fist clenched and her silver eyes casting a dangerous glow.

‘She looks pissed’ was his only thought before she let him have it.

"Shine, you are absolutely the worst person alive! You’re no better then a monster! I can’t believe you could do such a cold heartless thing! You know what I think Shine?" Iyany leaned in on the table, the entire cafeteria had went dead silent. People watched in pure amazement when Iyany walked into ‘Danger Zone’, which was anywhere near enough to Shine’s table where he could throw any thing from food to insult. Needless to say it was a large Zone.

"I think you ARE a monster. A COLD HEARTLESS MONSTER! I hope you grow a heart just so someone can rip it out and show you that it is only stone! You’re a spiteful, horrible monster! I hate you! I hope you die the painful death of a thousand paper cuts!" and with that she took his tray and dumped what was left on it on his head. Cold spaghetti and apple sauce dripped down a very startled (and very crushed) Shine.

As she walked away, a look of boy in complete pain from having his heart torn out and handed to him, flicker across Shine’s face. Only one person saw it, and recognized it for what it was.

"Iyany, I think you hurt his feelings…" Leala remarked gently to the still steaming girl

"Don’t be silly Leala" she looked over at Shine and in a very loud voice "Shine HAS NO FEELINGS!"

She took a deep breath and left the cafeteria. The room was silent, every one was looking at Shine, every body wondering what was going to happen, nobody wanting to be the one it happened to. Shine reached up and pulled the tray of his head. He stared at it dazed for a second, then with a very angry sound he hurled it as heard as he could away from him across the room, where it proceeded to knock some unlucky freshmen out. Checking to make sure that he did, indeed, cause some damage he left the room giving every body a go to hell look and left the room.

As soon as he was gone, and the freshman carted off, every one gave a sigh of relieve and went back there normal chatter. Leala decided it was best to let Iyany calm down before telling her off about her approach. She had her theories on the matter, and even though she understood that Iyany was a very emotional person, it still didn’t make what she did right. Iyany didn’t often lose control and fly off the handle like that, but the situation was…well it was definitely different.

Looking around the room her attention was caught by Evaren franticly waving for her to join his table, along with Kitase, Keliose, and Keth. She sat down and held her head,

"What in the world was all that about?" Everen asked curiously

"What did Shine DO to deserve THAT?" Kitase asked soon after, usually he wouldn’t care but such a response from Iyany was very rare.

Leala held her hands up to stop the onward flow of questions.

"To be honest with you I don’t think Shine deserved THAT."

"But it’s SHINE of course he disserves it!" Kitase protested. Leala gave him a look

"Kitase, would you want THAT directed at you?" The question stopped any more statements of exactly what Shine deserved. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to do anything. Ok?"

The boys looked hesitantly at one another. Leala never told anything that she new, the fact that she might tell them something was like offering a peace of steak to a starving dog.

"We cant promise not to do ANYTHING, but we can promise we wont do anything irrational, without your consent…" Keliose said thoughtfully, every one nodded enthusiastically except Kitase, who just sort of pouted, then nodded (he would really like to do something irrational to Shine with his sword if the situation called for it)

"well ok, last night I was going to stay at Iyany’s place, that is until her moms got into a bit of an argument and we decided to stay at my place instead. When we got to my place, there was Shine! Sitting right underneath my tree looking right at my window!"

"The pervert" Kitase growled

"Well before we could say anything he just got up and left, for some reason Iyany wanted to follow him, and I couldn’t change her mind, so we did. We followed him right to his house."

"So the reason, Iyany went berserk is because she thought he was being a Peeping Tom?" Keth asked "That doesn’t make since though…"

"No…But what happened 7 minutes later does…. The door opened and he sort of through Tristin out."

"Tristin?? He hasn’t been in school for a while!" Evaren half gasped

"Well that’s who he through out, and he, well he told him something I would never tell a sibling no matter how much I hated them."

"What did he say?" Kitase asked

Leala only shook her head "I rather not say. But Tristin! Iyany cant see in the dark all that great, yea she can sort of tell where things are, but as for details. uh uh. But I saw, and" she covered her face "he looked AWFUL!"

"Shine beat up Tristin? That’s not too unusual, there always fighting…" Evaren asked confused

"So that’s why Iyany was mad?" Keliose asked "because she’s still got a crush on Tristin and she thinks Shine beat him up, then through him out on the streets in the middle of the night?"

Leala nodded "Yea, that’s what I believe. But here’s the thing, I don’t think Shine did it, his injury’s where too many for him to do it in such a short time."

"You think some one else did it…" Kitase started

"His mother?" Keliose asked almost inaudible

Leala nodded "That’s what I think"

"If he was so injured, you did help him or take him to a hospital right?" Keth asked

"Iyany wanted to, but Tristin stood up and… well he told Shine something, and just walked off. I didn’t thank Tristin would want us to see him the way he was so we just followed him and made sue he got to where he was going all right, he went to Koe’s…"

"So that’s why Koe isn’t in school today" Evaren remarked

"What did Tristin say?" Kitase asked

"I thank he said Thank you."


Some things to clear up

Shinegome (She-ne-gom) (She-ne)

*Kitase (Kit-toss-ae)

*Keliose (Kay-lee-ose)

*Everan (Ev-varan)

*Keth (K-eth)

*Koe (Koh)

I dont own * charactes.

Energy Sprites are kinda like distant cousins to the Vampire. Only instead of living off blood, using there fangs to get what they need, and never coming out in the day they CAN come out during the day, need Energy to survive--they stop producing their own at pubery-- and use their very sharp fingernails (or claws) to obtain their fictoms energy, which can ither be very painfull or just a soft sting. Resimble humans.

FYI: Tristin and Shine are only half energy sprite.....

Energy spritse are creatures I pulled out my thinking hat, If they resimble anything you have it is compleatly coincedence.

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